Sps. Fortunato Santos and Rosalinda Santos vs. CA
Sps. Fortunato Santos and Rosalinda Santos vs. CA
Sps. Fortunato Santos and Rosalinda Santos vs. CA
The spouses Fortunato and Rosalinda The Santoses saw that the Casedas lacked
Santos owned the house and lot consisting the means to pay the remaining
of 350 square meters located at Lot 7, installments of loan. Thus, repossed the
Block 8, Better Living Subdivision, property. Moreover, they collected the
Parañaque, Metro Manila, as evidenced by rentals from the tenants. On the other
TCT (S-11029) 28005 of the Register of hand, Carmen Caseda sold their fishpond,
Deeds of Parañaque. The land together with she then approached the Santoses to pay
the house, was mortgaged with the Rural for the remaining balance, however, the
Bank of Salinas, Inc., to secure a loan of parties could not agree because the
P150,000.00 maturing on June 16, 1987. Santoses wanted a higher price than their
stipulation. As a result, Casedas filed a
Sometime in 1984, Rosalinda Santos met case against the Santoses to have the
Carmen Caseda, a fellow market vendor of Santoses execute the final deed of
hers in Pasay City and soon became very conveyance over the property, or in default
good friends with her. The duo even thereof, to reimburse the amount of
became kumadres when Carmen stood as a P180,000.00 paid in cash and P249,900.00
wedding sponsor of Rosalinda's nephew. paid to the rural bank, plus interest, as well
as rentals for eight months amounting to
On June 16, 1984, the bank sent Rosalinda P32,000.00, plus damages and costs of
Santos a letter demanding payment of suit.
P16,915.84 in unpaid interest and other
charges. Since the Santos couple had no RTC dismissed the case. It ruled that the
funds, Rosalinda offered to sell the house plaintiffs were short of the purchase price.
and lot to Carmen. After inspecting the real They cannot, therefore, demand specific
property, Carmen and her husband agreed. performance. The trial court further held
that the Casedas were not entitled to
Sometime that month of June, reimbursement of payments already made
Carmen and Rosalinda signed a because of failure of plaintiffs to liquidated
document, which reads: the mortgage loan on time.
"(Sgd.) Rosalinda Del R. Santos Whether or not the transaction between the
parties is a contract of absolute sale or a
Owner mere oral contract to sell.
Mrs. Rosalinda R. Santos
It is a mere oral contract to sell. The court
House and Lot ruled that a contract of sale is what the law
defines it to be, taking into consideration its
Better Living Subd. Parañaque, Metro elements, and not what the contracting
Manila parties call it.
Section V Don Bosco St."2 Under Art. 1458 of NCC, contract of sale
expressly obliges the vendor to transfer the
The other terms and conditions that the ownership of the thing sold as an essential
parties agreed upon were for the Caseda element of a contract of sale. Thus, the
spouses to pay: (1) the balance of the transfer of ownership in exchange for a
mortgage loan with the Rural bank price paid or promised is the very essence
amounting to P135,385.18; (2) the real of contract of sale.
estate taxes; (3) the electric and water bills;
and (4) the balance of the cash price to be The court is far from persuaded that there
paid not later than June 16, 1987, which was a transfer of ownership simultaneously
was the maturity date of the loan.3 with the delivery of the property
purportedly sold. The records clearly show
The Casedas gave an initial payment of that, notwithstanding the fact that the
P54,100.00 and immediately took Casedas first took then lost possession of
possession of the property, which they then the disputed house and lot, the title to the
leased out. They also paid in installments, property, TCT No. 28005 (S-11029) issued
P81,696.84 of the mortgage loan. The by the Register of Deeds of Parañaque, has
Casedas, however, failed to pay the remained always in the name of Rosalinda
remaining balance of the loan because they Santos and although the parties agreed
suffered bankruptcy in 1987. that the Casedas would assume the
Notwithstanding the state of their finances, mortgage, all amortization payments made
Carmen nonetheless paid in March 1990, by Carmen Caseda to the bank were in the
the real estate taxes on the property for name of Rosalinda Santos.
1981-1984. She also settled the electric
bills from December 12, 1988 to July 12, The foregoing circumstances categorically
1989. All these payments were made in the and clearly show that no valid transfer of
name of Rosalinda Santos. ownership was made by the Santoses to the
Casedas. Absent this essential element,
In January 1989, the Santoses, seeing that their agreement cannot be deemed a
the Casedas lacked the means to pay the contract of sale. The court therefore agrees
remaining installments and/or amortization with petitioner's averment that the
of the loan, repossessed the property. The agreement between Rosalinda Santos and
Santoses then collected the rentals from the Carmen Caseda is a contract to sell. In
tenants. contracts to sell, ownership is reserved the
by the vendor and is not to pass until full
In February 1989, Carmen Caseda sold her payment of the purchase price. Thus, the
fishpond in Batangas. She then approached court finds fully applicable and
petitioners and offered to pay the balance of understandable in this case, given that the
the purchase price for the house and lot. property involved is a titled realty under
The parties, however, could not agree, and mortgage to a bank and would require
the deal could not push through because notarial and other formalities of law before
the Santoses wanted a higher price. For transfer thereof could be validly effected.
understandably, the real estate boom in
Metro Manila at this time, had considerably
jacked up realty values. On August 11, In view of our finding in the present case
1989, the Casedas filed Civil Case No. 89- that the agreement between the parties is a
4759, with the RTC of Makati, to have the contract to sell, it follows that the appellate
Santoses execute the final deed of court erred when it decreed that a judicial
conveyance over the property, or in default rescission of said agreement was necessary.
thereof, to reimburse the amount of This is because there was no rescission to
P180,000.00 paid in cash and P249,900.00 speak of in the first place.
paid to the rural bank, plus interest, as well
as rentals for eight months amounting to WHEREFORE, the instant petition is
P32,000.00, plus damages and costs of GRANTED and the assailed decision of the
suit.1âwphi1.nêt Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 30955
After trial on the merits, the lower court
disposed of the case as follows: