8187-116 Mechanical System Description

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Subject Group Ref. No. Page

System Description Documents 8187-116 1/4
Project name Project no Issued by Date Rev.
Sirakoro 100MW 8187 KSG 20.04.2021 -

Table of Contents
1. General ....................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Scope of supply .......................................................................................................................................... 2

3. System description ...................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Condensate system .................................................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Make-up water / feed water / chemical dosing system ............................................................................... 3

3.3 Boiler / Steam system ............................................................................................................................... 3

3.4 Blow down system / water analysing ......................................................................................................... 4

3.5 Auxiliary boiler system............................................................................................................................... 4

3.6 Electrical system ....................................................................................................................................... 5

3.7 Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

© Copyright Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy www.alfalaval.com

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System Description 8187-116 - 2/5

1. General
This Alfa Laval Aalborg Industries’ Heat Recovery system is used for generating saturated
steam by utilizing waste heat energy of exhaust gases from MAN 14V51//60 engines.


Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy, design and manufacture the following main items related to the
Exhaust gas heat recovery system after HFO engines for purpose of saturated steam
generation for self-demand application based on the received input data from Buyer.

pc Device: Code:
1 Oil detector 00 QLC12 CQ001
1 Oil fired steam boiler, Aalborg BH-3000L 00 QHA21
· 1 pc burner, RP-280M A001
3 U-Type Exhaust gas boiler 04, 05, 08 QHA11
1 Feed water tank, Aalborg SVS-7 00 LAA11
1 Chemical dosing unit 00 LDN11
1 Make-up water control unit (loose supply) 00 GHC11
1 Feed water pump unit (2 x pump) (loose supply) 00 LAC11
1 Control system GH001
3 Feed water control unit (loose supply) 04, 05, 08 LAB11
1 Steam header, SH-250C 00 QLB11
1 Blow down tank, BDT-250 00 LCQ11
1 Auxiliary container, AIC-40 00 QLA11
1 Condensate module, CU-1 00 QLC11, 00 QLC12
1 LFO day tank, LFO-1 00 EGD11
1 Spare parts for commissioning
1 Spare parts for 2 years operation

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System Description 8187-116 - 3/5


3.1 Condensate system

The condensate from the heat recovery system is collected in the condensate tanks (00
QLC11, 00 QLC12) before entering the feed water tank (00 LAA11). An oil detector (00
QLC12 CQ001) checks the condensate return for oily content.

3.2 Make-up water / feed water / chemical dosing system

Feed water tank (00 LAA11) collect condensate water from the heat recovery system. Make-
up water will be added to feed water tank if low water level is reached. Make-up water flow is
controlled by a control valve (00 GHC11 AA101), which is linked to the chemical dosing unit
(00 LDN11). Chemical dosing and make-up water shall follow each other so the Oxygen level
is kept at a minimum in the system. Feed water temperature is maintained to keep
approximately at 95˚C by incoming steam flow from Steam header. Temperature is controlled
by a self-acting temperature control valve.

From the feed water tank, the water is pumped to the exhaust gas boilers. The feed water
pump runs continuously at a constant capacity. The flow to the exhaust gas boiler is
controlled by the individual feed water control valve receiving their signals from the water
level control of respective boiler. Pumps are installed to the feed water pump unit where one
is always running, and the other pump is set as stand-by. The sufficient minimum flow
through the pump is guaranteed by a return connection line back to the feed water tank.

3.3 Boiler / Steam system

Inside the exhaust gas boiler water is evaporated, and from the boiler saturated steam flows
further to the Steam header which collect steam from all steam producers and provide steam
to consumers and for feed water tank if feed water temperature is too low level.

Some saturated steam from the individual boiler main steam line is used for cleaning the
respective boiler cleaning by manual steam soot blowers. This on-service cleaning is a
secondary cleaning method, used for prolonging the interval for the off-service manual water

The capacity of the boiler is controlled by a modulating by-pass damper. The pressure
regulating system is based on pressure measurement from the common steam line of boilers.
A pressure transmitter gives a signal to the control system, which opens or closes the
damper according to the signal. The modulating operation of the bypass damper is
continuous, meaning that the controller is trying to reach a steady position according to the
signal from the steam header.

Safety position of the by-pass damper is open, which means that exhaust gas flows to the
bypass line. The damper’s bypass blade is cut to always lead some amount of exhaust gas
to bypass.

The overloading of the steam system is controlled step by step; if the pressure is raised over
the pre-set value, the high pressure is alarmed. If the boiler pressure continues to increase
after the high-pressure alarm, the bypass damper will be fully opened. If despite this, the

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System Description 8187-116 - 4/5

steam pressure is still increased, the safety valves will open. This releases the surplus steam
to atmosphere and lowers the boiler pressure immediately.

The bypass damper is a single flap -design. If current for the actuator of the bypass damper
is lost, the bypass flap inside the damper is stopped and the flap is to be turned to the
bypass position (full open) manually from the actuator’s second shaft.

If actuator’s controller loses a position indication or a mA values, it automatically turns

exhaust gas flow to the bypass line.

3.4 Blow down system / water analysing

The content of dissolved salts and other impurities in the exhaust gas boiler is controlled by
blowing enough water out from the boiler. The blow-out procedure is manual. The amount of
blow-out is determined with regularly taken analysis of boiler water and feed water samples.
Blow out water must be led to blow down tank.

3.5 Auxiliary boiler system

The system contains an auxiliary steam boiler, which can be used for steam production by
firing light or heavy fuel oil in start-up of the power plant and as back up for the exhaust gas
boilers. Modulating burner is controlled by pressure switches, according to the auxiliary
boiler’s pressure. The working pressure of the auxiliary boiler is below the set point of the
main control system of the exhaust gas boiler. Thus, the steam from the auxiliary boiler is
used only if the capacity of exhaust gas boilers is not enough for the steam demand.
Auxiliary boiler should be always under pressure when it is used as back up boiler. Oil to the
burner is taken from LFO-Day tank. Part of the oil from the burner is returned to the LFO-Day

Auxiliary boiler uses same feed water pumps as the exhaust gas boilers. The feed water
pump leads water from the feed water tank into the auxiliary boiler. The flow to the auxiliary
boiler is controlled by the auxiliary boiler’s feed water control valve. The control valve
receives the signal from the water level control system of the auxiliary boiler. The sufficient
minimum flow through the pump is guaranteed by the feed water return connection back to
the feed water tank. Steam from the auxiliary boiler is led to steam header.

3.6 Electrical system

The Heat Recovery control system consists of common control panel. The control panel is
used for controlling the operation of the steam system i.e., boilers, feed water tank water
level control, bypass dampers control, starters of pumps etc. In case of any failure in the
system, alarms are indicated on the control panel. Indications and alarms are to be
transmitted to the main control room (operator’s panel) for monitoring or minimum as a
common alarm. Control panel location is highly recommended to be near Oil-fired boiler.

3.7 Safety

Boilers are equipped with safety valves and pressure alarm switches. The safety valves will
release surplus steam to atmosphere in case that pressure rise over the valve’s set point.

Set points for safety valves and pressure alarm switches:

Exhaust gas boilers 04, 05, 08 QHA11:

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System Description 8187-116 - 5/5

Safety valve: 04,05,08 QHA11 AA701 set point value: 10,0 bar(g)
Pressure alarm switch (PAH): 04,05,08 QHA11 CP101

Auxiliary boiler 00 QHA21:

00 QHA21 AA701 set point value: 10,0 bar(g)
00 QHA21 AA702 set point value: 10,0 bar(g)
Pressure alarm switch (PAH): 00 QHA21 CP505

Dry running of the boiler is not allowed unless the boiler is properly cleaned before dry-
running and manually prepared for dry-running. Please note that dry running is only allowed
with the user’s responsibility. Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy does not take any responsibility in case
of a soot fire or other damages in a boiler.

The system is shown in the main flow diagram no: 8187-117i.

Electrical control system description 8187-21E

© Copyright Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy www.alfalaval.com

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