Liquid Crystalline Polymers (LCP) : General
Liquid Crystalline Polymers (LCP) : General
Liquid Crystalline Polymers (LCP) : General
DS – Plastics for Injection Moulding
Liquid Crystalline Polymers (LCP)
Tampere University of Technology‐ Sanna Nykänen
Liquid crystalline polymers are classified as crystalline, special plastics and are General
quite expensive materials. Liquid crystal state means interstate between a crystal,
solid material and an isotropic (amorphous) liquid. These materials are called
liquid crystalline polymers because they have liquid flow‐ properties. When liquid
crystalline polymers are in a melt –state, part of their degree of organization main‐
tains. Liquid crystalline polymers are called self‐reinforcing materials because their
Figure 1: Morphology of plastic solidi‐
fication a) liquid crystalline polymer, b) normal
Mainly polyesters are used for manufacturing liquid crystalline polymers. Also Manufacturing
polyester carbonates and polyester amides and –imides are suitable materials for
manufacturing LCPs. Usually starting materials are aromatic substances. Only
small amount of energy is needed when liquid crystals are formed. Therefore even
small impureness in material can lead to a remarkable change in a structure of
liquid crystal.
Figure 2: Possible starting materials’ structures of LCPs.
Liquid crystalline polymers can be divided in to three different groups. These Classification
groups are called lyotropic and thermotropic LCPs and blends of polymers and
small molecule liquid crystals.
Lyotropic LCPs
If the forces inside the molecule chains are so big that bringing enough heat energy
will break the chemical structure of the composition, material have to be dissolved
for bringing it to a liquid crystal state. This kind of material is called lyotropic
liquid crystalline polymer.
Liquid Crystalline Polymers ‐ 1
CAE DS – Plastics for Injection Moulding
Thermotropic LCPs
Thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers can be processed with heat. These plastics
are usually manufactured from aromatic copolyesters. Polymerchains contain stiff
and rod‐shaped parts (mesogens). These rod‐shaped parts act like fibres during
processing. This means that plastic’s structure will become defibrated.
Thermoplastic polymers can be blended with liquid crystals that have small mole‐
Thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers are one of the promising new technical
plastics because most of their properties are better than properties of thermoplastics
used nowadays. At the same time self‐reinforcing polymers’ physical properties do
not differ much from filled or reinforced technical plastics’ properties.
The main properties for LCPs’ usage: Main properties
− Price/ performance – ratio
− Relatively low processing temperatures
− Good chemical resistance
− Fluidity of melt
− Small shrinkage
− Fire endurance
− Dimension stability in high temperatures
− Ability to reach excellent properties on certain direction ( direction of flow)
− Low coefficient of heat expansion
LCPs have as good mechanical properties as fibre reinforced composites, excellent Mechanical
heat stability and chemical resistance. LCPs’ properties are anisotropic and the properties
properties are better in longitudinal direction than in lateral direction. Anisotropy
can be reduced by using additives. The main disadvantages of LCPs are anisotropy
of properties, weak strength of weld lines and low ultimate tensile strain (from 1.2
to 6.9 %).
Liquid crystalline polymers have good stiffness and strength (especially on flow Thermal
direction). Stiffness can be improved by using reinforcements, but on the same time properties
ultimate tensile strength and impact strength will become smaller.
Temperature range of LCPs’ usage is large. Very good mechanical properties main‐
tain even in ‐160 °C. For example impact strength remains constant until ‐80 °C and
HDT‐ temperatures (1.8 MPa) are in a range of 120‐355 °C.
Temperature stability of liquid crystalline polymers depends on molecular struc‐
ture, crystal defects, impurities and processing conditions. Amorphous liquid
crystalline polymers are durable until + 185 °C and partly crystalline liquid crystal‐
line polymers endure even + 275 °C.
Liquid Crystalline Polymers ‐ 2
CAE DS – Plastics for Injection Moulding
LCPs’ coefficient of heat expansion is extremely small. It is only 0.1‐0.5‐fold com‐
pared to normal thermoplastic. Melting temperatures may vary from 275 to 435 °C.
The amount of heat needed to melt LCPs is only 1/10 of normal thermoplastics.
This also means that cooling takes less energy and so their processing is cheaper
than normal plastics. Melt also solidifies quicker and it enables short manufacturing
Liquid crystalline polymers have remarkably good chemical resistance. They do Chemical
not dissolve in any common solvent even on high temperatures. They have also a properties
good resistance of strong acids and bases. LCPs have a small water absorption and
high stress‐cracking resistance. Their weather properties are also good.
LCPs’ electrical properties are remarkable good and they maintain on large tem‐ Electrical
perature range. properties
LCPs have good flow properties that are depended on injection pressure and thick‐ Rheological
ness of the walls. Their viscosity is 0.25‐0.5 ‐fold compared to normal properties
thermoplastics. This makes possible of injection mould long, uniform parts and the
rate of injection can be very high. Very small details can be injection moulded
because melt flows even in the smallest mould’s cavities.
Some other properties of LCPs: Other properties
− Very small mould shrinkage
− No mould shrinkage in flow direction
− Shrinkage can be negative in flow direction if orientation is remarkable
− Using large amounts of additives is possible
− Small coefficient of friction
− Good abrasion resistance
− Small permeability
− Injection moulded parts do not need any after‐treatment
LCPs are processed mainly by injection moulding or extruding.
LCPs need relatively high temperatures for them to melt. However they have quite
low enthalpy so they can be processed rather easy. Temperatures in the mould can
change from + 50 ° C to 180 ° C depending on LCP ‐grade. Also the mass tempera‐
ture is depended on LCP‐grade.
When processing LCPs it is very characteristics for them to have a low viscosity and
their structure will orientate very strongly. Because of their orientation‐ effect, parts
manufactured from LCPs have to be designed as thin walled as possible. If parts
have heavy walls, the inner parts of the product will not orientate and the strength
properties of inner parts will be weak. Also strength of weld lines is low because of
this orientation effect. These factors set great requirements for product design.
Solidifying of liquid crystalline polymer happens quickly because molecular struc‐
ture has organized already in melt‐state. This enables very short (10 seconds)
injection moulding times. With large wall thicknesses, properties on flow direction
Liquid Crystalline Polymers ‐ 3
CAE DS – Plastics for Injection Moulding
LCPs have very low shrinkages because they maintain their crystal structure even
in solid state. Crystals do not reorganize in molten state like happens with partially
crystalline polymers. Liquid crystalline polymers’ small shrinkages enable using
small draft angles on their moulds. If the mould has been polished properly, parts
without clearances can be pushed out of the mould. Very sensitively flowing mate‐
rial however copies the shapes of mould surface very carefully, so it is
recommended to use draft angle of 0.5 °. Again even not‐ reinforced LCPs are stiff
and back drafts need moving cores. The nozzle of the mould should be small, if the
moulded product is thin walled.
LCPs are normally injected very fast to the mould so the gas removal of the mould
has to be good. Optimal dimensions for gas‐escape channels are depth of 0.015‐
0.025 mm and width of 2‐3 mm.
− Liquid crystal displays
− Optical filters
− Optical temperature measuring
− Fibres
− Films
− Coatings
− Shaped pieces
Trade names
− Vectra (Hoechst; Ticona, DE)
− Laxtar (LATI S.p.A., IT)
− Zenite (Du Pont, USA)
− Xydar (Solvay Advanced Polymers, USA)
Järvelä et al., Ruiskuvalu, Plastdata, Tampere, 2000
Plastic‐materials and their technical applications, Course material, Tampere Uni‐
versity of technology; Plastics and elastomers laboratory.
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