Theories Related To The Learners' Development
Theories Related To The Learners' Development
Theories Related To The Learners' Development
Perhaps Freud's single most enduring The id operates on the pleasure principle
and important idea was that the human (Freud, 1920) which is the idea that
psyche (personality) has more than one every wishful impulse should be
aspect. satisfied immediately, regardless of the
Freud's personality theory (1923) saw consequences. When the id achieves its
the psyche structured into three parts demands, we experience pleasure when
(i.e., tripartite), the id, ego and superego, it is denied we experience ‘unpleasure’
all developing at different stages in our or tension.
lives. These are systems, not parts of the The id engages in primary process
brain, or in any way physical. thinking, which is primitive, illogical,
What is the id? irrational, and fantasy oriented. This
form of process thinking has no
The id is the primitive and instinctive comprehension of objective reality, and
component of personality. It consists of is selfish and wishful in nature.
all the inherited (i.e., biological)
components of personality present at What is the Ego?
birth, including the sex (life) instinct – The ego is 'that part of the id which has
Eros (which contains the libido), and the been modified by the direct influence of
aggressive (death) instinct - Thanatos. the external world.'
The id is the impulsive The ego develops to mediate between
(and unconscious) part of our psyche the unrealistic id and the external real
which responds directly and immediately world. It is the decision-making
to basic urges, needs, and desires. The component of personality. Ideally, the
personality of the newborn child is all id ego works by reason, whereas the id is
and only later does it develop an ego and chaotic and unreasonable.
The ego operates according to the reality
The id remains infantile in its function principle, working out realistic ways of
throughout a person's life and does not satisfying the id’s demands, often
change with time or experience, as it is compromising or postponing satisfaction
not in touch with the external world. The to avoid negative consequences of
id is not affected by reality, logic or the society. The ego considers social
everyday world, as it operates within the realities and norms, etiquette and rules in
unconscious part of the mind. deciding how to behave.
aggression. It also has the function of
persuading the ego to turn to moralistic
goals rather than simply realistic ones
and to strive for perfection.
Infants learn that things continue to Their thinking becomes more logical
exist even though they cannot be and organized, but still very concrete
seen (object permanence)
Children begin using inductive logic,
They are separate beings from the or reasoning from specific
people and objects around them information to a general principle
They realize that their actions can While children are still very concrete
cause things to happen in the world and literal in their thinking at this point
around them in development, they become much
more adept at using logic.2 The
During this earliest stage of cognitive egocentrism of the previous stage begins
development, infants and toddlers to disappear as kids become better at
acquire knowledge through sensory thinking about how other people might
experiences and manipulating objects. A view a situation.
child's entire experience at the earliest
period of this stage occurs through basic The Formal Operational Stage
reflexes, senses, and motor responses.
Ages: 12 and Up
The Preoperational Stage
Major Characteristics and
Ages: 2 to 7 Years Developmental Changes:
While they are getting better with Begin to use deductive logic, or
language and thinking, they still tend reasoning from a general principle to
to think about things in very concrete specific information
The final stage of Piaget's theory
involves an increase in logic, the ability
to use deductive reasoning, and an me?” and the parents offer the child
understanding of abstract ideas. At this an incentive by giving him an
point, people become capable of seeing allowance.
multiple potential solutions to problems
Level 2: Conventional
and think more scientifically about the
world around them. Throughout the conventional level, a
child’s sense of morality is tied to
personal and societal relationships.
4. Lawrence Kohlberg Children continue to accept the rules of
authority figures, but this is now due to
Kohlberg’s stages of moral
their belief that this is necessary to
ensure positive relationships and societal
Kohlberg identified three levels of moral order. Adherence to rules and
reasoning: pre-conventional, conventions is somewhat rigid during
conventional, and post-conventional. these stages, and a rule’s appropriateness
Each level is associated with or fairness is seldom questioned.
increasingly complex stages of moral
Stage 3: Good Boy, Nice Girl
Level 1: Preconventional
In stage 3, children want the approval of
Throughout the preconventional level, a others and act in ways to avoid
child’s sense of morality is externally disapproval. Emphasis is placed on good
controlled. Children accept and believe behavior and people being “nice” to
the rules of authority figures, such as others.
parents and teachers. A child with pre-
Stage 4: Law-and-Order Orientation
conventional morality has not yet
adopted or internalized society’s In stage 4, the child blindly accepts rules
conventions regarding what is right or and convention because of their
wrong, but instead focuses largely on importance in maintaining a functioning
external consequences that certain society. Rules are seen as being the same
actions may bring. for everyone, and obeying rules by doing
what one is “supposed” to do is seen as
Stage 1: Obedience-and-
valuable and important. Moral reasoning
Punishment Orientation
in stage four is beyond the need for
Stage 1 focuses on the child’s desire to individual approval exhibited in stage
obey rules and avoid being punished. For three. If one person violates a law,
example, an action is perceived as perhaps everyone would—thus there is
morally wrong because the perpetrator is an obligation and a duty to uphold laws
punished; the worse the punishment for and rules. Most active members of
the act is, the more “bad” the act is society remain at stage four, where
perceived to be. morality is still predominantly dictated
by an outside force.
Stage 2: Instrumental Orientation
Level 3: Postconventional
Stage 2 expresses the “what’s in it for
me?” position, in which right behavior is Throughout the postconventional level, a
defined by whatever the individual person’s sense of morality is defined in
believes to be in their best interest. Stage terms of more abstract principles and
two reasoning shows a limited interest in values. People now believe that some
the needs of others, only to the point laws are unjust and should be changed or
where it might further the individual’s eliminated. This level is marked by a
own interests. As a result, concern for growing realization that individuals are
others is not based on loyalty separate entities from society and that
or intrinsic respect, but rather a “you individuals may disobey rules
scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” inconsistent with their own principles.
mentality. An example would be when a Post-conventional moralists live by their
child is asked by his parents to do a own ethical principles—principles that
chore. The child asks “what’s in it for typically include such basic human
rights as life, liberty, and justice—and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal
view rules as useful but changeable Development
mechanisms, rather than absolute
Vygotsky created the concept of the
dictates that must be obeyed without
zone of proximal development, often
question. Because post-conventional
abbreviated as ZPD, which came to be a
individuals elevate their own moral
central part of his theory. Language is
evaluation of a situation over social
the way that a child communicates with
conventions, their behavior, especially at
others after they are born and they
stage six, can sometimes be confused
continue to learn by interacting with
with that of those at the pre-conventional
those around them. Building on his idea
level. Some theorists have speculated
of social interaction as the basis for
that many people may never reach this
learning, he broached the value of a
level of abstract moral reasoning.
mentor or teacher in the life of a student.
Stage 5: Social-Contract Orientation
In stage 5, the world is viewed as
holding different opinions, rights, and
values. Such perspectives should be
mutually respected as unique to each
person or community. Laws are regarded
as social contracts rather than rigid
edicts. Those that do not promote the
general welfare should be changed when
necessary to meet the greatest good for
the greatest number of people. This is
achieved through majority decision and Vygotsky declared some controversial
inevitable compromise. Democratic statements that went against prominent
government is theoretically based on educational research at the time. He
stage five reasoning. dismissed the idea that there was no
ideal age for learning and instead
Stage 6: Universal-Ethical-Principal introduced ideal stages for learning, a
Orientation similar opinion as Piaget. He also
In stage 6, moral reasoning is based on explained that the cognitive growth
abstract reasoning using universal ethical increased less for students with a higher
principles. Generally, the chosen intelligence than a lower intelligence
principles are abstract rather than when they entered school. He coined this
concrete and focus on ideas such as term relative achievement, a method that
equality, dignity, or respect. Laws are highlights the departure point of student
valid only insofar as they are grounded learning and not just the end result. This
in justice, and a commitment to justice led Vygotsky into the idea of the ‘zone
carries with it an obligation to disobey of proximal development,’ as it assessed
unjust laws. People choose the ethical the change in cognitive development of
principles they want to follow, and if students and not just the final outcome.
they violate those principles, they feel Students benefit directly from the social
guilty. In this way, the individual acts interactions in class, and ideally, reach
because it is morally right to do so (and their learning potential with the help of
not because he or she wants to avoid their teacher.
punishment), it is in their best interest, it Vygotsky consistently defines the zone
is expected, it is legal, or it is previously of proximal development as the
agreed upon. Although Kohlberg insisted difference between the current level of
that stage six exists, he found it difficult cognitive development and the potential
to identify individuals who consistently level of cognitive development. He
operated at that level. maintains that a student is able to reach
their learning goal by completing
problem-solving tasks with their teacher
5. Vygotsky or engaging with more competent peers.
Vygotsky believed that a student would
not be able to reach the same level of
learning by working alone. As a student
2. The Mesosystem
leaves his zone of current development,
he travels through the zone of proximal The mesosystem involves the
development towards his learning goal. relationships between the microsystems
in one's life. This means that your family
The zone of proximal development
experience may be related to your school
consists of two important components:
experience. For example, if a child is
the student’s potential development and
neglected by his parents, he may have a
the role of interaction with others.
low chance of developing positive
Learning occurs in the zone of proximal
attitude towards his teachers. Also, this
development after the identification of
child may feel awkward in the presence
current knowledge. The potential
of peers and may resort to withdrawal
development is simply what the student
from a group of classmates.
is capable of learning.
3. The Exosystem
6. Urie Bronfenbrenner
The exosystem is the setting in which
there is a link between the context where
in the person does not have any active
role, and the context where in is actively
participating. Suppose a child is more
attached to his father than his mother. If
the father goes abroad to work for
several months, there may be a conflict
between the mother and the child's social
relationship, or on the other hand, this
event may result to a tighter bond
between the mother and the child.
The ecological systems theory holds that The macrosystem setting is the actual
we encounter different environments culture of an individual. The cultural
throughout our lifespan that may contexts involve the socioeconomic
influence our behavior in varying status of the person and/or his family, his
degrees. These systems include the ethnicity or race and living in a still
micro system, the mesosystem, the developing or a third world country. For
exosystem, the macro system, and the example, being born to a poor family
chronosystem. makes a person work harder every day.
The micro system's setting is the direct The chronosystem includes the
environment we have in our lives. Your transitions and shifts in one's lifespan.
family, friends, classmates, teachers, This may also involve the socio-
neighbors and other people who have a historical contexts that may influence a
direct contact with you are included in person. One classic example of this is
your micro system. The micro system is how divorce, as a major life transition,
the setting in which we have direct social may affect not only the couple's
interactions with these social agents. The relationship but also their children's
theory states that we are not mere behavior. According to a majority of
recipients of the experiences we have research, children are negatively affected
when socializing with these people in the on the first year after the divorce. The
micro system environment, but we are next years after it would reveal that the
contributing to the construction of such interaction within the family becomes
environment. more stable and agreeable.