1. Several factors affect condenser performance, including temperature difference between steam and circulating water, water quantity, air presence, fouling, and changes in engine power or sea temperature.
2. A larger temperature difference allows more heat to be transferred from steam to water. Increased water flow or velocity also improves performance by reducing thermal resistance.
3. Air in the condenser greatly increases thermal resistance compared to water or metal surfaces. Fouling of condenser tubes over time reduces heat transfer and can increase pressure.
4. Changes in operating conditions like sea temperature, water flow, or engine load will impact condenser pressure through effects on thermal resistance and heat load. Adjustments may be needed to optimize performance.
1. Several factors affect condenser performance, including temperature difference between steam and circulating water, water quantity, air presence, fouling, and changes in engine power or sea temperature.
2. A larger temperature difference allows more heat to be transferred from steam to water. Increased water flow or velocity also improves performance by reducing thermal resistance.
3. Air in the condenser greatly increases thermal resistance compared to water or metal surfaces. Fouling of condenser tubes over time reduces heat transfer and can increase pressure.
4. Changes in operating conditions like sea temperature, water flow, or engine load will impact condenser pressure through effects on thermal resistance and heat load. Adjustments may be needed to optimize performance.
1. Several factors affect condenser performance, including temperature difference between steam and circulating water, water quantity, air presence, fouling, and changes in engine power or sea temperature.
2. A larger temperature difference allows more heat to be transferred from steam to water. Increased water flow or velocity also improves performance by reducing thermal resistance.
3. Air in the condenser greatly increases thermal resistance compared to water or metal surfaces. Fouling of condenser tubes over time reduces heat transfer and can increase pressure.
4. Changes in operating conditions like sea temperature, water flow, or engine load will impact condenser pressure through effects on thermal resistance and heat load. Adjustments may be needed to optimize performance.
1. Several factors affect condenser performance, including temperature difference between steam and circulating water, water quantity, air presence, fouling, and changes in engine power or sea temperature.
2. A larger temperature difference allows more heat to be transferred from steam to water. Increased water flow or velocity also improves performance by reducing thermal resistance.
3. Air in the condenser greatly increases thermal resistance compared to water or metal surfaces. Fouling of condenser tubes over time reduces heat transfer and can increase pressure.
4. Changes in operating conditions like sea temperature, water flow, or engine load will impact condenser pressure through effects on thermal resistance and heat load. Adjustments may be needed to optimize performance.
• Temperature Difference • Circulating water Quantity • Air presence in Condenser • Undercooling • Change in Engine Power Temperature Difference- why do we need • It must be understood that, thermodynamically, the pressure at which the condenser will condense the exhaust steam is determined solely by the temperature of the heat sink, i.e. by the sea temperature. • Thus if the sea temperature is say, 15.0°C, then theoretically the condenser should condense the exhaust steam at a pressure of 0.017 bar (i.e. that pressure whose saturation temperature is 15.0°C). • just as it is necessary to have a pressure difference to cause a fluid to flow from one vessel into another, so it is necessary to have a temperature difference between the exhaust steam and the circulating water to cause heat to flow from the steam to the water, i.e. the steam temperature must be higher than the water temperature at any point in the condenser. • Economy of Condenser Temperature Difference The quantity of heat, kJ/s, which can be transmitted from steam to water is directly proportional to this temperature difference, Q=UA (T1-T2) If the temperature difference between steam and water is doubled, then twice the quantity of heat can be removed in the same time. the mean temperature difference is not the arithmetic mean of θ1 and 02 , but is the logarithmic mean, viz.
Logrithmic The resistance to heat flow
The quantity of heat transmitted by unit
surface in unit time with unit mean temperature difference varies inversely as the thermal resistance to heat flow, e.g. if the resistance is halved, the quantity of heat transmitted is doubled The resistance to heat flow • At first it might appear that the only resistance encountered by the heat flowing from the steam to the water is the metal of the tube wall • This however is far from the truth, since in actual fact the thermal resistance of the tube wall itself is usually quite small compared with the other resistances • The water has a certain viscosity, or stickiness, causing it to tend to adhere to, and form a water film on, the inside surface of the tube. • At the same time, the water velocity along the tube is tending to tear any such film off the inside surface of the tube. The resistance to heat flow we may regard the thermal resistance of the water film on the inside of the tube as being controlled by the water velocity and the mean water temperature.
The higher the velocity and mean
temperature, the thinner is the water film and the lower the thermal resistance
Depending therefore on the saturation
temperature at which the steam is condensing, and on the rate of steam loading of the tube, there exists on the outside surface of the tube a stagnant water film of a certain thickness,
The higher the temperature and steam
loading, the thinner is the water film and the lower the thermal resistance. Circulating water velocity through the tubes • As stated previously, the actual rate of heat transmission which it is possible to achieve depends in the first place largely on the circulating water velocity through the tubes. • The higher the water velocity, the thinner is the water side film, the faster the heat is carried away, and hence the higher the rate of heat transmission • With an increased value of K, examination of equation (1) will show that for a given value of 0m , the surface S would be reduced, resulting in a smaller condenser for any given condenser pressure and heat load. The resistance to heat flow The inside surface of the tube may become fouled by deposits from the circulating water. Of these, the most serious is scale, a hard deposit formed by calcium sulphate from the heated circulating water. oil The condenser tubes can also become fouled on the steam Hot steam
steam side by impurities in the steam.
Air act as a resistance • there is always present in the condenser a quantity—however small it may be—of air and incondensible gas. • By far the worst offender in opposing heat transmission is the blanket of air and incondensible gas surrounding the tube on the steam side, since air is a very poor conductor of heat indeed. • If the thermal resistance of a brass tube wall 1.2 mm thick is taken as 1.0, the other thermal resistances are of the following order: • Water film 0.25 mm thick-100 • Scale film 0.25 mm thick -100-200 • Air film 0.25 mm thick -2000 The Resistance to flow Change of sea temperature • Again referring to Figure 6.9, if the sea temperature t1 rises, all other conditions remaining constant, the entire water temperature line t1-t2 will rise and tend to reduce 0m . The same 0m however is required to transmit the heat to condense the steam, hence the steam temperature line ts will also rise, which means that the steam pressure will rise. Hence, if the sea temperature rises, and no corrective action is taken, the condenser pressure will rise. Change of sea temperature -The condenser pressure then increases from that corresponding to ts to that corresponding to ts’. -The increase in condenser pressure will cause the main engine steam consumption to increase -It will increase the condenser heat load H. -This will tend to cause the condenser pressure to rise further. -At the same time however, the higher water and steam temperatures reduce the viscosity of the circulating water inside the tubes and of the condensate formed on the outside of the tubes. -causing the water films on the inside and outside of the tubes to become thinner -The thermal resistance of these films will diminish, hence there will be some increase in the overall rate of heat transmission K. -In the condenser equation H = KSQm , the increase in H would probably be just about balanced by the increase in K, leaving Θm unaltered. Change of sea temperature • With increased condenser pressure due to increased sea temperature, less work is available from each 1 kg of steam in the main engines. To maintain full power therefore, we can either • 1. Accept the increased condenser pressure and put more steam through the main engines, or, • 2. Increase the speed of the circulating pump to reduce the condenser pressure, thus requiring more steam for the circulating pump. • Whatever method is used, some additional steam, and therefore some additional fuel will be required, and the object must be to keep this to a minimum. Change of sea temperature • If the sea temperature falls below design, the opposite state of affairs occurs. The condenser pressure diminishes, and the work per 1.0 kg of steam is increased, thus requiring less steam and less fuel. With falling sea temperature, this continues until the limiting condenser pressure is reached, i.e. the point at which the main engines cannot take advantage of any further reduction of condenser pressure • If the sea temperature continues to fall after this point is reached, a further saving in steam and fuel can be made by shutting in the circulating pump so that it is putting only sufficient water through the condenser to maintain the limiting condenser pressure. • The c.w. quantity must not be reduced below that which corresponds to a tube velocity of 0.5-0.6 m/s, otherwise the change to laminar flow could drastically reduce the rate of heat transmission Circulating water quantity • For a given condenser heat load and t1, the circulating water temperature rise r°C is determined by the circulating water quantity. Hence if, with any given heat load, the circulating water quantity is reduced, the water temperature rise will increase. Again referring to Figure 6.9, an increase in r will tend to cause Θm to diminish, but since the heat load is constant, the steam temperature line ts will rise to restore the same 0m which existed with the full water quantity. Hence if the c.w. quantity diminishes, and no corrective action is taken, the condenser pressure will rise Condenser tube fouling • Condenser tubes which were initially clean, gradually become fouled in service. On the water side, fouling may be due to scale formation, marine biological growth, accumulations of sand, weed, etc., or protracted operation in polluted dock or river water. On the steam side, it may be due to oil, or impurities in the steam. • Any such fouling of course means that there is increased thermal resistance to heat flow from steam to water, with the result that the overall rate of heat transmission diminishes, and if no corrective action is taken, the condenser pressure gradually rises. Depending on the nature and the rate of fouling, and on the intervals at which condenser tube cleaning can be carried out, there exists the tendency to continuous deterioration of efficiency Fouling Factor • it has become customary to build margins into the condensing plant to enable some corrective action to be taken to eliminate, or at least to moderate the loss of efficiency due to fouling. • To this end, the calculated overall rate of heat transmission K-kW/m2°C based on the design tube velocity, steam and water temperatures and steam loading is reduced by a fouling factor before being applied to the condenser equation H = KSΘm . • This fouling factor—which may be of the order of 0.85 to 0.95— means that we build into the condenser some extra surface over and above that required by the design calculations. At design conditions therefore, when the tubes are clean, the condenser pressure will be lower than design. Change of main engine power • If, with all other factors constant, the main engine power is reduced, the condenser heat load diminishes, hence the c.w. temperature rise diminishes and0m tends to increase. Because of the reduced heat load however, a smaller 0m is required, and the steam temperature line ts falls. Hence if the engine power is reduced, and no corrective action is taken, the condenser pressure will decrease. Condenser surface • The condenser surface S is the total external surface area, m2 , of all the tubes between the inner faces of the tube plates. The quantity of heat, kj/s, transmitted is directly proportional to the surface area which is transmitting the heat. Hence if say 10.0 per cent of the tubes become blocked with sand, weed, etc., all other conditions remaining as before, the quantity of heat transmitted would tend to diminish by the same percentage, but to enable the full quantity of heat to be transmitted, and so to maintain condensation, the mean temperature difference would increase accordingly, again leading to increased condenser pressure, if no corrective action is taken. Thus if a proportion of the tubes become blocked and no corrective action is taken, the condenser pressure will rise. Air in surface condenser • Even in a well designed, well operated and well maintained steam plant, there is always a certain quantity of air present in the condenser • some of this being due to atmospheric air leakage into those parts of the system which are at subatmospheric pressure, • some entering with the exhaust steam due to there having been some air in solution in the feed water. Air in surface condensee The additional air in the condenser tends to increase air blanketing of the tubes, i.e. the air film surrounding a tube becomes thicker. Since air is one of the worst heat conductors, even a very slight increase in the thickness of the air film significantly increases the resistance to heat flow from steam to water, hence the overall rate of heat transmission Κ diminishes. Now the condenser heat load = KS6m , and the condenser surface S is constant, hence the heat load can be maintained only if 6m increases.