Poetry by Pablo Neruda

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Experiencing Poetry

Written by Marcus Thomas

ENG125: Introduction to Literature (GSH1351B)

Instructor: Deborah Zeringue

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Poetry…what makes a poet want to write and why? Pablo Neruda came across such

question when he wrote a poem called “Poetry” (1964). In it he talks about how it just came to

him and he was struck with awe. “Neruda's "Poetry," springs from his personal experience, but it

also describes what compels a poet to write. He explains that becoming aware of the impulse to

create poetry is like discovering a person who is looking for you” (Clugston, 2010 chpt. 10.2).

Pablo’s use of imagery really captured my attention. The way he correlated powerful

aspects of nature to his sudden need to write poetry, creates awesome imagery for the reader. It

really relates his personal experience and emotions to the reader. His shared experience of

finding and embracing his creativity is one of joy and escalation.

His poem is very inspiring to fellow artist and poets alike. The way Pablo described when

inspiration hit him sounds like something out of an x-files experience, almost alien. But that’s

how it is sometimes, like an out of body experience when an idea so profound hits a person. The

use of literary tools in his poem such as form and content gives the poem life, and even if the

reader has never experienced such an event in their life they can still get a very real idea.

When the reader starts the first line there is no doubt what the poem is about. “And it was

at that age . . . Poetry arrived in search of me” (Nerdua, 1964). As the reader gets into the rest of

the poem they get a sense that writing poetry for Pablo is not something he idly does in his spare

time. Instead, as a moth to a flame he seems to have a very strong compulsion to write.
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He uses personification very well in the poem, when he said it’s searching for him the

reader gets the impression that the poem has come alive and is seeking Pablo to relate his

experience and write all that he has felt down.

The use of rhythm and form in Pablo’s poem has slight variations throughout but it seems

this was intentional in order to emphasize the main words and points in the poem. He ends each

line with a word that is the main point of that line and helps the idea come across to the reader.

The form that stands out in this poem is a formal style. He uses this style by directly

using words that have such strong imagery and emotion without being overly wordy. By using

this style the meaning is easily understood and the authors intended experience is enjoyed by the

reader. The tone of the poem is one of excitement, passion, and personal inspiration.

The author uses a first person point of view when writing the poem. This is the best point

of view to choose from in this case because the author is relating a personal experience. Without

a first person point of view lines like “pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing, and

suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened and open,” (Neruda, 1964) would not make much sense.

But with them the reader can get involved and relate their own experience within the material.

Instead of trying to rhyme every last word of the sentence, I like how the author used

assonance in the poem. “Assonance occurs when a similar vowel sound is repeated in words that

have dissimilar consonants. In this way, assonance is different from rhyme, which is the

occurrence of similar vowel sounds in two words that have different preceding consonants”

(Clugston, 2010 chpt. 10.2). By using assonance with grand imagery and a strong tone Pablo

creates beautiful contrast and flow throughout the poem. When you read it you can’t help but

pick up on the rhythm and feel the heart pounding excitement.

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Personally these elements affected me on an intellectual and spiritual level. I have a very

active imagination so I love to read poetry or anything that uses imagery to make its statement. I

used to get those grand feelings and inspiration to write when I was younger. So I was able to

relate to how the author felt and what he experienced. The form and style he used was easy to

read and took little interpretation which I liked. The only problem I had while reading is coming

across a word I didn’t know like “infinitesimal” or very small. To me using one word to make up

for two or three is a great way to write a poem. Pablo’s passion for poetry was truly outstanding.
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Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. 

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