Metrology Solved Problems
Metrology Solved Problems
Metrology Solved Problems
5. Systematic or Controllable errors.
Key words: calibration error-calibration was wrong,
deformation of workpiece-force can deform the object and change the size,
avoidable error:
zero errors- tool does not show 0 on the 0 point for example voltmeter shows 1V in 0 point).
6. Random Errors.
Key words: random errors meaning, v=(v1+v2...+vn)/n , siqma(standart deviation)=+-SQRT(arithmetic
sum(v-v)^2?n)) source of random error: 1-variation in friction, 2-movement in linkages, 3-operator's
reading error, 4-operator cant note measurement due to variations, 5-variation in positioning the
measurement. photo of the relationship between systematic and random errors
7. Standards and their roles in engineering
Key words: importance of standartization and meaning
8. General understanding of Interchangeability of the products.
Key words: mutual replacement meaning, full mutual meaning and advantages, incomplete, external,
internal, group, functional
9. Subdivision of Standard.
Key words: primary,secondary,tertiary,working standarts
10. Line and End measurement
Key words: line measurement, end measurement, which tool is best for which method
11. Brookes Level Comparator and Displacement method
Key words: Brookes level comparator, draw the photo of "calibration using Brookes", displacement
method and 2 photos of displacement method
12. Nominal, Limit dimensions, limit deviations
Key words: nominal value, limit deviations, hole-shaft formulas, go/not go limit, value of upper/ lower
limit deviation for shaft/hole
13. Tolerance and its Classification
Key words: tolerance, what to consider in manufacturing, problem 1,2; classification( unilateral,
bilateral, compound, geometric); what is unilateral, bilateral, compound
14. Geometric Tolerance
Key words: geometric tolerance (form tolerance, orientation tolerance, positional tolerance
15. Allowance and Fits
Key words: Allowance, fits(clearance, interference,transition)
16. Hole basis and Shaft basis systems
Key words: hole basis system, shaft basis system
17. System of Limits and Fits
18. Tolerances grades and their applications.
19. Classification of gauges and Taylor’s Principle.
Key words:
for purpose:workshop/inpection/reference;
taylor's principle(GO and NOT GO gauges and their functions, draw the photo of "GO AND NOT GO linits
of plug gauge)
20. Linear measurement. Scaled Instruments.
The linear measurement is the distance between the two given points or objects.
Total gap measured between the leftmost and rightmost end of an object in the mentioned system of
Ruler – The standard rulers generally measure 15 and 30 cm with markings in mm, cm on top and inches
on the bottom.
Measuring tape – The measuring tape is more commonly used to measure longer objects such as walls,
pieces of fabric and tiles. A measuring tape has metric markings and U.S. customary markings.
Inches – in
Foot – ft
Yards – yd
Miles – mile
Millimeters – mm
Centimeters – cm
Meters - m
Kilometers – km A
mechanical scale or balance is used to describe a weighing device that is used to measure the mass,force
exertion, tension and resistance of an object without the need of a power supply.Types of mechanical
scale include spring scales,hanging scales,triple beam and force gauges.
Generally,it is a device that has ordered markings at an equal distance from each other.
Key words: sine bar, how to measure with sine bar, sine block, sine plate, sine table.
25. Angle Gauges and Clinometer instrument.
Key words:
26. Optical Instruments for Angular measurement.
27. Classification of Comparators.
The principle of the electrical comparator is to convert linear displacements into an electric output.
The electronic comparator has a base stand, powering unit, measuring unit, indication unit, and
amplification unit.
The working principle of the pneumatic comparator is pressure difference is generated by the air flow
28. Johansson Mikrokator and Sigma Mechanical Comparator
29. Mechanical Optical Comparator.
30. Free Flow Air Gauge.