Conceiving The Research Question and Developing The Study Plan
Conceiving The Research Question and Developing The Study Plan
Conceiving The Research Question and Developing The Study Plan
T he research question is the uncertainty that the investigator wants to resolve by performing
her study. There is no shortage of good research questions, and even as we succeed in answer-
ing some questions, we remain surrounded by others. Clinical trials, for example, established
that treatments that block the synthesis of estradiol (aromatase inhibitors) reduce the risk of
breast cancer in women who have had early stage cancer (1). But this led to new questions:
How long should treatment be continued; does this treatment prevent breast cancer in patients
with BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 mutations; and what is the best way to prevent the osteoporosis that
is an adverse effect of these drugs? Beyond that are primary prevention questions: Are these
treatments effective and safe for preventing breast cancer in healthy women?
The challenge in finding a research question is defining an important one that can be trans-
formed into a feasible and valid study plan. This chapter presents strategies for accomplishing
this (Figure 2.1).
Infer Infer
Error Error
Research Study plan Actual
question study
Design Implement
■ FIGURE 2.1 This chapter focuses on the area within the dashed green line, the challenge of choosing a research
question that is of interest and can be tackled with a feasible study plan.
Chapter 2 • Conceiving the Research Question and Developing the Study Plan 15
A good way to begin is to clarify the difference between a research question and a research
interest. Consider this research question:
• Does participation in group counseling sessions reduce the likelihood of domestic violence
among women who have recently immigrated from Central America?
This might be asked by someone whose research interest involves the efficacy of group coun-
seling, or the prevention of domestic violence, or improving health in recent immigrants. The
distinction between research questions and research interests matters because it may turn out
that the specific research question cannot be transformed into a viable study plan, but the in-
vestigator can still address her research interest by asking a different question.
Of course, it’s impossible to formulate a research question if you are not even sure about
your research interest (beyond knowing that you’re supposed to have one). If you find yourself
in this boat, you’re not alone: Many new investigators have not yet discovered a topic that in-
terests them and is susceptible to a study plan they can design. You can begin by considering
what sorts of research studies have piqued your interest when you’ve seen them in a journal.
Or perhaps you were bothered by a specific patient whose treatment seemed inadequate or
inappropriate: What could have been done differently that might have improved her outcome?
Or one of your attending physicians told you that hypokalemia always caused profound thirst,
and another said the opposite, just as dogmatically.
The application of new technologies often generates new insights and questions about famil-
iar clinical problems, which in turn can generate new paradigms (3). Advances in imaging and
in molecular and genetic technologies, for example, have spawned translational research studies
that have led to new treatments and tests that have changed clinical medicine. Similarly, taking
a new concept, technology, or finding from one field and applying it to a problem in a different
field can lead to good research questions. Low bone density, for example, is a risk factor for frac-
tures. Investigators applied this technology to other outcomes and found that women with low
bone density have higher rates of cognitive decline (4), stimulating research for factors, such as
low endogenous levels of estrogen, that could lead to loss of both bone and memory.
It is best to know the practical limits and problems of studying a question early on, before wast-
ing much time and effort along unworkable lines.
• Number of subjects. Many studies do not achieve their intended purposes because they can-
not enroll enough subjects. A preliminary calculation of the sample size requirements of the
study early on can be quite helpful (Chapter 6), together with an estimate of the number of
subjects likely to be available for the study, the number who would be excluded or refuse
to participate, and the number who would be lost to follow-up. Even careful planning often
produces estimates that are overly optimistic, and the investigator should assure that there
are enough eligible and willing subjects. It is sometimes necessary to carry out a pilot survey
or chart review to be sure. If the number of subjects appears insufficient, the investigator can
consider several strategies: expanding the inclusion criteria, eliminating unnecessary exclu-
sion criteria, lengthening the time frame for enrolling subjects, acquiring additional sources
of subjects, developing more precise measurement approaches, inviting colleagues to join in
a multicenter study, and using a different study design.
• Technical expertise. The investigators must have the skills, equipment, and experience
needed for designing the study, recruiting the subjects, measuring the variables, and man-
aging and analyzing the data. Consultants can help to shore up technical aspects that are
unfamiliar to the investigators, but for major areas of the study it is better to have an expe-
rienced colleague steadily involved as a coinvestigator; for example, it is wise to include a
statistician as a member of the research team from the beginning of the planning process.
It is best to use familiar and established approaches, because the process of developing new
Likely to have significant impacts on scientific knowledge, clinical practice, or health policy
May influence directions of future research
18 Section I • Basic Ingredients
methods and skills is time-consuming and uncertain. When a new approach is needed, such
as measurement of a new biomarker, expertise in how to accomplish the innovation should
be sought.
• Cost in time and money. It is important to estimate the costs of each component of the
project, bearing in mind that the time and money needed will generally exceed the amounts
projected at the outset. If the projected costs exceed the available funds, the only options
are to consider a less expensive design or to develop additional sources of funding. Early
recognition of a study that is too expensive or time-consuming can lead to modification or
abandonment of the plan before expending a great deal of effort.
• Scope. Problems often arise when an investigator attempts to accomplish too much, mak-
ing many measurements at repeated contacts with a large group of subjects in an effort to
answer too many research questions. The solution is to narrow the scope of the study and
focus only on the most important goals. Many scientists find it difficult to give up the op-
portunity to answer interesting side questions, but the reward may be a better answer to the
main question at hand.
• Fundability. Few investigators have the personal or institutional resources to fund their own
research projects, particularly if subjects need to be enrolled and followed, or expensive mea-
surements must be made. The most elegantly designed research proposal will not be feasible
if no one will pay for it. Finding sources of funding is discussed in Chapter 19.
An investigator may have many motivations for pursuing a particular research question: be-
cause it will provide financial support, because it is a logical or important next step in building
a career, or because getting at the truth of the matter is interesting. We like this last reason; it
is one that grows as it is exercised and that provides the intensity of effort needed for overcom-
ing the many hurdles and frustrations of the research process. However, it is wise to confirm
that you are not the only one who finds a question interesting. Speak with mentors, outside
experts, and representatives of potential funders such as NIH project officers before devoting
substantial energy to develop a research plan or grant proposal that peers and funding agencies
may consider dull.
Good clinical research contributes new information. A study that merely reiterates what is al-
ready established is not worth the effort and cost and is unlikely to receive funding. The novelty
of a proposed study can be determined by thoroughly reviewing the literature, consulting with
experts who are familiar with unpublished ongoing research, and searching for abstracts of
projects in your area of interest that have been funded using the NIH Research Portfolio Online
Reporting Tools (RePORT) website ( Reviews
of studies submitted to NIH give considerable weight to whether a proposed study is innovative
(5) such that a successful result could shift paradigms of research or clinical practice through the
use of new concepts, methods, or interventions (Chapter 19). Although novelty is an important
criterion, a research question need not be totally original—it can be worthwhile to ask whether
a previous observation can be replicated, whether the findings in one population also apply to
others, or whether a new measurement method can clarify the relationship between known risk
factors and a disease. A confirmatory study is particularly useful if it avoids the weaknesses of
previous studies or if the result to be confirmed was unexpected.
A good research question must be ethical. If the study poses unacceptable physical risks or in-
vasion of privacy (Chapter 14), the investigator must seek other ways to answer the question.
Chapter 2 • Conceiving the Research Question and Developing the Study Plan 19
If there is uncertainty about whether the study is ethical, it is helpful to discuss it at an early
stage with a representative of the institutional review board (IRB).
A good way to decide about relevance is to imagine the various outcomes that are likely to
occur and consider how each possibility might advance scientific knowledge, influence prac-
tice guidelines and health policy, or guide further research. NIH reviewers emphasize the sig-
nificance of a proposed study: the importance of the problem, how the project will improve
scientific knowledge, and how the result will change concepts, methods, or clinical services.
Translational research refers to studies of how to translate findings from the ivory tower into
the “real world,” how to assure that scientific creativity has a favorable impact on public health.
Translational research (6) comes in two main flavors (Figure 2.2):
• Applying basic science findings from laboratory research in clinical studies of patients
(sometimes abbreviated as T1 research), and
• Applying the findings of these clinical studies to alter health practices in the community
(sometimes abbreviated as T2 research).
Both forms of translational research require identifying a “translation” opportunity. Just as
a literary translator first needs to find a novel or poem that merits translating, a translational
research investigator must first target a scientific finding or new technology that could have
an important impact on clinical research, practice, or public health. Among the strategies for
making this challenging choice, it may be helpful to pay attention to colleagues when they talk
about their latest findings, to presentations at national meetings about novel methods, and to
speculation about mechanisms in published reports.
T1 T2
■ FIGURE 2.2 Translational research is the component of clinical research that interacts with basic science research
(hatched area T1) or with population research (hatched area T2).
Chapter 2 • Conceiving the Research Question and Developing the Study Plan 21
affects circadian rhythm in mice. A clinical investigator whose expertise is in sleep has access to
a cohort study with data on sleep cycles and a bank of stored DNA, and wants to study whether
there is an association between variants in the human homolog of that gene and sleep. In order
to propose a T1 study of that association she needs collaborators who are familiar with that gene,
as well as the advantages and limitations of the various methods of genotyping.
Similarly, imagine that a laboratory-based investigator has discovered a unique pattern
of gene expression in tissue biopsy samples from patients with breast cancer. She should not
propose a study of its use as a test for predicting the risk of recurrence of breast cancer without
collaborating with someone who understands the importance of clinical research issues, such
as test-retest reliability, sampling and blinding, and the effects of prior probability of disease on
the applicability of her discovery. Good translational research requires expertise in more than
one area. Thus a research team interested in testing a new drug may need scientists familiar
with molecular biology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, phase I and II clinical trials,
and practice patterns in the relevant field of medicine.
1. All studies should start with a research question that addresses what the investigator
would like to know. The goal is to find one that can be developed into a good study plan.
2. Scholarship is essential to developing research questions that are worth pursuing. A
systematic review of research pertinent to an area of research interest is a good place to
start. Attending conferences and staying alert to new results extends the investigator’s ex-
pertise beyond what is already published.
22 Section I • Basic Ingredients
3. The single most important decision a new investigator makes is her choice of one or two
senior scientists to serve as her mentor(s): experienced investigators who will take time to
meet, provide resources and connections, encourage creativity, and promote the indepen-
dence and visibility of their junior scientists.
4. Good research questions arise from finding new collaborators at conferences, from critical
thinking about clinical practices and problems, from applying new methods to old is-
sues, and from considering ideas that emerge from teaching, daydreaming, and tenacious
pursuit of solutions to vexing problems.
5. Before committing much time and effort to writing a proposal or carrying out a study, the
investigator should consider whether the research question and study plan are “FINER”:
feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and relevant. Those who fund research give priority
to proposals that may have innovative and significant impacts on science and health.
6. Early on, the research question should be developed into a one-page written study outline
that specifically describes how many subjects will be needed, how the subjects will be se-
lected, and what measurements will be made.
7. Developing the research question and study plan is an iterative process that includes
consultations with advisors and friends, a growing familiarity with the literature, and pilot
studies of the recruitment and measurement approaches.
8. Most studies have more than one question, and it is useful to focus on a single primary
question in designing and implementing the study.
9. Translational research is a type of clinical research that studies the application of ba-
sic science findings in clinical studies of patients (T1) and how to apply these findings
to improve health practices in the community (T2); it requires collaborations between
laboratory and population-based investigators, using the clinical research methods
presented in this book.
1. The ATAC Trialists Group. Anastrazole alone or in combination with tamoxifen versus tamoxifen alone for adju-
vant treatment of postmenopausal women with early breast cancer: first results of the ATAC randomized trials.
Lancet 2002;359:2131–2139.
2. Quinn J, Cummings S, Callaham M, et al. Suturing versus conservative management of lacerations of the hand:
randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2002;325:299–301.
3. Kuhn TS. The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1962.
4. Yaffe K, Browner W, Cauley J, et al. Association between bone mineral density and cognitive decline in older
women. J Am Geriatr Soc 1999;47:1176–1182.
5. Prentice RL, Caan B, Chlebowski RT, et al. Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of invasive breast cancer. JAMA
6. Zerhouni EA. US biomedical research: basic, translational and clinical sciences. JAMA 2005;294:1352–1358.