Course Structure & Syllabi: B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) (Mathematics) (Main & Subsidiary)

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for three-year undergraduate programme
B.A./B.Sc. (Honours) (Mathematics)
(Main & Subsidiary)

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

For B.A./B.Sc.(Hons) Mathematics(Main & Subsidiary)Part: I & II

Course Course Title Credits Periods/ Marks Assigned
No. Week (Sessional+Exams)
MMB-151 Calculus 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-153 Two-dimensional 2 3 30+70=100
Coordinate Geometry
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+2+2=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English, Comp. Urdu, 24

Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/ Marks Assigned
Week (Sessional+Exams)
MMB-251 Numerical Analysis 4 4 30+70=100
MMB-253 Three-dimensional 2 3 30+70=100
Coordinate Geometry
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+2+2=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English, Comp. Urdu 24

Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-352 Ordinary 2 3 30+70=100
MMB-353 Advanced 4 4 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Foundation Courses 2+4=6 Total Credits
(Comp. English & EVS) 24

Course No. Course Title Credits Periods/Week Marks Assigned
MMB-452 Partial 2 3 30+70=100
MMB-453 Linear 4 4 30+70=100
2 More Subjects 6+6=12
Open Elective 2 Total Credits
For B.A./B.Sc.(Hons) Mathematics(Main)Part: III

Credits for each course: 4
Total Credits: 24
Periods/Week for each course: 4
Maximum Marks assigned for each course: 100 (Sessional: 30 & Exams: 70)

S. No. Course No. Course Title

1. MMB-558 Real Analysis
2. MMB-552 Group Theory
3. MMB-553 Set Theory and Number Theory
4. MMB-554 Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
5. MMB-555 Mechanics
6. MMB-556 Tensor Analysis
Elective (opt any ONE) MMB-559 Mathematical Methods

Credits for each course: 4
Total Credits: 24
Periods/Week for each course: 4
Maximum Marks assigned for each course: 100 (Sessional: 30 & Exams: 70)

S. No. Course No. Course Title

1. MMB-658 Theory of Real Functions
2. MMB-652 Ring Theory
3. MMB-653 Metric Spaces
4. MMB-654 Complex Analysis
5. & 6. MMB-655 C Programming and Matlab
Elective (opt any TWO) MMB-656 Optimization
MMB-657 Discrete Mathematics
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. I Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Calculus
Course Number MMB-151
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives Calculus is the branch of mathematics that deals with rates of change and motion. It grew out of a desire
to understand various physical phenomena, such as the orbits of planets, and the effects of gravity. The
immediate success of calculus in formulating physical laws and predicting their consequences led to
development of a new division in mathematics called analysis, of which calculus remains a large part.
Today, calculus is the essential language of science and engineering, providing the means by which
physical laws are expressed in mathematical terms.
Calculus divides naturally into two parts, differential calculus and integral calculus. Differential
calculus is concerned with finding the instantaneous rate at which one quantity changes with respect to
another, called the derivative of the first quantity with respect to the second. Integral calculus deals with
the inverse of the derivative, namely, finding a function when its rate of change is known.
Course Outcomes The usefulness of calculus is indicated by its widespread application. For example, it is used in the
design of navigation systems, particle accelerators, and synchrotron light sources. It is used to predict
rocket trajectories, and the orbits of communications satellites. Calculus is the mathematical tool used to
test theories about the origins of the universe, the development of tornadoes and hurricanes,
and salt fingering in the oceans. It has even found extensive application in business, where it is used,
among other things, to optimize production.
Thus, as a result, students will learn basic theory of calculus and its applications in real life.
Contents of Syllabus No. of
UNIT I: Differentiability and Expansion of Functions 12
Indeterminate forms, Hyperbolic functions, Inverse hyperbolic functions and their derivatives, Successive
differentiation: Derivatives of higher order, 𝑛𝑡ℎ derivative of well-known functions, Leibnitz’s theorem,
Summation of series, Expansion of functions, Maclaurin’s theorem and Taylor’s theorem, Functions of
two or more variables and introduction of partial derivatives.
UNIT II: Homogeneous functions, Asymptotes and Curvature 12
Homogeneous functions, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions (with proof), Asymptotes of the
algebraic curves, parallel asymptotes, Asymptotes parallel to x-axis and y-axis, Curvature: Polar
𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠
coordinates; Formula for angle between radius vector and tangent (without proof); formula for and
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑡
; Angle of contingence; Definition of curvature, radius of curvature; Intrinsic formula for radius of
curvature (without proof); Cartesian, parametric and Polar formulae for radius of curvature (with proof);
Chord of curvature through the origin; Pedal formula for the radius of curvature (without proof); Circle
and coordinates of centre of curvature.
UNIT III: Tracing of Plane Curves 12
Normal, Cartesian subtangent and subnormal, Intercepts, Length of the tangent and normal, Lengths of the
polar subtangent and subnormal, Lengths of the perpendicular from the pole on tangent, Double points
and their types, convexity and concavity of a curve, Point of inflexion, Rough sketches of certain polar
curves, Tracing of Cartesian curves, Equation of the tangent(s) at the origin.
UNIT IV: Beta and Gamma functions, Rectification and Quadrature 12
Beta and Gamma functions and their applications to evaluate integration, Integration of the
type∫02 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑚 𝑥. 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑛 𝑥 𝑑𝑥, Properties of Gamma functions, Length of curves for Cartesian, parametric and
polar equations, Intrinsic equation for Cartesian, parametric and polar equations, Volume and Surfaces of
solids of revolution for Cartesian, parametric and polar curves.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Books*/ 1. * Gorakh Prasad: Differential Calculus, 18th Ed. 2010, Pothishala Pvt Ltd, Allahabad.
Reference 2. * Gorakh Prasad: Integral Calculus, 17th Ed. 2015, Pothishala Pvt Ltd, Allahabad.
Books 3. N. Piskunov: Differential and Integral Calculus.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. I Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry
Course Number MMB-153
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to introduce the basic tools of plane
geometry and geometric properties of different conic sections which are helpful
in understanding their applications to the real-world problems.
Course Outcomes This course will enable the students to:
• basic knowledge about pair of straight lines
• elementary properties of conic sections in in the cartesian and polar
coordinate systems.
• trace parabola, ellipse, hyperbola in a plane using its mathematical
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Pair of Straight Lines and Coordinate Transformation 10
Change of coordinate axes, Removal of xy-term, Invariants, Pair of straight line through
origin, Angle between two lines, Necessary and sufficient condition that general equation of
second degree represents a pair of straight lines, Lines joining the origin to the intersection
of a curve and a line.
UNIT II: General Equation of Conic 10
General equation of a conic section, Intersection of a straight line and a conic, Equation of
tangent and normal, Condition of tangency, Pair of tangents, Chord of contact of tangents,
Pole and polar, Conjugate points, conjugate lines and condition of conjugacy, Equation of
chord in terms of its middle point, Centre, Diameters and conjugate diameters.
UNIT III: More on Conic Sections 10
Revisit of the concepts of circle, parabola, ellipse, hyperbola and their parametric equations,
tangents and normals, Equation of a circle when end points of a diameter are given, Length
of tangent to a circle, Common tangents to two circles, Sum (difference) of the focal
distances of a point on ellipse (hyperbola), Auxiliary circle and director circle of an ellipse,
Rectangular hyperbola, Asymptotes of a hyperbola, Conjugate hyperbola.
UNIT IV: Tracing of Conic Sections and Polar Equations 10
Nature of conic section, Tracing of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, Polar equations of
straight line and circle, Polar equation of a conic referred to a focus as pole, Equations of
directrices, chord and tangent of a conic (in polar form).
Total No. of Lectures 40
Text 1. Ram Ballabh: A Text Book of Coordinate Geometry, Prakashan Kendra, Lucknow.
Books*/ 2. S. L. Loney: The Elements of Coordinate Geometry, AITBS Publishers.
Reference 3. E. H. Askwith: A Course of Pure Geometry, Merchant Books.
Books 4. C. Smith: An Elementary Treatise on Conic Sections, MacMillon &Co.Ltd
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. II Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Numerical Analysis
Course Number MMB-251
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives Numerical Analysis is the study of algorithms using numerical
approximations for the problems of mathematical analysis.
This course is designed to achieve the following objectives:
1. The objectives of studying this module are to make the students familiarize
with the ways of solving complicated mathematical problems numerically.
2. Describing and understanding of the several errors and approximation in
numerical methods.
3. Obtaining numerical solutions to problems of mathematics. e.g. finding roots
of equations, numerical differentiation and integeration, solution of ordinary
differential equations.
4. The studying of Curve Fitting and Interpolation.
Course Outcomes To explore complex systems, physicists, engineers, financiers and
mathematicians require computational methods since mathematical models are
only rarely solvable algebraically. Numerical methods, based upon sound
computational mathematics, are the basic algorithms underpinning computer
predictions in modern systems science. Such methods include techniques for
simple optimisation, interpolation from the known to the unknown, linear
algebra underlying systems of equations, ordinary differential equations to
simulate systems, and stochastic simulation under random influences.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Numerical Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations 12
Absolute, relative and percentage errors, General error formula, Solution of algebraic and
transcendental equations by iteration methods namely: Bisection method, Regula falsi
method, Iterative method and Newton-Raphson method, Solution of system of linear
equations using direct methods such as matrix inversion, Gauss elimination and LU
decomposition including some iteration methods namely: Jacobi and Gauss-Siedel method.
UNIT II: Interpolation 12
Symbols of Δ,, E, E-1, D,  and  and their relations, Newton-Gregory interpolation
formulae, Forward difference, Backward difference, Gauss’s Forward difference, Gauss
Backward difference, Stirling’s formulae, Bessel’s formulae and Lagrange’s interpolation
formula, Divided Differences and their properties, Newton’s general interpolation formula,
Inverse interpolation formula.
UNIT III: Numerical Differentiation and Integration 12
Numerical differentiation of tabular functions including error estimations, Numerical
integration using Gauss quadrature formulae, Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3- and 3/8-Rule and
Weddle’s Rule, Least squares curve fitting procedures and Least squares polynomial
UNIT IV: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations 12
Euler’s and modified Euler’s methods, Picard’s method, Taylor series method, Runge-Kutta
methods of 2nd and 4th order, Milne-Simpson method, Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method,
Solution of boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations using Finite
Difference method.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Books*/ 1. S. S. Sastry: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India,
Reference New Delhi, 5th Ed, 2012.
Books 2. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyenger and R. K. Jain: Numerical Methods for Scientific and
Engineering Computation, New Age International (P) Ltd, 1999.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. II Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Three-dimensional Coordinate Geometry
Course Number MMB-253
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry
Contact Course 3 Lectures/week
Type of Hours Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main aim of this course to introduce the basic tools of space
Course Outcomes This course will enable the students to:
• understand about lines in 3D, projections and planes.
• basic knowledge about different types of conicoids such as:
spheres, cone, cylinder, ellipsoid, hyperboloid and paraboloid.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Straight Line, Plane and Sphere 10
Direction cosines of a line, Projection of a segment, Angles between two lines, Distance of
a point from a line, Equation of a plane in various forms, Length of perpendicular from a
point to a plane, Equation of straight line (in symmetric and asymmetric forms), General
equation of sphere, Sphere on the join of two points as diameter, Tangent plane to a sphere.
UNIT II: Cylinder and Cone 10
Cylinder and its Equation, Right circular cylinder and its equation, Cone and its equation,
Cone with vertex at origin, Condition for general equation of second degree to represent a
cone, Tangent plane to a cone and condition of tangency, Reciprocal cone, Cone with three
mutually perpendicular generators, Number of mutually perpendicular generators.
UNIT III: Central Conicoids 10
Standard equation of central conicoids, Tangent plane, Condition of tangency of a plane,
Section with a given centre, Locus of the mid-points of a system of parallel chords, Polar
plane, Polar lines, Enveloping cone.
UNIT IV: Central Conicoids (cont.) and Paraboloids 10
Classification of central conicoids, Normal to an ellipsoid, Conjugate diametral plane and
diameters of ellipsoid, Paraboloids: Equation, Classification and Properties; Conicoids:
General equation and Examples.
Total No. of Lectures 40
1. *Ram Ballabh: A Textbook of Coordinate Geometry, Prakashan Kendra,
Text Lucknow, 13th Revised Ed.
Books*/ 2. R. J. T. Bell: An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry, MacMillon &
Reference Co Ltd, 1960.
Books 3. Charles Smith: An Elementary Treatise on Solid Geometry, MacMillon & Co
Ltd, 1931.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. III Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Ordinary Differential Equations
Course Number MMB-352
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the
exciting world of Differential Equations, Mathematical Modelling and
their applications.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to solve
first order nonlinear differential equation, second order boundary value
problems and linear differential equations of higher order using various
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: First Order ODE 10
Bernoulli equations, Exact differential equations, Integrating factors, Change of variables,
Orthogonal trajectory of a given family of curves, Equations of the first order and higher
degree, Equations solvable for p, y and x, Clairaut’s equation, Lagrange’s equation,
Singular solutions.
UNIT II: Higher Order ODE 10
Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant
coefficients, Complementary functions and particular integrals, Variation of parameters,
Linear differential equations of second order with variables coefficients: Reduction of order,
Cauchy-Euler and Legendre linear differential equations, Series solution of differential
equations: Frobenius method.
UNIT III: Differential equations in Three Variables 10
Total differential equations, Condition for integrability, Different methods of solving
Pdx+Qdy+Rdz=0; Simultaneous total differential equations, Equations of the form
dx/P=dy/Q=dz/R, Methods of grouping and multipliers; Solution of a system of linear
differential equations with constant coefficients, Solution of a triangular system of linear
differential equations, Degenerate system of linear differential equations.
UNIT IV: Laplace Transform Method 10
Laplace transform, Linearity of Laplace transform, First shifting property, Inverse Laplace
transform, Laplace transform of derivative and integrals, Unit step function and its Laplace
transform, Second shifting property, Unit impulsive function and its Laplace transform,
Convolution and periodic function theorems, Solution of linear differential equations as well
as system of linear differential equations with constant coefficients using Laplace transform
Total No. of Lectures 40
1. *Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India,
Text New Delhi, 3rd Ed, August 2016.
Book*/ 2. Frank Ayres Jr: Theory and Problems of Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill Book
Reference Company, 1972.
Books 3. George F. Simmons:Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes,
Tata McGraw Hill Comp Ltd, New Delhi, 1974.
4. Dennis G. Zill: A first course in differential equations, Cengage Learning.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. III Semester implemented w.e.f. Session 2020-21
Course Title Advanced Calculus
Course Number MMB-353
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives To focus on general concepts of limit, continuity and differentiability.
Idea of directional derivative and its physical interpretation. Introduce
the idea of multiple integral, line and surface integrals and connection
among all integrals (Green’s and Stoke’s theorems).
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Express the physical problems containing more variables.
• Understand the idea of directional derivative and find
extremum of physical problems
• Find area and volume of nonrectangular regions and ready to
solve problems arise in mathematical physics.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Limit, Continuity and Differentiability 12
Functions of several variables, Contour curves, level curves and level surfaces, Limits and
continuity for functions of two variables, Partial derivatives, Partial derivatives and
continuity, Differentiability, Chain rule for functions of two and three variables.
UNIT II: Applications of Partial Derivatives 12
Directional derivatives, Gradient vectors, Tangent planes, Linearization and differentials,
Extreme values and saddle points, Local and absolute maxima / minima, Method of
Lagrange multipliers (with one constraint only), Taylor’s formula for function of two
variables, Partial derivatives with constrained variables.
UNIT III: Multiple Integrals 12
Double integrals over rectangles, Double integrals as volumes, Iterated integrals, Double
integrals over general regions, Fubini’s Theorem, Area by double integration, Double
integrals in Polar form, Triple integrals in Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical co-
ordinates, Applications of triple integrals.
UNIT IV: Line and Surface Integrals 12
Line integrals of scalar fields and vector fields, Applications of line integrals: Work,
Circulation and Flux; Green’s Theorem in the plane, Evaluation of line integral using
Green’s Theorem, Surfaces and Area, Surface integrals, Stoke’s Theorem.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *G. B. Thomas Jr., J. Hass, C. Heil and M. D. Weir: Calculus, Pearson Education
Text Book*/ Services Pvt Ltd, 12th Ed, 2009.
Reference 2. D. V. Widder: Advanced Calculus, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2 nd
Ed, 2012.
3. N. Piskunov: Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol. I and II, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, New Delhi, 1996.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Partial Differential Equations
Course Number MMB-452
Credits 2
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Advanced Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are to teach students to form and
solve partial differential equations and use them in solving some
physical problems.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Formulate and classify partial differential equations.
• Solve linear and nonlinear partial differential equations using
various methods and apply these methods in solving some
physical problems.
• Cauchy problems for first and second order PDE and their
solutions by using method of characteristic.
• Solve of BVP by using Fourier series.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basic Concepts and First order PDEs 10
Definition of a partial differential equation, Formation of partial differential equations,
Equations easily integrable; Classification of first order partial differential equations and
their solutions, Solution of quasilinear partial differential equations of first order by
Lagrange’s method, Nonlinear partial differential equation of first order and their different
forms, Charpit’s method, Jacobi’s Method.
UNIT II: First order PDEs (cont.) and Second order PDEs 10
Integral surfaces of first order quasilinear partial differential equations through a given
curve, Cauchy’s problem for first order partial differential equations, Cauchy’s method of
characteristics, Compatible system of first order partial differential equations; Classification
of second order linear partial differential equations, Characteristics and canonical forms for
hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic equations, Solution of quasilinear partial differential
equation of second order by Monge’s Method.
UNIT III: Higher order PDEs 10
Homogeneous linear partial differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients,
Different cases for complimentary functions and particular integrals, Non-homogeneous
partial differential equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Reducible and
Irreducible equations, Equations reducible to linear partial differential equations with
constant coefficients.
UNIT IV: Fourier series and Boundary Value Problems 10
Method of separation of variables, Fourier series, Even and odd functions and their Fourier
series, Change of interval, Half range Fourier sine and cosine series; One dimensional wave
equation, one dimensional heat equation, two dimensional Laplace equation and their
Fourier series solutions.
Total No. of Lectures 40
1. *Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New
Text Delhi, 3rd Ed, August 2016.
Books*/ 2. *K. S. Rao: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Prentice Hall of India, New
Reference Delhi, 3rd Ed, 2011.
Books 3. T. Amaranath: An Elementary Course in Partial Differential Equations , Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2nd Ed, 2003.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV Semester implemented w.e.f. Session 2020-21
Course Title Linear Algebra
Course Number MMB-453
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills.
In this course the students understand real vector spaces and subspaces and apply their
properties. Understand linear independence and dependence. Find the basis and dimension of a
vector space, and understand the change of basis. Find a basis for the row space, column space
and null space of a matrix and find the rank and nullity of a matrix. Compute linear
transformations, kernel and range, and inverse linear transformations, and find matrices of
general linear transformations. Find the dimension of spaces such as those associated with
matrices and linear transformations. Solve systems of linear equations using various methods.
Perform matrix algebra, invertibility, and the transpose and understand vector algebra in Rn.
Determine the relationship between coefficient matrix invertibility and solutions to a system of
linear equations and the inverse matrices. Verify an eigenvalue and an eigenvector of a given
matrix. Find the characteristic equation, and the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of
a given matrix use them in applications. Students also expected to gain an appreciation for the
applications of linear algebra to areas such as computer science, engineering, biology and

Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• explain the concepts of vector space and subspace
• define vector operations for vectors in Rn.
• define the notion of vector spaces and subspaces
• explain the concept of Vector space and subspace
• analyze whether a set S of vectors in a vector space V is a spanning set of V.
• analyze whether a finite set of vectors in a vector space V is linearly independent.
• explain the concepts of base and dimension of vector space.
• explain the concept of the dimension of a vector space and express vector spaces in
different dimensions.
• explain bases concept of a vector space and properties of vectors on the bases.
• express row and column space of a matrix.
• explain some functions defined between vector spaces.
• express required conditions for a transformation to be a linear transformation.
• find kernel and image spaces of a linear transformation.
• express some of the algebra operations between linear transformations.
• explain matrix representation of a linear transformation.
• find the matrix representing a linear transformation.
• find the image set when a transformation matrix is given.
• Explain the system of linear equations is consistent or inconsistent and find the general
solution to a consistent system.
• explain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.
• explain concepts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
• find characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors of a transformation
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Vector Spaces 12
Binary operations, Definition of Field with examples, Definition of Vector space with examples,
Subspaces, Span of a set, Sum of subspaces, Linear dependence, and independence, Basis and
Dimensions of a vector space, Coordinates of a vector relative to the ordered basis, Dimension
UNIT II: Linear Transformations 12
Linear transformation and its properties, Range and kernel of a linear transformation, Rank and nullity
of a linear transformation, Rank-nullity Theorem, Inverse of linear transformation.
UNIT III: Space L(U,V) and Matrix Representation of Linear Maps 12
Vector space L(U,V) and its dimension, Composition of linear transformations, Matrix associated with
a linear transformation, Linear transformation associated with a matrix, Rank and nullity of a matrix.
UNIT IV: Elementary operations and Eigen-values 12
Elementary row operations and row-reduced echelon form, Inverse of a matrix through elementary
row operation, Solution of a system of linear equations, Eigen-values, Eigen-vectors.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *V. Krishnamurty, V. P. Mainra and J. L. Arora: An introduction to Linear Algebra, East
Text Book*/ West Press, New Delhi, 2002.
References books
2. S Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra (2nd edition), Springer, 2005
3. S. Kumaresan: Linear Algebra- A Geometric Approach, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
4. S. Lipschutz and M. Lipson: Linear Algebra, Schuam’s Outline Series
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. IV Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Elementary Mathematics
Course Number MMB-491
Credits 2
Course Category Open Elective
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to provide essential knowledge
of basic tools of set operations, number systems, differential calculus,
integral calculus, matrices and determinants for those students which
have not mathematical background at +2 level.
Course Outcomes This course will enable the students to provide understanding in
different topics of elementary algebra and beginning calculus.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Sets and Numbers 10
Sets and elements, Empty and Non-empty sets, Subset of a set, Union and intersection of
two sets, Venn diagram, Universal set, Revisit to number system (natural numbers, whole
numbers, integers, rational numbers and real numbers), Standard notations to represent the
sets of different class of numbers, Principle of mathematical induction and its simple
applications, Complex numbers, Real and imaginary parts of a complex numbers, Algebra
of complex numbers, Conjugate and modulus of a complex number, Cube roots of unity.
UNIT II: Functions 10
Definition and examples of a function, Domain, Codomain and Range of a function, Image
and preimage of an element, One-one and Many-one functions, Onto and into functions,
Composite functions, Inverse of a function, Pictorial representation of a function, Real
valued function of a real variable, Some elementary real functions such as: linear, quadratic,
power, polynomial, rational, absolute value, signum and greatest integer functions with their
graphs, domains and ranges; Properties of trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential
functions, Even and odd functions, Periodic functions, Sum, difference, product and
quotients of real functions, Limit of real functions, Left-hand and right-hand limits,
Continuous functions.
UNIT III: Calculus 10
Derivative of a function and its geometrical explanation and properties, Differentiation from
the first principle, Derivative of function of function, Differentiation by substitution,
Differentiation of implicit functions, Logarithmic differentiation,Parametric differentiation,
Higher order derivatives, Idea of integration of a function, Indefinite integration, Some basic
formulas for differentiation and integration of functions, Integration by substitution,
Integration of the functions of certain forms, Integration by partial fractions, Integration by
parts, Definite integration and its properties.
UNIT IV: Matrices and Determinants 10
Introduction to matrices, Order of a Matrix, Different types of matrices, Properties of
matrices (transpose, symmetry and skew symmetry), Algebra of Matrices, Product of two
matrices, Concept of elementary row and column operations, Determinant of a square
matrix (up to matrices of order 3 x 3), Minors and cofactors, Properties of the determinants,
Applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle and solving a system of linear
equations, Inverse of a real matrix and its uniqueness.
Total No. of Lectures 40
Text 1. *Z. Ahsan and N. Ahsan: Mathematical Methods, Real World Education Publishers,
Books*/ 2016.
Reference 2. *R. Steege and K. Bailey: Intermediate Algebra, Schaum’s Outline Series, 2 nd Ed.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Real Analysis
Course Number MMB-558
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The course will develop a deep and rigorous understanding of real line ℝ and of
defining terms to prove the results about convergence and divergence of sequences
and series of real numbers.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Understand many properties of the real line, especially axiomatic theory
and point set topology on ℝ.
• Recognize bounded, convergent, divergent, Cauchy and monotonic
sequences and to calculate their limit superior, limit inferior, and the limit
of a bounded sequence.
• Apply the ratio, root, alternating series and limit comparison tests for
convergence and absolute convergence of an infinite series of real numbers.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Fundamental Properties of Real Numbers 12
Interval and its different kinds, Bounded and unbounded sets, Supremum and infimum,
Field axioms, Order axioms and Completeness axioms on ℝ, Nested interval property, Basic
properties of natural numbers, integers and rational numbers, Archimedean property of real
numbers, Denseness property of rational numbers in ℝ, Dedekind theory of real numbers,
Dedekind-Cantor axioms, Absolute value of real numbers, Properties of modulus,
Inequalities of Cauchy-Schwartz, Minkowski and Holder, Extended real number system,
Finite and Infinite sets, Countable and uncountable sets.
UNIT II: Sequence of Real Numbers 12
Concept of sequence, Limit points of a sequence, Bolzano Weierstrass theorem for
sequence, Limit inferior and superior, Convergent, divergent and oscillate sequences,
Bounded and unbounded sequences, Cauchy’s general principle of convergence, Algebra of
sequences, Subsequences, Monotonic increasing and decreasing sequences, Cantor’s theory
of real numbers.
UNIT III: Series of Real Numbers 12
Introduction to series of real numbers, Sequence of partial sums and convergence of infinite
series, Necessary condition for the convergence of an infinite series, Positive term series,
Comparison tests (first type and limit form), Cauchy root test, D’Alembert’s ratio test with
their applications, Alternating series, Leibnitz test, Absolute and conditional convergence,
Series of arbitrary terms, Abel’s and Dirichlet’s tests, Rearrangement of series.
UNIT IV: Elements of Point Set Topology on ℝ 12
Neighbourhood of a point, Interior, exterior and boundary points, Open sets, Limits points
and derived set, Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem, Adherent point and Closure of a set, Closed
sets and their sequential characterization, Compact sets and their sequential
characterization, Heine-Borel Theorem, Connected sets, Dense sets, Perfect sets, Cantor
sets, Borel sets.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *R. G. Bartle and D. R. Sherbert: Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,
Text Books*/ Singapore, 3rd Ed, 2003.
References 2. * S. C. Malik and S. Arora: Mathematical Analysis, New Academic Science Ltd, 5th
Books Ed, 2017.
3. W. Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New
York, 3rd Ed, 1976.
4. A. Kumar and S. Kumaresan: A Basic Course in Real Analysis, CRC Press, 2014.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Group Theory
Course Number MMB-552
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills.
The definition of the basic concepts of abstract algebra. The application of the concept of
binary operations and groups. The proof of the basic properties of groups and subgroups.
Exploring different types of subgroups and cyclic groups. The definition of cosets and the
Theorem of Lagrange. Analysis of the concept of permutation groups. The definition of
group homomorphism and factor groups. Computing direct products of groups. Analysis of
the finitely generated abelian groups. We are improving the student’s abstract and logical
thinking capabilities, applying students' mathematical ability to handle proofs.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Prove the basic structural properties of groups and subgroups.
• Test the group axioms in different problems.
• Verify the basic properties of subgroups and cosets.
• Prove or disprove the validity of some group-theoretic statements, including isomorphic
groups, normal subgroups, and simple groups.
• Prove Lagrange’s theorem and some of its corollaries.
• Apply Lagrange’s theorem to some exercises.
• Explore the groups of permutations and the alternating groups.
• Compute the direct products of groups.
• Analyze finitely generated abelian groups.
• Examine the subgroup and normal subgroup structure of a group.
• Decide whether two groups are isomorphic.
• Decide whether a given subgroup of a group is normal.
• Determine the automorphism group of any cyclic group.
• Prove Cayley’s theorem and its generalization.
• Prove isomorphism’s theorems.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basic concepts 12
Binary relation, Function, Binary Operation; Groups, its examples and basic properties, Order of an
element in a group, Subgroups, its examples and some basic properties, Centre of a group,
Normaliser of a set, Product of two subgroups, Cyclic groups, Generators, its examples and related
UNIT II: Lagrange’s Theorem, Homomorphisms and Normal Subgroups 12
Cosets, Lagrange’s theorem and its related results, Index of subgroup of a group, Euler’s theorem,
Fermat’s theorem, Isomorphism and homomorphism of groups with examples and related results,
Inner automorphism; Normal subgroups and simple Groups, their examples and related results.
UNIT III: Quotient Groups, Isomorphism Theorems and Direct Product 12
Commutator subgroup and some basic properties, Quotient groups with examples, First, second and
third isomorphism theorems and their related results, Internal and External direct product of groups
and their related results, Characterization of a group as a direct product of its two subgroups.
UNIT IV: Permutation Groups 12
Permutations, even and odd permutations, Order of a permutation, Transposition, Cycle and its
length, Disjoint cycles and their examples, Permutation groups, Alternating groups and their related
results, Signature of a permutation, Cayley’s theorem, Cauchy’s theorem for finite abelian groups.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Book*/ 1. *N. S. Gopalakrishnan: University Algebra.
Reference Book 2. Joseph A. Gallian: Contemporary Abstract Algebra.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Set Theory and Number Theory
Course Number MMB-553
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills.
The first two units of this course will consist of the basics of mathematical set theory,
including well-orderings, cardinality, Characteristic functions and choice functions,
Equipotent sets, Cantor’s theorem, Schroeder Bernstein theorem proved and Maximal and
minimal elements.
Next, two units of this course will consist of Mathematical induction, divisibility, prime
numbers, congruences, factorization, arithmetic functions, quadratic reciprocity, primitive
roots, Diophantine equations, Chinese remainder Theorem, Algebraic congruence mod p,
Lagrange’s theorem, Wilson theorem, and their applications.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

• be able to formalize mathematical statements in ZF set theory

Understand cardinal and ordinal arithmetic
• be able to apply variants of the axiom of choice
• be able to carry out proofs and constructions by transfinite induction and recursion
• be familiar with various paradoxes in naive set theory and understand the need for
formalization of set theory
• know independence results for the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice
• be able to present mathematical arguments to others
• knowledge of the basic definitions and theorems in number theory
• the ability to apply number theory algorithms and procedures to basic problems
• the ability to think and reason about abstract mathematics skills at writing
mathematical proofs
• analyze and solve problems involving the distribution of primes
• analyze and solve problems involving primitive roots
• solve systems of Diophantine equations using the Chinese Remainder Theorem &
the Euclidean algorithm
• understand the basics of modular arithmetic
• state and prove Lagrange’s theorem, Wilson theore& its generalization using Euler's
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Binary Relations and Functions 12
Relations and their representations, Inverse relation, Composition of relations and their properties,
Equivalence relation and partition, Cross Partition, Fundamental theorem of equivalence relation,
Functions their restrictions and extensions, Invertible functions, Characteristic functions and choice
functions, Equipotent sets.
UNIT II: Countability and Partial Ordering 12
Infinite sets, Denumerable sets, Countable sets, Continuum, Cardinals, Cardinal arithmetic,
Inequalities of cardinal numbers, Cantor’s theorem, Schroeder Bernstein theorem, Continuum
hypothesis, Partially ordered sets, Totally ordered sets, Similar sets and Well-ordered sets, First and
last elements, Maximal and minimal elements.
UNIT III: Divisibility theory and Prime Integers 12
Division algorithm and derived results, Least common multiple, Greatest common divisor, Euclid’s
algorithm, Prime numbers and related results, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, Relatively prime
integers, Euler’s function.
UNIT IV: Theory of Congruences 12
Congruences, Euler’s Theorem, Fermat’s theorem, Order of an integer (mod m), Linear
congruences, Chinese remainder Theorem, Algebraic congruence mod p, Lagrange’s theorem,
Wilson theorem, Algebraic congruences with composite number.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Books*/ 1. *Seymour Lipschutz: Set Theory and Related Topics, Schuam’s Outline Series.
Reference 2. *J. Hunter: Number Theory.
Books 3. P. R. Halmos: Naive Set Theory.
4. David M. Burton: Elementary Number Theory, 6 th Ed.
5. G. B. Mathews: Theory of Number Part-I.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Course Number MMB-554
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus, Coordinate Geometry
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to understand the notion of space
curve, surfaces, geodesics, Weingarten maps, parametrization of
surfaces, areas, volumes and Goddazi equation and Gauss theorem.
Course Outcomes After studying this course the student will be able to:
• understand the concepts of graphs, level sets as solutions of
smooth real valued functions, tangent space and normal.
• comfortably familiar with orientation, Gauss map and
• learn about linear self-adjoint Weingarten map and curvature
of a plane curve with applications in geometry and physics.
• deal with parametrization and be familiar with well-known
surfaces as equations in multiple variables, able to find area
and volumes.
• study surfaces with boundary and be able to solve various
problems and the Gauss theorem.

Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures

UNIT I: Space Curves 12
Space curves, Examples, Plane curves, Parameterization of curves (Generalized and natural
parameters), Change of parameter regular curves and singularities,Contact of curves,
Contact of a curve and a plane, Frenettrihedron, Osculating plane, Serret-Fernet formulae,
Involutes and Evolutes, Fundamental Theorem for space curves.
UNIT II: Surface in ℝ3 12
Surfaces in ℝ3, Implicit and explicit forms of the equation of a surface, Parametric curves
on surfaces, Tangent plane, First fundamental form, Angle between two curves on a surface,
Area of a surface, Invariance under co-ordinate transformation.
UNIT III: Extrinsic Geometry 12
Second fundamental form on a surface, Gauss map and Gaussian curvature, Gauss and
Weingrten formulae, Christoffle symbols, Some co-ordinate transformations, Goddazi
equation and Gauss theorem, Fundamental theorem of surface Theory.
UNIT IV: Curves on a Surface 12
Curvature of a curve on a surface, Geodesic curvature and normal curvature, Geodesics,
Principal directions and lines of curvature, Rodrigue formula, Asymptotes lines, Conjugate
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text 1. *A. Goetz: Differential Geometry, Springer Verlag.
Books*/ 2. *S.I. Husain: Lecture notes on Differential Geometry.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Mechanics
Course Number MMB-555
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The aim of this course is to:
1) Develop an ability to grasp the concepts of vectorial force,
equilibrium and tension.
2) To make them keen in learning the concepts of gravity and then using
calculus to solve the related problems.
3) To help them get a hold of components of vector
quantities and understand Projectile Motion.
4) To develop an understanding of the fundamentals and principles of
motion of particles, pendulums and laws of planetary motion.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Understand the vector representation of forces and equilibrium.
• Analyse the problems involving tension in a string and
simultaneously solve them.
• Illustrate laws of motion, kinematics of motion and their
• Explain the concepts of motion of particles and stability of orbits.
Get a hold of SHM of simple pendulum.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Method of Analytic Statics 12
Vector moment of a force, Varignon’s Theorem on moments, Resultant of a couple,
Resultant of coplanar forces, Equation of line of action of the resultant, Equilibrium of a
rigid body, Conditions of equilibrium of three force body, Cables, Suspension and
parabolic cables, Intrinsic and Cartesian equation of a catenary, Sag and span, maximum
tension in a cable.
UNIT II: Virtual Work and Centre of Gravity 12
Virtual work, Principle of virtual work, Determination of tension in a string and thrust in a
rod, Solutions of problems involving equilibrium by principle of virtual work, Centre of
gravity. Determination of Centre of gravity by integration, Centre of gravity of arcs, plane
areas, enclosed areas, solids of revolution and surfaces of revolution.
UNIT III: Kinematics and Kinetics 12
Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Motion
of projectile without resistance, Projectile motion up and down an inclined plane, Tangent
problems, Motion in a resisting medium including projectiles, Upward and downward
motion in a resisting medium.
UNIT IV: Applications of Plane Dynamics 12
Motion of particles in central orbits, Stability of circular orbits, Kepler’s laws of planetary
motion, Plane impulsive motion, Direct and oblique impact, Loss of energy during impact,
Impact against a fixed plane, Simple harmonic motion, Motion of a simple pendulum.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *J L. Synge and G. B. Griffith: Principle of Mechanics.
Text Books*/ 2. *M. A. Pathan: Statics. Jhonson and Beer: Vector Mechanics for Engineers.
Reference Books 3. Zafar Ahsan: Lectures Notes on Mechanics.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Tensor Analysis
Course Number MMB-556
Credits 4
Course Category Optional
Prerequisite Courses Calculus, Linear Algebra
Contact Hours 3 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The course aim at understanding the various relations which remain valid on change
of coordinate system. It also emphasizes the utilitarian aspect and intended to help
the learners of relativity, differential geometry, engineering mathematics etc.

Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• The relations between other papers of Mathematics;
• To study and to learn the cause-effect related to these;
• Visualization of the transformation of the mathematical quantities from
one space to other and their expressions.
• The applications in observing and relating real situations/structures.

Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures

UNIT I: Relevant Concepts of Linear Algebra 12
Dummy indices, Free indices, Summation convention, Kroneckersymbol, Permutation symbols,
Differentiation of a determinant, Linear equations, Cramer’s Rule, Functional determinants,
Functional matrices, Dual spaces and bilinear forms, Dual basis, Quadratic forms, Real quadratic
forms, Signature, index and nature of quadratic forms, Pairs of quadratic forms, Quadratic
differential forms.
UNIT II: Algebra of Tensors 12
Transformations of coordinates, Contravariant vectors, Scalar invariants, Covariant vectors, Scalar
product of two vectors, Tensors of the second order, Tensors of any order, Symmetric and skew
symmetric tensors, Addition and multiplication of tensors, Contraction, Composition of tensors,
Quotient law, Reciprocal symmetric tensors of the second order.
UNIT III: Riemannian Space 12
Riemannian space, Fundamental tensors, Metric tensor, Raising and lowering of indices,
Magnitude of a vector, Associate covariant and contravariant vectors, Inclination of two vectors,
Orthogonal vectors, Relative and absolute tensors, Tensor density.
UNIT IV: Covariant Derivative and Curvature Tensor 12
Christoffel symbols, Transformation law and their properties, Equation of geodesics (without
proof), Covariant differentiation of contravariant and covariant vectors, Covariant differentiation of
tensors, Divergence of a vector, Curl of a vector, Riemann curvature tensor, Properties of curvature
tensor, Ricci tensor, Scalar curvature, Einstein tensor.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *C. E. Weatherburn: Riemannian geometry and The Tensor Calculus, CUP, 1938.
2. *Zafar Ahsan: Tensors-Mathematics of Differential Geometry and relativity, PHI, New Delhi,
Text 2015.
Books*/ 3. I. S. Sokolnikoff: Tensor Analysis-Theory and Applications, Chapman and Hall, 1951.
Reference 4. U. C. De, A. A. Shaikh and J. Sengupta: Tensor Calculus, Narosa Publication, New Delhi, 2 nd
Books Ed, 2008.
5. R. S. Mishra: A Course in Tensors with Riemannian Geometry, PothishalaPvt Ltd, Allahabad,
4th Ed. Reprint, 2013.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. V Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Mathematical Methods
Course Number MMB-559
Credits 4
Course Category Optional
Prerequisite Courses Differential Equations
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are to introduce the methods and concepts for solving linear
integral equations, to study Laplace and Fourier transforms with their applications to ODE, PDE
as well as integral equations and to provide an understanding the problems through calculus of
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to: determine the solutions to
Volterra as well as Fredholm integral equations by method of resolvent kernel, method of
successive approximations, method of integral transforms, understand with eigen values and
eigen functions of homogeneous Fredholm integral equations, calculate the Laplace transform,
Fourier transform and their inverse transforms of common functions and understand the
formulation of variational problems, the variation of a functional and its properties, extremum of
functional, necessary condition for an extremum.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Linear Integral Equations 12
Definition, examples and classification of integral equations, Relation between differential
and integral equations, Solution of Volterra as well as Fredholm integral equations of second
kinds by the method of successive substitutions and successive approximations, Iterated and
resolvent kernels, Reduction of Volterra integral equations of first into second kind, Solution
of Volterra integral equations of first kind.
UNIT II: More on Fredholm Equations 10
Solution of Fredholm integral equations with separable kernels, Eigenvalues and eigen
functions of Homogeneous Fredholm integral equations, Solution of integral equations with
symmetric kernels, Fundamental properties of Eigenvalues and Eigen functions for
symmetric equations.
UNIT III: Integral Transforms and Their Applications 14
Revisit to Laplace transform, Solution of integral equations and PDEs by Laplace transform
method; Piecewise continuity and Dirichlet’s conditions, Fourier integrals, Fourier sine and
cosine integrals; Fourier transform, Fourier sine transform, Fourier cosine transform and
their inversion formulae, Fourier transform of elementary functions, Properties of Fourier
transform, Solution of integral equations and PDEs by Fourier transform method.
UNIT IV: Calculus of Variations 10
Functional and its variation and extremal, Variational principle, Euler’s equation and its
different cases, Invariance of Euler’s equation under coordinates transformation, Functional
involving several dependent variables, Functional depending on higher order derivatives,
Functionals dependent on functions of several independent variables, Parametric form,
Isoperimetric problems.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *R. P. Kanwal: Linear Integral Equations, Birkhäuser, Inc, Boston, 2nd Ed, 1997. (For
Unit I & II).
2. *Pinkus Allan and Samy Zafrany: Fourier Series and Integral Transforms, Cambridge
Text- University Press, 1997. (For Unit III).
3. *M. Gelfand and S. V. Fomin: Calculus of Variations, Dover Books, 2000. (For Unit IV).
Books 4. M. D. Raisinghania: Integral equations and Boundary Value Problems, S. Chand and Co
Ltd, New Delhi, Reprint, 2017.
5. M. D. Raisinghania: Advanced Differential Equations, S. Chand and Co Ltd, New Delhi,
18th Ed, 2016.
6. Zafar Ahsan: Differential Equations and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 3rd Ed, 2016.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Theory of Real Functions
Course Number MMB-658
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses Calculus
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives It is a basic course on the study of real valued functions that would develop an analytical ability
to have a more matured perspective of the key concepts of calculus, namely: limits, continuity,
differentiability, integrability and their applications.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to have a rigorous understanding
of the concept of limit of a function, the geometrical properties of continuous functions on
closed intervals, compact sets and connected sets, the applications of mean value theorem and
Taylor’s theorem, some of the families and properties of Riemann integrable functions, and the
applications of the fundamental theorems of integration, the valid situations for the inter-
changeability of differentiability and integrability with infinite sum, and approximation of
transcendental functions in terms of power series and to derive a Fourier series of a given
periodic function by evaluating Fourier coefficients.

Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures

UNIT I: Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability 13
Limit of a function, Infinite limits and limits at infinity, Continuous functions, Sequential
criterion for limits and continuity, Types of discontinuities, Properties of continuous
functions on closed intervals, compact sets and connected sets, Uniform continuous
functions, Derivative of a function, Darboux’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value
theorems of differential calculus, Taylor’s theorem, Maculaurin’s theorem.
UNIT II: Riemann Integration 12
Definition and existence of Riemann integral, Inequalities for Riemann integrals,
Refinement of partitions, Darboux’s theorem, Conditions of integrability, Integrability of
the sum, difference, quotient, product, modulus and square of integrable functions,
Riemann integral as a limit of sums, Classes of Riemann integrable functions, Primitive of
a function, Fundamental theorem of calculus, Mean value theorems of integral calculus,
Integration by parts, Change of variables.
UNIT III: Improper Integrals 10
Improper integrals and their convergence, Comparison test and Cauchy’s test for
convergence, Absolute convergence, Abel’s Test, Dirichlet’s Test, Convergence of Beta
and Gamma functions.
UNIT IV: Power Series and Fourier Series 13
Power series, Radius and interval of convergence, Cauchy’s Hadamard theorem, Term-wise
differentiation and integration of power series, Uniform convergence, Abel’s theorem,
Taylor’s theorem; Fourier series, Fourier coefficients and Euler's Formulae, Periodic
functions, Bessel’s inequality, Dirichlet’s criteria of convergence of Fourier series, Even
and odd functions and their Fourier series, Half range Fourier series, Change of interval:
Fourier series on arbitrary intervals.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *R. G. Bartle and D. R. Sherbert: Introduction to Real Analysis, John Wiley and Sons,
Text Books*/ Singapore, 3rd Ed, 2003.
Reference 2. *S. C. Malik and S. Arora: Mathematical Analysis, New Academic Science Ltd, 5th Ed, 2017.
Books 3. D. Somasundaram and B. Choudhary: A First Course in Mathematical Analysis, Narosa, 1999.
4. K. A. Ross: Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus, Under graduate Texts in
Mathematics, Springer (SIE), Indian reprint, 2004.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Ring Theory
Course Number MMB-652
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive skills:
This is a second course in modern algebra which deals with ring theory . Some basics concept
of ring theory like rings, subrings, ideals, ring homomorphisms and their properties. The
application of the concepts of ring theory to important examples of rings. The definition of
Ideals, Nil ideals, quotient rings, prime and maximal ideals. The homomorphisms of rings
and various theorems of ring homomorphisms, the embedding of rings and ring of
endomorphisms of an abelian group. . We will then discuss classes of rings that have some
additional nice properties (e.g. Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains and unique
factorization domains). The fundamental theorems of algebraic structures are explained.
Also, explore the concepts of Polynomial rings, UFD, ED, PID.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• able to understand the standard computations of ring theory.
• to learn the elementary theorems and proof techniques of ring theory.
• to apply the theorems, proof techniques and standard computations of ring theory to
solve problems.
• Demonstrate knowledge of polynomial rings and asscoateed properties.
• Derive and apply Gauss lemma, Eistentein criterion for irreduciube of rationals.
• Factrorization and ideal theory in the polynomial rings; the structure of a primirive
• Utilize the Polynomial rings, UFD, ED, PID to solve different related problems
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basics of Rings, Special Kinds and Ideals 12
Rings, Zero divisors, Integral domains, Division rings, Fields, Subrings and Ideals, Congruence
modulo a subring relation in a ring, Simple ring, Algebra of ideals, Ideal generated by a subset,
Nilpotent ideals, Nil ideals, Quotient rings, Prime and Maximal ideals.
UNIT II: Homomorphisms and Embedding of Rings 12
Homomorphism in rings, Natural homomorphism, Kernel of a homomorphism, Fundamental
theorem of homomorphism, First and second isomorphism theorems, Field of quotients,
Embedding of rings, Ring of endomorphisms of an abelian group.
UNIT III: Factorization in Integral Domains 12
Prime and irreducible elements, H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two elements of a ring, Principal ideals
domains, Euclidean domains, Unique factorisation domains, Different relations between Principal
ideal domains, Euclidean domains and Unique factorization domains.
UNIT IV: Rings of Polynomials 12
Polynomials rings, Algebraic and transcendental elements over a ring, Factorization in polynomial
ring R[x], Division algorithm in R[x], where R is a commutative rings with identity, Properties of
polynomial ring R[x] if R is a field or a U.F.D., Gauss lemma, Gauss Theorem (statement only),
Eisenstein irreducibility criteria and its applications, Division algorithm for polynomial ring F[x],
where F is a field, Reducibility test for polynomials of degree 2 and 3 in F[x].
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text 1.* Surjeet Singh and QuaziZameeruddin: Modern Algebra.
Book*/ 2. J. B. Fraleigh: A first Course in Abstract Algebra.
References 3. Joseph A Gallian: Contemporary Abstract Algebra.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Metric Spaces
Course Number MMB-653
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses A Course of Real Analysis
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives To give the idea of distance between two elements in a set and to extend the
concepts, namely, open sets, closed sets, convergence of sequences, compact
sets, continuity of functions etc, from real line to a metric space. The course
focuses on basic notions of metric spaces and their properties.
Course Outcomes Knowledge: A will student know:
• basic notions of metric spaces,
• methods and techniques of proving basic theorems on metric spaces
and continuous mappings
• equivalent methods for introducing a metric in a set
Skills: A student can:
• check if a given function is a metric,
• check if a given function is continuous,
• check if a given set is open, closed, dense, compact
Final course output - social competences
A student knows the importance of metric spaces in mathematics and its
applications in different areas.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basic Concepts 12
Definition and examples of metric spaces, Bounded and unbounded metric spaces, Distance
between sets, Diameter of a set, Open and closed balls, Interior points and interior of a set,
Open set, Neighbourhood of a point, Limit point of a set, Closure of a set, Closed set,
Boundary points and boundary of a set, Exterior points and exterior of a set, Subspace of a
metric space.
UNIT II: Completeness and Separability 12
Sequences and subsequences in a metric space, Convergent and Cauchy sequences,
Complete metric spaces, Relation between completeness and closedness, Cantor
Intersection Theorem, Completion Theorem, Dense sets, Separable spaces, Nowhere dense
sets, Categories and Baire Category Theorem.
UNIT III: Compactness and Connectedness 12
Cover of a metric space, Compact metric spaces, Compact sets and their criterion,
Properties of compact sets, Relation between compactness, completeness and closedness,
Finite Intersection property, Bolzano-Weierstrass property, Sequential compactness, Totally
bounded spaces; Separated sets, Connected and disconnected metric spaces, Properties of
connected sets.
UNIT IV: Continuity 12
Continuous functions between two metric spaces, Characterizations of Continuous
functions, Continuous functions on compact spaces and connected space, Uniform
continuous functions, Homeomorphism and Isometry.
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *Q. H. Ansari: Metric Spaces Including Fixed Point Theory and Set-valued Maps,
Text Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 2010.
Reference 2. E. T. Copson: Metric spaces, Cambridge University Press, 1968.
Books 3. M. O. Searcoid: Metric spaces, Springer, 2007.
4. S. Kumaresan: Topology of Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House, 2 nd Ed, 2011.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Complex Analysis
Course Number MMB-654
Credits 4
Course Category Compulsory
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to provide knowledge about the analytical aspects of
complex functions in complex variables with visualization through relevant practicals.
Particular emphasis has been laid on Cauchy’s theorems, series expansions and calculation of
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Understand the significance of differentiability of complex functions leading to the
understanding of Cauchy-Riemann equations.
• Evaluate the contour integrals and understand the role of Cauchy-Goursat theorem
and the Cauchy integral formula.
• Expand some simple functions as their Taylor and Laurent series, classify the nature
of singularities, find residues and apply Cauchy Residue theorem to evaluate
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Basic Concepts 12
Revision of complex number system, Triangle inequality and its applications, Polar and
Exponential forms of complex numbers: De-Moivre’s formulae and Euler’s formulae, Products and
quotients in exponential form, Roots of complex numbers, Point sets and Regions in complex
plane, Extended complex plane, Spherical representation of complex numbers: Stereographic
UNIT II: Functions of a complex variable 12
Limits, Continuity and differentiability of functions of a complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann (CR)
equations, Sufficient conditions for differentiability, Polar form of CR equations, Analytic
functions, Harmonic functions, Harmonic conjugate, Polar form of Laplace equation, Exponential,
Logarithmic, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic functions of complex variables, Complex exponents,
Inverse trigonometric and inverse hyperbolic functions.

UNIT III: Complex Integration 12

Definite integral of a complex valued function of a real variable, Contour integrals, Cauchy-
Goursat theorem (without proof), Consequences of Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy’s integral
formula, Cauchy’s integral formula for higher order derivatives, Morera’s theorem, Cauchy’s
inequality, Liouville’s theorem, Fundamental theorem of algebra, Gauss’ mean value theorem.
UNIT IV: Complex Sequence and Series 12
Sequence and series of complex numbers and their convergences, Sequence and series of complex
functions and their convergences, Power series and its convergence (Absolute/Uniform), Taylor’s
series, Laurent’s series (without proof), Singular points and its classifications, Zeros and poles of
order m, Residues, Calculation of residues, Residue theorem.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text 1. *R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown: Complex Variables and Applications, New York
Books*/ *McGraw Hill, 9th Ed, 2013.
Reference 2. H. S. Kasana: Complex Variables -Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall of India, New
Books Delhi, 2nd Ed, 2008.
3. Murray R. Spiegel: Theory and Problems of Complex Variables, Schaum’s Outline Series.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title C Programming and Matlab
Course Number MMB-655
Credits 4
Course Category Optional
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives 1. To familiarize student the concept of programming in C and exploring software like
2. To enable the student on how to approach for solving problems using simulation tools.
3. To prepare the students to use MATLAB in their project works.
4. To provide a foundation in use of this softwares for real time applications.
Course Outcomes On Successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
• Ability to express programming & simulation.
• Ability to find importance of this software for Lab Experimentation.
• Articulate importance of software’s in research by simulation work.
• Ability to write basic mathematical problems in MATLAB.

Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures

UNIT I: MATLAB Windows and Mathematical Operations with Arrays 12
Introduction to MATLAB, Standard MATLAB windows (Command Window, Figure
Window, Editor Window, help window), The semicolon (;), The clc command, Using
MATLAB as calculator, Display formats, Elementary math built in functions, The zeroes,
ones and eye commands, The transpose operators, Using a colon, Adding elements to
existing variables, Deleting elements, Creating arrays (one dimensional & two
dimensional), Built in functions for handling arrays, Array multiplication, Inverse of a
matrix, Solving three linear equations (array division), Element by element operations, Built
in function for analysing arrays, Generation of random numbers, Creating and saving a
script files, output commands.
UNIT II: User-Defined Functions and Function Files 12
User-defined functions and function files, Creating a Function File, Structure of a function
file, Function definition, Input and output arguments, Function body, Local and global
variables, Saving a function file, Using a user-defined function, Examples of simple user-
defined Functions, Comparison between script files and function files, Anonymous and
inline functions, Anonymous functions, Inline functions, Using function handles for passing
a function into a function, Using a function name for passing a function into a function,
Subfunctions nested functions.
UNIT III: Programming in MATLAB and Plots with Special Graphics 12
Programming in MATLAB, Relational and logical operators, Conditional statements: The
If-End structure, The If-Else-End structure, The If-Elseif-Else-End structure, The switch-
Case statement, Loops: For-End Loops, While-End Loops, Nested Loops And Nested
Conditional statements, The break and continue commands,Two dimension and three
dimensional plots, Line plots, Mesh and surface plots, Plots with special graphics.
UNIT IV: Symbolic Math and Applications in Numerical Analysis 12
Solving an equation with one variable, Finding a minimum or a maximum of a function,
Numerical integration, Ordinary differential equations, Interpolation etc, Symbolic Math:
symbolic objects and symbolic expressions, Creating symbolic objects, Creating symbolic
expressions, Changing the form of an existing symbolic expression, Integration, Solving an
ordinary differential equation, Plotting symbolic expressions, Numerical calculations with
symbolic expressions, Examples Of MATLAB applications etc. .
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text Books*/ 1. *Amos Gilat: MATLAB-An Introduction and its Applications, Wiley India Edition.
Reference Books 2. *E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C, McGraw Hill Education, 8th Ed.
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI Semester approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Optimization
Course Number MMB-656
Credits 4
Course Category Optional
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course begins with applications and scope of O.R. Formulation of linear
programming problem and then different methods to solve them will be discussed.
Duality in LPP will be introduced. Introduction to NLPP and some solving methods
will be covered. At the end KKT Conditions and convex optimization
techniqueswill be discussed.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
Students will understand the concept of LPP and NLPP and will be able to solve some
reallife problems using optimization techniques. This course will make them capable
to attend different competitions problems mainly asked in GATE and NET.
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Introduction to LPP and Graphical Method 12
Definitions and scope of O.R.(see Ch-1 in [1]), Linear programming problem (Sec:2.2 in
[1]), Formulation of linear programming problem (Sec:2.3, 2.4 in [1]), Graphical solution of
L.P.P. (Sec:3.2 in [1]), Some exceptional cases (Sec:3.3 in [1]), General L.P.P. and some
definitions (Sec:3.4 in [1]), Canonical and standard form of L.P.P. (Sec:3.5 in [1]),
Hyperplanes, Convex sets and their properties (Sec:0.13 in [1]).
UNIT II: Simplex Method and Duality 12
Some definitions (Sec:4.1 in [1]), Fundamental theorem of linear programming (Theo 4.3 in
[1]), Simplex method (Sec:4.3 in [1]), Two-phase method, Big M method (Sec:4.4 in [1]),
Duality in L.P.P., General Primal-Dual pair (Sec:5.2, 5.4 in [1]), Weak duality theorem,
Strong duality theorem (Sec:5.5 in[1]), Dual simplex method (Sec:5.9 in [1]).
UNIT III: Introduction to NLPP and Some Solving Methods 12
Convex functions and their properties (Sec: 7.2 in [2]), General NLPP (Sec: 27.3 in [1]),
Formulation of NLPP (Sec: 27.2 in [1]), Methods for solving NLPP: Graphical method
(Sec: 28.2 in [1]), Method of Lagrange's multipliers (Sec: 27.4 in [1]), The Steepest Descent
method (unconstrained opt. prob.) (Sec: 9.4 in [2]), Newton's method (unconstrained opt.
prob.) (Sec: 9.5 in [2]).
UNIT IV: KKT Conditions and Convex Optimization 12
KKT necessary/sufficient optimality conditions, Solution of NLPP using KKT conditions
(Sec: 27.5 in [1], Sec: 8.5 in [2]), Quadratic programming (Sec: 28.4 in [1]), Wolfe's method
for quadratic programming (Sec: 28.5 in [1], Sec: 7.7 in [2]), Convex programming
problems (Sec: 7.4 in [2]).
Total No. of Lectures 48
1. *Kanti Swarup, P.K. Gupta, Man Mohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons,
Text 2009.
Books*/ 2. *S. Chandra, Jayadeva, Aparna Mehra, Numerical Optimization with Applications,
3. Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research, An Introduction, 9th Edition, Pearson.
4. M.S. Bazarra, H.D. Sheral and C.M. Shetty, Nonlinear Programming theory and
Syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. VI approved in BOS: 01-08-2019
Course Title Discrete Mathematics
Course Number MMB-657
Credits 4
Course Category Optional
Prerequisite Courses None
Contact Hours 4 Lectures/week
Type of Course Theory
Course Assessment Sessional Tests 30%
Semester Examination 70%
Course Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the following concepts and cognitive
The definition of different types and families of graphs. The application of a graph as a
mathematical model for many real life situations. The definition of isomorphism of
graphs. Exploring different types of subgraphs of a graph. The definition of basic
concepts related to graphs and graph operations. Representation of a graph using
adjacency and incidence matrices. Computing the number of spanning trees of a graph
using the matrix tree theorem and the deletion contraction method. Prim’s and
Kruskal’s Algorithms to construct Minimum Spanning Trees. Introduce coding and
discuss "What is coding?" and "Why do we use it?". Discuss simple error models,
Hamming distance, and coding gain. Introduce the student to applications in
Communication, Weight of code word, and Distance between the code word.
Course Outcomes On successful completion of this course, student should be able to:
• Prove the hand shaking lemma and its corollaries.
• Apply the handshaking lemma to different problems.
• Test whether two given graphs are isomorphic.
• Calculate the order and size of line graph and product
• graphs using data of given ones.
• Compute the independence, covering and dominating numbers of a graph.
• Utilize suitable algorithms to find the complement, line, powers, closure and dual
of some given graph.
• Prove some criteria for Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs.
• Represent graphs using adjacency and incidence matrices.
• The student has knowledge of properties of and algorithms for coding and
decoding of linear block codes
• The student is able to apply various algorithms and techniques for coding and
Contents of Syllabus No. of Lectures
UNIT I: Introduction to Graphs 12
Definition of a graph, Finite and infinite graphs, Incidence of vertices and edges, Types of
graphs, Subgraphs, Representing graphs and graph isomorphism, Matrix representation of
graphs, Incidence and adjacency matrices of graphs, Degree sequences.
UNIT II: More on Graph Theory 12
Walks, Trails, Paths, Connected graphs, Distance, Cut-vertices, Cut-edges, Block, Euler’s
path and circuit, Hamiltonian path and circuit, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, Planar
UNIT III: Trees 12
Introduction to Trees and characterizations, Applications and properties of Trees, Rooted
and binary trees, Spanning Trees, Weighted graphs, Prim’s Algorithm to construct
Minimum Spanning Trees, Kruskal’s Algorithm to to construct Minimum Spanning Trees,
Dijktrals Algorithm to find the shortest Path.
UNIT IV: Coding Theory 12
Introduction to coding theory, Error Correction and decoding, Communication channel,
Coding problem, Block codes, Hamming distance, Nearest neighbour/ minimum distance
decoding, Group codes, Weight of code word, Distance between the code word.
Total No. of Lectures 48
Text 1. *W. B. West: Introduction to Graph Theory, Prearson Education, Singapore (Unit I-III).
Books*/ 2. G. Charteand and P. Zhang: Introduction to Graph Theory, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
Reference 3. *S. Ling and C. P. Xing: Coding Theory-A First Course, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2004 (Unit IV).

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