Mig Report

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•To gain experience and knowledge of the use of MIG welding and materials safe.
• To discipline students using workshop should.
•To provide exposure to the students about security is important.
•Ensure that the students that they know how to use TIG-machine and hand tools in the right
•Improve the students during their patience do workpiece.
•Able to help students in the job environment requires skill.
Metal inert gas welding, or MIG welding, is the most widely used of the arc welding processes.
It is suitable for everything from hobbies and small fabrications or repairs, through to large
structures, shipbuilding and robotic welding. MIG can be used on a broad range of material sand
thicknesses, and the latest Super Pulse technology enables MIG to give a finish that is similar to
that obtained with TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding, yet with the speed for which MIG is
The concept underlying MIG welding is simple, with the arc being struck between the tip of the
reel-fed wire as it emerges from the torch, and the workpiece. A shielding gas prevents oxidation
forming, or the use of some flux-cored wires avoids the need for a shielding gas. With most MIG
welding sets, the user sets the wire feed speed, which determines the current; then the user sets
the voltage to suit that current.
Ease of use is clearly a major benefit of MIG in many applications, but speed is also important. It
is far quicker to lay down weld metal with MIG than TIG, MMA (manual metal arc or ‘stick’
welding) or gas welding.

Some of the measures that need to be done while in welding workshop area:
 Well-dressed/ neat and safe: (safety shoes, safety jacket, sports pants).
 Wear goggles when welding Goggles protect the eyes when students operate MIG
 Do not look at welding with the naked eye as strong arc light can cause eye pain/ glare
and juicy.
 Put the lid onto the shirt before use MIG welding.
 When wearing an apron workshop always tie back not in front.
 Remove watches/ rings and bracelets as they can endanger yourself while using welding
conditions and cause injury.
 Turn off welding before cleaning.
 Always ensure MIG welding and hand tools are clean.
 Make sure the door is not greasy so as to avoid injuries from occurring.
 Before getting into the workshop the students must clad mechanical workshop.
 Students who use MIG welding or equipment without the permission of the lecturer will
be disciplinary action.
 In the event of any injury to the student/ please report it immediately to a lecturer in
action further.
 Do not play in the welding workshop because it is too dangerous may happen injuries.
-To protect hand from:

 Spark and flying metals.

 Hot metal during and after welding.

-Place where all welding activity is

-The workpiece will be placed on the table so

that welding process can be done.

-The gas involved in the welding process
prevents the molten welding pool from
interacting with the surrounding gases in the

-Hand tool used to hold objects firmly or for
cutting and bending tough materials


-Complete the electric circuit from power

supply, through the electrode across the arc
through the workpiece and back to the power

-Should be firmly attached to workpiece or



-Provides full facial protection from:

 Sparks and flying metals.

 Intense light from arc.
 Ultra-violet light.
 Infrared.

- MIG welding is generally used for large and
thick materials.

-It employs a consumable wire that acts as

both the electrode and the filler material.


1. Take the two mild steel pieces of given dimensions and clean the surfaces thoroughly
from rust, dust particles, oil and grease.
2. Remove the sharp corners and burrs by filing or grinding.
3. One edge of each piece is beveled, to an angle 30'.
4. The two pieces are positioned on the welding table such that, they are separated
slightly for better penetration of the weld.
5. The electrode holder and the welding current is set to a proper value.
6. The ground clamp is fastened to the welding table. The machine is switched ON.
7. Wearing the apron, hand gloves, using the face shield, the arc is struck and the work
pieces are tack-welded at the ends and holding the two pieces together; first run of the
well is done to fill the root gap.
8. Second run of the welding is done with proper weaving and with uniform movement.
During the process of welding, the electrode is kept at angle of 15' to 25' from vertical
and in the direction of welding.
9. Filing is done to remove spatters around the weld.
10. The welded plates are allowed for air cooling after the slags are removed.
11. The weld joint portions are cleaned.


1. Take the two mild steel pieces of given dimensions and clean the surfaces thoroughly
from rust, dust particles, oil and grease.
2. Remove the sharp corners and burrs by filing or grinding and prepare the work
3. The work pieces are positioned on the welding table such that, the T shape is formed.
4. The electrode holder and the welding current is set to a proper value.
5. The ground clamp is fastened to the welding table.
6. Wearing the apron, hand gloves, using the face shield and holding the pieces the arc
is struck and the work pieces are tack-welded at both the ends.
7. The alignment of the T joint is checked and the tack-welded pieces are reset, if
8. Welding is then carried out throughout the length of the T joint.
9. The welded plates are allowed for air cooling after the slags are removed.
10. The weld joint portions are cleaned.

1. Take the two mild steel pieces of given dimensions and clean the surfaces thoroughly
from rust, dust particles, oil and grease.
2. Remove the sharp corners and burrs by filing or grinding and prepare the work pieces.
3. The work pieces are positioned on the welding table, to form a lap joint with the required
over lapping.
4. The electrode holder and the welding current is set to a proper value.
5. The ground clamp is fastened to the welding table.
6. Wearing the apron, hand gloves, using the face shield and holding the over lapped pieces
the arc is struck and the work pieces are tack-welded at the ends of both the sides.
7. The alignment of the lap joint is checked and the tack-welded pieces are reset, if required.
8. Welding is then carried out throughout the length of the lap joint, on both the sides.
9. The welded plates are allowed for air cooling after the slags are removed.
10. The weld joint portions are cleaned.
As a result, a welded joint may develop various discontinuities. Welding discontinuities also
can be cause by an inadequate or careless application of proper welding or by poor operator
training. The major discontinuities that affect weld quality are described here.

1) Porosity

 Porosity in welds may be caused by:

 Gases released during melting of the weld area, but trapped during solidification.
 Chemical reactions during welding.
 Contaminants.
 Porosity can be reduced by:
 Proper selection of electrodes and filler metals.
 Improved welding techniques, such as preheating the weld area or increasing the
rate of heat input.
 Proper cleaning and the prevention of contaminants from entering the weld zone.
 Reduced welding speed allow time for gas to escape.

2) Slag Inclusions

 Slag inclusions are compounds such as oxides, fluxes and electrode coating materials that
are trapped in the weld zone.

 Welding conditions are important as well as with the control of welding process
parameters, the molten slag will float to the surface of the molten weld metal and thus
will not become entrapped.

 Slag inclusions can be prevented by the following practices:

 Cleaning the weld-bead surface by means of wire brush (hand or power) or a

chipper before the next layer is deposited.
 Providing sufficient shielding gas.
3) Incomplete Fusion and Penetration
 Incomplete fusion produces poor weld beads. A better weld can be obtained by the use of
the following practices:

 Raising the temperature of the based metal.

 Cleaning the weld area before welding.
 Changing the type of electrode used.
 Providing sufficient shielding gas.

 Incomplete penetration occurs when the depth of the welded is insufficient. Penetration
can be improved by:
 Increasing the heat input.
 Reducing the travel speed during welding.
 Modifying the design.
 Ensuring that the surfaces to be fit each other properly.

Figure 2: Examples of various discontinuities in fusion welds

4) Weld profile
 Its effects on the strength and appearance of the weld, but also because it can indicate
incomplete fusion or the presence of slag inclusions in multiple-layer welds.
 Underfilling results when the joint is not filled with the proper amount of weld
metal. (Figure 30.20a).
 Undercutting results from the melting away of the based metal and consequent
generation of a groove in the shape recess or notch. (Figure b)
 Overlap is a surface discontinuity (Figure b) usually caused by poor welding or
by the selection of improper materials. A good weld is shown in figure c.

Figure 3: Examples of various defects in fusion welds

5) High amperage
 The electrode will melt faster and molten puddle will be excessively large and irregular.
 Excessive spatter will occur due to high amperage. It’s a scattering of molten metal
particles that cool to solid from near weld bead.

6) Low amperage

 Not enough heat to melt the base metal and molten pool will be too small.
 Lead to incomplete fusion as both metals are not completely joined by the weld.
 The correction for this problem would be to increase heat, slow travel speed and
increase arc length.

 At last, I conclude that welding is a process of joining the two metal. But during
joining process many defects occurs due to using wrong technique. Wrong
parameters, so the welding qualities decrease and joint become poor.
 I suggest that by given proper training to welder so that he can use proper method,
accurate parameters that is (current, arc, length, position of welding, travel speed
 It was the good experience for me to completed my project on the MIG welding.

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