Who Is Who
Who Is Who
Who Is Who
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I’m fourteen years old. I’ve I’m a very kind boy. I’ve got big I’m in my forties. I’m a
got pink hair. I’m wearing a blue eyes and my hair is short construction worker. I have a
blue scarf and a purple skirt. and blonde. beautiful wife and one son.
I always wear a safety helmet
I love playing video games I love doing sports. I play football when I’m working. Accidents
happen all the time.
with my brother, Samuel. and tennis.
I work eight hours a day.
My parents are proud of me.
I’m in my twenties. I’ve got I’m a busy woman. I’m in my I’m a young boy. I’ve got short blond
a handsome boyfriend. He fifties. I sell computers and hair and green eyes.
is an engineer. We want to I’m seventeen years old. I haven’t got
software to people. I’ve got
get married soon. a girlfriend but I’ve got some good
medium length dark hair. I’m friends.
I’ve got long red hair and wearing a blue dress and carrying I’m wearing jeans and a green and
blue eyes. I’m wearing a a briefcase. blue T-shirt.
green dress.
I’m wearing a blue suit and carrying a I’m a housewife. I’m fifty one years old. I
briefcase. It’s important for my job to wear a love cooking for my husband. He is a
tie and be elegant. friendly woman and he loves me a lot.
I’m in my early fifties and I wear glasses Today I’m cooking a vegetable soup which
because I’m short sighted. is my husband’s favourite dish.