Love and Logic
Love and Logic
Love and Logic
1 Teaching with Love and Logic Jim Fay and David Funk
Co- author of the book Teaching with Love and Logic as well as multiple other books, videos and audios.
Co-author, with Jim Fay, of Teaching with Love and Logic, and the author of Love and Logic Solutions for
Kids with Special Needs.
It is essential to structure the classroom in a way that will build positive relationships with children. The
structure teaches students responsibility and self-discipline in a way that portrays the message that
adults care.
5 Philosophy
“The Love and Logic philosophy teaches character. Character is built out of a formula that involves three
things: A child making a mistake, an adult feeling empathy and compassion for the child, and the child
learning from the consequences of his or her actions.“(Fay & Funk, 1995).
Teacher tells students how she plans to run her life by using enforceable statements. The teacher is not
telling the students how to run their lives.
Provide choices within limits
Students are provided with choices throughout the day creating a savings account from which the
teacher can withdraw (assert control) when necessary.
No reprimands or anger
9 Misbehavior
Misbehavior can be attributed to the student’s need to feel in control. Misbehavior can be curbed by
implementing the 9 essential skills, two of the most important being, offering students acceptable
choices and responding to consequences in an empathetic manner. Educators that use these strategies
treat children with respect and dignity.
10 Behaviors
Students are in control of their actions, act responsibly, and are able to make proper decisions.
Students understand that when given two choices they must choose within ten seconds otherwise the
teacher will make the choice for them.
The theorists believe that achievement and behavior are highly related to self concept.
The teacher is a model in this theory. They should act, think, and speak in a way that has a positive effect
on students. Research shows that in a culturally responsive classroom the teacher must create a safe,
supportive classroom because it affects student motivation and achievement (Jones V. and Jones L.,
Fay and Funk describe a developing a “bank account of shared power” in their discipline theory (Davies,
2004). To receive student cooperation teachers must give students many choices throughout the day. In
a culturally responsive classroom a “positive behavior bank account” is put into practice (Jones V. and
Jones L., 2009). Teachers need to have positive interactions with students in order for students to
respond positively to teacher requests.
The Teaching with Love and Logic theory focuses heavily on interactions between people.
This support construct mirrors the beliefs and values of a culturally responsive classroom. All students
know they are appreciated, they understand themselves as learners, and they are responsible for their
14 Rewards
In this discipline theory students are rewarded by having choices and control in the classroom.
There must be limits to the choices because they “determine the boundary of our security.”
15 Rewards
Fay and Funk believe when choices are given in the proper manner teachers are sharing control of the
classroom with students.
1) Must be legitimate.
2) Choices need to be equally acceptable to both parties. Do not offer choices if you do not agree with
16 Consequences
Fay and Funk believe that advanced warning of consequences does not prevent misbehavior.
Every student and every situation is unique so it does not make sense to have set consequences in your
Student teacher problems do not have to be solved immediately after they happen.
It is better to wait until the student and the teacher have calmed down to administer consequences.
17 Consequences
Fay and Funk believe there is a difference between consequences and punishment. Students feel the
two techniques differently. When a student is receiving a consequence they feel from the inside. They
know they their behavior was unacceptable and must learn how to fix it. When a student is experiencing
a punishment the pain is coming from the outside. They become mad at others for treating them
18 Consequences
Fay and Funk list guidelines for teachers when administering consequences:
The consequence should occur relatively close to the time and place where the negative behavior took
Students should have the opportunity to develop a new plan for positive behavior.
19 Pros
Uses positive talk so that students focus on what to do instead of what not to do
"I will begin when everyone is quiet" instead of saying "I'm not going to start until you are quiet."
Giving students too much power could result in students feeling as though they have control over what
the teacher does
Potential for students to exhibit the same behavior again if it is forgotten about or not dealt with
22 Classroom Applications
Providing Choices
Only offering two acceptable choices (both of which are desired by the teacher) doesn’t give students
any opportunity to choose something that would be unacceptable
23 Classroom Applications
“I Noticed…”
Experimental method that works towards reaching out to students that may be a struggle in the
“For six times over a period of three weeks, say something like, "I noticed ... that you like horses”
It is unnecessary to include praise or judgment, but make the student feel special by asking, "Will you try
that just for me?”
Gives them reason to believe that the teacher cares about them outside of being a student (cares about
their interests and hobbies)
24 Classroom Applications
Enforceable Statements
When words such as these are used, students focus on the phrase that follows the “not” or “don’t”, and
their brains register it as something that they should in fact do instead of something that they should
not do.
Phrases like “Walk please” instead of “Don’t run” emphasize the behavior that is desired and doesn’t
even place into thought a behavior that is undesirable.
25 Prompt/Scenario 1
At the beginning of your lesson you notice a student is standing on their chair. They see you look at
them but continue with the same behavior. How do you get them to sit down in their chair using Love
and Logic?
Teacher can say, “I noticed that you are not sitting in your chair correctly. I am very concerned for your
safety. I noticed that you enjoy running at recess and would be sad if you hurt yourself and could not
play at recess. You can either sit in the chair by me or sit in your seat.”
26 Prompt/Scenario 2
During your lesson you see a student talking out and not raising their hand. How do you get the student
to stop talking out using Love and Logic?
Teacher can say, “I noticed you have something important to say. I call on students who raise their hand
before speaking out. You can either raise your hand and wait to be called on or write down your
question on a piece of paper.”
27 Prompt/Scenario 3
You see a student not wanting to do their math assignment during math time. How do you get them to
work on their math assignment using Love and Logic?
The teacher can say, “I noticed you are having a hard time working on your math today. Would you
please try to finish your assignment just for me? I would be very sad if you had to take it home to do for
extra homework. You can either finish it during class time or do it for homework.”
Two times a week for three weeks tell the students something you noticed about them. Do not go into
detail about what you notice unless the students initiate conversation. Do not say that you like or dislike
the thing that you noticed. For example, you can say something like, “I noticed you have a new
Offer students choices throughout the day. You should offer two acceptable choices. If the students will
not make a choice, the teacher makes the choice for them. For example, you can say, “You can either do
your writing assignment in your composition notebook or on a blank sheet of paper.”
Give students the chance to make their own decisions and learn from their behavior. Ask students,
“What do you think will happen if you don’t pay attention in class? How do you think you will do on the
assessment if you miss this important lesson?”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how good a decision do you think that is?”
30 Resources
Davies, L. (2004, June). Love and logic basics. Retrieved from eacherTip46.html Fay, J., & Funk, D. (1995).
Teaching with love and logic: Taking control of the classroom. Golden, CO: Love and Logic Press, Inc.
Talbot, M. (2012). Tips for teaching with love and logic. Retrieved from teaching-love-logic.html What is
love and logic for parents?. (2012). Retrieved from teachers.html