Syllabus For Cost Accounting and Control
Syllabus For Cost Accounting and Control
Syllabus For Cost Accounting and Control
Vision Mission
The City of Malabon University College of College of Business and Accountancy of the City
Business and Accountancy is committed to of Malabon University aims to provide life-long
produce Trustworthy and Competent learning with relevant experiences; rooted upon
Professionals in the World of Business. Ethical and Standard in Business Industries.
College Goals
C.B.A.-C.M.U. generally anchored to the following objectives; to wit:
To keep the students updated with the latest information through in-house seminars and training.
To actualize the theoretical knowledge and application through on-the-job training, case analysis
and management research for economic decision making.
Program Outcomes
Course Information
Course Name Course Code
Cost Accounting and Control CAE 218
Pre-Requisite Subject Course Credit
Basic Accounting Process/ Taxation 6 units
Course Requirements
1. Basic Accounting Process
2. Taxation
3. Intermediate Accounting
Grading System
% Scale Rating Numerical Rating Remarks
98-100 1.00 Excellent
95-97 1.25 Excellent
92-94 1.50 Very Good
89-91 1.75 Very Good
86-88 2.00 Good
83-85 2.25 Good
80-82 2.50 Satisfactory
77-79 2.75 Satisfactory
75-76 3.00 Passed
Below 75 5.00 Failed
INC Incomplete
DO Dropped Officially
DU (5.00) Dropped Unofficially
Course Description
This course aims to provide a practical knowledge of cost accounting systems and procedures to help
students understand and use accounting data necessary for planning, controlling and costing products
and services. The lecture will start with an overview of the nature and purpose of cost accounting.
Students will learn the basic concept that cost flow matches work flow and later go through the major
areas of cost accounting i.e., job order cost accounting, process cost accounting and standard cost.
Course Outcomes
Basic Concepts
Job Order Cost Cycle
Purchasing Materials
Storing and Issuing of Materials
Controlling Inventory
Labor Accounting
Manufacturing Overhead Accounting
Activity Based Costing
Accounting for Losses
Process Costing
Average Costing
FIFO Costing
Accounting for Spoiled Units
Accounting for Joint Products and By-Products
Standard Costing
Just-in-Time Manufacturing System
k 11
k 12
k 13
k 14
Cost Accounting Principles and Procedural Application 2018 edition by Pedro P. Guevarra
Any Cost Accounting book available in the bookstore will be helpful