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Essential Side Quests: An Essentials Phandalin Adventure

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Essential Side Quests

An Essentials Phandalin Adventure

Introduction: This module provides additional material for running the chapters on The Woodland
Manse and Circle of Thunder found in The Dragon of Icespire Peak box set. Running the module
requires the box set to run properly and these adventures only provides additional material and
small changes to the original.
This adventure provides this supplemental material for use for PCs of level 4-6 as recommended in
the box set in an easy to read and easy to print format.

A multi-night adventure for 4th - 6th level characters

by Keith Stonefield

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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Essential Side Quests More recently, a half-orc Anthracite of Talos named
Grannoc planted seeds from the Gulthias Tree in the
manse and tends the blights that it spawns. The blights
For Characters of Level 4-6 threaten the region if left unchecked.

Quest Goals
To complete the Woodland Manse quest, the PCs must
eradicate the evil inside the manse. A reward will be
coming from Falcon if they have begun this quest there.

W1: Pumpkin Patches __

Nine boars feed in the patches surrounding the
manse. Of the nine, only six are accrual boars and the
other three are anchorites of Talos. They will flee into
the woods unless one of the anchorites is attacked, then
they will all attack.
The pumpkins are mildly magical and can be detected
with a detect magic spell or DMs can allow the PCs to
make a Wisdom check (Medicine DC15) or Intelligence
check (Nature DC20) to determine that they have
healing properties. At your option, you can allow PCs
Background with the hermit background advantage to this check.
The town of Phandalin was originally destroyed The needle blights listed below are to be used as part
hundreds of years ago and slowly resettled over the of the encounter; Leaving the Manse, for when the PCs
years as a frontier town serving farmers, miners, and are leaving if the boars and anchorites have not already
frontiersmen. Recent news of the discovery and been dealt with. They are not part of the initial
reopening of Wave Echo Mines have brought a recent encounter when approaching the manse.
boom to the small settlement. While most of the new
settlers are good, hard-working folk, several have come Boar, Normal (6) _Med. Beast, UN
to fleece the others of their hard-won gains. Armor Class- natural 12
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
The Essentials box set introduces a white dragon
Speed 40 ft.
looming over the region and orcs that have been driven
out of their mountain home by the dragon as one of the
main threats to the region. These orcs have been finding 13 11 12 2 9 5
allies along the lowlands, including the half-orc (+1) (+0) (+1) (-4) (-1) (-3)
anchorites of Talos living in Neverwinter Wood. Senses Perception -1
However, the anchorites have their own plan on the Languages Nil
region and threaten Falcon’s Hunting Lodge, but Falcon Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
himself only suspects something’s amiss in the woods. Abilities_______________ _____________
Charge. If it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
Part 1: Woodland Manse target and hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the
target takes an extra (1d6) slashing damage, and must
Location Overview make a Strength save (DC11) or be knocked prone.
Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 7
Years ago, a half-elf wizard whose name is lost to time damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is
settled in the region and built the manse in order to reduced to 1 hit point instead.
study several ancient elven ruins in the area. Over time, Actions________________ _____________
the wizard moved or disappeared and his mansion fell Tusk. +3 to hit, Hit: (1d6+1) damage.
into ruins as the wards began to fail. This part of the
adventure is also part of the third set of quests
presented on the jobs board. It is presented here since it
is easily stumbled upon if the PCs spend any time at
Falcon’s Hunting Lodge.

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Half-Orc Anchorite of Talos (half-orc, shapechanger), NE earlier when traveling to Falcon’s Hunting Lodge, these
Armor Class- hide 14 blights appear to be crude images of the PCs.
Hit Points (9d8+18) 65
Speed 30 ft. Blight, Twig_(5) _ __ __Sm. plant, NE
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class- natural 13
16 13 14 9 15 12 Hit Points (1d6+1) 5
(+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+2) (+1) Speed 20 ft.
Skills Nature +1, Stealth +3, Survival +4 6 13 12 4 8 3
Senses darkvision 60’, Perception +2 (-2) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Skills Stealth +3
Abilities___________________ _________ Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Innate Spellcasting. Wisdom based. DC 12 / +5 hit Condition Immunities blind, deaf
1/day each: augury, bless, lightning bolt (8d6 damage), Senses BS 60ft, (blind beyond), Perception -1
revivify Languages understands Common
3/day: thunderwave (2d8 damage) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Abilities___________________ _________
Shapechanger. As an action, the anchorite can
False Appearance. While motionless it is
polymorph into a boar or back into its true form, which is
indistinguishable from a normal dead shrub.
humanoid. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It Actions_________________ ____________
reverts to its true form if it dies. Claws: +3 to hit, (1d4+1).
Actions_______________________ ______
Ray of Frost: +5 to hit, (2d8) cold and speed is reduced W8: Courtyard __
by 10ft until the start of your next turn. range 60ft.
The Gulthias Tree grows out of the old well in the
Clawed Gauntlet +5 to hit, (1d4+3) slashing
courtyard. Orcs can be heard from area W18 and W10
Tusk (Boar Form Only): +5 to hit, (1d6+3) slashing
holds Grannoc and more blights. Both these groups will
come to aid the vine blights. This can be a dangerous
Blight, Needle (8) __Med. plant, NE fight for the PCs is all these people join the fight,
Armor Class- natural 12 especially if the PCs are still 4th level.
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
Speed 30 ft. Blight, Vine_(5)_ _ __Med. plant, NE
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Armor Class- natural 12
12 12 13 4 8 3 Hit Points (4d8+8) 26
(+1) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) Speed 10 ft.
Condition Immunities blind, deaf 15 8 14 5 10 3
Senses BS 60ft, (blind beyond)Perception -1 (+2) (-1) (+2) (-3) (+0) (-4)
Languages understands Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Skills Stealth +1
Actions________________ _____________ Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Claws: +3 to hit, (2d4+1). Condition Immunities blind, deaf
Needles: +3 to hit, (2d6+1) 30/60ft Senses BS 60ft, (blind beyond)Perception +0
Languages Common
W2: Portico and Balcony __ Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities__________ __________________
The main entrance describes the entrance on the first
False Appearance. While motionless it is
floor and the PCs being able to climb up to the balcony
indistinguishable from a normal dead shrub.
and enter from the second floor. These areas are free
from the poisonous ivy that grows along the walls. Actions___________ __________________
Constrict: +4 to hit (10ft), (2d6+2) and grapples (escape
W5: Dining Room __ DC 12). Until ends the target is restrained and the blight
In this destroyed dining room, there is a large cannot grapple another target.
fireplace that has twig blights standing still upon the Entangling Plants (Rec ): 15ft radius on blight. For 1
mantle. If the PCs encountered the boar in the woods minute the area becomes difficult terrain for non-plants.

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In addition, each creature of the blight’s choice at the Blight, Twig_(12)_ __ __Sm. plant, NE
time of creation makes a ST (DC12 STR) or become
Armor Class- natural 13
restrained. A creature can use its action to make
Hit Points (1d6+1) 5
another ST, freeing itself or another creature.
Speed 20 ft.
W10: Wizard Laboratory __ 6 13 12 4 8 3
Grannoc is here preforming a ritual in the dark (-2) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4)
according to main book. Feel free to have several
candles in the room providing dim light showing more Skills Stealth +3
grotesque elements of the dead animals used in the Damage Vulnerabilities fire
rituals. Condition Immunities blind, deaf
Senses BS 60ft, (blind beyond), Perception -1
Combat in area W8 alerts him to the danger from the Languages understands Common
PCs. The books says that he is in the middle of a ritual Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
and should likely just send the blights to investigate Abilities___________________ _________
before he ends his ritual and comes to engage himself. False Appearance. While motionless it is
Treasure: Grannoc has a map of the woods showing the indistinguishable from a normal dead shrub.
location for the Circle of Thunder. There is also tribute Actions_________________ ____________
brought by the orcs in area W18 to get the half-orcs to Claws: +3 to hit, (1d4+1).
join them. There is a wooden coffer with 200sp, 50gp,
and a gem worth 250gp. W13: Magic Item Vault __
Half-Orc Anchorite of Talos (half-orc, shapechanger), NE It is strange that the book calls for a Perception check
Armor Class- hide 14 (DC10) to find the secret room. This does not make
Hit Points (9d8+18) 65 sense logically since the half-orcs should have found it by
Speed 30 ft. now.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Feel free to make it more difficult for the PCs to be
16 13 14 9 15 12 rewarded with the magic items found within. The wall
(+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+2) (+1) should show a series of numbers carved into the wall. By
making an Intelligence check (Investigation DC15), the
Skills Nature +1, Stealth +3, Survival +4
PCs can figure out a pattern to align them and open the
Senses darkvision 60’, Perception +2
secret room.
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Treasure: There are a couple minor items in this room,
Abilities___________________ _________ but feel free to add a more unique item like a magical
Innate Spellcasting. Wisdom based. DC 12 / +5 hit weapon, sampled below that a PC can use.
1/day each: augury, bless, lightning bolt (8d6 damage),
revivify +0 Longsword (Slash-N-Burn)
3/day: thunderwave (2d8 damage) Weapon (Longsword), Rare (requires attunement to use special
Shapechanger. As an action, the anchorite can abilities)
polymorph into a boar or back into its true form, which is The sword counts as a magic weapon.
humanoid. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any When a critical is scored, fire burst forth and deals an
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It additional (2d6) fire damage
reverts to its true form if it dies.
1x rest; the wielder may reroll the last attack.
Actions_______________________ ______
Ray of Frost: +5 to hit, (2d8) cold and speed is reduced 1x day; You can command the sword to burst with flame for 1
minute. This allows attacks to deal (+1d6) fire damage.
by 10ft until the start of your next turn. range 60ft.
Clawed Gauntlet +5 to hit, (1d4+3) slashing Background: Slash-N-Burn was first created over 400 years ago
Tusk (Boar Form Only): +5 to hit, (1d6+3) slashing by the lost elves of Neverwinter Wood. It was found by the
wizard that built the manse and was locked in the safe room
with the intend of future use or possible as a gift when the
mage returns to Neverwinter.
The sword is decorated with several elven designs and runes
along the blade and the pommel has a reddish tint to the
metal and comes in a decorated scabbard.

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W14: Upstairs Hall __ Orc_(8) _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
The hall is connected to area W3 by a trapped Armor Class- hide 13
stairwell and houses a group of stirges that attack Hit Points (2d8+6) 15
anyone in the hall. This helps to explain how nobody has Speed 30 ft.
found the magic room, but not how orcs can get to area STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
W18 if they need to get past the trapped stairs and the 16 12 16 7 11 10
stirges. There should be a ladder placed in W9 to (+3) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)
connect the two rooms.
Skills Intimidation +2
Stirge_(12)_ __ _ _Tiny. beast, UN Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Armor Class- natural 14 Languages Common, Orc
Hit Points (1d4) 2 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. Abilities___________________ _________
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed
4 16 11 2 8 6 towards a hostile creature it can see.
(-3) (+3) (+0) (-4) (−1) (−2) Actions_______________________ ______
Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3).
Senses DV 60’, Perception -1 Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Actions_____________________________ Counterattack __
Blood Drain: +5 to hit, (1d4+3) and it attaches to target.
At the start of each turn, it deals auto (1d4+3) damage. The next day after the Pcs leave the manse, the
After 10 points it can spend 5’ of movement to detach anchorites complete the ritual that Grannoc was casting
and fly off. Any creature can use its action to detach it. and engage the Thunder Boar to attack Falcon’s Hunting
Lodge. It is accompanied by a band of 20 orcs and
goblins, but any anchorites stay in the rear and do not
W18: Guest Room __ enter the lodge.
Orcs from the mountains have managed to find their For the whole day, storm clouds begin to rise and by
way here and are meeting with the half-orc to try and the afternoon heavy rains and frequent lightning roll
form an alliance. Grannoc is planning an attack on through the region. During the heavy rains, the lodge
Falcon’s Lodge to test their power. A ladder connects to will be attacked. Unless the PCs have said that they are
the lower room W9. holding guard, the outer gate will be destroyed as
The Orcs can add a formidable amount of danger to a Gorthok busts through into the courtyard. Anyone on
fight in the courtyard. The book has the orcs climbing watch can make a Perception check as normal to notice
down to area W9 on the first round of combat and not the spirit charging to the gate. The rain will offset the
joining the combat of the second round. DMs can limit noise coming from the boar making a check average.
the damger some by having only 2-3 orcs join each round The guard will have 3 rounds to rally the forces inside the
starting on the second round. There is no leader among lodge before the boar breaks through the gate.
these orcs and each is trying to take charge, so they The following round, half the orcs and goblins come
attack to kill and are reckless in their tactics. through to attack and smash in doors and attack animals
PCs who examine the bodies can determine that one unless anyone is in the yard. Have the other half of
was damaged by a strige attack in the last couple days by goblins stay outside the gates for a few more rounds
making a Wisdom check (Perception DC12). shooting at anyone on the walls while the other half of
orcs will charge in with the orc brute looking for Falcon
Treasure: Each orc has a meager 1d6cp and 1d4 sp.
and others to kill.
The stats below include Falcon and his workers along
with a few other NPCs that may be staying at the lodge.
Feel free to use as many ay you want with some being
more non-combatants and fleeing when available.

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Gorthok the Thunder Boar Hg. monstrosity, CE Orc, Brute _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
Armor Class- natural 15 Armor Class- chain 17
Hit Points (7d12+28) 85 Hit Points (5d8+15) 40
Speed 50 ft. Speed 30 ft.
20 11 19 6 10 14 18 12 16 7 11 10
(+5) (+0) (+4) (-2) (+0) (+2) (+4) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)

Damage Resistances Non-magical weapons Skills Intimidation +4

Condition Immunities lightning, thunder Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Senses darkvision 60ft, Perception +0 Languages Common, Orc
Languages Nil Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Abilities___________________ _________
Abilities_______________ _____________ Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed
Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 27 towards a hostile creature it can see.
damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is Actions_______________________ ______
reduced to 1 hit point instead. Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Actions________________ _____________ Battleaxe: +7 to hit, (1d8+4)
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks with lightning Javelin: +7 to hit, (1d6+4) 30’/120’
tusks and thunder hooves.
Lightning Tusk. +8 to hit, Hit, reach 10ft: (2d6+5) slashing
damage plus (2d6) lightning damage. Goblin (8) _____ _Sm. Huoid (goblinoid), LE
Thunder Hooves. +8 to hit, Hit, reach 10ft: (2d6+5) Armor Class- leather 13
bludgeoning damage plus (2d6) thunder damage. Hit Points (2d6) 7
Speed 30 ft.
Lightning Bolt (Recharge ): Shoots a lightning bolt at STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
one target within 120ft range. Target takes (4d8) 8 14 10 10 8 8
lightning damage and may make a Dexterity saving (-1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (−1) (−1)
throw (DC15) for half damage.
Skills Stealth +6
Orc (12) _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Languages Common, Goblin
Armor Class- hide 13
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Hit Points (2d8+6) 15
Speed 30 ft. Abilities_______________ _____________
Nimble Escape. Can take Disengage or Hide as a bonus
action each turn.
16 12 16 7 11 10
Actions________________ _____________
(+3) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)
Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
Skills Intimidation +2 Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
Languages Common, Orc Falcon’s Lodge Allies __
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Listed below are the PC’s allies that can be found in the
Abilities___________________ _________
lodge. The commoners are not combatants even though
Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed they may have a weapon listed and will only use it to
towards a hostile creature it can see. defend themselves when they cannot flee. Belmak is a
Actions_______________________ ______ friend of Falcon and will try to stay near him to aid in
Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3). fighting. The experts are a pair of young teens on
Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’ vacation with their father Connor from Neverwinter. He
will try to protect his sons and may be only mild help for
the PCs.
DMs can give out NPC stats to players to control in the
large battle or simply have some of the orcs and goblins
split off and fight in the background, leaving the PCs to
fight Gorthok and a few orcs and goblins in the

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NPC Falcon the Hunter Med human, NG NPC, Connor of Neverwinter __ Med human, NG
Armor Class- studded leather 14 Armor Class- chain shirt, shield 16
Hit Points (15d8+45) 120 Hit Points (3d8+6) 21
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
14 15 16 11 16 15 14 12 14 10 12 13
(+2) (+2) (+3) (+0) (+3) (+2) (+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Wis +5 Saving Throws Str +4, Con +3
Skills Perception +7, Athletics +4, Survival +5 Senses Perception +3, Athletics +4
Languages Common Languages Common, Elf
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________ Abilities_________________ ___________
Archer: Longbow/shortbows do 1 additional die of 2nd Wind: 1/rest the knight can gain 1d10+3hp.
damage (included below). Alternately, the knight can heal an ally this amount by
Sharpshooter: +Ranged attacks ignore half and three- touching them.
quarters cover. Actions__________________ _________
Actions_____ _______________ _______ Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). 80’/320’
Multiattack: Make two ranged attacks or three melee Long Sword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2)
+1 Longbow: +7 to hit, (2d8+3). 150’/600’ NPC Expert, CJ and Tanner_(2) Med. human, LG
Longsword: +6 to hit, (1d8+2)(1d10+2) two-handed.
Armor Class- leather 13
Hit Points (1d8) 5
NPC, Belmak Yellowstone __ Med human, NG Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class- scale mail, shield 17 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points (3d10+6) 26 11 12 10 10 10 10
Speed 30 ft. (+0) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0)
14 12 14 10 12 10 Senses Perception +0
(+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+0) Languages Common, Elf
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Saving Throws Str +4, Con +3 Actions_____ _______________________
Senses Perception +3, Athletics +4 Shortsword: +3 to hit, (1d6+1)
Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Abilities_________________ ___________
2nd Wind: 1/rest he can gain 1d10+3hp. Alternately, the
knight can heal an ally this amount by touching them.
Actions__________________ _________
Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d8+1). 80’/320’
Long Sword: +4 to hit, (1d8+2)

NPC Commoner_(2) Med humanoid (any), any

Armor Class- none 10
Hit Points (1d8) 5
Speed 30 ft.
10 10 10 10 10 10
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Senses Perception +0
Languages usually Common
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Actions_____ _______________________
Club: +2 to hit, (1d4)

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Part 2: Circle of Thunder Yargath’s Patrol __
This quest is designed for PCs of 6th level or above, Yargoth is an Anchorite of Talos that is allied with a
however it can be managed by PCs of 4-5th level if they band of orcs in the woods. He is interested in destroying
are careful. There is no direct quest here, but the PCs the PCs if they are in the woods and especially if they
may learn about it from the Dragon Barrow quest or the were seen at Falcon’s Lodge when they attacked there.
Woodland Manse quest. They may even be at Falcon’s It is a simple encounter with both groups traveling in
Lodge when attacked by Gorthok, the Thunder Boar and the woods and likely seeing each other at the same time.
be able to follow its tracks back to the circle.
Treasure: Yargath carries a potion of greater healing
Location Overview that can be recovered. The leader orc also carries a
leather sack with 20gp inside.
An ancient circle of stones marks the place where a
group of Talos worshiping anchorites live and perform Goblin (2) ____Sm. Humanoid (goblinoid), LE
rituals that summon storms and the thunder boar Armor Class- leather 13
Gorthok. They live in hollowed out rooms below the hill Hit Points (2d6) 7
where the standing stones rest. Speed 30 ft.
Travel to the Circle STR
There are two encounters along the trail to the circle. (-1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (−1) (−1)
The book does not state where these are, only that the
PCs encounter them when traveling to the circle. You Skills Stealth +6
can reward smart PCs with bypassing them or being Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
warned about the tree trap if they have the centaur from Languages Common, Goblin
Dragon Barrow Quest with them. Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Abilities_______________ _____________
Tree Trap __ Nimble Escape. Can take Disengage or Hide as a bonus
action each turn.
A lone tree stands in the middle of a 60ft clearing
Actions________________ _____________
somewhere in Neverwinter Wood. The old pine tree
Scimitar: +4 to hit, (1d6+2).
appears to have been struck by lightning and burned
Short Bow: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 80’/320’
long ago, still standing be some means. Dangling from
thin cords on the remaining limbs of the tree are several
twig dolls with long black hair that blows in the light Orc (8) _ _ Med. Humanoid (orc), CE
wind. Armor Class- hide 13
Hit Points (2d8+6) 15
The twig dolls have a beating boar heart inside as a
Speed 30 ft.
trigger to the trap. PCs that destroy a doll, breaks the
heart and causes the tree to attack. The roots of the tree
16 12 16 7 11 10
animate and rise to grab the PCs.
(+3) (+1) (+3) (-2) (+0) (+0)
Then trap sets off the roots bursting the ground in the
30ft around the tree out to the edge of the clearing. Skills Intimidation +2
Each PC in the area must make a Dexterity Save (DC12) Senses DV 60’, Perception 0
or take (2d4) bludgeoning damage and is restrained. The Languages Common, Orc
target takes this damage again at the start of their turns Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
unless they take an action to break themselves or an Abilities___________________ _________
adjacent PC free with a Strength check (Athletics DC15). Aggressive. As a bonus action, orcs can move their speed
PCs can also deal 5 points of slashing damage to a root towards a hostile creature it can see.
from a single attack. The roots have an AC 13 and are Actions_______________________ ______
immune to all damage except slashing. Greataxe: +5 to hit, (1d12+3).
Javelin: +5 to hit, (1d6+3). 30’/120’
There are a total of 28 roots that attack, but only 7 in
each quarter of the circle. This would help the PCs if
they are in one area. The tree roots attack for 10
minutes before sliding back into the ground.
Treasure: None

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Half-Orc Anchorite of Talos (half-orc, shapechanger), NE Caves __
Armor Class- hide 14
There are four caves of similar make under the hill and
Hit Points (9d8+18) 65
the main book provides a simple description of each.
Speed 30 ft.
There is a boar in each that will try to flee if let out of the
cage and attack if provoked.
16 13 14 9 15 12
(+2) (+1) (+2) (-1) (+2) (+1) Treasure: In the descriptions of each room has treasure
listed and two magic items that are hidden. One of the
Skills Nature +1, Stealth +3, Survival +4 items is a +1 shield. If you already given out a +1 shield
Senses darkvision 60’, Perception +2 in the first adventure, feel free to change the item to
Languages Common, Orc another such as a bag of holding or googles of night.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Abilities___________________ _________ Boar, Normal _Med. Beast, UN
Innate Spellcasting. Wisdom based. DC 12 / +5 hit Armor Class- natural 12
1/day each: augury, bless, lightning bolt (8d6 damage), Hit Points (2d8+2) 11
revivify Speed 40 ft.
3/day: thunderwave (2d8 damage) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Shapechanger. As an action, the anchorite can 13 11 12 2 9 5
polymorph into a boar or back into its true form, which is (+1) (+0) (+1) (-4) (-1) (-3)
humanoid. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It Senses Perception -1
reverts to its true form if it dies. Languages Nil
Actions_______________________ ______ Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Ray of Frost: +5 to hit, (2d8) cold and speed is reduced Abilities_______________ _____________
by 10ft until the start of your next turn. range 60ft. Charge. If it moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
Clawed Gauntlet +5 to hit, (1d4+3) slashing target and hits it with a tusk attack on the same turn, the
Tusk (Boar Form Only): +5 to hit, (1d6+3) slashing target takes an extra (1d6) slashing damage, and must
make a Strength save (DC11) or be knocked prone.
Arrival __ Relentless (Recharges after any Rest). If it takes 7
damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is
The PCs arrive while two of the anchorites are reduced to 1 hit point instead.
performing a ritual amid the standing stones. You can Actions________________ _____________
just tell the players that the smaller figures are twig Tusk. +3 to hit, Hit: (1d6+1) damage.
blights if they have been to the Woodland Manse. Killing
both the anchorites brings forth Gorthok unless the PCs
Bonus Encounter __
defeated it already. Use Anchorite stats from above.
If the PCs need an additional encounter since they
Blight, Twig_(8) _ __ __Sm. plant, NE defeated Gorthok already, you can have an elemental
Armor Class- natural 13 burst through and topple one of the standing stones to
Hit Points (1d6+1) 5 attack the PCs.
Speed 20 ft.
Treasure: The elemental has two gems (250gp each)
where its eyes should be.
6 13 12 4 8 3
(-2) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) Read the following after the PC’s defeat the half-orcs.
Skills Stealth +3
Damage Vulnerabilities fire The silence that settled over the hilltop is jarred by a
Condition Immunities blind, deaf shaking of the ground. The rumblings increase and shake
Senses BS 60ft, (blind beyond), Perception -1 the area violently, toppling one of the standing stones. A
Languages understands Common large, vaguely humanoid figure made out of rock
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
emerges from the ground. This elemental has some sort
Abilities___________________ _________
False Appearance. While motionless it is of gemstones for eyes and a toothy maw which lets out a
indistinguishable from a normal dead shrub. low moan before he smashes his stone hands together,
Actions_________________ ____________ looking your way.
Claws: +3 to hit, (1d4+1).

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. Essentials: (004) 9
This may be a harder fight for some parties if they do
not have many magic weapons. It does a good amount What’s Next? _ __
of damage, but is only one monster against a party. DMs
can have it break combat and start to head to Falcon’s Falcon’s Hunting Lodge can be the source of additional
Hunting Lodge, where the PCs can find allies if needed. adventure for DMs wishing to create more events in
Neverwinter Woods. If the PCs assist him in defeating
Elemental, Earth _Lg. elemental, neutral Gorthok and the orcs, he would likely offer free stay
Armor Class- Natural 17 anytime the PCs are nearby and could even offer them a
Hit Points (12d10+60) 126 job of escorting nobles on hunting trips.
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30ft
Awarding Experience Points ___
20 8 20 5 10 5
(+5) (−2) (+5) (−3) (+0) (−3) This series of adventures uses quest-based leveling.
The PCs should be 4th level when encountering any of
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder these, with the notes in the Essentials Book
Damage Resistance Non-magic weapons recommending 5th level. The playtest group was 4th level
Damage Immunities poison when the nearly died in the Woodland Manse quest and
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, became 5th level afterword.
poison, unconscious
Senses DV 60ft., tremorsence 60ft. Perception +0
Languages Terran Playtest Notes
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
The PCs returned to Falcon’s Hunting Lodge with Harbon
Abilities________ ____________________ Wester’s half-brother from the Logging Camp quest since there
Earth Glide. It can burrow through nonmagical unworked was no more workers there. They stayed the night with the
earth and stone w/o disturbing the material it moves other guests and learned about the Woodland Manse and half-
through. orcs that can transform into pigs. They also had clues from the
Siege Monster. Double damage to object/structure strange doll found in the chimney of the ruined house at the
Actions__________ _________________ logger’s camp. They were warned to be careful since they were
Multiattack: Make two slam attacks. 4th level and the quest is designed for 5th and 6th level PCs, but
Slam: +8 to hit, reach 10ft, (2d8+5) they thought they could handle it.
Overall, the quest went fine and the PCs ended up climbing to
the 2nd level and entering there in the hall with the striges and
going through those rooms first. They attacked the orcs on the
second level so they were not there to aid in the courtyard
fight. Even the encounter with Grannoc was easier than
thought and the PCs managed to find the magical sword in the
hidden room.
The biggest problem was when they left and the encounter
outside the manse with the remaining half-orcs, the boars and
the blights. The lightning bolt power of the casters made the
PCs become more damaged than they should have since once
all the PCs lined up together and the half-orc was able to target
all the PCs. Several PCs wend down and the cleric, being 4th
level still, ran out of healing. The group did manage to win out,
but were completely depleted and high-tailed back to Falcons.
The plan was to head back to Phandalin to buy some healing
potion but the terrible thunderstorm kept them at the lodge to
rest for another day. That was when the orcs and the thunder
boar attacked. The first warning was the explosion of the main
gate and yells from the goblins and orcs. This was another hard
encounter, but the PCs were at full strength after resting and
managed to kill the boar and several orcs. The other NPCs had
a harder time around d the other side of the lodge with a few
other orcs and goblins. The PCs ended up splitting up and
trying to aid each side, but nobody died.

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