Electrical Works For Data Centre-01Oct10
Electrical Works For Data Centre-01Oct10
Electrical Works For Data Centre-01Oct10
The entire electrical power distribution for Data Centre shall provide Dual
distribution path so that there is no Single Point of Failure [SPOF] available from the LT
panel of Data centre to IT Equipment. So all elements of the electrical systems,
including backup system, are typically fully duplicated, and critical servers are
connected to both the "A-side" and "B-side" power feeds so as to achieve N+1
Redundancy in the systems. The power distribution is to be designed for a 24 hour/365
day operation and for 100 % uptime.
For IT loads it has been considered 30 nos Serve-racks with dual source of
32A DP each.
The data centre power supply is from two nos 500 KVA Transformers for
lighting, power and HVAC loads in addition to IT loads through UPS. The standby power
also has 2 numbers of 380 KVA DG Sets for Entire loads which work in parallel
fashion with auto synchronising facility. Normally, both the transformers shall remain
charged and share load. Failure of supply from either of the loaded transformers will
lead to automatic transfer of total load to the next transformer. When there is loss of
power from both the transformer sources, one of the DG sets (which was not operative
last time) shall start immediately. In the event of failure of the stated DG, the next DG
will start if there is still failure of power from both transformers. Upon restoration of any
Transformer Power, the changeover from DG power to Main Power will be automatically
done by the system by switching off the DG set after a specified period of time. The
Intelligent Micro-controller will maintain the logic of such load management and
operational sequence.
A total of 1000 KVA Raw Power would be provided by TNEB. The total
Raw Power requirement for the Server Room Area is 337 KVA. Additional 126 KVA has
been catered for certain auxiliary areas like NOC room, BMS Room, UPS Room, Staging
Room, Network Room, Media Storage, Manager Room and Meeting Room etc. and for
Customer Care Centre a total load of 61 KVA. The balance capacity is proposed for
other Floors and lift.
For Proper and uninterrupted working of Data Centre, supply of clean and
uninterrupted power is essential. This can be ensured by having the Data Centre Power
distribution system with redundancy at three levels, as follows:
Two Incoming HT feeder supply from different substations. Even if one feeder
is down, the other one keeps power available.
The proposed Data Centre / Disaster Recovery Centre shall have Server room area of
1000 Sq.ft. to accommodate 30 regular racks. All the 30 racks proposed are Regular
Racks (RR) and hence the power consumption per rack is assumed as 5KVA. The total
critical power required for servicing the servers amounts to,
The Critical Power for “Server Room Area” (A) = 150 KVA
Total power requirement for PAC in KVA (D) = ( C )/0.9 = 159.27 KVA
Total power requirement for CFM AC in KVA (D) = ( C )/0.9 = 17.625 KVA
5) Total power requirement for CFM AC = 20 KVA
Total power requirement for Comfort AC in KVA (D) = ( C )/0.9 = 52.875 KVA
Total number of 15A power point required for Data Centre = 29 Nos.
Raw power requirement for 29 Nos. of 15A Power point = 104.4 KVA
Total Power requirement for Data Centre (Ground Floor) (1 to 7) = 563 KVA
For AC:
Total power requirement for Comfort AC in KVA (D) = ( C )/0.9 = 26.11 KVA
For AC for Customer Care Centre = 30 KVA
Total number of 15A power point required for Customer Care Centre = 5 Nos.
Total power requirement for Data Centre and Customer care Centre
= 624 KVA
Maximum power demand in KVA with Diversity factor of 0.8 = 499.2 KVA
= 500 KVA
Description of Electrical Work Schedule & Specifications:
All electrical work including the commissioning of DGs, ACs should be done
by an Electrical Contractor possessing a valid Licensee EA/ESA grade issued by Tamil
Nadu Electrical Licensing Board. If possesses License issued by any other Government,
the same has to be endorsed by Tamil Nadu Electrical Licensing Board.
Electrical Drawing:
MAIN SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - Single Line Drawing (SLD) showing detailed electrical
layout. (ANNEXURE- )
Raw Power:
The Data Centre has to feed both EB Power and DG set power with an Auto changeover
through Interlocking arrangements.
11 KV, power supply from two different sources with 1000KVA Demand will be provided
by TNEB.
Raw Power will be obtained at 433V level from the Main Panel at 11KV / 433V Indoor
Substation for Power and Lighting.
LT Power from the Main Panel of 11KV / 433V Indoor Substation will be distributed to
the following:
Two Numbers of 380KVA DG sets has been proposed to be installed in the OTS
area near the Electrical Panel Data Centre Power Room at Ground Floor with Auto
Synchronising panel. Moulded Case Circuit Breakers along with Air Circuit Breakers shall
be used in the construction of distribution panels. The final distribution shall be done
using Miniature Circuit Breakers. All underground cables are of XLPE sheathed
Aluminium cable for the rating above 25 Sq.mm. PVC sheathed Aluminium cable for the
rating below 25 Sq.mm.
The Panels shall have MCCBs as components and not FSUs. The panels /
switch boards shall have sufficient spares as required to provide for future additions or
alterations. From the Main panels, Underground PVC insulated XLPE sheathed cables
shall be used to transmit power to the Data Centre / Disaster Recovery Centre building.
The cables shall be laid in the permanent constructed trench with precast slab as cover.
The final distribution boards (LDBs and PDBs) which feed the socket outlets,
lighting circuits and other requirements are protected by ELMCBs which in turn protect
the downstream circuits too.
From the final distribution boards, copper cabling will be laid above false ceiling
will be enclosed in MS conduits as a safety measure against spread of fire in case of
some accident. MS conduits shall be used incase of concealed wiring.
The 11 KV BUS
The transformer shall be of 500 KVA, 11KV / 433 V, 3Ø, two winding, ONAN, Dyn 11,
Oil immersed, Naturally cooled core type, for operation in highly humid tropical climate with
range of temperatures varying from 5o C to 50o C , Lightning / Non-lightning areas suitable for
outdoor installation with cable termination box with ± 5% off circuit tap changer in steps of
2.5% as per Technical Specification and IS 2026 with all fittings and accessories enclosed . The
transformer is fed from HT switchgear. On the LT side, it is connected to LT switchboard
through ACB Switchgear.
(i) Transformers shall be capable of delivering the rated current at a voltage equal to 105
percent of the rated voltage without exceeding the temperature limits.
(ii) Transformer shall operate satisfactorily without injurious heating at rated kVA, at any
voltage within ± 10% of the rated voltage of the particular tap.
(iii) Transformers shall be designed for 50 Hz. +3%, - 5%, unless otherwise specified in
data sheet.
(iv) Transformers for two or more limits of voltage or frequency or both shall operate
satisfactorily at its rated kVA without injurious heating under all the rated conditions
of voltage or frequency or both, provided increase in voltage is not accompanied by
decrease in frequency.
(v) Transformers shall be suitable for over loading as per IS 6600, unless specified
otherwise. Off circuit tap switch, terminal bushings, other auxiliary components /
equipment shall be designed for maximum permissible overloading. Short time over
loading to the extent of 50% shall be considered for this purpose, for all transformers
unless specified otherwise.
ii) For this purpose, infinite supply system and solidly earthed systems shall be
Flux Density
i) The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yokes at normal voltage and
frequency shall be such that the flux density under over voltage condition shall not
exceed the maximum permissible values for the type of laminations used and core
construction adopted.
ii) In case of transformers with variable flux, the voltage variation, which would affect
flux density at every tap, shall be kept in view while designing the transformer.
iii) Transformers shall be designed to withstand the following over fluxing conditions:
Magnetic circuit:
(i) The cores shall be constructed from high grade, low loss, high permeability cold
rolled non-ageing grain oriented silicon steel laminations. Thickness of laminations
shall be 0.3 mm or less surface insulation of laminations shall be rust resistant and
have high inter laminar resistance. Insulation shall withstand annealing temperature
as high as 850 deg.C. The insulation shall be resistant to the action of hot cooling
(ii) The insulation structure for the core to bolts and core to clamp plates shall be such as
to withstand a voltage of 2000V AC for one minute.
(iii) Wherever the CRGO (Cold-Rolled Grain Oriented silicon steel) sheets are punched or
sheared into laminations, laminations shall be annealed in a non-oxidising atmosphere
to relieve stresses and restore the original magnetic properties of CRGO sheets. The
laminations shall be free of all burrs and sharp projections.
(iv) The design of magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges,
development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthed clamping structure
and production of flux components at right angles to the plane of the laminations
which may cause local heating.
(v) Ducts shall be provided where ever necessary to ensure adequate cooling. The
winding structure and major insulation shall not obstruct the free flow of cooling
medium through such ducts.
(vi) All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be shot or sand blasted after
(vii) The finally assembled core and coil assembly shall be rigidly fixed to the tank to
avoid shifting during transport, handling and short circuits. Adequate provision shall
be made for lifting the complete core and coil assembly.
(viii) The supporting frame work of the cores shall be so designed as to avoid the presence
of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank through the drain
valve, or cause trapping of air during filling.
(ii) The coil clamping arrangement and the finished dimensions of any ducts shall be
such as to not impede the free circulation of cooling media through the ducts.
(iii) The windings / and connection of transformer shall be braced to withstand shocks,
which may occur during transport or due to short circuits, repeated peak loads and
other transient conditions during service.
(iv) Windings shall be subjected to a shrinkage treatment before final assembly, so that no
further shrinkage occurs during service. Adjustable device shall be provided for
taking up any possible shrinkage of coils in service if required.
(vi) The conductors shall be transposed at sufficient intervals in order to minimize eddy
currents and equalize the distribution of currents and temperature along the windings.
(i) Coil clamping rings shall be of steel or of a suitable insulating material. Axially
laminated material other than bake lite paper shall not be used.
(vii) Completed core and winding assembly shall be dried in full vacuum to eliminate
presence of moisture. After drying process, the full assembly shall be impregnated
(viii) No strip conductor, wound on edge shall have a width exceeding six times its
(ix) The winding material shall be copper Windings shall not have sharp bends, which
might damage insulation and / or produce high dielectric stresses.
(x) Coils shall be supported using dried and high – pressure compressed wedge type
insulation spacers at frequent intervals.
(xi) All threaded connections shall be locked. Leads from the winding to the terminal
board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury during short circuits /
(xii) Permanent current carrying joints in the windings and leads shall be welded or
(xiii) Clamping bolts for current carrying parts inside the transformer shall be compatible
with liquid under all service conditions.
(i) Tapping as specified shall be provided on the higher voltage winding of each
transformer and shall be arranged so as to maintain as far as possible the
electromagnetic of the windings.
Temperature Measurement
i) Winding temperature shall be monitored with RTD’s. The RTD leads shall be
brought out and connected to temperature scanner.
ii) Each scanner shall have potential free Normally Open Contacts for alarm and
trip contacts. Temperature setting of each contact shall be independently
adjustable at site. A manual reset type maximum temperature indicator shall
be provided for each scanner.
iii) All contacts shall be rated to make 0.5 A (min) and break 0.2 A (min) at 110
V AC. All contacts shall be wired to marshalling box.
Internal earthing arrangements
All metal parts of the transformer with the exception of individual core laminations, core bolts
and associated individual clamping plates shall be earthed internally.
All the transformers shall be subjected to the following routine tests and one transformer shall be
type tested at the manufacturer’s works. Test procedure as per IS-2026 shall be adopted.
Routine Tests
1. Transformer shall be fully assembled with all fittings and accessories including wheels to
ascertain that all the parts fit correctly.
2. Resistance of each winding of each phase at principal tap and at all other taps.
3. Voltage ratio at all taps.
4. Checking of voltage vector relationship.
5. Impedance voltage at rated frequency and principal tap, lowest and highest taps.
6. Load loss at rated current.
7. Zero sequence impedance at principal tap, rated frequency.
8. No load loss and no load current at rated frequency and 100%, 110% of rated voltage on
HV side. Test shall be repeated with 415V, 3 Phase supply connected to LV side (if the
LV side rated voltage is more than 415V). No Load & Load Losses shall be as per CBIP /
IS with tolerance.
9. One minute power frequency withstand voltage test.
10. Induced over voltage withstand test.
11. Polarity check, ratio check, measurement of secondary winding resistance, excitation,
characteristic curve, insulation resistance of all bushing CTs.
12. Calibration of winding temperature indicators,
The routine test certificate for each transformer in duplicate shall be furnished by the
2. The Contractor shall submit Type Test certificates for similar capacity
Transformer supplied by him elsewhere for (i) Short time withstands
capability Test and (ii) Impulse Voltage withstand Test (iii) Dynamic short
circuit withstand test showing no load losses and load losses at 75 degree C.
The type test certificates should conform to the technical terms detailed in
this specification.
2.0 Additional Requirements:
1. Fluorescent lamps for sufficient illumination shall be provided and for that power
supply shall be provided from LT side of Substation
b) System earthling
5. Transformer type
- LV winding : 433 V
10 Cooling :
14 Permissible Variations
a) Percentage impedance : 4 .5 %
voltage at rated current
frequency, principle tap
tap 75 deg C
15 Tappings
17 Insulation
HV winding : 28 kV RMS
19 Winding data
c) Winding connection
- HV winding : Delta
- LV winding : Star with neutral brought out
fully insulated
d) Vector groups (HV-LV) : Dyn 11
20 Core laminations
Type : CRGO
Material : Silicon steel
Thickness, mm : 0.3
1. General: The transformer shall be suitable for continuous run and for all type of loads with
high efficiency, the transformer shall confirm to IS 2026/1997 IEC 726 & IS 11171 / 1985
reaffirmed in 1991 for dry type transformers as amended up to date. The supplier should give
sufficient spacing between various terminals so that it can be properly terminated.
2. RTD’S: RTD’s shall be embedded in transformer winding (both primary and secondary side)
and the leads shall be brought out. The bidder shall supply Temperature Scanner to read the
winding temperature. The temperature scanner shall have provision for generating “winding
temperature high” trip signal to HT switch gear. The temperature scanner shall be mounted in
such a way that operator has access to monitor the temperature periodically.
Supply and erection of 2 Sets, 800 Amps capacity floor mounting panel board (Cubical
type) with bus bar chamber made up of 14/16 SWG MS sheet for 3 phase 4 wire system
with suitable size of copper flat for phases and neutral, cable chamber, switch chamber
and with 2 Nos. 25mm X 6mm tinned copper flat for the earth bus on the rear side of
the panel board, necessary interconnections by copper flat of suitable sizes, suitable
PVC colour sleeves for interconnecting copper flats/rigid copper wire, earth connections
to all switches/bus bar by copper flats of suitable sizes from the earth bus, hylem sheet
separation between bus bar and switches.
The 5Nos. ACB of 800 A, 4P, 50 KA, Mechanical Draw Out type with
microprocessor over current and earth fault releases shall be provided for the
The incoming ACBs with separate instrument compartment with 1 No.0- 500V
Voltmeter with selector switch and 1 No. 0-800A Ammeter with selector
switch, and RYB LED indication lamps with adequate capacity CTs and control
fuses with fine wiring; suitable angle iron frame size of 40mm X 40mm X 6mm
with powder coated painting over one coat of red primer and with numbering
superscription of cables sizes, capacity of switches etc.
i) The ACB which is provided in incomer shall be of 4 Pole, air break and of
Mechanical draw out type. All current carrying contacts or the breaker shall
be silver plated. The main contacts shall have ample area and contact
pressure for carrying the rated current of the circuit breaker. Arc chute shall
be provided on each pole and so fitted that it can be easily removed for
inspection of the main contacts.
ii) The breaker shall have independent motorised spring charged stored energy
mechanism. The operating mechanism shall be trip free and designed to
reduce mechanical shocks to a minimum during operation. The operating
mechanism shall operate normally even when the circuit breaker is closed on
to fault.
iii) All breakers shall be provided with mechanical trip push button, accessible
from outside.
iv) All mechanism shall be designed to give trouble free service over extended
periods and shall not deteriorate with normal usage, require attention more
often than every 1000 operations or once a year whichever is earlier. Each
breaker shall be equipped with mechanical ‘ON’ ‘OFF’ indications visible from
the front of the panel.
v) ACB shall be provided with earth fault, earth leakage and over current
vii) Operating mechanism shall be quick make, quick break and trip free system.
viii) The ON, OFF & TRIP positions of the ACB shall be clearly indicated so as to
be visible to the operator when mounted as in service. Operating handle shall
be provided in front of the Kiosk.
x) ACB terminals shall be shrouded and designed to receive cable lugs for cable
sizes relevant to circuit ratings.
xi) ACB shall be integrated with BMS for monitoring and protection.
ii) Operating mechanism shall be quick make, quick break and trip free system.
iii) The ON, OFF & TRIP positions of the MCCB shall be clearly indicated so as to be
visible to the operator when mounted as in service. Operating handle shall be
iv) MCCBs shall be capable of withstanding the thermal stresses caused by overloads
and short circuits. The maximum tripping time under short circuit shall not exceed 20
milli seconds. Rated breaking capacity (rms) at 433 V is 10kA. Rated making current
(peak) is 21kA.
v) MCCB terminals shall be shrouded and designed to receive cable lugs for cable sizes
relevant to circuit ratings.
vi) MCCB shall be provided with plug-in bases with safety interlocks and draw out
vii) MCCB shall be integrated with BMS for monitoring and protection.
1.2 MCCB
All MCCBs shall be of Thermal Magnetic Type with adjustable overloads and
fixed short circuits
INCOMERS # 01 and # 02
The Phase Bus bar shall be 2R of 150 x 10 mm. and Neutral bar shall be of 1R of 150 x
10 mm.
There shall be Two Sets of Metering Compartment for EB Incomer # 01 and # 02 and
each shall be incorporated with the following.
i) 3 Nos. Dual Core tape wound CTs of ratio 1250 / 5 A of Class1.0 for
measurement and class 5P10for Protection. The CT burdenshall be 15VA.
ii) 1 No. Load Manager with RS 485 Interface with Maximum Demand Controller.
iii) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
iv) Single phase preventer shall also be provided.
There shall be One Set of Metering Compartment for DG Incomer incorporated with the
i) 3 Nos. Dual Core tape wound CTs of ratio 2000 / 5 A of Class1.0 for
measurement and class 5P10for Protection. The CT burdenshall be 15VA.
ii) 1 No. Load Manager with RS 485 Interface without Maximum Demand
iii) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
All MCCBs shall be of Thermal Magnetic Type with adjustable overloads and
fixed short circuits
The Phase Bus bar shall be of 1R 75 x 12 mm. and the Neutral bar shall be 1R 75 x 6
There shall be One set of Metering Compartment incorporated with the following:-
i) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
ii) All outgoing terminals should be monitored through BMS. Voltage, Current,
Frequency, Power.
01.03.00 SUB LIGHTING PANEL at Electrical Room, Ground Floor CABLE
All MCCBs shall be of Thermal Magnetic Type with adjustable overloads and
fixed short circuits
The Phase Bus bar shall be of 1R 32 x 6 mm. and the Neutral bar shall be 1R 25 x 6
There shall be One set of Metering Compartment incorporated with the following:-
i) 3 Nos Tape wound CTs of ratio 125 /5A and Class 1. 0 for Metering and
burden 15 VA.
ii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Ammeter (0 - 125 )A with inbuilt Selector
iii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Voltmeter (0 - 500V) with inbuilt Selector
iv) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
01.04.00 OUTGOING UPS PANEL – 1 and 2 for 250KVA UPS CABLE ENTRY :
Supplying, erecting, connecting and commissioning of FLOOR MOUNTED
CUBICLE TYPE OUTGOING UPS PANEL – 1 and 2 with necessary foundation channels,
etc., The cost shall also including unloading, positioning, etc.,
All MCCBs shall be of Thermal Magnetic Type with adjustable overloads and
fixed short circuits
The Phase Bus bar shall be of 1R 75 x 12 mm. and the Neutral bar shall be 2R 75 x
There shall be One set of Metering Compartment and shall be incorporated with the
i) 3 Nos Tape wound CTs of ratio 630 /5A and Class 1. 0 for Metering and
burden 15 VA.
ii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Ammeter (0 - 630)A with inbuilt Selector
iii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Voltmeter (0 - 500V) with inbuilt Selector
iv) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
The Phase Bus bar shall be of 1R 32 x 6 mm. and the Neutral bar shall be 2R 32 x
There shall be Two sets of Metering Compartment and each shall be incorporated with
the following:-
i) 3 Nos Tape wound CTs of ratio 125 /5A and Class 1. 0 for Metering and
burden 15 VA.
ii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Ammeter (0 - 125)A with inbuilt Selector
iii) 1 No. Class 1.0, 96 Sq.mm. Digital Voltmeter (0 - 500V) with inbuilt Selector
iv) RYB Indicating Lamps of LED Clustered type and Control MCBs shall be
INCOMER :125 AMPS TPN MCCB 25 KA(Ics) With standing Capacity . 1 No.
LAID in TRAY/ CLAMPED ALONG WALL / COLUMN along with all necessary
accessories shall be included.
NOTE: Supply of Anchor Fasteners and necessary 1.5 mm. thick GI Flat,
clamps shall be included in the laying cost.
05.02.00 Supplying, and fixing 5/15 AMPS Switched Socket combined ELECTRIC MAKE
in Manufacturer’s MS mounting box fixed flush with the wall/ partitions with
necessary accessories as Raw Power.
07.01.00 Supplying, wiring, connecting and commissioning the Light Points with 3 Runs
of 1.5Sq.mmPVCInsulated multi stranded copper conductor wires enclosed in
16 SWG thick MS Conduits concealed in wall/ ceiling /partitions or laid in open
fashion above false ceiling with necessary clamps, screws, etc., including
supplying and fixing 5AMPS MK ELECTRIC SWITCH mounting box fixed flush
with the wall.
07.02.00 Supplying, wiring, connecting & commissioning the light points with 3 Runs of
1.5Sq.mm.PVCinsulated flexible copper conductor wires enclosed in 16SWG
Thick MS Conduits concealed in wall/ceiling/ partitions or laid in open fashion
above false ceiling with necessary clamps, screws, etc. for additional points.
The additional points will have to be wired from the first point mentioned
under Item No.07.01.00.The maximum length will be 5.0Mts. for each
additional point. 07.03.00 Supplying, wiring, connecting and commissioning
the Light Points with 3 Runs of 2.5Sq.mmPVCInsulated multi stranded copper
conductor wires enclosed in 16 SWG thick M S Conduits concealed in wall/
ceiling /partitions or laid in open fashion above false ceiling with necessary
clamps, screws, etc., light fitting control by 6AMPS SP MCB control including
primary and secondary points.
07.04.00 Same as the Item No.07.01.01 but for wall site Exhaust fan with single 5A
switch control and other associated accessories. Same as the Item
No.07.01.01 but for ceiling fan with step type electronic regulator and other
associated accessories.
09.02.00 Supplying, and fixing 5/15 AMPS Switched Socket combined of MK ELECTRIC
MAKE in Manufacturer’s MS mounting box fixed flush with the wall/ partitions
(or) in open fashion with necessary accessories (or) with a M S powder
coated clamp to be fixed on the roof but inside the false flooring and with
necessary accessories like clamps, screws, etc.,
10.01.00 Supplying and laying the following PVC Conduits concealed (or) open in
wall/ceiling/false ceilinged. with necessary accessories clamps, screws etc.
with 1 Run of 16SWG G.I. Fish wire.
11.01.00 Supplying, fabricating, erecting 14SWG thick Junction boxes with cover and
other associated accessories. The Junction boxes shall be of powder coated
type and fixed flush with the floor / Wall /above false ceiling.
12.01.00 Supplying and laying the following M S Conduits concealed (or) open in
wall/ceiling/false ceiling etc. with necessary accessories clamps, screws etc.
with 1 Run of 16SWG G.I. Fish wire. For Office Area.
13.00.00 EARTHING
13.01.00 Supplying, installing and connecting a Copper plate of size 600mm.x 600mm.x
3.15mm. at a depth of2000 mm. in an earth pit of 700 x 700 x 2500 mm.
filled with salt and charcoal mixed with sand in alternate layers 150 mm. each
upto a height of2000mm. from bottom. The pipe shall have provision for
watering through a funnel. It shall also have provision for connecting 25 x 6
mm. Copper Flat on two sides. A masonry structure shall be constructed to a
depth of 750mm. and a heavy duty CI Cover shall be used to cover the pit.
The cost of digging and back filling shall also be included .Sand, salt and
charcoal are in the DCO’s scope.
13.02.00 Supplying, installing and connecting a 2.5 Mtr.long 40 mm. dia G.I. Pipe with
holes drilled diametrically opposite to each other once every 150mm. in an
earth pit of 380 x380 x 3000mm.filledwith salt and charcoal mixed with sand
in alternate layers 150 mm.each upto a height of 2500mm. from bottom. The
pipe shall have provision for watering through a funnel. It shall also have
provision for connecting 40 x 6 mm.Copper
Flaton two sides. A masonry strucutre shall be constructed to a depth of750 mm. and a
heavy duty CI Cover shall be used to cover the pit. The cost of digging and
back filling shall also be included. Sand, salt and charcoal are in the DCO’s
13.10.00 Supplying, laying and connecting 40 x 6 mm. copper Flat laid in open fashion
with necessary clamps, screws, interlinks etc., for neutral of DG 13.11.00
Supplying, laying and connecting 50 x 6 mm. GI Flat laid in open fashion with
necessary clamps, screws, interlinks etc., for cable tray ,MV Panel. MLP,MPP
Body earthing.
14.03.00 Supplying, erecting, connecting and commissioning of 2 x36 Watts Box Type
Fluorescent Light Fitting with 1No. Electronic Ballast of PHILIPS Cat # TMS
021/ 236 (or) Equivalent with necessary lamp holders, interconnections and
other standard accessories including lamps also. 14.04.00 Supplying,
erecting, connecting and commissioning of 2 x 18 watts Recessed type CFL
spot light fitting of PHILIPS Cat # FBH 145 / 218 LPF (or) equivalent with
copper ballast and with necessary standard accessories Including lamps also.
14.05.00 Supplying, erecting, connecting and commissioning 300mm dia Exhaust fan
with capacitor, interconnections, etc., and other associated accessories.
14.06.00 Supplying, erecting, connecting and commissioning 1200mm dia ceiling fan
with capacitor, interconnections, etc., and other associated accessories but
without regulators
15.03.00 Supplying, erecting and connecting Treatment Chart in English and Tamil
directly fixed onto the wall with necessary screws etc.
15.04.00 Supplying, and laying 10mm. Thick ISI Marked Rubber mats in Front of the
Panel Boards.
16.01.00 Supplying, fabricating, erecting & connecting the following 2.0mm Thickness G
I type Cable Trays with necessary supports, tees, elbows, bends, bolts and
nuts and any other associated accessories to complete the job.
17.01.00 Supplying, fabricating, erecting & connecting the following 2.0mm Thickness G
I Perforated type Cable Trays with necessary supports, tees, elbows, bends,
bolts and nuts and any other associated accessories to complete the job.
19.01.00 Preparation of electrical schematic layout & physical layout drawings approval
for the all electrical installation, equipment, like UPS, inverter, PAC,
DG, etc, and obtaining safety certificate from the CEIG. The submission of
drawings follow up actions & statutory fee and coordination with CEIG are the
also responsibility of the DCO 19.02.00 Providing temporary connections with
necessary socket outlets, light fittings With wiring in various locations for
execution of the work. (Lump Sum)
The M.V panel, subpower panel, and sublighting panel have to be mounted
on the Electrical panel room (SDC) at Ground floor.
The outgoing UPS panel – 1 & 2 for 250 KVA and UPS panel – 3 for 20 KVA
UPS have to be mounted on the U.P.S room at Gorund floor.
The frame of individual vertical panels shall be fabricated using pressed and
shaped cold rolled sheet steel of adequate thickness or by using suitable mild steel
structural sections. The frames shall be enclosed by using minimum 14 SWG cold rolled
sheet steel and the doors and covers shall be made of minimum 16 SWG cold roller
sheet steel. Wherever required, stiffeners shall be provided to increase stiffens of large
size doors and covers.
The switchgear shall be provided with integral base frame for each vertical
panel. The switchgear integral base frame shall be suitable for directly bolting with the
help of foundation bolts and also be suitable for tack welding at two diagonally opposite
All openings, covers and doors shall be provided with neoprene gaskets
around the perimeters to make the Switchgear dust and vermin proof.
All hardware shall be corrosion resistant. All joints and connections of the
panel members shall be made by galvanized, zinc passivated or cadmium plated high
quality steel bolts, nuts and washers, secured against loosening. Suitable lifting hooks
and / or jacks shall be provided on each panel or shipping section for ease of lifting of
All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and decreased to remove mill
scale, rust, greased and dirt. Fabricated structures shall be pickled and then rinsed to
remove any trace of acid. The under surface shall be prepared by applying a coat of
phosphate paint and coat of yellow zinc chromed primer. The under surface shall be
made free from all imperfections before undertaking the finishing coat.
After preparation of the under surface the switchboard shall be power
coated with two coats of final paint. Color shade of final paint shall be SIEMENS GREY
or shade # RAL 6032. The finished panels shall be dried in stowing ovens in dust free
atmosphere. Panel finish shall be free from imperfections like pinholes, orange peels,
run off paint etc. The DCO shall furnish painting procedure details along with the bids.
All unpainted steel parts shall be cadmium plated or suitably treated to prevent rust
formation. If these parts are moving elements then they shall be greased.
All the MCB Distribution Boards shall be of the phase segregated type,
fabricated out of 16 SWG thick sheet steel and shall be of the totally enclosed dust
proof type suitable for wall mounting. The Panel shall have welded back and sides and
gasketted fully hinged front door.
Detachable gland plates shall be provided at the top and bottom with suitable
gaskets for cableentry. All DBs will be single / double door only as specified in the
BOQ.150mm height adaptor box shall be fixed above the DB for terminating and
segregating the wires. Incoming MCB of required rating is in an independent. The
incoming terminals shall be fully shrouded. Three phase segregated compartments,
each housing MCB's connected to one phase of the power supply system. Each of the
sections shall have a DP ELCB on the incoming and SP MCB's for Lighting/power on
outgoing. In each section, a separate neutral bus and independent earth bus shall be
provided. The MCB's shall be of current limiting type. The busbars shall be of Copper
having continuous current ratings equal to that of the incoming switch. The busbars
shall be designed to withstand a fault level of not less than 31 MVA for one second. The
MCB's shall have a lockable switching lever. The minimum electrical endurance shall be
20,000 operations.
MCCBs should comply with IEC 947 Part 2. The MCCB shall be suitable for
universal mounting (i.e) the Load / Line must be interchangeable. The MCCB shall be
suitable for operating Voltage of 415 V minimum and an Insulation Voltage of 600 V.
The withstanding capacity mentioned against each MCCBs shall be Ics only. All MCCBs
shall be of Thermal Magnetic type with adjustable over load releases and fixed short
Circuit Breaker
Besides the normal operating current, the adequate circuit breakers for
handling in-rush and surge current to the equipment. Every equipment should be
provided with a separate circuit and a circuit breaker. Circuit breaker and its related
power point/socket should be properly labeled to identify the branch circuit it is
All Power cables shall be of aluminium / copper conductors only. All control
cables shall be of solid or stranded copper conductors. The control cables used for
mobile equipment shall be flexible type. Power cables for 415 V AC and upto 1000 V DC
and control cables for wiring within the building shall be of PVC insulated and PVC
sheathed armoured / unarmoured heavy duty 1100 V grade. Cross-sectional areas of
multi core power cables shall not exceed 400 sq.mm unless otherwise
specified.Minimum cross-sectional area of power cable shall be 6 sq.mm in case of
aluminium conductor and 1.5 Sq.mm in case of copper conductor. The cross-sectional
area of neutral conductor of multicore cables shall onstitute about 50% of phase
conductor for cables having cross-sectional are of 25 sq.mm and above. However this is
not applicable for UPS distribution. For cables below 25 sq.mm as well as flexible
trailing cables, the neutral conductor shall be of same cross-section area as the phase
conductor. All cables 10 sq.mm and above shall be of stranded type.
i) Cable Selection
The power cable sizes shall be adopted on the basis of current loading,
ambient temperature condition, method of installation and permissible voltage drop in
each circuit. The minimum cross-section of the cable shall be determined on the basis
of available short circuit current and tripping characteristics of the circuit protective
devices. Color code will be maintained for the entire wiring installation (i.e) Red, Yellow
and Blue for the three phases, Black for neutral and Green for earthing. Besides,
ferruling will be provided with number coding and easy identification for maintenance
Cables shall be laid on cable trays/ racks wherever specified. Cable racks/
trays shall be of perforated steel section slotted angles for suitable purpose. The trays /
racks shall be complete with plates, tees elbows, risers and all necessary hardware. The
steel trays shall be painted. Cable trays shall be erected properly to present a neat and
clean appearance. Suitable cleats or saddles shall be used for securing the cables to the
cable trays. The cable trays shall comply with the following requirements:-
• The trays are ladder type and shall have suitable strength and rigidity to provide
adequate support for all contained cables.
• It shall not present sharp edges, burrs of projections injurious to the insulation of the
wiring /cables.
• It shall include fittings such as horizontal, vertical bends, tie rods, hooks etc., or other
suitable means for cha8nges in direction and elevation of runs, fish plates and hard
All power cables in trenches and on structures shall be laid on racks and shall
be clamped by means of single or multiple galvanized MS saddles. The saddles shall be
placed at an interval of 1000 mm. in both horizontal and vertical straight runs, at each
bend and turnings from horizontal to vertical direction and vice versa. All 1100 V grade
power cables shall be laid touching each other. Multi-core control cables shall be laid
touching each other on trays and wherever required may be taken in two layers. G I
Ladder type cable racks shall be selected from two sizes viz 600 mm. and 1500 mm.
Ladder type trays shall be galvanized after fabrication. And inside the module shop only
G I perforated type cable trays shall be used. Vertical spacing between cable
racks/trays shall be 250 mm. Power cables of different voltage grades shall be laid in
separate racks / brackets / hooks. Control cables as well as signal and communication
cables shall be laid in a separate trays. However, in cases where smaller size power
cables (below 16 sq.mm. ) of fewer numbers cables provided suitable vertical barriers
are installed between them. As far as possible AC and DC Power cables shall be laid in
separate trays. Order of laying of various cables in racks/trays brackets/hooks shall be
such that control cables are located at the bottommost tier and 1100 V grade cables at
top tier. In case of duplicate feeders of same consumer, these shall be laid in two
separate racks/brackets. Where there is possibility of mechanical damage, cable rack /
trays shall be adequate protected by sheet steel covers. For future installation of cables,
provision shall be made to keep 20% space as spare on each tray/rack/bracket.
Cables shall be laid in indoor trenches wherever specified. Suitable angle iron
brackets, clamps, hoods and saddles shall be used for securing the cable in position.
Cables shall be laid on cable trays/ racks wherever specified. Cable racks/
trays shall be of perforated steel section slotted angles for suitable purpose. The trays /
racks shall be complete with plates, tees elbows, risers and all necessary hardware. The
steel trays shall be painted. Cable trays shall be erected properly to present a neat and
clean appearance. Suitable cleats or saddles shall be used for securing the cables to the
cable trays. The cable trays shall comply with the following requirements:-
• The trays are ladder type and shall have suitable strength and rigidity to provide
adequate support for all contained cables.
• It shall not present sharp edges, burrs of projections injurious to the insulation of the
wiring / cables.
• It shall include fittings such as horizontal, vertical bends, tie rods, hooks etc., or other
suitable means for cha8nges in direction and elevation of runs, fish plates and hard
1.6.2. Installation
5. Where cables of different system are installed on the same cable tray, non-
combustible solid barriers shall be used for segregating the cables.
6. Cable trays shall be grounded by two nos. earth continuity wires. Cable trays
shall not used as equipment grounding conductors.
i) System of wiring
The system of wiring will consist of FRLS flexible copper cables (or) PVC
insulated PVC sheathed FRLS copper conductor wires in M S conduits. Minimum size of
copper conductor will be 1.5 sq.mm. for lighting and 4 sq.mm. for power. Color code
will be maintained for the entire wiring installation (i.e) Red, Yellow and Blue for the
three phases, Black for neutral and Green for earthing. Besides, ferruling will be
provided with number coding and easy identification for maintenance purposes. M S
conduits shall be used if they are concealed in the wall / slab.
All wiring shall be carried out only with M S conduits all light, fan sockets and
any other equipment must be earthed. Wiring shall be carried out with 650 V grade PVC
insulated single core multi stranded copper conductor wires as per IS : 694. The
method of wiring shall be as recommended in IS: 732 and its several parts. The
physical and electrical continuity of the conduit system shall be maintained throughout.
No wire shall be left exposed at any location; metallic flexible pipe shall be used to
cover the same. Color coding of wire shall be carried out as detailed below:
The minimum diameter of the conduits shall be 25 mm. only. The following
sizes of PVC insulated multi stranded copper conductor wires shall generally be followed
General Earthing System Distributed earthing will be carried all along the LT
distribution system, through local earth stations effectively bonding the cables /
equipment. For Main building, Substation and Electrical Panel SDC Room, one main
earthing ring will be provided along the building periphery connected to required
number of earth electrodes. The earthing ring will be taken 1525 mm away from
building column / wall and will be laid directly uried in ground. Main earthing ring will be
further cross-connected and a mesh formed depending on the layout and location of
the equipment. The cross-connections will generally run in cable trenches, or embedded
in concrete floor based on the layout.
2.5 Mtr. long 40 mm. dia G.I. Pipe with holes drilled diametrically opposite to
each other once every 150mm. in an earth pit of 380 x 380 x 3000 mm. filled with salt
and charcoal mixed with sand in alternate layers 150 mm. each upto a height of 2500
mm. from bottom. The pipe shall have provision for watering through a funnel. It shall
also have for connecting providing the 50 x 6 mm. GI Flat on two sides. A masonry
structure shall be constructed to a depth of 750 mm. and a heavy-duty C.I Cover shall
be used to cover the pit.
Copper plate of size 600mm.x 600 mm.x 3.15mm. at a depth of 2000 mm. in
an earth pit of 700 x 700 x 2500 mm. filled with salt and charcoal mixed with sand in
alternate layers 150 mm. each upto a height of 2000mm. from bottom. The pipe shall
have provision for watering through a funnel. Itshall also have for connecting 25 x 6
mm. Copper Flat on two sides. A masonry structure shall be constructed to a depth of
750mm. and a heavy duty C.I Covers shall be used to cover the pit.
iv) Precautions
All jointing of earth flats shall be done in such a way that all surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned and rubbed with emery paper before jointing. Ensure that there is
no air gap between the flats after jointing.
The adequate Light fittings shall be deployed in the SDC. The light fittings
shall be preassembled with necessary ballasts, lamp holders, lamps, interconnections,
terminal connectors and other associated accessories. The light fittings shall be carefully
installed at site. Until hand over necessary protection sheets like polyhthene covers
shall be provided so that no insects can go in.
The Data Centre shall be provided with appropriate methods & equipment to
effectively reduce ESD. It is required that the personnel handling sensitive equipment
shall use wrist straps, heel grounders, etc to reduce the likelihood of human instigation
of ESD. Cabinets, Racks, cages shall be properly grounded & operated by trained
officials during inspection, maintenance and repairs. Usage of room ionisers is preferred
to attract charged objects for neutralization.
Energy Saving
Apart from implementing effective maintenance & service schedules and use
of energy efficient drives, especially motors, the following is proposed for
• Use of LED indicators in EXIT signs with battery backup instead of incandescent lamps
• Use of energy efficient transformer
• Use of CFL lamps which are more efficient.
• The LT side voltage will be maintained constant as an energy saving concept.
CEIG Approval:
2.3 Description of work & Specification 2x3 KVA Inverter (Detailed Technical
Compliance is provided in Technical Bid
2x3KVA Inverter shall be located in the UPS Room in the Ground Floor
adjacent to the Electrical Panel Room (SDC) with 30minutes battery backup as
specified. Necessary incoming and outgoing power distribution shall be done. The
location of the light fittings meant for the Emergency optimally designed. The
emergency wiring shall be deployed to the rooms in the first floor.
Scope: The qualifying bidder has to supply, install and commission DG set comprising
of 2 Nos. 385 KVA, for the Data Centre/ Disaster Recovery Centre as per following
requirements & specifications as per the detailed Technical Specifications & drawings as
given in the tender.
Two DG Sets of each 385 KVA prime output capacity is required for this
project. The set shall automatically start one after the other upon mains power failure
depending on the line loads, run up to full speed within 6 seconds of power failure. The
set shall be provided with a multiple start mechanism with indication of alarm for “failed
to start” condition. A Tachometer switch shall provide control for the start mechanism
and also for the "run” indications. The set shall be skid mounted on independent
foundation. The acoustic treatment shall ensure a maximum sound pressure not more
than 68 dB (A) at 1 meter distance during the day and 45 dB (A) at the neighbour’s
premises during night, while running on partial or full load. This condition shall apply to
the engine exhaust noise levels also. A vertical type “Critical” silencer shall be fitted on
the exhaust pipe after the flexible coupling to reduce the exhaust noise. The exhaust
gases shall be piped to the top of the building covering full height of the building. The
pipe shall be thermally insulated with ceramic insulation and covered overall with
aluminum jacketing. The exhaust pipe and Critical Silencer shall be fixed on a steel
structure which shall be rigidly fixed to external wall vertically.
The basic diesel engine shall be Water cooled diesel engine with exhaust
Turbo charging and charge air cooling, four valve, individual cylinder heads with
exhaust valve rotators, fuel oil pump, fuel duplex filter with diverter valve, fuel injection
system, electronically controlled injection, lube oil circulation and coolant thermostats
for main cooling and charge air cooling circuit, necessary drives, dry exhaust manifolds,
vibration dampers, all necessary pipe work, electric starter suitable for 24 V DC,
Generator 28V DC, Electronic speed governor, Fuel filters, Oil dip stick, Oil extraction
equipment with hand pump, set of air filters including maintenance indicators, exhaust
bellows with connecting flange.
Diesel Engine – Diesel Engine, water cooled, Naturally Aspirated, developing 385 KVA
@ 1500 RPM, under NTP conditions of BS: 5514, with Dry Type Air Cleaner, Compact
Radiator with Recovery Bottle and Pusher type Fan, Engine with Coolant, Engine
mounted panel with wiring harness, Holset Coupling and Industrial Silencer, as per
engine manufacturers design standards.
Two Nos. of Standard design Alternator, rated at 385KVA Output, 0.8 PF, 415
Volts, 3 Phase, 4 wires, 50 cycles/sec, 1500 RPM, self-excited and self regulated, with
brushless excitation, Self- ventilated, Screen Protected Drip Proof, Insulation Class “H”,
enclosure IP 23. The A.C. Generator shall be Horizontal foot mounted single bearing
type and shall be fitted with Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) for Voltage regulation
of +/- 1% or better having response time not more than 1 second. The Alternator
generally conforms to BS: 5000/IS: 4722 and suitable to deliver output of the engine
capacity having 385 KVA.
The Switch Board shall be of standard design, free standing, dust and vermin
proof and wired up to terminals ready for installation. The Switch board with Auto
Synchronizing Facility included Auto Start and Auto OFF facility.
The DG set with enclosure and Auto Start Logic. The Panel should have
provision to receive reference EB Supply through potential free contacts to enable
connection of external audio alarm in case EB Supply has resumed. Separate battery
charger cost to be indicated and the reference EB Supply can be used to charge the
batteries. The Auto Start Logic shall be in such a way that the moment EB supply has
failed or if the voltages reduce to a pre-determined level, it shall be detected through a
voltage monitor and a command shall be given to DG to start with a timer.
After the DG voltage has built up to a certain level, the command for
changing over of motorized MCCBs from EB to DG or vice versa shall be given. When
the EB supply gives normal voltage or has resumed, the command to change over shall
be issued with a timer. However, the stopping of the DG shall be only after the DG has
run for about 5 minutes on no load basis for it to cool down.
Control Panel – Cubicle type, floor mounting Control Panel, with hinged doors, bottom
gland plate and accommodating the following:
Power cables & Control cables are interconnected to use between Generator
and Auto Sync Auto load Sharing panel. The required cables for all auxiliary equipment
are to be included in the scope of supply.
All Starters and auxiliary devices / drives if any required should be Included in
the scope of supply.
Proper DC Charging circuits shall be incorporated in the control panel to boost
and trickle charge the 24 V DC batteries used for starting the engine. The Control circuit
voltage shall be 48 V DC.
• Make the operation of the entire panel including operation of change over
MCCBs. DG Set starting, stopping etc., selectable between Auto & Manual.
• Care should be taken in such a way that the panel does not remain partly
in Auto and partly in Manual mode when the switch is operated.
Base Frame – Sturdy, fabricated, welded construction, channel iron Base Frame for
mounting the above Engine and Alternator.
Fuel Tank – Necessary liters capacity Fuel Tank with mounting brackets to run for 8
hours complete with level indicator, fuel inlet and outlet, air vent, drain plug, inlet
arrangement for direct filling and set of fuel hoses for inlet and return. Diesel storage
requirement for minimum 24 hours should be maintained Battery – Dry uncharged
maintenance free batteries with leads and terminals.
The Generator shall be capable of starting and running continuously for about 12 hours.
o The DG must be stiffened properly and reading for noise and vibration at
full variable condition to be checked before dispatch to Site. Expansion
bellows to be provided before and after silencer.
o The Qualifying bidder would be responsible for conducting the Load Test
of D.G set for 6 hours with Diesel (Load to be arranged by the Tenderer).
o All consumables towards testing of DG at the factory and project site shall
arranged by the Qualifying bidder till the issue of commissioning
o The qualifying bidder shall obtain permission / approval from the Board
for the installation of the DG Set as per exact Rules at their own cost.
Output Power factor At full rated load (KW) 0.9 with no de rating. System with
higher power factor shall be preferred.
Rectifier / Charger Technology PWM Control with IGBT as rectifying element with dual
mode of charging.
Input Voltage 230V AC
Input V Range +15% to - 30%
Input Frequency 50 Hz
Frequency Range +/- 5%
Input Power Factor 0.99 to unity
Input Current Harmonic Distortion THD – less than 5%
Duty Continuous at 40 o
Walk in time 1 to 60 seconds (every 1 second site selectable).
Converter output (DC Voltage) Manufacturer standard with ripple on DC bus <1% RMS
without battery being connected to the DC bus.
Inverter Technology PWM with IGBT with instantaneous sine wave control (to
be provided through dual microprocessor control).
Inverter output voltage 230 AC +/- 1% 1 Ph. 3 wire.
Voltage Regulation Balanced Load +/- 1% for conditions given below
a. For 0 to 100% load variation.
B. Inverter DC I/P Voltage variations (max. - min)
c. Ambient Temp 0 to 45 degree Centigrade
Transient Voltage Regulation a. +/- 5% for 100% load step.
b. +/- 1% for loss of mains supply or on return of mains
c. +/- 5% for load transfer from bypass to inverter
Transient Recovery time 20 milliseconds for 0 to 100% step load
Output Frequency in free running mode. 50Hz. +/- 0.01%
Wave form Pure Sinusoidal
Total Harmonic Distortion at output <3% for linear load
<5% for 100% non-linear load
Manual bypass switch Required for maintenance. The transfer should be makebefore-
break transfer
Protection - Input MCB / Lexic/equivalient
Efficiency at rated power factor at 50%
Min 88%
11 KV /440V, 500KVA Distribution Transformers: