CR.10.Misinformation in Social Media - Final

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Misinformation in Social Media: Definition, Manipulation,

and Detection

Liang Wu∗ , Fred Morstatter† , Kathleen M. Carley‡ , and Huan Liu∗

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

USC Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, CA, USA

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
{wuliang, huan.liu},,

The widespread dissemination of misinformation in social
media has recently received a lot of attention in academia.
While the problem of misinformation in social media has
been intensively studied, there are seemingly different def-
initions for the same problem, and inconsistent results in
different studies. In this survey, we aim to consolidate the
observations, and investigate how an optimal method can
be selected given specific conditions and contexts. To this
end, we first introduce a definition for misinformation in so- Figure 1: Key terms related to misinformation.
cial media and we examine the difference between misinfor-
mation detection and classic supervised learning. Second,
we describe the diffusion of misinformation and introduce
how spreaders propagate misinformation in social networks. confused with misinformation. For example, disinformation
Third, we explain characteristics of individual methods of also refers to inaccurate information which is usually dis-
misinformation detection, and provide commentary on their tinguished from misinformation by the intention of decep-
advantages and pitfalls. By reflecting applicability of dif- tion, fake news refers to false information in the form of
ferent methods, we hope to enable the intensive research in news (which is not necessarily disinformation since it may
this area to be conveniently reused in real-world applications be unintentionally shared by innocent users), rumor refers
and open up potential directions for future studies. to unverified information that can be either true or false,
and spam refers to irrelevant information that is sent to a
large number of users. A clear definition is helpful for estab-
1. INTRODUCTION lishing a scope or boundary of the problem, which is crucial
The openness and timeliness of social media have largely for designing a machine learning algorithm.
facilitated the creation and dissemination of misinformation, Another challenge is that results on similar problems can of-
such as rumor, spam, and fake news. As witnessed in recent ten be inconsistent. It is usually caused by the heterogeneity
incidents of misinformation, how to detect misinformation of various misinformation applications, where different fea-
in social media has become an important problem. It is tures, experimental settings, and evaluation measures may
reported that over two thirds adults in US read news from be adopted in different papers. The inconsistency makes
social media, with 20% doing so frequently1 . Though the it difficult to relate one method to another, which hinders
spread of misinformation has been studied in journalism, the research results to be applied in real-world applications.
the openness of social networking platforms, combined with To this end, this survey aims to review existing approaches
the potential for automation, facilitates misinformation to and literature by categorizing them based on the datasets
rapidly propagate to a large group of people, which brings and experimental settings. Through examining these meth-
about unprecedented challenges. ods from the perspective of machine learning, our goal is
By definition, misinformation is false or inaccurate infor- to consolidate seemingly different results and observations,
mation that is deliberately created and is intentionally or and allow for related practitioners and researchers to reuse
unintentionally propagated. However, as illustrated in Fig- existing methods and learn from the results.
ure 1, there are several similar terms that may easily get In this work, we aim to (1) introduce a definition for misin-
formation in social media that helps establish a clear scope
The review article has been partially presented as a tutorial
at SBP’16 and ICDM’17 for related research; (2) discuss how misinformation spread-
1 ers actively avoid being detected and propagate misinfor-
socialmedia/two-thirds-of-american-adults-get-news-from- mation; and (3) review existing approaches and consolidate
social-media-survey-idUSKCN1BJ2A8 different results, observations and methods from the per-
spective of machine learning. As we discussed earlier, a def-
inition for misinformation in social media can help a detec-
tion method to focus on the specific scope of the problem.
Through studying the diffusion process of misinformation, To better understanding misinformation in social media, we
and how misinformation spreaders manage to avoid being organize different types of misinformation below, though the
detected, we will introduce methods that are robust to such categorization is not exclusive.
adversarial attacks. By reviewing existing approaches based
on the datasets, features, and experimental settings, it is • Unintentionally-Spread Misinformation:
found that the performance of a method relies on the pro- Some misinformation is unintentional to deceive its re-
vided information of a problem, such as the availability of cipients. Regular and benign users may contribute to
content and network data, and the requirements of a solu- the propagation merely due to their trust of informa-
tion, and thus no single method is superior over the rest. We tion sources, such as their friends, family, colleagues
hope these findings will make existing research and results or influential users in the social network. Instead of
handy for real-world applications. wanting to deceive, they usually try to inform their
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 social network friends of a certain issue or situation.
presents a definition for misinformation and discusses several An example is the widespread misinformation about
related concepts. Section 3 examines misinformation diffu- Ebola5 .
sion and several types of adversarial attacks of misinforma-
tion spreaders, and introduces countermeasures that make • Intentionally-Spread Misinformation:
a detection system robust to such attacks. Section 4 intro- Some misinformation is intentionally spread to deceive
duces misinformation detection methods, which focuses on its recipients, which has triggered the intensive dis-
optimizing both accuracy and earliness. Section 5 discusses cussion about misinformation and fake news recently.
feature engineering methods, available datasets, ground truth There are usually writers and coordinated groups of
and evaluation methods. Section 6 concludes the survey, and spreaders behind the popularity, who have a clear goal
provide several future directions in this area. and agenda to compile and promote the misinforma-
tion. Typical examples of intentionally-spread misin-
formation include those conspiracies, rumors and fake
2. MISINFORMATION DEFINITION news that were trending during the 2016 Presiden-
There are several related terms similar to misinformation. tial Elections. For example, a fake-news writer, Paul
Rather than the concepts are relatively easier to distinguish, Horner6 , has claimed credits for several pieces of fake
such as spam (a large number of recipients) rumor (verified news that went viral in 2017.
or unverified) and fake news (in the format of news), the
most similar or confusing term is disinformation. Misinfor- • Urban Legend
mation and disinformation both refer to fake or inaccurate Urban legend is intentionally-spread misinformation
information, and a key distinction between them lies in the that is related to fictional stories about local events.
intention - whether the information is deliberately created to The purpose can often be entertainment.
deceive, and disinformation usually refers to the intentional
cases while misinformation the unintentional. Throughout • Fake News
our discussion, we refer to misinformation as an umbrella Fake news is intentionally-spread misinformation that
term to include all false or inaccurate information that is is in the format of news. Recent incidents reveal that
spread in social media. We choose to do so since on a plat- fake news can be used as propaganda and get viral
form where any user can publish anything, it is particularly through news media and social media [39; 38].
difficult for researchers, practitioners, or even administra-
tors of social network companies, to determine whether a • Unverified Information
piece of misinformation is deliberately created or not. Unverified information is also included in our defini-
The various concepts that are covered in the umbrella term, tion, although it can sometimes be true and accurate.
such as disinformation, spam, rumor, fake news, all share a A piece of information can be defined as unverified in-
characteristic that the inaccurate messages can causes dis- formation before it is verified, and those verified to be
tress and various kinds of destructive effect through social false or inaccurate obviously belong to misinformation.
media, especially when timely intervention is absent. There It may trigger similar effects as other types of misin-
have been examples of widespread misinformation in social formation, such as fear, hatred and astonishment.
media during the 2016 Presidential Election in the US that
have been facilitating unnecessary fears through social me- • Rumor
dia. One of them is PizzaGate, a conspiracy theory about a Rumor is unverified information that can be true (true
pizzeria being a nest of child-trafficking. It started breaking rumor). An example of true rumor is about deaths of
out simultaneously on multiple social media sites including several ducks in Guangxi, China, which were claimed
Facebook, Twitter and Reddit2 . After being promoted by to be caused by avian influenza7 . It had been a true
radios and podcasts3 , the tense situation finally motivated rumor until it was verified to be true by the govern-
someone to fire a rifle inside the restaurant4 . PizzaGate even ment8 . A similar example of avian influenza, which
circulated for a while after the gunfire and being debunked.
2 6
check-this-pizzeria-is-not-a-child-trafficking-site.html horner-dead-fake-news.html
3 7
jones-pizzagate-apology-comet-ping-pong.html 01/28/content3 01225.htm
4 8
comet-ping-pong-edgar-maddison-welch.html , in Chinese
turned out to be false, was that some people had been 3. MANIPULATION OF MISINFORMATION
infected through eating well cooked chicken9 . In this section, we will investigate solutions to address the
challenges brought by adversarial attacks of misinformation
• Crowdturfing spreaders. There are different types of spreaders and we fo-
cus on those who spread misinformation in social networks,
Crowdturfing is a concept originated from astroturfing, and our research particularly focuses on those who spread
which means the campaign masks its supporters and it on purpose. Traditional approaches mainly focus on their
sponsors to make it appear to be launched by grass- excessive suspicious content and network topology, which
roots participants. Crowdturfing is “crowdsourced” obviously distance themselves from normal users. However,
astroturfing, where supporters obtain their seemingly as indicated by recent incidents of rumor and fake news, mis-
grassroots participants through the internet. Similarly information spreaders are not easily discovered with simple
as unverified information or rumor, the information metrics like the number of followers and followee/follower ra-
promoted by crowdturfing may also be true, but the tio. Instead, they will actively disguise themselves, and the
popularity inflated by crowdsourcing workers is fake performance of a classic supervised learning system would
and unfair. Some incidents of misinformation that degrade rapidly due to the adversarial attacks. For exam-
cause negative effects are caused crowdturfing. There ple, a malicious user may copy content from other legitimate
are several online platforms where crowdturfing work- accounts, or even use compromised accounts to camouflage
ers can be easily hired, such as Zhubajie, Sandaha, and misinformation they are spreading. In order to appear as be-
Fiverr. There have been claims that crowdturfing have nign users, they may also establish links with other accounts
been used to target some certain politicians10 . to manipulate the network topology. To further complicate
the problem, there is a lack of availability of label informa-
• Spam tion for the disguised content or behaviors, which makes it
difficult to capture the signal of misinformation. In sum-
Spam is unsolicited information that unfairly overwhelms
mary, there are mainly two kinds of attacks in social media.
its recipients. It has been found on various platforms
including instant messaging, email and social media. Manipulation of Networks Since many users follow back
when they are followed by someone for the sake of courtesy,
misinformation spreaders could establish a decent number of
• Troll links with legitimate users [37]. These noisy links no longer
Another kind of misinformation we focus on is troll. reflects homophily between two nodes, which undermine the
Troll aims to cause disruption and argument towards performance of existing approaches. In addition, misinfor-
a certain group of people. Different from other types mation spreaders may even form a group by connecting with
of misinformation that try to convince its recipients, each other, and such coordinated behaviors are particularly
trolling aims to increase the tension between ideas and challenging for a traditional method.
ultimately to deepen the hatred and widen the gap. Manipulation of Content It is easy for a misinformation
For example, the probability for a median voter to vote spreader to copy a significant portion of content from le-
for a certain candidate can be aroused by being trolled. gitimate accounts. The misinformation that they intend to
In 2016, the troll army that has been claimed to be spread is camouflaged by the legitimate messages to avoid
controlled by the Russian government was accused of being detected. Traditional approaches merge posts of an
trolling at key election moments11 . account altogether as an attribute vector, which would be
less distinguishable to capture the signal of misinformation.
• Hate speech 3.1 Content-based Manipulation
Hate speech refers to abusive content on social media Social network users are naturally defined by the content
that targets certain groups of people, expressing prej- they create and spread. Therefore, a direct way to identify
udice and threatening. A dynamic interplay was found misinformation spreaders from social network accounts is
between the 2016 presidential election and hate speech to model their content information. Traditional approaches
against some protected groups, and the peak of hate mainly focus on classification methods, trying to decode the
speech was reached during the election day12 . coordinated behaviors of misinformation spreaders and learn
a binary classifier. For the rest of the subsection, we will
• Cyberbullying introduce traditional methods, adversarial attacks against
the models, and possible solutions to tackling the challenges.
Cyberbullying is a form of bullying happening online, Figure 2 illustrates an example of misinformation in Twit-
usually in social media, that may consist of any form ter. In social media websites, the content information can
of misinformation, such as rumor and hate speech. usually be extracted from posts and user profiles. We sum-
marize several categories of methods based on the content
9 information they rely on.
02/22/c1 120506534.htm Content extracted from a user’s posts has been studied
10 in early research to directly identify misinformation spread-
11 ers [21], and a text classifier can be used to classify malicious
trolls-went-attack-during-key-election-moments-n827176 users. In order to jointly utilize the network information,
12 previous work also extracts links between social network
nation/wp/2018/03/23/hate-crimes-rose-the-day-after- users, and the classification task is reduced to categorizing
trump-was-elected-fbi-data-show/ attributed vertices in a graph [14; 16]. Content information
Figure 3: A toy example of camouflaged misinformation
spreaders, where a normal user’s posts (A, B and C) are
copied to camouflage a misinformation post (D).

Figure 2: An example of misinformation in social media.

performance of a NB model heavily relies on the Bayes’ The-
orem with conditional independence assumptions between
the features. In the work, the proposed features are man-
extracted from profile [20] has also been utilized to compile ually compiled to avoid such problems. Similarly, SVM,
the attribute vectors with posts. another popular classification algorithm that minimizes the
Profiles can also be directly utilized to identify a misin- generalization error, has also been found to achieve the best
formation spreader. For example, the length of screen name performance for the task [23]. A drawback of SVM is its sen-
and account description, and longevity of accounts are jointly sitivity to missing data, and the proposed methods mainly
used for spreader detection [21]. In addition, a more re- rely on generating pattern-based features for each user in
cent study uses only profile information for the task [22] - the dataset, which avoids any missing entry. Other meth-
by utilizing unigram/bigram, edit distance and other con- ods like decision trees and AdaBoost have been reported to
tent information, the authors build a classifier that discrim- produce the best results [31].
inates user-generated from algorithmic generated profiles, Therefore, if considering misinformation spreader as a classic
where the automatically generated usernames show a dis- classification task, these binomial classification algorithms
tinguishable patterns from the regular manually-generated perform very similarly with each other. The superiority
ones. However, unlike posts that can be essential for spread- highly depends on a certain dataset and what/how features
ing misinformation, it is unnecessary that profiles also con- are used (feature engineering). We will talk more about
tain malicious signals. Therefore, profile-based methods are feature engineering in Section 5.
specially designed for certain spreaders on some platforms. Content of misinformation can, however, be highly manipu-
Links to external resources have also been studied, which lated. For example, as illustrated in Figure 3, where a nor-
direct normal users to websites through URLs. For example, mal user posts A, B, and C, and the adversarial rival copies
while the content of a post varies, researchers find a group them to camouflage the polluting post D. Misinformation,
of misinformation spreaders may embed URLs in their posts i.e. post D, can be very difficult to detect since traditional
that are directing to the same target [53]. In addition, they methods will merge all content together for a user. A key
also discover a bursty fashion of URL-based misinformation. challenge here is data scarcity - since camouflage can take
The main intuition is that a group of accounts can be used up most of the content from a misinformation spreader, it
for a particular target within a specific period. Based on is not easy to identify the scarce polluting evidence. Given
URLs, a signature can be generated to label all such ac- enough labels, the problem can naturally boil down to a post
counts for detecting the bursts. classification task.
Sentiment information embedded in the content has also In order to fight against such manipulation, researchers pro-
been used to detect political misinformation and its incep- pose to adaptively model user content. In particular, they
tion [5]. This stream of research can be further utilized aim to select a group of posts in a user’s content that are
to study the role of misinformation propagation in politi- less likely to be camouflage [48]. It recursively models con-
cal campaigns [30], and it is found that centrally-controlled tent and network information to find groups of posts that
accounts are used to artificially inflate the support for cer- distinguish a user from others. The results from real-world
tain political figures and campaigns. In a 2010 US midterm data prove such adaptive modeling helps a classifier better
election dataset, based on several traditional classification identify suspicious accounts.
methods, campaign-related misinformation propagation has Besides supervised methods, unsupervised approaches have
been discovered [31]. also been investigated in solving the problem. Since some
To compare the classification methods that have been used, misinformation spreaders’ accounts are generated in a batch,
it is difficult to say that a single method outperforms the they may distance themselves from an organic account. For
rest consistently. By studying early literature that directly example, Webb et al. try to discover highly similar accounts
applies classic classification methods, various models have based on user profiles [45], to be generated with the same
been reported to produce the optimal results. For example, template. Chu et al. propose to focus on the posting be-
Naive Bayes, a generative model that has been widely ap- haviors - since misinformation spreaders are often employed
plied in various tasks because of its simple structure, consis- to post information related to a specific topic, their posting
tent performance and robustness to missing data, has been behavior often contains long hibernation and bursty peaks.
found for classifying social media users accurately [8]. The Thus the proposed methods leverage the temporal features
and discover malicious behaviors [8]. User behavioral pat- The underlying assumption here is misinformation spread-
terns, such as online rating [25] and locations [24], have also ers do not behave normally and cannot associate with any
been studied. social community [10].
However, it is still challenging to apply group-based methods
3.2 Network-based Manipulation in real-world applications. First, both kinds of methods fo-
In this subsection, we will discuss network-based attacks of cus only on specific misinformation spreaders and will suffer
misinformation spreaders and how to deal with them. Since from a large number of false negatives. The first category
many users follow back when they are followed by someone of methods aim to achieve a group structure where mis-
for the sake of courtesy, misinformation spreaders could es- information spreaders can be grouped together, while the
tablish a decent number of links with legitimate users [46; second category of methods aims to achieve a group struc-
37]. These noisy links no longer reflect homophily between ture where they can be detached from groups. Second, a
two nodes, which undermine the performance of existing ap- hidden assumption of these approaches is that misinforma-
proaches. In addition, misinformation spreaders may even tion spreaders are homogeneous and behave similarly. How-
form a group by connecting with each other, and such co- ever, misinformation spreaders may emerge from different
ordinated behaviors are particularly challenging for a tra- sources and the optimal parameters, such as the size of a
ditional method. To this end, existing research focuses on cluster and number of clusters, are very difficult to find.
how social interactions could be used to differentiate ma- Adaptively acquiring the parameters have been discussed in
licious users from the legitimate ones. This is inherently recent work [47].
a graph classification problem that manifests in social net-
works. Therefore, the source of network information can be 4. MISINFORMATION DETECTION
leveraged to identify misinformation spreaders. Misinformation detection seems to be a classification prob-
Misinformation spreaders may behave very differently from lem, which has the same setting as text categorization. Tra-
regular users, and previous research aims to identify distin- ditional text categorization tasks, where the content is mostly
guishing characteristics. A classic assumption is that misin- organic and written/compiled to be distinguishable, e.g.,
formation spreaders seldom make friends, and thus a small sports news articles are meant to be different from political
number of links versus a relatively long account age may news. By contrast, misinformation posts are deliberately
indicate being fake [26]. It is obvious that such detection made seemingly real and accurate. Therefore, directly and
methods are prone to be tricked through harvesting friends merely focusing on the text content will be of little help in
on social networks. The hidden assumption here is that detecting misinformation. As illustrated in Figure 2, based
friendship on a social media platform can only be estab- on the information that a method mainly utilizes, we cate-
lished with regular users. Therefore, the methods relying gorize the detection methods as,
on the absolute number of followers are effective only for a
• Content-based misinformation detection: directly de-
certain type of misinformation spreaders. There are meth-
tecting misinformation based on its content, such as
ods focusing on follower/followee ratio [20], however, it is
text, images and video.
still vulnerable as long as enough number of followers can
be harvested - the ratio can be easily manipulated by unfol- • Context-based misinformation detection: detecting mis-
lowing the followees. information based on the contextual information avail-
In order to cope with attacks of follower harvesting, a rel- able in social media, such as locations and time.
atively recent research direction focuses on homophily [27],
• Propagation-based misinformation detection: detect-
i.e., assuming a pair of friends are likely to be of the same
ing misinformation based on the propagation patterns,
label. The corresponding research can be categorized as
i.e., how misinformation circulates among users.
neighbor-based methods. Based on the assumption, a su-
pervised learning algorithm can clamp prediction results of • Early detection of misinformation: detecting misinfor-
a pair of friends [60; 43; 44; 32]. Another common approach mation in an early stage before it becomes viral, usu-
is to use the links to derive a group of users that are densely ally without adequate data or accurate labels.
connected with each other. Since a group of malicious users
usually focus on specific topics, selected features that are 4.1 Content-based Approaches
better reflecting the group can be used to discover misin- Although it is very difficult to obtain useful features from
formation spreaders [14]. An attack against neighbor-based content information, there have been research directly uti-
methods is that misinformation spreaders can harvest links lizing text data for different purposes. For example, some
with regular users. The hidden assumption is that social studies focus on retrieving all posts related to a known piece
media users are careful about connections. However, many of misinformation [40; 15]. This stream of research is more
people would simply follow back after being followed. of a text matching problem, where the targeted posts are
In order to fight against attacks of regular-user friend har- those very similar or duplicate ones of an original misin-
vesting, group-based approaches have been proposed. First, formation post. These methods can be very helpful in the
researchers have been focusing on finding coordinated groups later phase of misinformation propagation. When a certain
of misinformation spreaders. Given labels of some known so- piece of information has been proved to be inaccurate or
cial media users, the task can be seen as propagating labels fake, text-matching methods can be used to find all related
using the links. The coordinated misinformation spreaders posts. However, it is challenging for the methods to capture
are expected to be grouped together by the dense connec- misinformation that has been intentionally rewritten.
tions between them [55]. Second, the task can also be re- In order to extend the limits of text matching methods, su-
garded as an unsupervised problem, where misinformation pervised learning methods have been studied to identify mis-
spreaders are expected to be outliers in the results [18; 1]. information. They usually collect posts and their labels from
microblogging websites such as Twitter and Sina Weibo, and social media.
then train a text classifier based on the collected content and A key intuition of utilizing propagation information is that
labels[56; 54; 58; 11]. The underlying assumption of these the direction of information exchange can reveal commu-
methods is that misinformation may consist of certain key- nity structures and personal characteristics. For example,
words and/or combinations of keywords, so a single post non-parametric methods have been proposed to infer topi-
with enough misinformation signals can be classified. In ad- cal interests of social media users based on content of news
dition, other contextual information like network structures data [17]. Therefore, the homogeneity of topical interests
has also been incorporated [42; 12; 34]. However, post-based of each user can be calculated based on collections of con-
methods can be overly sensitive to misinformation content. tent information, and further they find the corresponding
There can be a large number of posts in real applications, homogeneity can be leveraged to improve supervised misin-
and there may be posts containing certain keywords that formation detection systems as an additional feature. In ad-
lead to false positives. dition to modeling user behaviors, propagation information
Message-cluster based methods have been proposed to con- also allows for understanding characteristics of news being
trol the model sensitivity. Instead of focusing on individual spread. For example, a previous work finds that false ru-
posts, these algorithms first cluster messages based on the mors have a “bursty” pattern of being popular [19] - rather
content, posting time and authors. Then the data instances than being popular only once as a piece of regular news,
to classify become the clusters of messages. The methods fake and unverified information can have hibernation and
either aim to find those suspicious instances [29; 59], or find multiple bursts on social media. Therefore, such temporal
credible clusters of discussions [6; 7; 52]. A practical issue is patterns help characterize information propagation.
that these methods can only be trained on popular topics,
and a large number of posts need to be collected to support 4.4 Early Detection of Misinformation
the clustering. Therefore, these methods are better at de- Compared with traditional classification tasks, which mainly
tecting popular misinformation, which is usually of greater focus on optimizing performance metrics like accuracy and
importance. Those misinformation incidents that are not as F-measure, misinformation detection approaches further take
popular - the ones on the long tail, can often be neglected. into account the earliness of a method. The earliness, or
timeliness of a method describes how fast a misinformation
4.2 Context-based Approaches detection method can be ready to classify misinformation.
On social media platforms, contextual information consists In this context, two challenges immerse as key issues of solv-
of posting time and geolocations. It is usually jointly used ing the problem, i.e., lack of data, and lack of labels.
with other information to facilitate the detection, or directly Therefore, recent research introduces related techniques.
vectorized and being used as additional features. In addi- In order to cope with the lack of data, a critical issue is to
tion, there are also studies that use just contextual informa- allow for aggregation of data at the early stage. Most exist-
tion. For example, Kwon et al. propose to model the bursty ing methods focus on learning from conversations between
patterns of misinformation [19]. Unlike legitimate posts that users, since the content, sentiments, discussions and debates
are scatterly posted over the time, the authors argue that manifested in the interactions provide contextual informa-
misinformation posts are usually posted in a burst. The tion useful for characterizing a certain topic. However, in
underlying assumption is that misinformation is intention- the early stage of misinformation propagation, discussions
ally promoted by certain groups of accounts and thus has a are usually scattered and it takes time for them to develop
different posting patterns. Similar observations have been into long conversations. In order to shorten the waiting pe-
found in an earlier study that rumors are periodically pop- riod, researchers propose to analyze whether structural in-
ular in bursts [9]. formation can be captured in the early stage to help link
the scattered discussions [36]. In particular, three types
4.3 Propagation-based Approaches of structural information are discussed, including hashtags,
Information diffusion describes how information spreads in web links and content similarity. The main intuition is to
social networks, and related research usually focuses on the leverage such links to merge individual discussions into a
users who post and forward information, such as predicting cluster of “conversations”.
the ultimate influence of a message. In this subsection, we Experimental results on real-world datasets show that hash-
will introduce how propagation information can be used to tags are the most helpful linkage for misinformation detec-
detect misinformation. A more detailed introduction about tion, which even enables computationally cheap classifica-
utilizing information diffusion research for misinformation tion model to significantly outperform competitive baselines.
studies can be found in a previous review [51]. Instead of waiting for a conversation to grow, the proposed
Since intentional spreaders of misinformation may manipu- method rapidly learns from individual tweets in the forma-
late the content to make it seem very real, it is very challeng- tive process, which allows for misinformation to be detected
ing to obtain useful features from content for these emerg- when the very first batch of content are posted. In addi-
ing applications. To address this problem, some recent work tion, though the performance of the proposed method and
concentrates on modeling the propagation of messages in a traditional approaches tends to converge when more data is
social network. For example, a framework called TraceM- available, the links do not erode its performance in a late
iner classifies propagation pathways of a message based on stage. A critical issue of utilizing such links is to control
network embeddings of social media users [50]. Experimen- the threshold of merging two posts. Sampson et al. provide
tal results on real-world datasets indicate that the proposed detailed descriptions about how consistent accuracy can be
method can provide a high degree of classification accuracy achieved using an engineered number of links [36].
compared with content-based approaches. This is natural However, even the data sparsity problem can be alleviated,
since content information can be very sparse and noisy on collecting label information still takes time that hinders the
of content information are the posts a user publishes or for-
wards. Early research in this field regards social media users
as a special type of documents [3; 26]. There are various
ways of engineering features of social media content, we list
several commonly used methods here.
• Words Words in the content can be directly used.
They can either be used as binary bit that indicates
whether a word has appeared or a weight that indicates
how important the word is to the user. The weight can
be derived from word frequency, which is the same as
bag of words (BoW), or derived from other weighting
Figure 4: An overview of misinformation detection methods. schemes like TF-IDF [35].
• Latent Features Since social media content is usually
earliness of a method. In the context of a traditional classi- very short, directly using words leads to very sparse
fication task, label information can be collected beforehand. representations that are hard to process. Therefore,
For example, a labeled news dataset can be used to classify in contrast to using raw words, various methods test
sports and political news for the next month. However, it is using latent semantic features that are learned from
particularly difficult for misinformation problems to directly words, such as Language Modeling (LM) [28], word
reuse label information. Misinformation data is usually very embeddings [33] and Topic Modeling [4].
topic-sensitive, and the corresponding vocabulary and word • Keywords A challenge of dealing with social media
choice may vary substantially between different pieces of content is the sparsity due to short content and a
fake news or rumors. Therefore, directly reusing existing large vocabulary. In order to tackle the challenge,
label information unavoidably brings in noise. A common some methods rely on extracting and learning key-
practice is to build a labeled dataset for each misinformation words. The keywords can be a compiled list of spe-
incident. For example, in order to detect a certain piece of cific words, or words taken from URL, hashtags and
fake news, current systems usually need to build a specific mentions, such as domain names and account names.
training dataset for it, and the task is very similar to text Sentiment words and some emoticons (emojis) have
search/matching. also been used in related studies.
Collecting label information can be time-consuming and labor-
intensive, and researchers have proposed to find ways to Based on the extracted features, the task of misinformation
allow for reusing training data from previous misinforma- spreader detection can naturally boil down to a classic su-
tion datasets. Though different rumors and fake news may pervised learning problem, where each data instance is a
be different from each other, two different pieces of mis- user and a classification model is applied to categorize the
information may trigger similar reactions. For example, a users based on the content and network features.
wedge-driving rumor can cause hatred, and atrocious fake
news arouses astonishment among its readers. Therefore, 5.2 Ground Truth and Evaluation
researchers propose to discover useful patterns from reac- Evaluation of misinformation spreader detection is very sim-
tions of readers [49]. The proposed framework focuses on ilar to that of traditional classification tasks. To reduce the
user reactions and jointly clusters data with similar reac- variance of evaluations, as well as improve the performance
tions and selects topic-invariant features from the comments of classification method, the size of training data plays a cru-
and reactions. By clustering misinformation by reactions in- cial role. However, it is particularly challenging to obtain
stead of the topic, previous training data can be readily used ground truth for this task. Considering that misinformation
to identify emerging misinformation incidents, which breaks detection is a time-critical task, labeling data manually that
the detection bottleneck of earliness. may be time-consuming and labor-intensive is impractical in
To summarize, we depict the area in Figure 4. Misinfor- real-world applications. Therefore, existing research mainly
mation detection methods include content-based methods, relies on automatic ways of obtaining ground truth. There
context-based methods, and propagation-based methods, which are two major ways that ground truth data can be collected
are categorized based on the information they rely on, and automatically - utilizing the lists of suspended users, and
early detection methods, which focuses on detection earli- deploying honeypot accounts on social network websites.
ness in addition to accuracy. Suspended Users
Social media websites, such as Twitter and Facebook, con-
stantly suspend users that violate their community rules.
5. DISCUSSION Many researchers leverage these suspended users to obtain
In this section, we will discuss some related topics about mis- ground-truth data. It is straightforward when the list is pub-
information, including common feature engineering methods licly available and the suspended accounts can be directly
for dealing with social media data, and available resources used. In order to leverage the list when it is not publicly
for conducting experiments. available, researchers usually select a large number of ac-
tive accounts and monitor them on social media websites.
5.1 Feature Engineering If any monitored account is found to have been suspended,
Content features are extracted from an account’s profile and the account together with its content and behaviors can be
posts. Profile features usually include a username, a brief used to establish a labeled dataset. In particular, the ac-
biography and a profile photo. A relatively larger source tive users are labeled as regular users while the suspended
as misinformation spreaders. Though the method enables 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH
ground-truth data to be easily collected on a large scale, As witnessed in recent incidents of misinformation, social
recent studies have also realized that the quality may be media have allowed for rumors and fake news to spread to
heavily influenced by community rules that are used to fil- a large group of people rapidly. While researchers have in-
ter accounts [22; 41]. tensively focused on the problem of misinformation detec-
• Honeypots Another approach to discovering misin- tion, seemingly different observations and experimental re-
formation spreaders on social media is to create “hon- sults are reported from different research works. In this
eypots” which attract misinformation spreaders to at- survey, we aim to consolidate related observations and re-
tack. A honeypot in the context of this discussion is an sults. In particular, we try to answer the following questions
automated account controlled by the researcher in or- in this survey.
der to attract real misinformation spreaders to follow
it. The way each honeypot network (“honeynet”) be- • How is misinformation detection different from
haves is determined by the researcher. Honeypots have text classification? We introduce the definition of
been used in recent work. In [21], the authors use a misinformation, misinformation spreaders in social me-
honeynet containing 60 honeypots to tempt bots to fol- dia, explaining several similar terms such as spam,
low them. Each of these honeypots focuses on gaining rumor, disinformation and reason why we use mis-
attraction by tweeting trending topics and links as well information as an umbrella term. We also discuss
as regular tweets and tweets mentioning other honey- how misinformation detection is computationally dif-
pots. Throughout the course of their 7-month study, ferent from classic classification problem, and how re-
they attracted 22,223 bots into their honeynet. The searchers and practitioners tackle different challenges
dataset used in this work is publicly available13 . While toward detecting it.
the honeypot process is a promising way to collect mis-
information spreaders, there are two major drawbacks.
First, Twitter may ban some of the honeypot accounts, • How to identify misinformation spreaders? Mis-
causing the researcher to have to recreate API keys information is usually spread by certain accounts that
to continue the data collection process. Furthermore, distance from regular social media users. We introduce
while bots follow honeypots, real users do not. Thus, how these spreaders can be detected by discussing the
a researcher will need to collect a series of accounts feature engineering methods, available sources of la-
from real users to obtain negative labels. bel information. Since misinformation spreaders ac-
tively manipulate social media platforms to avoid be-
• Sina Weibo is a popular microblogging platform in ing detected, we introduce several state-of-the-art ap-
China, which is very similar to Twitter. A nice prop- proaches that are robust to such attacks with networks
erty of Weibo is that they have launched a fact-checking and content.
platform, which is based on crowdsourcing, to enable
normal users to report and label suspicious content.
On the platform14 , any normal user can report a post • Beyond text, what other information can we
and specify a certain community rule that the content utilize to characterize misinformation and its
has violated. The final judgement will be made by spreaders? As we realize text information can pro-
a committee based on a majority vote. The commit- vide limited help in identifying misinformation and
tee members are also regular users of Weibo, and they misinformation spreaders, we talk about additional in-
are all volunteers and do not receive any stipend. This formation sources that can help expose malicious be-
process is like a crowdsourced version of Twitter’s user haviors and information, such as temporal patterns,
suspension, which is based on Twiiter employees and posting frequency and propagation paths. We intro-
their community rules15 . duce how the additional information can be individu-
ally utilized to complement text information.
• Fact-checking Websites In order to obtain labels for
misinformation posts and post clusters, fact-checking
data is extracted and experimented. Popular websites In addition, benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics are
include Snopes16 , TruthorFiction17 , and PolitiFact18 . also introduced for misinformation identification and inter-
These websites mainly focus on popular events, and vention. Since mining misinformation in a social network is
they maintain a team of professional editors to manu- an emergent field of study, we also list a number of interest-
ally check the truthfulness of the incidents. ing potential problems for future exploration:

Besides relying on ground truth, unsupervised methods [13], • How to predict the potential influence of misin-
and evaluation methods without the underlying ground truth formation in social media? As an instance of clas-
can also be used for social media data. More details can be sification, existing misinformation detection methods
found in a related review [57] focus on optimizing classification accuracy. In real-
13 world applications, however, detecting an influential
14 spreader is may be more useful than ten unimportant
15 ones that can hardly spread misinformation to regular
rules users. It will be interesting to define influence of mis-
16 information spreaders and formulate a computational
17 problem to cope with it.
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