Urban Pub TR Sys Vuchic
Urban Pub TR Sys Vuchic
Urban Pub TR Sys Vuchic
Keywords: Urban transit, Urban transportation, Public transport, Rapid transit, Semirapid transit,
Bus transit, Light Rail Transit, Metro systems, Commuter rail, Regional rail, Automated Guided
Transit, Transit systems scheduling, Transit planning
Glossary of Terms
List of Abbreviations
1. Classification of Transit Systems
1.1 Definition and Characteristics of Transit Modes
1.2 Street Transit, Semirapid Transit and Rapid Transit
2. Bus Transit System
2.1 Bus Vehicles
2.2 Bus Travel Ways
2.3 Bus Stops and Stations
2.4 Express Bus
2.5 Bus Semirapid Transit
3. Trolleybus System
4. Rail Transit Systems
4.1 Characteristics of Rail Transit Modes
4.2 Rail Transit Vehicles
4.3 Track and Rights-of-Way
5. Tramway/Streetcar and Light Rail Transit - LRT
6. Rapid Transit or Metro
7. Automated Guided Transit Systems
8. Regional and Commuter Rail
9. Special Technology Transit Systems
10. Transit Line Scheduling
11. Transit Planning and Selection of Transit Modes
12. Present and Future Role of Urban Transit
Glossary of Terms
- Automated Guided Transit - AGT: any electrically powered guided transit system operated
automatically, i.e., without drivers. The term usually refers to systems with small or medium
capacity vehicles (up to 100 spaces), supported by rubber-tires or steel wheels, operated singly or
in short trains.
- Bus transit system: motor buses operated on streets or, sometimes, special roadways.
- Express Bus: bus transit lines which operate largely on separate lanes and roadways, or on
freeways, with long spacings between stops.
- Bus Rapid Transit - BRT: popular but incorrect name for Bus Semirapid Transit
- Bus Semirapid Transit - BST: bus system operating mostly on ROW category B, with
preferential signals, separate stations with fare collection prior to boarding, regular or
articulated buses and other amenities increasing line performance. Superior to regular buses
in passenger attraction.
- Capacity, line: maximum number of offered spaces or passengers carried passed a fixed point
along a line during one hour.
- Commuter Rail: railroad passenger services provided for commuters traveling between suburbs
and central city.
- Cycle time: time interval between two successive departures of a TU from the same terminal on
a transit line.
- Frequency of service: number of TU departures on a line per hour (inverse of headway).
- Guided transit: transit s systems with vehicles guided physically by a guideway (usually rail
track) instead of steered by the driver.
- Headway: time interval between departures of two consecutive TUs on a transit line.
- Headway, policy: minimum headway determined by the desired level of service, rather than
required offered capacity.
- High Occupancy Vehicle - HOV: any vehicle with more than “n” occupants, where “n” may be
defined as 4, 3 or even 2 persons. Transit buses belong in HOVs.
- HOV lane/facility: lane or roadway dedicated to HOV, which include transit buses.
- Light Rail Transit - LRT: system of electrically powered rail vehicles, usually articulated,
operating as 1-4 car trains, mostly on ROW category B, but also often using sections of ROW A
or C. The mode is extremely diversified in the types of vehicles, ROW categories and types of
operation. It has a strong image and passenger attraction.
- Load (utilization) factor: ratio between the number of passengers and spaces in vehicles or in
TUs at a certain moment, or on a line during a certain time period.
- Metro system: increasingly and internationally used term for rail rapid transit.
- Monorail: transit system riding on or suspended from a single beam or rail.
- Paratransit: modes of passenger transportation consisting of small or medium capacity highway
vehicles offering service adjustable in various degrees to individual users’ desires.
- Performance (transit system): a composite measure of transit system operating characteristics,
mostly quantitative, such as service frequency, speed, reliability, safety, capacity and
- Personal transportation: transportation where each individual travels independently, such as
walking, on bicycle or in a personal car.
- Public transportation: service provided by public or private agencies which is available to all
persons who pay the prescribed fare. In urban areas, typical public transportation systems are bus,
trolleybus, LRT, metro, regional rail and other modes operating on prescribed lines/routes on
established and announced schedule. Also known as Public transport, transit, public transit and
mass transit .
- Rail transit system: Transit systems with rail technology - steel wheels on steel rails. Major
modes are Tramway/Streetcar, Light Rail Transit, Rail Rapid Transit/Metro and Regional
- Rapid transit: High-capacity, high-performance transit systems which have only exclusive
ROW (category A) and off-street stations with platforms matching car floor height. They consist
of guided (usually rail) electric vehicles coupled in trains of up to 10 cars. Because such systems
require substantial investment, they are built for heavily traveled lines.
- Regional rail - RGR: Electric or diesel rail transit systems operating on railroad tracks either by
railroad or by transit agency. See also Commuter rail.
- Right-of-Way - ROW: Strip of land with pavement or railroad track on which transit TUs
operate. May be category C - common streets with general traffic, category B - partially
separated, b ut with crossings at grade, or category A - fully separated and controlled by the transit
- Semirapid Transit: transit systems operating mostly on ROW category B. Most typical mode
is LRT, but BST is also in this category.
- Streetcar: see Tram.
- Street Transit: Transit systems operated on urban streets, such as buses, trolleybuses and
tramways or streetcars.
- Technology (transit system): Set of technical components and characteristics of a transit
system. The main items characterizing technology and their common forms in transit systems are
support (highway or rail), guidance (driver-steering or guidance by wheels/guideway contacts),
propulsion (internal combustion engine or electric) and control (visual, signal, automated).
- Tram, Streetcar or Trolley: Electric rail vehicles operating in 1-3 car trains, mostly on urban
streets, ROW category C.
- Transit unit - TU: One or more vehicles coupled together; common term for single vehicles,
short or long trains.
- Trolley: see Tram.
- Trolleybus: Electrically powered bus. Operates along a set of two overhead wires from which
the vehicle obtains power via two trolley poles. Also, trackless trolley.
- Utilization factor: see Load factor.
- Vehicle, transit (bus or rail): Vehicle used for carrying transit passengers. Their types:
- By technology: Bus - Rubber-tired highway vehicle; Rail - Steel wheel on steel rail vehicle.
- By powering: Powered - With one or more motors; Unpowered - Trailers; Powered but not
carrying passengers - Locomotive.
- By body type: Regular - single-body vehicle; Articulated or Multi-articulated vehicles -
Vehicles with two or up to seven body sections (rail vehicle) connected by flexible
- Low-floor vehicles (bus or light rail): Vehicles with floor 30-40 cm above road surface with
buses or from top of rail with LRT vehicles.
List of Abbreviations
Cities and metropolitan areas are centers of diverse activities which require efficient and convenient
transportation of persons and goods. It is often said that transportation is the lifeblood of cities. High
density of activities make it possible and necessary that high capacity modes, such as bus, light rail
and metro, be used because they are more economical, more energy efficient and require much less
space than private cars. Moreover, public modes of transportation provide service for all persons,
while cars can be used only by those who own and can drive them. Thus, cities need, and they benefit
from public transportation services which offer greater mobility for the entire population than people
in rural areas can enjoy. Moreover, transit systems are also needed in urbanized areas to make
high-density of diverse activities, such as residences, business offices, factories, stadia, etc.,
physically possible, while keeping cities livable and attractive for people.
Urban transportation consists of a family of modes, which range from walking and bicycles to urban
freeways, metro and regional rail systems. The basic classification of these modes, based on the type
of their operation and use, is into three categories:
(a) Private transportation consists of privately owned vehicles operated by owners for their personal
use, usually on public streets. Most common modes are pedestrian, bicycle and private car.
(c) Urban transit, mass transit or public transportation includes systems which are available for use
by all persons who pay the established fare. These modes, which operate on fixed routes and with
fixed schedules, include bus, light rail transit, metro, regional rail and several other systems.
Urban public transportation, strictly defined, includes both transit and paratransit categories, since
both are available for public use. However, since public transportation tends to be identified with
transit only, inclusion of paratransit is usually specifically identified.
This chapter covers urban mass transit or public transport systems. First, basic characteristics of
transit modes are defined, then their physical components are described. Further, operations and
scheduling are presented and illustrated, followed by a brief review of transit planning and a
discussion of the present and future role of transit in cities and urban regions.
Right-of-way (ROW) Category, or type of way on which transit vehicles operate, is the most
important characteristic of transit modes. There are three ROW categories:
· ROW Category B represents transit ways that are partially separated from other traffic. Typically
they are street medians with rail tracks which are longitudinally separated, but cross street
intersections at grade. Bus lanes physically separated from other traffic also represent ROW category
B. This ROW requires a separate strip of land and certain investment for construction.
· ROW Category A is fully separated, physically protected ROW on which only transit vehicles
operate. This category includes tunnels, aerial (elevated) structures or fully protected at-grade tracks
or roadways. Thus, vertical position of the ROW is not as important as its separation from other
traffic, because total independence of TU’s allows many physical and operational features that are not
possible to use on ROW categories B and C. Therefore, the modes with ROW category A are guided
(rail, exceptionally rubber-tired) systems with trains, electric traction and signal control which offer
very high capacity, speed, reliability and safety.
Technology of transit systems refers to the mechanical features of their vehicles and travel ways. The
four most important features are:
· Support: rubber tires on roadways, steel wheels on rails, boats on water, etc.
· Guidance: vehicles may be steered by the driver, or guided by the guideway; on rail, AGT and
monorail systems drivers do not steer vehicles/trains, because they are mechanically guided.
· Propulsion: most common in transit systems are internal combustion engine - ICE (diesel or
gasoline) and electric motor, but some special systems use magnetic forces (linear induction motor -
LIM), cable traction from a stationary motor, propeller or rotor, and others.
· Control: the means of regulating travel of one or all vehicles in the system. The most important
control is for longitudinal spacing of vehicles, which may be manual/visual by the driver,
manual/signal by the driver assisted by signals, fully automatic with driver initiation and supervision,
or without any driver at all.
· By types of routes and trips served: Short-haul, City transit and Regional transit.
· By time of operation and purpose: All-day, regular service, Peak-hour service or Commuter
transit, and Special service for irregular events (public meetings, sport events, etc.).
Transit system technology is often the most popular aspect of transit systems: people usually know
what is a bus system, trolleybus, tramway, rapid transit or metro, regional rail, etc. Actually, among
the three characteristics - ROW, technology and type of service - ROW is the most important element,
because it determines the performance/cost relationship for the modes. It is the main criterion for the
definition of three generic classes of transit modes, defined in the next section.
As described in the preceding section, the three ROW categories - C, B and A - define three generic
classes of transit modes, respectively: Street Transit, Semirapid Transit and Rapid Transit. The
diagram in Figure 1 illustrates this: it shows performance of transit modes on the abscissa, and their
required investment cost on the ordinate. Performance is represented by the product of line capacity
and operating speed; investment cost is in $/line-km. On this diagram it can be seen that street transit
modes, which have ROW category C, require very low investment. They offer relatively low
performance, however. Modes with ROW category B, semirapid transit, have a significantly higher
performance, but they also require higher investment. By far the highest performance, as well as the
highest investment characterizes modes with ROW category A: rapid transit or metro systems.
Street Transit: Most buses, trolleybuses and tramways/streetcars belong in this generic class.
With operations on streets or ROW category C, transit requires very low investment (mostly for
transit stops). However, quality of street transit services, particularly speed and reliability, depends
on traffic conditions. Being slower than general traffic, transit can not compete effectively with
private cars, unless other conditions discourage car use.
Semirapid Transit: With partially separated ROW, category B, the most common transit modes in
this class are Light Rail Transit - LRT and Bus Semirapid Transit - BST. The latter has recently
been named Bus Rapid Transit - BRT. This is an inaccurate designation because “Rapid Transit”
represents by definition transit modes which have ROW category A on their entire routes, which is
never the case with buses.
LRT tracks are usually in curbed medians or in reserved lanes, in park areas, sometimes on short
flyovers or underpasses at major intersections, or in tunnels through high density areas. Construction
of these partially separated tracks, redesign of intersections to give preferential treatment to transit
vehicles, separate stop or station areas, as well as special bus roadways, requires considerable
However, as a result of the separation and independence of transit from general traffic, its
performance is distinctly higher: operating speed and reliability of semirapid transit service are
greater than performance of street transit, and it is often competitive with or even superior to car
travel. Moreover, operation of larger TU’s is possible. TU or “transit unit” is a term designating a set
of vehicles coupled together; it includes single vehicles - bus or rail - as well as trains of any length.
Rapid Transit: By far the most dominant mode in this category is Rail Rapid Transit - RRT, or
Metro systems; others are Rubber-Tired Rapid Transit - RTRT, Light Rail Rapid Transit (LRT
with ROW category A only), Automated Guided Transit - AGT and Monorails, which may have
different technologies, such as supported, suspended and others.
Due to fully protected ROW, category A - regardless whether it is in tunnels, aerial or at ground level
- rapid transit is by far the highest performance transit system. Independence from streets allows
operation of trains with up to 10 cars, having capacity equivalence of 2-4 LRT trains or 15-25 buses.
Operating speed is as high as the alignment of ROW physically allows, typically 2-3 times greater
than the speed at which street transit operates. Consequently, rapid transit represents the highest
performance passenger transportation in urbanized areas. Correspondingly, the investment cost for
rapid transit is very high, typically several times higher than for semirapid transit.
Transit services on lightly traveled routes can not justify large investments. Such services, typical for
small cities and suburban areas, are generally operated by buses on streets (ROW category C). When
passenger volume is greater and better service is needed, ROW category B is more effective. Once
the investment in partially separated ways is made, it is logical to use a higher performance mode -
electric rail transit. The logical choice is usually LRT, because it is more efficient in operations for
large passenger volume, it attracts more riders, and its operating costs do not increase linearly with
passenger volume (as is the case with buses).
Finally, for very large passenger volumes, which usually exist in big cities where there is no space for
separate ROW on the surface, tunnels or aerial structures must be constructed. This is justified by the
high usage of transit, required high performance and the need to intensively use the limited land.
Once ROW category A is provided, the only logical technology to use is rail rapid transit: electrically
powered trains can carry much greater passenger volumes at higher speed, comfort and safety than
short trains of LRT; buses would be even less effective. Moreover, they are physically infeasible for
use in tunnels because of the exhaust gases they produce.
Consequently, ROW category is generally a function of the quantity and quality of transit service
required, and it dictates the technology and type of service which will be most effective to use. In
other words, technology of transit systems is largely influenced by the ROW category: it changes
from dominant buses on ROW category C to a greater use of trolleybuses and tramways as the
passenger volume and required quality of service (performance) require. On ROW category B use of
buses diminishes as compared to rail technology in the form of LRT. Finally, when transit systems
with ROW category A are required, buses are eliminated because electric traction is needed, and long
trains - metro systems - become a more logical choice than lower capacity, shorter LRT trains.
The positive impacts transit has on the areas it serves is generally proportional to the required
investment. Semirapid and particularly rapid transit have a much stronger image and attract more
passengers than street transit, which is not strongly distinguishable from general traffic. With their
permanence, rapid transit systems have a strong interaction with urban design and they often
stimulate investments in areas around transit stations.
The following description of transit modes will be based on technology because of their physical
characteristics - buses, rail modes and special systems - will be described in separate sections. Each
technological family of modes will be described by its components - vehicles, ways, terminals - and
their operational characteristics will be defined, particularly as they differ due to the different ROW
categories they operate on.
Buses represent the most widely used transit technology. Virtually every city in the world that has
transit service, operates buses. Large cities with rail transit also operate extensive bus networks,
usually on lines with lower passenger volumes or as feeders to rail lines.
Bus service is easy to introduce or modify: basic service requires only purchase of vehicles, garage
and maintenance facilities, and organization of service. Stops along the lines can be simple.
Therefore, buses represent the most economical transit mode for lightly traveled lines. This
flexibility of bus routes is an advantage for any necessary changes, but it is a disadvantage for major
bus lines: they lack permanence, efficiency in carrying heavy passenger volumes, and image of
permanent, physically fixed routes desired by passengers.
Compared to paratransit modes, bus transit is very labor-efficient: one driver operates a vehicle with
capacity of 50-150 spaces. Compared to rail transit, buses are labor-intensive and have no economy
of scale: on heavily traveled lines for every additional 40-120 passengers, one bus and one driver
must be added to service.
There is a range of bus vehicles by their size/capacity and body type. Main types are defined here.
Minibus is a 6-8 meters long vehicle, which has a capacity of 15-40 seats and standing spaces. It is
used for lightly traveled lines, short shuttle lines, services in residential neighborhoods, etc.
Regular bus is 10-12 m long, 2.50 m wide. It has 30-50 seats and 60-20 standing spaces (minimum
number of seats corresponds to the maximum number of standing spaces).
Articulated bus is a vehicle with the main body on two axles and an articulated section with the third
axle. These buses are 16-18 m long and have a capacity approximately 50 percent greater than
regular bus. With their greater capacity, articulated buses are suited for heavily traveled lines. In a
few cities with very heavy ridership double-articulated buses, with three body sections and four axles,
are used.
Double-decker buses have two decks, the upper being for seated passengers only. Like articulated
buses, double-deckers have a greater capacity than regular buses, but take less street space. They
involve passengers climbing stairs, which is inconvenient. Riding on the upper deck, however, offers
nice views for passengers. They are used extensively in the cities of the United Kingdom and many
British Commonwealth countries, as well as in Berlin and a few other cities.
In selecting buses for a specific service, expected passenger volume is critical for vehicle design.
Maneuverability and riding comfort are also considered. Thus, for lightly traveled bus lines in
suburban areas with many narrow residential streets, or on hilly terrain, minibus may be best suited
because it is least expensive per vehicle-km, its small capacity is adequate and it can negotiate such
alignments better than large buses. On the other hand, heavy passenger loads make regular or
high-capacity buses more economical and superior in offering the required capacity. Average trip
lengths influence the number and width of doors, as well as seating arrangement.
Relatively short trips and intensive exchange of passengers at stops requires two double channel
doors on regular, 3-4 double channel doors on articulated buses, and single rows of seats on each side.
For lines with moderate passenger loads and longer trips, 2+1 or 2+2 seating may be used. In the
latter case standing should be expected only in exceptional cases. In all cases access for passengers
in wheelchairs is legally required to be provided by lifts, “kneeling bus” which can be lowered in the
front, or by low-floor bus design.
Low-floor buses, perfected during the 1990's, have become standard in several industrialized
countries. These buses have floors 35-40 cm above ground, so that entry from a curb is nearly flat,
or a plate is provided for wheelchairs. Low-floor buses offer considerably greater comfort for
passengers and speed up their boarding-alighting. Mechanical equipment on these buses is stored
mostly on the roof, while the motor is in a compartment in the rear, where the floor is ramped up.
Most buses are powered by 4-, 6- or 8-cylinder diesel engines. To reduce air pollution, a number of
new propulsion systems have been developed: “clean diesel,” ethanol, methanol, propane and other
propulsion is used. Some new engine designs, such as propane, are rather quiet, but noise and odor
do remain disadvantages of diesel buses.
The vast majority of buses operate on regular streets, ROW category C. Being in mixed traffic, their
speed and reliability of service depend on traffic conditions. Their average speed is lower than
average speed of cars because they stop to pick up and drop off passengers. Buses are therefore not
very competitive with car travel in the same corridor with respect to speed and reliability. Their
advantage is much lower cost and convenience of not having to drive and park.
To make buses more efficient and attractive to passengers, bus preferential measures can be
introduced. These include the following:
·Preferential signals: buses in a separate approach lane at intersections get the green signal before
other lanes, so that they can proceed through the intersection ahead of other traffic;
· Alternating stop locations at near- and far-side of intersections (before or after cross street) so that
buses clearing one intersection on green signal use the green at the following intersection before they
make the next stop. Also, spacings between bus stops should typically be about 250-400 m.
· Exclusive bus lanes, which may be curb lanes or lanes in the median - ROW category B. This is the
most significant improvement measure because it makes buses independent of traffic conditions on
the same street.
· Buses on high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes or roadways are used when bus lines with
frequent service follow freeway alignment for a rather long distance. HOV facilities usually have
traffic control that prevents congestion, but they do not provide the image of an exclusive,
independent transit facility.
· Busway - special roadways reserved for buses only (ROW category B or A). Since busways require
very high investment costs, they are used for some sections of lines. If ROW category A is required
for a large section of line, it is usually better to introduce rail system, so that the investment in high
quality ROW is better used for electrically powered trains, rather than single bus vehicles.
As mentioned, spacings between bus stops along urban streets are usually 250 to 400 m long. In
suburban, lightly traveled areas, stops can be closer if they are on-call, so that buses stop only on
passenger demand. Bus stops should have a shelter for weather protection, a bench and complete
information about the lines serving that stop and their schedules. With advanced electronics, it will
be possible to display the time of arrival of the next bus.
At major bus stations where many lines converge and terminate, a set of islands can be used for
parallel bus stop locations. Pedestrians can either cross bus roadways at grade, because buses are
stopped at those locations, or there can be stairways from each island to a cross-pedestrian corridor
above the station or underneath, in a tunnel. The latter design is common when bus lines feed a rail
line which is placed above or under the station area.
For major bus-rail transfer stations the most efficient layout is an island to which stairs or escalators
from the rail station arrive. Bus access roadways are brought to a circular drive which goes clockwise
(in countries with driving on the left, the circular roadway must have counter-clockwise driving).
Bus stops are located around the island, and they may have a straight curb or “saw-tooth” pattern
which facilitates bus access and departure maneuvers.
Express bus service is used for long lines, usually with higher quality service than regular bus lines.
Operated for commuter services or, sometimes, throughout the day, express bus service has one or
more of the following characteristics:
· Long stop spacings, resulting in higher travel speed;
· Portions of the line use reserved bus or HOV lanes, or operate on freeways;
· Offer higher comfort - usually seating for all passengers;
· Have higher than regular fares.
Express bus services can be offered as a special service, such as peak hour commuter lines; or, they
may be used as a higher quality/higher fare service paralleling regular bus lines, but more competitive
with private car. Express bus often serves lines to airport or between center city and major regional
activity centers.
On major urban corridors which require faster, more reliable and higher capacity services than
regular buses can offer, but there is no rail service, bus lines can be upgraded to offer higher
level-of-service and higher capacity than regular bus lines. This type of service, designated Bus
Semirapid Transit or BST (“BRT”), represents a mode “between” regular bus and LRT service. BST
investments are considerably higher than regular buses involve because they require construction of
special lanes or roadways, stations and other equipment. Their investments are lower than for LRT
because they do not need electrification and tracks. Correspondingly, BST performance and service,
including speed, reliability and capacity, is also better than regular buses can offer. It does not match
performance and level-of-service of LRT because rail vehicles are more spacious, more comfortable,
have better performance and considerably lower noise due to electric traction. Moreover, their
permanent tracks, rights-of-way and stations also give rail systems a much stronger image.
BST are obtained by provision of reserved lanes or roadways (ROW category B), preferential
treatment at intersections, stops with multiple births (stopping locations) which allow overtaking and
simultaneous boarding of several buses, fare collection prior to boarding and other elements which
increase speed and reliability of service. To increase line capacity, articulated and, in some cases
with mostly straight corridors, double-articulated buses are used.
The best examples of BST systems are found in Ottawa, Canada, and Curitiba, Brazil. Sao Paolo and
several other cities in Brazil, as well as Turkey, Ireland, France and other countries also have this
mode. Several U.S. cities had upgraded bus systems, but then degraded them into HOV lanes and
commuter, rather than regular lines. In the late 1990s, Federal Transit Administration initiated a
program to develop several BST (“BRT”) lines in a number of cities.
3. Trolleybus System
Trolleybuses are generally the same vehicles as buses - regular and articulated, - but they are powered
by electricity obtained via two overhead trolley poles. They require construction of two overhead
power lines (positive and negative). The vehicles require higher investment than diesel buses, but
they also have 50-75% longer life.
Trolleybuses have a stronger image than buses due to their overhead wires and the permanence such
installations provide, as well as due to their better performance. Electric traction gives trolleybuses
the following advantages and disadvantages as compared to internal combustion engine (diesel)
- Lines can not be rerouted if this is needed for temporary changes.
As a consequence, trolleybuses are efficient in hilly cities, in areas where low noise and pollution are
very important (tourist and scenic areas), and in areas where electricity is cheaper than oil. Thus, in
Switzerland, which has ample electric energy but imports all oil, and which has hilly terrain,
trolleybuses are used extensively.
Rail transit represents a family of transit modes which use rail technology. Major modes included in
this family are Tramway/Streetcar, Light Rail Transit - LRT, Rapid Transit or Metro, and
Regional/Commuter Rail. These modes differ in the types of ROW on which they operate, in
propulsion systems, and types of vehicles and trains. Generally, rail transit modes have higher
performance and greater permanence than buses.
Four basic characteristics of rail transit systems strongly influence their performance. They are
described here.
· Guided vehicle technology allows use of large vehicles and operation of trains, which provide
much greater transporting capacity and lower cost per space offered than any other mode of
transportation. A single driver operates a train which can have 10-30 times greater capacity than a
· Rail technology is the simplest system of vehicle guidance which has extremely low wheel
resistance and very simple, fast and reliable switching of tracks. All guided transit modes except a
few rubber-tired metros and most AGT systems use rail technology.
· Electric traction, used by all rail transit systems except for some commuter rail lines with diesel
traction, requires higher investment than diesel traction, but it brings a number of advantages.
Electrically powered vehicles have excellent performance (good gradient climbing ability, high
acceleration and braking rates, energy recovery in braking, etc.), they are extremely quiet and
produce no exhaust; therefore they can be operated in tunnels as well as in pedestrian-oriented urban
· Separate rights-of-way - categories B and A - are used by all rail transit modes except for some
streetcars. Similar to electrification, rights-of-way B and A require higher investment than ROW C,
but they enable these systems to have high performance - speed, reliability, safety - as well as strong
image with the passengers and public in general.
The above listed technical features of rail transit modes give these modes the following positive (+)
and negative (-) characteristics:
+ Technically simple, reliable physical vehicle guidance which allows safe and economical operation
of large vehicles and trains, providing very high transporting capacity.
+ Rail vehicles are spacious, comfortable and durable, with life of 30-40 years.
+ Due to its physical guidance, rail transit has electric propulsion with superb acceleration
/deceleration performance, and automatic, fail-safe signal control which makes this mode extremely
+ Due to electric traction, rail transit has low noise production and no exhaust, so that it can be
operate in tunnels in central urban areas, as well as on aerial structures and in pedestrian zones (LRT),
offering superb access to pedestrian-oriented areas.
+ Fixed tracks and stations give rail transit a strong image which attracts riders, and permanence
which often leads to a strong interaction with land use development around stations.
- Separate ROW (categories B and A) and extensive infrastructure - tracks, electrification and stations
- require very high investments.
- For low passenger volumes and extensive lines in low-density areas rail transit is less efficient than
buses operating on streets, which have ability to easily change line alignments.
Consequently, rail transit is a family of modes which requires higher investment, but offers higher
quality, more permanent services than street-based bus systems. Generally, for low passenger
volumes and low-density lines bus modes are superior to rail; for very high passenger volumes rail
transit is more attractive and more efficient than buses; for medium-volume lines the two families of
technological modes overlap and their selection depends on many local conditions, network aspects,
role of transit in the area, etc.
Standard rail transit vehicles consist of a large body (14-26 m long, 2.20-3.25 m wide) supported by
two trucks (bogies). Body length between trucks and vehicle overhangs outward from the trucks
influence the required free profile in curves. Figure 2 illustrates geometric elements and clearances
of two LRT vehicles in a curve; one is single-body, the other articulated car..
Tramway and LRT systems use a variety of different vehicle designs. Articulated vehicles are most
common. These may be with two articulated bodies and three trucks, or three bodies with four trucks.
Since 1985, low floor vehicles have been designed with conventional as well as single-axle trucks,
and 3 to 7 articulated bodies with lengths sometimes exceeding 30 or 40 m. Low floors, 30-35 cm
above rails, provide for easy entry/exit, and multi-axle vehicles running on well-designed tracks
provide very smooth, comfortable ride.
Metro and electrified regional rail systems usually have all vehicles powered, while tramways
sometimes operate as motor car-trailer sets. Trains consisting of powered cars only are called
multiple unit, or MU trains. Metro systems may have single cars which can operate alone - as single
units (SU), two cars which always travel together and share some equipment - married pairs ( MPs),
or sometimes even 3- or 4-car units. Diesel commuter rail systems usually have locomotives towing
trailer cars. These are often double-deck cars.
Rail track consists of two steel rails supported on wooden or concrete ties which maintain exact
distance between the rails, designated as gauge. The standard gauge of 1.435 m (4'8.5") is used on
most railroad and transit systems, although there are narrow as well as broad gauges. Many tramways
in Europe have 1.00 m gauge, and several major railways systems, such as Japan and South Africa,
use the 1.067 m wide gauge. Russian, Spanish railways, as well as some US transit systems, have
broad gauges, exceeding 1.50 m.
Position of rail transit ROW may be at grade - in a street or separated from street, in open cut, in a
tunnel, on an embankment, or on an aerial structure. By its separation, it may be in any category - C,
B or A, and that category largely determines the mode of rail transit. For example, systems with
ROW category A exclusively represent rail rapid transit; those using ROW category B, sometimes
also C or A, are LRT mode.
The four major rail transit modes are described in the following sections.
Trams (English/French designation), Streetcars or Trolleys (U.S. terms) operate mostly on urban
streets and, sometimes, on partially separated tracks - ROW categories C and B, respectively. When
they are mixed with general traffic, their operating speed is subject to congestion delays. To improve
their reliability, streetcars are often provided separated lanes, protected stop areas and special signal
Light Rail Transit or LRT consists of spacious articulated cars operating in 1-4 car trains, mostly on
category B ROW. In some cases LRT uses short tunnels in center city, or operates in pedestrian
streets or malls. This separation makes LRT largely independent of traffic congestion, allows them
higher operating speed and reliable service, as well as a strong, attractive image and presence in the
city, which is its major advantage over buses.
LRT is a transit mode that is, by its performance and investment costs, between buses and metro
systems. Due to its diversity in physical and operational features, LRT can be applied in many
different locations and roles. Its main features are:
· TU’s can be single cars or trains of up to four articulated cars, with capacities of 150-800 spaces;
· ROW for LRT may be category C, B or A;
· Tracks may be aerial, on ground level or in subway;
· Passengers may board at simple stops along a street, climbing four steps, or with no steps into
low-floor cars, through two to as many as 16 doors on a 4-car TU; stopping locations may also be
large off-street stations with high platforms;
· LRT trains may travel with street traffic at low speeds for a short distance, averaging 12 km/h; or,
they may run at up to 100 km/h on long suburban sections, with average line speeds of 40-50
· LRT can be a suburban feeder to metro (Philadelphia, Paris), a trunk line for transit network in a
city (Sacramento, Baltimore), or serve as the basic network for entire city (Hannover, Cologne,
· Line capacity may be from 3,000 to 20,000 spaces per hour.
Due to its diversity and ability to provide a much higher level of service than buses at a much lower
investment than metro, LRT is now being built in more cities around the world than any other rail
transit mode. Dozens of cities in the United States, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, other
European, as well as many developing countries in Asia and Latin America are presently building or
planning LRT systems.
By definition, rapid transit - popularly and internationally better known as metro - is an electric rail
transit system with fully controlled ROW (category A). Its exclusive ROW makes it possible to
operate trains of up to 10 cars at maximum physically possible speeds between stations. With up to
40 double-channel doors, floor-level platforms and fare collection away from the boarding area,
metro trains can board and alight large passenger volumes during very short train dwell times (at rates
as high as 40 persons/second). This feature contributes to metro’s high efficiency and travel speed.
Metro systems exist in about 100 cities throughout the world. In medium-size cities they serve a few
major corridors; in very large cities, such as New York, Tokyo and Moscow, metro is the basic mode,
providing services on an extensive network serving the entire city. Without metros, these cities could
not exist in their present form, because no other mode could transport such large volumes of
passengers as efficiently as metro.
Average operating speeds of metros vary from 30 km/h on inner urban networks, to 60 km/h on
extended regional metros such as San Francisco BART and Washington Metro. Offered capacity is
from 20,000 spaces/hour on small systems to as high as 80,000 sp/h on such high-capacity systems as
Tokyo, Hong Kong and New York.
Rapidly growing cities in developing countries suffer from chronic traffic congestion, which is
stifling their economic life and social progress. Buses and jitneys are totally inadequate to meet the
large travel demand. The problem in these cities is the financing and organization for planning and
construction of these complex systems. However, in many of these cities, such as Bombay, Lagos,
Manila, Bogota and Lima, metro is the only transit mode that can provide the needed transporting
capacity and mobility for large passenger volumes, and allow the expected further city growth.
Automated Guided Transit or AGT systems are electric guided, rubber-tired or rail vehicle transit
systems with vehicles of medium capacity (50-100 spaces) operated automatically as single vehicles
or up to 6-car trains. They require considerable investment because they must have ROW A only, as
well as expensive automation. They are designed for medium passenger volume, in the range of
3,000-10,000 persons/hour. The advantage of AGT is that, because it does not have the cost of train
drivers, frequent service by medium-capacity TU’s can be economically offered even when
passenger volumes are moderate or low.
Most AGT systems are used for short lines, such as airport and center city shuttles with frequent short
trips. Several AGT systems operate also as regular transit lines: VAL in Lille, France, Skytrain in
Vancouver, Canada, Westinghouse in Miami and several systems in Japanese cities, including Kobe,
Osaka and Yokohama.
In many large and medium-size urban areas railway lines in the city and its suburbs have been used
not only for long-distance, but also for passenger transport within the region. These railways are
operated as electric or diesel trains, serving mainly commuters traveling in the morning into, and in
the afternoon out of center city. Such lines are called Commuter Railways. Most commuter rail
lines are radial from suburbs into dead-end terminals in the city (London, Chicago, Boston).
Many former commuter rail lines and networks have been upgraded into Regional Rail (RGR)
Systems. In recent decades, with suburban growth, it has become necessary to provide services not
only into and out of center city, but also among the suburbs. In response to this need, many cities
have connected radial lines which had stopped in terminals on different sides of center city through
tunnels into diametrical lines crossing the city. Thus there are now RGR lines through Hamburg,
Brussels, Paris, Philadelphia, Manchester, Tokyo and many other cities. New lines and extensions of
old ones have also been built.
Regional rail cars are larger than metro cars. They often have maximum railway car dimensions of
26 m length and 3.25 m width, single- or double-deck, with as many as 120-150 seats. They are
electrified, with trains operated at regular headways throughout the day. Their basic headways may
be 60, 30, 15 or 10 minutes, but in the peaks, they may operate at minimum headways as short as 2-3
minutes. With 8-10 car trains, RGR lines may offer as many as 15,000 to 40,000 spaces per hour.
Their capacity is usually somewhat smaller than that of metros because RGR systems offer much
greater percentage of seating. For that reason their suburban stations must not only be served by bus
and LRT feeder lines, but also provide large park-and-ride lots.
The largest regional rail systems are found in mega-cities, such as Tokyo, Bombay, Paris, New York
and Buenos Aires. In recent years, this mode has been developed in many cities which had neglected
railways many years ago. Thus, new commuter and regional rail systems have been opened since the
1970s in Toronto, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, Dallas and other cities. With high comfort,
speed and reliability these lines easily compete with private cars and attract many commuters to their
park-and-ride facilities at stations, in addition to bus and LRT feeder lines, as well as jitneys in
developing countries. It is expected that regional rail will continue to develop in many cities of
industrialized as well as in developing countries.
Transit services are offered in many cases by vehicles with other than highway or rail technology.
These special technology systems include ferryboats which connect different islands, cross bays or
follow rivers and canals. Examples are Hong Kong, New York, Seattle, Venice and Auckland.
Cog railway is used for a transit line in Stuttgart, while funicular, cable-towed inclined rail lines are
operated as transit services in several dozen cities, such as Naples, Pittsburgh, Lyon, Zurich and Hong
Kong. These lines do not carry very large volumes of passengers, but their role is usually very
important because they offer a unique service, difficult to provide by any other mode.
Transit line operations elements and scheduling procedure for a line are briefly described here.
Information needed for making schedule is the following:
· Maximum volume of passengers on any section along the line: Pmax [persons/hour]
· Vehicle capacity: Cv [spaces/vehicle]
· Number of cars per TU (train): n [veh/TU]
· Desired maximum utilization coefficient: α [prs/spc]
· One-way travel time along the line, between two terminals To [min]
First, service frequency and headway are computed based on passenger volume:
f = P max (1)
α n Cv
h= (2)
The computed headway is rounded down to a convenient number of minutes; if h > 6 min, it should
have a number divisible in 60, so that schedule repeats itself every hour. Then h is compared to hp,
and the smaller one is adopted. A first estimate of cycle time T’ is computed as:
T ′ = 2 T o + tt 1+ tt 2 (3)
The number of TU’s operating for the computed schedule is computed as:
T +
N=[ ]
h (4)
The plus sign indicates that the computed N should be rounded up to the next integer value, because
the number of TU’s must be integer. Then the final value of the cycle time T is computed as
T=N h (5)
and terminal times are lengthened to bring T, computed by Eq. (3), up to that value. Cycle speed is
computed as:
Vc= . (6)
An example for this computational procedure is given here with the results used to develop a
graphical schedule.
A 12.1 km long LRT line (L = 12.1 km) during off-peak hours, on its most loaded section, has to carry
a volume of Pmax = 1,390 prs/h. It is operated by TU’s consisting of two articulated cars, each with
a capacity of Cv = 160 sps. Coefficient of utilization should be α = 0.75. Policy headway is hp.= 12
min. One-way travel time on the line is To = 39 min, and terminal times should have a total length, tt1
+ tt2, of at least 10 min. The schedule must be computed.
Using Eqs. (1) and (2), we compute f = 5.79 TU/hr, and h = 10.4 min. For convenience of scheduling
and easy memorization of schedule, this value is rounded down to h = 10.0 min, the next lower value
which divides exactly into 60. This headway is adopted, as it is shorter than the policy headway hp.
Cycle time T is computed by Eq. (3): using the minimum sum of terminal times, tt1 + tt2 = 10 min, T
= 88 min. Number of TU’s for this service is computed by Eq. (4) to be N = 8.8.TU’s, which is
rounded up to 9 TU’s or 2-car trains. The final cycle time is obtained to be T = 90 min by extending
terminal times to 12 min, which may be 6 + 6, 9 + 3 or any other division between the two terminals.
Finally, cycle speed is computed by Eq. (6) to be Vc = 16.1 km/h.
These computed elements have then been used to plot a graphical diagram of real time on the abscissa
vs. distance or scheduled time on the ordinate, as shown in Figure 3. This diagram presents clearly
the entire line operation: schedule times for every TU (shown for only two as “runs” number 1 and 2),
headway on the line, operating, terminal and cycle times.
11. Transit Planning and Selection of Transit Modes
The first decision in urban transportation planning should define the desired form and character of the
city and its metropolitan area. For a city to support diverse activities, provide mobility for all
population groups, maintain sound environmental and social conditions, and remain economically
vital, a good balance between the transit and street/highway systems must be planned. Moreover,
convenient walking conditions and human-oriented areas must be planned. To achieve the desired
balance between transit and auto travel, transit must be ensured conditions for fast and reliable
operation. This will depend mostly on the ROW categories provided for transit.
Planning of transit systems must then proceed on the basis of the projection of future demand for
transit travel. When the future transit needs are estimated and exceed the existing transit system
capacity, improvements and expansions of the transit system must be planned.
There are two categories of transit planning. The first category is typical for small and, sometimes,
medium sized cities: it is foreseen that transit operating on streets (usually bus services) is adequate
to meet future needs. In that case planning involves design of a network of transit lines and a plan for
their operations. Sometimes certain infrastructure modifications or control systems may be planned,
such as preferential treatment for transit vehicles at signalized intersections, improvements of transit
stop locations and facilities, etc., but no major construction of facilities is needed.
The second, higher category of planning usually takes place in large cities, but also sometimes in
medium-sized cities. It involves introduction - or expansion of an existing - network of
high-performance transit lines, operating independently of street traffic. Planning of such lines
involves design and construction of new infrastructure: separate ROW - categories B and A, and,
usually, in coordination with that, restructuring of many existing street transit lines.
When high-performance modes (with ROW categories B and A) are planned, two basic decisions
must be made. One is the determination of lines for the high-performance mode and restructuring of
street transit lines resulting from its introduction. And the second is selection of the
high-performance mode. These two steps are usually done together, because the selected mode partly
determines the network form, so that the two planning steps are interdependent.
Selection of the high-performance mode is usually between LRT and metro modes. LRT involves
considerably lower investment than metro, it can be constructed faster and built as a more extensive
network because it can use ROW sections which are in street medians, in green areas, on streets or
pedestrian malls for short distances, or on former railway lines. Its stations are much simpler and can
be fitted easily along the line. Metro, on the other hand, is the only solution when passenger volumes
are very large, or when there are no convenient partially separated rights-of-way. In other words, if
tunnels and other category A ROW must be constructed, it is most efficient to adopt metro and take
advantage of its very high performance - speed, reliability, capacity and strong positive impacts on
land use development and urban form.
Other modes may be considered as possible alternatives in some cases. Busway represents a lower
investment/lower performance candidate mode. This may be sufficient for a given line, for example,
when it is relatively short, and it is possible to build a separated busway and maintain it exclusively
for buses, rather than for HOV’s, part-time use for general traffic, etc. AGT mode may be considered
as an alternative to LRT. AGT would have a higher speed and frequency of service, but lower riding
comfort and considerably shorter network because it requires a much higher investment cost and
greater difficulty to serve center city pedestrian-oriented areas.
Each one of these modes would have somewhat different alignment of lines. Metro creates a major
trunk line and many other transit lines, particularly buses, are reoriented to become its feeders. At the
other extreme is a busway to which many bus lines would be oriented to merge. This solution appears
attractive because it minimizes transfers; however, convergence of many branch lines may create
inefficient and unreliable operation on the trunk line. Despite transfers, transit networks which
consist of many lines with well planned transfer stations are much more attractive to passengers than
complicated networks of many different lines with irregular headways and lower service reliability.
Virtually all major, efficient transit systems which attract large numbers of passenger rely heavily on
networks of trunk rail lines and street bus transit as a complementary network, as well as feeder and
distribution lines.
Transit represents a basic service and an important element of all cities which provide diversified
activities, economic vitality, socially and environmentally sound conditions. A city and its suburban
areas must have a well functioning and attractive transit system to provide high quality of life and be
characterized as “livable”.
In industrialized countries with very high car ownership the role and modes of transit vary
considerably with the size and character of city. In general, in small cities the role of transit is
predominantly social: it serves persons who do not have cars, do not drive, or do not want to drive.
Its contribution to the reduction of traffic congestion is usually very small. In medium-sized cities
transit becomes an important factor in providing an efficient alternative to driving which reduces
congestion, air pollution, requirements for huge parking garages, and protects human-oriented cities
in general.
In large cities and mega-cities (exceeding population of 10 million), transit represents the most
efficient transportation system for large volumes of passenger travel. Without its extensive use, such
cities suffer from chronic and debilitating street and highway congestion, because highway modes do
not have sufficient capacity to carry very large volumes of passengers. In major corridors of large
cities rapid transit is a superior alternative to auto travel with respect to economic efficiency as well
as passenger comfort and convenience. Moreover, if transit is not adequate to perform this basic role,
extensive parking garages are needed, and they displace more productive activities and make all
areas, including city centers, unpleasant and unsafe for pedestrians. This decreases the city’s
livability. Therefore, in large agglomerations transit actually represents an element that makes a
human-oriented, livable city possible.
Considering its function, in large cities transit again performs an important role by providing social
services - to groups who do not use private cars; however, its much more important role is to carry
large volumes of passengers efficiently, with comfort, reliability and safety. When transit performs
that task, it automatically satisfies the function of social services.
In developing countries, transit has an even more important role than in industrialized countries,
because its economic efficiency is vital for large volumes of non-car owners, while its capacity is
needed to serve the high-density, rapidly growing cities. For these reasons, it is essential that cities in
developing countries pursue transportation policies which ensure provision of separate rights-of-way
for transit parallel with highway development. With this dedicated ROW, independent, high-capacity
transit can be provided at reasonable levels of investment, and at the time development takes place,
rather than after excessive street traffic has created chronic congestion and made construction more
difficult and expensive.
With the increasing importance of environmental concerns, sustainability, and emphasis on quality of
life or livability, the role of transit is likely to have growing importance in most world cities in the
coming decades. To meet that role, transit must be planned at the same time as streets and highways,
and given the necessary priorities to achieve a desirable balanced use of transit, cars, bicycles,
pedestrian and other modes of transportation.
Black, Alan (1995). Urban Mass Transportation Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Girnau, G., A. Müller-Hellmann & F. Blennemann (2000). Stadtbahnen in Deutschland - Light Rail
in Germany. Köln, Germany: Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen.
Gray, George & Lester Hoel, eds. (1991). Public Transportation: Planning, Operation and
Management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Müller-Hellmann, A., M. Schmidt & R. Pütz. (1999). Linienbusse - Line-Service Buses. Köln,
Germany: Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen.
Newman, Peter & Jeffrey Kenworthy (1998). Sustainability and Cities. Washington, DC: Island
Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP) (1995). Public Transport: The Challenge.
Brussels, Belgium: UITP.
Vuchic, Vukan R. (1981). Urban Public Transportation Systems and Technology. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Vuchic, Vukan R. (1999). Transportation for Livable Cities. New Brunswick, NJ: CUPR, Rutgers
Urban transportation is classified into private, for-hire and public transportation or mass transit. This
chapter covers public transportation systems. Transit modes are defines by their right-of-way (ROW)
category, technology and types of operations. Three ROW categories are:
- C - urban streets with mixed traffic. Street transit modes include mostly buses, but also
trolleybuses and tramways/streetcars.
- B - partially separated tracks/lanes, usually in street medians. Semirapid transit, using mostly
ROW B, requires higher investment and has a higher performance than street transit. It includes
Light Rail Transit - LRT, as well as semirapid bus.
- A - paths used exclusively by transit vehicles, comprise rapid transit mode or metro system. Its
electric rail vehicles are operated in trains and provide the highest performance mode of urban
Buses are the most common transit mode. They operate on streets and have an extensive network of
lines. In some cities they have been upgraded by provision of exclusive bus lanes and provision of
bus preferential signals.
LRT represents the most common mode of semirapid transit. Its articulated electric vehicles
operated in short trains on largely separated tracks provide more attractive and permanent services
than buses at a much lower investment cost than metro systems require. LRT is presently being
developed in many cities around the world which want to make transit services more efficient and
largely independent of traffic congestion.
Metro systems have by far the highest performance - capacity, speed, reliability - of all transit modes.
They require very high investment, but in the long run they are essential for efficient functioning and
quality of life in large cities.
Rail transit modes have a strong ability to influence urban form and contribute to city’s livability.
Other modes, such as Regional Rail and Automated Guided Transit, are mentioned. A brief
description of transit line scheduling procedure and of the general approach to transit planning
are also presented.