Monetary Economics II: Theory and Policy ECON 3440C: Tasso Adamopoulos York University
Monetary Economics II: Theory and Policy ECON 3440C: Tasso Adamopoulos York University
Monetary Economics II: Theory and Policy ECON 3440C: Tasso Adamopoulos York University
ECON 3440C
Tasso Adamopoulos
York University
Fall 2021
Lecture 4
c1,t + · c2,t+1 ≤ y
Nt (y − c1,t )
vt Mt
vt Mt = Nt (y − c1,t )
Value of a dollar at t,
Nt (y − c1,t )
vt =
Similarly the value of a dollar at t + 1,
Nt+1 (y − c1,t+1 )
vt+1 =
vt+1 = vt
pt+1 = pt
Nt (y − c1,t )
vt =
N (y − c1 )
vt =
1 M
pt = =
vt N (y − c1 )
This says that the price level is proportional to the stock of fiat
money M.
Then the above equation says that the price level would double too,
i.e., from p to 2p.
So the model is consistent with the quantity theory of money.
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The Neutrality of Fiat Money
Reason: people can trade money for the goods they desire despite the
absence of a double coincidence of wants ⇒ fiat money serves as a
medium of exchange, i.e., it is valued because it helps people get the
goods they want to consume.
The initial old are also better off in the SME than in the autarkic
So they will have positive consumption, which is better than zero that
they would get in the autarkic equilibrium.
In the basic OLG model a constant value of money implied that the
stationary monetary equilibrium obeyed the Golden Rule.
What if the value of money changes over time? Are there cases in
which a changing value of money maximizes the utility of future
To get a growing demand for fiat money you need the total amount
of consumption goods Nt · y to grow over time.
Nt = nNt−1
Feasibility line
With n
Young For each old
growing pop
IF you divide the entire endowment
of the current the
young among
current old each gels
Nt 4
Tree n Y goods
Problem of the Planner
Individual Budget Constraints with Money
c1,t + vt · mt ≤ y
c2,t+1 ≤ vt+1 · mt
Using the equations for vt and vt+1 we can compute the real rate of
return to money as,
Nt+1 (y −c1,t+1 )
vt+1 Mt+1
= Nt (y −c1,t )
Note: the case with a constant population is a special case of this with
n = 1.
Intuition: a higher real demand for fiat money over time will raise its
value over time.
Reason: same dollars but more and more people demanding them.
So far we focused on factors that affected the demand for fiat money.
I What are the consequences of an increasing stock of fiat money?
I What effect does such a policy have on the welfare of individuals in the
I Can a government raise revenue just by printing money at a faster rate?
1 − z1 Mt vt
at =
The amount of the subsidy given to each old does not depend on any
decision they make.
By returning the newly printed money to the public we can study the
effects of the expansion of the money supply in isolation from the
transfer of resources from the public to the government.
c1,t + vt · mt ≤ y
Using the equations for vt and vt+1 we can compute the real rate of
return to money as,
Nt+1 (y −c1,t+1 )
vt+1 Mt+1
= Nt (y −c1,t )
vt+1 Mt 1
= = <1
vt Mt+1 z
Implication: Further, the higher z the lower the rate of return to money.
Intuition: for a given real demand for fiat money the higher the
supply the lower its value over time.
Reason: more and more dollars bid for the same amount of goods.
Does the quantity theory of money still hold? What happens to M/p?
c1 + zc2 ≤ y + za
if C o Cz toe vertical
if Cz o D C Yt Z OC horizontal
a c
Monetary equilibrium with monetary growth
4 e
l Oo
I i
I f
1 I
y Yt't a 9
real demand
For money
Implications of the monetary equilibrium
The feasible set is not expanded just because the government prints
money: the total number of goods remain fixed at Nt y .
The gifts to the old can come only from losses sustained by them or
When the stock of fiat money increases the value of money currently
held by citizens falls in value.
The new money competes with the old money to buy the (same)
goods of the young → this drives up the price of these goods.
The losses are sustained by the holders of the old money → works as
a tax on money holdings.
To reduce exposure to this tax, people will choose to hold less money.
If the budget set coincides with the feasible set then the Golden Rule
allocation is attainable under the monetary equilibrium.
Printing money does not alter the amount of goods Nt y available for
distribution between the young and old.
The feasible set is exactly the same as in the basic OLG model,
c1 + c2 ≤ y
The feasible set line intersects the budget line at the SME (c1∗ , c2∗ ).
If (c1∗ , c2∗ ) was in the interior of the feasible set it would mean that we
are throwing away goods → not consistent with utility maximization.
If (c1∗ , c2∗ ) was outside the feasible set, it would mean that people are
consuming more goods than exist → impossible.
Therefor the equilibrium consumption bundle (c1∗ , c2∗ ) must lie on the
edge of the feasible set, i.e., the feasible set line must pass through
(c1∗ , c2∗ ).
Now, because (c1∗ , c2∗ ) represents the highest possible utility affordable
to the individual, the consumption bundle (c1∗ , c2∗ ) is located where
the highest possible indifference curve U 0 is tangent to the budget
Given that the feasible set line is going through (c1∗ , c2∗ ) but at a
different slope it cannot also be tangent to indifference curve U 0 but
must intersect it.
This means that in the feasible set there are points of higher utility
for future generations that the SME (c1∗ , c2∗ ).
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Comparison of SME and GRA
For example, point A on indifference curve U 1 is preferred by future
generations because it lies on a higher indifference curve.
Since future generations preferred point A why didn’t they choose it?
Reason: they could not afford it! Point A is not in their budget set.
There the budget line was identical to the feasible set line.
The resulting drop in money demand reduces the value of the initial
money holdings of the initial old, reducing their utility too.
The larger z, i.e., the flatter the budget line, the worse off individuals
are because the farther away they are from the Golden Rule.