PH301 Merged 25-35
PH301 Merged 25-35
PH301 Merged 25-35
Lecture_Optical Systems_25-26
Optical systems: Telescopes, Microscopes (Bright field, Dark field
Confocal, Phase contrast, Digital holographic)
Projection systems, Spectrometers
Optical Instruments
An optical instrument is defined as a device used for observing,
measuring, & recording optical data or information.
Magnifying Glass
A magnifying glass or Loupe (French, imperfect gem) is the simplest of
optical instruments intended for the enhancement of visual capability.
A magnifier is any positive lens with a focal length of less than 250
When that closest distance is 250 mm, the smallest resolved element
on the object – a detail that subtends an angle of 1 min
tanθ = 0.0003
will have an actual size of
250 mm × 0.0003 = 0.075 mm
M = 250/50 = 5X
This formula applies to the case where object is placed at the focal
plane of magnifier lens & virtual image being viewed appears at
Huygenian Ramsden
Ramsden eyepiece has aperture placed before first lens (B). Both
eyepiece designs suffer from chromatic aberration. Ramsden yields a
better image.
efl = 25 mm
Mag = 10×
Compound microscope
Image/Field stop
Objective lens
efl = 31 mm
Mag = 4×
NA (0.12)
Working distance (25 mm)
Object (4.0 mm dia)
At field stop this f/# will be increased by magnification factor, making
it 4 × 4.17 = f/16.67.
Since we are using a 10× (25 mm EFL) eyepiece, we can calculate the
exit pupil diameter to be 25/16.67 = 1.5 mm.
We can see that 4.0 mm diameter object, which would subtend a half-
field angle with a tangent of 2/250 = 0.008 when viewed at a distance of
250 mm with naked eye, will now subtend a half angle whose tangent
is 0.32 when viewed through microscope.
Dimensional parameters:
Optical performance:
For an astronomical telescope objective lens it is reasonable to strive
for near-diffraction-limited performance. To determine the radius of
diffraction-limited blur spot (Airy disk):
Field of view as seen through a telescope with a 1.34 deg field of view.
Looking through eyepiece, moon’s disk will subtend an angle of about
20 deg to eye.
With the help of our new telescope, that number will be reduced to
just under 2 miles.
Certainly naked eye can see a dark crater on the bright moon’s
surface (high contrast), even if that crater is less than 65 miles in
But, if there are two 50 mile diameter craters that are separated by 50
miles (center to centre), naked eye will not be able to determine that
there are indeed two separate craters, i.e., they will not be resolved.
Relay lens
Optical system of the riflescope contains a relay lens to correct image orientation,
& it requires greater-than-usual eye relief.
Parallax problems
result from the image
from the objective not
being coplanar with
the reticle.
If image is not coplanar with reticle (i.e. focal plane of objective image is
either in front of or behind reticle), then putting eye at different points
behind eyepiece causes reticle to appear to be at different points on the
This optical effect causes parallax-induced aiming errors that can make a
telescopic sight user miss a small target at a distance for which the
telescopic sight was not parallax-adjusted. This is known as parallax shift
where the reticle seems to "float" around over the target whenever there
are small movements of the user's head & eyes.
PH 301
Lecture_Optical Systems_25
Light Microscopes
Fluorescent microscope
Light Microscopes
Sky appears blue. This is because blue light is scattered around four
times as much as red light, & UV light is scattered about 16 times as
much as red light.
Rayleigh Scattering
If a stop of suitable size is selected, all direct rays from condenser can
be made pass outside object.
Any object within this beam of light will reflect some light into
objective & become visible.
t A ( x, y) exp[i ( x, y)]
Expanding exp[iφ(x,y)],
i ( x , y ) 1 2 1 3 1 4
e 1 i ( x, y) ( x, y) i ( x, y) ( x, y) .....
2 6 24
For mathematical simplicity, assuming object has a magnitude of
unity & finite extent of entrance & exit pupils are neglected. Also,
there is a necessary condition to achieve linearity between phase-shift
& intensity. The condition is that the variable part of the object-
induced phase-shift, ∆φ(x,y), should be small compared with 2π
radians. Applying approximation to amplitude transmittance,
I 1 i ( x, y ) 1
Phase-changing plate consists of a glass substrate on which a small
transparent dielectric dot is deposited.
Dot is centered on optical axis in focal plane & has a thickness & index
of refraction such that it should change phase of focused light by either
π/2 radians or 3π/2 radians relative to phase retardation of diffracted
light. If phase retardation is by π/2 radians, intensity in image plane
f f f f
input output
plane plane
Compound microscope
Stereoscopic microscope
Electron microscope
Phase-Contrast microscope
Total magnification:
product of magnifications of ocular lens
& objective lens
Dark-Field Microscope
Produces a bright image of object against a dark
Cell cycle analysis: Phase shift induced by cells has been shown to
be correlated to cell dry mass, which can be combined with other
parameters obtainable by DH, such as, cell volume & refractive
index, to provide a better understanding of cell cycle.
Morphology analysis of cells: to study cell morphology using
neither staining nor labeling.
Laser M
λ = 532 nm
BE: beam expander, BSs: beam splitters, SLM: spatial light modulator, RPM:
random phase mask, CCD: charge coupled device, L: lens
Phase Holographic Imaging’s The HolomonitorTM M3 (Sweden)
Resolutions Optics’s Desktop System (Canada)
Submersible system is a product with all functionality of 3D imaging
technology encased in a waterproof housing. It allows quickly & easily
observation of micro-organisms & particles up to a depth of 5 kilometers.
When predetermined development time is reached, film is moved from
developer to a ‘stop bath’ which neutralizes developer & prevents any
further development of image. Stop bath: 1% solution acetic acid
After development, emulsion still contains unexposed & undeveloped
silver halides. Film will look cloudy or milky if exposed to light. Fixer,
commonly sodium thiosulphate, converts unexposed silver halide to
soluble salts, which can be washed out.
Processed film is washed thoroughly to remove any chemical residue
after being dried.
Pictorial representation of photographic process
E(x,y) = I(x,y) T
Intensity transmittance: Ratio of intensity transmitted by a
developed transparency to intensity incident on that transparency,
averaged over a region that is large compared with a single grain
but small compared with fine structure in original exposure pattern,
is called intensity transmittance.
Photodiodes may contain optical filters, built-in lenses, & may have
large or small surface areas.
When photon enters depletion region of diode, it hits atom with high
energy. This results in release of electron from atom structure. After
the electron release, free electrons & hole are produced.
Photodiode arrays (PDAs) allow high speed parallel read out since
the driving electronics may not be built in like a traditional CMOS or
CCD sensor.
1. PN Photodiode
2. Schottky Photodiode
3. PIN Photodiode
4. Avalanche Photodiode
1. Photocathode
2. Dynodes
3. Anode
CCDs are used for high resolution imaging. They are particularly
useful in Astronomy, where scientists have taken advantage of
extreme sensitivity to light.
CCD chips can detect faint amounts of light & are capable of
producing high resolution images needed in scientific research &
applications thereof.
“Hot Pixels” are those where dark current is higher than average.
Averaging Images
Every five second dark frame is not identical due to the fact that
electronics operate a little differently each time & pixels may exhibit
some degree of variance.
Some pixels may become saturated, that is too many photons hit it &
signal can no longer increase. In order to obtain a more accurate dark
frame, one should average a series of images. To do this, one must
collect an odd no. of images, preferably about 15-19, all at a certain
integration time.
Once images are collected, software is used to obtain the mean value
from collection.
But averaging is not only used for dark imaging; it is also useful when
taking images of evenly distributed light, or flats.
Flat Frames
A good flat should portray how each pixel responds to light. Flats can
be used to correct vignetting, or obstruction of light paths by parts of
the instrument, as well as effects of dust particles on a lens.
Flats can be averaged & subtracted from an image just like darks in
order to remove the effects of vignetting & dust as well as the effects
of a shutter from an image, particular one of fast exposure time.
Division of IR radiation
Region Wavelength range (μm)
Near infrared (NIR) 0.78 – 1
Short wavelength IR (SWIR) 1–3
Medium wavelength IR (MWIR) 3–6
Long wavelength IR (LWIR) 6 – 15
Very long wavelength IR (VLWIR) 15 – 1000
Thermal Detectors
Thermal detector is a resistive element which measures
electromagnetic radiation by absorbing it & converting it into heat.
1. Thermopiles : Thermocouple
2. Thermistors : Pyroelectric detector
3. Pneumatic devices : Golay Cells
Used for wide wavelength range
Linearity in response is seen
Slow response time
Lower sensitivity
Thermal detectors are of low manufacturing costs in comparison to
photon detectors. Quality of these detectors was greatly improved after
introduction of micromachining technology.
Once radiation hits absorptive part, then its temp will change. So
compared with reservoir temp, this temp is high because of
radiation absorption.
This coefficient always decreases with temp, & burnout does not occur.
The coefficient is approximately equal to the inverse of temp, & is
therefore never high.
Except for Calcium fluoride all these materials are quite hard & have
high refractive index (Ge, n = 4) which leads to very high Fresnel
reflection from uncoated surfaces (up to more than 30%).
For this reason most of lenses for thermal cameras have antireflective
coatings. Higher cost of these special lenses make thermographic
cameras costly.
For use in temp measurement, brightest (warmest) parts of image
are customarily colored white, intermediate temperatures reds &
yellows, & dimmest (coolest) parts black.
Intensifier tubes absorb whatever light they can & amplify it.
PH 301
Lecture_Display Devices_33
Cathode Ray Tube
It is a high vacuum tube that contains one or more electron guns, in
which cathode rays produce image on a fluorescent screen.
– Brightness limited by tube size
– Resolution (spot size) linked to brightness
– Heavy, bulky displays for small screen sizes
CRT is getting old
– Technology is over 100 years old
– Monochrome CRTs used from 1910s
– Color CRTs developed in early 1950s
– Monochrome tubes were used in front projectors
in 1980s – 90s (7”, 8”, 9”)
– Manufacturing has largely moved to China
• High-volume, low-margin product
• Thomson TTE, TCL, & others make them
Liquid Crystal Display
LCD screens are available in a wider range of screen sizes than CRT &
plasma displays, with LCD screens available in sizes ranging from tiny
digital watches to huge, big-screen television sets.
Since LCD screens do not use phosphors, they do not suffer image
burn-in when a static image is displayed on a screen for a long time
(e.g., the table frame for an aircraft schedule on an indoor sign).
LG Philips Approach
Alignment of LCs are altered by applying an electric current to small,
specific areas of LC layer. LED can control how the layer transmits
light that flows from TV’s backlighting.
Plasma Display Panel Technology
Candela per square metre (cd/m2) is derived SI unit of Luminance. Nit (nt) is a
non-SI unit of Luminance (1 nt = 1 cd/m2).
Plasma Imaging Process
• Waffle-like structure
• Higher light output
• Less light leakage between rib barriers
• Developed by Pioneer
Plasma Tube Structure (Future?)
Technology enhancements:
– Wider color gamuts (films,
– Improved lifetime (gas mixtures)
– Higher resolution (1920 × 1080 @
– Resistance to burn-in (change in
gas mixture)
Quantum Dots
Quantum dots represent 3-D confinement (an electron confined in a
3D quantum box of dimensions from nanometers to tens of
8me l x l y l z
where quantum nos. lx, ly, & lz each assuming integral values 1, 2, 3,
characterize quantization along x, y, & z axes respectively.
Doubling resolution: 3840 × 2160 pixels (4K) & adding high dynamic
range (HDR)
How much of that enhanced resolution can the human eye see?
TV became a mass medium after World War II (Black & White – until
mid 1960s).
Cost, bulk, & weight of CRT TVs scaled steeply with screen size,
making direct-view CRT screens larger than 35 to 40 inches impractical
even in 1990s.
Larger size required projecting bright image from a small screen CRT
or other display onto a large translucent or reflective screen. Rear-
projection sets became popular in early 2000s, & eventually reached
sizes upto 100 inches (2.5 m), but their screen brightness remained
Digital Transition
1996: Screen formats: 1280 × 720 pixels (HD)
1920 × 1080 pixels (Full HD)
Next upgrade came from switching to arrays of red, green, & blue
LEDs, which produce purer colors that are closer to edges of
chromaticity diagram, increasing range of color gamut.
Next Gen is coating blue LEDs with films containing quantum dots,
which produce very narrow slices of red & green spectrum.
Chromaticity diagram showing the difference between full HD, 4K, & 8K color
gamuts, with 8K (yellow triangle) offering broadest color range.
8K Generation
For a modern 16:9 display, that’s about 2.5 times the screen height,
or 6.6 feet from a 65-inch screen. The 45° field of view equals 2700
arcminutes, so if the eye’s resolution is one arcminute, it could
resolve 2700 pixels on that screen, between 1920 pixel width of full
HDTV & 3840 pixel width of 4K.
So if visual acuity was that simple, our eyes could not tell the
difference between 4K & 8K screens.
When laser beam hits a rising or falling bump edge, part of the beam
reflects from top of bump & part from lower adjacent area.
This ensures destructive interference & very low intensity when
reflected beams combine at the detector
Flat bump tops & intervening flat plains are read as zeros.
DVD: developed by Panasonic, Philips, Sony, & Toshiba in 1995.
Track separation, pit depth, & minimum pit length are all smaller.
Therefore, DVD can store about 30 times more information than a CD.
Laser & Optics
All three common optical disc media (CD, DVD, & Blu-ray) use light
from laser diodes, for its spectral purity & ability to be focused
Before a new page is printed, any remaining
from previous page are cleared away. The
drum is swept free with a rubber blade, & a
fluorescent lamp removes any electrical
charge remaining on the drum.
Entire drum is uniformly charged by primary
corona wire. This charge conditions the drum
for next step.
Laser Printing Process
8. When paper moves near drum, its +ve charge attracts negatively
charged toner particles. Image is transferred from drum onto paper
but, for the moment, toner particles are just resting lightly on
paper's surface.
9. Inked paper passes through two hot rollers (fuser unit). Heat &
pressure from rollers fuse the toner particles permanently into
fibers of paper.
10. Printout emerges from side of the copier. Thanks to the fuser unit,
paper is still warm. It's literally hot off the press!
Quick Response codes
A QR code...
Depends on sizes of QR code:
21 × 21 pixel size is version 1,
25 × 25 pixel size is version 2, & so on
177 × 177 size is version 40
1 L 19 152 41 25 17 10
M 16 128 34 20 14 8
Q 13 104 27 16 11 7
H 9 72 17 10 7 4
2 L 34 272 77 47 32 20
M 28 224 63 38 26 16
Q 22 176 48 29 20 12
H 16 128 34 20 14 8
3 L 55 440 127 77 53 32
M 44 352 101 61 42 26
Q 34 272 77 47 32 20
H 26 208 58 35 24 15
Error correction characteristics for QR Code
1 26 L 7 3 1 (26,19,2)
M 10 2 1 (26,16,4)
Q 13 1 1 (26,13,6)
H 17 1 1 (26,9,8)
2 44 L 10 2 1 (44,34,4)
M 16 0 1 (44,28,8)
Q 22 0 1 (44,22,11)
H 28 0 1 (44,16,14)
3 70 L 15 1 1 (70,55,7)
M 26 0 1 (70,44,13)
Q 36 0 2 (35,17,9)
H 44 0 2 (35,13,11)
c = total number of code words, k = number of data code words, r = error correction capacity
Data bits required for a particular data mode
Version 1-9 10-26 27-40
Numeric (bits) 10 12 14
Alphanumeric 9 11 13
Binary (bits) 8 16 16
Japanese (bits) 8 10 12