Polywater SPW Solar Panel Wash: Technical Data Sheet

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Polywater® SPW™

Solar Panel Wash


American Polywater’s Solar Panel Wash (SPW) reduces
the time to clean power- sapping surface contamination on
solar panels. Highly concentrated Polywater® SPW
requires less water than water alone, to remove hard to
clean contaminants such as pollen, bird droppings and
water-spotting to maximize the panel’s power generation.

Polywater® SPW is a specially formulated, non-solvent

wash used to clean solar arrays without oxidation or
abrasion of metal mounting brackets. Nor will it
compromise anti-reflective coatings. SPW has been
approved by solar panel and cleaning equipment
manufacturers and does not need to be rinsed with
deionized water for a spot-free finish. Polywater® SPW is
bio-degradable and will not affect surrounding plant life
nor water-table/aquifers.
Product Features & Benefits:

Safe, effective and economical, Polywater® Solar Panel  Low Water Use: Reduce cleaning and water
Wash maximizes power generation and minimizes on- treatment costs
going panel maintenance and repair costs.
 Effective cleaner: Cleans a wide range of
organic and inorganic contaminants
Physical Properties:
 Non-Solvent/pH neutral: Does not affect metal
SPW Solar Panel Cleaner is a non-caustic cleaner which rails, mastik or anti-reflective coatings
contains no solvents.  No deionized water rinse: Spot-free finish at
reduced costs
Property Result
 Water shedding formulation: Reduces water
Flashpoint (ASTM D93) None spotting and cleaning frequency
Initial Boiling Point 100°C  Biodegradable: Does not harm plant/animal life
Specific Gravity 1.00 and water table
Percent Aromatics None  Phosphate & Chlorine Free: Environmentally

. Economic Return: End Uses:

The combination of an increase in solar panel efficiency  Utility Owned Solar Farms
and lower water use when SPW is used, results in
significant economic benefit to the PV array owner. PV  Industrial Arrays
cleaning costs depend on of the types of contamination to
be cleaned and the cleaning technologies used.  Commercial Arrays
Polywater® SPW cleans a wide range of contaminants and
 Residential ground and rooftop mounted panels
uses significantly lower levels of water to make it the most
effective and economical PV panel cleaner on the market.
The excellent cleaning capacity of SPW makes cleaning
faster and more thorough to maximize panel efficiency,
power generation and revenues.
Usage Directions:
Polywater Solar Panel Wash is effective at removing a Conclusion: Modules were re-flashed after they
wide range of solar panel contaminants including organic were returned to SolarWorld. No degradation was
and non-organic substances. It is recommended that detected of the antireflective coatings or other
cleaning be done in the early morning or late evening irregularities to the panels after application of
when solar panel operating temperatures are low. American Polywater Corporation’s Solar Panel
Wash (SPW).
Cleaning time and effectiveness will vary based on the
contaminant and cleaning method. Wiping or scrubbing Model Specification:
cleans faster than just soaking. If scrubbing is required,
use a hogs-hair or very soft nylon brush to reduce The statement below may be inserted into a
scratching of the protective glass. Experiment with your customer specification to help maintain engineering
specific contaminant(s) and operating conditions for standards and ensure work integrity.
optimal results.

SPW Cleaner should be mixed in a 25:1 water to SPW

The Solar Panel Cleaning solution shall be a non-solvent
mixture for most application environments. It is designed
based compound based on non-mutagenic and non-
to foam when sprayed on the panel’s surface to prolong
carcinogenic substances. The cleaner shall facilitate the
residence time. The longer the SPW cleaner remains on
removal of a wide range of panel contaminants including
the surface of the panel, the more thorough the cleaning
organic materials such as pollen and bird excrement as well
will be. Scrub the panel if required. A second application
as inorganic contaminants such as airborne industrial
of SPW can be used to rinse the panel after it has been
pollution. When used to rinse the panel, the Solar Panel
cleaned. This will leave a water-shedding film on the
wash shall leave a thin water-shedding film on the panel to
protective glass to reduce rainwater spotting. Otherwise,
minimize rainwater spotting.
rinse the panel with water. De-ionized water is not
required for rinsing.
The cleaner shall not promote oxidation of metallic brackets
or railings nor should it degrade polybutene or butyl rubber
Safety: based gasketing materials. The cleaner shall have a neutral
SPW Solar Panel Wash has a low level of toxicity and is pH and shall biodegrade quickly. The cleaner shall contain
phosphate and chlorine-free. It does not contain any no VOCs nor shall it contain any global warming
solvents nor is it inflammable. Good industrial hygiene compounds.
practice and appropriate precautions should be employed
during use. See SDS for specific details.

Compatibility: Ordering Information:

Test Method: Panels were placed against a south-facing Part No. Description
wall at a 45° angle, at American Polywater’s factory in SPW-35LF 1 qt. Solar Panel Wash
Stillwater, MN.
SPW-128 1 gal. Solar Panel Wash
A sprinkler sprayed the panels with ground water for 15 SPW-640 5 gals. Solar Panel Wash
minutes at 3:00 each morning. Water conductivity was
measured at 95 µS, approximately 67 ppm water
hardness. The panels were exposed to Polywater® Solar
Panel Wash SPW ™ using the following process over a two
week period:

1) Monday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 each panel was

rinsed with a 25:1 solution of the Solar Panel
Wash SPW ™ in water. The panel was then
scrubbed with a very soft brush then rinsed again
with the 25:1 SPW ™ solution and allowed to dry
without any further water rinse.
2) Tuesday – Friday: Between 8:00 and 10:00 each
day, both panels were rinsed with the 25:1 SPW ™
solution and allowed to dry.
3) The panels were not cleaned over the weekends,
but the sprinkler continued to spray the panels
with ground water for 15 minutes at 3:00 each

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