Chris Burniske, Jack Tatar - Cryptoassets
Chris Burniske, Jack Tatar - Cryptoassets
Chris Burniske, Jack Tatar - Cryptoassets
Key Concepts
People who are interested in cryptoassets, or blockchain-based assets, should build an informed base of knowl-
edge before making any investment decisions. They should consider the suitability of these investments for
their own portfolios and answer three core questions about this new class of assets:
1. What? Investors should enhance their understanding of this new asset class by learning about the technol-
ogy and history behind the broad range of cryptoassets.
2. Why? Investors should research the opportunities that are afforded by cryptoasset investment, the associ-
ated risks that may arise, and how smart portfolio management may mitigate those risks.
3. How? Investors who decide to pursue cryptoasset investment should study the various approaches to add-
ing cryptoassets to their portfolios and research the logistics of their acquisition, storage, and taxation.
Cryptoassets represent an entirely new asset class that may be indicative of the future of money and markets.
In Cryptoassets, industry insiders Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar show innovative investors how they can navi-
gate the world of bitcoin and blockchain technology and invest in these assets to bolster their financial future.
Cryptoassets is a comprehensive guide that helps investors understand the history and inner workings of these
assets, investigate and value them, and gain insight into the cryptoasset economy and the opportunities avail-
able for bold, innovative investors.
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Cryptoassets Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
Part I: What
The Basics of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology
In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto (an anonymous name used by either one person or a group of people) published
a paper that founded Bitcoin, a platform that carries programmable money known as bitcoin, and formed the
basis of blockchain technology as a distributed and digitalized ledger. Satoshi hoped to create an alternative
financial system that was decentralized and relied on crypto proof instead of centralized servers or trusted par-
ties. This system showed potential for replacing a large portion of the current financial system, and as Satoshi
released the concept of blockchain technology to the world, it sparked a wave of disruption and rethinking of
global technology and financial systems.
Many financial and technological experts have embraced this technology, and as of January 2018, more than
1400 cryptoassets existed with a combined network value of over $500 billion. While numerous derivatives of
Bitcoin have emerged, bitcoin continues to be the largest and most universally transacted form, accounting for
35 percent of the total network value of cryptoassets. Bitcoin’s blockchain bears three distinct attributes:
Some investors have looked to include alternative assets and assets that are not correlated with traditional
capital markets to reduce the risk of their portfolios, especially following the wake of the financial crisis of 2008.
Bitcoin and other cryptoassets can help investors to accomplish this objective.
As an investor, you may expect that the addition of bitcoin to your portfolio would increase your portfolio’s
absolute return while also resulting in a greater assumption of risk. However, due to its near zero correlation
of returns with traditional capital market assets, in certain periods it has increased portfolio returns while also
decreasing the overall volatility of a portfolio.
The market price of a cryptoasset is driven by a combination of its utility value and speculative value. Utility
value is derived from the demand for the asset in that moment for the use case it targets, while speculative value
is driven by predictions of how widely used a cryptoasset will be in the future. Young cryptoassets are largely
driven by their speculative value, which can be hard to estimate. As a cryptoasset matures, its speculative value
should diminish relative to its utility value.
Strategies covered include how to approach cryptoasset white papers, the competitive positioning of the asset,
and important technical market indicators. Additional topics include investigating the developers of the asset
to understand their commitment, background, and previous successes; comparing the asset to its digital sib-
lings; and assessing the issuance model to understand how the asset’s value may erode if its utility fails to live
up to expectations.
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Cryptoassets Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
• Decentralization. Ensure that the system is decentralized and not vulnerable to the whims of a single entity.
Decentralized assets should have a decentralized system of miners that are geographically dispersed to
avoid being at the mercy of a certain nation’s government.
• Software developers and application support. Look into the asset’s developers to gain a sense of the people
who created it and determine the level of application activity building atop the cryptoasset and its block-
• User adoption. Research the number of users, the number and dollar value of the transactions that are prop-
agated on the blockchain, and valuation metrics, such as dividing the cryptoasset’s network value by its
daily dollar transaction volume.
As you investigate the nuances of various cryptoassets, use technical analysis in conjunction with fundamental
analysis. This will help you to determine the price and movement of an asset over time and assess the right time
to buy and sell. When engaging in technical analysis, you should pay attention to the trading volume; the simple
moving average, or price trend of an asset over a period of time; and the support and resistance lines of an asset’s
price movements that define its trading range in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the asset’s
current market behavior.
You must choose your own investment philosophy, follow your own investing approach, and develop your own
viewpoint of which assets are suitable for your situation. By building an informed base of knowledge, you may
find that cryptoassets can provide an exciting opportunity for your financial future.
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Cryptoassets Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
Jack Tatar is an angel investor and advisor to startups in the cryptoasset community, and speaks and writes fre-
quently on the topic. With over two decades of experience in financial services, he was one of the first financial
professionals to receive certification from the Digital Currency Council. He is the coauthor of one of the earliest
books on Bitcoin, What’s the Deal with Bitcoins?
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