XMT-5000 .CHIN 온도계
XMT-5000 .CHIN 온도계
XMT-5000 .CHIN 온도계
Operation Instructions
Before use, please carefully read the operation instructions so as to use it correctly
and keep it well so as to get referred at any time.
Cautions in operation
Do not clean the meter until cutting off the power, please use a soft cloth or cotton
paper when to clear the dirt on the display.
The display is easily scraped, so do not use a hard object to clean or touch it.
Never use a screwdriver or written pen etc. hard object to operate the keys on the
panel, or they would be injured.
1. Product confirmation
Please refer to the following code to confirm the product sent to you is identical to
your order.
Product code:
XMT□-□□□□□ □□ □
① ②③④⑤⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨
(1) Code of panel size(mm)
Omitted: 80x160 A: 80x160 D: 80x160 E: 80x160 G: 80x160
(2) Code of model
(3) Code of control mode
0: Bit-type control (heating type) 4: Two-bit PID action (heating type)
3: Time proportion (heating type) 7: Pulse PID action (heating type)
9: Continual PID regulating action (heating type)
(4) Code of warning output
0: no warning 1: Attached with deviation limited warning
(5) Input code
1: Thermocouple 2: thermo-resistance 3: electric level signal
(6) Code of output type
Omitted: relay output
V: logic output (for controlling the solid relay SSR)
A: large capacity relay output (240VAC, 16A)
(7) Lower limit range
(8) Upper limit range
(9) Index code of sensor: K, E, J, P100, Cu50
2. Installation
2.1 Cautions
Install the meter in the following environment:
Atmospheric pressure: 86~106KPa.…………….
Ambient temperature:0~50℃.………….
Related humidity: 45---85RH%………….
Pay attention to the followings in installation:
Possibly caused dews by a sharp change of the ambient temperature.
Corrosive and combustible gas.
Direct shock or impact to the main structure.
Water, oil, chemicals, smoking or steam pollution.
Extra dust, salty composition or metal powder.
Directly under the air-conditioner.
Direct sunshine.
A place gathered with heat radiation.
2.3 Dimensions
Out-form and panel drilling dimensions Unit: mm
Model Panel dimension Casing dimension Drilling dimension
XMTA 96×96 92×92×70 93×93
XMTD 72×72 68×68×70 69×69
XMTE 96×48 92×44×70 93×45
XMTG 48×48 44×44×100 45×45
3. Wiring
3.1 Cautions at wiring:
(1) For a thermocouple input, use a corresponding compensating conductor.
(2) Have the input signal line far away from the power cable of the meter, power line
of the power supply and the load line so as to avoid producing noise disturbance.
3.2 Terminal:
4. Panel allocation:
5. Operation
Operation 1: change of the set temperature value
When the temperature setting code “SP” is displayed on the upper row after [SET] is
pressed, press [∧] or [∨] key to select the temperature value required to control on
the lower row.
Operation 2: change of the internal functional parameters
Step 1: go into the function table----press [SET] key for about 3s till the display “S”
on the upper row changed into the code “P” in the table, then release it.
Step 2: unlock the parameter lock---press [SET] key, select the code of the parameter
lock “LK”, then press [∧] to change the parameter “0” into “1”.
Step 3: change the function parameter----Press [SET] key in spot to select the code to
be changed, then press [∧] or [∨] key to get the desired value.
Step 4: quit from the function table----press [SET] key for about 3s to quit from the
Code Item Setting range Description s value
P Proportional band 1-100%*0.1% Set heating proportional band 50
I Integration time 1-200%*10S Eliminate static difference 42
d Differential time 0-200 秒 Suppress over-stroke, enhance the controller’s stability 80
Used to resist both upper and lower over-strokes produced due to
It Over-stroke suppress 0-200℃ integration action 10
Proportional band Used to resist both upper and lower over-strokes produced due to
SP separation 0-200℃ proportional action 25
PI proportion 0-100% Set refrigerating proportion, HI=0 is bit-type refrigerating control 0
AH Warn setting 0-100℃ Set deviation warning parameter 10
T Control period 1-100S Set the output cycling time of the controller 20
bt parameter Temperature modification parameter, the default value is 100 100
At Self-setting switch 0,1 Set 1 as self-setting starting, 0 as ending 0
All the parameters are locked in case of 0, modification of any
LK Parameter lock 0,1 parameter is allowed in case of 1 0
Note: please set the P.I.D values to 0 if bit-type control is required.
6. Set the meter’s self-setting unlocking coded lock “LK” to “1”, select the self-setting parameter
“AT” and set it to “1”, the self-setting starts when quitting from the function table.
7. When the meter breaks coupling, it display the overflow “I---“.
8.epair and storage
This Co. will be responsible for repair for the failure caused due to manufacturing
quality within 18 months after the date of invoice and the repairing cost will be
charged for those caused due to improper use. All-life repair for the meters made
in this Co. is available.
Store the meter in a dry and venting place without corrosive gas with the packing
of it available.