EasyChair Preprint 3136
EasyChair Preprint 3136
EasyChair Preprint 3136
№ 3136
April 8, 2020
Denoising real-time audio signals using matlab filter
Jayashree K C Karthik M Bharamappa Manoj Kumar P
School of ECE School of ECE School of ECE
Bangalore , India Bangalore , India Bangalore , India
jayashree240899@gmail.com karthikmbfaulkner@gmail.com pkj.manojkumar@gmail.com
Abstract— In this paper we analyze real time audio signals and creates major problem to the audio signals. Electrostatic noise
try to reduce the noise associated with the message signal under which is generated due to the presence of the voltages during
consideration. The main drawback of noise being present in an the design implementation and other random noises which
audio signal, is that it reduces the quality of the signal that is gets added to the signal. This proposed research will solve the
being transmitted within the communication system. For drawbacks of various filtering techniques which also
analysis purpose, white gaussian noise(awgn) is concatenated
with the audio signal under consideration and the resulting
provides unique Knowledge to the reader. The project defines
noisy audio signal is subjected to the different filtering a comparison between three different filtering techniques i.e.
techniques like IIR Filter, FIR Filter, Wavelet transform IIR filtering, FIR filtering and wavelets transforms based on
techniques. The noisy audio signal is analyzed with respect to real time audio signals.
the different filter responses obtained on applying the foresaid
methods. A comparative study is done between these techniques
to arrive at a technique which would be the most efficient one
for audio signal denoising.
Graps[1] came up with new analysis named Fourier transform
which could analyze the periodic function by creating
Keywords-Audio processing, Denoising, FIR filters, IIR mathematical structures that vary in scale. But the proper
filters, wavelets, Daubechies. analysis cannot be analyzed using frequency response.
I. INTRODUCTION Radhika Bhagat[2] has made an attempt of audio filtering
The importance of noise reduction in real-time audio signals using extended filters like lowpass and highpass filter using
is said to be having high significance in communication. Due FIR and IIR filtering techniques. They have designed
to this factor the noise weakens signal quality, and the different formulas and difference equations for efficient
recognition of audio signals becomes difficult and cause implementation of time varying filter applications.
serious difficulties for the users of electronic hearing aids. A Er. Harpal Singh[3] has used fast Fourier transform technique
well-established method is filtering of the signal in the for performing time domain and frequency domain analysis
frequency domain or in the simplest way is analyzing the of the signal. Mannu Singla[4] has used Butterworth filter and
signal using different filter techniques like low pass, high Chebyshev filters to reduce noise from signals with different
pass and bandpass filters. As the voice or speech signals are frequency and ripple factors.
not periodic these filters distort the signal more than they
reduce the noise. To attenuate noise, we need more advanced Seema rani[5] has proved more facts about FIR and IIR filters
methods of filtering. As it requires high advanced methods of in their paper. The paper tells FIR is more stable than IIR.
filtering, we go for the different filtering techniques like From the above research we can conclude that the error of
Fourier transforms, wavelet transforms, and other methods FIR filter is less compared to IIR filters that means the output
are used in denoising the audio signals. A Fourier transform of FIR filter is very close to the desired value and FIR filter
of a signal gives us the frequency composition of the audio is more stable than IIR filters.
signal. The disadvantage of Fourier transform is it is only C Mohan Rao[6] has presented a new algorithm that is the
valid within a certain Region of Convergence (ROC). So, we Least Mean Square (LMS) in which the awgn is added to
go for short time Fourier transform (STFT), but this method message signal and the denoising is done to reduce the noise
used the window analysis approach of defined size. IIR and with minimum or no error efficiently. But it is sensitive to the
FIR algorithms uses the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) scaling of its input.
technique for analysis of frequency spectra and signal
responses. Wavelet analysis provide more detailed analysis B. Jai Shankar[7] has proposed the use wavelet
about the signal compared to other filtering approaches. transformation technique to denoise audio signals by dividing
the signal into blocks. This technique protects each and every
This paper tells the readers about denoising of the audio unique and vital features of every individual block and
signal. As all the audio signals are continuously affected by exposes the finest detail contributed by the grouped set of
the different types of real-time noise such as electrostatic blocks. The authors Ola Ratelli, Palle, Jorgensen (2013) [8]
noise, thermal noise, channel noise, awng and etc. which in their book have proposed the about Discrete wavelet
transform, its benefits and its functionalities. Priyanka Where x(n) is the input signal, y(n) is the output signal with
Khattar[9] have published a paper in which denoising will be
filter coefficients a and b.
performed using wavelet transformation by comparing two
wavelets families, Daubechies and Haar.
The flow of the project would be as shown in figure 1. Input Noisy IIR Filter
audio signal filter Response
Approximation coefficients:
𝑊∅ [𝑗0 , 𝑘] = ∑𝑛 𝑓[𝑛]∅𝑗0,𝑘 [𝑛] (6)
Figure.5 – Audio signal.
Detailed coefficients:
This audio signal is added with additive white gaussian noise
1 and plotted as shown in figure.6
𝑊𝜑 [𝑗, 𝑘] = ∑𝑛 𝑓[𝑛]𝜑𝑗,𝑘 [𝑛] j≥j0 (7)
Noisy Approx. H
Input Signal Coeffici
Low R
Audio ents
Pass E
Signal A0, A1, S
L-Filter …An H
White O
Gaussian High L
Detailed D
Noise Pass coefficie
nts S
D0, /
D1… Dn H
Figure.4b Block diagram of DWT decomposition technique
The same noisy signal is passed through the FIR filter having
magnitude & phase response as shown in figure.9a.1 & 9a.2
respectively and pole & zeroes plot as shown in figure.9b.
[2] Radhika Bhagat, Ramandeep Kaur, “Improved Audio Filtering Using
Extended High Pass Filters”,2013
[3] Er. Mannu Singla, Er. Harpal Singh, “Review Paper on Frequency Based
Audio Noise Reduction Using Different Filters”, International Journal of
Science, 2015.
[4]Er Mannu Singla, Er Harpal Singh, “Paper on frequency based audio noise
reduction using Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptical filters”, International
Journal of Science, 2015.
[5] Seema rani, Amanpreet Kaur, J S Ubhi, “Comparative study of FIR and
IIR filters for the removal of Baseline noises from ECG signal”, International
Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 2 (3),
2011, 1105-1108.
[6] C Mohan Rao, Dr. B Stephen Charles, Dr. M N Giri Prasad, “A Variation
of LMS Algorithm for Noise Cancellation”, International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2,
Issue 7, July 2013.
[7] Shanar B. J & Duraiswamy K. (2010). “Wavelet-Based Block Matching
Process: n Efficient Audio Denoising Technique” , European Journal of
Scientific Research, Vol.48 No.1, pp.16-28. ISSN 1450-216X.
[8] Ola Ratelli , Palle Jorgensen , ” Wavelets through a looking glass :
The world of the spectrum ” , Springer science & Business media ,
Illustrator : B. Treadway , 2013.
[9] Priya Khattar1, Dr. Amrita Rai2, Mr. Subodh Tripathi, “Audio De-
noising using Wavelet Transform”, 2016
[10] Adri E. Villanueva- Luna, Alberto Jaramillo-Nunez, Daniel Sanchez-
Lucero, Carlos M. Ortiz-Lima, “De-Noising Audio Signals Using MATLAB
Wavelets Toolbox”, Mexico.