Formacao Rompimento Lacos Afetivos BOWLBY
Formacao Rompimento Lacos Afetivos BOWLBY
Formacao Rompimento Lacos Afetivos BOWLBY
October 1982
~ ~
Bused o t i the Fourth Atinrrul Blunche F . Ittleson Memoriul Lectttre. presented (it the Presidentid
Session of the Americitn Orthopsychiutric Associution's 1981 trntiirul meeting. in Nenj Yorl;.
* Hargreaves’s premature death in 1%2, when professor of psychiatry at Leeds, was a grievous
loss to preventive psychiatry.
after another, 1 became increasingly those data, I have started with observa-
confident that this was a promising ap- tions of the behavior of children in cer-
proach. Thus, having adopted this novel tain sorts of defined situations, includ-
point of view, I decided to “follow it up ing records of the feelings and thoughts
through the material as long as the appli- they express, and have tried to build a
cation of it seems to yield results” (to theory of personality development from
borrow a phrase of Freud’s). there. Other difficulties arise from my
From 1957, when The Nature o f t h e use of concepts such as control system
Child’s Tie t o His MotherI3 was first (instead of psychic energy) and devel-
presented, through 1969, when Attach- opmental pathway (instead of libidinal
rnentt6 appeared, until 1980, with the phase) which, although now firmly es-
publication of Loss, l 9 I concentrated on tablished as key concepts in all the
this task. The resulting conceptual biological sciences, are still foreign to
framework* is designed to accommo- the thinking of a great many psycholo-
date all those phenomena to which gists and clinicians.
Freud called attention-for example, Having discarded the secondary
love relations, separation anxiety, drive, dependency theory of the child’s
mourning, defense, anger, guilt, depres- tie to his mother, and also the Kleinian
sion, trauma, emotional detachment, alternative, a first task was to formulate
sensitive periods in early life-and so to a replacement. This led to the concept of
offer an alternative to the traditional attachment behavior as a special class of
metapsychology of psychoanalysis and behavior with its own dynamics distinct
to add yet another to the many variants from the behavior and dynamics of
of the clinical theory now extant. How either feeding or sex, the two sources of
successful these ideas will prove only human motivation long regarded as the
time will tell. most fundamental. Strong support for
As Kuhn has emphasized, any novel this step soon came from Harlow’s
conceptual framework is difficult to finding that, in another primate species
grasp, especially so for those long -rhesus macaques-infants show a
familiar with a previous one. Of the marked preference for a soft dummy
many difficulties met with in under- “mother,” despite its providing no
standing the framework advocated, I food, to a hard one that does provide
describe only afew. One is that, instead food.40
of starting with a clinical syndrome of Attachment behavior is any form of
later years and trying to trace its origins behavior that results in a person attain-
retrospectively, I have started with a ing or maintaining proximity to some
class of childhood traumata and tried to other clearly identified individual who is
trace their sequelae prospectively. A conceived as better able to cope with the
second is that, instead of starting with world. It is most obvious whenever the
the private thoughts and feelings of a person is frightened, fatigued, or sick,
patient, as expressed in free associ- and is assuaged by comforting and
ations or play, and trying to build a caregiving. At other times the behavior
theory of personality development from is less in evidence. Nevertheless, the
* This is the term Kuhn recently used“ to replace “paradigm.” the term he used in his earlier work.‘O
having been given adequate information much greater variety. Many draw on
about what had happened or else to such interrelated concepts as organiza-
there having been no one to sympathize tion, pattern, and information, while the
with him and help him gradually come to purposeful activities of biological or-
terms with his loss, his yearning for his ganisms can be conceived in terms of
lost parent, his anger and his sorrow. control systems structured in certain
ways. With supplies of physical energy
Defensive Processes available to them, these systems be-
The next step in this reformulation of come active on receipt of certain sorts of
theory was to consider how defensive signals and inactive on receipt of signals
processes could best be conceptualized, of other sorts. Thus the world of science
a crucial step since defensive processes in which we live is radically different
have always been at the heart of from the world Freud lived in at the turn
psychoanalytic theory. Although as a of the century, and the concepts avail-
clinician I have inevitably been con- able to us immeasurably better suited
cerned with the whole range of de- to our problems than were the very
fenses, as a research worker I have di- restricted ones available in his day.
rected my attention especially to the Returning now to the strange de-
way a young child behaves toward his tached behavior a young child shows
mother after a spell in a hospital or resi- after being away for a time with strange
dential nursery unvisited. In such cir- people in a strange place, what is so
cumstances it is common for a child to peculiar about it is, of course, the ab-
begin by treating his mother almost as sence of attachment behavior in circum-
though she were a stranger; then, after stances in which we would confidently
an interval, usually of hours or days, the expect to see it. Even when he has hurt
child becomes intensely clinging, anx- himself severely such a child shows no
ious lest he lose her again, and angry sign of seeking comfort. Thus, signals
with her should he think he may. In that would ordinarily activate attach-
some way all his feeling for his mother ment behavior are failing to do so. This
and all the behavior toward her we take suggests that, in some way and for some
for granted (keeping within range of her reason, these signals are failing to reach
and, most notably, turning to her when the behavioral system responsible for
frightened or hurt) has suddenly attachment behavior, that they are being
vanished-nly to reappear again after blocked off and the behavioral system
an interval. That was the condition itself thereby immobilized. What this
Robertson and I termed detachment, means is that a system controlling such
and that we believed was a result of crucial behavior as attachment can in
some defensive process operating certain circumstances be rendered
within the child. either temporarily or permanently inca-
Whereas Freud in his scientific pable of being activated, and the whole
theorizing felt confined to a conceptual range of feeling and desire that normally
model that explained all phenomena, accompanies it can thus be rendered in-
whether physical or biological, in terms capable of being aroused.
of the disposition of energy, today we In considering how this deactivation
have available conceptual models of might be effected, I turn to the work of
*As Spiegel'O has pointed out, my term "defensive exclusion" carries a meaning very similar to
Sullivan's term "selective inattention."
61. PROVENCE, s. A N D LIPTON, R . 1962. Infants in 70. SPIEGEL, R . 1981. Review of Loss: Sadness
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62. RAJECKI, D . , LAMB, M. A N D OBMASCHER, P. 71. SPITZ, R. 1945. Hospitalism: an enquiry
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63. RAPHAEL, B. 1982. The young child and the choanal. Study of the Child 2:313-342.
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64. ROBERTSON, J. 1952. A Two-Year-Old Goes to
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Enfance 2: 131- 142. Edition of the Works of Sigmund Freud, Vol.
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69. RUTTER, M . , ed. 1980. Scientific Foundations cess and the Facilitating Environment, D.
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Medical Books, London. New York.
For reprints: Dr.John Bowlby, Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London NW 3