SunFishERP-Brochure (Web)
SunFishERP-Brochure (Web)
SunFishERP-Brochure (Web)
Su n F i sh ERP
En te r p r i se R e so u rc e Pl a n n i ng Sy ste m
Realize the full potential of your company
2 S u n F i sh ER P | Da taOn V i si on & M i ssi on
About Us
Visio n Mission
“ O u r Vi s i o n i s t o d r i v e r e a l “ Our mission is it to create the
unique organization. ”
D a taO n Com p a ny Profi l e | Su n F i sh ERP 3
C om p a ny Ove rvi ew
Our History
In 1999, Gordon Enns and Casey Kim saw an opportunity to complete success in implementations allowed DataOn to
help corporations utilizing early Internet Technology to develop a strong reputation and become the leading HRIS
improve their business. DataOn Corporation was established provider in Indonesia.
solutions to corporate customers. A year later the company In 2006 DataOn marketed new versions of SunFish HR that
chose Indonesia as its primary technology development and provided customers with options to implement basic payroll,
business location leading to the incorporation of PT Indodev operational HR management, or a complete strategic version
Niaga Internet in early 2000. with SunFish HR Enterprise. DataOn has received awards from
the Indonesian Department of Communications and Informa-
In the very beginning, DataOn developed a range of small tion Technology as the Top IT & Telco Solution for the catego-
business solutions that can today, be grouped as Corporate ry Top HR/HCM Product and the Indonesian Computer
Portal products and was able to license these solutions to Software Association (ASPLUKI) for the Best General Business
full Content Management Solution for Internet Portals.
to support international sales of its product line. software led to requests for further business
solutions. The company utilized this opportunity to combine
Anticipating saturation in the CMS market, DataOn began to its individual SunFish FA and Supply Chain products under
shift its strategy away from portal products to more traditional the name SunFish ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning, which
business solutions, while still utilizing its base in Internet, or is also steadily developing a strong client base.
web technologies. These products included Supply Chain
Management, Financial Accounting (FA), Content Management, In 2013 DataOn released SunFish HR SaaS, a completely
Customer Relationship Management and Human Resource redeveloped version of SunFish HR with new underlying
Management (HR). All products were intended as a general technology designed for the multi-tenancy cloud environment.
base solution which would be customized for the individual Built on the successful business process support of previous
needs of clients. SunFish versions, SunFish HR SaaS provides a better user
experience, a range of functionality improvements and a
By 2002, DataOn had experienced excellent market acceptance
for the HR solutions and released the HR solution under the
name SunFish HR. SunFish HR was developed with a concentrated Today, DataOn has an extensive network of partners and
resellers in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the
range of HR business process requirements. SunFish HR Philippines for SunFish HR and has developed a localized
version of the product for each market.
4 Su n F i sh ERP | DataOn Prod ucts
O u r P ro d u c ts
Sun Fish HR TM
Sun Fish ERP TM
SunFish HR is a comprehensive Human Resource SunFish ERP automates and streamlines Enterprise
Solution allowing companies to gain competitive Resource Planning, helping the company work
asset, its people. Administrative HR functions analytics and better decision-making. SunFish
(Payroll, Loan, Time, Reimbursement, Organization ERP combines and automates processes including
developing talent.
Ease of use, support for cloud computing and the
(SaaS) subscription or an On-Premise purchased Dynamic companies are able to leverage SunFish
analytical tools.
Phi lip p ines
6 Su n F i sh ERP | I ntrod uct i o n
I n trod u c ti o n
Today’s Complex Bus iness Landscape
Supply or value chains, and resources no longer move Another one is the ability to deal with sophisticated
one way, from raw materials to end customers, as relationships and international cultures, and an
Porter’s model has explained to us since the 1980’s. environment that facilitates innovation or risk taking.
World economies today have become so much more
complex – and this complexity is here to stay. In order to pursue new opportunities and grow,
companies need a sophisticated, integrated IT solution
The simple chain evolved into a complex network,
where a supplier is not merely a supplier but may business landscape.
become a customer, a strategic partner, or even a
competitor. More complexity derives from companies This is where SunFish ERP comes in. It is a cutting-edge
using numerous contractors to build and deliver a business management solution that maps and
product which makes them no longer the experts in integrates your company’s key business processes and
every aspect of the chain. On top of that, markets and data across its various functional units.
their conditions change so quickly that managers have
Fe a tu re O ve rvi ew | Su n F i sh ERP 7
General Ledger - The General Ledger Human Resource and Organization Sales and AR - The Sales and Accounts
module is at the core of SunFish ERP’s Structure - The HR component in Receivable module streamlines
Financial Management. It processes SunFish ERP relates to the management processes such as quotations, order
and posts all transactions relating to a of employees and allows the user to entries, invoicing and collection of
company’s assets, liabilities, equity, arrange and modify organizational payments, sales returns, credits, proper
revenue, expenses, etc. Transactions utilization of discounts, tracking of
originate from other application employees, work requirements, inventory changes, account receivable
modules as well as from adjustments positions, and reporting structures to
made directly within the GL. With the these hierarchies. Therefore it is the control over the company’s
GL companies have the accounting backbone of managing application -
users, role-based privileges, business tunity for customer service improve-
data integrity. ments.
Fixed Assets - Asset Management in Purchase and AP - The Purchase and Inventory - SunFish ERP’s Inventory
Accounts Payable module standardizes module includes a comprehensive item
the entire asset life cycle: from the mainte- and automates the full cycle from management system that connects
nance of asset categories, asset purchase requisition through payment to vendor materials, goods and part dimensions with
through transactions such as transfer, important information for procurement,
depreciation, data and supplier management, it keeps sales, inventory, and accounting. This
disposal. Audit trails, transaction journals, purchase cycles short, owed and due
accounting and registry reports support invoices transparent, and allows timely organizations with intercompany and
easy reconciliation, analysis, transparency reaction should buying patterns or multiple warehouse capabilities.
and control over a company’s assets. preferences change.
Finances - The Finance Module helps Analytics and Reports - Equipped with an SunFish ERP integrates a
organization to record and track spending advanced business analytics feature utilizing
to salaries, suppliers, creditors, and their a data warehousing system, SunFish ERP
income from customers, debtors, and meets the various reporting and monitoring the automated routing of documents
investors. Users can conduct bank and and approvals based on groups,
cash payments, create payment receipts, in order for them to drive business modules, rules, if-conditions, and
manage checks, deposits, verify account excellence in every aspect of operation.
balances and reconcile with bank Whether initiated by a system alert or a new
statements. Integrated with General idea, users have a large number of reports, the number of settings involved to
Ledger, Purchase/AP as well as Sales/AR it customizable dashboard alerts, graphics, coordinate and control each routine
and drillable data to investigate and plan business process while bringing consis-
management solution. changes to business processes and policies. tency and leaving room for exceptions
from general rules.
Production -
save costs and to enhance quality and overall business productivity. It provides necessary functions and tools such as bill of material,
production control and planning, routing and material management to control and optimize production process.
8 Su n F i sh ERP | Featu re Ove rvi ew
Flexible, Sec ure, Int elligent
- Multi-company and locations, multi-currency,
Application Security
exchange rate management, multi-language, and - User group access to functions and data
international implementations
- Consolidated reporting access control
- Dual-base currency support - NIST SP 180-118, password rules, expiries, device
- Web-based application, accessible from anywhere, limitations among others
at any time with just an Internet connection - Creation of audit trails for all transactions as part of
- Access information easily from the web, tablet, or architecture that cannot be disabled
mobile apps - Multiple layers of encryption and security ensure
appropriate access control
- Compliance to OWASP standards
Secure Infrastructure
- Intrusion Prevention System
- Advanced analytics using data marts
- Certified ISO 9001-2015 audited by Lloyds every
six months
- Deep ESS features for all employees
- More frequent analysis and tracking of data
through mobile and dashboard summaries
Sa l e s | Su n F i sh ERP 9
Optimize your Collection Pr ocess
Processing customer orders, billings, building, and Payment methods may include check, credit card, bank
maintaining good relationships with customers transfer as well as payments and deposits at the time of
throughout the sales and after-sales cycle are critical sales order, invoice entry, or prepaid orders.
components of any business. Underpinning this
process with the SunFish ERP sales module allows for Additionally, SunFish ERP includes the management and
control of return and service processes – whether a
customer database, quotations, contract negotiations, customer returns one item, a partial delivery or a complete
order. The module tracks the quantity returned and
creates credit notes to deduct the Accounts Receivable
handle change requests, pricings, promotions and amount. Access to customer data, product orders and
discounts, and react to inventory adjustments, as well as supporting documents helps to resolve any complaints or
sales returns. service issues more timely and satisfactorily.
Repetitive data entry tasks are eliminated by using By applying consistent processing rules and by providing
quotations, which track customers’ product and/or price one source for order, billing and relationship tracking,
inquiries, quantities, delivery & billing details, and SunFish ERP overcomes cross-departmental barriers and
discounts applied, and then users can turn these quotations
into sales orders; and sales orders into customer invoices as enhances customer service.
after the delivery has occurred. The display of stock
availability from the order forms enables users to react to
potential shortages with partial deliveries, multiple
shipping dates and ship-to locations.
people who are paying their bills on time and who should
receive a reminder of their aging receivables. Special Easter Price
customer, reseller, category, volume, promotion, etc. PE 8mm. 3 days promo price
10 Su n F i sh ERP | I nve ntory
Linking the modules of Inventory, Sales and distributor including margin, mark-up,
Purchase, SunFish ERP provides companies discounts, or promotions, which are then
with the tools necessary for a successful automatically applied in transactions with
inventory management as it allows them to supplier and customer.
keep track of existing inventory and its use,
and to create replenishment plans that
ensure item availability when needed.
Instant access, and comparisons of data
including current item levels, incoming,
outgoing, in transit, promised items, as well
as safety stock and maximum stock requirements,
slow and aging vs. fast moving inventor y,
I nve ntory | Su n F i sh ERP 11
D et ermine your Economic Quant ity Levels
SunFish ERP tracks the movement of materials in The integrated warehouse function allows the
a number of ways: incoming materials from replication of a company's physical warehouses
suppliers, warehouses, sales returns, or
productions are recorded via Good Receipts; number of bins for each facility including
outgoing materials to customers, warehouses, for maximum volume and weight, size, item types
internal use or production are recorded via Good per warehouse, etc. in order to simplify the
Issues. Other movements tracked are adjustments storage of goods and materials and to gain
of stock levels and inventory values as well as control of stock movement in each facility.
conversions of one item into another one with its
own pricing, dimension, measurement, description, Extensive reports, analysis tools, and alerts keep
and storage facility. track of performance targets and identify
slow-moving items, bottlenecks, and other
The system incorporates a batch release process
of goods to satisfy multiple urgent sales orders taken and optimal space and resource usage can
deliveries, circumventing their serial (one-by-one) be achieved.
approvals. It also provides a physical stock count
function to assist in managing periodic manual
stock level checks in order to ensure that
12 Su n F i sh ERP | Pu rc hase
Prod uct i on | Su n F i sh ERP 13
Impr ove your Production pr ocess and Operational Vis ibilit y
Production planning, implementation process process and monitor their timely completion via
and inventory control (PPIC) is the center of the the Production Controller.
supply chain process for many types of trading
Production personnel can always see the status of
of a company’s production process not only production orders, work-in-progress inventory,
time to completion, etc. and analyze key performance
indicators for quality, production lead time, and
costs. Moreover, SunFish supports the prediction
The Production Module in SunFish ERP provides of demand based on received orders and based
the functions and tools necessary to streamline,
control and optimize the production process by better foresight of future demand for products
and can adjust material planning accordingly.
It exchanges information such as sales forecasts, Through the ratio management and automated
inventory levels, and budgets until detailed inventory control, users can also handle raw
production orders can be issued. As a result, it
improves operational visibility, facilitates a faster eliminate the majority of waste.
and more accurate decision making process, and
Ultimately, the Production Module in SunFish
correlating and interpreting required data.
The Production Module allows users to create However, all settings combined then provide
independent production steps that can be used
performance and allows them to see where
enhancement opportunities lie.
they are for single time only or made-to-order
production. Once set up, production orders can
be created either from the Bill of Material (BOM)
or Sales Orders. Generating production orders
from BOMs is the standard way, which has the
14 Su n F i sh ERP | F i na nce
G e ne ra l Le dg e r | Su n F i sh ERP 15
General Ledger
Fact-based Ins ight for Smart Financ ial D ecision-Making
The general ledger is the central and chronological Moreover, it allows the incorporation of
accounting record of your company and all its various options for month-end and year-end jobs
to close accounts for a respective period, and
and posts all transactions relating to a company’s reminders to periodically evaluate open items in
foreign currencies.
assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses –
data received from other application modules such Altogether, the General Ledger Module delivers a
as Sales, Purchase and Fixed Assets as well as solid base for you
adjustments made directly within the GL. The needs and
insight gained in this process will help you to data throughout the system and from all
enforce relevant accounting policies and proce- subsidiaries.
and recurrence-based reminders, and automatic
accrual journal es.
16 Su n F i sh ER P | F ixed Assets
HR M a na g e me n t | Su n F i sh ERP 17
HR Management
Manage your Employees & Or ganizat ional Hier archies Effectively
The HR component in SunFish ERP comprises of employee turnover, to identify vacant or
managing your employee and organizational
performance, development or recruitment
all essential processes for your workforce
administration, but it is also the key in setting up
As mentioned earlier both components also
application users, role-based privileges, business
employees are set up as passive or administrative
system users and depending on their roles in the
SunFish ERP’s Employee Management maintains system receive access to only those functions and
a broad range of information including personal,
employment, education, family, OHSA, career information such as organizational unit, cost
transitions, service agreements, etc. whereas an center, job title, or job grade, on the other hand,
ESS interface allows employees to participate in
the HR administration and control the validity of documents, requests, and approvals bringing
their own data. Beyond pure data management, consistency to each routine business processes
the module tracks and ensures processing of while leaving room for exceptions from general
requests that employees can make throughout rules.
the ERP system such as supply or transportation
SunFish also allows companies to adapt a more
requests (which can be generally made by all
comprehensive HR strategy. Using a modular
employees) or warehouse transfer, purchase, approach, companies can add on other
sales return, or good issues requests, etc. (which
Loans) or strategic (Training, Performance, Talent
Mangement, Recruitment) functions as needed
The module is linked to the Organization Structure and easily upgrade to a full ERP & HR packages
component as it maps employees, work over time.
requirements, positions, and reporting structures
to their respective organizational hierarchies.
18 Su n F i sh ER P | Data Ana lysi s
D a ta Wa re house | Su n F i sh ERP 19
Data Warehouse
Never -Know n Quer y Flexibilit y to Satisfy Your Inf or mation Needs
SunFish ERP incorporates data warehousing Presenting the vast amount of operation data in
technology that provides users at every organiza- an actionable, easy-to-understand format, data
tional warehouses can reveal current and long-term trends,
and content queries which can span hundreds of highlights problems, indicates opportunities,
operational processes and transactions to satisfy and ultimately gives users the information that is
critical to understand business conditions and
their information need - not just for complex data
successfully execute business initiatives.
queries, but also for getting quick, coherent and
insightful information. This technology addresses
common challenges faced by many users where
the existing reporting tools are simply too
generate multi-dimensional,
insightful reports that can provide the answers
required by the management.
from a high-level summary down to transactional
level detail.
20 Su n F i sh ER P | Wor kfl ow
Wor k fl ow | Su n F i sh ERP 21
Simplif ied Management of Wor kflows and Appr ovals
Auto-approvals can be setup if the conditions
required for approvals are clear without exceptions.
More nuanced decisions will trigger approval
updates, and reminders accompany each record settings in case of partial or complete organiza-
tional restructuring, employee promotions or
charge to what action they need to take.
adjustments ensure that requests do not become
Additionally, dashboard indicators and alerts obsolete when sudden vacancies occur.
employees to re-apply
- Auto approval of requests
- Auto rejection of requests
22 Su n F i sh ERP | Syste m Ove rvi ew
System Overview
Compr ehensive Strategy to Secur ity and Availabilit y
SunFis h Securit y
Development procedures are audited by a security team and
SunFish ERP. On-Premises allows clients to provide every comply with Open Web Application Security Project guidelines
infrastructure needed to run the sofware, while in SaaS all the and avoidance techniques for penetration vulnerabilities including
hardware infrastructures are managed by DataOn. As security is the OWASP Annual Top 10. Development and hosting infrastructure
a major concern, DataOn addresses the issue by obtaining teams undergo procedural compliance audits for DataOn’s ISO
certification of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for information and security
management. Quality Assurance.
Syst e m O ve rvi ew | Su n F i sh ERP 23
System Overview
Advant ages of Cloud Nat ive SunFis h
The original SunFish developed in 1999 was a 100% SunFish provides some pre-built methods of interfacing to
web-native application available as both an on-premise and a other corporate systems and the ability to add new interfaces.
hosted solution. SunFish version 6 has been redeveloped as a Interfaces are handled by separated channels, which exist in a
purely multi-tenancy cloud application with support for segmented partial DMZ when hosting on the SunFish secure
deployment to DataOn or customer facilities. Even when infrastructure. The main SunFish application controls all
deployed in customer facilities, SunFish remains linked to the access through a single access channel that determines
single application core either in real-time or through a batch privilege regardless of the request types such as HTTP from a
process depending on the customer security restrictions. PC browser user or JSON from a mobile apps user. The
application itself is segmented to the presentation, business
process, application and data layers to provide the enhanced
level of componentization and standardization that is
frequently overlooked in web-native applications.
DataOn Head Office
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Jalan tegal Rotan No. 78 Bintaro Sektor 9,
Tangerang Selatan 15413
RealBusiness.RealSolutions. Phone : +62.21.2221.3077
Fax : +62.21.2221.3005
DataOnCorporation PT Indodev Niaga Internet Contact a representative or business partner today
for assessment of your Strategic ERP Information
@DataOnCorp system needs.