NGUYEN XUAN Herbal Shampoo
NGUYEN XUAN Herbal Shampoo
NGUYEN XUAN Herbal Shampoo
- Nguyen Xuan Herbal Shampoo helps to nourish the scalp and nourish the hair from the root,
reduce hair loss, promote hair growth instead. From there, it helps prevent and treat hair
problems: hair loss, dry and fibrous hair, itchy scalp and dandruff.
- Nguyen Xuan Herbal Shampoo is also added with the following ingredients: Vitamin E, olive
oil... to help hair soft and smooth. Nguyen Xuan is suitable for people with dry hair, split ends,
hair damaged by chemical curling, pressing, dyeing...
Wet hair and scalp. Take about 3-5 ml of shampoo and apply evenly and wash gently and rinse
thoroughly with clean water. The 2nd wash can make hair softer and smoother.
Target audience:
- For everyone to have thick, soft, smooth hair. Especially:
+ People at risk of or manifesting hair loss: newly sick people, pregnant and postpartum
women; people using chemical curling, squeezing, and dyeing hair.
+ People often have itchy scalp, dandruff.
Secret hair recipe with Oriental medicine from the Royal Palace that treats the root for the
luxuriant hair.
Nguyen Xuan, the secret hair recipe with oriental medicine for beautiful luxuriant hair.
Nguyen Xuan is derived from the word “oriental”, combining the word Nguyen (meaning
“keeping and maintaining “) and Xuan (meaning “Youthful”), with a meaning of restoring and
energizing the unbalanced hair to its original condition with luxuriant and healthy hair.
Nguyen Xuan is the first oriental hair care brand for the mass market that provides Asians’
luxuriant and healthy hair that the world dream of.
According to ancient Vietnamese beliefs, people lose their hair when they are under a lot of
stress because not enough blood flows to the head during those times. If you suffer from hair
loss, there are several Oriental herbal medicine shampoos that target this very irritating
problem. The way that these formulas work is by treating the scalp itself using ingredients like
gingko biloba and Holy basil which are good for the skin and keep the scalp moisturized. A
healthy scalp, after all, is the foundation for strong, resilient hair… Whether or not you believe
that, most individuals still notice less thinning after using Nguyen Xuan.
Nguyen Xuan boasts thirteen medicinal plants included Locust seed (févier de Chine), Fo-ti
(Chinese knotweed) Holy Basil, lemongrass, goosegrass, Pomelo (Pummelo) Essential Oil, etc. It
is a chemical-free product which helps clean dandruff, restore strong black hair, while
preventing hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Its concentration of menthol can combat excess
sebum production, a leading cause of oily heads.
Nguyen Xuan is a shampoo and conditioner in one bottle meaning you can take something off
the shopping list. With this two-in-one formula, you can cleanse and treat your hair in the same
lather. It will leave your hair feeling extra fresh and clean.
Suffer from hair or scalp odour by lunchtime even after washing hair in the morning.