Computational Intelligent Techniques To Detect DDOS Attacks: A Survey

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Journal of Cyber Security


Computational Intelligent Techniques To Detect DDOS Attacks : A


Isha Sood* and Varsha Sharma

School of Information Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishvavidyalya, Bhopal, India

*Corresponding Author: Isha Sood. Email:

Received: 06 July 2021; Accepted: 15 July 2021

Abstract: The Internet is often targeted by the Distributed Denial of Service

(DDOS) Attacks that deliberately utilize resources and bandwidth to prohibit
access to potential users. The attack possibility is that the packets are filled
massively. A DOS attack is launched by a single source, while a DDOS attack is
originated from numerous resources. DDoS attacks are not capable of stealing
website user’s information. The prime motive of the DDoS attacks is to devastate
the website resources. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are
disruptive to internet access on the Network. The attitude of the customer to get
fast and reliable services can be seriously influenced by DDoS attackers. In the
digital era of today, cases of DDoS attacks have also been exceeded in the
wireless, smartphone, and IoT attacks with catastrophic implications. We will
soon be experiencing the 5G smartphone rebellion, but there are indications that
5G networks too are becoming victim to DDoS attacks but the existing DDoS
detection and protection strategies are not able to handle DDOS attacks
successfully therefore, thorough research on implementing computational
intelligent strategies in the detection and defense techniques has been performed
to recognize, mitigate, and avoid these attacks. But the most suitable and
efficient defense strategy for these attacks remains an issue to be addressed in the
future. This review article concentrates on the most prevalent methods of
detection and defense against DDoS attacks that incorporate computational
intelligence. The analysis describes attacks and explains them. The key factors
relevant to the detection of DDOS attacks are included in this research like
methods, tools, and detection accuracy. Finally, various challenges attached to
the detection of DDOS attacks and research gaps are depicted.

Keywords: 5G; DDoS; IoT

1 Introduction
Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack relates to the need for client/server infrastructure to combine
multiple devices as an attack tool to promote attacks on one or more objectives to maximize the attack
power [1]. It is hard to differentiate attack or acceptable behavior via protocol and services. It becomes
difficult to identify a distributed denial-of-service attack [2]. A study on security methods against DDoS
attacks at various points in history is largely based on the strategy of detecting network intrusions. Based
on the features of many-to-one attacks in the DDoS attack method, three characteristics involving the
numbers of source IP addresses, the numbers of target ports as well as the flow density were used to
characterize the features of the attack. There are mainly three types of attacks, i.e., Application layer
attacks, Protocol attacks, and Volumetric attacks [3].

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
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90 JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

Figure 1: DDOS attack

Due to the debilitating effects of a DDoS attack, it is compared with the Tsunami attack [4]. These
attacks are a persistent risk to modern industry and cause serious business disruptions, consumer problems,
and monetary expenses. Regardless of research and industrial efforts to improve DDoS defense, DDoS
attacks have become a severe challenge, many researchers were focusing their attention on the study of
factors that are involved in the identification of DDoS attacks. A comprehensive survey of attacks and
protection techniques was performed in with an overview of avoidance, identification, and response. On
the other hand, a paper explaining the features of the frameworks used to identify network detection [5]. A
deep study of DDoS attacks, defense techniques used during networks is described in [6]. While these
researches analyze the identification processes, they are restricted to a study at the stage of the network
layer but the depth application layer is not considered in which the attacks had a significant adverse effect
in modern times, as shown by recent studies [7–9]. Besides, these researches have not considered the
perspective that characterizes the detection of DDoS attacks for a probable betterment of it.
Hence, this paper gives the aspects that describe the detection of DDoS attacks, these perspectives
include methods, tools used, observation of detection method, the dataset used, and the type of DDOS
attack it can detect. The prime intention of this paper is to survey the research to examine certain aspects
of the detection of DDoS attacks. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 tells about the
types of DDOS attacks, Section 3 provides a review of existing work, Section 4 provides the summary of
DDOS attack detection and Section 5 presents the challenges associated with DDOS attack detection,
Section 6 summarizes the research gaps and Section 7 concludes the paper and section 8 presents the
future directions in the research area.

2 Review of Existing Work

In the past decade, many classification techniques for DDoS attack detection have been proposed by
the authors. Few classification techniques are being discussed here:
The author proposed Enhanced Multi-Class Support Vector Machines for the classification of HTTP
flooding, session flooding, and IP flooding attacks, ICMP flooding, TCP flooding, UDP flooding, Smurf
flooding, port scan, land flooding, attacks with 99% accuracy on the KDDCUP 99 dataset [1].
In this paper, the author suggested Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) model classify Smurf, UDP Flood,
SIDDOS, HTTP Flood attacks in a new dataset that includes modern attacks, that have never been used in
prior research with 98.63% accuracy [2].
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2 91

In this research, a detection mechanism based on the web user’s dynamism is presented. To do so,
user features such as mouse functions and right-clicking are tested by the author and it is shown that it can
detect the application layer DDOS attacks with 100% accuracy. The author employed CIC-DoS, CICIDS,
and CSE-CIC-IDS, and modified the data set for evaluation purposes [4].
Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT) is proposed here which is capable of detecting TCP flood,
UDP flood attacks with 99.97% and 100% accuracy. It uses the RFPW feature selection algorithm that
combines random forest scores with Pearson correlation coefficients as a search approach, and it also uses
the GBDT algorithm as the evaluation criteria. RFPW selects a small number of features, making GBDT
detection speed fast [10].
The authors propose the hidden semi-Markov model to explain the behaviors of web users that may
be described by web object click rates. The observational data of usual web traffic is trained with the
forward and backward algorithm to obtain the secret semi-Markov model variables. The average entropies
of sequences observed that match the HsMM model is used to detect application-layer DDoS attacks with
97% detection accuracy [11].
The author uses traffic cluster entropy as detection metric not exclusively to detect DDoS attacks but in
addition to distinguish between DDoS attacks and flash events. It is observed that if the flash event is
enabled, the source address entropy rises whereas the traffic cluster entropy does not rise. However, when
the DDoS attack is launched, entropy for the traffic cluster increases together with entropy for the source
address. This technique has the capability of detecting UDP and TCP DDOS Attacks and flash events [12].
This paper provided a packet filtering scheme based on IP-traceback to combat DDoS attack and
utilizes the attack graph obtained from IP traceback to calculate the costs and efficiency of filtering
routers and deploys filters on the appropriate routers accordingly. The results indicate that the scheme is
very successful in protecting both the victim’s resources and the link resources while maintaining
resource usage filtering and normal traffic loss within a reasonable limit [5].
The author introduces a new model for detecting SVM-based DDoS attacks in SDN. Firstly, the
model selects multiple major characteristics from of the packet-in messages and tests the distribution of
each feature by using entropy, then employs a qualified Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique to find
the DDoS attack. This method can detect Syn flooding attack, ICMP flooding, UDP flooding attack with
93% accuracy by calculating the entropy distribution of 5 features [6].
This research article introduces and develops a novel protective system for the defeat of DoS/DDoS
attacks based on HTTP, such as the flexible, collaborative, multilayer, DDoS prevention framework
(FCMDPF). The innovation of this framework addresses and overcomes all the drawbacks of existing
related works. It offers a new alternative security mechanism to defend web applications from HTTP
DoS/DDoS attacks of all sorts, including high-rate DDoS (HR-DDoS) and the flash crowd (FC). It is also
able to authenticate and monitor back (TB and CV) when attacking IP sources and block them at the edge
router (OB). Ultimately, the FCMDPF system is analyzed based on the optimal requirements [7].
The implications of the DDoS attacks were discussed in this paper, and important factors influencing
the attack were compared. The authors used a trained MLP with GA learning algorithm to detect the DDoS
attack based on the volume of HTTP GET requests, the entropy of requests, and the variance of entropy in
EPA-HTTP (environmental protection agency-hypertext transfer protocol) datasets with 98.13% detection
accuracy [8].
The author suggested a hybrid detection method, known as a hybrid intrusion detection system (H-IDS),
to detect DDoS attacks in this article. The proposed detection system makes separate but combined use of
both anomaly-based and signature-based detection methods and integrates the findings of both detectors to
improve overall detection accuracy [9].
This paper provides a semi-supervised clustering method Multiple-Features-Based Constrained-K-
Means (MF-CKM) algorithm for detecting DDoS attacks, this method integrates the benefits of
supervised and unsupervised learning methods and consider the actual application scenes that have small
amounts of labeled data and large amounts of unlabeled data. The algorithm given employs the feature
92 JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

vector as the feature detection to reduce the low detection performance problems caused by the use of a
single feature. Simultaneously MF-CKM utilizes the labeled data to guide initial clustering center
collection to increase the convergence rate [13].
Here Enhanced Support Vector Machines have been used to detect non-spoofed IPs while spoofed
IPs are detected using the Hop Count Filtering (HCF) process. This technique can detect TCP flooding,
UDP flooding, ICMP flooding, land flooding, HTTP flooding, and session flooding using only two
filtering methods i.e. rate-based filtering and history-based filtering [14].
They have analyzed the DDOS attacks from the perspective of hybrid heterogeneous multi-classifier
learning. To gain maximum generalization and complementarily, the authors proposed a heterogeneous
model of the detection method and designed the component classifiers based on Bagging, Random Forest,
and KNN algorithms. Simultaneously a heterogeneous classification ensemble model based on Singular
Value Decomposition (SVD) has been designed which is capable to detect DDOS attacks with 99.9%
accuracy [15].
The research article shows that artificial neural networks are used to effectively detect and identify
three types of DDoS attacks, i.e., DNS DDoS Attack, CharGen DDoS Attack, UDP DDoS Attack, and
Legal 95.6% network traffic [16].
This proposed research aims at developing a detection system based on machine learning that uses
four features proposed to classify strategies for GET flood attacks by separating bots from legitimate
users. These apps take benefit of bot-specific browsing behavior to catch fake clients, who are portrayed
as genuine users. An emulated testbed has been set up to establish evidence of attack traffic by utilizing
Publicly accessible weblogs such as WorldCup98, Clarknet, and NASA along with records of their
university traffic. A selected set of classification algorithms for machine learning is used to create models
that can capture bot sources effectively. SVM achieved a detection rate of 97.4% across various machine
learning classifiers used [17].
The proposed method allows inferences based on signatures collected earlier from network traffic
samples to accomplish a detection rate of 96 percent in TCP flood detection, UDP flood detection, and
HTTP flood detection, as well as stealth attacks such as HTTP slow headers, HTTP slowcore, and HTTP
slow read attacks. The program makes use of the Random Forest algorithm to identify network congestion
directly through network devices depending on samples collected from the sFlow protocol [18].
Lyapunov’s largest exponent has been used by the authors in this paper for validating the theory of
chaos. An exponential smoothing model has been used for the prediction of the network traffic rather than
NADA's predictive method. To evaluate the prediction errors chaos theory, and back propagation neural
networks have been used. This proposed model can detect DDOS attacks with 98.04 % accuracy [19].
In this article, the author suggested a method to detect the anomalies based on both the exponent
Tsallis Entropy and Lyapunov. Here Source IPs and Destination IPs entropy is measured by evaluating
the exponent separation rate with 100% accuracy (no false negatives) and 100% precision (no false
positives). The experiment findings show that the Exponent Separation Detection Algorithm is very
effective in DDoS attack detection. The impact of source IPs and destination IPs in network traffic is
merged by the researchers of this research, while the traditional entropy-based approach concentrates
merely on the separate data packet field function [20].
The suggested technique consists of, a spoofed module for traffic analysis, an interface-based rate
limiting algorithm (IBRL), and an online monitoring system (OMS). Spoofed packets are filtered out by
the HCF-SVM algorithm at the victim’s end. There is no requirement of coordination among the
forwarding routers and the ISPs. Moreover, the Protocol header is used to derive limited traffic attributes
such as source IP addresses and its related TTL values that makes it possible to detect TCP SYN, SMURF,
UDP, and ICMP DDOS attacks with 98.99% accuracy of identification in the real-time scenario [21].
The authors have used a novel collection of information theory-based φ Entropy and φ Divergence
metrics for early detection of DDoS attacks and Flash Events FEs. The novel metrics φ-Entropy and φ-
Divergence are particularly reactive and have elevated cost of convergence. The suggested detection
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2 93

method makes the detection of different forms of DDoS attacks and FEs more effective. The entropy gap
between traffic flows is used in this detection algorithm to detect various types of DDoS attacks and FEs
with nearly 100% accuracy [22].
In this paper Packet Threshold Algorithm (PTA) coupled with SVM is used to detect four types of
DDoS attacks such as TCP SYN flood, UDP flood, Ping of Death, and Smurf attacks with 99.1%
accuracy. The incoming packets are valid packets or DDoS attacks can be detected by the Packet
Threshold Algorithm and SVM technique. The packet threshold is the main criteria used here to detect
DDoS attack [23].
In this article, the authors suggested a New Intrusion Detection System NIDS that can track both
current and new forms of DDoS attacks. It incorporates different classifiers, i.e., MLP, SMO, IBK, J48,
IBK using ensemble models, with the assumption that each classifier will address unique aspects/types of
intrusions, this offers a more efficient defense mechanism towards new intrusion. A 10-folds cross-
validation along with preferential voting allows us to merge these classifiers and gives 99.10% detection
accuracy [24].
Here a New Intrusion Detection System NIDS is anticipated. It uses ensemble classifiers and a
reduced function data set to detect a DDoS attack. The NSL-KDD dataset with a lesser number
of features is used in the experiment to detect only DDoS attacks. Depending on the familiarity of the
domain, they used the most significant feature that can impact only the DDoS attack [25].
A system consisting of the three key components such as classification algorithms, a hierarchical
method, and a fuzzy logic system is suggested by the authors. This method picks the algorithms form the
prepared algorithms list, i.e., Naive Bayes, Tree Decision (Entropy), Tree Decision (Gini), and Random
Trees, which detect specific DDOS attack types using fuzzy logic technique. Naive Bayes, Tree Decision
(Entropy), Tree Decision (Gini), and Random Trees, which detect specific DDOS attack types. The findings
put forward that fuzzy logic can easily pick classification algorithms based on the traffic situation despite
the trade-off between the accuracies of the classification algorithms used and their delays [26].
A Fuzzy estimator on the mean time between network incidents is used by the authors to detect a
DDoS attack. The DDoS attack and the malicious IPs are detected by the suggested technique before the
resources of the victim server get exhausted. Since the approach suggested uses the time of arrival as the
key metric for discerning DDoS traffic rather than port. This approach is usually very effective in
detecting the DDoS attack and relatively reliable in locating offensive IP addresses under critical time
limits which enable the machine to react in real-time [27].
This paper suggests a method based on the neuro-fuzzy hybrid system. It includes a novel weight
update distribution approach, and the solution varies from current weight update distribution strategy
approaches, error cost minimization, and a hybrid method for ensemble efficiency. This proposed
detection technique can accommodate discrete as well as continuous database attributes which are
theoretically important for real-time network datasets. The most considerable contribution of this research
is to provide an effective false-positive reduction approach to reduce false alarms, i.e., Neyman approach
that can detect DDoS attacks with 99.20% detection accuracy [28].
In this paper, authors first analyzed data center flow correlation information. Second, he proposes an
efficient identification method focused on CKNN (traffic grouping with similarity analysis of K-nearest
neighbors) in DDoS attacks detection. The technique takes benefit of training correlation knowledge to
enhance classification efficiency by reducing the overload-induced by training data size as this strategy is
focused on flows [29].
The authors presented a novel version of the original Multiagent Router Throttling method known as
Coordinated Team Learning (CTL). The most innovative aspects of the anticipated solution is that it
imparts a structured, collaborative reaction to the DDoS attack problem. Hierarchical team-based
communication, activity decomposition, and team rewards are integrated into this technique and are also
scalable [30].
94 JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

In this work, the researcher embraces a bio inspired method with enormously high speed known as
Bat algorithm. The author initially identified feature metrics to determine the behavior of the demand
flow is of attack or regular. Here evaluation of feature metrics done on request stream observed rather in a
session at an absolute time interval. Secondly, the author uses the Bat classification algorithm to train and
evaluate. The model developed in this paper is exceptionally accurate and holds the high accuracy of
prediction, i.e., 94.8% [31].
The aim of the author here is to detect and mitigate known and unknown DDoS attacks in real-time
environments. Authors detected TCP, UDP, and ICMP DDoS attacks depending on characteristic patterns
that distinguish legitimate traffic from DDoS attacks with the help of a trained Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) algorithm. The ANN learning process begins with the simulation of a network system which
represents the real-life scenario. This approach gives 98% detection accuracy [32].
This work presented an incoming traffic-based Multi Layer Perceptron Genetic Algorithms MLP-GA
method for application-layer DDoS attacks detection. The authors have mainly taken into account four
features of incoming traffic which show momentous variations in their properties. In this paper, authors
considered a system for distinguishing between an attacker, a genuine client, and a suspicious mode of all
the possible combinations of the attack structures and features. In suspicious mode, the IP addresses are
further authenticated using a standard CAPTCHA check [33].
In this research, the author anticipated a Bio-Inspired Anomaly-based Real-Time. Detection
technique for the detection of low rated App-DDoS attacks. The Cuckoo search which is a bio-inspired
methodology with the extravagant rate of search has been adopted for this paper. The overall paper
contribution is split into three groups. The first involvement is to characterize feature metrics to determine
whether or not the request flow is of attack intent. In this the evaluation of function metrics performed in
an absolute period on the stream of queries observed. The second contribution is that the Cuckoo search
hierarchical order is used to train a The second contribution is that the Cuckoo search hierarchical order is
used to train and detect App-DDos attacks with 95.1% accuracy [34].
This paper provides an efficient correlation mechanism that is flexible and able to manage both
changing and varying correlations between a pair of samples. The suggested NaHiDVERC manages a
standard traffic profile dynamically and measures its correlation value across the action with the incoming
traffic sample. Whenever the measured correlation size is lesser than a user-defined NaHiDVERC is
incorporated on both software and hardware using FPGA, an attack alarm is generated. Over benchmark
datasets, it can achieve 100% attack detection accuracy [35].
In this paper, incremental learning based on the data stream approach has been proposed. It is a
novel hybrid method for detecting DDoS attacks. The Authors used a strategy that separates the
computation overhead between customer and server sides depending on their resources to coordinate the
activity at a fast speed. Divergence checking is conducted on the client-side and if divergence crosses the
threshold, that means an attack is detected or data is forwarded to the server-side. On the server-side, the
Naïve Bayes, random forest, decision tree, multilayer Perceptron (MLP), and K-nearest neighbors
(KNN) techniques are used to obtain better detection results with 98.9% accuracy [36].
In this paper, the potential of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for evaluating the strength of a
DDoS attack is being explored. The strength of the DDoS attack is evaluated using 10, 15, and 20 sized
feed-forward neural networks. For a two-layer feed-forward network, the Entropy variance and DDoS
attack intensity are taken as input and output. The outcomes are quite encouraging, as the strength of a
DDoS attack evaluated using a feed-forward neural network is very similar to the DDoS attack’s actual
strength [37].
This paper application-layer DDoS attacks are detected using a model mining. The authors also
suggested a security architecture that includes a novel real-time Frequency Vector (RFV) detection
approach. When detecting Application Layer DDOS (AL-DDoS) attacks, the proposed framework can
quickly spot suspicious sources and utilize an effective filter to avoid the traffic that does not seems
normal accurately [38].
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2 95

The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the prototype detection method for DDoS attacks. A
supervised learning technique Support Vector Machines (SVM) is used for capturing network traffic,
filtering HTTP headers, normalizing data based on operational variables such as false positives rate, false
negatives rate, classification rate, and then send the details to the respective SVM training and testing
datasets. The results indicate that the suggested SVM prototype has a high detection accuracy of 99% [39].
In this paper, the author developed a hierarchical Cuckoo Search approach. It is a bio-inspired
approach with magnified search speed. The paper’s overall contribution is divided into three stages. The
main contribution is to find out function metrics to decide whether the request stream activity is of attack
intensity or not. For this developed framework, the similarity assessment is based on the Jaccard index
and the evaluation of function metrics performed on the stream of requests encountered at an absolute
time interval rather than in a session. Therefore the model developed in this paper significantly minimizes
the processing overhead and maintains the maximum detection accuracy [40].
The use of KD-Tree in storing packet information was also shown to be quite successful. But
the approach used in this paper is independently using a specified data structure for the storage and retrieval
of IP addresses. This approach does not block an IP address automatically, but it explicitly blocks the
protocol. If the IP address is considered guilty then it is fully blocked. Two analyzer stages, including filter
engine and classifier Particle Swarm Optimization with K Nearest Neighbors (PSO KNN), are used for
testing the IP. This function is useful to an enterprise that is constantly sacrificing clients [41].
This research intended to investigate some methods of protection against DoS and DDoS attacks
performed using LOIC and Slowloris, emphasizing which one is the most successful. This tool supports
three types of attacks, i.e., TCP, UDP, or HTTP DDOS Attacks. The authors used SNORT method, which
already has a set of rules to defend against DDoS attacks carried out using LOIC or Slowloris, the
detection accuracy rate has grown with suggested new rules [42].
The issue of DDoS detection and mitigation is addressed in this paper with an improved machine
learning strategic-level framework. Feature engineering and machine learning with enhancements and
assessment are two important components used in the proposed framework to detect DDoS attacks that
avoiding over fitting and Colinearity. Experimental data indicates that by compromising 0.3% on
accuracy nearly 68% reduced feature space is possible [43].
In this study, the author suggested an efficient scheme based on the non-parametric CUSUM
algorithm for the detection of DoS attacks in the application layer. This algorithm uses the actual traffic
traces of DoS attacks in application-level DDOS attacks. The universal application of sampling is used by
the author to verify the proposed approach’s performance. The authors also provided a comprehensive
study of 13 different sampling techniques constructed for diverse traffic estimation and subsequently
adapted for the detection of anomalies. The sketch guided sampling method has shown the best
performance [44].

3 Summary of Research Review

Tab. 1 given below summarizes the various research findings done like the method used, type of
DDOS attack it can detect, detection accuracy or other observations, the dataset used, and tools used for
the implementation of the method.
S.N Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Attacks detected Data set used Observation /Accuracy Ref.

o. No.

1 A unified approach for detection of DDoS Enhanced Support ICMP flooding, TCP flooding, UDP KDDcup 99 dataset The attack detection accuracy is 99% in [1]
attacks using enhanced support vector machines Vector Machines flooding, Smurf flooding, port scan, this technique
and filtering mechanisms land flooding, HTTP flooding, session
flooding and IP flooding attacks

2 Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Multilayer Perceptron Smurf , UDP Flood,SIDDOS,HTTP New data set 98.63% dertection accuracy has been [2]
Using Data Mining Technique (MLP) Flood attacks containing Smurf , achieved in this method
TP Flood attack data

3 New Features of User’ s Behavior to User Dynamism TCP flood, UDP flood, HTTP flood, CIC-DoS, CICIDS, The detection accuracy observed in this [4]
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Detection and CSE-CIC-IDS method is 99.9%
in Application Layer and customized

4 A Feature Analysis Based Identifying Scheme Gradient Boosting TCP flood, UDP flood detection MAWI Atuthors have achieved 99.97% [10]
Using GBDT for DDoS with Multiple Attack Decision Tree (Measurement and accuracy of DDOS attack detection
Vectors Analysis on the
WIDE Internet)
datasets and KDD
cup 99 Dataset

5 Mining Web User Behaviors to Detect Hidden semi-Markov DDOS Attacks in Application Layer Real time dataset The authors have achieved 97% [11]
Application Layer DDoS Attacks model detection detection accuracy.

6 A Traffic Cluster Entropy Based Approach to Traffic cluster entropy UDP and TCP DDOS Attacks and Real time dataset It can effectively classify the FEs and [12]
Distinguish DDoS Attacks from Flash Event flash event detection with DDOS attacks by considering the
Using DETER Testbed Cluster entropy in case of DDOS attacks
increased whereas it is stable in case of
Table 1: Summarizes the various research findings done like the method used

7 An IP-Traceback-based Packet Filtering Scheme IP-traceback-based DDOS Attacks CAIDA The presented method can effectively [5]
for Eliminating DDoS Attacks packet filtering minimize the harm produced by DDoS
scheme attacks and keep normal traffic loss to an
adequate level.
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2
S. Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Attacks Data set used Observation /Accuracy Ref..
No. No.

8 Using SVM to Detect DDoS Support Vector Syn flooding attack, DARPA1999 This technique guarantees 93% attack detection accuracy [6]
Attack in SDN Network Machine(SVM) ICMP flooding, UDP
flooding attack
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

9 A Novel Protective Flexible advanced HTTP-based DoS/DDoS Real time dataset It provides an excellent alternate protective safeguards to ensure [7]
Framework for Defeating entropy attacks web applications from HTTP DoS / DDoS attacks of all kinds,
HTTP-Based Denial of based(FAEB)scheme such as high-rate DDoS (HR-DDoS) and flash crowd (FC).
Service and Distributed Denial
of Service Attacks

10 Hybrid Intrusion Detection Hybrid intrusion DDOS Attacks in DARPA2000 and a Attack detection is with 98.7% TPR and 0.73% FPR by utilizing [8]
System for DDoS Attacks detection system (H- Application Layer commercial bank the proposed H-IDS
IDS) detection penetration test Datasets

11 Entropy-Based Application Artificial Neural HTTP-based DoS/DDoS EPA-HTTP (environmental 98.31% is the accuracy of DDOS attack. [9]
Layer DDoS Attack Detection Networks attacks protection agency-hypertext
Using Artificial Neural transfer protocol) datasets

12 Multiple-Features-Based Multiple-Features- DDOS attack detection DARPA Presents a semi-supervised clustering approach for MF-CKM [13]
Semi-supervised Clustering Based Constrained-K- algorithms to detect DDoS attacks. The algorithm provided
DDoS Detection Method Means (MF-CKM) utilizes the feature vector as a function detection to decrease the
detection effectiveness condition faced by the use of a single

13 A UNIFIED APPROACH Enhanced Support TCP flooding, UDP Real time dataset Non spoofed IP’ s are detected using Enhanced Support Vector [14]
FOR DETECTION AND Vector Machines flooding, ICMP flooding, Machines (ESVM) and spoofed IP’ s are detected using Hop
PREVENTION OF DDOS (ESVM) Hop Count Land flooding, HTTP Count Filtering (HCF) mechanism. The detected IP’ s are
ATTACKS USING Filtering (HCF) flooding attacks maintained separately to initiate the defense process.

14 A DDoS Attack Detection Hybrid Heterogeneous TCP flooding, UDP KDD CUP 1999 This technique achieved 99.8% detection accuracy [15]
Method Based on Hybrid Multi-classifier flooding, ICMP flooding
Heterogeneous Multi-classifier Ensemble Learning attacks
Ensemble Learning
S. Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Attacks Data set used Observation /Accuracy Ref.

No. No.

15 Model for Detection and Classification of DDoS Traffic Artificial Neural Network DNS DDoS attack ,CharGen DARPA1999 By using this method 95.6% [16]
Based on Artificial Neural Network DDoS attack , UDP DDoS detection accuracy can be
attack acchieved.

16 Smart Detection: An Online Approach for DoS/DDoS Random Forest TCP flood, UDP flood, and CICIDS2017, CSE- Highest accuracy achieved is [18]
Attack Detection Using Machine Learning HTTP flood, as well as stealth CIC-IDS2018 and 96% using this technique
Attacks CIC-DoS

17 Validation of chaos hypothesis in NADA and improved Chaos Hypothesis in DDOS Attack DARPA1998 This technique gives 98.04% [19]
DDoS detection algorithm NADA DDOS detection accuracy

18 DDoS Detection Method Based on Chaos Analysis of Chaos Analysis of DDOS Attacks MIT dataset DDOS attacks can be detected [20]
Network Traffic Entropy Network Traffic Entropy with 100% accuracy using
this technique

19 An Impact Analysis: Real Time DDoS Attack Detection HCF coupled with TCP SYN, SMURF, UDP real time dataset The detection accuracy of [21]
and Mitigation using Machine Learning support vector machine and ICMP DDOS Attacks DDOS attacks is 98.99%
(SVM) using this technique

20 Detection of DDoS Attacks and Flash Events using Novel Information Theory DDoS attacks and Flash MIT Lincoln, CAIDA, This method can detect [22]
Information Theory Metrics Metric using Generalized Events Fes FIFA and synthetically DDOS attacks with 100%
Information Divergence generated DDoSTB detection accuracy
(GID) metrics dataset

21 Detection and Defense Algorithms of Deferent Types of Packet Threshold TCP SYN flood, UDP flood, Synthetic data type Highest accuracy achieved [23]
DDoS Attacks Using Machine Learning Algorithm (PTA) coupled Ping of Death and Smurf with this technique is 99.1%.
with SVM attacks
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2
S. Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Attacks Data set used Observation /Accuracy Ref.
No. No.

22 Detection System of HTTP DDoS Attacks in a Based on Information Theoretic HTTP DDoS CIDDS-001 This technique ensured 99.54% detection [24]
Cloud Environment Based on Information Entropy and Random Forest attacks accuracy.
Theoretic Entropy and Random Forest

23 DDoS Intrusion Detection through Machine Machine Learning Ensemble LR DDOS and HR NSL-KDD dataset The suggested detection algorithm detect [25]
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

Learning Ensemble DDOS attacks FEs and HRDDoS attacks with 100%
detection accuracy

24 DDoS Detection System: Using a Set of Classification Algorithms Controlled Syn flooding, UDP CAIDA This detection scheme detects DDOS [26]
Classification Algorithms Controlled by Fuzzy by Fuzzy Logic System flooding ,Ping of Death attacks with 98% accuracy
Logic System in Apache Spark and Denial of sleep

25 Real time DDoS detection using fuzzy Fuzzy estimators HTTP DDoS attacks MIT DARPA, 2000 the proposed method can detect the [27]
estimators Computers & Security DDOS attack with in the real time just in
a detection window of 3 seconds

26 Detection of distributed denial of service attacks Ensemble of adaptive and hybrid ICMP flooding, TCP KDD Cup, CAIDA DDOS this methods ensures 99.2% DDOS attack [28]
using an ensemble of adaptive and hybrid neuro- neuro-fuzzy systems flooding and HTTP Attack 2007, CONFICKER detection accuracy.
fuzzy systems flooding attacks worm, UNINA traffic
traces, and UCI Datasets

27 Detecting DDoS attacks against data center with Correlation analysis TCP,UDP and ICMP KDD’ 99 data set DDOS attack detection accuracy is 100 % [29]
correlation analysis DDOS attacks when selected features are 6 as the
number of features become 20 accuracy

28 Distributed response to network intrusions using Multiagent reinforcement learning DDoS attacks in small- Realtime dataset This approach is more resilient and [30]
multiagent reinforcement learning scale network topologies adaptable than the existing throttling
approaches which deals with the
scalability challenge in an efficient way.

29 An empirical evaluation of information metrics information Metrics Information High rate and low rate MIT Lincoln Laboratory, The use of appropriate information [31]
for low-rate and high-rate DDoS attack detection Entropy and Information Distance DDOS attacks CAIDA and TUIDS DDoS matrixc helps to magnifythe spacing
Measure datasets between legtimate and attack traffic for
both Low Rate and High Rate DDOS
attacks with very low computing

30 Detection of known and unknown DDoS attacks Artificial Neural Networks High rate and low rate New data set containing Accuracy of 98% is achieved with this [32]
using Artificial Neural Networks DDOS attacks Smurf , UDP detction method.
Flood attack data
S. Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Attacks Data set used Observation /Accuracy Referen

No. ce No.

31 HTTP Flood attack Bio inspired Bat algorithm HTTP Flood attack CAIDA This method provides 94.8% detection accuracy [33]
Detection in Application Detection in Application
Layer using Machine Layer
learning metrics and Bio
inspired Bat algorithm

32 MLP-GA based Multilayer Perceptron with Application layer DDoS CAIDA 2007,KDD CUP 99 ,DARPA 98.04% detcetion accuracy can be achieved using [34]
algorithm to detect a Genetic Algorithm attack. 2009 (FRGPNTP) 2013 this technique
application layer DDoS

33 BARTD: Bio-inspired Bio-inspired Cuckoo search HTTP flood attacks synthetic data set This technique gurantees 95.1% DDOS attack [35]
anomaly based real time detection accuracy.
detection of under rated
App-DDoS attack on web

34 Real-time DDoS attack FPGA DDOS Attacks CAIDA, TUIDS and DARPA FPGA provides 100% attack detection accuracy [36]
detection using FPGA

35 The hybrid technique for Hybrid technique using UDP-Flood, Smurf, NSL KDDD this framework guarantees 98.9% detection [37]
DDoS detection with supervised learning SIDDOS, HTTP-FLOOD accuracy.
supervised learning algorithms

36 Estimating Strength of a ANN Artificial Neural DDOS attack strength Real time dataset Obeserved the potential of Artificial Neural [38]
DDoS Attack in Real Network Network (ANN) for estimating strength of a
Time Using ANN Based DDoS attack.

37 Detection and defense of Real time Frequency Vector Application-layer DDoS Realtime dataset This method is capable of being deployed in the [39]
application-layer DDoS attacks nd Flash Crowd traffic of backbone and can effectively distinguish
attacks in backbone web between the AL -DDOS attacks and Flash Crowd

38 Distributed Denial of Support Vector DDOS attacks DARPA 99% DDOS attack detection accuracy can be [40]
Service (DDoS) Attacks Machine(SVM) cahieved by this technique
Detection Using Machine
Learning Prototype

39 BIFAD: Bio-Inspired Bio-inspired Cuckoo search HTTP ,application layer JMETER Dataset It provides 99.5% DDOS attack detection [41]
Anomaly Based HTTP- DDOS attack accuracy
Flood Attack Detection
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2
S. Name of the Paper Method Used Types of DDOS Data set used Observation /Accuracy Ref.
No. Attacks No.

40 DyProSD: a Particle Swarm High rate DDOS CAIDA 2007, 2013; MIT Lincoln The detection accuracy of 99.95% is achieved [42]
dynamic protocol Optimization with K (HDDOS) Attacks Laboratory Datasets 1999) and by suggested technique
specific defense for Nearest Neighbours Tezpur University (TU) DDoS
high-rate DDoS (PSO KNN)
flooding attacks
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

41 An Approach for SNORT Intrision TCP, UDP or Real time dataset 45 % better accuracy than previours LOIC abd [43]
Detecting and Detection Tool with HTTP attacks Slowris Models

generated flows (TP+FN).

Evaluation Matrices Used:
Preventing DDoS additional features
Attacks in Campus

42 DDoS attack Feature engineering HTTP flood, UDP KDD, CAIDA, NSL-KDD, ISOT, 68% reduction in feature make 0 .03% impact [44]

front of all the classified flows (TP+FP).

detection with and Machine flood, Smurf, and and ISC on accuracy of DDOS attacks
feature engineering learning Algorithms Normal
and machine
learning: the frame
work and

43 Detecting HTTP- CUSUM algorithm Application layer ISCX dataset It presents a novel detection approach for [45]
based Application DoS attacks application layer DDOS attack detection
Layer DoS attacks nonparametric CUSUM algorithms
on Web Servers in
the presence of

44 User behavior User behavior HTTP-based WorldCup98, Clarknet, and NASA This technique ensures 97.4% of detection [46]
analytics-based analytics and SVM DoS/DDoS attacks and University accuracy.
classification of classifier
application layer
HTTP-GET flood

• F-Measure (F1): It is a harmonic combination of the precision and recall into a single measure [45].
• Recall (Rc) or Sensitivity: It is the ratio of correctly classified attack flows (TP), in front of all
• Precision (Pr) or Positive Predictive value: It is the ratio of correctly classified attacks flows (TP), in
102 JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

F= 1 1

• Accuracy: Accuracy (ACC) is defined by equation 6. and it is calculated as the number of all
correct predictions divided by the total number of packets in the data set [46].

4 Challenges Associated with Ddos Detection

• Growing Internet and availability of insecure IoT devices
• Challenge to establish a trade-off between the efficiency of online (real-time) security strategies
and the use of victim resources
• Interoperability of the devices
• Zero-day attack
The accelerating growth of the Internet and the introduction of insecure IoT gadgets are a serious
challenge to the modern cyber world. Most recent massive DDoS attacks are carried by IoT botnets. The
consumers of such large networks are often not conscious of the protection of their applications. The key
protection against the development of such a massive botnet is to guarantee the safety of the system from
the consumer.
Making sure the defense against IoT-based DDoS attacks is an enormously significant field of
research in which several specific unanswered problems are requiring particular consideration. Avoiding
the development of IoT botnets, detecting and rejecting flows from non-sophisticated IoT devices (like
surveillance cameras, intelligent refrigerators, home routers) are a few examples of concerns in which
more research work needs to be done.
It is still difficult to establish a trade-off between the efficiency of electronic (real-time) security
strategies and usage of consumer services. Because DDoS attacks have already placed a significant strain
on the victim's network infrastructure (processing capacity, storage, and bandwidth), it is also very
important to make sure the accurate results of DDoS protection techniques. In other words, it is necessary
to maintain the minimum use of the victim's assets through protection mechanisms when combating DDoS.
It is an incredibly critical research direction as the greatest-performance defense method guarantees
minimal downtime.
The interoperability is also another problem identified in the DDoS study. DDoS attacks include a
variety of attack scenarios and fingerprints. The authors are however attempting to establish the absolute
best response in the light of the various dimensions of the attacks. It is quite necessary to check the real-
life output of such work. It is therefore important to check the output in real-time because various
methods operate together to address the challenge in various situations. Predetermined datasets and
stabilized attack signatures make the real-life attack environment quite divergent from the test
environment. Hence interoperability of the protection methods in real-time attack scenarios must be
ensured [47].
There will always be a research concern on how to protect against a zero-day attack. DDoS attackers
are often focusing on introducing new kinds of attacks of enhanced strength and sophistication. Analysis
to protect against such a zero-day attack is thus the most complicated. Along with massive technical skills,
this analysis often involves understanding the mentality of attackers and the abilities that carry forth new
kinds of DDoS attack.
JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2 103

5 Research Gaps
After the existing literature review, the following research gaps are drawn to plan our future
framework for three-fold contribution such that:
• Almost all of the researchers used publicly accessible real data sets to authenticate their suggested
methods. They used the KDD cup 99 and CAIDA dataset mostly for DDOS traffic in
their researches. These datasets are outdated and the proposed model may not identify recent
DDOS attacks efficiently.
• In order to simulate heterogeneous and scalable traffic of DDoS attack there is a prime
requirement of realistic and updated datasets.
• To distinguish between DDoS attack and FC flooding attacks more research is required.
• There is a need to combine potential DDoS defensive methods in one Cyber security platform to
come up with a realistic solution to the DDoS attack.
• It is noticeable that even after various research efforts to detect DDoS attacks with machine
learning techniques we lack a strategic approach to implement such methods so that thorough
assessment can avoid generally embedded difficulties such as colinearity, multicollinearity, and
duplication associated with machine learning-based data.
• When we try to apply Computational Intelligent Techniques almost all the important aspects of
data science-driven methods have to be integrated. The simple execution of a framework with
default parameters is not sufficient but instead, it introduces the over fitting elements.
• There is also a need to combine the feature engineering framework with intelligent techniques as
we have seen that a lesser number of features by an algorithm is used then detection of DDOS
attacks if more efficient, therefore it is necessary to use them simultaneously in all-inclusive
experiments and reliable results.
• The presented systems are widely designed to visualize static network traffic data, these systems
have the potential of collecting and storing network traffic data, but a mechanism for handling
real streaming data from all sources needs to be developed so that we can detect the DDoS attack
in real-time.
• Detection of Encrypted header DDOS attacks in real-time is still a challenge as there is not an
efficient method to detect it.

6 Conclusions
A survey of various techniques to detect DDOS attacks has been conducted in this paper. Which type
of detection method should be implemented for an empirical situation is quite complex and difficult to
discern. With the low false notification, few frameworks can recognize known attacks only and lead to
higher detection accuracy, but the attacker can amend the attack signatures quickly or can launch the
attack with little modification. Thus the attacks remain unidentified by these techniques. A significant
obstacle in DDOS attack detection is the analysis and manipulation of enormous amounts of online data,
and the growing false signal ratio due to the existence of data uncertainty. The survey has taken into
account DDOS attack detection and defense strategies in web applications web services cloud computing
and any device that has internet. This survey paper offers a comprehensive review of computational
intelligent techniques that are being used in detection and prevention from DDOS attacks from the
accretion of the work already being done. The research paper also enlisted the challenges associated
with the DDoS attacks detection and prevention. Finally the paper identifies various research gaps that can
contribute to the future work

Future Directions: We will work on building a defense mechanism for encrypted header attacks which is
closer to the source of the attack with avoidable assistance of different service providers. We strongly
believe that the best and most efficient technique to combat DDoS attacks might be an optimal, complete,
104 JCS, 2021, vol.3, no.2

and accurate real-time defensive system. Our detection algorithm could also distinguish between DDOS
attacks and Flash Events (FEs).

Funding Statement: The authors received no specific funding for this study.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the
present study.

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