HEPL Financials v1.9
HEPL Financials v1.9
HEPL Financials v1.9
2 Current Assets
(a) Trade Receivables 8 33,100,989 -
(a) Cash and Cash Equivalents 9 8,775,244 1,026,637
(b) Other Current Assets 10 9,488,834 1,078,561
Total #VALUE! 7,899,205
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts (1-28)
IV Expenses
Employee benefit expense 14 6,523,522 107,447
Depreciation and Amortisation 7 2,120,862 -
Operating Expenses 13 49,389,138 -
Other Expenses 15 3,779,100 272,701
Total Expenses 61,812,621 380,148
V Profit before Exceptional and Extraordinary Items and Tax (III-IV) (3,278,502) (380,148)
VI Exceptional Items - -
VII Profit before Extraordinary Items and Tax (3,278,502) (380,148)
VIII Extraordinary Items - -
IX Profit Before Tax (3,278,502) (380,148)
X Tax Expense -
Current Tax - -
Deferred Tax (178,895) -
XI Profit(Loss) for the Period (IX+X) (3,457,397) (380,148)
XII Earnings per equity share
(i) Basic (34.23) (3.76)
(ii) Diluted (34.23) (3.76)
Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts (1-23)
B. Investing activities
Purchase of Fixed Assets (7,481,561) -
Increase in Capital Work in Progress - (5,794,007)
Interest Received On Fixed Deposits 6,402 -
Net cash from investing activities (B) (7,475,159) (5,794,007)
C. Financing activities
Proceeds from issue of shares - 1,010,000
Loan availed from Director 4,500,000 4,000,000
Net cash from financing activities (C) 4,500,000 5,010,000
The Company has only one class of shares - equity shares of Rs. 10/- each.
The rights attached to these shares are those that are provided to the shareholders of equity shares under the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) and
the Articles of Association of the Company. These rights include, inter alia, the right to vote, right to receive dividends declared and the right to
participate in the surplus assets in the event of a liquidation (in the ratio of number of shares held).
Details of number of shares held by shareholders holding more than 5% shares are set out below:
Name of the share holder Status Class of shares As at As at
31st March 2021 31st March 2020
No. of shares % held % held
C.K.Ranganathan Director Equity shares 50,500 50% 50%
R.Thenmozhi Director Equity shares 50,500 50% 50%
Reconciliation of the number of equity shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the financial year is as follows:
Particulars As at As at
31st March 2021 31st March 2020
Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year 101,000 -
Add: Shares issued during the year - 101,000
Less: Shares bought back during the year - -
Shares outstanding at the end of the year 101,000 101,000
Transaction Name of the related party Nature of relationship For the year ended From 19th Nov 2020 to
31st March 2021 31st March 2020
Rent Cavin International Private Limited Enterprise over which key management #NAME? 198,000
personnel have significant influence
Loan from Director C.K.Ranganathan Key Managerial Personnel 4,500,000 4,000,000
Enterprise over which key management
Purchase of Fixed asset Cavin International Private Limited personnel have significant influence 2,105,203 5,243,442
Enterprise over which key management
Purchase of Fixed asset CavinKare Pvt Ltd personnel have significant influence 100,823 -
Enterprise over which key management
Purchase of Products CavinKare Pvt Ltd personnel have significant influence 13,960 -
Enterprise over which key management
Service provided to CIPL Cavin International Private Limited personnel have significant influence 1,200,823 -
Enterprise over which key management
Service provided to CKPL CavinKare Pvt Ltd personnel have significant influence 57,118,247 -
Service provided to CKS Enterprise over which key management
Foods CK'S Foods Pvt Ltd personnel have significant influence 55,250 -
Unsecured Loan CavinKare Pvt Ltd Enterprise over which key management
personnel have significant influence #NAME? -
iii) Balance Outstanding as on March 31,2021 :
As at As at
Particulars Name of the related party Nature of relationship 31st March 2021 31st March 2020
16.3 Revenue and expenditure in foreign currency (on accrual basis) Rs. Nil.
16.4 The Company has reviewed its long term contracts and does not anticipate any material foreseeable losses arising from such contracts. The Company has not entered into
any derivative contracts during the year.
16.5 Preliminary expenses incurred for the incorporation of the company are written off during the previous year 2019-20
16.8 Comparitive figures have been regrouped/reclassfied wherever necessary to correspond with current year's classification/disclosure.