Casa de Madeira Technical-Guide
Casa de Madeira Technical-Guide
Casa de Madeira Technical-Guide
Baltica 117 with 35° roofpitch and 22m2 L-extension. Nordic timber panel exterior.
Technical Guide
Energy efficient features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Wall section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Atlantica Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Baltica Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nordica Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Environmental aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hibernia Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Energy efficient features
An energy efficient house functions as a drainage. Condensation takes place on the transmission losses through windows
system. When all parts of the system are cold side of an insulated construction and represent a major portion of heat losses
designed to be compatible, each operates moisture transport moves from the warm during the winter. Our triple glazed
more effectively and efficiently. In a house side, down through the insulation into the windows and thermally insulated doors are
with a leaky building envelope, neither the hard-core. Your floor will be dry and warm. of rigid construction to prevent warping.
insulation nor a well designed and installed This will be achieved only if the right type Effective seals ensure a tight fit. The
ventilation and heat-recovery system will and amount of insulation is carefully windows are made up of three panes of
function advantageously. Similarly, a installed under and around the concrete slab. 4mm glass with two 12mm cavities. One
building with a very tight envelope will not pane is coated with a low emission shield
be energy efficient without sufficient • Wind presses water up under the roof-tiles
which lets short-wave radiation, i.e. light
insulation of the walls, windows, floors and in under the felt unless it is thoroughly
through but which acts as a barrier for long
and roof. fixed.
wave radiation, i.e. heat. The cavities are
Our solution to this is to install a filled with argon gas which further improves
structurally very solid roof construction. their performance. A higher indoor window
– Dry construction
Solid timber sarking is covered with a surface temperature is achieved and it is no
- 145mm (6”) insulation in walls longer necessary to place radiators under
permeable mineral felt. The felt is
– 400mm (16”) insulation over overlapping and closely nailed. Counter windows to avoid draughts from cold
ceiling battens as well as tile battens ensures good window surfaces. Within the external doors
– Concrete foundation insulated ventilation between felt and roof tiles. Good there are steel sheets on both sides of a
around and under ventilation is achieved between the sarking double, insulated framework. The steel
and the insulation with a ventilation gap sheet not only prevents the spread of
– Triple glazing
along the length of the entire building on humidity but also makes sure that the door
– Controlled ventilation
both sides. A galvanised steel rodent stopper does not warp or twist.
and insect mesh is installed in this gap.
Moisture Walls and roof By making buildings as airtight as possible,
Strong driving rain and wet ground draughts caused by leaks in the building
The most basic characteristic of an energy
conditions helps water to penetrate houses. envelope are eliminated. Good airtightness
efficient house is highly insulated roof and
These problems can only be solved at the reduces the amount of noise, dust, pollen
walls. A house can be insulated to very high
construction stage of a building. There are etc. that enters the building. More
levels by applying insulation at ceiling joist
many ways for moisture to enter a building: importantly, it is one of the most cost
level. Scandinavian Homes houses have
400mm mineral wool insulation at this effective ways of increasing the energy
• Through the wall, if the wall is constructed
point. (Irish building regulation requires efficiency of a building. An important
of materials that can soak moisture.
150mm). The walls usually have 145mm of prerequisite for achieving airtight
Our exterior wall is a dry construction with mineral wool wall insulation. It is fire-proof, construction is that the installation of the
a ventilation cavity inside the cladding non-toxic and non-biodegradable. insulation and the air seals is carried out
through which air can flow freely. The with great care to ensure that no gaps or
actual wall always stays dry and the cladding splits occur in the airtight layer. Even small
will dry from both inside and outside after Floors gaps can result in the admission of air
each rainfall. The amount of insulation required in floors leading to energy wastage. Air/vapour
varies depending on the type of floor and control membranes consisting of high
• Between window/door frames and wall, if
foundation used. At Scandinavian Homes quality 0,2mm polythene film are applied
the construction method does not prevent it.
we use a concrete slab, insulated around the on the inside of the building envelope. It is
Our timber framed windows will expand circumference with our special base unit and important that the membrane has
and contract in harmony with the timber from below with 60-120mm expanded overlapped and sealed joints and that all
framed wall. Factory installed flashings polystyrene and extruded polyurethane. necessary penetrations from pipes and ducts
made of galvanised & plastic coated steel are carefully sealed. The polythene
ensures no leaks. membrane also obviates the risk of
Windows and doors condensation within the wall structure.
• Through the foundation, if the construction
Because windows and doors make up such a Airtightness and ventilation go hand in
method does not prevent it.
large proportion of the facade of a building, hand. An airtight building must be properly
A Scandinavian Homes foundation has clean they play a considerable part in determining ventilated to provide fresh air to the
broken stones under the slab for good it’s energy requirements. Night time occupants – see chapter on ventilation.
Indoor air quality are not continuously ventilated. Turning up and is exhausted through vents or chimneys.
the heat in a damp house will only cause The traditional open fireplace is a very
Most people spend more than 90% of their relative humidity levels to explode unless ineffective source of heat, but under certain
time indoors, most of that in their own there is sufficient ventilation. Dampness in conditions it provides good air extraction in
home. The quality of indoor air is vitally the structure of a building is largely the room which it serves. Today,
important for our health. All buildings need dependent upon the construction method conventional houses usually rely on a
good ventilation in order to maintain high used. In a dry type of construction that is 80x80mm wall-mounted vent to extract air
indoor air quality and a long life, especially well-insulated and warm, the humidity in every room. Fresh air is expected to enter
damp masonry constructions and modern levels will be much lower than in a masonry the building through the various cracks and
highly insulated buildings. A healthy indoor construction with low levels of insulation. gaps. The rate of ventilation depends on
environment depends largely on the many factors. These include wind and
removal of contaminated air and an ample High relative humidity causes condensation
temperature (highest ventilation in cold and
supply of fresh air. Provisions must be made on cold surfaces in the house, such as
windy weather), the occupant’s window-
for air entering, as well as for air leaving the window panes, cold walls and uninsulated
opening habits and tendencies to seal off the
building. The aim is to have a continuous water pipes. Formaldehyde and other
vents to “stop the draught”. Generally
supply of fresh air and a continuous harmful substances are released at an even
speaking there is poor ventilation in most
extraction of stale air and to “recapture” the higher rate than usual when certain artificial
weather conditions: virtually no ventilation
heat from the stale air before it leaves the building components such as flooring
at all when it is mostly needed (on still,
building. These seemingly conflicting materials, chipboard, putty, adhesives,
humid days) and draughts in cold windy
imperatives of energy preservation and paints etc. come in contact with moisture.
ventilation can however be mastered with
the use of a heat-recovery ventilation Additional extractor fans
In an attempt to solve the worst problems in
bath and shower rooms, many houses today
are equipped with fan extractors. The
Problems associated
present building regulations encourage this
with poor ventilation
solution. Wall-mounted extraction fans
– Allergies – Moisture Nordica 94 built together with an Atlantica 61.
service WC and bathrooms. These extractor
– Asthma – Damp stains fans have to run for many hours a day in
• Emission of pollutants from various sources. order to do the job properly, resulting in
– Radon – Condensation
A normal house contains a multitude of considerable heat-losses. (The fresh air is
– Dustmites – Deterioration substances – paint or varnish on furniture still supposed to enter the house through
– Mould of decor and toys, flame retardants, detergents, the cracks and gaps!)
– Fungus – Smoke stains on chemical treatment of fabrics, the presence
of cigarette smoke, use of antifungicides and
– Headaches ceiling and walls Heat-recovery
of chemical fragrances etc. ... the list is
– Tiredness – Build up of dirt endless. All substances constantly emit ventilation system
particles to the surrounding air. Under Fresh air
certain conditions, radon gas can enter A constant replacement of all air, with as
Causes of poor air quality houses from the ground below. All these little heat loss as possible, is the ideal
• High relative humidity inside house. particles and gases form a complex mix in condition for all houses. When the sole
Dustmites, fungus and mould occur when the indoor air which presents unknown concern is fresh air, simple fans may be used
the relative humidity is above 70%, and/or dangers for people. In the years to come, to continuously exhaust stale air from
if there is dampness in the house. The level with increased levels of insulation and better specific rooms, with fresh air entering
of dampness and the relative humidity level sealed houses, the problems of radon, through controllable slots in external walls.
are two separate but related issues. To dry mould and a generally unhealthy indoor However the higher the price of energy, the
out a damp floor or a damp wall, the water climate will be staggering if the ventilation more economically attractive the concept of
in liquid form must change to vapour and of private houses is not improved. heat-recovery. A heat-recovery ventilation
be ventilated away to the outside. Compare system without an air-heater does not
it with the drying of laundry on a line on a Conventional ventilation – provide any “new” heat – it only saves
sunny and windy day (heat and ventilation), existing heat. To heat the house, any source
the hole in the wall method
as opposed to doing it in a cold basement. If or form of heat, such as underfloor heating,
there is a low temperature inside a damp Natural convective ventilation radiators, stoves, etc. run by oil, gas, sun,
house, the water in the structure will In older buildings, air finds its way into the solid fuel or electricity may be used in
evaporate slowly – especially if the rooms structure through chinks or other defects conjunction with the system if necessary.
TemoVex 480S Location guide to 480S
ventilation unit ventilation unit
Compact all in one 1. Door with magnetic ledges
❷ 2. Exhaust air filter
ventilation and heat
recovery unit. ❸ 3. By-pass damper
❹ ➎ 4. Exhaust air fan
The outer body is made
5. Supply air fan
of hot-dipped galvanised
6. Heat exchanger
sheet metal with mineral
7. Outdoor air filter
wool insulation between
the sheets. ❶ 8. Access door
9. Adjustable feet
The large counterflow 10. Condensation conductor
heat exchanger has an ➏ 11. Control panel
average efficiency of 82%.
A built-in bypass function
makes it possible to cool
the house when desired
❿ ❾
A simple Scandinavian Homes heat- air contains a lot of energy which is used in the exhaust-air on the other. The heat in the
recovery ventilation system consists of a the heat-recovery process. First the heat exhaust-air is transferred to the supply-air
main-unit, steel air-ducts and ceiling vents from the warm damp air is transferred to via the plate. When the exhaust-air
which service all rooms in a building. The the incoming air. Then the moisture in the condenses, the heat effect increases on the
stale air is continuously extracted from warm damp air is condensed to water and supply-air side. Condensed water on the
ceiling vents in “dirty” rooms such as bath, this releases even more energy, which goes exhaust side can freeze if the temperature
laundry and kitchen. Before the stale air to towards further heating the incoming air. drops to under –5°C, but this would not be
leaves the house, it will go through the heat- of any concern in the mild Irish climate.
recovery unit where it releases its heat to Energy savings The design of the heatexchanger allows no
(but does not mix with) the incoming air – The fact that the fresh new air is preheated inter-leakage between the different media.
so the fresh incoming air is heated for free. in the heat exchanger at no cost is the For this reason, odours, bacteria and radon-
The preheated new air is then supplied to obvious benefit. Another energy benefit is daughters in the exhaust air cannot
“clean” living areas and bedrooms through that a dryer house is easier to heat, and that contaminate the supply air. The
ceiling vents. The air-flow is directed from a higher degree of comfort is achieved at a Scandinavian Ventilation Systems main unit
“clean” to “less clean” rooms so that all lower temperature when the moisture level for domestic use is equipped with one or
parts of the building are constantly supplied is lower. two large heat exchange banks. The
with fresh pre-heated air. The ventilation is
efficiency grade is very high: 70–85%
balanced and controlled. The airflow rate
Health benefits
for every room is carefully calculated. For
example, a café with smokers needs a much Constant extraction of exhaust air and Service and cleaning
constant supply of fresh air means that the
faster rate of air-exchange than a bedroom. The filters in the main-unit has to be
levels of airborne pollutants are greatly
Air flows are measured in m3/h, or inspected and cleaned or replaced 2-3 times
reduced. Unhealthy particles and gases are
litres/second. per year. This is very important – otherwise
quickly swept away outside before they have
time to settle. the airflow will be reduced dramatically.
Dry result The louver and mesh at the air-intake to the
With proper ventilation a house stays dry. house should be inspected once a year and
Many problems caused by moisture such as Heat recovery unit cleaned.
mould, fungus growth and decor The heat-recovery units from Scandinavian
deterioration will be solved or at least Ventilation Systems are designed to run at When damp air is being extracted from the
improved with the installation of a heat- all times, day and night, all year round. house, condensation takes place inside the
recovery ventilation system. With greatly They are equipped with heat exchanger main unit. This is normal. The water
reduced ventilation heat-losses, the banks, made of aluminium plates. Two should continuously drain away through a
temperature will increase and this helps the adjacent plates form a narrow duct for drain-pipe. If any water collects in the unit
drying process. In shower and bathrooms, either supply or exhaust-air. The supply-air the drain pipe has to be checked and
warm damp air is generated regularly. This passes through on one side of the plate and cleared.
Apart from this cleaning the heat-recovery are smooth inside. Strong rigid components make the system absolutely airtight. They
unit requires no service or maintenance at prevent collapsing of ducts and fittings if are pressed from long-lasting galvanised
all. someone walks on them in the attic. The steel. Air-leaks from badly taped and sealed
fittings, such as bends, T-pieces, mufflers connections are eliminated.
Ducts and fittings and reducers feature built-in rubber seals to
The overall quality and long-term Specification for typical main unit in a private house: (Balanced ventilation, filters,
performance of a ventilation system depends air to air heat-recovery, installed in laundry room standing like a tall refrigerator)
on many factors, ranging from the overall
system layout, to the quality of the different Flow range: 30 – 100 l/s Weight: 90 kg
(100 – 350m3/h) Filters: Two bag-type class
components. To help the air-flow through
the system, we avoid using small diameter Temp eff.grade: 75 – 85 % EU5 & EU3
ducting. We use professional quality Spiro- Insulation: Fire resistant hard Fans: Two radial type
type galvanised steel ducts. For private rockwool, 30 mm Fan motor: Two, 230 V, 0.8 A
houses the dimensions are: Ø100mm, Measurement: 1900 x 430 x 600 mm Connections: Four Ø160 mm with
Ø125mm, Ø160mm and Ø200mm. The (h x w x d) rubber seals
ducts are rigid and made of solid steel and
The amount of heating needed in a house foundation of every Scandinavian Homes Air-heat
depends on many factors. There are heat house. The electric effect can vary from 20 The total heat requirement of a house can
losses – through walls, floors, windows & to 50 Watt per square meter. The layout be taken care of by the ventilation system.
doors, roof , ventilation; there are also heat and effect of the heating-cable is decided in Individual houses have different heat
gains – sun through the windows, appliances conjunction with the buyer at the planning requirements. A Scandinavian Homes low-
such as refrigerators, heat generated by stage, so that they can decide in what part of energy house with 3-glazing and high levels
people. All these factors have to be taken the house they want more or less heat. of insulation needs little heating effect. In
Floor-heat in the slab makes it possible to such a house an electric duct-heater which
into account when the type and size of the
use night-saver electricity for all, or part of boosts the temperature of the preheated
heating system is planned. Scandinavian
the heating supply. The underfloor heating incoming air can work successfully.
Homes houses need comparably much less
is very slow to react, it takes a long time to
heat than other houses. This means that any
• Electric air heat: An electric duct-heater is
source of heat and method of distribution
an electric element which boosts the
can be considered.
temperature of the pre-heated air coming
from the main unit if necessary. A single
Ways of heating thermostat in the house controls the heater.
Individual rooms cannot be controlled
Underfloor heating separately. One drawback compared to
Possibly the most comfortable way of electric storage heating is that night-rate
heating a home. The entire floor is turned electricity cannot be utilised to its full
Nordica 115 ajoining a Baltica 72.
into a low temperature heat store and the potential. This type of air-heat is usually
heat is released slowly into the house. heat up and a long time to cool down. It is included in Scandinavian Homes houses as
Heated floors means that a wide choice of controlled with a simple timer. When the a complement to the floor-heat.
floor-cover materials can be used. When house needs more heat you run the timer
floor-heat is used it is important that the for longer periods, and vice versa. • Water conducted air-heat: As an alternative,
level of insulation under the slab is a hot-water heater is installed in the duct to
sufficient. There are two reasons for this. • Water-conducted underfloor heating is the heat the fresh preheated air. This is
The obvious one is to prevent heat-losses option of installing a conventional central- connected to a conventional oil- or gas-
downwards. The other reason has to do heating boiler and water-conducted floor- boiler which provides the hot water for this
with moisture movements, as is explained in heat pipes in the concrete slab. This gives a system. This arrangement is especially
the foundation section. versatile system that can be adopted to any economical when an existing boiler can be
fuel in the future. The draw back is the used. In larger buildings this form of heat is
• Electric heating cables are installed into the relatively high installation cost. often utilised.
The above illustrates the significant advantage that under floor heating has over conventional wall mounted radiator heating systems.
Fireplace Scandinavian Homes type house, there is a Active solar heating can also be
Some owners of Scandinavian Homes very high return on heat from a small stove. incorporated. It is an especially attractive
houses have installed a cast-iron stove. A When a fire is lit, the room where the stove option for the heating of tap-water. A
total independence from electricity for is located heats up quickly. The heat will relatively simple solution incorporates a
space-heating can be accomplished this way. spread indirectly around the whole house well-insulated storage tank connected to
A stove with a metal flue-pipe can be through the ventilation-system. One cannot solar-panel(s). The cold water supply to the
installed anytime, it doesn’t have to be expect to use the stove very often, as it electric immersion-heater goes through a
incorporated into the design at the planning would become to warm for comfort. For coil in the storage tank before it enters the
stage. With the relatively small amounts of this reason a back-boiler in a stove to heat electric water heater tank. Most of the
heat needed for our houses, one stove can be tap-water is difficult to utilise in a energy used for hot tap-water would come
sufficient for the entire house. Clean fuels, Scandinavian Homes house. from the solar-panel(s). The electric heater
such as fire-wood or turf briquettes can be would only “top-up” the temperature of the
used with minimum costs. A conventional Solar hot-water. The result would depend on the
open fireplace with chimney can, of course, To some extent all Scandinavian Homes efficiency and the size of the solar panel(s).
be built into the houses. However, the open houses utilise passive solar heating. The
type is not recommended because of it’s triple glazing lets through the heat from the A simple system for heating tap water can
inefficiency and air pollution. In a sun-light, and most of the heat is then consist of two collectors, a small circulation
trapped inside the house. By locating as pump and a heat-exchanger connected to
many windows as possible to the south and the regular hot water cylinder. Larger
avoiding windows on the north side, this systems with several collectors connected to
effect is increased. an accumulation tank can be designed.
Location guide
A. Hardened glass with low ironoxide content
Solar collector for water systems, B. Teflon layer
this one is from TeknoTerm. C. Absorption layer with patented technique
Each collector has a surface area of 2.5m2, D. Insulation with fibreglass surface
Any type of small cast iron stove and can collect 400kWh per m2 per year. E. Aluminium frame
can successfully be installed in Weight 40kg. It has an expected life length F. Sealant strip in EPDM-rubber
a Scandinavian Homes’ house. of 30–40 years. G. Back made of corrugated aluminium
Before the Scandinavian Homes showhouse temperature dropped to around 18°C. If the same amount of electricity in 8 hours as
in Galway was extended, it was a Nordica 18° can be considered acceptable we may we would do in 24 hours in the show-house
83. During these six years it was heated conclude that the minimum heating example above. In a 83m2 house we need:
solely by one 1200 W duct heater in the requirement for a 83 m 2 Nordica type of 1200 kW = 1.2 kW x 24 hours = 28.8kWh per
ventilation system. (This is the same house located on an exposed site in the 24 hours; 28.8 kW / 8 hours = 3.6 kW. We
west of Ireland is 1200 W. Translated into would need an effect of 3.6 kW for the
electrical effect as 12 ordinary 100 W
Watts per square meter (W / m 2) it works night-heater to fully equal the continuos
lightbulbs!) The heater is thermostatically
out as 14 W / m2. use of 1.2 kW in the example above. This
controlled from the hall. This effect was
equals an effect per m2 of: 43 W / m2 The
sufficient to keep the temperature in the In order to save money one would like to installed effect in each individual house is
entire house at around 22°C almost all use the cheap ESB night-rate. The concrete usually lower than this. This can be
year around. During the coldest, cloudy slab is an ideal storage place for the electric discussed at planning stage.
and windy days in the winter, the inside heat used during the night. We must use
Water supply ❶
The heating of tap-water accounts for a large
percentage of a household’s energy ❸
consumption. An efficient plumbing
arrangement keeps hot water pipes as short as
possible and effective insulating lagging on all
pipes helps to minimise energy wastage. Our
type of pressurised water saving system is used
all over the world apart from the British isles. ❹
It is basically a very simple system with a
minimal amount of components and potential ❾
problems. Direct pressure from a mains supply,
or your own pump, feeds the house. After the
internal stopcock it is divided into two
branches. One branch feeds all the cold water
points through a manifold. The other branch
goes into the hot water heater and from there
to the hot water points through a manifold.
Kitchen or laundry Kitchen mixer with Hand basin mixer set.
mixer. dishwasher connection.
One hand operated
One hand operated One hand operated, with ceramic disc
with ceramic disc seal. ceramic disc seal. seal.
The heatlosses from the unit are exceedingly interruptions or hidden connectors, directly in the attic to modern solar powered
small so a traditional hotpress arrangement from the manifold to each tap. This makes arrangements. We are interested in
cannot be used as the surrounding cupboard the system leak-proof. All hot and cold developing alternative systems for further
will not get heated. The electric heating water pipes are thermally insulated. heating/heat-recovery of water. Please talk
element is built into a ceramic-covered tube to us about this if you have any ideas for
in the tank. Therefore the water does not your house.
The greatest advantage of a high pressure
come in direct contact with the heater. This
system lies in the saving of water used in
precludes lime build-up on the heating-
each mixer. There is an air injection in the Waste water
element. It is dismountable for inspection.
nozzle of the taps which gives the user the
The unit’s clean-cut design resembles a All sewage pipes are cast into the foundation
feeling of a powerful water-flow. In fact, less
refrigerator and it does not have to be built- in precise positions. The sewage ventilation
water is used in these taps than in ordinary
in. They are available in many sizes: 35, 60, pipe starts in the foundation and is
taps. The mixer-taps are one-hand operated.
110 or 160 litres. The effect of the heating connected to a vent tile through the roof.
You get the desired temperature almost
element varies between 1000 – 1500 Watt, There are no unsightly and easily damaged
immediately. The shower mixer is
single phase 230V. They are pressure tested piping arrangements on the outside walls.
noticeably more comfortable and
to 13.5bar. The pipe dimensions for grey-water waste
economical to use than the usual type on
are larger than usual in order to minimise
sale in Ireland. The kitchen mixer has a
Plumbing the risks of reduced flow and blockages in
built-in safety valve for dishwasher
All plumbing is concentrated to the laundry connection. All mixers (except shower) have the future. All pipes in the house are
room. This room, as well as bath and a ceramic-disc seal which is maintenance connected to one central outlet for further
shower rooms are waterproofed and free and does not need replacement. connection to septic tank / treatment system
equipped with a floor-trap. The water- / sewage system. We can supply biological
supply pipe enters the house here, the dry toilets, “Bio-let”, that need no sewage
water-heater is located here, and all water-
Alternative arrangements connection at all. Alternatively, Swedish
pipes originate here. Manifolds divide the Any type of water system can be installed in watersaving toilets that use only 2 or 4 litres
hot and cold water supply to cross-link a Scandinavian Homes house. From the for flushing (compared to 9 litres for the
polyethylene pipes that run without ordinary indirect system with an open tank regular type on sale here) can be installed.
Most important of all in a sound house is a fighting them Scandinavian Homes can Base unit
sound foundation. provide concrete rafts of extraordinary
Scandinavian Homes uses a specially
quality. By carefully insulating the raft from
insulated base unit around the perimeter of
1 Structural strength below with a permeable insulation, a
the foundation. It has a core of expanded
2 Moisture resistance against moisture-mechanical advantage is attained – polystyrene surrounded by fibreglass-
rain and damp rising from moisture will travel from the warmer concrete
the ground reinforced concrete. Moisture cannot
into the colder ground. Provided that this penetrate the base unit because of the
3 Good thermal insulation. insulation is continued under and around the moisture mechanical advantage. The heat-
circumference of the entire foundation, a losses are greatly reduced with all cold-
By using the laws of physics instead of uniquely dry foundation is the result. bridges eliminated. The base unit provides a
finished surface which can be left as it is or the foundation. There is no unsightly Watt is sufficient. This can be compared
plastered, painted or whitewashed. The plumbing around the outside of the house – with a standard ESB 3000 Watt storage
base unit acts as shuttering when the only one central outlet. In bath and laundry heater that usually serves only one room!
concrete slab is poured. It is strong enough rooms a slightly recessed floor trap is The Scandinavian Homes heat-storage
to support a non load-bearing brick wall, installed. This means that water damage in arrangement has a storage capacity that is
but primary loads should not rest on the the future is eliminated because if a leak many times larger, and thanks to this the
base unit. does occur, all water will find its way out floor will never be particularly warm. The
through the floor-traps. The supply-water occupants control the heat from the floor by
Under-slab insulation pipe and telephone duct is also built into regulating the length of time it is running
60mm continuous and carefully fitted the foundation.
with a simple wall-mounted timer.
insulation of expanded polystyrene under
the entire concrete slab ensures a dry and Underfloor heating
warm foundation. This can be increased to Powerfloating
By utilising the large mass and thermal heat
120mm if desired. Where structural loads Conventional steel enforcement is used and
capacity of the entire concrete slab, very
are carried by the foundation, an extruded when the concrete is poured, careful power-
effective storage heating is acquired. Special
high-density polyurethane insulation is used. floating ensures a smooth surface. There is
floor-heat-cable is installed in all
foundations. The effect varies, depending no need for more layers of screed. Later,
Plumbing and phone on house and client requirements. For a carpets or timber can be installed directly
All sewage plumbing is precision fitted into normal family home of 100m2, about 3000 onto the concrete surface.
Environmental aspects
Green alternative production does not create permanent scars of close grained pine with high levels of
and damage to nature as the production of natural resin and also pressure treated. It is
As we become more and more conscious of
concrete and steel does. Timber is also generally estimated that the cladding will
the detriment that is caused to the
lightweight in relation to its size and last for 100 years in a maritime climate.
environment in order to achieve our basic
strength which makes it economical to
housing needs, we often choose a “green The fact that different types of materials,
transport and to work with. Another bonus
alternative” which may unfortunately be such as brick, PVC, aluminium and wood
is that the waste from primary processing of
more expensive than the regular more shrink and expand differently, is important
timber can be used to make particle boards.
unsound product – naturally grown for the maintenance and the life-span as
Timber is a low pollution material – in
vegetables is one example. well. In a house built of a mix of different
felling, processing, use and disposal.
materials, such as a regular cement block
Preservative treatments are needed for
house, the following happens: Different
Increased standard of living timber in some cases, and the treatment
parts of the house contracts and expands
must to be carried out under properly
In a timber frame house from Scandinavian variously. Problems with cracks, leakage’s
controlled conditions. But in contrast to
Homes however, the opposite is true. The and the deterioration of decoration details
most other building materials it does not
standard of living is substantially increased will occur quite rapidly. A timber frame
contribute to the “sick building” syndrome.
while the cost of living is substantially house never develops these problems
This is usually caused by moisture
decreased and at the same time the method because the whole structure moves in the
penetrating and staying in the walls of
of building and running the house is same way when temperature and moisture
houses with masonry outer walls.
environmentally friendly. levels change over the year.
Wall section for all houses
Features Atlantica Series
Windows are all triple glazed with low emission glass
Internal width: 5.7 metres. A standard
on the inside and argon gas in the two 12 millimetre
roof pitch of 30° can be increased to
gaps between the panes. 40°. This is the narrowest house from
our range. It has the same external ATLANTICA 41
External doors are all insulated to give a U-value of Floor area 41m 2 – 428sqft
width as the traditional cottages of
W/m2k. rural Ireland, but is much wider inside
because the external walls are not as
External walls are insulated with 145mm mineral wool
thick. An Atlantica size can be BED2 BATH KITCHEN
(optionally increased to 240mm).
increased simply by adding to the
overall length. For example, an
Concrete foundation slab is fully insulated underneath ATTIC
Atlantica 147 is 5.7 metres wide and
with 60 mm expanded polystyrene/extruded BED1 LIVINGROOM
25.5 metres long. It is a fact however,
polyurethane (optionally increased to 120mm), and that a long, narrow house will be more
around the edges with a special base unit which has a expensive to build, per square metre,
thickness of between 65mm and 120mm. and will cost more to heat than a
square shaped house.
The attic is insulated with 400mm mineral wool in
between and over the rafters.
Within each series the width of all houses are the same
and variations are achieved by increasing the lenght
House Internal External Internal Floor
type width (mm) width (mm) length (mm) area (m2) LIVINGROOM / KITCHEN
Baltica Series F/F
Internal width: 7.5 metres. A standard
roof pitch of 35° can be increased to
42°. The Baltica is also a relatively LAR-
Floor area 99m 2 – 1066sqft
Floor area 117m 2 – 1260sq ft
Nordica Series BATH
Internal width: 8.7 metres. A standard
roof pitch of 30° can be increased to
40°. This is the best-selling house type HATCH HALL
Floor area 125m 2 – 1345sqft
Hibernia Series WH
Floor area 164m 2 – 1760sqft
Floor area 201m 2 – 2166sqft
Nordica 94 with Nordic timber panel exterior.
Moycullen Galway Ireland Telephone 091-555 808 Fax 091- 556 808
Nordica (with Hibernia extension) and Atlantica show houses are located in Poulnaclough, between the villages of Moycullen and Barna in Co. Galway. Only 10 km from
Galway city. From Galway city, take the Cliften road. After 6 km turn left onto the Barna road. Drive straight ahead for 2.5 km, pass two timber houses on right hand
side. Take the first road bearing off to the right. After 20m you will see our sign for the showhouse.
© SCANDINAVIAN HOMES LTD. 1998 No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the publishers.