Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Reducing carbon emissions and electricity costs in industry is a major challenge to ensure competitiveness and
Microgrids compliance with new climate policies. Photovoltaic power offers a promising solution but also brings consid
Renewable integration erable uncertainties and risks that may endanger the continuity and quality of supply. From an operational point
of view, large-scale integration of solar power could result in unmet demand, electrical instabilities and
Power quality
equipment damage. The performance and lifetime of conventional fossil equipment are likely to be altered by
repeated transient operations, making it necessary to adopt specific modeling tools. Control strategies and sizing
methodologies must be adapted to account for the strong reliability constraint while dealing with significant
production uncertainties. In addition, conventional mitigation technologies, such as storage and load flexibility,
have limited potential in these applications and may result in high investments or penalties if they are not
properly assessed. This study provides an overview of these challenges by providing a transversal analysis of the
scientific literature from fossil engine thermodynamics to control system theory applied to industrial systems.
The main characteristics of reliability-constrained microgrids are identified and a conceptual definition is pro
posed by analyzing state-of-the art studies of various industrial applications and taking oil-and gas microgrids as
an enlightening example. Then follows a review of the challenges of accounting for dynamical behavior of fossil
equipment, PV and storage systems, ending with the identification of several research gaps. Finally, applicable
control strategies are presented.
* Corresponding author. Center for Applied Mathematics, Mines Paristech PSL, Sophia Antipolis, France.
E-mail address: (L. Polleux).
Received 9 February 2021; Received in revised form 3 November 2021; Accepted 24 November 2021
Available online 1 December 2021
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
management, and must be able to handle phenomena that take place at - Size: The installed power capacity or total load served generally
various time-scales. The long-term planning (or sizing) of micro-grids exceeds several hundreds of kW (and kWh) and often reaches several
involves several development steps and aims at finding the optimal ar MW (and MWh).
chitecture to optimize the plant in the long run (typically 20 years) - Types of consumer: Consumers are mainly operators of industrial
[12–18]. Energy management aims at balancing energy flows between equipment such as electric drivers for torque production, pumping
producers and consumers. Different strategies may be used to minimize and compression. The proportion of resistive load may be slightly
the costs under constraints of reliability or environmental footprint. This lower than on the residential microgrid. The daily profile follows the
is typically carried out within intervals of 10 min to several days production schedule and therefore differs significantly from a resi
[19–21]. Controlling power ensures good quality of supply and safe dential and tertiary load profile.
operation, and prevents large fluctuations and instabilities by balancing - Ownership and operation: The generating units and transmission
power flows in real time. This is generally assessed with a timescale from system within the industrial microgrid can be financed, owned and
a few milliseconds to seconds [22–24]. operated by different entities, but assets are rarely separated or
Due to the relatively small size of microgrids compared to utility managed individually. Consuming equipment is considered as a
grids, their sensitivity to power fluctuations is significantly increased, single client.
with the result that developers now have to account for power dynamics,
flexibility and production uncertainties [25,26]. Since microgrids are 1.1.2. Reliability as a watchword for planning and operation
local energy systems, technological choices may differ from one user It is needless to say that ensuring the continuity of electricity supply
case to another, such as commercial, residential, military or industrial is a matter of profitability for industrial facilities, but it can also be a
plants. Unlike for commercial and residential applications, the literature matter of safety. Loss of electricity supply can cause leakage in pipes,
only scantly covers industrial microgrids [27,28]. However, specific tanks and even process bolting in reactors. This is confirmed in
constraints on industrial power systems modify the above-mentioned numerous accident reports (such as [35]), proving that the power system
optimization paradigm and call for a deeper understanding of the dy must be resilient and carefully designed.
namic behavior of their components, such as renewable systems and The reliable design of power systems has been extensively covered in
fossil generation. This brings considerable research challenges to the Ref. [36] with definitions of concepts as well as golden rules for plan
microgrid field involving numerous problematics, varying from classic ning, operation and maintenance. The overall reliability of a power
control system theory to fossil generator thermodynamics and renew plant refers to its ability to continuously supply electricity. Power plant
able resource signal treatment. unavailability causing electricity outage is mainly due to (1) the un
availability of power producers, (2) their disconnection due to electrical
instability or (3) the loss of the whole grid supply after a large instability.
1.1. The concept of industrial off-grid microgrids
To ensure a power plant’s highest availability, the mean time be
tween failures of power suppliers and the mean time to recover normal
1.1.1. General definition
operation must be evaluated [37]. One part of the problem consists in
It is difficult to establish a proper definition, since needs, size and
optimizing the maintenance planning of each power device. However,
resources may substantially differ from one case to another. Based on a
unplanned events, measured by the failure rate of equipment (proba
review of existing projects (see Table 1), studies and industrial surveys,
bility of unexpected loss), need to be minimized. In conventional
it is possible to propose some general characteristics:
Table 1
Examples of studies and projects focusing on industrial microgrids.
Reference [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34]
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
fossil-based systems, the major risk is fossil generator breakdown, but inertia reduce the system’s resiliency to power fluctuations. However,
the integration of PV systems introduces new parameters into the reli the literature only scantly covers this aspect of industrial microgrids,
ability assessment: despite the fact that it remains critical for their long-term development
[47, p. 58], [48]. When planning and operating their systems, de
- Risk of equipment failure in the PV power plant (PV strings, velopers must now evaluate the maximum allowable PV penetration
inverters) that will still satisfy the reliability target.
- Loss of transmission system (lines and converters) between the main
bus and the PV plant. 1.1.3. Focus on oil and gas applications
Oil and gas applications (O&G) offer a wide variety of examples for
Additionally, PV power fluctuations due to cloud passage can cause industrial microgrids, since O&G has used on-site isolated electrical
considerable power quality fluctuation that has the same impact as loss generation for decades. Many operating facilities, studies and future
of equipment. This is a new aspect in the reliability assessment as it is not projects can provide useful feedback on experience, operational data,
related to the reliability of the equipment, but to the site’s weather and even methodological insights. Some key characteristics and chal
conditions. This will therefore be addressed in detail in this paper. lenges are shared with numerous other applications, such as hospitals,
When such events occur, load shedding can be triggered to maintain military facilities, high-tech manufacturing (manufacture of electronic
frequency and voltage (see part 3.1.1), which impacts the profitability of chips), and highly sensitive urban areas.
the system since some equipment is not fed. However, if the system Due to the level of reliability required and the isolated location of
becomes unstable, generators and load may disconnect in cascade to O&G facilities, fossil generation is generally the only solution to produce
protect themselves from overspeed, leading to a complete blackout of electricity, and this participates in “well-to-wheels” emissions [49]. The
the system [38] and therefore potentially an industrial accident. Fig. 1 increasing pressure of global warming has led the O&G industry to study
illustrates the reliability aspects of industrial microgrids. renewable integration in its power generation units [50].
If the facility is connected to a stable grid, switching from off-grid to Table 2 gives an overview of studies addressing the problem of
on-grid configuration may be sufficient. However, both in weak-grid hybrid fossil-renewable power for O&G. Wind integration and offshore
(subject to outages) and off-grid configurations, the continuity of sup platforms are the most widely covered subjects, while fewer studies have
ply relies only on the self-producing capacity of the plant [39,40]. This addressed the problem of onshore facilities and solar PV systems from a
motivates integrating redundancy constraints in fossil generation plan technical point of view. The studies highlight that electrical instabilities
ning [41] and installing storage capacity to boost the flexibility of the due to renewable resources constitute the main technical limiting factor
plant. The reliability challenges of integrating more and more renewable and that storage is generally necessary to allow large-scale integration.
resources into large-scale systems have been covered by island micro Design optimization, such as carried out by Ref. [30], shows the interest
grid studies [42] such as those performed for the islands of La Réunion of renewable integration for fuel and CO2 reductions. However, no
[43] and El Hierro [44]. In Refs. [45,46] it is shown that a stochastic parametric study including storage has been proposed to date and it is
variation of renewable resources and a reduction of the mechanical expected that the additional capital expenditure would reduce the
Fig. 1. Summary of reliability aspects of industrial microgrids from risks to consequences. λ refers to the failure rate (see Ref. [36]) and ΔP refers to the probability of
power variation in the equipment.
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Table 2
Review of recent studies addressing O&G microgrids.
Reference [52,53] [30] [54] [51,55] [56–58]
Scope Upstream & downstream Offshore oil Offshore oil Offshore oil Offshore oil
Energy Electricity, Heat Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity
Power range 40 MW 40 MW MW
financial benefits. Furthermore [51], concludes that renewables will solar variation on continuity of supply is much more challenging to
impact the fatigue and lifetime of fossil generation, which could be a evaluate.
major issue when reliability is a key factor. - At short time-scales, the variability of PV power remains subject to
Based on this brief literature review, the following specificities of significant uncertainties, and is the main reason for power imbal
O&G facilities can be identified: ances in the grid. Methods for quantifying and forecasting short-term
ramps are still under development, as well as models that account for
• Isolated location: O&G rigs are often located in isolated areas or in the effect of a plant’s geographic dispersion. As the impact of solar
developing countries with an unreliable grid. Facilities can be variability increases with the penetration rate, accurate models are
located either onshore or offshore. an absolute necessity to reliably plan industrial microgrids.
• High power demand: The power delivered is rarely below 10 MW - Flexibility levers used to compensate renewable power variations are
and can exceed hundreds of MW. crucial to ensure grid reliability. Storage systems are the subject of
• Low fuel price: As the fuel is available on-site and sometimes not increasing investigation, while less attention is being paid to fossil-
valued for business, its financial value is very low (until recently, fuel technologies due to their apparent maturity. But their
CO2 emissions usually incurred no cost). response to successive ramps remains unknown and may signifi
• Proportion of torque, electricity and thermal demand: except for cantly alter their lifetime and fuel consumption. Very few models
refineries, which consume more heat than electricity, O&G facilities account for their dynamical behavior or integrate it in a long-term
almost exclusively use torque and electricity. assessment.
• Reliability and quality specifications: Strict limitations are estab - A large number of studies now address the control and management
lished for frequency and voltage fluctuations as well as equipment of microgrids to smartly interconnect all power devices on the grid.
availability. This involves making the right trade-off between economic perfor
• Low load flexibility: For safety and economic reasons, demand must mance and robustness. Reviews of existing technologies should take
be met at all times and no shift in load can occur during the day due this point of view in order to identify the appropriate strategies to
to unavailability of renewable resources. implement.
• Fossil generation to ensure continuous power: The architecture fea
tures gas turbines or internal combustion engines with redundancy This paper intends to contribute to filling these gaps as follows. First,
constraints to prevent generator loss from causing a system failure. we present research questions related to the integration of renewables
into reliability-constrained industrial microgrids. For the sake of suc
This overview shows the interest of O&G microgrids to identify the cinctness, only solar-PV applications are covered in this paper. We then
challenges and to highlight success stories of other industrial applica provide a review of the short-term dynamical assessment of PV systems
tions in isolated areas. In a research perspective, O&G microgrids pro and fossil generation. Next follows an investigation of real-time control
vide interesting case studies and make it possible to compare results and strategies that ensure reliability and power quality within industrial
validate them in a similar environment before considering their adap microgrids. Fourthly, we propose a discussion of the main findings and
tation to other applications. compare them with previous literature review studies. The final section
concludes and suggests future avenues for research.
1.2. Research challenges and paper summary
2. Review on power supply technologies
From the review presented above, the following research challenges
are identified: 2.1. The challenge of solar-power variability
- Due to their relatively small size compared to large grids, industrial Integrating PV systems in industrial power plants brings additional
power systems are more vulnerable to electrical instabilities [54]. risks for the continuity of supply and may therefore reduce the reliability
However, industrial facilities cannot afford unplanned blackouts and of the power plant. Reference [59] provides an overview of reliability
electricity shortages. This calls for the development of a method to assessment methods for PV inverters, modules, transmission systems,
ensure an equilibrium of active and reactive power with a high de and overall distribution systems based on fault analysis. Insights on the
gree of reliability. impact of aging and weather conditions on reliability over the lifetime of
- Reliability constraints make it necessary to consider unplanned a plant are provided in Ref. [60], showing that high average ambient
power fluctuations brought about by the integration of PV systems. temperature is likely to increase failure rates (almost 10% after 5 years
Equipment breakdowns can easily be integrated in the reliability in the case of a PV system in Arizona against 0% in Denmark). This factor
assessment process by following the same procedure as fossil gen must therefore be considered in reliability analyses. In Ref. [59], solar
eration breakdown. However, the impact of short-term stochastic variability is mentioned as one of the main future challenges for distri
bution systems; however no insights are given on its impact on
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
reliability. This is why a special focus on solar variability assessment is A variability indicator to accurately account for perturbations. It
provided in this study. is possible to assess the level of variability over an entire day in order to
Solar photovoltaic (PV) power is traditionally assessed with a quasi- determine the frequency and magnitude of perturbations. The vari
static framework, as only hourly variations are of interest for economic ability index as defined in Ref. [64] is the ratio between the length of
evaluation [15]. As previously mentioned, the vulnerability of global irradiance series and the length of clear sky irradiance over a
large-scale isolated power systems motivates a study of sub-hourly defined time interval (the study proposes to calculate the variability
phenomena that might impact electrical stability. Hence, short-term index over 1 day). In Ref. [65], 6 metrics are compared to evaluate the
variability is a key element to ensure the balance between production solar variability on 31 test days. The study proposes a new indicator
and consumption and therefore a high level of reliability. Eq. (1) shows based on integrating the cumulative density function of solar increment.
the relationship between the power produced by a PV panel and the According to the study, these metrics can be used to characterize the
solar irradiance [61]. variability at both high and low frequencies and classify days depending
on the perturbations.
GHIplane of
PPV = Pinstalled * *[1 − Kθ (θ − 25)] (1)
1000 Climate-dependent variability. Location plays a role in solar
where Kθ is the temperature sensitivity coefficient, Pinstalled the rated variability due to climate type, orography and vegetation (large forests
capacity of the panel in ISO conditions, and GHIplane of array the Global also generate clouds during daylight). A solar variability map of the US
Horizontal Irradiance calculated in the plane of the panel. The actual drawn up using high-resolution production data [66] shows significant
amount of energy collected by the panel will depend on additional differences between desertic-arid areas and islands like the Lau islands
factors [62] such as the clearness of the sky, the performance of the PV and Hawaii where the highest level of variability is observed. In
panel (efficiency, temperature sensitivity, aging etc.), shade and fouling Ref. [67], the author studied the relationship between the clearness
due to the surrounding environment, etc. However, only GHI variation index and solar variability for locations in different climate zones. The
significantly impacts the system at short time-scales. authors concluded that climate zone and weather-driven clouds may
Cloud passage is the main contributor to short-term variability and have less impact on variability that the orography of a site. It is expected
needs to be addressed carefully. Fig. 2 shows an example of solar irra that the small, fast-moving clouds formed by the relief may have a bigger
diance variability over two days with a 1-s time-step. impact on short-term variability.
The following sub-sections will focus on the approaches imple
mented to explain, measure and forecast short-term solar variability in Impact on PV systems. A PV system’s short-term variability is
order to integrate the risk of power imbalance in an industrial microgrid. different from the irradiance variability observed from a single sensor.
In Ref. [68] it is concluded that the power profile entirely follows the
2.1.1. Different approaches to address PV variability irradiance profile for time ranges greater than 10 min. However,
Solar variability affects the irradiance measured by sensors as well as short-term variability is affected by the size, shape and distribution of a
the power produced by one or several PV panels. Two time-scales are plant. For plants of several megawatts, 1-s, 10-s, and 1-min ramps can be
important for microgrid operation and planning: approximately 60%, 40%, and 10% smaller, respectively, than those
measured by a pyranometer. These results are confirmed in Refs. [69,
- Solar power range: difference between the minimum and maximum 70].
solar power output within a time interval (typically 15 min to 1 h).
- Solar ramps: the change in solar power or irradiance in a short time 2.1.2. Modeling solar system variability
interval (within the range of the sampling interval: 1 s to 1 min) that
dispatchable units will have to instantly compensate. Smoothing irradiance data to obtain PV power. Since PV power
transients are smoother than irradiance transients, considerable work
Solar range and solar ramps are necessary to calculate the amount of has been done to obtain a realistic power output from the data
spinning reserve, the ramping capacity of dispatchable units, and the employing a single irradiance sensor. A dispersion factor is used in
storage capacity requirements. In high-reliability applications like in Ref. [71] to characterize different types of layout (crowded or spacious),
dustrial systems, extreme ramp events are also of interest to make a and the irradiance variability is smoothed to obtain the power produc
robust assessment. tion in several configurations. In Ref. [72], this concept is used to
calculate the extreme ramp rate of a power plant. In Ref. [70], the
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
authors proposed a transfer function with empirical coefficients to cost-effectiveness, reliability and emission regulations compliance need
address variability smoothing and compare the results with six to be guaranteed.
multi-megawatt power plants. As an example, Northern Ireland has identified the need for flexi
A Wavelet Variability Model (WVM) is proposed in Ref. [73] to bility as a major issue for a large-scale renewable integration [92]. The
obtain a PV power time-series from irradiance data. The WVM is potential wind curtailment was assessed using hourly wind ramp anal
compared to three other methods: linear scaling, moving average, and ysis. The study shows the great potential of thermal generation flexi
averaging on every sensor available. When compared to the 2 MW bility for guaranteeing energy balances.
output power, the WVM outperformed the three methods, especially The main objectives for thermal generation in industrial applications
when evaluating the maximum ramp rates. can be summed up as follows: Modeling solar variability by generating stochastic time series. 1. Adapt the power output to match the power needs.
Assessing solar variability is a big challenge if no high-resolution irra 2. Provide enough primary response to ensure frequency and voltage
diance data are available on-site. One solution is to generate an irradi stability.
ance profile based on numerical weather prediction or satellite 3. Maintain the highest level of availability when operated in extended
predictions. In Ref. [75], methodologies based on Markov chains are transient mode.
proposed to generate irradiance and a clear-sky index profile [76]. re 4. Ensure cost-efficiency in the long run with regards to O&M costs and
produces high-frequency patterns of historical data to increase the aging.
temporal resolution of satellite prediction. However, these methodolo 5. Guarantee compliance with emission regulations in transient
gies require a representative training dataset of high-resolution ground operations.
measurements, which requires to have closely located sensors available.
Recently [77], paved the way for generating 1 min data without ground As performed in Ref. [93], numerous commercial studies attempt to
measurements, but concluded that additional research needs to be car compare fossil generation flexibility for hybrid generation purposes. To
ried out in order to obtain finer resolution. ensure that such comparisons are creditable and accurate, performance
assessment needs shift from steady-state, off-design correlations to dy
2.1.3. Forecasting of solar irradiance and variability namic modeling at a short time-scale.
Solar forecasting has been a growing topic in recent years since it For project developers, making a choice based on a generator’s
provides valuable information for microgrid operations and is used for dynamical performance is not an easy task:
various purposes, such as market trading, reserve scheduling, genset
planning, and storage management [78]. Its potential to optimize bat • Ramp-up capacities are rarely provided by manufacturers for small
tery sizing and lower the LCOE of ramp-constrained multimegawatt time-scales (seconds).
power plants is highlighted in Ref. [79]. Capturing solar variability with • Manufacturers usually provide ramp-up capacities for fast start-ups
forecasts may consist in providing either very short-term production and shut-downs, which are meant to be occasional.
estimations or an indicator of the variability to be expected for a large • There is no guarantee that the thermodynamic parameters (pressure,
horizon (15 mn to 1 h) [80,81]. As an example [82], proposes a meth temperature, etc.) will remain within acceptable limits.
odology to estimate the largest ramp rate by analyzing cloud shadow • No insights are provided on the machine’s performance: fuel con
velocity and irradiance sensor measurements. sumption, emission, fatigue.
Satellite irradiance forecasts and numerical weather predictors are
now widely used and can be accessed online [83]. Due to their large time These reasons call for a deeper understanding of fossil generator
and space resolutions, a downscaling approach is necessary to predict dynamics and more detailed modeling. The next part presents some
the variability at 10-s or 1-min scales. Such solutions are proposed in theoretical aspects as well as the state-of-the-art on dynamic modeling of
Refs. [84–86], but due to the geographical dependency of the variability, fossil assets.
no generic method has been proposed to downscale satellite prediction
without high-resolution data at the specific location. 2.2.1. Gas turbine
Sky imagers have been developed and commercialized in recent
years with the intention of providing very short-term predictions for Working principles. Gas turbine (GT) theory has been widely
spinning reserve management (diesel load margin, storage capacity, developed in past decades and detailed in a large number of references
etc.) [87,88]. The development of these techniques will be a key factor [94–96]. GT performance predictions have been one of the main con
of success for the reliable management of industrial microgrids. cerns in order to evaluate differences between ISO parameters provided
Finally, in-situ measurements can enable forecast processing with a by manufacturers and user’s operating conditions. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show
very high resolution [89,90]. One criticism of this technique is that the the main components of single-shaft and twin-shaft gas turbines.
sensor network has to map a large area or be carefully placed depending As shown in Fig. 5, the compressor crosses iso-efficiency lines during
on the general cloud cover. If not, clouds may be inaccurately described transient operation and therefore increases the turbine’s fuel con
and, consequently, solar variability and ramp events will be sumption and particle emissions and impacts its mechanical fatigue [95,
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Fig. 6. The GAST model as presented in Ref. [101]. The capacity of the
generator to provide power as a function demand is modeled using time con
stants Ti and saturations V.
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Fig. 7. Dynamic model of the engine and its regulation system [102].
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
2.3. Storage systems provide services with reaction times varying from a few seconds to
several hours. Li-Ion batteries, flywheels and supercapacitors seem to be
Storage systems may achieve two different objectives in microgrids: the most suitable options for these applications (see Table 3) [129,130],
energy shifting (see Fig. 12) and system services. System services are depending on the final use of the energy (for instance, heat storage may
applications dedicated to enhancing a system’s reliability when subject be the best option if the final service requires heat).
to unplanned events. For example, a storage system can provide power if
the renewable output suddenly decreases or if a fossil generator trips
3. Operation of industrial microgrids
(Fig. 13). The storage device is therefore used as a buffer to compensate
for the start time and ramp of the replacing unit.
Most studies of microgrids tackle the problem of operation and
Depending on its objectives, a storage system will have technical
planning by handling a single aspect of the microgrid (control, energy
specifications that require carefully choosing the technology [128].
management or sizing). However, due to the specific characteristics of
gives an outstanding overview of storage technologies in microgrids and
industrial microgrids, each should be subject to careful attention. As a
provides examples for the five main types of storage technology listed in
matter of fact, the size of a facility impacts power quality problems and
Fig. 14.
endangers the continuity of operations. Secondly, operational costs are
Thanks to the variety of storage technologies available, numerous
part of product profitability and must be optimized. Finally, as industrial
applications are covered, from very small uninterruptible power systems
power plants require huge investments, reliable sizing is crucial. Con
to utility scale systems such as pumped hydro. Fig. 15 shows the general
trol, energy management, and sizing are three steps in a single process
trends of technologies according to their rating capacities and discharge
that aims at finding the best operational scenario for the microgrid.
times (additional features for technology comparison can be found in
Fig. 16 shows the different time-scales for the main actions and phe
Ref. [129]).
nomena that take place during the microgrid’s lifetime.
Considering the characteristics of industrial microgrids and their
production units, storage systems must contain several MWs in order to
3.1. Short-term power control
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
reactive capacities through the successive sizing steps. Finally, unlike for
active power, reactive power can be produced by all devices, which
gives more flexibility to the system. This is why assessing the impact of
variable energy resource penetration on voltage stability can be
considered less important than assessing frequency stability problems
[141,142]. The role of inertia in passive regulation. As seen in Fig. 17, the
kinetic energy delivered in the first few seconds is much greater than the
primary reserve and frequency-dependent load reduction. When a sud
den power imbalance occurs, mechanical torque takes place as both
sides of the alternator shafts cause a deceleration. The inertia softens the
shaft’s deceleration by returning the kinetic energy stored in the rotating
mass [140]. The inertia constant H (sec) accounts for the kinetic energy
stored in the synchronous machine. It is calculated as a function of the
Fig. 15. Discharge time and power ratings of storage technologies [128,131]. angle velocity ω (rad/sec), moment of inertia J (kg/m2) and power
rating of the unit (MVA) (see Eq (5)).
(2)). When a global imbalance of active power occurs in the system, the
swing equation (Eq. (3)) expresses the fluctuation of the frequency 1 J ω2 *10− 6
H= * (5)
[140]. 2 MVApu rating
ω = 2πf (2) The inertia constant of a system is the sum of the individual inertia
( )
pu constant H of each generating unit i Htotal = Hi . Due to the
dΔf Ppu
gen − Pload i
= f0 (3) increasing penetration rate of renewables, industrial microgrids tend to
dt 2H
have less inertia in their systems. This is due to the fact that the inertia
Similarly, local voltage fluctuation can occur due to reactive power
values of diesel generators and gas turbines are lower than those of large
imbalances. The network’s topology plays a major role and stability
conventional fossil units (see Table 4), and because units may be shut
assessments require more information on the system. The general
down when renewable power feeds the system.
sensitivity of the voltage and rotor angle (ΔV, Δθ) on active and reactive
In a microgrid, maintaining enough inertia is crucial to ensure the
power (ΔP, ΔQ) is expressed in Eq (4) [140] (J is the Jacobian matrix
grid’s stability. This aspect must be considered with the same care as
expressing the sensitivity of the system):
active control actions. This is pointed out in Ref. [144], where a
[ ] [ ][ ]
ΔP J JPV Δθ microgrid’s frequency response is evaluated for different inertia con
= Pθ (4)
ΔQ JQθ JQV ΔV stant values.
Although PV systems do not provide inertia to the grid, power
Voltage stability can be handled at relatively low costs with available
electronics and a fast response storage system may help to synthetize
commercial technologies. In addition, reactive power compensation
inertia and therefore improve the system’s resiliency [23,145].
capacities (such as capacitor banks) are more affordable than active
power compensation capacities (which are new production units, such Control actions on dispatchable units. Typical control strategies
as storage or fast fossil generation). This means that the techno-
for microgrids under various conditions are detailed in Refs. [7,146] and
economic balance will be less impacted by making adjustments to
an outstanding review is provided by Ref. [23]. Fig. 17 shows the typical
Table 3
Review of the most relevant technologies for reliability-constrained industrial microgrids.
Technology References Advantages Drawback Comment
Li-ion batteries [128,132, High energy density, high cycling efficiency, Lifecycle degradation due to Market leader. Drawn by synergies with automotive
133] rapid response time, low self-discharge cycling and thermal effects. applications
Applicable to other uses (energy shifting) Recent economies of scale.
Flywheels [134,135]. Quasi-infinite number of cycles Low energy density Low maturity, high costs
High self-discharging rate
Supercapacitors [136–138] High power density, long lifetime and limited High self-discharge rate (up to 40% Suitable only for very short-term applications. Low
aging. a day). maturity in large-scale applications
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Fig. 16. Different time-scales for planning and operation of power systems inspired by [139].
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Fig. 18. Control of two units with different droop characteristics [140].
system’s frequency.
As battery energy systems are increasingly common in microgrid
applications, the literature covers a wide variety of control strategies
[149]. introduce the concept of state-of-charge weighted droop control
in order to adapt the regulation to the amount of energy remaining in the
battery. Similarly to fossil engines, battery control systems include
protections and saturation to take chemical dynamics and components’
electrical limitations into account [151]. In Ref. [152], an ingenious
control scheme is proposed to coordinate the frequency control of fossil
units and storage systems.
Since control schemes must take the specificities of each technology
into account, specific strategies are developed for flywheels [153] and
super-capacitors [154].
Fig. 19. Principle of a multi-constrained fossil generation frequency controller. 3.1.4. Control of load
In high-reliability industrial applications, the continuity of supply is
include the physical limits of components in gas turbine power control. a priority. This leaves little potential for taking action on load in order to
However, as pointed out in part 2.2, the knowledge required for correct instabilities. Underfrequency load-shedding procedures must
modeling such control is rarely available and sometimes a simplified only be used in emergency situations in order to protect the grid from
model has to be implemented (e.g., use of maximum and minimum ramp blackout [140]. It is however important to carefully design the load
rates). shedding to provide significant stability improvement [155]. If a sig
nificant share of load is considered as non-critical, it is possible to use it Control of diesel engines. Diesel control strategies and chal as a flexibility potential and regulate the frequency and voltage de
lenges regarding the plant’s protection are stated in Ref. [24]. Similarly viations [51,156]. However, accurate load models are necessary to
to gas turbines, the power demand of a diesel unit must take into account assess the potential of flexibility and stability improvements [157]. This
its limitations, such as the minimum loading factor, or its maximum solution is one of the most advantageous since no additional investment
achievable ramp rate [118,119]. propose a diesel engine frequency is necessary to integrate a large share of renewables.
control and show how an engine’s characteristics may impact grid sta
bility. In Ref. [118], the advantages of a highly flexible control for diesel 3.1.5. Participation of PV systems
allowing low loading are presented. The results show an improved sta Unlike for wind generators, which have higher inertia and show
bility margin for frequency and highlight the potential of low-load diesel some capacity for frequency and voltage regulation, PV generators are
technology to reduce storage capacity investments. As fossil units tend
to be flexibility providers more than prime energy suppliers, low-load
and highly flexible fossil unit control will probably be a key issue in
the future.
Fig. 20. Reduced order frequency model accounting for gas turbine constraints and dynamics [148].
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
more limited when no storage is associated [158]. Depending on the PV systems and storage). Thanks to power quality simulation, proba
inverter technology, the power factor can be adjusted and therefore bilities of electricity outages (underfrequency load-shedding or grid
participate in the voltage regulation. Using curtailment, it is also blackouts) can be identified and thus integrated in the reliability
possible to regulate overfrequency events by lowering the power output assessment. This issue has been partly addressed in a previous work
of the inverter. This is detailed in Ref. [159], which presents an overview based on the duration of overfrequency and underfrequency regimes
of the active power control of PV systems. The potential of PV plant over one day [165]. Deeper investigations need to be carried out to
curtailment has also been pointed out in Ref. [160] to lower the risks of propose a methodology to evaluate the reliability indicators related to
short-term drops due to solar variability. By reducing the number of power quality problems. Fig. 22 proposes such a procedure for the
connected panels and therefore the available production, the potential reliability assessment of an industrial microgrid with renewable
solar drop is also reduced. This is however subject to high uncertainties integration.
related to the forecast of short-term variations. In addition, a significant
part of the solar production is lost, which reduces the environmental and
economic performance of the plant. This solution must therefore be put 3.2. The energy management approach
into perspective with other mitigation levers, such as storage systems,
and should be evaluated at the sizing step. Although power control is very important for grid stability and
When associated with a sufficient energy buffer with a very fast robustness, it does not deal with economic objectives or handle forecasts
response time, grid-forming inverters can enhance the grid’s stability of load and renewable resources. The economic performance of the
with synthetic inertia. This also allows black start capability when a power system involves ensuring the global equilibrium of production
large share of renewables feed the system. An overview of grid-forming and consumption while minimizing the overall operational costs and
PV inverters from an operator, manufacturer and research perspective is meeting important constraints such as emissions reduction. An Energy
provided in Ref. [161]. Management System (EMS) ensures the proper allocation of production
units by monitoring data and collecting forecasts. Considering industrial
3.1.6. Modeling of short-term control and power quality microgrid characteristics, centralized EMS generally seems more
Modeling the short-term power control is mandatory to accurately convenient [8].
assess a system’s potential for renewable integration. Using voltage and The efficient performance of EMS lies in its ability to allocate the
frequency response modeling, the authors of [46] proved that the resources of each device at a minimal cost, which means that its dispatch
maximum renewable penetration limit to ensure grid reliability in algorithm is of paramount importance. In Refs. [19,20], detailed surveys
Indonesia was 31%. In Ref. [162], a transient stability method is used to of energy management methods are proposed and a summary is reported
determine the maximum intermittent power penetration in an isolated in Table 5.
system. Using swing equation equal area criteria, the ability of a system Linear programming (LP) and multi-layer optimization techniques
to properly control active power during transient events is studied in turn out to be very relevant to address reliability and power quality in
Ref. [163]. Numerous commercial software applications now allow industrial energy management problems. This is why a special focus is
stability studies featuring renewable technologies (ETAP, MATLAB, proposed in this paper.
PSCAD, OPEN-DSS) and are widely used in both academic and industrial
environments. Finally, research programs increasingly work on simu 3.2.1. Linear programming, robust and stochastic optimization
lating systems in real time using hardware-in-the loop techniques [164]. EMS protects the grid from unexpected events (severe loss of
By running simulations over a long period of time, it is possible to renewable generation, a generator contingency or an increase in load)
assess the performance of the microgrid in terms of quality of supply by implementing the concept of spinning reserve, the N+1 rule, or even
through reliability indicators [32] such as EENS, CAIDI, ASAI, and ASUI. an aggregated indicator for a frequency shift. In Ref. [148], the chal
This study gives an example of how to assess the reliability level in lenges of a frequency-constrained model are developed. The possible
several plant configurations (islanded vs grid-connected, various sizes of options to directly integrate frequency shift mitigation lead to either a
non-linear problem or a sub-optimal solution (use of minimum ramping
Fig. 22. Example of a procedure for reliability assessment over a microgrid layout (where decisions are made on PV and storage capacities).
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
Table 5
Comparative review of energy management optimization techniques.
Optimization family Principle References Advantages Drawbacks
Rule-based & dynamic Logical decisions & flow diagrams [166,167] Comprehensive framework Lack of flexibility and reproducibility
programming Close description of expert knowledge Hard to implement for complex
Artificial intelligence Machine learning based on large datasets [168,169] Large number of situations handled No comprehensive description
Lack of reliability certification
Meta-heuristics Optimization using bee-colony, genetic [170–172] Comprehensive optimization framework with No guarantee of optimality
algorithms, etc. non-linear modeling capabilities
Linear programming Optimization based on linear description of [148, Guarantee of optimality Requires relatively high level of
objective functions and constraints 173–179] Easy implementation abstraction
Fast-running commercial solvers Lower performance of non-linear and
non-convex description
Multi-layer optimization Predictive control model [55, Ability to enable different levels of Need to build a specific framework
180–185] abstraction with high fidelity model for each application
High modularity and flexibility to describe
the problem
L. Polleux et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 155 (2022) 111955
issue has been poorly addressed in the literature. Finally, the sizing of microgrids is also a topic of paramount
Most of the review studies handle a single aspect of the performance importance and has already been the focus of numerous studies. Sizing
of microgrids by covering either reliability aspects related to short-term that addresses reliability constraints is studied in Refs. [186–188] along
power control [23]or energy management optimization [19]. In this with the uncertainty of solar production [189–192], but a deeper study
study, both concepts have been addressed to draw attention to the link is necessary to identify the most suitable techniques for industrial micro
between these two operational layers. Similarly to Ref. [166], we put the grids. Such an analysis remains a perspective for this work.
focus on the control strategies of each component and also more deeply
cover power quality aspects to provide pathways for a reliability
assessment involving several microgrid configurations and renewable Declaration of competing interest
integration scenarios. Thanks to this analysis, the main goal of power
quality simulation in industrial microgrids may be defined as follows: to The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re
evaluate the risks of loss of electricity supply given a certain level of PV lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
penetration whilst properly considering the support role of fossil gen Louis Polleux benefits from a CIFRE PhD grant (No 2018/3264) funded
erators, storage, loads and inverters. by Total Energies S.E, Thierry Schuhler and John Sandoval Moreno are
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