Control Room Security Personnel
Control Room Security Personnel
Control Room Security Personnel
This document is primarily informed by data collected from venue locations of the Olympic Games
and the Paralympic Games of London 2012. Key issues were collated and further informed by
feedback following a short training course that was delivered to the CCTV operators at these
venues. The training course offered a brief insight into overcoming common Human Factors issues
in control room operations and interactions. In addition to the data drawn from these high profile
events, comments are informed by control room knowledge drawn from previous experience in
control room domains as diverse as rail, security, road and retail. This document is therefore
presented from a real world, evidence driven perspective.
CPNI commissioned User Perspective Ltd to write a quick reference guide for staff responsible for
the set up and management of security at major events. The guidance aims to improve the
effectiveness of security operations, by recognising the human factors considerations in the
design and management of control rooms and security personnel.
It is essential to consider the human element within security operations, and how your security
personnel will work considering the limits of human performance. By fully appreciating this,
mitigating actions can be taken to improve performance.
Other guidance is available on the CPNI website, such as “Human Factors in CCTV control rooms:
A best practice guide”, which goes into more detail about the human factors considerations for the
set up and management of a CCTV control room. There is also a checklist to assist evaluation of
the CCTV control room set up. An eLearning package is also available that introduces the concept
of human factors and how human limitations impact the effectiveness of security personnel in
controls rooms. For more information, see the CPNI website
User Perspective Ltd is a Human Factors company working in diverse industries, including
security. Our work is strictly guided by robust theory and evidence drawn from the fields of
Psychology, Human Factors and Ergonomics. Much of our work is undertaken in safety critical
This concise reference guide highlights key considerations and recommendations for new start-up
control rooms involved in proactive security monitoring. It is intended for central planners of
control room and security officer capabilities for major events.
This guide focuses on control room operators, however, the nature of their role and
responsibilities has a direct impact on the security officers on the ground, and this is noted
through additional comments.
It is of note that this document primarily refers to protective security rather than safety. Further
guidance should be sought for any questions regarding the safety of major events. This document
refers to control rooms where English is the primary language.
- Communications;
- Situational and spatial awareness;
- Training;
- Team building;
- Technology and environment;
- Human limitations.
None of the considerations exists or operates in isolation as the human element greatly influences
their interaction within the control room. Each consideration can impact the others on a continual
basis. For example, poor communications may affect situational and spatial awareness; human
limitations may affect all five other elements; and so on.
Consequently these considerations should be addressed holistically during control room planning.
Failure in considering the holistic view could result in a failure of the control room itself.
It should be noted that there may be large differences between new start sites for major events
and sites with existing permanent security. These differences may stem from the inexperience of
the new site staff compared to an established site staff, which could impact effective
This document highlights several key recommendations for major events. However, the primary
recommendation is the need to conduct exercises, both within the control room and in conjunction
with security officers on the ground, as well as other agencies operating on the whole site. These
exercises should support all key consideration areas and seek to address any relative inexperience
within the environment and should be considered by major event planners as a priority task to be
factored into the security planning from the outset.
Further information
Things to teach
Operators and security officers on the ground will see things differently (both visually
and cognitively) and this needs to be considered when giving and receiving
‘Suspicious’ is anything that does not ‘fit’ or produces a level of discomfort or interest.
Logging is a constant, continuous process as human recall is flawed.
Maintain a holistic view of all key considerations when training, rather than dealing with
them as separate entities.
Clear communication. Communications between the control room and security officers
on the ground need to be clear and unambiguous in order to quickly and efficiently identify
a person or place at risk.
Common language. Establish the standard of English of security personnel at the
recruitment stage. When passing information, lack of vocabulary and pronunciation can be
problematic, and such issues are exacerbated when using radio communications.
Figure 2: Message observed on whiteboard at an Olympic venue. Whilst this message is understandable and
does not have a procedural impact, it should be noted that small errors may lead to larger misunderstandings
in control room communications.
It is essential to establish good communications when a new control room is established on a site
with an existing control room. This can be facilitated by ensuring:
a) b)
Figure 3: Established (a) and new start (b) control rooms within same site
It is essential to develop and use a common language, particularly when working across agencies
(such as with the Police, Fire Service, or Armed Forces). The following can facilitate effective
inter-agency working and communications:
The following are implementable tools that may reduce barriers to, and increase likelihood of,
reporting suspicious behaviour to the control room:
Contact names. Reporting is enabled when people are given a name or direct contact
within the control room. For example, event services teams, cleaners, concession stands,
or on site entertainers may observe something that security personnel have missed.
Introductions. Enable control room operators to introduce themselves to the security
officers on the ground, in order to promote reporting.
Figure 5: For areas which may present a risk to supply of the infrastructure but due
to the site size are not frequently patrolled, there is benefit in encouraging reporting
of suspicious or unusual activity from other users of the particular environment
1.7 Leadership
Many issues in a control room can be overcome with effective management and leadership:
Spatial and situational awareness are two separate and distinct categories,
however, numerous observations of control rooms in multiple environments and
domains have suggested that failure in one area of awareness invariably impacts
on the other. Accordingly, for the purpose of this document, spatial and situational
awareness are considered together. For more information see Supporting
Ensure a common understanding within the security team, that the perspective of
the security officers on the ground is markedly different to the perspective of the
control room operator. Security officers on the ground have a 3D view from ‘inside
the map’, whereas the control room have a 2D ‘overhead’ view ‘onto the map’.
Being aware of these differences in perspective is beneficial when giving or
receiving information.
2.2 Maps
Figure 6: In this real example, the map orientation on map with grid references
was different to the orientation to the map available on the computer system. In
order to obtain a common view the user had to display the printed map upside
down – as shown.
Figure 7: This particular map caused some confusion before being withdrawn and
replaced by a map with the accepted 'North up' convention
Simple maps with only relevant detail are recommended. For example
basic information such as roads, pathways, buildings and style of terrain
(woods/green space/urban landscape), rather than those showing finer
detail such as contour lines and tourist information.
Common reference points. CCTV operators are urged to establish
common landmarks and points of reference with security teams ‘on the
Walk the plot. Enable control room operators to ‘walk the plot’, and to
note landmarks (preferably on their map view). This improves individual
spatial awareness, and helps orientation, particularly whilst conducting
searches by camera.
o With large scale sites ‘driving the plot’ may be necessary. Simply
identifying key points from the ground and comparing with how they
are viewed via CCTV is useful.
2.4 Technology
2.5 Communications
Ensure all staff have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities
within the team, as this will support situational awareness.
Communicate any change to roles and responsibilities to the whole team as
soon as possible to avoid compromising situational awareness.
Underload refers not only to the times where there isn’t a great deal to do, but also to activities which
through numerous repetitions, are tedious and of little obvious benefit to anyone whilst the user waits
for a situation to happen.
Overload is the difference between the demands within the operator’s environment and their ability
to complete these demands.
Of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, thinking, reasoning and deciding.
Train, and practise, key processes and procedures within the environment in which they will be
used. People are not good at transferring knowledge from one context to another (see Supporting
Enable logging. The process for recording information should be easy to access and easy
to use, and should facilitate accurate and appropriate logging.
o Relevant information. Ensure information recorded is relevant, accurate and
appropriate to all those who may need to take actions and decisions either at the
time or retrospectively.
o Timely recording. Human memory is fallible and easily influenced so record
information as the incident develops where possible.
Primacy needs to be trained so team members understand the situations where the
requests of an external agency take precedence over their role and job tasks.
Feeling intimidated is common, especially when team members perceive other
stakeholders as a higher status than themselves (e.g. the MOD, Police, etc). This may
affect the ability of team members to operate effectively, or understand who has overall
authority in a given situation.
Common training sessions enable a common understanding of roles, role boundaries
and processes.
Operators may have a limited understanding of what is ‘suspicious’, particularly outside of the
regular occurrences for their environment (e.g. pickpockets and ticket touts). This is a barrier to
identifying and reporting potential suspicious behaviour, as indecision may lead to a fear of
embarrassment or looking foolish. The following actions can overcome this:
What is ‘normal’ for your environment? Terrorists or those with criminal intent may
behave in a way that is contrary to the ‘norm’4, so investigate anything that is not normal.
Norm in this context refers to expected and previously observed patterns of human usage in a particular environment
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o Anything unusual that does not ‘fit’ with what the operator understands of their
environment or passenger/customer flow.
o Anytime an operator or security officer on the ground does not feel comfortable
with what they see.
o If the operator or security officer on the ground has a gut instinct.
Lower the threshold for reporting to increase reporting.
Labelling the behaviour is unnecessary. Requiring a threat to be quantified and
identified introduces a barrier to reporting.
Figure 100: Training and exercises on site may often be limited by site
access and/or degree of completion on major event new starts. This
picture shows workman still in evidence on site despite event start.
Figure 111: Example of a new start site where the schedule for completion allowed
little or no time for training on site.
4.1 Consistency
One of the strongest factors in building a cohesive team is consistency in staff. Consistency and
stability in numbers within the control room together with consistency and good definition of roles
and responsibilities gives clarity within the control room.
4.2 Trust
Encourage an open and honest atmosphere where issues may be discussed and resolved rather
than where blame is apportioned. Such an atmosphere leads to the development of trust and
confidence within the team, which in turn lowers barriers to reporting and encourages team
Consistent staff and staffing levels allow a team and its team leaders to form an understanding of
the ‘who, what and where’. Namely, who is in which post, what their role within that post is, and
where they ‘sit’ within both the day to day working of the control room and in the escalation
process. This understanding is not only useful for within the control room but also gives a clear
understanding of structure that may be communicated outside of the control room, for example to
security officers on the ground.
Positive feedback builds confidence and morale, and ensures the continuing development
of the team.
Clearly defined goals, expectations, and feedback ensure that staff have a way of
measuring their success against these goals.
Address perceptions of inequality before it affects performance, such as team cohesion
and response. A security officer on the ground may feel that they are inequitably rewarded
in comparison with control room operators, particularly during periods of inclement
weather when the security officers on the ground are exposed to the elements in
comparison with the operators who may be sitting in a warm control room.
Technology is a highly useful tool and a natural part of the control room environment. For
example, radios may be used to work with the security officers on the ground for proactive
patrolling and to maintain alertness of security personnel during night shifts. Additionally,
cameras may be used to conduct sweeps of an area in conjunction with a security officer patrol.
However, it should be noted that there can be issues with technology and human interaction.
Provide training WITH the technology to be used, in addition to pen and paper or
PowerPoint exercises (see section 3.1 Train and practise key procedures).
Enable practice with technology to improve familiarity.
Provide training that encompasses the holistic role of an operator.
o Include training in observing and understanding what is suspicious from a CCTV
perspective, as this can be difficult for operators.
o This enables operators to use other methods to augment their capabilities with
Figure 122: Where there are a number of different technologies, time to practise and ‘play’ with equipment will
increase familiarity
Provide technical support details to ensure operators know the technical callout
assistance available, for example for non-operational cameras.
o Provide operators with the procedures followed by technical assistance when first
contacted. This enables the operators to correct simple issues, without contacting
support (e.g. ‘turn it off and turn it back on again’), thereby improving operational
Establishing physical boundaries of technology e.g. limits of radios/dead spots, and
backup means of contact such as mobile phone.
Avoid a mix of technology, as differing types of console for the CCTV systems may lead
to forced error when switching between technologies.
Log all camera issues for engineers to work with, and to inform operators of existing
capability problems.
Frequent false alarms often result in the alarm being turned off, resulting in a gap in
security coverage.
o Ensure responsibility to investigate all alarms is understood by all operators. Either:
Flag as a fault and monitor as necessary. Ensure the security officers on the
ground are aware of a gap in coverage, or;
Remedy the cause of the false alarm. For example, vegetation can lead to
false alarms on Perimeter Intruder Detection Systems (PIDs) (See Figures
14a and 14b).
Back-ups should be available in case technology fails e.g. manual logs, mobile phones.
Discard process and reliance on technology when they are clearly not working.
Employee KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) should measure human performance,
rather than the performance of the technology.
Several considerations for the physical aspects of security for major events are worth noting.
Proactive CCTV viewing is a difficult cognitive task for humans to undertake for any length of
time. To help ensure effective staff performance, the following should be considered:
Environment. Follow approved guidelines for control room heating, lighting, auditory
environment and man-machine interface (e.g. HSE).
Fatigue. Be aware of fatigue especially with operators who are new to shift working or the
shift length. Consider forward rolling shifts to minimise the effects of shift work induced
Breaks. Ensure adequate welfare breaks.
o To reduce eyestrain;
o To ensure the operator’s physical needs are met;
o Ensure the security officers on the ground can get to a refreshment point at
prescribed intervals, especially on a large site.
Individual issues. Be aware of any religious or cultural issues that may impact on the
welfare of security personnel, e.g. fasting during Ramadan.
Rotate security officer positions within a site, not across sites. This ensures that the security
officers on the ground maintain an understanding of ‘norms’ for site, without viewing the same
area for 12 hours a day which would lead to gaps in cognitive awareness due to boredom.
This section provides descriptions of terms used in this document as well as a brief outline of
some of the underpinning theory, research and approaches
Spatial Awareness.
An understanding of our location in space and the organisation of objects/things around us. What
does this mean for a control room? When receiving information from the ground, establishing an
understanding of where they are relative to the environment, their colleagues and the incident.
Situational Awareness.
Being aware of, and understanding, the relevant aspects of a dynamic environment in order to
facilitate an appropriate course of action. What does this mean for a control room? Knowing
what’s going on, where your resources are and what to do about it.
Inert knowledge
Inert knowledge is a knowledge that remains un-accessed and unused even in important work
contexts, despite evidence from debriefs showing the knowledge is clearly held. We assume that if
a person has specific knowledge in one context and situation, then this knowledge will be
accessible in all situations and locations. However, repeated studies have shown that this is not
necessarily the case and in some cases may be reliant on contextual cues that may not be
available in other locations, (Bransford et al, 1986; Gentner and Stevens, 1983)
Scaffolding learning
Scaffolding provides a structured learning environment in which a task is set that builds upon the
knowledge of the student but is approached jointly by the teacher and student as a collaborative
effort. As the student becomes more proficient the teacher takes less of a role and the student
more (see Applebee & Langer, 1983). An effective way of achieving this style is by mentoring
operators on site.
This theory suggests that a major input into job performance is the degree of equity that people
perceive in their work place. It has been noted in a number of environments that when security
officers on the ground feel that they are inequitably rewarded in comparison with operators in the
control room, team cohesion and response have suffered. This feeling may be exacerbated during
periods of inclement weather when the security officers may perceive themselves to have the
harder job whilst being exposed to the elements in comparison with the operators who may be sat
in a warm control room. It is therefore important for a company to address any perceptions of
inequality before it can affect performance in role.
Applebee, A.N & Langer, J.A. (1983) Instructional Scaffolding: Reading and writing as natural
language activities. Language Arts, 60/2.
Bransford, J., Sherwood, R., Vye, N. & Rieser, J. (1986) Teaching and Problem Solving: Research
Foundations. American Psychologist, 41, 1078-1089.
Gentner, D. & Stevens, A.L. (eds) (1983) Mental Models. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Health and Safety Executive. (2011) Control Room Design. Retrieved from
Jackson, K. & Langham, M. (November, 2007) Eyewitness Testimony, the good, the bad and the
downright ugly. Paper presented at the ITAI 8 th International Conference, Watford, UK.
Jackson, K., Langham, M., Sharpe, S. & Turner, S. (2010) Seeing, deciding and acting – a meta-
analysis of end users needs in control rooms and commentary on the latest research findings:
maintaining spatial and situational awareness in commanders. Paper prepared for OSCT.
Sarter, N.B. & Woods, D.D. (1994) Pilot Interaction with Cockpit Automation II: An Experimental
Study of Pilots’ Model and Awareness of the Flight Management System. The International Journal
of Aviation Psychology. Vol. 4, Issue 1.