The Rise of Body Studies and The Embodiment of Society: A Review of The Field Chris Shilling
The Rise of Body Studies and The Embodiment of Society: A Review of The Field Chris Shilling
The Rise of Body Studies and The Embodiment of Society: A Review of The Field Chris Shilling
Chris Shilling
University of Kent
ABSTRACT: During the last few decades there has been a pro-
nounced ‘turn to the body’ within sociology and social thought. Ex-
ploring the background to and the parameters of this development, this
paper explores how this focus on embodiment has been used to de-
velop new perspectives within social and cultural analysis, and can be
assessed as an essential means of avoiding the Cartesian bias within
much Western thought. Revisiting sociology’s heritage, it then identi-
fies important resources for this project within classical writings, be-
fore analyzing why the body has become such a contested phenome-
non within social analysis and society. As developments in science,
medicine and technology have made the body increasingly malleable,
so too have they made it subject to debates and disagreements about
what is normal, desirable and even sacred about the physical identities
and capacities of embodied subjects.
There has, since the 1980s, been an increasing focus within academic re-
search and writing on the social significance of the body. This developing recogni-
tion represented an attempt to advance the explanatory power of social, cultural and
historical analysis, while also seeking to recover from the Cartesian legacy of West-
ern thought a subject that had become marginalized within academic writings (e.g.
Freund, 1982; Turner, 1984; O’Neill, 1985). Interested in examining how societies
managed populations through the structural objectification of the body as Körper
(the fleshy physical shell), and the individual significance of the experiencing, act-
ing and interacting Lieb (the lived body), this trend spread across the social sciences
and humanities. Culminating in the establishment of the interdisciplinary field of
‘body studies’, it is no exaggeration to suggest that this concern with embodiment -
alongside associated interests in the senses, affect and what has become known as
the ‘new materialism’ - has been one of the most influential developments within
social thought in recent decades (Shilling, 2005; 2012; Coole and Frost, 2010).
During this time a distinctive theoretical and substantive terrain has been
carved out that includes histories and archaeologies of the body (e.g. Feher, et al.,
1989; Boric and Robb, 2008; Sawday, 1995); urban studies of the body (e.g. Sen-
© 2016, Horizons in Humanities and Social Sciences: An International Refereed Journal
nett, 1994); feminist theories of the body (e.g. Butler, 1990, 1993; Diprose, 1994;
Grosz, 1994; Connell, 1987; Kirby, 1997; Frost, 2001); excavations of religious
bodies (e.g. Mahmood 2005; Coakley, 2010), working bodies (e.g. Wolkowitz,
2006) and sporting bodies (e.g. Thorpe, 2011; Maguire et al., 2016); analyses of
health, disability and embodiment (e.g. Turner, 1987; 1992; Frank, 1995; Williams,
2003; Freund, 2011); studies of embodied emotions and affect (Blackman 2012;
Howes and Classen 2013); diverse readers, reviews and collections of essays on the
subject (e.g. Frank, 1990; Featherstone et al., 1991; Scott and Morgan, 1993; Fraser
and Greco, 2004; Malacrida and Low 2008); a growing number of texts (e.g.
Cregan, 2006; Howson, 2012); special editions of journals including Sociology of
Health and Illness, and Societies; and the launch in 1995 of the international refe-
reed journal Body & Society. The fact that this sample only scratches the surface of
the proliferation and reach of body studies helps illustrate the significance of this
For all its influence, however, there is something deeply counterintuitive
about the move towards physicality within social thought. Sociology, the discipline
that has arguably played the leading role in this development, is after all concerned
with studying society. As Durkheim (1938) insisted in his explication of ‘social
facts’, this is generally judged to involve the methodological analysis of trends and
processes that extend beyond, but nevertheless shape, the horizons and actions of
individuals. In this context, the discipline would appear best suited to studying phe-
nomena such as crime or suicide rates, or global patterns of inequality. Surely the
body is a property of individuals, not society, best studied by the biological sciences,
not the social sciences or humanities?
In opposing such a conclusion, and highlighting the utility of focusing upon
the body as a means of enhancing our social understanding, I want to begin by refer-
encing recent developments in the natural sciences. This point of departure has been
chosen not because their methods or standing deserve more credence. It is because
they reveal particularly clearly how taking the body seriously as a vehicle of investi-
gation can highlight social and economic relationships, and political events. Bioar-
chaeology (the study of biological remains from archaeological sites), for example,
has extended our knowledge of gender inequalities, migration, and the effects of po-
litical oppression and conflict. Scientists working in this field have shown how the
chemical composition of skeletal remains reveals major differences in past female
and male diets, suggestive of socially structured inequalities in access to foodstocks.
More impressive still is their capacity to reveal how political events - such as the
Dutch famine of 1944–5, a period in which Germany stopped food supplies to the
Netherlands - affected the health of those developing in utero (Gowland and Thomp-
son, 2013).
Developments within what has been referred to as the ‘new’ biology, associ-
ated with the Human Genome Project and a series of other initiatives, also highlight
how the body can reveal important information about the operation of societies. The
field of epigenetics, for example, has demonstrated how the regulation and expres-
sion of genes is shaped by the social relationships, inequalities and environmental
conditions characteristic of individuals’ lives. Many diseases and patterns of obesity
are now commonly traced not to the workings of single genes, but to multiple condi-
tions that include social and cultural circumstances (Atkinson, et al., 2009). Findings
such as these provide compelling reasons why the body should be important to so-
cial science. Alive or even, in the case of bioarchaeology, dead, the embodied basis
of what it is to be human is both deeply affected by social and cultural processes and
can also provide us with means of investigating these phenomena.
Developments within the physical and biological sciences thus suggest that
focusing on embodiment may be profitable for sociology and cognate disciplines,
but recent social and cultural developments have themselves highlighted the impor-
tance of body matters for understanding what is going on in society today. Cultural
images of ‘slim and sexy’ bodies have become pervasive within consumer culture -
spreading from Anglo-American societies to become an increasingly global phe-
nomenon - providing a visual backdrop to advertising, television and social media.
While images of the body have become a vehicle for marketing, a growing amount
of energy and attention has also been devoted to people’s pursuit of the ‘body beau-
tiful’. In the USA alone 15.9 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2015
(American Society for Plastic Surgeons, 2016). The concern to sculpt the body
through breast modification, liposuction and tummy tucks, rhinoplasty, skin bleach-
ing and a large range of other techniques is also evident across a growing range of
societies (Gilman, 2000), while the concern with bodily perfection has been associ-
ated with serious social problems, including eating disorders (among young women
in particular), and muscle dysmorphia (among young men obsessed with developing
hyper-muscular bodies).
If social trends have brought the body to the attention of academics in recent
decades, the interrogation of matters related to embodiment has also been used as a
means for addressing unresolved theoretical issues. Expanding on how the ‘rise of
the body’ has been associated with theoretical advances in sociology, I turn now to
the issues that have prompted these developments before examining the classical
foundations that continue to inform them. I then focus on those eight conditions and
trends that have resulted in the body becoming increasingly contested both concep-
tually, within academic discourse, and also socially, as a means for the pursuit of
competing political and economic agendas, before identifying a ninth emergent fac-
tor that has arguably taken this conflict to a new level. It is this broad context that
provides us with the means to understand some of the major contemporary trajecto-
ries of debate and discussion in the field. Throughout this review I focus on the most
influential classical and contemporary thinkers who have assisted our understanding
of the embodiment of society and shaped the field of body studies.
Theoretical Issues
Sociology and the social sciences have from their origins been concerned
with seeking to analyze a range of issues central to both the organization and opera-
tion of societies, and to those patterned forms of interaction that involve yet extend
beyond the horizons of individuals. Body studies have added important dimensions
to these considerations - as illustrated in conceptualizations of structure, agency, ac-
culturation, social inequalities and solidarities – and in so doing have drawn on and
sought to develop the work of an eclectic range of authors.
A major theoretical issue informing the academic turn to the body involved
dissatisfaction with the discipline’s emphasis on the cognitive and ideological ef-
fects of social structures, and its relative neglect of how societies impinged upon the
surfaces, feelings, habits and physical capacities of embodied subjects. One of the
reasons Michel Foucault’s writings on power, punishment and the ‘care of the self’
became so popular, indeed, was because their focus on disciplining the body ad-
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dressed a number of these issues. In this respect, Foucault’s (1975) analysis of the
broad changes that took place within the European penal system during the late
early-modern period provided for many a compelling account of how structures op-
erate through forms of bio-power that imprint themselves on and within bodies.
In the medieval and first period of the early-modern era in Europe, the focus
of governance was on highly visible displays of monarchical power that damaged or
destroyed the bodies of offenders. Foucault illustrates this in a gruesome opening
passage to his book Discipline and Punish in which he details the 1757 torture and
execution of Damiens (convicted of attempting to assassinate King Louis XV of
France). Tied to a scaffold, Damiens had lumps of flesh torn from his body with red-
hot pincers before a ‘boiling potion’ was poured over each wound. Screaming from
this torment, his limbs were then wrenched and ultimately separated from his body.
Finally, while still alive, his trunk was thrown on to a stake and consumed by fire.
This execution occurred in plain view of, and was a source of entertainment for,
spectators: it was a show to be enjoyed and an education in the destructive power of
the monarchy.
In the space of just a few decades, however, there emerged a new ‘art of pe-
nal government’ in which disciplining the body and ‘soul’ (or the inner desires, hab-
its, and actions of the individual) became more important than destroying it. This art
was focused upon improving the quality of the population’s ‘human capital’, its pro-
ductive potential, and was exemplified by the English philosopher Jeremy Ben-
tham’s design for a ‘panopticon’. The panopticon involved a central watch tower
from which prisoners could be monitored. With their every action open to scrutiny,
this visibility was meant to encourage prisoners to reflect on their behavior, from the
perspective of the warden, to improve their self-control, and prepare to become pro-
ductive members of society (Foucault, 1975). For Foucault, these changing orienta-
tions to the body were part of a much larger transformation in how power was exer-
cised and populations conceptualized. Structures did not exist ‘above’, ‘beyond’ and
‘out of reach’ of those affected, but intruded into the very fibers, dispositions and
habits of their being.
If focusing on the body can help us understand how social structures operate,
it can also help us understand people’s capacity for agency - our ability to act, inter-
vene in and make a meaningful difference to the flow of life. At its most basic this
entails asking how the morphology and sensory capacities of the body affect what
we can do, and our use of metaphor. Lakoff and Johnson’s (1999) work on the utili-
zation of language to think, express ourselves and construct interpersonal meaning,
for example, demonstrates how bodily states and possibilities/limitations (e.g. feel-
ing ‘sick’ of someone or being unable to physically occupy two places simultane-
ously) are crucial to the processes that inform our reasoning and understanding. Fo-
cusing on the body in relation to issues regarding agency also raises the issue of how
we learn to extend ourselves into and recruit the environment to our plans; a theme
developed by theorists of digital media who highlight the various ways in which the
senses can be extended as a consequence of the assemblages they forge with new
technologies (Hansen, 2006).
With regard to how bodies learn to extend themselves in different ways
through contrasting patterns of acculturation, it is worth looking back to a lecture on
‘techniques of the body’, made in 1934, by the sociologist and anthropologist Mar-
cel Mauss. Mauss discussed the methods of breathing practiced by Daoist priests
and Yogic mystics. Far from being instinctive, these techniques required a lengthy
apprenticeship, exemplifying how the development of people’s physical abilities in-
" "
of the 20th century, one of the pioneers of modern rhinoplasty, Jacques Joseph,
helped German Jews avoid persecution by becoming ‘ethnically invisible’. Else-
where, following World War II, ‘double eyelid surgery’ grew in popularity among
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Asian Americans (Gilman, 2000). Examples such
as these suggest that while international relations may operate at the level of trade
deals, military conflicts and political negotiations - and be underpinned by the long-
term effects of colonial oppression - they are also manifest in terms of corporeal im-
If the body is key to the construction and maintenance of inequalities, so too
is it for the forging of social solidarities. Tattoos marked the common identities of
early Christian pilgrims, and have signified solidarities among prisoners, and the
armed forces. In contrast, what we consume or keep from our bodies is also signifi-
cant. The fasting that takes place during Ramadam, for instance, can promote vis-
ceral experiences of commonality among Muslims. The same can also be said for
Yom Kippur amongst Jews. Such examples suggest, as Mary Douglas (1970) ar-
gues, that the body is perhaps our most natural symbol. It is often experienced in-
tensely as a sign and vehicle of identity and belonging that can also signal deep dif-
ferences between peoples. This is reinforced by Ebaugh’s (1988) research into peo-
ple’s entry into and exit from particular roles; processes that were often accompa-
nied by corporeal ‘cuing’ in which the body would reflect broader life changes. Ex-
nuns, for example, would often grow their hair, don new styles of clothing, and ex-
periment with new ways of carrying their bodies in order not to appear ‘nunnish’
(Ebaugh, 1988). The significance of bodily habits, techniques and experiences for
people’s conception of reality, indeed, should give pause for thought to those who
think Hambermas’s (1981) notion of ‘ideal speech’ provides a realistic route to-
wards the resolution of conflicts.
Classical Sociology
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health issues, domestic violence, and the objectification of women’s bodies in por-
nography, the gendered body was placed centre stage (Davis, 2007). This feminist
focus on women’s embodied existence did more than simply highlight the multiple
ways in which bodies were implicated in social relations of inequality and oppres-
sion. Analysis of the sex/gender, nature/culture and biology/society divisions began
to break down, or at least reduce the strength of, the corporeal boundaries that popu-
lar and academic thought posited between women and men (e.g. Oakley, 1972). In-
deed, feminist scholarship problematized the very nature of the terms ‘woman’ and
‘man’, ‘female’ and ‘male’, and ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ by questioning the
ontological bases of sexual difference (Butler, 1993).
The second factor to contribute towards an increased focus on the body in-
volved rising ecological concerns about global sustainability, and critiques of one-
dimensional commercial human lifestyles that drew on methods of somatic im-
provement involving yoga, meditation and a host of bodily practices and disciplines
associated with elements of Oriental spirituality such as Zen, Taoism or Tantra
(Marcuse, 1964; Shusterman, 1997: 43; 2000; 2008: 17). The concerns about envi-
ronmental sustainability evident in these criticisms were reinforced by the Club of
Rome’s 1972 report Limits to Growth. This global think tank highlighted the risks to
future life on earth by exploring trends in population growth, food production, pollu-
tion, and the industrial consumption of non-renewable natural resources.
The third and partly related factor to have stimulated interest in the body in-
volves the ‘ageing’ of societies in the Global North, as well as in areas of the Global
South. The spread and improvement of basic amenities and health care has raised
life expectancy for many, and the United Nations predicts that there is likely to be a
doubling of the percentage of the world’s population over the age of 60 (from 10 per
cent to 21 per cent) between 2000 and 2050. In addition to the increased costs of
caring for such a population - the ‘burden’ of caring for the ageing has also been as-
sociated with the possibility of generational conflict over the distribution of re-
sources in welfare systems (Gilleard and Higgs, 2002) - the very process of growing
old, and becoming dependent, has been stigmatized in the most economically influ-
ential regions of the world. Anglo-American films, media, and advertising prize the
young and independent body. Again, it is bodies that become the medium through
which social relations are constructed.
Involving a very different set of circumstances, the rise in the mid-1980s of
robotics, or what its proponents referred to as embodied AI, also increased the social
significance attributed to the body. In responding to the limitations of conventional
cognitive artificial intelligence, the cry from researchers at this time was ‘intelli-
gence needs a body’ and one of the results of this development has been a prolifera-
tion of quasi-social interactions between robots and humans (Pfeifer and Bongard,
2007). Companionate robots have been introduced in the field of health and social
care for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Elsewhere,
developments including iRobot’s ‘my real baby' doll and the proliferation of robotic
toys, musical robots that can accompany singers during performances, the Honda
robot ASIMO that can recognize human faces as well as respond to simply voice
commands, and the speaking sex dolls produced by the American RealDoll company
have stimulated much debate about the ethics of human-robot interaction and about
the borders between human and non-human bodies. Perhaps most controversially,
the expanded use of drones and other robots in surveillance and conflict has raised
all manner of questions about responsibility and ethics in warfare (Shaw and Akhter,
" "
Contested Bodies
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