L2 Motivational Self System and L2 Achievement A S

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Vol. 8 No. 1, May 2018, pp. 57-67

Available online at:

doi: 10.17509/ijal.v8i1.11465

L2 Motivational Self System and L2 achievement: A study

of Indonesian EAP learners
Adaninggar Septi Subekti
English Education Department, Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This study was conducted to find the relationship between learners’ L2 Motivational Self
System (L2MSS), consisting of Ideal L2 Self, ought-to L2 Self, and L2 Learning Experience
and their achievement. The participants of this quantitative study were 56 Indonesian
undergraduate students who were taking English for Biotechnology class, an English for
Academic Purpose (EAP) class. This study was conducted based on several rationales. Despite
many researchers’ support on L2MSS’ strength in predicting L2 learning, they have not
conclusively established the extent to which learners’ motivation measured with their L2MSS
influences their achievements and to date, there have only been few studies investigating the
relationships between L2MSS and actual learning achievements. Besides, despite L2MSS’
growing popularity in the field of motivational research, motivational studies using L2MSS in
the Indonesian university context are generally still very rare. Hence, this study can serve to
pave a way for further motivational studies using L2MSS in the context. The study found that in
general learners had high a level of motivation as measured with L2MSS questionnaires. The
study further found several results which were rather surprising. First, Ideal L2 Self and L2
Learning Experience did not have significant relationships with achievement. Even ought-to L2
Self and achievement correlated negatively. It was also found that, despite many experts’
support on L2MSS’s strength in predicting L2 learning, the participants’ L2MSS could not be a
strong predictor of their achievement. Based on the results, discussions on possible contributing
factors were presented along with the implications of this study results in the field of
motivational studies. Based on the possible limitations of the study, furthermore, some
directions for future studies are also presented.

Keywords: L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS); Ideal L2 Self; ought-to L2 Self; L2

Learning Experience; L2 Achievement

First Received: Revised: Accepted:

4 January 2018 9 March 2018 20 April 2018
Final Proof Received: Published:
30 May 2018 31 May 2018
How to cite (in APA style):
Subekti, A. S. (2018). L2 Motivational Self System and L2 Achievement: A Study of
Indonesian EAP Learners. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), 57-67. doi:

INTRODUCTION learning styles, furthermore, motivation becomes one of

The importance of learners’ individual differences (IDs) the major ones (Cohen & Dornyei, 2002; Dornyei,
has caught interest in second language (L2) studies 2005). Therefore, motivation has become an important
since the 1960s as it has been observed that there are issue in studies on second language learning.
variations in ultimate success and achievements in L2 The word “motivation” itself derives from the
learning among learners (Dornyei, 2005). Among other Latin verb “movere”, which means “to move” (Dornyei
IDs such as language aptitude, learning strategies, and & Ushioda, 2011). It is “what moves a person to make

Corresponding author:
Email: adaninggar@staff.ukdw.ac.id
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

certain choices, to engage in action, to expend effort and concerned. First of all, the notion “integrative” in
persist in action” (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011, p. 3). Gardner’s model was originated from the Canadian
Hence, drawing the etymological definition into L2 context in which French, the L2 in his study’s context,
learning context, Dornyei (2005) and Ortega (2009) was widely spoken by Canadian participants as it was
argued that motivation nurtures more successful the second official language after English. Thus, this
language learning. Dornyei (2005) further stated that notion might lose its relevance when applied to contexts
motivation gives the primary impetus to begin L2 in which the L2 is used as “foreign language” and thus
learning and it then becomes “the driving force to learners have relatively minimal exposure to the
sustain the long and often tedious learning process” language (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011). Furthermore,
(Dornyei, 2005, p. 65). In line with that, Sternberg Norton (2000) argued that Gardner's and associates'
(2002), an expert in language aptitude, stated that distinguishing learners into "integratively oriented" and
motivation plays a vital role in sustaining learners to "instrumentally oriented" is problematic in the first
keep learning, at times, despite their possible place. He argued that it is not possible to categorise
deficiencies in aptitude. Without sufficient motivation, learners' orientation in such clear-cut criteria.
Dornyei (2005) emphasised, even learners of abilities Interestingly, in at least two of his works, Gardner did
cannot accomplish long-term goals and neither good use these two notions as a pure dichotomy (see Gardner
teaching nor curricula enough on their own can ensure & MacIntyre, 1991; Gardner, Masgoret, Tenant, &
their success. Due to the acknowledgement of the Mihic, 2004). Besides, there has been confusion in
importance of motivation in language learning, many motivational studies using Gardner’s framework
furthermore, many studies have been investigating this on the concept of orientation and motivation. Whilst
field. Gardner clearly emphasised that orientation refers to the
reason of studying an L2 and motivation is the driving
Early studies on motivation force (Gardner & MacIntyre, 1991; Gardner &
Studies on motivation were initiated by the seminal Tremblay, 1994), many studies using Gardner’s
works of Gardner and his students in Canadian context concepts of integrative and instrumental notions have
(see Gardner & Lambert, 1959, 1972) which started failed to see the difference between them. Such studies
what motivational researchers call as the social as those of Choubsaz and Choubsaz (2014), Samad,
psychological period (1959-1990). During this period, it Etemadzadeh, and Far (2012), and Yu and Downing
was argued that language learning was affected by (2012), for examples, did treat orientation and
various sociocultural factors such as language attitudes, motivation as the same entity, despite the fundamental
cultural familiarity, and stereotypes (Gardner & difference between the two notions. Furthermore, the
Lambert, 1972). This view gave rise to the prominent rise of Global English notion also contributes to the
notions of integrative and instrumental orientations as decreasing popularity of Gardner’s concepts (Dornyei &
the antecedents of motivation. Even though Gardner did Ushioda, 2011; Kachru & Nelson, 2006). Jenkins (2006)
mention other orientations in his subsequent works (see stated that in Global English perspective, rather than
Gardner, 1985; Tremblay & Gardner, 1995), he seemed seeing native users of English as the benchmark of
to emphasise the two aforementioned orientations over “right” or “wrong” for L2 users of English, all varieties
the others in a model called Socio-Educational Model of English, native or non-native, are equally accepted as
consisting of three elements, which are, effort, desire, it emphasises on intelligibility and allows learners to use
and positive attitude (Gardner, 1985; Gardner & English with their own characteristics such as
MacIntyre, 1993). Integrative orientation is defined as pronunciations, accents, and diction without comparing
learners' interest in L2 learning triggered with their them with those of English native users. Hence, the
interest in the L2 culture and community (Gardner & growing prominence of Global English also carries the
Lambert, 1972). Having integrative orientation, learners consequence that the notion “integrative orientation”
are believed to be encouraged to learn more about the loses its reference because more and more L2 learners
L2 culture and community. Different from the no longer look up to English speaking community in
integrative orientation which focuses on learners' desire learning English (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011; Islam,
to learn the target language's community and culture, Lamb, & Chambers, 2013; Lamb, 2004; Ortega, 2009;
instrumental orientation is more related to pragmatic Ushioda, 2006). In addition, rather than interested in L1
benefits. For example, someone studies English to get speakers of English, many English learners nowadays
better job opportunities in the future, to get promoted at develop a bicultural identity in which they identify
work, or to get a higher salary. Gardner (1985) stated themselves as a part of both their local culture and the
that to sustain L2 learning, integrative orientation has a global community (Lamb, 2004; Yashima, 2002, 2009).
more vital role than the instrumental one.
Since the 1990s, however, motivational studies Dornyei’s L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS)
have inclined to concepts of motivation put forward by Nowadays, L2 motivational studies have shifted to the
Dornyei and associates, a phenomenon attributed to the socio-dynamic period, fuelled by the work of Dornyei
possible weaknesses on the explanatory power of known as L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS)
Gardner’s concept and the growing prominence of framework (see Dornyei, 2005, 2009). Dornyei (2009)
Global English, at least as far as English learning is reconceptualised L2 motivation in the way that can add

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

our understanding from what Gardner and associates factors around learners that can affect their motivation
have stated previously but make them relevant in today's to learn L2 (Lamb, 2012).
globalised world with the growing prominence of Supporting Dornyei's (2005, 2009) model of
Global English. The substantial difference between L2MSS, Ushioda (2011) stated that compared to
Gardner’s framework and that of Dornyei is that whilst Gardner’s model, Dornyei’s model has more
important identifications in Gardner’s motivational capabilities to approximate what individuals are
framework are with others, the L1 community and experiencing when they are engaging in goal-oriented
culture, in Dornyei’s framework, they are with the behaviours such as language learning. It is attributed to
future version of the self. This model is inspired by the L2MSS’s ability to capture the complexity of
Higgins' (1987) Self-Discrepancy Theory, in which if individuals’ motivation rather than to categorize it in a
learners see discrepancy between their current, actual superficially clear-cut boundary (Ushioda, 2011). Due
state as language learners and their desired, ideal selves, to the stronger explanatory power of Dornyei’s L2MSS
they will be motivated to reduce the discrepancy by in understanding learners’ motivation, many recent
either learning a new language or improving their studies investigate learners’ motivation using L2MSS as
proficiency of a language they have been learning. the theoretical framework in various learning contexts
Markus' and Nurius' (1986) Theory of Possible Selves, (E.g.: Henry, 2013; Islam et al., 2013; Khany & Amiri,
which tends to be overlooked in Gardner's Socio- 2016; Lamb, 2012; MacWhinnie & Mitchell, 2017;
Educational Model, is also highlighted in Dornyei’s Moskovsky, Racheva, Assulaimani, & Harkins, 2016;
L2MSS in which individuals can “see” the self in a Papi, 2010; Papi & Temouri, 2013; Rajab, Far, &
future state. That is their ideas of what they might Etemadzadeh, 2012; Taguchi, Magid, & Papi, 2009;
become, what they want to become, and what they are Ueki & Takeuchi, 2012; Yaghoubinejad, Zarrinabadi, &
afraid of becoming (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011). Ketabi, 2016; You & Dornyei, 2014; You, Dornyei, &
L2MSS, furthermore, consists of three Csizer, 2015).
components, namely Ideal L2 Self, ought-to L2 Self,
and L2 Learning Experience (see Dornyei, 2005, 2009). Studies on L2MSS
The first component, Ideal L2 Self, is our personal One of the most prominent studies on L2MSS is that of
vision of what we desire to become as language users. Taguchi et al. (2009) which investigated L2MSS of
Lamb (2012) stated that this component serves as a learners in three different contexts, Japan, China, and
motivational power inspiring actions towards a desired Iran, in a comparative study involving 5,000
future and as the facilitator of self-regulation along the participants in total. This study found that L2MSS
way. Dornyei and Ushioda (2011) asserted that contributed to intended learning effort whilst at the
Gardner’s notions of integrative and instrumental same time found some cross-cultural differences among
orientations are incorporated in this component. As this the three educational contexts investigated. For
component focuses on promotion or improvements, example, among the Japanese participants, “attitudes to
such as hope and accomplishment, learners who learn L2 culture and community” on the Ideal L2 Self was
L2 in the hope that they can be a part of L2 community almost twice as large as “instrumentality-promotion” on
(integrative orientation) and those who learn L2 in the the same component, whereas the contribution of the
hope that they can get pragmatic benefits such as a two mentioned aspects was roughly the same among
better salary, job opportunities, and job promotions Chinese and Iranian participants. This finding implied
(promotion-focused instrumental orientation) can be that learners’ motivation is context-specific and
said to have been guided by their Ideal L2 Self (Dornyei influenced by many factors surrounding learners
& Ushioda, 2011). The second component of L2MSS, (Dornyei & Ushioda, 2011; Norton, 2000).
furthermore, is ought-to-L2-Self, which refers to “the Another study conducted by Papi (2010)
attributes that one believes one ought to possess” investigated Iranian learners’ motivation using L2MSS
(Dornyei, 2005, p. 105). It is related to one's perceived and its contribution to learners’ anxiety and intended
responsibilities to avoid negative outcomes. Thus, this learning effort. This study found that all of the variables
component is more extrinsic and less internalised than in the L2MSS significantly contributed to learners’
the previously mentioned component. Prevention- learning intentions. It also found that the Ideal L2 Self
focused instrumental orientation in Gardner’s view is and the L2 Learning Experience minimised the
incorporated in this component (Dornyei & Ushioda, participants’ anxiety whilst Ought-to-L2 Self
2011). An example of this component in language significantly raised their anxiety level. This result might
learners is learners who study hard with a pragmatic correspond to Dornyei's and Ushioda's (2011) statement
purpose of avoiding getting bad scores in an exam or that Ideal L2 Self is related to instrumentality-
failing their class. The last component, L2 Learning promotion such as hope and accomplishment, whilst
Experience, furthermore, refers to situation-specific Ought-to-L2 Self is closely related to “instrumentality
motives in relation to immediate learning experiences prevention” such as worry of negative outcomes, thus
and environments (Dornyei, 2005). This last component triggering learners to be more anxious.
acknowledges the possible effects of teachers, A study investigating the relationship between
curriculum, classroom processes, classmates, and other L2MSS and L2 achievement was conducted by
Moskovsky et al. (2016) involving 360 participants in

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

Saudi educational context. In this study, it was found were obtained through a test conducted specifically for
that L2MSS components were not consistently the purpose of the study and was not conducted in
associated with achievement, measured using learners’ learners' actual class. Hence, to use learners’ cumulative
reading and writing tests. They argued that the finding scores obtained during one semester in their actual
could be an evidence that self-reported motivation does English class, which will be done in the present study, is
not always have consequences in behaviours. In other considered more desirable as it might better measure
words, what the participants reported doing might not learners’ actual English proficiency. In addition, despite
correspond to what they actually do. Lamb (2012) very helpful motivational study in
Specific on Indonesian context, furthermore, Indonesian context, motivational studies using
Lamb's (2012) study investigated 527 Indonesian Junior Dornyei’s L2MSS in Indonesian university context are
High School learners of English aged 13-14 in three generally still very rare. In addition, the context of the
different contexts: a metropolitan city, a provincial present study, which is English for Biotechnology class,
town, and a rural district. It was found that positive an example of English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
views of L2 Learning Experience were the strongest class, might offer more insights on Indonesian
predictor of both intended learning effort and L2 university students’ L2MSS. Furthermore, the study
proficiency in all of the three contexts. In this regard, which seeks to analyse the extent to which learners’
Lamb (2012) further described that peers or classmates L2MSS influences their L2 achievement might also be
played a positive role in this study’s sample. On the beneficial for teachers in the way that they can help
other hand, he also found that Ideal L2 Self in this study learners more effectively in accordance with the results.
only marginally influenced participants' achievement. In the light of the aforementioned explanations,
Lamb (2012) further argued that this could be attributed this study seeks to answer the following research
to the possibility that Ideal selves in early adolescence questions. First, how is English for Biotechnology’s
tended to be idealistic and vague and thus it became less students’ L2MSS? Second, what are the relationships
likely to stimulate actual learning behaviours. between each component of their L2MSS and their
achievement? And third, to what extent does their
Rationale of the study L2MSS predict their achievement?
Numerous studies using L2MSS framework investigate
the relationships between learners’ L2MSS and other
aspects such as intended learning effort (E.g.: Papi, METHODS
2010; Rajab et al., 2012), self-report proficiency (E.g.: Research design
MacWhinnie & Mitchell, 2017), as well as anxiety and The study used a quantitative method of data collection.
self-efficacy (E.g.: Ueki & Takeuchi, 2012), yet, As the instrument, it used a set of L2MSS Likert-scale
interestingly, there have only been few studies (E.g.: questionnaires consisting of 27 items, in which nine
Kim & Kim, 2011; Moskovsky et al., 2016) items were associated with Ideal L2 Self, nine others
investigating the relationships between L2MSS and with ought-to L2 Self, and the other nine with L2
actual learning achievements. Dornyei's (2009) study in Learning Experience. These questionnaire items were
Hungarian context, for example, considered learners’ mainly adapted from Taguchi et al.'s (2009). Whilst
intended learning effort the relevant criterion measure, Taguchi et al. (2009) employed six scales ranging from
assuming, not demonstrating, that intended learning Strongly Disagree (one point) to Strongly Agree (six
effort was related to L2 achievement. Research in points), the questionnaire used in this study employed
psychology, however, found that approximately 30% of five scales, namely Strongly Agree (five points), Agree
intentions do not match actual actions (see Sheeran, (four points), Neither Agree nor Disagree (three points),
2002). Thus assuming self-reported learning effort Disagree (two points), and Strongly Disagree (one
identical to L2 achievement might be misleading. point). The adjustment was made considering that
Unfortunately, Dornyei (2009), despite considering Indonesian students might be more familiar with five-
intended learning effort predictive measure of learners’ scaled questionnaire items rather than that of six-scaled
L2 proficiency, has not conclusively established the like the original questionnaire developed by Taguchi et
extent to which learners’ L2MSS influences learners’ al. (2009). As Taguchi et al. (2009) did not explicitly
achievement. Thus, as Moskovsky et al. (2016) asserted have items on L2 Learning Experience and instead, mix
that L2 learning is “about achievement, that is, about them in various categories surrounding learners like
attaining an adequate level of proficiency” (p. 3), this parents, teachers, and classmates, for this category, I
study seeks to investigate the capacity of L2MSS to adapted Taguchi et al.'s (2009) three items related to
predict L2 achievement. learners’ situation-specific motives and developed six
One of few examples of motivational studies using other items on their immediate experience related to
learners’ achievement is Lamb's (2012) study. In his English class, English learning, class activities,
study in the Indonesian Junior High School context, he classmates, and materials. Before distributed, the
found that L2 Learning Experience became the English version of the questionnaire was translated to
strongest predictor of achievement among the other Indonesian, the language the participants were much
components. In Lamb's (2012) study, however, scores more proficient with. Back translation to English was
based on which he obtained learners’ proficiency level conducted to ensure that there was no change in

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

meaning during the translation process. The translation level of non-credited three-level General English (GE)
to Indonesian was also intended to improve the classes before being able to take credited EAP classes
reliability of the data and to improve the participation such as this EB class in their respective departments. In
rate (Thomas, 2013). practice, whilst some students might be exempted from
The use of the quantitative method in this study, taking GE classes and could directly take EAP classes
furthermore, was entitled to the strength of the method. because of their high level of proficiency, the majority
First of all, it was fully realised that learners’ motivation of students were required to take GE classes before
is such as complex construct and it is unique from one taking EAP classes. Thus, the participants of this study
learner to another (Ortega, 2009; Subekti, 2017) and as might have had various lengths of English exposure in
such studies on motivation also need to acknowledge English class at the university as some students might
the dynamicity of motivation which may fluctuate need to pass three, two, or one level of GE, before
across time (Ortega, 2009). With that in mind, taking EB, whilst few others might not take any GE
researchers should admit the limit of what a set of class at all previously depending on their placement
questionnaire distributed at some point in learners’ life test’s scores.
could “do justice” in motivational studies (Subekti, Specific about EB class, furthermore, it was an
2017). However, whilst quantitative studies might not EAP class intended to prepare learners to read scientific
capture the fluctuation and dynamicity of a phenomenon articles and journals for the preparation of their thesis or
experienced by few participants, which is the strength of later careers. More specifically, as seen in the course
qualitative studies (Gray, 2014), quantitative studies can syllabus, in this class, students were expected to be able
produce data that can be generalised to a wider to read English popular articles and an English research
population (Basit, 2010; Gray, 2014). Considering the article on Biotechnology, and to show their
scarcity of quantitative study using the L2MSS understanding through group presentations, weekly
framework in the Indonesian context, furthermore, it worksheets, weekly reflections, midterm test, and final
becomes very important to investigate this field using a test. The composite scores of these five scoring
quantitative method to yield generalisable data and thus components were used in this study.
to pave a way for further research in the field in the
Indonesian context. Some ethical considerations
On the permission of the teacher, the questionnaires
Data analysis were distributed in the last meeting of the odd semester
The data which were obtained from the questionnaires of 2017, on Tuesday, 5 December (EB class A) and
were entered to SPSS 16 and processed. The data were Thursday, 7 December 2017 (EB class B) when the
in the form of the participants’ background information participants had Review Session before their final test in
and responses to the questionnaire items. The the following week. The timing was made in
background information was about gender and age. The consideration that learners would have more ample time
participants' responses to the questionnaire items were during Review Session than that of regular sessions
calculated in the form of points. As briefly mentioned before, in which they had compact class activities such
above, the questionnaire had five scales in which as doing presentations and worksheets. It was done to
Strongly Agree equalled to five points, Agree four respect the participants' learning time, and to minimise
points, Neither Agree nor Disagree three points, possible disruption (Oliver, 2003; Thomas, 2013).
Disagree two points, and lastly Strongly Disagree one Besides, ample time allows participants to respond to
point. To obtain the relationship between learners’ items more carefully and thus contributes to more
scores and their L2MSS, Pearson (r) correlation was reliable data (Bryman, 2012; Thomas, 2013).
used. This formula was done to see the relationship The students’ voluntary participation in this study,
between learners’ scores and each of the component of furthermore, was ensured through written consent forms
the L2MSS, namely Ideal L2 Self, ought-to L2 Self, and (Gray, 2014; Israel & Hay, 2006). Hence, returned
L2 Learning Experience. Finally, to see to what extent questionnaires would only be further analysed if the
the participants' L2MSS could predict their attached consent forms, detailing the purpose of the
achievement, linear regression formula was used. study and the participants’ rights, were signed by the
students. They were also given the guidelines of no
The participants and the educational context intervention, no coercion, and confidentiality to ensure
The total participants of the study were 56 that they knew their rights as participants (Oliver, 2003)
Biotechnology students taking English for and were willing to respond to the questionnaire items
Biotechnology (EB) class, EB class A and class B, at a honestly, and thus could maintain the reliability of the
university in a major city in Indonesia. Most of them data (Bryman, 2012). Students’ final scores were given
were in their third or fifth semester. At the university, in accordance with the signed returned questionnaires.
all non-English major students, including these All data appearing in the report were made anonymous
participants, were to take a placement English test at the to keep the participants’ confidentiality (Israel & Hay,
time of their enrolment at the university to determine 2006; Thomas, 2013).
their English proficiency level. Based on the results of
this placement test, they would be placed in a certain

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Disagree". The results, along with the results of the
From the total of 68 students taking EB in the odd composite mean scores for each component of L2MSS
semester of 2017, 57 students participated in the study shown in Table 1, indicated that in general, the
by filling in the questionnaires and signing the consent participants had a high level of motivation. As seen in
forms. Eleven other students were either absent on the Table 2, however, the afore-mentioned results should be
days the questionnaires were distributed or did attend interpreted with cautions.
the class but decided to not participate. Despite the less
number of participants, this also showed that some Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Learners’ L2MSS
students did exercise their rights of not participating in Components Mean Standard Deviation
the study, thus implying the principles of ethics were Ideal L2 Self 37.62 4.69
maintained (Gray, 2014). One questionnaire was Ought-to L2 Self 32.53 5.81
returned incomplete, and thus was excluded from L2 Learning Experience 35.75 5.38
further analysis, leaving 56 completed questionnaires. Total L2MSS 105.91 11.68
46 participants (82.1%) indicated their willingness to be
invited to interviews in a possible follow-up study, Table 2: The means of the participants’ responses
which indicated great enthusiasm of the participants in Ought-to L2 L2 Learning
participating in the study. The minimum age of the Ideal L2 Self
Self Experience
participant was 18, whilst the maximum was 23. The Items Mean Items Mean Items Mean
mean was 19.4 (SD = 1.31). Moreover, of the total of 56 1 4.27 10 3.96 19 3.93
participants, eleven (19%) were male, whilst 45 were 2 4.16 11 4.00 20 4.30
female (80.4%). 3 4.20 12 4.14 21 3.45
The L2MSS questionnaire had .89 Cronbach’s 4 4.16 13 3.91 22 4.04
Alpha coefficient for the nine items of Ideal L2 Self, .84 5 3.62 14 2.68 23 3.88
6 4.25 15 3.89 24 3.80
for the nine items of ought-to L2 Self, and .89 for the
7 4.71 16 4.04 25 3.96
nine items of L2 Learning Experience. That the 8 4.11 17 3.04 26 4.00
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients of all the three 9 4.14 18 2.88 27 4.39
components of L2MSS were close to 1 indicated that
the questionnaire items in all the three components had First, as seen in Table 2, some items yielded mean
high internal reliability. scores close to 3.00, which indicated low motivation in
In the following sections, results and discussions relation to the corresponding items. In Ideal L2 Self
on each of the research questions will be elaborated category, item number five, “I can imagine myself
further. speaking English as if I were a native speaker of
English”, for example, the mean was only 3.62, the only
Research Question 1: How is English for one with the value below 4.00 in the category. In
Biotechnology students’ L2MSS? addition, with the majority of the respondents (39.3%)
Among the three components of L2MSS, learners’ Ideal neither agreed nor disagreed to the statement, as seen in
L2 Self ranked the highest (M = 37.62), their L2 the appendix, it could be implied that they had difficulty
Learning Experience was in the second (M = 35.75), picturing themselves being able to speak the way native
and ought-to L2 Self was in the third position (M = users of English do as a possible future self-image.
32.57). Interestingly, the finding that the mean score of Moreover, there were three items in the ought-to
ought-to L2 Self was the lowest among the L2MSS L2 Self category which yielded even lower mean scores.
components was the same as that of Dornyei's and Item number 14, “Studying English is important to me
Chan's (2013) study in China. It indicated that societal in order to gain approval of my teachers and peers,” had
and peer expectations only had a moderate influence on the mean score of 2.68, with 80.4% of the participants
the Indonesian learners and on their Chinese responding the statement with 1, 2, or 3. This might
counterparts. Keeping in mind that this was the result of indicate that they did not see either teachers’ or peers’
a 27-item questionnaire, furthermore, the composite acknowledgment as a driving force to learn English.
L2MSS's mean score being 105.91 indicated high Interestingly, this might also indicate that they did not
motivation with the mean score for each questionnaire see their teachers and peers as ones that would
item being 3.92 out of 5. Generally, this result indicated acknowledge them solely because of their English
that the participants reported that they had a high mastery. Further, this could be closely related to the
motivation in relation to their L2 learning. The complete context of the study or the participants’ surroundings,
results can be seen in Table 1. Furthermore, the table which, whilst possibly acknowledging the importance of
showing the participants’ responses on each of the English, did not place English mastery in a very
questionnaire items in the form of percentages can be superior position. The next was item number 17,
seen in the Appendix at the end of this report. As could “Studying English is important to me because other
be observed in the appendix, despite various responses people will respect me more if I have a knowledge of
the participants gave, in general, their responses tended English” with the mean score of 3.04. Only 32.2% of
to fall to the either "Strongly Agree" or "Agree" with the respondents strongly agreed or agreed to the
much less percentage on either "Disagree" or "Strongly statement. Furthermore, item number 18, "If I fail to

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

learn English, I will be letting other people down” only category which had the lowest mean score among the
had 2.88 mean score. 30.4% of the respondents either others in the category was item number 21 (M = 3.45).
disagreed or strongly disagreed, whilst only 23.2% Even though 46.4% of the respondents gave their
either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement. This agreement to the statement, “I always look forward to
item’s result might be related to the result of the English classes,” 41.1% of the respondents neither
previously mentioned items number 14 and 17. That agreed nor disagreed with it. This result might be
was to state that the social context of the participants attributed to activities in EB class which necessitated
which had very limited use of English in daily life and them to read and understand English popular articles
thus did not consider English mastery extremely crucial and scientific journal articles in Biotechnology, which
might play a role in the results. The results indicative to some participants might find tedious and not so easy.
the role of social context of the participants confirmed
some experts’ statement that cultural differences play a Research Question 2: What are the relationships
vital role in determining learners’ L2MSS (Dornyei & between each component of learners’ L2MSS and
Chan, 2013; Lamb, 2012; Ortega, 2009). their achievement?
Furthermore, item in L2 Learning Experience The results of the correlation formula between learners’
scores and L2MSS components could be observed in
Table 3.

Table 3: Correlations between Scores and Components of L2MSS

Ideal L2 Self Ought-to L2 Self L2 Learning Experience
Pearson Correlation .041 -.105 .100
Learners’ Scores Sig. (2-tailed) .762 .441 .464
N 56 56 56
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

From the table above, some findings could be found a negative relationship. Such results confirmed
stated. The first, all of the three correlations conducted that “a highly unlikely possible self probably will have
indicated the relationships between scores and each of little relation to motivation” (MacIntyre, MacKinnon, &
the L2MSS components were not statistically Clement, 2009, p. 197).
significant. Secondly, whilst there were relationships Secondly, that L2 Learning Experience had the
between learners’ scores and the components, they were strongest relationship with achievement among the three
very small. The scores’ correlation with Ideal L2 Self components of L2MSS corresponded to the results of
was nearly zero, r (56) = .04, p > .05, indicating almost Lamb's (2012) study in Sumatra, Indonesia. This might
no relationship. Its correlation with L2 Learning be attributed to the relatively same social and
Experience was higher, despite very small, r (56) = .10, educational context of the participants in both studies.
p > .05. Finally, even though the correlation between That suggested that their immediate learning experience
scores and ought-to L2 Self was very small as well, r related to the atmosphere in English class, class
(56) = -.11, p > .05, it was interesting that the direction activities, English teachers, classmates, and learning
of correlation was negative. It means that the higher materials contributed more to their L2MSS than those of
ought-to L2 Self was the lower learners’ scores tended their possible selves, confirming Ortega (2009) idea on
to be, however small the relationship was. In regard to the influence of immediate learning environments on
these results, even though they were rather surprising, learners’ motivation.
they could still be explained. Finally, with regard to the negative correlation
First, the small correlation between scores and between learners’ scores and ought-to L2 Self, some
Ideal L2 Self might be attributed to the young experts had their views. Dornyei and Chan (2013), for
participants’ vague and too idealistic view of their Ideal example, argued that whilst ought-to L2 Self has a
L2 Self. Instead of picturing their realistic possible contribution to learners' motivation, it lacks the
selves in the future, the participants’ responses on Ideal energizing drive to make a difference in real motivated
L2 Self category might reflect their hope and positive behaviours in many educational contexts by itself.
attitude towards their future. These views, however, Moskovsky et al. (2016) study which yielded the same
were possibly not accompanied with sufficient learning negative result further confirmed this. In regard to this,
effort. Hence, it was unlikely to contribute much to their MacIntyre et al. (2009) stated that cultural differences in
L2 achievement (Moskovsky et al., 2016). Interestingly, learners’ self-concepts can affect the motivational
this finding, despite rather surprising, was not totally qualities of possible selves, including their Ought-to L2
new. Dornyei's and Chan's (2013) study in Chinese Self. In the participants’ cultural and educational
context also found statistically not significant small context in which English was not used extensively in
correlations between English scores and Ideal L2 Self. daily communication, nor was it used as the
In addition, Lamb's (2012) study also found that Ideal introductory language at the university, the participants
L2 Self only marginally influenced L2 achievement. might not see any obligation to avoid negative outcomes
Even, Moskovsky et al. (2016) study in Saudi Arabia such as making people around them disappointed and

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018

being less acknowledged or respected. That was because has some limitations. Firstly, the quantitative method of
the society among whom they lived did not consider distributing questionnaires, whilst able to reach more
English very important and did not use English participants, could not do justice to investigate learners’
extensively. actual motivated behaviours. The result, in which the
participants' self-reported high motivation could not
Research Question 3: To what extent does learners’ significantly predict their achievement, could be
L2MSS predict their achievement? attributed to the drawback of using a self-reported
To find the extent to which learners' L2MSS could instrument. Hence, possibly, their reported high
predict learners' scores, linear regression was motivation was not translated into real motivated
performed. As seen in Table 4, the value of R2 was .028. learning behaviours. Secondly, whilst the results of the
It means that learners’ L2MSS could predict 2.8% of current study could be generalised, it should be viewed
their scores, with other possible variables, which within the context of population, Indonesian
together made up the other 97.2%, not involved in the undergraduate non-English major university students.
regression formula. The result could be observed in
Table 4 below. Future Studies
In the light of the results of the present study, some
Table 4: Regression results with learners’ scores as directions of future studies could be suggested. That the
dependent variable current study results indicated that learners' high
R R Square Adjusted R Square motivation did not correlate significantly with their
1 .169a .028 -.028 achievement could imply that their self-reported high
a. Predictors: (Constant), L2 Learning Experience, motivation was not accompanied by actual actions.
Ought to L2 Self, Ideal L2 Self Thus, it becomes important to see the extent to which
learners show motivated behaviours. Therefore,
Whilst the result indicated that learners’ L2MSS conducting mixed-method or qualitative investigations,
could only explain 2.8% of the variance in their scores, using observations and interviews, on learners’
the finding was not totally surprising. Papi (2010) motivation, rather than solely conducting quantitative
argued that L2 achievement is determined by various investigations, might be worthwhile. Also, considering
factors and asserted that motivation, despite being the L2MSS, which could be a strong predictor of self-
driving force of effortful learning behaviours (Dornyei, reported intended learning effort, could not significantly
2005), is merely indirectly related to L2 achievement. In predict L2 achievement, the ultimate goal of learning, it
addition, Moskovsky et al. (2016) also found that “self- is suggested that the seemingly appealing proposition
reported motivation does not always have behavioural suggesting that learners’ intended learning effort will
consequences” (p. 4). result in improved proficiency should not be treated
To summarise, the present study seeking to axiomatically. That is to say, researchers should focus
investigate the relationship between L2MSS and L2 their attention to investigate the extent to which
achievement generally found that the three components learners’ L2MSS can predict their achievement or actual
of L2MSS were not consistently correlated with proficiency rather than their self-report learning
learners’ achievement. The L2MSS, furthermore, could intentions as these intentions are not always translated
only predict 2.8% of learners' achievement. These into motivated behaviours (Moskovsky et al., 2016).
results, overall, contradicted previous studies suggesting
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Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8(1), May 2018


L2MSS questionnaire items with percentages of participants selecting each alternative

Neither Agree nor
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Ideal L2 Self
1. I can imagine myself living abroad and having a discussion in English.
37.5* 51.8 10.7 0 0
2. I can imagine myself living abroad and using English effectively for communicating with locals.
28.6 58.9 12.5 0 0
3. I can imagine a situation where I am speaking English with foreigners.
28.6 62.5 8.9 0 0
4. I can imagine myself speaking English with international friends or colleagues.
28.6 58.9 12.5 0 0
5. I can imagine myself speaking English as if I were a native speaker of English.
25 25 39.3 8.9 1.8
6. Whenever I think of my future career, I imagine myself using English.
42.9 41.1 14.3 0 1.8
7. The things I want to do in the future require me to use English.
71.4 28.6 0 0 0
8. I can imagine myself studying in a university where all of my courses are taught in English.
30.4 53.6 14.3 0 1.8
9. I can imagine myself writing English e-mail fluently.
37.5 42.9 16.1 3.6 0

Ought-to L2 Self
10. I study English because people around me think it is important.
39.3 32.1 14.3 14.3 0
11. Learning English is necessary because people around surrounding me expect me to do so.
35.7 41.1 10.7 12.5 0
12. My parents believe that I must study English to be an educated person.
41.1 39.3 14.3 3.6 1.8
13. I consider learning English important because people I respect think that I should do it.
32.1 41.1 12.5 14.3 0
14. Studying English is important to me in order to gain acknowledgment of my teachers and peers.
0 19.6 42.9 23.2 14.3
15. I will have a negative impact on my life if I do not learn English.
33.9 32.1 23.2 10.7 0
16. Studying English is important to me because an educated person is supposed to be able to speak English.
28.6 46.4 25 0 0
17. Studying English is important to me because other people will respect me more if I have a knowledge of English.
3.6 28.6 41.1 21.4 5.4
18. If I fail to learn English, I will be letting other people down.
7.1 16.1 46.4 17.9 12.5

L2 Learning Experience
19. I like the atmosphere of my English class.
23.2 55.4 14.3 5.4 1.8
20. I find learning English very interesting.
41.1 50 7.1 1.8 0
21. I always look forward to English classes.
12.5 33.9 41.1 10.7 1.8
22. I really enjoy learning English.
25 55.4 17.9 1.8 0
23. I like the activities done in my English classes.
26.8 42.9 23.2 5.4 1.8
24. I like my English teacher because of his/her fun English class.
19.6 50 25 1.8 3.6
25. My classmates in my English class help me understand English better.
28.6 44.6 23.2 1.8 1.8
26. The materials in my English class suit my needs.
23.2 57.1 16.1 3.6 0
27. The level of difficulty of English materials helps me improve my English.
46.4 46.4 7.1 0 0
* Percentages may not add to 100 due to their being rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Copyright © 2018, IJAL, EISSN 2502-6747


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