How To Configure Wmi Access On Windows For A Non Admin User
How To Configure Wmi Access On Windows For A Non Admin User
How To Configure Wmi Access On Windows For A Non Admin User
Hi,If you, like me have to configure WMI access on Windows servers for a non admin user in order for Zenoss to
read the eventlog etc, read on...
Zenoss is able to read & query Windows servers via WMI in order to obtain Eventlog information. Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) is the infrastructure for management data and operations on Windows-
based operating systems. WMI also supplies management data to other parts of the operating system and
products like zenoss. For security purposes you can use a limited domain user account to access the WMI
infrastructure and relevant components. The domain user acount has rights to only access the appropriate
areas of the server to obtain information for Zenoss.As the main objective is read & query the Windows event
logs via WMI. Modifications to the windows server security will need to have access granted to the specific
account (zenwmi) at 4 different levels in order for Zenoss to function correctly and obtain the event log
information the Windows team requires to be displayed in Zenoss.The following information describes the 4
levels or areas that require acess to be configured for the specific user. These 4 requirements are all needed
and are in logical order as one follows on to the next as shown in this diagram attached .
DCOM stands for Distributed COM and COM stands for Component Object Model (COM). COM is the
standard method for communication between client/server apps and highlevel APIs for Windows developers.
DCOM users Remote Procedure Call to expose COM objects on a computer to remote clients on other
computers.Prior to XP SP2 (and the introduction of these 2 DCOM security settings), it was difficult for
an administrator to assess or control which COM objects were available to remote users and this is even
more important since COM objects can allow anonymous access. Each COM object has its own ACL and
you would have had to look at each COM object's ACL to determine if remote access were allowed and
to whom. This policy and DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions In Security Descriptor Definition Language
(SDDL) syntax put a system wide access check that all DCOM clients (local or remote) must pass before
hitting the individual COM object's ACLs. This system-wide DCOM check is like share permissions on a
shared folder. Many files may be accessible through a given network share and each file may have it's own
unique permissions but you must first pass the share level permissions before the file permissions are
checked.Security in WMI is related to connecting to a WMI namespace. WMI uses DCOM to handle remote
calls. One reason for failure to connect to a remote computer is due to a DCOM failure, Therefore, this is the
first access that must be granted to the specific user and happily can be granted by adding the user to the
local or domain distributed COM users group on the Server. There is a domain GPO which adds the domain
user to the relevant grounds need by Zenoss. Specific user access can be granted by following & applying the
following link.
2. WMI
industry standard to represent systems, applications, networks, devices, and other managed components.
CIM is developed and maintained by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). The ability to obtain
management data from remote computers is what makes WMI useful. Remote WMI connections are made
through DCOM.WMI provides a uniform interface for any local or remote applications or scripts that obtain
management data from a computer system, a network, or an enterprise. The uniform interface is designed
such that WMI client applications and scripts do not have to call a wide variety of operating system application
programming interfaces (APIs). Many APIs cannot be called by automation clients like scripts or Visual Basic
applications. Other APIs do not make calls to remote computers.To obtain data from WMI, an application like
Zenoss accesses WMI Classes or provides data to WMI by writing a WMI provider.
You can change the access to a WMI namespace using the WMI Control or programmatically.
Term Description
Execute Methods Permits the user to execute methods defined on WMI classes. Corresponds to
the WBEM_METHOD_EXECUTE access permission constant.
Full Write Permits full read, write, and delete access to WMI classes and class instances,
both static and dynamic. Corresponds to the WBEM_FULL_WRITE_REP access
permission constant.
Partial Write Permits write access to static WMI class instances. Corresponds to the
WBEM_PARTIAL_WRITE_REP access permission constant.
Provider Write Permits write access to dynamic WMI class instances. Corresponds to the
WBEM_WRITE_PROVIDER access permission constant.
Enable Account Permits read access to WMI class instances. Corresponds to the
WBEM_ENABLE access permission constant.
Remote Enable Permits access to the namespace by remote computers. Corresponds to the
WBEM_REMOTE_ACCESS access permission constant.
Read Security Permits read-only access to DACL settings. Corresponds to the
READ_CONTROL access permission constant.
Edit Security Permits write access to DACL settings. Corresponds to the WRITE_DAC access
permission constant.
This is the second access requirement that is needed for Zenoss. For the DMSI Windows team, the zenwmi
domain user is manually given Remote Enable & Enable Account permissions to the CIMV2 class. This is
done by a user written program, WMISecurity that can be run at the command prompt.The syntax is as follows:
WmiSecurity.exe /C="%computername%" /A /N=Root/CIMV2 /M=" DOMAIN\USER:REMOTEACCESS" /R
Specific user access can be granted by following & applying the following link.
The service control manager (SCM) is started at system boot. It is a remote procedure call (RPC) server,
so that service configuration and service control programs can manipulate services on remote machines.
SCM maintains a database of the installed services and driver services that allow the operating system to
start successfully, and provides a unified and secure means of controlling them. The database, which is
stored in the Windows system registry, includes configuration and security information about each service
or driver service.System administrators should use the Services snap-in or the sc.exe command-line tool
to query or configure services.The service functions provide an interface for the following tasks performed
by the SCM:Maintaining the database of installed services.Starting services and driver services either
upon system startup or upon demand.Enumerating installed services and driver services.Maintaining
status information for running services and driver services.Transmitting control requests to running
services.Locking and unlocking the service database.Zenoss requires access to this manager in order
to scan the machine for which windows services are installed on it and subsequently provide status
information on the event page besides gaining access to the eventlog (which is a service). This is the
third access requirement which needs to be modified for Zenoss. This is configured by command line
(sc.exe) and is also included in the tasks section of the automatic network install. Specific user access
is the only method of configuration for this type of access & can be granted by following & applying
the following link. command line used for Windows servers
Finally to read and list the Windows events in Zenoss event page, the user defined in the properties of Zenoss
Orangiser has to be given rights to read the log. Unfortuntely as you have just read, you are not able to just
add the rights to the event log and be done with it, the above modifications needed to have been actioned
beforehand. The easiest way to perfom this task for the hundreds of Windows servers at Sopra was to create
a domain wide GPO.A policy setting determines which user accounts have access to log files and what
usage rights are granted. Individual setting may be specified for each of the Application, Security, Setup, and
System event log channels. For Zenoss each Log must by modified in order the the ZenEventlog connection
is UP.Enabling this setting allows you to enter a security descriptor for the log file. The security descriptor
controls who can read, write, or clear the event log. You enter the security descriptor using Security Definition
Description Language (SDDL) as we have read above. The following link explains how to add specific
user access to the Eventlog via a GPO structure of
the Eventlog key is as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog
\Application,Security,System,CustomLogNote that domain controllers record events in the Directory service
and File Replication service logs and DNS servers record events in the DNS server.CustomSD Restricts
access to the event log. This value is of type REG_SZ. The format used is Security Descriptor Definition
Language (SDDL). Construct an ACL that grants one or more of the following rights: Read (0x0001) Write
(0x0002) Clear (0x0004) To be a syntactically valid SDDL, the CustomSD value must specify an owner and
a group owner (for example, O:BAG:SY), but the owner and group owner are not used. If CustomSD is set
to a wrong value, an event is fired in the System event log when the event log service starts, and the event
log gets a default security descriptor which is identical to the original CustomSD value for the Application log.
SACLs are not supported.The SDDL permissions used for Windows servers is:O:BAG:SYD:(D;;0xf0007;;;AN)
Error Summary
I have figured out the following after lots of trial and error. It is a logical process, almost like walking
through one security door after another to get to the windows Eventlog. If you see the following
ZenWin or ZenEventlog errors in the event page you need to check the relevant section or link to
determine where the fault lies.Component: ZenWinMessage: Could not read the status of Windows
services (NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED). Check your username/password settings and verify
network connectivity.Component: ZenEventlogMessage: Could not read the Windows event log
(NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED). Check your username/password settings and verify network
connectivity.This error relates to the DCOM Permissions & is resolved by implementing http://
Other Errors
Component: ZenEventlogMessage: Could not read the Windows event log (ExecNotificationQuery
(WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED)). Check your username/password settings and verify network
connectivity.This usually relates to an missing EventLog permission and that the SSDL has not been applied
to all the event logs, application system, security, etc.Component: ZenPerfwmiMessage: Could not read the
WMI value (NT code 0x80010105). Check your username/password settings and verify network connectivity.I
forget.. will have to recall how I fixed it... I think it was due to the "users" group being removed the right
to log onto the computer in the local policy..Component: ZenPerfwmiMessage: Could not read the WMI
value (NT code 0x80041010). Check your username/password settings and verify network connectivity.This
usually relates to a missing WMI namespace, check that Service pack 2 is installed,or recreate/reset the
WMI namespaces.The command winnts2k\system32\wbem\wmiadap.exe /f will often restore missing WMI
performance counters.Sources:
Final thanks to all the forum members for their help and input over time.