Mass of ST Francis Melody Ed (10 February 2011)
Mass of ST Francis Melody Ed (10 February 2011)
Mass of ST Francis Melody Ed (10 February 2011)
Paul Taylor
Lord Have Mercy
Lord have mer - cy. Lord have mer - cy.
Ky - ri - e e - le - i son. Ky - ri - e e - le - i son.
Christ have mer - cy. Christ have mer - cy.
Chri - ste e - lei - son. Chri - ste e - lei - son.
Cantor All
Lord have mer - cy. Lord have mer - cy.
Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son. Ky - ri - e e - le - i - son.
Glory to God
Glo - ry to God in the high - est and on earth peace to peo - ple of good -
will. We praise you, we bless you, we a - dore you, we
glo - ri - fy you, we give you thanks for your great glo - ry. Lord God
hea -ven - ly King, O God al -migh -ty Fa - ther. Lord Je - sus Christ,
Text: Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL;
Music: © 2010, Paul Taylor.
All rights reserved.
On - ly Be -got -ten Son. Lord God, Lamb of God Son of the Fa - ther.
You take a - way the sins of the world, have mer - cy on us.
You take a -way the sins of the world, re - ceive our prayer. You are seat - ed
at the right hand of the Fa - ther, have mer - cy on us. For
you a - lone are the Ho - ly One, you a - lone
are the Lord, you a -lone are the Most High Je -sus Christ, with the Ho - ly Spi -rit in the
glo -ry of God the Fa - ther. A - men, A - men.
Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord, God of hosts. Heav'n and earth are full of your
glo - ry. Ho - san -na in the high - est. Bless -ed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord. Ho - san - na in the high - est.
Memorial Acclamations
Memorial Acclamation 1
The my - ste - ry of faith We pro - claim your Death O Lord and pro -
fess your Re - sur - rec - tion, un - til you come a - gain.
Memorial Acclamation 2
The my - ste -ry of faith When we eat this Bread and drink this
Cup, we pro - claim your Death O Lord, un - til you come a - gain.
Memorial Acclamation 3
The my - ste - ry of faith Save us Sa - viour of the world, for by your
Cross and Re - sur - rec - tion you have set us free.
Through Him..... A - men, A - men, A - men.
Lamb of God
Lamb of God, you take a -way the sins of the world. Have mer - cy on us.
Lamb of God, you take a -way the sins of the world. Have mer - cy on us.
Lamb of God, you take a -way the sins of the world. Grant us peace