Development of Leadership Skills Among Students: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Development of Leadership Skills Among Students: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Development of Leadership Skills Among Students: Dr. Radhika Kapur
Leadership Skills
among Students
Dr. Radhika Kapur
The primary objective of
educational institutions in
imparting academic learning to
the students is to ensure that
they are able to achieve their
personal and professional
sustain their livelihoods
opportunities in an appropriate
manner and turn out to be
citizens of the country. Apart
from academic learning, it is
essential for students to
leadership skills among
themselves. When they
develop leadership skills, they
are able to
lead and guide others in the
right direction, inculcate the
traits of diligence and
conscientiousness and
differentiate between
appropriate and inappropriate.
The educators are
vested with the responsibility
to assign students tasks and
activities that may render an
effective contribution in
augmenting their leadership
skills. They make provision of
duties to
students, particularly within
the classrooms to augment
leadership skills. These
monitoring and supervision,
maintaining discipline, helping
students, who are facing
problems in academic learning
and so forth. The main areas
that have been taken into
in this research paper include,
aspects highlighting
significance of leadership,
importance of
developing leadership skills
among students, strategies for
developing leadership skills,
leadership styles, and
transformational leadership in
classroom instruction.
Development of
Leadership Skills
among Students
Dr. Radhika Kapur
The primary objective of
educational institutions in
imparting academic learning to
the students is to ensure that
they are able to achieve their
personal and professional
sustain their livelihoods
opportunities in an appropriate
manner and turn out to be
citizens of the country. Apart
from academic learning, it is
essential for students to
leadership skills among
themselves. When they
develop leadership skills, they
are able to
lead and guide others in the
right direction, inculcate the
traits of diligence and
conscientiousness and
differentiate between
appropriate and inappropriate.
The educators are
vested with the responsibility
to assign students tasks and
activities that may render an
effective contribution in
augmenting their leadership
skills. They make provision of
duties to
students, particularly within
the classrooms to augment
leadership skills. These
monitoring and supervision,
maintaining discipline, helping
students, who are facing
problems in academic learning
and so forth. The main areas
that have been taken into
in this research paper include,
aspects highlighting
significance of leadership,
importance of
developing leadership skills
among students, strategies for
developing leadership skills,
leadership styles, and
transformational leadership in
classroom instruction.
Development of
Leadership Skills
among Students
Dr. Radhika Kapur
The primary objective of
educational institutions in
imparting academic learning to
the students is to ensure that
they are able to achieve their
personal and professional
sustain their livelihoods
opportunities in an appropriate
manner and turn out to be
citizens of the country. Apart
from academic learning, it is
essential for students to
leadership skills among
themselves. When they
develop leadership skills, they
are able to
lead and guide others in the
right direction, inculcate the
traits of diligence and
conscientiousness and
differentiate between
appropriate and inappropriate.
The educators are
vested with the responsibility
to assign students tasks and
activities that may render an
effective contribution in
augmenting their leadership
skills. They make provision of
duties to
students, particularly within
the classrooms to augment
leadership skills. These
monitoring and supervision,
maintaining discipline, helping
students, who are facing
problems in academic learning
and so forth. The main areas
that have been taken into
in this research paper include,
aspects highlighting
significance of leadership,
importance of
developing leadership skills
among students, strategies for
developing leadership skills,
leadership styles, and
transformational leadership in
classroom instruction.
Development of
Leadership Skills
among Students
Dr. Radhika Kapur
The primary objective of
educational institutions in
imparting academic learning to
the students is to ensure that
they are able to achieve their
personal and professional
sustain their livelihoods
opportunities in an appropriate
manner and turn out to be
citizens of the country. Apart
from academic learning, it is
essential for students to
leadership skills among
themselves. When they
develop leadership skills, they
are able to
lead and guide others in the
right direction, inculcate the
traits of diligence and
conscientiousness and
differentiate between
appropriate and inappropriate.
The educators are
vested with the responsibility
to assign students tasks and
activities that may render an
effective contribution in
augmenting their leadership
skills. They make provision of
duties to
students, particularly within
the classrooms to augment
leadership skills. These
monitoring and supervision,
maintaining discipline, helping
students, who are facing
problems in academic learning
and so forth. The main areas
that have been taken into
in this research paper include,
aspects highlighting
significance of leadership,
importance of
developing leadership skills
among students, strategies for
developing leadership skills,
leadership styles, and
transformational leadership in
classroom instruction.
The primary objective of educational institutions in imparting academic
learning to the students is to ensure that they are able to achieve their personal and
professional goals, sustain their livelihoods opportunities in an appropriate manner
and turn out to be effectual citizens of the country. Apart from academic learning,
it is essential for students to develop leadership skills among themselves. When
they develop leadership skills, they are able to lead and guide others in the right
direction, inculcate the traits of diligence and conscientiousness and differentiate
between appropriate and inappropriate. The educators are vested with the
responsibility to assign students tasks and activities that may render an effective
contribution in augmenting their leadership skills. They make provision of duties
to students, particularly within the classrooms to augment leadership skills. These
include, monitoring and supervision, maintaining discipline, helping students, who
are facing problems in academic learning and so forth. The main areas that have
been taken into account in this research paper include, aspects highlighting
significance of leadership, importance of developing leadership skills among
students, strategies for developing leadership skills, leadership styles, and
transformational leadership in classroom instruction.