Low Carbon Offices: Guide To
Low Carbon Offices: Guide To
Low Carbon Offices: Guide To
Conducting carbon audit is a common first step of action. It The more that we are aware of our impact, the more prepared we
helps assess the carbon performance and identify room for can contribute to combating climate change. The Environment
emission reduction in an organization. It is a cornerstone for Bureau will continue to facilitate the public and private sectors to
saving energy as well as taking forward other low carbon and work together and to close the gap between awareness and action
green measures. to build a low-carbon economy and a greener future for Hong Kong.
CO -e
m e a su re m
include advancing the use of renewable and cleaner energy sources, improving energy w h ic h a
the six typ
ll o w s 2
efficiency and encouraging better energy and carbon management es of
GHG emis
sions gove
Kyoto Pro rned unde
tocol to b r the
Carbon footprint refers to the total GHG emissions caused directly and indirectly by an e compared
a like-for-l on
organisation’s activities. Carbon audit is a scientific means of quantifying an organisation’s ike basis r
It can be de elative to
rived by m C O2.
GHG emissions and a useful starting point for carbon management and reduction. emissions ultiplying
of each o
b y it s re sp f the six G
ec ti ve 1 0 HG
warming po 0 -y ea r g lo
tential (GW b al
01 Guide to Low Carbon Office
Carbon Audit in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a service economy with
HK’s GHG Emissions by Sector in 2014*
limited energy-intensive manufacturing.
N e a r l y 7 0 % o f H o n g K o n g ’s G H G
emissions are attributed to electricity
generation. Transport sector comes next
(~16%) and waste constitutes
~5% of total emissions.
70% 90%
Buildings, including commercial buildings, Buildings
account for nearly 90% of electricity Electricity
consumption. If all offices pursue better
HK’s Total GHG Emissions in 2014:
electricity consumption management
and improve energy efficiency, this will
not only cut their energy costs, but also Transport
44,900 kilotonnes CO -e 2
significantly reduce Hong Kong’s overall HK’s Emissions per Capita in 2014:
carbon emissions.
6.2 tonnes CO2-e
Waste and
* Provisional figures subject to revision
02 Guide to Low Carbon Office
The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and
the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
(EMSD) have devised a set of Carbon Audit Guidelines
to facilitate office managers to calculate the GHG
emissions from the operation and to identify areas of
To lead by example, the Government has: • Launched the Carbon Footprint Repository (CFR) (www.carbon-
footprint.hk/) on 15 December 2014 for listed companies to
• Rolled out energy-cum-carbon audits for more than 120
disclose their carbon footprint. At the launching ceremony
Government buildings and public facilities;
co-organised by the Environment Bureau and the Hong
• Encouraged major Government buildings to carry out regular
Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) in Dec 2014,
carbon audit to track the effectiveness of carbon reduction
certificates were presented to listed companies in recognition
of their first-mover contributions and efforts in auditing their
• Conducted a “paper approach” carbon audit exercise for more carbon footprints and disclosing their carbon data through the
than 40 major Government buildings in 2016/17; and CFR.
Fugitive emissions from air Newly planted trees that are able
conditioning/refrigeration to reach at least 5 metres in height
systems/fire extinguishers (*Removal Source)
* Based on the emission factor set out in the Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for Buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional
Purposes) in Hong Kong published by the Environmental Protection Department in February 2010 (the Carbon Audit Guidelines), 23kg carbon dioxide will be removed by a newly
planted tree that can reach at least 5m in height per year. Newly planted trees referred to those trees planted within the physical boundary of the audited buildings/premises after the
beginning stage of construction of the concerned buildings/premises. Please refer to page 20 of the Carbon Audit Guidelines for details.
CO2-e = Activity
X Emission
X Global Warming
For step-by-step guidance on calculation, please refer to Appendix A: Reporting Table Templates for Carbon Emissions.
You can use an appropriate ratio indicator to represent or For more benchmarking references, please refer to Appendix B:
benchmark your normalised carbon footprint in proportion to a Performance Indicator References for Energy Consumption.
(tonnes CO2-e per year) CO2 2.5
(tonnes CO2-e per year per employee)
Office A Office B Office C
CO2 Normalised Total Carbon Emissions
(tonnes CO2-e per year per m2)
100m2 150m2 300m2
50 staff 100 staff 300 staff 2
Examples of other suitable ratio indicators for companies / offices
1 tonne 1 tonne 1 tonne
— tonnes CO2-e per HK$ revenue 1
Scope of the physical
boundary and • C o m m u n i c a t e t h r o u g h a n n u a l r e p o r t ,
operational boundary, sustainability report, or the Environmental,
and reporting period Social and Governance (ESG) report as required
by HKEx
• Submit data to HKSAR Government’s carbon
footprint repository (applicable to listed
List of data Comparison of the carbon emissions of the
• Submit data to international organisation such
sources and reporting year with those of the baseline
as CDP
references year to verify effectiveness of carbon
reduction measures taken
For more details please refer to Appendix C: Sample Carbon Audit Report.
8 Optional Information: Any meter installed to measure electricity consumption at different floors/zones?
14 Any purchase record showing quantity and size of carboys for drinkable water consumption?
Any record of overseas business travel of staff for the last 12 months showing means of transportation,
number of trips, origin and destination?
16 Any record of flight carbon offsetting?
Minor Minor housekeeping measures which
cause no disruption to operation
Nil No Cost
It is a misunderstanding
An office of a garment manufacturing that turning lights off and
company has saved HK$34,000 in a year by A T5 with electronic
ballast saves 30% then back on uses more
replacing existing halogen lamps with LED, energy than leaving them
and the payback period is as short as 2 years. of CO2 compared
with a T8 fitted with on all the time.
electromagnetic ballast.
• Recycle and reuse grey water for cleaning and irrigation Nil
• Carry out regular leakage tests on concealed piping and
check for overflowing tank
• Use products with Grade 1 Water Efficiency Labels, such as
showers, water taps, washing machines, urinal equipment
and flow controllers.
• Use dual-flush toilets
Staff Commuting
• Encourage use of public transportation Nil
A MFD with Energy Label An office of a property consulting A data centre has adopted
can reduce the annual company has saved >50% of hardware energy-efficient immersion
electricity at inactive stage maintenance cost and >30% of toner cooling, which helps
by about 50%. cartridge consumption by replacing avoid 4,200 tonnes of CO2
individual printers with MFD. annually.
Business Travel
Service-on-demand escalators
with passenger sensing post
* Variation of energy saving level depends on the size and operational characteristics of the premises.
1. EMSD Headquarters
• The new EMSD Headquarters Building at Kowloon Bay opened in 2005
• The building exhibited an excellent showcase of sustainable development through renovating the structure of a
former air cargo terminal building into an office-cum-workshop building with environmentally friendly design and
application of advanced energy efficient technologie
Major Features
• Solar photovoltaic panel system comprising over 2,300 number of photovoltaic panels on rooftop capable of
generating 350kW peak renewable power
• Other renewable installations include building integrated photovoltaic panel, sun tracking photovoltaic system,
solar hot water system and solar lamp pole
• Maximise the use of natural daylight including adoption of sun pipes to illuminate building internal areas
• One of the pioneers to use high energy efficiency oil-free chiller to reduce energy consumption in air-conditioning
• Setting up of green walls in building internal and external for environmental improvement
• Recycle rainwater and waste water by rainwater harvesting system and grey water recycling system for irrigation
and toilet flushin
• Carbon Audit Toolkit for Small and Medium Enterprises in Hong Kong
• Carbon Reduction Certificates Scheme of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE)
• ISO 14064-1:2006 Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organisation level for quantification and
reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals
• HK EE Net
C. Carbon Calculators
There is a wide range of calculators available which help individuals and organisations to measure their carbon footprints.
These calculators also provide useful information about carbon reduction. Some examples (in alphabetical order) are provided
The electronic version has built in all the emission factors and formulas for calculating GHG emissions arising from different sources, and that EPD will review and update the relevant
emission factors used in this electronic version on a regular basis.
IMPORTANT: Combustion of Towngas from stationary sources should also be reported in Table 1 (refer to Tables 1-1 to 1-3 for the emission factors) as it falls into the
category of direct emissions. Indirect emission of purchased Towngas should be calculated in Table 5.
Note 1: Select the appropriate fuel unit
Note 2: Select the appropriate fuel type and the corresponding emission factor (from Table 1-1) for calculation
Note 3: Refer to Table 1-2 for calculating CH4 emissions and Table 1-3 for N2O emissions.
Note 4: Global Warming Potential (GWP) of CH4 is 21 while it is 310 for N2O
Table 2-1 CO2 Emission Factor Table 2-3 N2O Emission Factor
Fuel Type Emission Factor Unit Vehicle Type Fuel Type Emission Factor Unit
Diesel Oil (DO) 2.614 kg/litre Motorcycle ULP 0.046 g/litre
Unleaded Petrol (ULP) 2.360 kg/litre Passenger Car ULP 1.105 g/litre
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 1.679 kg/litre DO 0.110 g/litre
3.017 kg/kg Private Van ULP 1.140 g/litre
Gas Oil (For Ships only) 2.645 kg/litre DO 0.506 g/litre
Kerosene (Including Jet Kerosene) 2.429 kg/litre LPG 0.000 g/litre
Table 2-2 CH4 Emission factor Public Light Bus DO 0.506 g/litre
LPG 0.000 g/litre
Vehicle Type Fuel Type Emission Factor Unit Light Goods Vehicle ULP 1.105 g/litre
Motorcycle ULP 1.422 g/litre DO 0.506 g/litre
Passenger Car ULP 0.253 g/litre Heavy Goods Vehicle DO 0.072 g/litre
DO 0.072 g/litre Medium Goods Vehicle DO 0.072 g/litre
Private Van ULP 0.203 g/litre Ships Gas Oil 1.095 g/litre
DO 0.072 g/litre Aviation Jet Kerosene 0.000 g/litre
LPG 0.248 g/litre Other Mobile Machinery DO 0.007 g/litre
Public Light Bus DO 0.072 g/litre LPG 0.0000 g/litre or g/kg
LPG 0.248 g/litre Kerosene 0.0076 g/litre
Light Goods Vehicle ULP 0.203 g/litre
DO 0.072 g/litre
Heavy Goods Vehicle DO 0.145 g/litre
Medium Goods Vehicle DO 0.145 g/litre
Ships Gas Oil 0.146 g/litre
Aviation Jet Kerosene 0.069 g/litre
Other Mobile Machinery DO 0.0239 g/litre
LPG 0.0036 g/litre
0.006 g/kg
Kerosene 0.0241 g/litre
* For the most updated figures, please refer to https://www.climateready.gov.hk/page.php?id=56&lang=1
Gas or Blend GWP Information Gas or Blend GWP Information Gas or Blend GWP Information
Source Note 2 Source Note 2 Source Note 2
HFC-23 11,700 A R-407C 1,526 B R-418A 4 B
HFC-32 650 A R-407D 1,428 B R-419A 2,403 B
HFC-125 2,800 A R-407E 1,363 B R-420A 1,144 B
HFC-134a 1,300 A R-408A 1,944 B R-500 37 B
HFC-143a 3,800 A R-409A 0 B R-501 0 B
HFC-152a 140 A R-409B 0 B R-502 0 B
HFC-236fa 6,300 A R-410A 1,725 B R-503 4,692 B
R-401A 18 B R-410B 1,833 B R-504 313 B
R-401B 15 B R-411A 15 B R-505 0 B
R-401C 21 B R-411B 4 B R-506 0 B
R-402A 1,680 B R-412A 350 B R-507 or R-507A 3,300 B
R-402B 1,064 B R-413A 1,774 B R-508A 10,175 B
R-403A 1,400 B R-414A 0 B R-508B 10,350 B
R-403B 2,730 B R-414B 0 B R-509 or R-509A 3,920 B
R-404A 3,260 B R-415A 25 B PFC-116(C2F6) 9,200 A
R-406A 0 B R-415B 105 B PFC-14(CF4) 6,500 A
R-407A 1,770 B R-416A 767 B
R-407B 2,285 B R-417A 1,955 B
Note 1: Refrigerants, with components other than HFCs and PFCs, have been well-recognised to have effects on our climate systems. Nevertheless, the Guidelines only cover those
which are in the group of Kyoto protocol recognised gases (CO2, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6 and N2O). Hence, in the Guidelines, GWPs of all refrigerants other than HFCs and PFCs are
considered to be zero.
Note 1: Please input the no. of trees planted, and no. of trees removed which are able to reach at least 5m after the beginning stage of construction.
Note 2: The default figure for the removal potential of each unit of tree is suggested based on Hong Kong’s location, woodland types, and estimated density of trees. The figure
applicable to all trees commonly found in Hong Kong which are able to reach at least 5 metres in height after the beginning stage of construction.
Note 1: RE certificates are sold by the power companies for electricity generated by RE sources such that buyers can claim that their operations help reduce carbon emissions. These
Certificates also represent the units of RE purchased by buyers.
Note 2: The reporting entity is required to account for GHG emissions associated with the electricity purchased in Hong Kong based on two emission factors. First, the reporting entity
will quantify the emissions based on a territory-wide default value of 0.7kg/kWh. Second, the reporting entity will quantify the emissions based on specific emission factors
provided by its respective provider of electricity. In case that the specific emission factor for the reporting period is not available at the time of accounting, the latest specific
emission factor from the power company may be used as an approximation. These specific emission factors are available from the power companies’ websites. For reference,
the table below indicates the emission factors of the two power companies in Hong Kong for the past 7 years.
GHG Emission Factor for Different Power Companies in Hong Kong (in kg CO2-e/kWh)
Power Company 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
CLP# 0.56 0.54 0.59 0.58 0.63 0.64 0.54
HEC* 0.84 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.78
Emission factors for CLP were derived from information in CLP Group’s Sustainability Report.
Emission factors for HEC were derived from information in HEC’s Sustainability Report.
Note: Each unit registered by gas meter represents that the town gas with a heat value of 48 MJ. Based on the information from the Hong Kong and China Gas Company, the emission
factors for the past three years were derived as below. This factor only accounts for the emissions during the production of Towngas within the company. Reporting entity should
report in Table 1 as well the GHG emissions associated with combustion of Towngas within the physical boundary under Scope 1.
In case that the emission factor for the reporting period is not available at the time of accounting, the latest emission factor from the Towngas company may be used as an
Note: For simplifying the accounting process, the default emission factor assumes that the total raw amount of CH4 emitted throughout the whole decomposition process of the
paper waste disposed at landfills will be emitted into the atmosphere within the same reporting period as paper waste collected. In addition, the default value does not take into
account the reduction in emission due to collection, recovery and utilisation of landfill gas due to the management practices at landfill
Note: Emission factor of GHG emissions due to electricity used for processing fresh water = Unit electricity consumption of fresh water (from WSD) x Territory-wide default value (i.e.
0.7kg/kWh) of purchased electricity provided in Table 5.
In case that the unit electricity consumption for processing fresh water for the reporting period is not available at the time of accounting, the latest emission factor from table
below may be used as an approximation.
Note: The default emission factor is determined according to the purpose of water used as follows:
In which emission factor is the emission factor of GHG emissions due to electricity used for processing fresh water derived from the following equation
Emission Factor = Unit electricity consumption of processing sewage (from DSD) x Territory-wide default value (i.e. 0.7kg/kWh) of purchased electricity provided in Table 5
In case that the unit electricity consumption for processing sewage for the reporting period is not available at the time of accounting, the latest emission factor from table below
may be used as an approximation.
Source: EMSD’s Energy Utilisation Indexes and Benchmarks for Residential, Commercial and Transport Sectors
3. The reporting period (with start and end dates): e.g. 1st Jan 2014 to 31st Dec 2014
(d) Description of areas excluded in the audit: e.g. Commercial tenants in G/F are excluded from this carbon audit.
7. Conclusion
Information on GHG emissions and removals for e.g. XYZ Office Building
Reporting Period: e.g. 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2014
Towngas Purchased 0
Scope 2 Emissions Total 2,235.634
Scope 3 Other Indirect Emissions
Methane Generation at Landfill due to N/A 26.803 N/A N/A N/A 26.803
Disposal of Paper Waste
Electricity for Processing Fresh Water 1.965
Electricity for Processing Sewage 0.883
Scope 3 Emissions Total N/A 26.803 N/A N/A N/A 29.651
Other GHG Offsets/Removals 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Emissions Total (Scope 1 Emissions – – – – – 2,303.806
Total + Scope 2 Emissions Total + Scope 3
Emissions Total – Scope 1 Removals Total –
Other GHG Offsets/Removals)
(Note A: The emissions based on territory-wide default value is e.g. 2,235.634, while the emissions based on CLP emission factor is e.g. 2,044.008.)
10. Reference
e.g. “Guidelines to account and report Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for Building of Commercial, Residential or
Institutional Purposes in Hong Kong” 2010 revision
The materials in this guide are provided for informational purpose only. While the Government endeavours to provide accurate,
up-to-date and timely information, there is no guarantee that such information will continue to be accurate in the future. The
Government cannot accept responsibility for any damage or claim resulting from use of the information in the guide;
Any opinions, ÿndings, conclusions or recommendations expressed or quoted in the guide do not necessarily re°ect the views of the
Government, nor are the opinions expressed within endorsed by the Government; and
The Government holds the copyright to the information in this guide, unless otherwise stated.