Directive Speech Act Analysis in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie
Directive Speech Act Analysis in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie
Directive Speech Act Analysis in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie
SRN: 133211008
1. My beloved mother (Mrs. Marsi) and my father (Mr. Suyadi Ahmad Nur
accompany and pray for me until getting succes and their greatest live and
2. My brothers Ali Mahmudi S. Si and Miskun. Thanks for your love, help,
friends that cannot mention one by one thanks for your love, support, help
and motivation
4. All of my friends in “Yoska” boarding house thanks for your support and
5. All of my friends in Englis Latters thanks for your support and motivation.
If you do tomorrow what you did today, tou will get tomorrow what you got
(Benjamin Franklin)
Ecperience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.
(Randy Pausch)
Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the
universe, master of the day of judgment, God all mighty, for all blessings and
mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled “Directive Speech
Act Analysis in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie (Pragmatics Approach)”. Peace be upon
Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world
The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be complete without the
helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher woul like
to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and
suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:
Last but not least, researcher would like to say thanks to anyone whom
cannot mention one by one. It does not mean that researcher forgets about you,
but my deepest appreciation is dedicated for all of you.
The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The
researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the
readers in general.
The researcher
Erma Nurhayati
TITLE ...................................................................................................... i
DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................. v
PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................. vi
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ xi
1. Pragmatics ............................................................................. 10
3. The Clasification of Directive Speech Acts .......................... 16
7. Movie .................................................................................... 23
A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 67
B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 70
BIBLIOGRARHY .................................................................................. 71
APPENDICES ........................................................................................ 80
distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and
Alessandro Carloni. The film was written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger,
The story of Kung Fu Panda 3 starts from Master Oogway fights against
an adversary named Kai. Po heads home to his adoptive father, Mr. Ping, at his
noodle shop, where a panda named Li Shan breaks Po's dumpling-eating record.
Li is Po's biological father and they bond with each other. Po and Li, along with
Mr. Ping, travel to the village. To defeat Kai, Po must learn to channel chi
himself. Master Tigress confronts Po and tells him that he cannot defeat Kai
without continuing to discover the secret of chi. Li and the villagers, having
Many people like watching the movie, but not all of them understand the
every utterance’s meaning which speaker said in dialogue in the movie. Watching
movies feels more enjoyable and does not need high concentration to know plot of
the movie because the plot and the dialogues of a movie can be seen and heard by
the audiences. Sometimes, the plot of story in the movie can influence in
daily people’s life. In the movie, we can find many values for us, such as
Speech act is action performed via utterance (Yule, 1996: 47). At the
movie, many types of speech acts are performed by characters. It means that when
a speaker expresses something via what she/he says (which is called utterance),
she/he actually performs an action through her utterance. It can also be performed
movie. This thing happens because the main point of speech act is the utterance or
the situation of the speaker and hearer. Besides, the meaning of a sentence has
relationship to the speech acts that has any literal utterance of a sentence.
There are five basic kinds of speech acts that one can perform on
commits the speaker to something being the case. The second is directives.
Directives is the utterance in this category attempt to make the addressee perform
future act which make the words fit their words. The next, expressives is kind of
speech act that expressing of feeling. And the last is declaratives. This category
was special because it can change something in reality. The types of this speech
characters in the movie, but the researcher only focuses on directive speech acts.
Directives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to get someone
else to do something (Yule, 1996: 54). It means that directive is one kind of the
classification of speech acts that concerns with the act of getting someone to do
There are some reasons why this research studies about directive speech
act. First, directives is a kind of speech act that often used by speakers in daily
conversation. In using directive, the speaker attempts to make the world fit the
word via the hearer. Second reason is directive show a strong relationship between
speaker and hearer. The next reason is because directive speech acts are used to
often used by speaker but they say in different way. The speaker has to concern
about situation and context to make the hearer do as they want. Situation in
conversation can be seen in some aspects, such as who is the hearer, what things
Searle in Yule (1996: 53-54) states that there are at least five forms of
directive speech acts. They are command/ order, request, suggestion, warning and
prohibition. Concerning about directive speech acts, it can be used in many kinds
of genre movie, such as comedy, romantic, action, epic, and even horror movie.
Directive here can be applied in different form, different function, and also
different situation.
share an important characteristics: they both prospect a non-verbal action from the
speaker. The difference between them is that an imperative or command does not
give the speaker the option of complying or not complying, where as a request
does. Further, directive utterances are utterance uttered by the speaker to get the
Shifu who want to hand the responsibility of teaching the fifth warriors to Po,
because Master Shifu wants to retired and Po is the Dragon warrior, it means that
he should teach the fifth warrior, not Master Shifu. The situation at the time, Po is
getting confused with the Master Shifu’s utterance. He said to Master Shifu with
interrogative utterance and ended with (?). The word “Why not Tigress?” is used
may have meaning that Po gave a suggestion to Master Shifu to choose Tigress as
interrogatives and declaratives are more polite than the imperative but it also
depends on the context. Imperative is often used between people who knows each
between those are familiar with each other, or where there is some reasons to feel
Yule (1996: 54) also states that “there is an easily recognize relationship
and usages. Some people express imperative when say them to different people, to
a friend, manager and his work, etc. the others are formal and some are strangers
or some are intimates. In directive speech acts, the intention of speaker is that the
hearer to do something. Thus, when speaker says something, she/he should say it
in polite way.
In this case, the researcher explains that this study focuses on analyzing
the types of directive speech acts based on Searle categories and the form of
directive speech act in every utterance or the sentences which are used the
actors and actress in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. Therefore, the researcher chooses
a movie entitle Kung Fu Panda 3, which is directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and
subject of the research is this movie made more touching and requirements of the
various moral values. This movie also appears with all the oriental trinkets, both
cultures including his martial arts is manageable with a perfect balance between
humor and action. Animations are not just a children fairy tales are simple, but it
becomes a work of art that is not less even exceeded most real movie. A message
that can be taken from this movie is better to be yourself than imitating others.
Not everyone is aware of the potential that exists within him. Likewise with Po
who lack confidence when Master Shifu gave him a task to be a teacher.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher will analyze the movie
using the directive speech act theory and form of directive speech act from Kung
Fu Panda 3 movie. The researcher gives the title of this research “Directive
B. Problem Statement
Based on the above background, there are two problems that are
1. What are the kinds of Directive Speech Acts found in Kung Fu Panda 3
1. To know the kinds of directive speech act found in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie
2. To find out the form of directive speech acts found in Kung Fu Panda 3
2. This study focuses on the speech acts including the directive speech acts
based on Searle category and the form of directive speech acts found in
3. This study focuses on the speech acts including directive speech acts
and the form of directive speech acts found in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie from
Speech Act’s Theory for analyzing every utterance used in Kung Fu Panda
3 Movie.
The researcher hopes that this research will give some significance as
1. Theoretical significance.
Based on the purpose of the study, the result of this study is expected to
give some contribution to all people who want to study English literature.
Therefore, the result of this study gives more explanation about speech acts.
2. Practical significance.
comprehend this study and understand about the movie and the story of the
movie itself.
b. For reader, the result of this study can be used as reference to study speech
c. For other researcher, the result of this research can be used as one of the
references and information for further researcher related with the field.
To make the title easily understood by the readers, the researcher would
like to give the definition and explanation of the terms used, they are as follows:
1. Pragmatics
informative intent or the sentence meaning and the other the communicative
intent or speaker meaning (Leech, 1983: 61). There are many approaches for
3. Directive
Directive is used when the speaker wants the hearer to do things for
him or her. Directives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to get
4. Movie
script writer to express their idea. It can be in the form of written language. In
spoken language, utterance makes the movie very clear. In addition, the
utterance of speech act also describes or tells the viewers what the actors do in
the movie.
5. Kung Fu Panda 3
A. Theoretical Background
1. Pragmatics
a. Definition of Pragmatics
what he or she wants to say. Thirdly, pragmatics is the study of how the
hearer gets the implicit meaning of the speaker’s utterances. The last,
assumed as the study of the relationship between linguistics forms and the
human language uses’ condition, which has a close relationship with the
produces an utterance to deliver his or her intention and how the hearer
interprets it.
b. The Scopes of Pragmatics.
they are:
1). Deixis
comes from from a Greek word, to point something via language, and
for first person (‘I’), second person (‘you’), and third person (‘he’,
the social status (for example, addressee with a higher status versus
The examples are the adverbs ‘here’, ‘there’, ‘this’ and ‘that’.
speaker and hearer are connected into the same goals. This cooperative
be truthful. They should not make statement for which they have
no evidence.
3). Implicature
speaker can imply, suggest or mean as distict from what the speaker
conversational implicature.
4). Presupposition
that speech act refers to an utterance and also the total situation in
2. Speech Act
a. Speech Act
(Yule, 1996:47). Similarly, Austin (in Tsui, 1994:4) states that speech act
Based on those opinions above, it can be concluded that speech act is the
act is a speech asserting something that can be tested for truth by using
of Indonesia.
used to do something.
hearer that the weather is cold. The speaker also has intention tn
where it was done and the illocutionary speech act. For example:
a). Declarative, are those kinds of speech acts that change the world
and resign.
b). Representative, is a kind of speech act that states what the speaker
c). Expressive, is a kind of speech acts that states what the speaker
like, dislike, joy, or sorrow. In this case, the speaker makes the
words fit with the situation which his or her feeling also includes in
d) Directive, are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to get
are all the examples of how the speaker expressing his or her
Act from Searle’s theory, because this act helps the addresser make the
As Yule states (1996: 53-54) that there are at least four forms of
directive speech acts. They are command, request, suggestion, and warning.
a. Command
control over the actions of the addressee. In this case, speaker in authority,
express a wish that an addressee should (no) act the speaker wants to the
1) The speaker who commands has the right and/ or duty to command.
b. Request
speaker’s control over the person addressed for example: “Would you type
this letter for me, please?”, “Do you mind if I use the computer?”
c. Suggestion
Suggestion is the speaker’s utterance to give opinion about what
the addressee should or not should not do. Why don’t we and let’s go are
tactful ways of giving command, e.g. “Let’s go to the movie!”, “Why you
don’t leave me alone”, “It’s better for you to go there right now”.
d. Warning
imperative, e.g. “Go there right now or you will be late”, “No smoking!”
4. Context of Situation
functions to help the speaker and hearer or researcher and reader deliver and
the physical, relatively easily identifiable level related to such factors as whom
the participants are, and what the relationship is between them: parent and
p.237). Context of situation is the situation with which the text is uttered. It is
components of speech that the Ethnographer should look for. Hymes suggests
that there are certain components of speech and puts them into eight groups
a. Situation
Situation includes the setting and scene. The setting is about
place. Setting refers to time and place in which a speech act takes place
(Hymes, 1974: 60). The scene is the psychological setting which refers to
b. Participants
speaking to. The social factors such as age, gender, status, social distance,
c. Ends
Ends refer to purpose the speech events and speech acts. This
purpose can be divided into outcome and goal. Outcome is defined as the
purpose of the events from a culture point of view. Goal is defined as the
d. Act Sequence
act. It consists of message form and content. Message form deals with how
e. Key
which an act event is performed. Hymes (1974) adds that key also refers to
the feeling, atmosphere, and attitude. Manner, feeling, and attitude are
f. Instrument
defines channel as the way a message travels from one person to another.
g. Norms
linguistic rules which governs when, how, and how often speech occurs
which is commonly have by all communities and varies from one culture
and commercial messages. Genre often coincide with speech events, but
have to be distinguished from speech event since a speech genre can occur
There are three ways of expressing the directive speech act; they will
a. Imperative
sentence is used orally, the intention usually use (.) or (!) as its sign.
b. Interrogative
applied by soften the utterance it may either use modal (can, may, must,
especially with modals can make the utterance polite. This form is
utterance so the hearer will be interested in the utterance and gives respect
to the speaker.
c. Declarative
6. Movie
series of photographic images that lead to the illusion of movement and action
motion picture. It means that by watching movie, we are watching the picture
which can move or change from one picture to other picture. Moreover, there
are also insert values such as moral values, educational values and other
Kung Fu Panda 3
by Kai, a large yak who was Oogway's ally, but turned against him 500 years
ago. At the Jade Palace, Po, Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Viper, and Crane order
lunch at Mr. Ping's noodle shop, and then go back up the mountain.
adopted father. Po tells him what happened earlier, and that he can't be a
teacher. A pig pokes his head in and tells them that someone is about to beat
Po's dumpling-eating record. They go downstairs, but can't see who is eating
the dumplings. Once the record is broken, Po sees that it is another panda (Li
In the scroll room, Shifu finds a scroll that has information about Kai,
young warrior leading a great army. And fighting by my side was Kai, my
closest friend. One day we were ambushed. I was badly wounded. My friend
carried me for days, looking for help. until we came upon a secret village, high
The next morning, Li and Po head for the village, and Shifu sends
Crane and Mantis to find Kai, telling them not to engage him. They get to the
palace, which is behind a giant wall of ice. Li pulls a string, and a bucket
comes down. The three of them climb in and are hoisted up into the clouds. Po
The next day, Po finds some pandas playing with a jianzi, and he joins
in and kicks it, sending it straight to Grandma Panda, conking her in the head.
They quickly roll away. Li points to Dim and Sum, standing next to two trees
with a hammock strung between them. They get into the hammock, and then
Li pulls back the trees and launches them up the hill. Awestruck, Po does
likewise. Mr. Ling tries to lure him away with food, but Po ignores him.
In conducting this research, the researcher needs the other researches that
have been made by the other researchers. The first research is conducted by IrA
Dwi Rahayu (2012) entitled “An Analysis of Expressive Speech Acts in the Film
Entitled Confession of a Shopaholic (Pragmatic Approach)”. This research
analyzes how the expressive speech acts occur in the film entitled Confession of a
shopaholic. She found 10 kinds of expressive speech acts. They are pleasure, pain,
formulations of this research are: (1) What are politeness and impoliteness
expression of characters in Kung fu Panda Film, (2) What are the situations when
Film? Based on the research, the researcher concludes that: (1) Politeness
expression that used by the characters in Kung fu Panda film are apology,
make others feel good. Impoliteness expression that used by characters are mostly
disagreement and sarcasm, it makes others feel not convenient. (2) The situations
when the characters used politeness expression are making a mistake, accepting
help, offering help, praising someone, meeting recently, ending conversation, and
talking to older people. The situations when the characters used impoliteness
expression are the mood that bad, angry, dislike, panic, disagreeing.
Speech Acts Used In Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Movie Script Bride
Wars”, from Program Study English Language and Literature FBS Padang State
University. This study took two films of a kind intended to compare directive in
two films of different types. Researcher found that the use of directive speech act
command or more dominating the form of an order from the use of acts another
said the manifold fiction movie. From the results of research in the movie genre
fiction in the form of the use of speech acts Order to dominate; because it is
found four form of commissive utterance found in the research, namely threat,
of refusal.
Directive Illocutionary Acts, there are Asking (38, 72%), Commanding (19, 35%),
Requesting (12, 90%), Suggesting (12, 90%), Begging (6, 45%), Adjuring (6,
The previous researches above are similar to the research that the
from previous researches is in the focus and object of the research. The
research focus on analyzing the use speech acts including directive speech
acts based on Searle category and form of speech acts in every utterances
in Kung Fu Panda 3 Movie. The object in this research is movie entitled Kung Fu
Panda 3 Movie.
This chapter presents with the research method, The Research Design,
The Data and Data Source, The Technique of Collecting Data, The
Trustworthiness of the Data, and the last The Technique of Analysis Data.
procedure, which produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words
from people and their behavior that are observed (Bogdan and Taylor in
Moleong, 2004:4). According to Bogdan and Biklen (1982: 28) the data
Lincoln (in Moleong, 2004: 220) content analysis is an analysis using any
Guba and Lincoln (in Moleong, 2004: 221) explain that content
analysis should follow five basic principles. Firstly, the process of analysis the
data follows a certain rules. Every step is based on the rule and procedure
does not deal with numerical measurement and also statistics procedure.
Kung Fu Panda 3 as the source of data. The data of this research is directive
speech acts in the form of phrase, clause and sentence that can be determined
in directive speech acts. The data were dialogue containing directive speech
distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and
Alessandro Carloni. The film was written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger,
help of other people as the instrument of the research. Moleong also states that
The data in this research study were collected from Kung Fu Panda 3
movie’s that was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni. The
1. The researcher watched and replayed the movie entitled Kung Fu Panda
3. The researcher compared the script from internet with the dialogue in the
4. The researcher determined the parts of the dialogue that presented the use
6. Giving codes to each datum in order to be easy in analyzing the data. The
a. The use Arabic number to number data 01 means that the data are
number 01.
b. The use of abbreviation with Roman words in capital characters in
is as follows:
(C) Commanding
(R) Request
(S) Suggesting
(W) Warning
use Arabic number to show the time of directive speech acts and
e. The use of the name of the character is to show the performer of the
minutes from the film Kung Fu Panda 3 movie and Po is the performer
research, there are some ways that can be choosen to develope the
trustworthiness the data. According to Moleong (2004: 324) there are four
accordance with the research question so that the data can be considered
3 movie’s manuscript.
1. Finding the Speaker’s utterances in the form of directive speech act from
anything needed based on the purpose of the study. In this case, the
researcher uses speech act theory to identify the directive speech acts
4. Discussing the data from the data analysis in research finding based on the
statements of the research. There are finding the kind of directive speech acts
those occur in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie and finding the form of directive speech
The researcher describes the directive speech acts uttered in the movie
locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionact. The researcher also uses the
Speaking Formula by Dell Hymes. The detailed information can be seen in the
finding below:
In this research, the researcher find 4 kinds of the directive speech acts
belong to request, 9 data belong to suggestion, and 8 data belong to warning. So,
The researcher finds five kinds of directive speech acts based on the data.
The kinds of directive speech acts can be described in the table below:
No. Classification of Total Persentage Data Number
directive data
1. Command 54 65.85% 03, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24,
27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34,
37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 48, 50,
51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,
76, 77, 78, 80, 81
2. Request 11 13.41% 02, 07, 12, 19, 23, 31, 42,
46, 49, 79, 82
3. Suggestion 9 10.98% 04, 05, 06, 14, 37, 39, 44,
56, 58
4. Warning 8 9.75% 01, 26, 27, 30, 36, 41, 42,
46, 53
Total 82 100% 1 – 82
Based on the data above, in the Kung Fu Panda 3 movie, there are fifty-
four data belongs to command; the code numbers are 03, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51,
53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
78, 80 and 81. Elaven data belong to request, with the code numbers are 02, 07,
12, 19, 23, 31, 42, 46, 49, 79 and 82. Nine data belong to suggestion, with the
code numbers are 04, 05, 06, 14, 37, 39, 44, 56, and 58. Eight data belong to
warning, the code numbers are 01, 26, 27, 30, 36, 41, 42, 46, and 53. The amount
We can conclude that in this research, the researcher found four the
In this research the researcher find three forms of directive speech acts
occur in the movie entitled Kung Fu Panda 3. The three forms of directive speech
Based on the data above, in the Kung Fu Panda 3 movie, there are fifty-
five data belongs to imperative; the code numbers are 03, 04, 06, 08, 09, 10, 14,
15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
77, 78, 79 and 81. Five data belong to interrogative, with the code numbers are 05,
12, 31, 46, and 82. Twenty-two data belong to declarative, with the code numbers
are 01, 02, 07, 11, 13, 16, 23, 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 52, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 68, 69
and 80. The amount totals of data are 82 data. It implies that 67.07% imperative,
Panda 3 movie. The researcher only chooses a few examples from the data
that is really affected the plot. The description can be seen as below:
a. Command
1. 08/(C)/IMP/M00:07/Po
Mantis : Very bad! Very, very bad!
Po : Okay, okay. Let's switch it up. Monkey! Immovable
mountain stance!
Monkey : Yes, master!
utterance is command.
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The utterance above
exercise that was ordered by Po. The key of the utterance is an order.
2. 18/(C)/IMP/M00:15/Mr.Ping
Mr. Ping asks Po to get out from the bathtub, which makes
get out from the bathtub. The utterance is in form sentence thus it is
Mr. Ping is in higher status than Po. Thus, the utterance is command.
utterance above the locutionary is that Mr. Ping utters “... Get out! Get
up! Go, go, go! ...”. The illocutionary is command. Mr. Ping asks Po
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The utterance above
occurs in Mr. Ping’s home. The participants are Mr. Ping as addressor
that was ordered by Mr. Ping. The key of the utterance is command.
Mr. Ping commands Po in high tone and tense manner. The dialogue
takes place in a tense atmosphere. Mr. Ping asks Po to get out from
the bathtub. Po as children do what was commanded by his father
(Mr. Ping). Mr. Ping order Po in high tone and tense manner but the
speech. The norm of the utterance is Mr. Ping order Po to get out from
3. 31/(C)/IMP/M00:24/Po
joke, asking one villager to paint him with one of master Kung Fu.
with one of master Kung Fu. The perlocutionary is that villager did
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
utterance above is in the roof when they fight. The participants are Po
the addressor and the addressee is close. The end of the utterance is a
villager paint Po with one of the Kung Fu master. The key of the
4. 63/(C)/DEC/M00:50/Master Shifu
Kai attacked the valley. Kai absorbs all the chi of the masters.
Master Shifu asks Tigrees to warn Po that valley was attacked and
destroyed by Kai.
Master Shifu : No. You must warn Po.
Tigress : Master, please.
Kai : I will show you the true power of chi, brother.
Master Shifu : No. Oogway, forgive me.
Kai : Hmm. What do you say, Oogway? Do you forgive
utterance is command.
utterance above the locutionary is that Master Shifu utters “No. You
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
addressor and the addressee is close. The end of the utterance Tigrees
come to secret village to meet Po and warn him about Kai. The key of
5. 47/(C)/IMP/M00:36/Mr. Ping
little panda.The utterance is end with exclamation marker (!) thus the
utterance is imperative.
utterance above the locutionary is that Mr. Ping utters “No more
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
utterance above is in the dining table. The participants are Mr. Ping as
end of the utterance is little panda silent. The key of the utterance is
describe as follow:
1. 13/(R)/INT/M00:07/Po
feel not able to teach kung fu, then Master Shifu come to meet him but
Master Shifu did not answer and immediately asked about the first day
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
Shifu asked about the first day Po teaches the five warriors. The key
is oral speech. The norm of the utterance is Po wants Master Shifu not
2. 32/(R)/INT/M00:24/Po
Po is fight with one of master Kung Fu, he asks villager to
The perlocutionary is that villager did Po's request to paint him again.
The situation of the directive speech act in the utterance above
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
villager painting Po with one of the kung fu master. The key of the
3. 47/(R)/INT/M00:34/Little Panda
never met before. He meets a little panda that resembles him. The
little panda approached Po and took his action figure, then the little
subject “I”. Because little panda is a small panda and she talks to
utterance above the locutionary is that Little Panda utters “Can I keep
give his action figure. The perlocutionary is that Po gave his action
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
Little Panda wants Po's action figure. The key of the utterance is Po
informal conversation.
c. Suggestion
1. 05/(S)/INT/M00:06/Po
He came to the hall of exercise to meet with Po and five warrioors and
said that from now the teacher for the five warriors is Po, but Po
utterance is suggestion.
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
the addressor and addressee is close. The end of the utterance is that
informal conversation.
only master of chi can stop him, and in the secret village Po can learn
it. Po had to go to the secret village with Li Shan to teach it but Mr.
Ping did not agree. Master Shifu as Po’s kung fu teacher suggest Po
Mr. Ping : No, you can't take Po away from me. No, no. I
want a second opinion. Shifu, open another scroll or something.
Master Shifu : I think he should go.
Mr. Ping : Fine, a third opinion. Monkey? Viper? Tigress?
Po : Dad, you heard what Shifu said, Oogway said.
This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi. And I can only master
chi by knowing who I really am. Well, I'm a panda.
that as a dragon warrior Po must protect the valley and all of villager,
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
goes to the secret village and learns chi techniques. The key of the
informal conversation.
3. 56/(S)/DEC/M00:41/ Li Shan
live like a panda that he had never did before. When he learns to be a
panda he makes the mistake of throwing things into an old panda, then
utterance above the locutionary is that Li Shan utters “We better roll”.
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
does the roll over. The key of the utterance is instruction. The
d. Warning
1. 26/(W)/DEC/M00:24/ Po
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
Shan put back the antiques that he touched. The key of the utterance is
2. 30/(W)/IMP/M00:24/ Li Shan
Kai takes all the chi from all the kung fu master and makes it
jombies to destroy the valley. When the jombies attack the valley, Po
fights them. Then Li Shan who never saw the fight was worried with
is warning.
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
3. 53/(W)/DEC/M00:34/ Viper
Master Shifu told Mantis and Viper to seek General Kai, but
Master Shifu forbade them to not attack Kai. Viper and Mantis find
Viper forbids Mantis to not attack Kai, but Mantis still attack
setting, the participants, the end of speech act, the act of sequence, the
key, the instrumentally, the norm, and the genre. The setting of the
Mantis does not listen Viper says, he fights General Kai. The key of
informal conversation.
4. Form of Directive Speech Acts.
“Follow me!”
The directive above is verb phrase follow me. In the part of speech
the word follow holds position as verb. In this utterance, the word me is
positioned as a noun that follows the word follow. This utterance also
uses the form of infinitive verb without to and ended with the
b. Interrogative (5 utterances)
speaker does not only to get information about something but also direct
utterance are usually applied by soften the utterance it may either use
modal (can, may, must, shall, will, etc) or no modal. 4 data interrogative
Master Shifu : The student has truly become the tea... Wait.
Where did you get that?
Po : Oh, this. Oogway gave it to me in the spirit realm.
Master Shifu : Oh... of course he did.
Po : I think I mastered chi.
Master Shifu : Oh... Of course you did. Can you teach me?
begun with the modal can and follow by subject you and verb 1 teach.
The utterance above indicates that the speaker ask the addressee to
third person.
Mr. ping : Nothing? I come home to find you taking a bath with your
Po : Action figures.
Mr. ping : and instead of adding bath salts to the water, you just
added Szechuan peppercorns.
Po : Szechuan what... Oh, oh, my tenders! Oh... Okay, yes,
something's wrong.
Mr. ping : There, there, son. You tell your daddy all about it. Lift
your arm.
will know how much he is care about him. The relationship is close,
The declarative above is hint, because the speaker does not direct
the addressee explicitly. That utterance is begun with subject you and
verb tell. Thus, the word your daddy is the second pronoun person as an
That utterance has function not only to give information but also in fact.
45/(C)/IMP/M00:34/Li Shan
secret village to come and meet with his son (Po). The setting of the
have meaning that the addressor wants adresees that are everyone to
from all of the data that have been analyzed in the previous subchapters. The
findings are arranged based on the problem statements that are presented by the
researcher in the first chapter. Thus, the findings are kinds of Directive Speech
Acts found in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie and forms of directive speech acts are
found in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie. Those findings are described in the following
suggestion, and warning. From the previous subchapter, it can be noted that
the characters in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie uses all of the kinds of directive
speech act that proposed by Searly. Most of them are command (C). While
the other three kinds of directive speech acts are request, suggestion and
suggestions, and 8 warnings utterances. It means that 65. 85% of them are
command utterances, 13. 41% are request, 10. 98% are suggestion, and 9.
Command is used in the data 03, 08, 09, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20,
21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54,
56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
80, and 81. Command is the dominant kind of directive speech acts in Kung
conversations between speaker and hearers with the speakers have higher
directive speech acts are to show power and to give strong order. Command is
Request is used in the data 02, 07, 12, 19, 23, 31, 42, 46, 49, 79, and
refrain from doing something. A request does not assume the speaker’s
control over the person addressed (Kreidler, 1998: 190-191). In request, the
hearer can either obey of refuse it. As same as with command, the request
Suggestion is used in the data 04, 05, 06, 14, 37, 39, 44, 56, and 58.
addressee should or not should not do. Suggestion in this movie showing
about the care speaker to hearer. The term of suggestion means speaker gets
hearer to do some actions which speaker believes his utterances will benefit
for hearer (Searly in Alicia, 2005: 168). Speakers give opinion beneficial to
the hearer. The reason speakers employing suggestion directive speech act are
Warning is used in the data 01, 26, 27, 30, 36, 41, 42, 46, and 53.
Warning is the speaker’s utterance to tell or inform the addressee about the
uttered by speaker which speaker believes it will give benefit for hearer/
addressed (Tsui in Kreidler, 1998: 193). Warning in this movie show about
the safety of the hearer. In this movie warning only happens in crucial
warning, speaker hopes that the hearer can avoid and realize about something
performed via the communicative force of an utterance. The last one, the
interrogative, and imperative)”. The result of data analysis of this study has
shown that the imperative sentence of form are found in Kung Fu Panda 3
movie. This form occupies highest score than others. It occurs 55 data
(67.07%). This indicate that the form of directive speech acts in Kung Fu
Panda 3 movie support the idea of the main character to use imperative
itentionally utters the directive speech acts by using this form in order to
express the characters feeling. This indicates that this form is important and it
act in an order” (Tsui, 1994: 204), the use of imperative form of directive
speech act occurs in the conversation between participants who have close
are data 03, 04, 06, 08, 09, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28,
29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 and 81.
Data 01, 02, 07, 11, 13, 16, 23, 26, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 52, 54, 55, 56,
63, 64, 68, 69, and 80 show the declarative sentence used by characters when
they utters directive speech acts. The use of this form is not influenced by the
social status or distance because it functions to give more information related
if the speaker does not direct the addressee explicitly. Embedded agent, if in
the utterance consists of a report or the clear the third person. Declarative is
Data 05, 12, 31, 46, and 82 show the interrogative sentences used by
these data into interrogative sentences because they contain question marks
and the utterances it may either use modal (can, may, must, shall, will, etc) or
interrogative sentence is the punctuation that goes along with these sentences.
in order and command”. The declarative and interrogative are viewed more
polite than imperative, because both of them are indirect directive utterance,
person they express directly. “Indirectly speech acts are generally associated
with greater politeness in English than direct speech acts” (Yule, 1996: 56).
A. Conclusion
Based on the research findings and discussion in chapter IV, there are two
Panda 3 movie. The researcher uses three types of meaning viewed from
locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. The researcher also
uses the Speaking Formula by Dell Hymes to explain more about the kinds of
directive speech acts. The researcher finds 4 kinds of directive speech acts
suggestion, and 8 data (9.75%) belong to warning. So, the amount totals of
command is generally has higher position and authority than hearer. Thus,
c. Suggestion (9 utterances)
commonly has higher authority. Further, the participant can be from equal
d. Warning (8 utterances)
In this research, the researcher knows that directive speech acts can
declarative. Those were divided into imperative 55 data (67.07%), they are 43
warning. Interrogative 5 data (6.10%), they are 4 data used in request and 1
data used in warning. And declarative 22 data (26.82%), they are, 11 data
applied by soften the utterance it may either use modal (can, may, must,
The conclusion deals with finds four kinds of directive speech acts
namely: commands, request, suggestion, and warnings that occur in the movie by
looking locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts and also use the
speech acts occur in Kung Fu Panda 3. The character that use command usually
higher position and authority than hearer. It can be seen in main character (Po),
show power and to give strong order. Request is an expression of what the
the hearer can either obey of refuse it. As same as with command, the request
request also employed by speaker who has hight authority. Suggestion in this
movie showing about the care speaker to hearer. Speakers give opinion beneficial
to the hearer. The reason speakers employing suggestion directive speech act are
to show solidarity and to show attention. Warning is the speaker’s utterance to tell
or inform the addressee about the danger. Warning in this movie show about the
safety of the hearer. In this movie warning only happens in crucial situation
speech acts are to show caring salvation. By uttering warning, speaker hopes that
the hearer can avoid and realize about something bad and disadvantageousfor
form that occur in Kung Fu Panda 3. This indicate that the form of directive
speech acts in Kung Fu Panda 3 movie support the idea of the main character to
B. Suggestion
movie using pragmatic approach. Based on the conclusion of the research, the
1. To the student of English Letters, the researcher suggests the students of the
2. For the linguistic students, the linguistic students should pay much attention
3. For other researcher, other researchers may conduct further research about the
directive speech acts since the findings of this research needs to be enriched
because the researcher does not cover all of the aspects of directive speech
acts and form of directive speech act viewed from pragmatics study.
DN Secon KDS FDS P Dialogue Movie
01 00:03: (W) DEC Oog Kai : With your chi, I will finally be
31 way able to return to the mortal world. And this time,
you won't be there to stop me.
Oogway : It was never my destiny to stop
you. I have set another on that path.
Kai : Then I will find him... And take
his chi, too.
03 00:05: (C) IMP Villa Villager : Go, dragon warrior! You can do
17 ger it!
Villager : Go, dragon warrior! Defend the
04 00:05: (S) IMP Mast Master Shifu : Dramatic entrance?
53 er Po : Master Shifu.
Shif Master Shifu : The dragon warrior is correct.
u Po : Really? I was just making...Uh,
yeah. I mean, yeah. I am.
Master Shifu : Before the battle of the fist
comes the battle of the mind. Hence, the
dramatic entrance.
Po : Oh! Nice dramatic entrance.
What's the occasion?
15 00:13: (C) IMP Kai Villagers : Oh, master Oogway! Now, he was
40 a great warrior. We've heard of master Oogway.
Kai : Okay, okay, enough. Silence!
Villagers : Wise and...
Kai : Find Oogway's students, and
bring them to me. By the time I am done with
them, Oogway...There will be no one left to will
even remember your name. Ha ha ha ha!
16 00:14: (C) DEC Mr. Mr. ping : and instead of adding bath salts to
50 ping the water, you just added szechuan peppercorns.
Po : Szechuan what... Oh, oh, my
tenders! Oh... Okay, yes, something's wrong.
Mr. ping : There, there, son. You tell your
daddy all about it.Lift your arm.
Po : Shifu says I don't know what it
means to be the dragon warrior. Now I have to be
a teacher?
18 00:15: (C) IMP Mr. Mr. Ping : Why are you still here taking a
17 Ping bath like a baby? Get out! Get up! Go, go, go!
Franchise expansion awaits us!
Po : But what about the dragon warrior
look-alike contest?
Mr. Ping : Oh, Mrs. Chow always wins that.
Po : And the dragon warrior dumpling-
eating contest?
19 00:16: (R) IMP Li Li Shan : Son?
59 Shan Po : Huh!
Li Shan : son! Oh, my gosh, it is you! Well,
don't just stand there. Give your old man a hug!
Po : I can't believe you're alive!
Li Shan : Oh, I thought I lost you forever,
little Lotus.
21 00:17: (C) IMP Li Mr. Ping : I'm pretty sure he said his name is
45 Shan Li.
Li Shan : You. Come here. Oh... Thank
you, thank youfor taking such good careof my
Mr. Ping : Your son? Now, hold on just a
22 00:17: (C) IMP Li Mr. Ping : Your son? Now, hold on just a
58 Shan minute. How do we know this stranger is even
related to you?
Li Shan : Look at that. Our bellies could
be brothers!
Po : That is so cool.
23 00:18: (R) DEC Li Li Shan : Hey, son, let me teach you how
02 Shan to belly gong.
Po : All right. Belly gong.
Mr. Ping : They jiggle the same!
Po : Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle.
Li Shan : It's like looking in a fat mirror.
38 00:29: (S) DEC Mast Mr. Ping : No, you can't take po away from
29 er me. No, no. I want a second opinion. Shifu, open
Shif another scroll or something.
u Master Shifu : I think he should go.
Mr. Ping : Fine, a third opinion. Monkey?
Viper? Tigress?
Po : Dad, you heard what Shifu said,
Oogway said. This guy can only be stopped by a
master of chi. And I can only master chi by
knowing who I really am. Well, I'm a panda.
Mr. Ping : I'll pack you a lunch for the road.
39 00:30: (C) DEC Mast Viper : Master, what are we going to do?
13 er Master Shifu : You are going to find out where
Shif Kai is. Follow the trail of those Jade creatures.
u But do not engage... For with every foe he faces,
Kai becomes stronger.
Viper : Why me? Is it because I asked?
40 00:30: (W) IMP Mast Viper : Master, what are we going to do?
11 er Master Shifu : You are going to find out where
Shif Kai is. Follow the trail of those Jade creatures.
u But do not engage... For with every foe he faces,
Kai becomes stronger.
Viper : Why me? Is it because I asked?
41 00:30: (C) IMP Mast Master Shifu : You are going to find out where
24 er Kai is. Follow the trail of those Jade creatures. But
Shif do not engage... For with every foe he faces, Kai
u becomes stronger.
Viper : Why me? Is it because I asked?
Master Shifu : No. It is because you can fly. Go!
Mantis : Should have kept your beak shut.
Master Shifu : And take Mantis.
Mantis : What? Oh, man. Is it because I...?
Master Shifu : Yes.
42 00:32: (R) IMP Mr. Li Shan : We're here.
12 Ping Mr. Ping : Sure looks like a long ways up
there. And my son hates stairs. So, let's go home.
Li Shan : We're pandas. We don't do stairs.
Po : I've waited my whole life to hear
those words.
Mr. Ping : Rats.
Po : Whoa... huh?
46 00:34: (R) INT Littl Little Panda : Oh, stripey baby. So beautiful.
54 e Po : Oh! Okay, careful with that.
Pand That's my action figure.
a Little Panda : Can I keep her? Can I?
Po : No... problem. Of course. Yeah.
That's why I brought her. Take good care of her.
47 00:36: (C) IMP Mr. Mr. Ping : I'm not a panda at all.
25 Ping Villagers : What's that? What's that?
Mr. Ping : My hat. My beak.
Villagers : What's that?
Mr. Ping : My wing.
Villagers : What's that?
Mr. Ping : My dumplings. No more
questions! Go away, kid. Here, son. I packed
your chopsticks.
Po : Thanks, dad.
48 00:37: (C) IMP Mei- Po : Dad, why does she keep staring at
41 mei me like... That!
Mei-mei : Try to keep up.
Po : I don't really know how to dance!
Mei-mei : Of course you do. All pandas
dance. I know what you were thinking.
Po : You do?
Mei-mei : "How can one panda be so
50 00:38: (C) IMP Mei- Po : Ooh, ooh, ooh! Help me, Dads.
08 mei Li Shan : Yeah, no, you're on your own.
Mr. Ping : You're doing great, son.
Mei-mei : Your turn.
Po : Oh! Huh?
51 00:39: (C) IMP Mast Master Chicken : We've tracked them here.
04 er Master Bear : Stop! They must be in there.
Bear Viper : Master Shifu strongly advised
us... Not to engage.
Mantis : We've gotta get in there.
Viper : But master Shifu said...
52 00:39: (W) DEC Vipe Master Chicken : We've tracked them here.
10 r Master Bear : Stop! They must be in there.
Viper : Master Shifu strongly advised
us... Not to engage.
Mantis : We've gotta get in there.
Viper : But master Shifu said...
Mantis : You're seriously afraid? Even
master Chicken's going in there! And he's a
56 00:42: (C) DEC Li Li Shan : Dim, sum, let's show him how
02 Shan we go uphill!
Po : Whoo-hoo! It's beautiful.
Mr. Ping : Snack time. Po!
Po : Whoo-hoo!
Mr. Ping : You can fly?
Po : I'm coming in hot!
57 00:42: (S) IMP Li Li Shan : Feeling relaxed?
32 Shan Po : Totally.
Li Shan : Just let yourself fall into it.
Po : Got it. I'm fine. I just...
67 00:55: (C) IMP Mr. Mr. Ping : Po, I'm so worried for you... That
22 Ping I can't even enjoy being right about everything.
Now run, run, run, as fast as those chubby legs
can go!
Po : Run? There's nowhere to run.
Mr. Ping : But what are you going to do?
Po : I'm gonna stay, and fight that
Mr. Ping : Po, he may be a monster, but he's
still your father.
Po : Not him. Kai!
68 00:59: (C) DEC LI Po : But you don't even know kung fu.
33 Shan Li Shan : Then you will teach us.
Po : What? I can't teach you kung fu. I
couldn't even teach Tigress. And she already
knows kung fu!
Li Shan : Po, I know I'm the last guy you
wanna trust right now. But you gotta believe me.
We can do this. We can learn kung fu. We can be
just like you!
IMP : Imperative
INT : Interrogative
DEC : Declarative
I don't think I can...
You guys, just start without me.
Will catch you
Inner peace, inner peace
Itchy nose
Finally, inner peace
Now what ?
Kai, old friend
Master Oogway
Our battle ended
five hundred years ago.
- Well, now I'm ready for a rematch.
- Took you long enough
You've grown stronger.
Five hundred years in the spirit realm,
you pick up a thing or two.
I have taken the chi of
every master here.
And soon I will have your power, too.
When will you realize the more you take
the less you have ?
With your chi I will finally be
able to return to the mortal world.
And this time, you won't be there
to stop me.
It was never my destiny to stop you.
I have set another on that path.
Then I will find him
and take his chi, too.
Justice is about to be served.
We'll have two justice platters , please
- umm...three
- And a few tofu bun
Oh , the spicy noodle soup for Tigress.
Did you want extra sauce with that ?
She wants it on the side
-On the side
-On the side
dragon you can do it.
Go dragon warrior
- Defend the valley
Dragon warrior
-Go dragon warrior
- Yeah defend the valley
You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose , are you ?
Do we have to strike the pose every time we land ?
You guys never underestimate
the power of a dramatic entrance.
I've heard about some masters who could win
a fight just by throwing open a door
Dramatic entrance ?
Master Shifu
The dragon warrior is correct.
Really ? I was just making....
yeah I mean yeah I am.
Before the battle of the fist
comes the battle of the mind.
Hence , the dramatic entrance
Whoa , nice dramatic entrance
-What's the occasion ?
-Today will be my final class
Your final...? wait
I didn't even know you were sick
-Although you have been looking a little....
-I'm not sick.
healthy. A little healthy.
A lot actually
My final class because from now on...
your training will be in the
hands of the dragon warrior
What ?
Me ? teach ?I mean why not Tigress ?
She's always telling everyone what to do.
-Be quiet Po.
-See what I mean ?
Tigress is not the dragon warrior.
You are.
Come on they're the five.
What can I teach them ?
There is always something more to learn.
Even for a master.
For instance , let me show you another move.
The dramatic exit.
What's that ?
Are you kidding me ? that....what ?
-Where'd he go ?
-He's gone guys. It's cool.
- We are await your instruction master.
All you have to lose is our respect.
Seriously how bad could it be ?
Leave me....
OK OK let's switch it up.
Monkey, immovable mountain stance.
Yes Master.
-I mean.... Tigress tornado back flip
- Yes, master
-Oh no fire.
Sorry, my fault
Crane go high, I mean low
-Oh my claw thingy
- Viper and tigress , to... like a totem pole
Poison , Technique.
You two, to... sworming insect bite
with yellow tail , yellow jacket...
Good job, Po.
-Did you at least learn a little something ?
- Yes , that you can't teach.
And tigress is flammable turns out.
That was a complete disaster.
-I'm glad we're not Po right now.
-What a loser
-What was Shifu thinking ?
- What was Oogway thinking ?
-I think he heard us.
- I didn't hear anything.
He said you're a loser
Sorry Oogway.
-Would you stop doing that ?
- How was your fisrt day teaching ?
- I heard.
Who told you?
Did Tigress tell you ?
I heard from Monkey and Crane and Mantis and
your dad and Mrs. Chau from the gift shop
And those ducks who just passed
and Tigress told me.
Yeah, well did she also tell you that it'll never
happen again cause I'm done ?
Teaching , or being humiliated ?
Both. I don't know why you ever thought
I could teach that class ?
-Oh I knew you couldn't.
- What ?
You set me up to fail ? Why ?
If you only do what you can do
you'll never be more than you are now.
I don't wanna be more
I like who I am.
You don't even know who you are.
What do you....? Of course I do
I'm the dragon warrior.
And what exactly does that mean dragon warrior ?
It know... just going around
and punching and kicking
Defending the valley and stuff.
Punching and kicking ?
You think that is what the great master Oogway saw for
you ?
A five hundred year prophecy full-filled so
you can spend your days...
Kicking butt ?
And running through town high-fiving bunnies ?
Oogway saw greatness in you Po
against my better judgement.
More than you can see in yourself.
Incredible power awaits you
Power beyond anything you can imagine.
-What was that ?
-That was chi .
What's chi ?
The energy that flows through all living things.
So you're saying if I , so you're saying if
I teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that ?
No I'm saying if you teach ,I'll be able to do cool
stuff like that.
Mastery of chi requires mastery of self
Oogway sat alone in a cave for
thirty years asking one question....
Who am I ?
Who am I ?
I'm lucky if I get five minutes before you interrupt .
So now I have to sit alone in a cave for thirty years ?
After you master teaching
Teaching? There's no way
I'm ever gonna be like you.
I'm not trying to turn you into me.
I'm trying to turn you into you.
Turn me into me ?
Wait a second. That makes no....(sense)
Almost there shifu , just a little more confusing
and you'll be the next Oogway.
Sorry, no offense master Oogway
I just....
I'll let you get back to your eternal peace.
-What is this place ? brother's farm
If I stepped on you, would you die ?
The mortal realm.
You hear that Oogway ?
I'm back.
Kai has returned.
-Who ?
- Kai. General Kai.
Supreme warlord of all China
-I don't know.
- The jade slayer , master of pain
You may know me as the beast of vengeance
Maker of widows ?
OK I used to work with Oogway.
Oh master Oogway, he was a great warrior.
-We've heard of master Oogway.....wise and...\-OK,
Find Oogway's students
and bring them to me.
By the time I am done with them Oogway...
There will be no one left who will even remember your
Kai is coming.
I am ready...
-to teach you a lesson.
-Teach me ?
-Oh no he's the dragon teacher
- Yeah he's so handsome.
Thank you for the compliment.
No, please don't teach me to death
Po ?
Oh hey dad
What's up ?
I like just ....stopping by for a little soak.
-OK , What's wrong ?
Nothing? I come home and find you
taking a bath with your dolls.
-Action figures.
-And instead of adding bath-salt to the water...
-You just added szechuan peppercorns.
-Szechuan what ?
My tenders.
-OK yes, something's wrong
- There there son , you tell your daddy all about it
Lift your arm
Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the dragon
And now I have to be a teacher.
I thought I finally knew who I was. If I'm not the
dragon Warrior, then who am I?
A teacher ? Teaching kung fu ?
That's a promotion. Take the job, son
And someday, when you're in charge of the whole
Jade palace, I can sell noodles in the lobby
Why are you still here taking a bath like a baby?
Get out. Get out. Go, go, go.
Franchise expansion awaits us.
But what about the dragon warrior
look alike contest ?
Mrs. Chau always wins that.
And the dragon warrior dumpling eating contest ?
I have to defend my title
No one's gonna beat your
dumpling eating record.
Someone's about to beat your dumpling eating record.
Go. Go. Go.
-Who's eating my dumplings ?
-And who's paying for them ?
101, 102
Li : 103.
Is that a new record ?
Who are you ?
-I'm Li Shan
-What ?
I'm Li shan.
I'm looking for my son.
-You lost your son ?
- Yes, many years ago.
-I lost my father
- Very sorry
Thank you.
-Well , good luck to you.
- You too.
I hope you find your son.
And I hope you find your father
Son ? Oh my gosh, it is you.
Well don't just stand there
give your old man a hug.
I can't believe you're alive.
I thought I'd lost you forever
little Lotus
This is very embarrassing, but
I think you've got me confused
with a panda named Lotus.
My name is Po.
Oh right, you wouldn't... OK
See , the little Lotus was the name
you were given at birth.
-Really ?
I can't believe it. After all these years and
you're really here?
This is amazing.
Oh dad. Come say hi to...
I don't know what
I'm supposed to call you.
I'm pretty sure
he said his name is Li
You...come here
Thank you, thank you for taking
such good care of my son.
Your son ?
Now hold on just a minute.
How do we know this stranger is
even related to you?
Look at that.
Our bellies could be brothers.
Hey son, let me teach you how to belly gong.
All right, belly gong
It's like looking in a fat mirror.
I can't believe we're taking a picture together.
But I still don't understand.
I thought Po was the only panda left.
-No , there's a whole bunch of us.
- Where ?
-Here, a secret panda village in the mountains
- A secret panda....
-But how did you know where I was ?
-I received a message that led me here.
How could you receive a message if no one could find
you ?
Sounds suspicious to me.
No, wait wait.
It was a message from the universe
Now what's all this about a dragon warrior ?
How'd you know I was the dragon warrior ?
Did the universe tell you that, too ?
No, the poster did and the gift shop
I bought a tiny cup.
Oh right, of course...
You gotta... you have no idea there's
so much to show you.
You're gonna be so awesomely proud.
Come on, come on.
I'm already awesomely proud.
-Couple more steps.
Feeling the burn.
Do you have panda asthma, too ?
Does that run in the family ?
Dad, you're gonna love this
It's like the coolest thing ever.
This is the hall of heroes
Home of the most priceless
kung fu artifacts in all of China.
-This place is ....
You were going to say awesome, right?
-Because it totally is.
But be super careful,
everything is very fragile here.
Like the Urn of Whispering warriors.
Someone broke that once.
-Who ?
- Some idiot
-This is master flying Rhino's battle armor.
-I wonder if I could fit in that
Get out of my head, dad.
I've wondered the same thing.
-If I could fit in it ?
-If you could? No, if I could fit in it.
Dad, check it out.
Master Ram's crossbow
The infinite gates smasher.
Dad, look at this. The battle helmets of
master Rat's army. They're so tiny.
Master Dolphin's water proof armor.
This is my favorite.
Check it out. It's the legendary battle rickshaw of
emperor Hawk
Sweet ride.
Dad, what are you doing?
We're not supposed to touch anything
Oh sorry sorry. Should I put it back ?
Yeah you probably should.
You look so cool, though.
How does it feel? Do the hinges hinge ?
Does it smell like rhino ?
Does it feel like you're impenetrable ?
Does it feel like you can take
on a thousand warriors ?
And emerge unscathed ?
Yes, it's pretty cool.
Wonder what this does ?
I should pull it.
I think I just peed a little.
Anything else we should try in here, son ?
Faster, faster, faster
Thumb war
This is so much fun
-Here we go.
-There, there
-I'm fine I'm fine
There you go
Dolphin style attack
-You got me
-Dolphin style retreat
Go long son.
I wasn't ready
-Coming back at you.
-I got it.
-Going high
-Let's go .Yeah, Come on.
I'm coming for you.
Bring it on master Rhino
Here I come
I got you .I'm gonna get you.
Who's got you? Who's gonna get you ?
Yeah, who's gonna get you?
-Master Rhino.
-Why, what's wrong ?
Guys guys, you're never gonna
guess who just showed up.
Not in a million years.
You can't.... you just try
-Your father
Wow, how did you just guess that ?
Oh, wait a second. Yeah of course.
We look exactly the same.
Say hi to my friends, Mantis
Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and Viper
-Oh Viper, was it ?
- Monkey, sir.
They're kind of my best friends.
And this... this is master Shifu.
It is an honor to meet you, master Panda.
Perhaps your father would care to join us
in the training hall?
Your son will be teaching the class
I'm sure he's tired.
I'm sure you're tired.
He's tired. I'm gonna show him
the chrysanthemums suite.
What ?Tired ?No, I'm fine.
I would love to watch you teach.
Trust me.
It would be more fun to watch me
-What is that ?
-The valley is under attack.
-Son ? Under attack ?
-This is perfect
Now you can see what being
the dragon warrior is all about.
Follow me.
Enemies of justice.
Prepare for.... whoa
Are you kidding me ?
What's the deal with the green guys ?
-Some kind of jade zombies.
-Jade zombies ?
Jombies, Jinx
-Lotus be careful
- It's OK dad. I do this every....
Whoa. I recognize this guys.
The master Badger twins.
With their crushing double gong
Yeah that's the one.
That guys is.... no
Master Porcupine.
I thought he died hundred
hundred years ago
These guys are legends.
Get a quick sketch of us.
Did you get it ?
Did you get it ?
Aw, I blinked.
Can we get another one ?
I'm being choked by master Porcupine.
This is so cool.
-Look. It's you.
-Po, focus.
Message from the universe ?
I'll give you one message from the universe...
Stay away from my son.
-Sorry dad. I'll clean it up later.
-Whoa, whoa, not my good pan. Take this one.
Lotus, watch out.
Dad, check out my dumplings of doom.
I see you.
Your chi will soon be mine.
-Is he talking to me?
-Which one ? They're all talking.
Whoa, you're right.
That's so scary.
We should try that, too.
Maybe it'd be scary back at them.
OK but we gotta plan
what we're gonna say first
otherwise it won't be scary,
it'll be just stupid.
It's not them talking. Idiots.
It's me talking through them, Kai.
-Who ?
-OK OK, enough.
-Did you see that? Did you see ?
- Whoa, what just happened ?
The green smoke just poof....and then poof
Shifu, what wast that ?
Kai? Kai? Kai
Nope. Never heard of him.
Kai, where is it ?
There's so much wisdom in here,
I can't find anything.
All the answers will be found within.
What ? It's blank ?
Are you kidding me ?
Not again.
Wait, wait. Hold on. Sorry
Oh OK, here we go.
It is written in Oogway's hand.
-Long ago, I had a brother.
-Oogway had a brother ?
In arms. In arms, sorry.
-He says brother in arms.
-Can you just unroll it all at once ?
I was an ambitious young warrior
leading a great army.
And fighting by my side was Kai.
My closest friend.
One day we were ambushed.
I was badly wounded.
My friend carried me for days
looking for help.
Until we came to a secret village, high in the
An ancient place of healing.
A village of pandas.
-Pandas ?
-Yes, pandas.
Pandas who used the power of chi to heal me.
They taught me how to give chi.
But Kai wanted the power all to himself.
He saw that what could be given
could also be taken.
I had to stop him.
Our battle shook the Earth.
Until, finally, I banished Kai to
the spirit realm.
Should he ever return to the mortal realm
he can only be stopped by a true master of chi.
True master of chi ?
Like you.
Me ? I can barely make a flower bloom.
I'd need at least thirty more years, and a cave.
Viper: We need a chi master.
Shifu: He will continue stealing
the chi of masters until he has consumed it all.
Viper: We have to make a way to stop him.
Crane: Oh get more more powerful
with every master he defeats.
Tigress: There is no choice. We fight.
I can teach you, son.
-You can do this?
-Of course, I'm a panda.
That must be why the universe
sent you here.
OK, so what do I have to do ?
You have to come home with me.
What ?
-To the secret village ?
-Yes, son.
You must rediscover what it is to be a panda.
You have to learn how to live like a panda.
Sleep like a panda.
Eat like a panda.
Those 103 dumplings ?
Hmm... I was just warming up.
I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full
You can't take Po away from me. No, no
I want a second opinion.
Shifu, open another scroll or something.
-I think he should go.
-Fine. A third opinion.
-Monkey? Viper? Tigress?
-Dad you heard what Shifu said Oogway said.
This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi.
And I can only master chi by knowing
who I really am.
Well, I'm a panda.
I'll pack your lunch for the road.
-Do you really think Po can master chi in time ?
-Doesn't matter what I think.
-It only matters what the universe think.
- So, that's a No ?
-Master, what are we going to do ?
-You are going to find out where Kai is.
Follow the trail of those jade creatures
but do not engage
For with every foe he faces
Kai becomes stronger.
-Why me? Is it because I asked.
- No, it is because you can fly.
- Should be kept your beak shut.
-And take Mantis.
- What? Oh man, is it because I ...?
-Lunch break ?
-You don't need to ask me twice.
- Yes.
-What are you doing here?
-What am I doing ? Getting a backache.
Did you have to step on every rock ?
-No, I mean why are you here ?
-What was I supposed to do, huh ?
What if the pandas don't have food you like ?
You're never gonna be able to save the world
on an empty stomach.
I consider my presence mission critical.
Oh yes about that. We can't share
the location of the village with others.
-Well, you think I can't keep a secret, huh ?
I raised Po for twenty years before
I finally told him he was adopted.
-Seriously ?
OK, I guess it would be cruel
to make you fly back.
-You can fly ?
-I'm a bird, Po.
We're here.
Sure looks like a long ways up there.
And my son hates stairs.
So let's go home.
We're pandas.
We don't do stairs.
I've waited my whole life to hear those words.
This is the secret panda village ?
No wonder you keep it a secret.
If I lived here,
I wouldn't tell anyone either.
-Now you can whoa.
- Whoa.
Li ?
Everyone, Li is back.
-They're both back.
-He found his son.
-He made it.
-They're back.
-Li ?
-He found his son.
Everyone, Li is back.
Hang on, we're coming.
He made it.
Why are we running?
-He made it.
-Li shan is back.
Everyone, everyone gather around.
This is my son.
-Hi, I'm Ku Ku
-I'm Meng Meng
-I'm Shuai Shuai, he smells like cookies.
-He's so handsome. Just like his father.
-Thank you.
Son, these are your cousins.
Dim and Sum.
-I have cousins.
-Whoa, buns on a string.
-We call it a snacklace.
That's right.
We'll make you another one.
It's you.
-Oh, that's nice to see you. Hi
-I don't know who you are.
Oh, stripy baby. So beautiful.
OK, careful with that.
That's my action figure. Can I keep her ?
No....problem. Of course,
yeah that's why I brought her.
Take good care of her.
Yes, stripy baby.
You look just like me
but a baby.
You're like me but old.
You're like me but fatter.
You're like me but.....
with a hat.
You don't wear a hat.
You all look like me.
Let's feast in my son's honor.
-What the.....?
- Pandas don't walk. We roll.
How you ever seen anyone
look so ridiculous ?
Po, what are you doing ? Po ?
You're right.
That is better than walking.
What kind of panda doesn't know
how to roll ?
Well, I'm kinda new at this whole
being a panda thing.
And what kind of panda are you ?
You have a funny neck.
I'm not a panda at all.
-What's that ?
-My hat
-What's that ?
-My beak
-What's that ?
-My wing.
-What's that ?
-My dumplings.
No more questions.
Go away, kid.
-Here, son, I packed your chopsticks.
- Thanks, dad.
-What are those for ?
These ? These are chopsticks
They're for picking up dumplings.
You mean you only eat one at a time ?
I knew I wasn't eating
up to my potential.
I am Mei Mei.
Wow, she's amazing.
She's so beautiful.
That's sweet, Po but please try to save all other
compliments until after the performance.
Me? No, I didn't say....
Shut it.
After the performance.
Has it started yet ?
Best ribbon dancer in the world
-At least that's what she says.
- Look away, look away.
No, you can't. Can you ?
-Dad, why does she keep staring at me like that ?
-Try to keep up.
-I don't really know how to dance.
-Of course you do.
All pandas dance.
I know what you're thinking.
You do ?
How can one panda be so beautiful ?
For me ?
-Help me, dads.
-Yeah, no. You're on your own.
You're doing great, son.
Your turn.
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it.
I have so much to learn.
Wings of surveillance.
-Why do you do that ?
-Do what ?
Just because you say "Wings of......"
before something it doesn't mean
that you're doing a special move.
It's like me saying,
"Antenna of power" or....
" Thorax of making sandwiches"
-Wings of disagreement.
-Whoa, there.
Master Bear, master Chicken, Master Croc,
what are you doing out here ?
Jade creatures attacked our villages.
We've tracked them here. Stop.
They must be in there.
Master Shifu strongly advised us.....
-not to engage.
- Gotta get in there.
-But master Shifu said...
-You're seriously afraid ?
Even master Chicken's going in there
and he's a chicken.
-That's it, I'm going in.
-Mantis, we have orders not to....
They need our help. Come on.
I'll go high, you go low.
No, wait.
Fear the bug.
Alright, you little.....
-Hold on, buddy. I'm coming.
- "Antenna of power"
-Ah, it didn't work.
Mantis ?
Mantis ?
Your chi is strong
just like your friend, the bug.
Don't worry, little birdie.
I'll put your chi to good use.
Destroying the Jade palace
and everyone in it.
Wings of...regret.
Oh yeah, first day of panda training.
Alright flower, I'm gonna make you bloom.
Dad, dad .
-What? What? What is it ?
-I'm ready for my first day of panda training.
What ?
You know, learn to be a panda,
master chi, save the world.
Pandas sleep till past noon.
So lesson number one is
go back to bed.
Of course.
Nobody said this was gonna be easy.
-Did I oversleep ?
-You sure did.
-Yeah show him kids.
-Can you do this ? Can you do that ?
How about this? How about that?
Am I doing it? Is this good ?
I got it.
-Grandma panda, heads up.
-We better roll.
Po, lunchtime.
You gotta let the hill tell you
where to roll.
-Rookie mistake.
-Dim, Sum, let's show him how we go uphill.
-That's beautiful.
-Snack time.
-Po, you can fly ?
-I'm coming in hot.
Get them while they're cold.
What are you doing there?
That food is for Po.
Throw it in.
There, there, that's it.
-Feeling relaxed ?
-Yeah, really.
-Just let yourself fall into it.
-Got it.
I'm fine. I just.....
There we go.
Just let it all out.
That's my boy.
Get out of there.
My noodles. Leave my noodles alone.
-Subtle, Po. Very subtle.
-Let me get some of that.
Leave my hat alone.
-We love noodles.
- Oh, just like my Po.
What are you guys looking at ?
That's how we roll.
Mom, look it
How was that ?
-Now you try again but don't try so hard.
-OK, OK.
Much better.
-Thanks, dad.
- For what?
You know, just for you know,
showing me what it feels like...
to be a panda.
-So when do you think I'll be ready ?
-Ready ?
You know, learn how to master chi.
Soon, real soon.
Come on.
I wanna show you something else. Come on.
Sorry about the mess,
I don't usually get visitors.
Is this my mom ?
I had this done on your
one hundredth day.
Your mama couldn't hold you still.
You nearly eat the paper.
-It's true.
-What was she like ?
She was the total package.
Smart, beautiful.
Tremendous appetite.
She was the love of my life.
And then, just when I thought I couldn't get any
Along you came, my little Lotus.
I really had it all.
Until that one moment...
When I ...
lost everything.
Dad, you don't have to worry about
losing me ever again, OK ?
Let me get some of that.
It's from the eastern province.
Master Lizard, master Ox, master Eagle,
all of them.
In every village from the sea to here.
Every master in china...
-has vanished.
- Maybe they are all at a party ?
-I didn't get invited either.
Kai has taken their chi.
We are all that stand between him and
the knowledge Oogway left
in our care.
-The villagers, evacuated ?
- Done, master.
-Crane? Mantis?
- Still nothing.
Wait, it's them.
Nice, very tacky.
How dare you set foot on these grounds
Look at your pathetic fools.
Groveling at the feet of
Oogway the magnificent.
You are not fit to speak his name.
I am not fit, little kitten ?
I fought by his side. I loved
him like a brother.
And he betrayed me.
Well now I will destroy
everything he has created.
How's that for a little kitten?
I will not let you destroy
Oogway's memory.
Why not ?
He destroyed mine.
Mantis, it is me, your bestie.
Sorry Tigress.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
- Bring them to me.
-No, you must warn Po.
- Master please
I will show you the true power of chi, brother.
Oogway, forgive me.
Hmm, what do you say Oogway ?
Do you forgive him ?
You may have destroyed the Jade palace
but you will never succeed.
There will always be someone to stop you.
Who? The panda?
His chi is strong but
it won't be enough.
-He will meet the same fate as you
And so will every panda in that village.
Po, I hope you're ready.
Dance Lotus, dance.
He's so handsome.
-That's a panda hug.
Tigress ?
Who's she?
-Baby stripy baby.
- What are you doing here ?
Kai attacked the valley.
He's taken every master in china
including Shifu and the others.
It''s all gone, Po.
-Everything, everyone.
- Everyone?
-How's my restaurant ?
-We'll talk later.
- And now he's on his way here.
He's after you, Po.
He's after all pandas.
-How long do we have ?
-Not long.
Please tell me you've mastered chi.
-Here, take the baby.
-Dad, dad ?
OK, who belongs to this one ?
You need to teach me
the secret chi technique now.
I'm afraid you need more time.
Everyone, go get your things.
-Let me hand you that.
- I don't have more time. I need to learn it now.
Sorry, you're not ready.
-OK, pack everything.
-I am ready.
-Not quite
-What are you talking about?
I've done everything you've asked.
I mastered napping,
sleeping in hammocks, hot tubs.
I am totally involved
with my panda parts
-Now why won't you show me ?
- Because I don't know it.
You what ?
I don't know it, OK?
No one does.
Maybe we used to but...
-But not anymore.
-You lied ?
No, I ...
- Why ?
To save your life.
I find out some blade-swinging
maniac is coming for you
What am I supposed to do ?
-Just let that happen?
- Yes, I'm the dragon warrior.
Facing maniacs, that's my job.
But because of you
I left the valley unprotected.
I left my friends unprotected.
And now they're all....
they're all....
And you would have been, too.
I lost you once.
I am not going to lose you again.
I can't.
You just did.
Mom, pick me.
Po, I'm so worried for you that I can't
even enjoy being right about everything.
Now run, run, run, as fast as
those chubby legs can go.
-Run? There's nowhere to run.
-What are you going to do?
I'm gonna stay and
fight that monster.
Po, he may be a monster
but he's still your father.
-Not him, Kai.
-No, I..... not really.
Well, maybe just one.
You know, you weren't the only one
who was lying.
I didn't really come along because
I was worried Po would go hungry.
-I was worried about you.
- Worried that I'd go hungry?
-No, I was worried you'd steal Po from me.
-I'd what ?
I know. That was crazy.
But I realized having you in Po's life
doesn't mean less for me.
It means more for Po.
Well I'm not in his life.
-Not any more.
- Your son got mad at you.
-Welcome to parenthood.
- You don't understand
I lied to him.
He'll never forgive me.
I lied to him for twenty years.
He still thinks he came from an egg.
Sometimes we do the wrong things
for the right reasons.
Look, he's hurt.
He's confused
and he still has to save the world.
He needs the both his dads.
-This isn't going to work.
- It has to.
-You 're not thinking straight.
- I am.
-You're not.
- I am
-Yes, I am
I've seen Kai.
I've seen what he can do.
But he hasn't seen what
I can do.
-The Wuxi finger hold?
- That's my best move.
I just have to get to Kai,
grab his finger, and then Skadoosh.
Back to the spirit realm.
He has an army of jade warriors.
Everything they see he sees
so there's no sneaking up on him.
-You will never get close enough.
- It's gonna work.
He can only be stopped by a master of chi.
Oh, you sound just like Shifu with the chi.
Chi this. Chi that. Chi chi.
I'm not a master of chi. OK?
I don't know if I'm the dragon warrior.
I don't even know if I'm a panda.
I don't know who I am.
You're right. There's no way
I can stop him and his army.
Unless you had an army of your own.
-Not just me.
-All of us.
I finally found my son
after all these years.
It's gonna take a lot more than
the end of the world to keep us apart.
-But you don't even know kung fu.
-Then you will teach us.
What? I can't teach you kung fu.
I couldn't even teach Tigress.
And she already knows kung fu.
Po, I know I'm the last guy
you wanna trust right now.
But you gotta believe me.
We can do this.
We can learn kung fu.
We can be just like you.
-What did you just say?
- We can do this?
-We can learn kung fu?
-After that.
We can be just like you?
-We can?
No, you can't.
But you don't have to be.
That's what Shifu meant.
I don't have to turn you into me.
-I have to turn you into you.
-That doesn't make any sense.
I know.
-Thanks, dads.
-You're welcome?
I'm gonna do something I never thought
I'd be able to do.
I'm gonna teach kung fu.
You guys, your real strength comes
from being the best you you can be.
So who are you?
What are you good at?
What do you love?
What makes you you?
Yes, good.
Good, again.
Good, again.
Good, good, good, again.
- Stripy baby, stripy baby.
Faster, faster.
Roll those ribbons.
Hug that log you, hug that log
like it's the last time
you're ever gonna hug it.
Goodbye forever.
Higher, and a little more to the
left this time. You can do it.
I don't wanna see any of these
hit the ground.
Wait, wait, stripy baby.
Good, try it with this.
Now try it with these.
Good, now try it with these.
They are ready.
OK pay attention cause I might gonna
go over this ten more times.
The only entrance to the village is here.
The dumpling squadron
will take position here
while the cookie squadron
will take position here.
Now, on my signal,
the two squadrons will...
Alright OK.
The noodle squadron will...
Anyway, the important thing to remember
is that this is the spot where...
OK, I saw that coming.
If you only remember one thing,
it's just distract the jombies until
I get close enough to put the
Wuxi finger hold on Kai. Got it?
Pandas on three. One, two, three
panda, you guys...
Never mind.
I'll teach you that later.
I wish I could have thought
you this, son.
It's OK, dad. I'm....
He's here.
That's what I call a dramatic entrance.
Haha, you must be the dragon warrior.
And you must be Kai.
Beast of vengeance, maker of widows.
Yes, finally.
-Thank you, almost makes me wanna spare your life.
-Oh, you wanna spare me?
How about you spare me the chitchat ?
Let's do this.
I'm going to take your chi then the chi
of every panda in the...
-Oh, chitchat.
- in the...
-Chitty chitty chat chat chat chat chat
-in the....
- Chitchat.
Oh, you pudgy little...
Round them all up.
Oh no, it's true.
You guys have all been turned green.
Except for you, Mantis,
you were already green.
-Now ?
- Wait for the signal.
Here we go.
Dumpling squad
-Ready ?
-Go time.
-Seriously ?
-We did it.
Sorry, Crane.
Spring roll squad
Time for some takeout.
Over here, Mr. jombie.
I don't know who you are either.
Noodle squad.
Get ready to dance with danger.
Stripy baby
-Do it.
- You're mean.
Fire in the hole.
All right kids.
You got it guys.
Oh no, master Shifu.
I can't hit Shifu.
-I can.
- And so can I.
Double dad defense
-Left, dad
-Right, dad.
Thanks dad.
Back at you then.
-We've got this, son.
- Go, dads.
-We got 'em now.
- Stop, stop, enough.
Let's finish this.
That's our boy.
Sorry, buddy. Gotta send you back to
the spirit realm. Skadoosh.
OK, that didn't work.
Let me try one more time. Skadoosh
Skadoosh, skadoosh, skadoosh.
What the ?
Hold on, wait. It's working.
No, no.
No, it's not. Did Oogway
teach you that little trick?
Too bad. It only works on mortals.
And I am a spirit warrior.
I was wrong. I'm sorry.
Run, run.
So Oogway, this was the one
destined to stop me?
I will have his chi
and then all of theirs.
And you...
You really thought you can
send me back to the spirit realm ?
You are just a stupid mortal.
It only works on mortals.
You're right.
I can't send you there.
But I can take you there.
What's that?
What ?
- Son
What happened?
Where is Po?
He took Kai away.
He saved us.
He saved us
but who's saving him?
Whoa, the spirit realm.
It worked.
Get off me, you...
You brought me back?
Don't blame me. I tried to finish this
in the regular realm.
And we'll finish it here.
Come on, son.
We have to help him.
Everyone gather around.
That's it. Come in close.
Come on.
We can do this.
Po, you taught us who
we were meant to be.
A father.
-A friend.
- A dumpling kicker.
-A lethal fighting machine.
-A huger.
A nunchuck chick.
Stripy baby.
A family
-Who are you ?
- I've been asking the same question.
Am I the son of a panda ?
The son of a goose?
A student ?
A teacher ?
Turns out, I'm all of them.
I am the dragon warrior.
Get it?
See the giant dragon ?
Get ready to feel the thunder.
This is awesome.
Belly gong.
Butt slap.
Perhaps a bit of lunch
cause I'm starving.
Let's do this.
Heads up.
It took me five hundred years
to take Oogway's chi.
I will have yours if it takes me
five hundred more.
Chtity chitty chat chat, chitchat.
You want my chi so bad?
Then take it.
Yes, the power is mine.
Wait, no. It's too much.
That's too much. No
Where'd he go?
-We're back.
I'm still green. It didn't work.
Oh wait, that's my normal green.
-Stripy baby
- Not a baby, not a baby.
Antenna of fear
What about Po ?
-Have you seen Po?
-No, he's not here?
Why isn't he back ?
-Dragon warrior.
-Oogway ?
I can't believe it.
-Whoa, you're extra shiny.
- As are you.
I know, right ?
It's like the best cape ever.
When I run with it,
then it looks really cool.
It suits you.
You've grown.
-Yeah, I gotta lay off the panda buffet.
- Grown up.
As I hoped you would when
I sent the message to your father.
You sent the universe mail ? Whoa
Yes because the universe needed you.
You finally became the panda
you were always meant to be.
-But how'd you know I could ?
- On the first day we met...
I saw the future of kung fu.
And the past
I saw the panda
who could unite them both.
That is why I chose you, Po.
Both sides of the Yin and Yang.
And my true successor
-Me? I can't take that
- Yes, take it.
I have a bigger one.
I mean, you're enlightening everything
I'm just....
- Yes.
Now what we do?
-Hmm, you tell me.
-No Oogway, don't go.
I'm not going anywhere.
I live here.
Oh right.
It's you who must decide
whether to stay or go.
-Wait, I can go back?
-Who knows ?
I've never tried.
- You can fly.
-Dad, dad, dads.
Don't you go disappearing
in petals ever again.
We thought we lost you.
No, you saved me.
You all did.
Now come on over here.
-Master Shifu.
- The student has truly become the tea....
Wait, where did you get that ?
Oh this. Oogway gave it to me
in the spirit realm.
-Of course he did.
- I think I mastered chi.
Of course you did.
Can you teach me?
-Monkey, help me.
- Greeny baby.
Get off me.
Panda asthma
Everybody was kung fu fighting
Our chi is what we're finding
I know it is a little bit frightening
Oh but it's so enlightening
Before the battle of the fist
comes the battle of the mind
When you don't know who you are
Just look inside
When we move into the flow
We're always gonna win
So feel the power
And let it in
Kung fu fighting
What we're finding
Little bit frightening
So enlightening
Everybody was kung fu fighting
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