The Study On Agricultural Loans: Submited To

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Agricultural Loan.


The Study on Agricultural Loans



In partial fulfillment of the Requirement of

Bachelor of Business Administration


MR. Pingale Abhijit Santosh

Under the guidance of

PROF. Pingale A.A.


Grammonati Mandal’s

Arts, Commerce & Science COLLEGE, NARAYANGAON

(Department of BBA/BCA)

For the year 2021-2022

Agricultural Loan.


This is certify that Mr. Pingale Abhijit Santosh Student of SY BBA, has
Successfully completed his project, titled “The Study on Agricultural
Loan” in the Academic Year 2021-2022 in partial fulfillment of Bachelor
of Business Administration, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

Internal Examiner& Guide External Examiner

Head of the Department Coordinator

(Prof. Gharage S.V.) (Prof. Pingale A.A.)

Agricultural Loan.


Thus, the sole and honest objective for collection the information is only for the academic
purpose and I assure that collected information shall be restricted only for the project.

I hereby declare that the information ,photographs, data etc. gathered during study shall be
strictly utilizes only for the purpose of project report .This project report is a part of the partial
fulfill of degree Bachelor in Business Administration at A.C.S. College, Narayangaon for the
session:2021-2022 under university of Pune .

I honestly state that the intention of collection of the information in my project report is solely
for the purpose of study ,not for commercial purposes or any means any sole sincere motive to
learn the procedure practically and express my views by preparing project report .



MR. Pingale Abhijit Santosh

Agricultural Loan.


We would to thanks Prof. Pingale A.A. for their valuable co-operation and
support without whom it was difficult to complete this project work.

I am extremely delighted to express my deep heart regards to my project guide

Prof. Pingale A.A Arts Commerce Science College of Narayangaon, who has given
her valuable time to provide us required guidance to complete this academic

I also want to thank to all those who have helped us directly or indirectly for
completion of my project.

Place- Narayangaon

MR. Pingale Abhijit Santosh


Agricultural Loan.

No. Chapter name
1   Introduction to project
  1.1 Introduction to project
2   Basic Of Saving & Investment
  2.1 budgeting
  2.2 Benefits of budgeting
  2.3 risk and return
  2.4 power of compounding
  2.5 The value of money
3   choosing the right investment option
  3.1 liquidity
  3.2 safety
  3.3 return
  4.1 Asset allocation involves tradeoffs among three important variables:
  5.1 Identifying Goals
  5.2 Identifying Assets
  5.3 Identifying Liabilities
  5.4 Likely Future Earnings
  5.5 Likely Future Expenses

Agricultural Loan.

Study On Agriculture Loan


For partial fulfillment of the degree B. B. A.

Chapter 1

Agricultural Loan.

1.1 Selection of the topic- Regarding the topic selected by me to study purpose, I want to quote
following Reasons why this specified topic Is selected.

(A) History of Agriculture:

 10,000 years ago the man invented agriculture

 A primitive form of agriculture was shifting cultivation crops.
 After few years when these plots lost fertility and heavily infected with grass and soil born
pests, the cultivator would shift to new site.
 Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy.

(B) Agriculture in India

 Agriculture 1s a prime source of live hood of the population in India.

 A flourishing Agriculture sector is far more important for the development of Indian
 Since faming is less a business than a tradition in India. Even at this stage about 80%
population lives in rural areas directly and directly or indirectly depends on agriculture for
its livelihood.
 The surplus generated by this sector would help Indian economy to reach the "Golden
 It supplies the necessities of life. Today agriculture is Tending 100 million people.
 India is the only country having all types of soil and climate conditions suitable for growing
variety of crops.
 About 85 cores of people which further multiplying at the rate 2.5% per annum depends on
agriculture sector.
 60% of the Indian population is engaged in agriculture and agro-based industries.

(1.2) Objectives. Of the study:-

The study is undertaken for the following objectives:

 To study percentage of share of agriculture loan as compare to other

 loan out last two years.
 To study financial statements of Bank of Maharashtra.
 To understand future budget or plan of Bank of Maharashtra in agriculture sector

Agricultural Loan.

 . To know the role of government in agriculture sector.

 Rate of interest of agriculture loan in Bank of Maharashtra as
 compare to other financial institution.
 To know various aspects of agriculture loan.
 Feedback from the farmers who have borrowed loan from Bank of Maharashtra

(1.3) Importance of topic

The substantial growth of financial sector in India after globalization has brought many

sectors under its benefits. The prime sectors are real estate, housing and Industrial

development. It is already discussed and proved that agriculture sector in India is important ;

require lot of technological developments to meet the challenges of this country.

All the developments that is infrastructural, technological require financial Investment. without

financial support and investment agricultural developments are not at all possible.

A major sector like agriculture in our country if kept underdeveloped only because of lack of
finance, no justice is made to the cultivators and a major population which depends on this
sector as a source of livelihood.

As per the directives of Reserve Bank of India many of the financial institutes are altering their
support to agriculture sector. Large numbers of investments are made in the same.

The selected topic is that’s why important as it deals with the major sector of this Country i.e.
Agriculture. Definitely the findings and outcome of the study will be Important and useful for
me as a student of management as well as Bank of Maharashtra selected for the study purpose.

(1.4) Scope of the study:

Agricultural Loan.

The scope of the study lies in dimensions,

(a) Scope for the student

The student studying the topic will get an exposure to the Agriculture sector, financial
procedure to agriculture credit finance procedure.

(b) Scope for Bank of Maharashtra

The BANK OF MAHARASHTRA as an organizational study, will come to know the exact
feedback for the offers they are making towards them it some derivation will found then
definitely it will useful for the bank itself to improve their functioning

(c) Scope for the society in general

As the agriculture sector and the farmers are the part of the society, the study itself and the
findings as such will be indefinitely useful for the society. The society in general and farmers
in particular can be well understood in terms of the agriculture finance procedure.

(1.5) Limitations of the study

The study is complicated with the following limitations:

 Only one bank is selected to study so there is no comparative analysis

 The scope is limited for Pune district and specifically one branch. 1.e Shirpur branch.
 The time available for the purpose of study IS very less 1.e. twenty days only. Mostly
secondary data is referred than the primary data for the study is limited.

(1.6) Research Methodology

Agricultural Loan.

Research Definition

Research 1s scientific activity in which decision is made and problem is solved.

Research Methodology

The method or framework within which the research is to be done is called Research

Types of Research of my study is


 Descriptive procedure of Bank of Maharashtra.

 Data Collection

(1)Primary Data:-

nthe form of feedback of the farmers collected through questionnaire.

(2) Secondary Data:-

All the data is collected from the books, publication, records, by the bank websites

Agricultural Loan.


Profile Of The

Agricultural Loan.

Agricultural Loan.

(2.1) History of the bank:-

Bank of Maharashtra is the premier bank of Maharashtra,operating n the country of

ndia. Bank of Maharashtra was registered on l6 September 1935 with an authorized capital of
10.00 lakh and commenced business on 8th February 1936.

Bank of Maharashtra is a public sector bank in Maharashtra, which oflers personal

banking, cash management, retail loans and other financial services. Their services include
deposits, savings/current bank account, vehicle loans, personal loans, agriculture loan, retail
trade finance, global banking. lending to priority sector and small scale sector, foreign exchange
and export finance, corporate loans and equipment loans.

It is known as common man's bank since inception,its initial heip to small units has given
birth to many of today's industrial houses. After 1969 the bank expanded rapidly. It now has
1375 branches all over India. The bank has the largest network of branches by any public sector
bank in the state of Maharashtra. It was founded by a group of visionaries led by Late V.G.kale
and D.K.Sathe and registered as banking company on 16 September 1935 at Pune.

The vision was to reach out and serve the common man and meet all their Banking
needs. Today Bank of Maharashtra has over 12 million customers across the length.

Mahabank Self Employment Training Institute (M-SET) is an efforts Initiated by

Mahabank, Agricultural and Rural Development Fund (MARDEF) is a trust run by Bank of
Maharashtra receiving help from National Bank tor Rural.

Development (NABARD). The organization runs varidus self employment training courses for
the rural unemployed youth from the district of Pune, Kolhapur, Satara, Sangli, Nashik and

Head office of Bank of Maharashtra:-

Bank of Maharashtra,

Lokmanagal, 1501 Shivajinagar Pune (Maha) 411 005

Agricultural Loan.


 To innovate products and services.

 To adopt latest technology on a continuous basis.
 To build proactive, professional and involved workforce.
 To enhance the shareholders' wealth through best practices and corporate governance.
 To enter international arena through branch network.

The Deepmal

With is many light rising to greater heights.

The 3 M’s symbolizing

Mobilization of money.

Agricultural Loan.

Modernization of method and motivation of staff.

Bank Profile (BOM):-

Branch Profile NO. Of Branches

Rural Branches 591
Semi Urban Branches 204
Urban Branches 295
Metropolitan Branches 273
7- Days working Branches 4
Agri-high Tech Branches 4
Industrial Finance Branches(With 23 Fex Centers) 2
Computerized Branches 1363
Branches With Telebanking Facility 83
Query Terminal 88
ATM 343

Agricultural Loan.

(2.3) some other information

(a) Internet Banking-

Bank of Maharashtra offers following services through banking and people these facilities by
using intemet connectivity.

 Account balance inquiry.

 Statement of account.
 View all accounting details for all types of accounts.
 Check status and inquiry.
 Check book queries.
 E-payment of taxes.

Agricultural Loan.

b) Mobile banking


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