Solution To Problem 607
Solution To Problem 607
Solution To Problem 607
beam deflection
cantilever beam
elastic curve
end deflection
maximum deflection
Problem 607
Determine the maximum value of EIy for the cantilever beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-607.
Take the origin at the wall.
Solution 607
At x = 0, y' = 0, therefore C1 = 0
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
Find the equation of the elastic curve for the cantilever beam shown in Fig. P-608; it carries a
load that varies from zero at the wall to wo at the free end. Take the origin at the wall.
Solution 608
At x = 0, y' = 0, therefore C1 = 0
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
Problem 609
As shown in Fig. P-609, a simply supported beam carries two symmetrically placed concentrated
loads. Compute the maximum deflection δ. Check your answer by letting a = ½ L and comparing
it with the answer to Problem 605.
Solution 609
By symmetry
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = L, y = 0
If a = ½ L, P = ½ P
Problem 610
The simply supported beam shown in Fig. P-610 carries a uniform load of intensity wo
symmetrically distributed over part of its length. Determine the maximum deflection δ and check
your result by letting a = 0 and comparing with the answer to Problem 606.
Solution 610
By symmetry
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = a + b, y' = 0
When a = 0, 2b = L, thus b = ½ L
Problem 611
Compute the value of EI δ at midspan for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-611. If E = 10
GPa, what value of I is required to limit the midspan deflection to 1/360 of the span?
Solution 611
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 4 m, y = 0
At x = 2 m (midspan)
Solution to Problem 612 | Double Integration
beam deflection
midspan deflection
simple beam
uniformly distributed load
Problem 612
Compute the midspan value of EI δ for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-612.
Solution 612
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 6 m, y = 0
At midspan, x = 3 m
Problem 613
If E = 29 × 106 psi, what value of I is required to limit the midspan deflection to 1/360 of the
span for the beam in Fig. P-613?
Solution 613
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 12 ft, y = 0
E = 29 × 106 psi
L = 12 ft
At midspan, x = 6 ft
y = -1/360 (12) = -1/30 ft = -2/5 in
‹ Solution to Problem 612 | Double Integration Method up Solution to Problem 614 | Double
Integration Method ›
For the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-614, calculate the slope of the elastic curve over the right
Solution 614
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 8 ft, y = 0
0 = 40(83) - (25/6)(84) + (25/6)(44) + 8C1
C1 = -560 lb·ft2
Compute the value of EI y at the right end of the overhanging beam shown in Fig. P-615.
Solution 615
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 10 ft, y = 0
0 = (110/3)(103) - (500/3)(43) + 10C1
C1 = -2600 lb·ft2
Problem 616
For the beam loaded as shown in Fig. P-616, determine (a) the deflection and slope under the
load P and (b) the maximum deflection between the supports.
Solution 616
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = a, y = 0
0 = -[ b / (6a) ] Pa3 + aC1
C1 = (ab/6)P
The maximum deflection between the supports will occur at the point where y' = 0.
At ,
Problem 617
Replace the load P in Prob. 616 by a clockwise couple M applied at the right end and determine
the slope and deflection at the right end.
Solution 617
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = a, y = 0
0 = -(M / 6a)(a3) + aC1
C1 = Ma / 6
Slope at x = a + b
Deflection at x = a + b
Problem 618
A simply supported beam carries a couple M applied as shown in Fig. P-618. Determine the
equation of the elastic curve and the deflection at the point of application of the couple. Then
letting a = L and a = 0, compare your solution of the elastic curve with cases 11 and 12 in the
Summary of Beam Loadings (link inactive for a moment).
Solution 618
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = L, y = 0
At x = a
Problem 619
Determine the value of EIy midway between the supports for the beam loaded as shown in Fig.
Solution 619
At x = 0, y = 0, therefore C2 = 0
At x = 6 m, y = 0
0 = 50(63) - 900(42) - (25/3)(24) + 6C1
C1 = 5600/9 N·m3
At x = 3 m
‹ Solution to Problem 618 | Double Integration Method up Solution to Problem 620 | Double
Integration Method ›
Problem 620
Find the midspan deflection δ for the beam shown in Fig. P-620, carrying two triangularly
distributed loads. (Hint: For convenience, select the origin of the axes at the midspan position of
the elastic curve.)
Solution 620
By symmetry:
At x = 0, y' = 0, therefore C1 = 0
At x = ½L, y = 0
0 = (1/48)woL2 (½L)2 - (wo60L)(½L)5 + C2
0 = (1/192)wo L4 - (1/1920)wo L4 + C2
C2 = -(3/640)wo L4
At x = 0 (midspan)