Iso 6541 1981
Iso 6541 1981
Iso 6541 1981
This International Standard has also been approved by the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
NOTE - This International Standard is based on Standard No. 113 of the International Associ-
ation for Cereal Chemistry ( ICC).
Printed in Switzerland
NOTE - In French, the term “indice d’insoluble dit cellulosique” has 7 Apparatus
been adopted for “crude fibre” rather than the alternative “cellulose
brute”. Usual laboratory apparatus, and in particular
7.6 Filter crucible, of silica, having a fritted silica plate of Determine the dry matter content ot the test Sample
porosity grade P 100 (Pore diameter 40 to 100 Pm), prepared as ( by an appropriate method.
indicated in 11 .l.
7.9 Muffle furnace, capable of being controlled at For products with low crude fibre contents, and in particular
550 I!I 25 OC. those having crude fibre contents less than 1 % (HZ/IYI), take a
test Portion of 3 g.
7.18 Analytical balance.
9.3 Determination
9 Procedure Transfer the test Portion to the digestion vessel (7.3) and sus-
pend it in about one-third of the total volume of the Scharrer
9.1 Reparation of test Sample reagent (6.1). Generally, the total volume, in millilitres, of the
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Scharrer reagent is numerically twenty times the mass, in
grams, of the test Portion (in no case shall the volume used be
9.1.1 Preliminary drying
( less than 40 ml).
In the case of products having moisture contents too high for
Using a glass rod, which shall be left in the d igestion vessel,
them to be mixed or ground as received, carry out a preliminary ISO 6541:1981
drying of the product at an appropriate temperature. In this break UP anY large lumps that may ha ve been formed.
case, weigh the product before the preliminary drying and
again just before preparation of the test Sample (9.1.2 or 9.1.3). Carefully rinse the interior Walls of the digestion vessel with the
remaining two-thirds sf the Scharrer reagent in Order to remove
any particles of the product adhering to the Walls. Fit the con-
9.1.2 Products no% requiring grinding denser. Bring the contents of the vessel to the boil in
3 k 0,5 min and maintain boiling for 30 ? 1 min (sec 11.2). Products of which 95 % pass through the sieve (7.2) DO not stir or Shake while boiling.
do not need to be ground before the determination.
9.3.2 Separation and washing of the residue
Mix well before taking the test Portion.
After the specified boiling period, transfer the boiling Solution If the results are to be expressed relative to the dry to the filter crucible (7.6) prepared as described in 11 .l, and
matter content, determine beforehand the dry matter content filter under reduced pressure using the suction flask (7.4) and
of the test Sample ( by an appropriate method. the water-jet pump (7.5).
NOTE - Such a degree of fineness of grinding is unnecessary for Rinse twice with the diethyl ether (6.3) and remove the ether by
products containing Parts which are rich in cellulosic substances, such filtration under reduced pressure using the suction flask and
as grains in husk or husks of grain. water-jet pump.
ISO 6!541-1981 (E)
9.3.3 Drying 10.1.2 Crude fibre content relative’ to the dry matter
Conte nt of the prod uct
Dry the filter crucible with its contents in the drying oven (7.8)
maintained at 130 + 2 OC. The crude fibre content, expressed as a percentage by mass
relative to the dry matter content of the product, is given by the
Allow them to cool to room temperature in the desiccator (7.7) formula
and weigh them rapidly to the nearest 0,5 mg. 100 100
b-n, - m2) x KX M’
Repeat these operations until the differente between two suc-
cessive weighings, separated by a period in the oven followed where mg, ml, m2 and MS have the same meanings as
by cooling in the desiccator, does not exceed 1 mg. in 10.1.1.
If a preliminary drying was carried out (sec 9.1 .l), the crude
9.3.4 Incineration fibre content, expressed as a percentage by mass relative to the
product as received, is obtained by multiplying the result
After drying, incinerate the dry residue in the muffle furnace calculated according to 10.1.1 by the ratio
(7.9) at 550 I!I 25 OC for 30 min.
10.1.4 Result
10 Expression of results ISO 6541:1981
Take as the result the arithmetic mean of the two determina-
tions (9.3.51, provided that the requirements for repeatability
IQ.1 Method of calculation and formulae (see 10.2) are satisfied.
The crude fibre content, expressed as a percentage by mass The differente between the results of the two determinations
relative to the product as received, is given by the fo lrmula (9.3.51, carried out simultaneously or in rapid succession by the
same analyst, shall not exceed :
a) for products not requiring grinding
0,l (absolute value) for crude fibre contents below
(ml - m2) x - 2 % (mlm);
5 % (relative value) for crude fibre contents greater than
b) for products requiring grinding
2 % (mlm).
100 100 MS
(m, - m2) x - x - x 100
mg Mk
11 Notes on procedure
is the total mass, in grams, of the dry residue and its 11.1.1 Prior to first use, carefully clean the filter crucibles
(7.6) and heat in the muffle furnace (7.91, controlled at
support after drying (9.3. ‘3);
550 + 25 OC, for 6 h.
m2 is the total mass, in grams, of the dry residue and its
support after incineration (9.3.4); 11.1.2 Spread on the crucible plate 5 to 6 g of the sea sand
(6.4). Level the surface and spread over the top 4 to 5 g of
MS is the dry matter content of the product as received, crushed porcelain (6.5) and again level the surface. Using
determined as indicated in; gentle pressure, place a perforated porcelain disc on top of
these two layers. This filling may be reused without cleaning or
Mk is the dry matter content of the test Sample, deter- preliminary treatment, but care should be taken to ensure that
mined as indicated in or the layers remain in their initial positions.
ISO 6541-1981 (El
11.2 Precautions 1
During digestion (see 9.3.11, heating shall be performed with The test report shall show the method used and the result
care in Order to avoid over-heating and too rapid boiling. The obtained (in particular, whether it is expressed relative to the
foam formed in the vessel shall never be allowed to exceed a product as received or to the dry matter content). lt shall also
height of 10 mm. Control is exerted by varying the intensity of mention all operating conditions not specified in this lnter-
heating . national Standard or regarded as optional, as weil as any
circumstances that may have influenced the result.
The test report sha ll include all the details required for the com-
plete identification of the sam ple.
ISO 6541:1981
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ISO 6541:1981