Policy Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

of the group iPMI policy

coverage for individuals

AWP Health & Life SA

February 2020
Effective date, duration, and anniversary date 3
Premium rates 3
Eligibility for coverage 4
Zones of coverage 4
Plan administrator 5
Changes to the membership certificate 5
Benefits 5
Prior notification 6
How to file a claim 6
Assessment of the claims 6
Limitation on actual costs 7
Payment through the card 7
Reimbursement of covered expenses 8
Currency 8
Limitation on actions 8
Subrogation 8
Pre-contractual reporting duty 8
Consequences of non-fulfilment of an obligation 9
Notices 9
Withdrawal of application for membership/ “cooling off period” 9
Termination or suspension of coverage 10
Premium payment 11
Non-payment 11
Complaints 11
Exclusions 12
Applicable law 13









2 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

1. Terms and Conditions
The purpose of this document is to define the terms PREMIUM RATES
and conditions of the insurance cover for Primary
Members and other Covered Persons available through Premium rates for the Policy will be determined
the Association for European Expatriate Insurance, with according to the age, benefits, and zone of coverage/
reimbursement of medical and related expenses, in country of destination of each Primary Member
accordance with the terms and conditions set out below and other Covered Person.  In addition, an underwriting
(the “Policy”). premium may, prior to the acceptance of the
application and issuance of a Membership Certificate, be
Coverage is defined by: added to the premium based on the health declaration
included with the Application Form.
– The present Policy and its appendices including the
Membership Certificate (“Membership Certificate”); Premium rates may change according to the age of
– A policy booklet, if applicable; and the Primary Member and other Covered Persons at
– A data privacy notice each Policy Anniversary Date based on the rate table by
age established at the time of application.
all of which form an integral part of the Policy.
In addition, the Insurer reserves the right to modify
All definitions in this Policy are defined in section 2 the premium and/or the policy terms from time to
“Definitions,“ hereto, or in the document text itself. time in case of changing regulations, technical results,
or increases of external costs relating to the benefits
EFFECTIVE DATE, DURATION, AND provided under this Policy, among other causes, as
ANNIVERSARY DATE required. Any such changes in the premium and/or the
policy terms will come into effect no earlier than the
Coverage under this Policy comes into effect on the next Policy Anniversary Date, at which point the Primary
date specified on the Membership Certificate (“Policy Member will have the right to choose whether or not to
Effective Date”). The policy anniversary date (“Policy continue coverage under the new terms. 
Anniversary Date”) will fall on each anniversary of the
Policy Effective Date. The Plan Administrator, on behalf of the Insurer, will
notify the Primary Member of any change to the premium
Coverage under this Policy will continue unless the and/or Policy terms at least two (2) months prior to such
coverage has otherwise been terminated, and contingent change coming into effect. The change in premium and/
upon the Primary Member and other Covered Persons or Policy terms will take effect from the next Anniversary
continuing to be eligible for coverage, (ii) the Masterpolicy Date following the notification to the Primary Member.
between the Insurer and the Association not having been
terminated, (iii) the Primary Member having agreed to the Nevertheless, the Primary Member retains the right to
changes of rates or terms set out in a request delivered request the termination of membership in the Association
by the Association (also acting on behalf of the Insurer) to within thirty (30) days following notification of a change
the Primary Member no later than three (3) months before in premiums and/or policy terms.
the Anniversary Date to apply from the Anniversary Date,
unless the Policy has otherwise been terminated by either The premium is stated in EURO or USD.
the Association (acting also on behalf of the Insurer) or the
Primary Member. This Policy covers the Primary Member and other
Covered Persons as listed on the Membership Certificate,
Coverage for those persons included in the coverage in accordance with the definitions contained in this
of the Primary Member under the Policy shall become Policy.
effective at the time those persons are enrolled in the
coverage of the Primary Member or, subsequently, once
the persons concerned meet the required conditions.

The period of insurance will be from the date on which

the Primary Member and other Covered Member join the
Insurance unless otherwise as indicated herein and as
indicated herein. 

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 3

ELIGIBILITY FOR COVERAGE Covered Persons should advise the Plan Administrator
(contact details below) if they move outside the zone of
Coverage under the Policy includes the Primary Member coverage, as listed on the Membership Certificate, for a
and other Covered Persons as defined in this Policy and period of more than sixty (60) days.
as listed on the Membership Certificate. This Policy
is intended to provide coverage for Primary Members Coverage is only for the costs resulting from an Accident
and their eligible Dependents residing outside of his/ or an Emergency outside the zone of coverage when
her Home Country. This Policy is not intended to be treatment was provided by a physician, medical
supplemental health insurance in Germany. The Primary practitioner or specialist or by Hospitalization.
Member must be aged eighteen (18) or older at the
time of completing the Application Form. Coverage is Outside of the zone of coverage, treatment by a
contingent on the Application Form being accepted by physician, medical practitioner or specialist must
the Insurer. The Insurer will not accept any Application commence within forty-eight (48) hours of the
Form where such activity would violate any applicable Emergency. Coverage is not provided outside the zone
law, sanction, or regulation. of coverage for any curative or follow-up nonemergency
treatment, nor does it cover charges relating to
The Primary Member and other Covered Persons maternity, pregnancy, childbirth or any complications
must be under the age of sixty-five (65) upon joining of pregnancy or childbirth after week thirty-four (34) of
coverage under the Policy. pregnancy. 

Personal data and/or other sensitive data are required

for the underwriting, administration, and management
of the present Policy. Primary Members and other
Covered Persons shall be considered “Data Subjects”
for the purpose of applying the provisions described in
Appendix 3 - Data Privacy Notice, and any other Data
Privacy Notice provided by the Plan Administrator.


This Policy provides insurance cover for each Primary

Member and other Covered Person in the zones
of coverage identified on the Primary Member’s
Membership Certificate.

The medical costs must have been incurred within the

insurance period:
– in one of the countries of the zones of coverage
defined herein; or
– in another country: the Policy shall provide coverage
for emergency treatment outside the zone of
coverage stated on the Membership Certificate for a
period of sixty (60) days per trip. The coverage shall
begin from the time the Covered Person leaves his/
her residence or working place to conduct the travel.

Emergency treatment outside zone of coverage is

treatment for medical emergencies that occur during
business or holiday trips outside your area of coverage.
Coverage is provided up to a maximum period of sixty
(60) days per trip within the maximum benefit amount
and includes treatment required in the event of an
accident, or the sudden beginning or worsening of a
severe illness that presents an immediate threat to the
Covered Person’s health. Primary Members and other

4 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


This Policy is administered by PassportCard Scope

Deutschland GmbH (the “Plan Administrator”) on behalf Benefits consist of payment or reimbursement of eligible
of the Insurer: medical and related expenses incurred by Covered
Persons as set out in Appendix 2 - Table of Benefits.
PassportCard Deutschland GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 8 For medical care to be covered under this Policy, it
20354 Hamburg must be provided by medical care providers recognized
Germany by the local medical authorities and provided by
authorized practitioners (in compliance with the laws
Phone number: +49 40 46 00 20 333 and regulations of the country in which the care was
WhatsApp number: +49 170 210 1616 provided).
Email: kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de
The medical services must have been provided during
CHANGES TO THE MEMBERSHIP the insurance period as stated on the Membership
CERTIFICATE Certificate.

If the Primary Member wishes to add additional and Benefit Amount

eligible other Covered Persons to this Policy, including The benefit amount is determined for each itemized
newborns, a new Application Form must be completed expense as provided for in the Table of Benefits and
for such additional Covered Persons, and such additional limited to the usual, customary, and reasonable (“UCR”)
coverage shall come into effect on the date specified expenses for each type of service.
on the updated Membership Certificate that shall be
issued to the Primary Member. In the case of a newborn, The usual, customary and reasonable nature is determined
the birth certificate shall be submitted within three according to the medical practice that prevails in the
(3) months of the child’s birth and the newborn will country where the care is provided (treatment type, care
be accepted for coverage under the Policy without an and medical equipment quality, geographical area, and
additional health check being performed. country) and is subject to coding and rating standards
of the medical procedures and treatments referenced
When a Covered Person (other than the Primary or common in each country. In general, expenses
Member) reaches the age of 18, the Plan Administrator for treatment or other services that are obviously
will contact such Covered Person and issue him/her disproportionate to the services performed are unusual,
with a separate Membership Certificate, if applicable. In non-customary and unreasonable.
addition, the Primary Member will receive an updated
Membership Certificate showing the updated list of If the nature of the expenses is considered to be
other Covered Persons. unusual, non-customary or unreasonable, this may lead
to the denial of reimbursement or a limitation on the
The Primary Member may change the zone of coverage reimbursement amount to the usual, customary and
in which he/she is covered for insurance by notifying reasonable amount. If medical care for which benefits
the Plan Administrator one (1) month in advance of such have been agreed exceeds the medically necessary
change, by way of email or phone. In such instance, level, the Insurer may further reduce the benefits to an
the premium that the Primary Member will pay in appropriate amount.
accordance with coverage under this Policy may be
affected by the change in the zone of coverage and the
Primary Member will be notified of the change.

Nevertheless, the Primary Member retains the right

to request the termination of membership in the
Association within two (2) months following notification
of the change in premium as a result of the change in
zone of coverage. The change in premium as a result of
a change in zone of coverage will come into effect thirty
(30) days after the Primary Member is notified of such

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 5

PRIOR NOTIFICATION – In case of home childbirth: a copy of the child‘s birth
Benefits may be contingent on prior notification being
given on behalf of the Primary Member or other Covered The Plan Administrator may request, as appropriate, any
Person. additional documentation necessary for the application
of this coverage.
Prior notification must be given for claims relating to
covered hospitalization, hospice care and transplants, The Primary Member and/or other Covered Person shall
and pregnancy, as described hereunder, except in the be liable for any information provided by him/her, or
event of an “emergency”. provided by the Primary Member on behalf of the other
Covered Person, which appear to be false, forged or
The Primary Member or other Covered Person should exaggerated, or any fraudulent or deceitful action by
notify the Plan Administrator on behalf of the Insurer them and all undue payments paid by the Insurer on the
at least seventy-two (72) hours before any covered basis of these incorrect data shall be recovered.
hospitalization, hospice care and transplants.
In case of a covered pregnancy, the Plan Administrator
should be notified within the first three (3) months of The Plan Administrator may investigate and assess any
the pregnancy. claim on behalf of the Insurer within a reasonable time
and in accordance with the terms of the Policy.
The Plan Administrator is deemed to have approved the
suggested course of treatment if it has not otherwise In the event of a claim, the Plan Administrator shall
responded to the prior notification within 5 working days pay any sums due in respect of the claim within a
following the date of receipt. reasonable time if required to do so in accordance with
the Policy terms. In the event of a dispute concerning
In the event that no request for prior notification the claim, non-payment of the claim cannot be treated
was submitted and, as a result the cost for treatment as unreasonable.
covered by the Policy exceeds the cost that would have Within the context of reviewing the claim, the Plan
been covered had prior notification been submitted, the Administrator’s advising medical expert may request
Plan Administrator shall be entitled to cover only 80% any other supporting documentation necessary
of the hospital care expenses (inpatient) and 50% of the to process the claim if the documentation listed
amount payable for any other similar care (outpatient) above is incomplete, gives rise to doubt, or the Plan
that should have been reimbursed in the event that Administrator is unable to investigate thoroughly
excess expenses were effectively incurred by the Insurer the Insurer’s obligation to pay the claim. The Plan
as a result of the failure to give prior notification. Administrator’s advising medical expert is entitled, at
its own expense, to request data from the following
While prior notification is not necessary in cases of organizations and persons subject to Section 4 “Data
Emergency, the Primary Member or other Covered Privacy Notice“ hereto and the in any other Data Privacy
Person should nevertheless notify the Plan Administrator Notice provided by the Plan Administrator:
within forty-eight (48) hours following Hospitalization or,
in the case of a force majeure, as soon as possible. – Doctors,
– Hospitals,
HOW TO FILE A CLAIM – Other medical institutions,
– Care homes,
Claims must be filed without undue delay, but not later – Caregivers,
than thirty-six (36) months of the date the medical – Other personal insurance providers,
services were provided. – Statutory health insurance bodies,
– Occupational insurance organizations and/or
In the case of a claim, the Plan Administrator may – Official bodies
request the following evidence together with the claim
in order for the claim to be processed: In the event that the Primary Member and/or other
Covered Persons refuses to provide concrete data
– In case of Hospitalization: the Hospitalization collected during the course of claims processing, the
supporting documents (invoices, notes of fees, etc.), benefit may not become due if the Plan Administrator
– In case of illness: the detailed invoices, or is unable to determine whether and to what extent the

6 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Insurer is liable for payment of the claim. In this regard Such terms and conditions include that the user must
the Insurer shall not otherwise be held liable for failing to provide the Plan Administrator with any documentation
perform the services under the Policy. it requests to support the payment through the card.
If such documentation is not provided, or, the card
By applying for coverage under the Policy, the Primary was not used in accordance with the applicable terms
Member agrees that to refuse or fail to provide the and conditions, the Plan Administrator has the right
appropriate information to the Plan Administrator may to reclaim the funds from the Primary Member or the
prevent the Insurer from being able to pay the claim. To Covered Person that is equal to the amount that was
the extent that the Insurer refuses to pay a claim in full it charged on the card by the relevant person. Such a
will reduce the payment in proportion to the fault of the reclaim of funds requires that the Primary Member is
Primary Member and any other Covered Person. unable to demonstrate that the failure to obtain prior
authorization was not due to gross negligence, or –
In the event the premium due to be paid under the except in case of intentional non-compliance - that the
Policy has not been paid due to the fault of the Primary breach of the obligation had no effect on the insured
Member, the benefits may not become due. event or the determination of the insurance benefit. By
requesting that funds be loaded onto the PassportCard
In case of any fraud, misstatement or concealment card, the Primary Member agrees to the terms and
in relation to any matter affecting the insurance or in conditions of the PassportCard card. If the Insurer
connection with any claim of the Primary Member and/ refuses to pay a claim in full it may reduce the payment
or other Covered Person, the Insurer will have the right in proportion to the fault of the Primary Member and
to terminate the coverage under the Policy and all rights any other Covered Person.
to claims thereunder are forfeited.
The PassportCard card is not a credit card, cannot
LIMITATION ON ACTUAL COSTS be loaded with your own monies, and is not linked to
any deposit account or other products you may have.
Expenses for which the Primary Member or other PassportCard is simply a method the Plan Administrator
Covered Person has already been reimbursed, or is has chosen to make available as a convenience to enable
expecting to be reimbursed, by third parties, shall not be the Covered Person to pay the relevant amount upfront
additionally reimbursed under this Policy. rather than be reimbursed.

Coverage of the same nature subscribed to with several

insuring bodies shall be enforceable up to the limit on
each benefit, no matter the date the coverage was
subscribed to.

For the purpose of the aforementioned provisions, the

limitation on the amount of the expenses payable by the
Primary Member and/or other Covered Persons shall be
determined by the Plan Administrator for each medical
act, treatment or item.


Certain benefits may be paid directly to the provider

using a special prepaid card (the “PassportCard
card”). Before paying the Medical Provider/Medical
Service Provider, or prior to any cash withdrawal on
the card, such action should be authorized by the Plan
Administrator and the Primary Member or other Covered
Person should either contact the Plan Administrator
or open the mobile app to request funds be loaded
onto the PassportCard card. The PassportCard card
may only be used in accordance with the terms and
conditions provided by the Plan Administrator as
communicated at the time the card is distributed.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 7

REIMBURSEMENT OF COVERED EXPENSES facts) that gave rise to a claim. For more information,
please consult the applicable German law.
Reimbursement shall be paid, if approved, to the
Primary Member or other Covered Person, as applicable, SUBROGATION
following the itemized bills and receipts relating to such
payments being sent to the Plan Administrator. If a Primary Member or other Covered Person has a right
Claims may be raised by the Primary Member or other of indemnity against any third party, other than a family
Covered Person directly without prior consent of the member, the Primary Member or other Covered Person
Association. shall assign this right to the Insurer (except where the
Insurer acquires the right by way of subrogation).
If a Primary Member or other Covered Person is
covered by a local national Social Security insurance, The Insurer may not exercise this right in a manner
or equivalent, the benefits he/she receives from such that will prejudice the right of the Primary Member or
insurance shall be deducted from the benefits payable other Covered Person to collect any indemnity from the
under this Policy (this Policy may, at the discretion of the third party that exceeds the benefits received from the
Plan Administrator, pay second). Insurer.

If a Covered Person (other than the Primary Member) is If a Primary Member or other Covered Person receives
employed and receives insurance from his/her employer, indemnification and/or compensation from a third party
the benefits he/she received from such insurance shall that is due to the Insurer according to this paragraph,
be deducted from the benefits payable under this he/she will transfer it to the Plan Administrator for
Policy (this Policy may, at the discretion of the Plan delivery to the Insurer. If he/she has made a settlement
Administrator, pay second). waiver or other action that prejudices the right that he/
she transferred to the Insurer, he/she shall compensate
CURRENCY the Insurer in that respect either fully (in case of an
intentional breach) or partially in direct relation to the
Costs for medical care services may be incurred in severity of the negligence, unless the Primary Member is
a foreign currency. If the claim is reimbursed by the able to demonstrate the absence of gross negligence.
Insurer in Euro, the Insurer will use conversion rates in
force on the date of the transaction. The Administrator PRE-CONTRACTUAL REPORTING DUTY
has authorised the use of an online currency converter at
the following web address, which permits date-specific The Primary Member and/or other Covered Person are
conversions to be made: required to provide true and complete answers to the
www.xe.com/ucc. questions in the Application Form and other application
documents including detailing any Previous Medical
In the event that the Primary Member or other Covered Condition/Pre-existing Condition. Any information that
Person was actually charged a less favorable conversion is not rendered or that is incorrect or incomplete may
rate at the time of provision of medical service, it is put the insurance coverage at risk.
permissible to use the Covered Person’s rate instead,
provided that the Covered Person provides the Plan In the event of fraud, misstatement, or concealment
Administrator with documents to endorse the rate being by the Primary Member and/or other Covered Person,
claimed. In such cases the Primary Member is given the Insurer (or the Plan Administrator acting on its
the option as to which conversion rate to use. (When behalf) is entitled, pursuant to the requirements set
the difference is small the Primary Member may prefer out in Sec. 19 as modified by Sec. 194 (1) 3rd sentence
prompt settlement using the xe.com rate rather than German Insurance Contract Act, to declare the Primary
collating and sending evidence to support an alternative Member’s coverage under the Policy null and void,
rate.) which shall equally nullify the coverage of the other
Covered Persons. In the event of a negligent omission
LIMITATION ON ACTIONS or misstatement, the Insurer (or the Plan Administrator
acting on its behalf) is also entitled to continue the
Claims may be made until they become barred by coverage under the Policy under new terms and
German law. In general, claims are barred at the end of conditions established by the Insurer (and in case of a
the third (3rd) calendar year following the calendar year grossly negligent breach, also with retroactive effect) or
in which the claim arose and when the injured person terminate the coverage under the Policy by refunding
know about the facts (or should have known about the the premiums paid.

8 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Notifications sent by the Plan Administrator to the
The benefits under the Policy become due when the Primary Member and/or other Covered Person will be
Insurer has concluded the investigations required in either communicated by paper or in text form through
order to establish the insurance claim and the extent digital means (e.g., email, website, log-in, mobile
of its payment. If any of the obligations of the Primary application) in accordance with the section “4 Data“
Member or other Covered Person specified herein are Privacy Notice.
not fulfilled, this may result in the Insurer being unable to
determine whether or to what extent the Insurer is liable WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION FOR
for payment of benefits. MEMBERSHIP/ “COOLING OFF PERIOD”

Non-fulfilment of an obligation may result in the benefit For a period of fourteen (14) days from the date the
not becoming payable. Primary Member receives a Membership Certificate, the
Primary Member may revoke the request for coverage
Details on the pre-contractual disclosure obligations and under the Policy, without being charged a premium, by
the consequences of their non-fulfilment can be found sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of
in section 5 “Consequences“ of Non-Fulfilment of the receipt to the Plan Administrator or email to the address
Disclosure Obligation. listed below. For more detailed information, see section
6 “Instruction“ on Right of Revocation.
In the event of a breach of the pre-contractual disclosure
obligation by the Primary Member or any Covered However, a Primary Member who has already paid a
Person, the Insurer may be entitled, pursuant to Sections premium in relation to the coverage under this Policy
19 through 22 of the German Insurance Contract Act may withdraw from insurance coverage within a period
(see section 5 “Consequences“ of Non-Fulfilment of the of thirty (30) calendar days from the Policy Effective
Disclosure Obligation pursuant to §19 of the German Date as detailed on the Membership Certificate, by
Insurance Contract Act (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz) sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of
either to declare the individual policy void, to terminate receipt to the Plan Administrator or email to the address
the individual policy or to continue applying it under listed below.
new conditions established by the Insurer.
The Primary Member shall be reimbursed, in full, for all
sums relating to the payment of premium under this
Policy made within thirty (30) days from the date of
acknowledgement of receipt of the registered letter, so
long as no claims were made under this Policy during
that time or since the inception of coverage under this

Address for Sending the Letter of Withdrawal

PassportCard Deutschland GmbH

Hohe Bleichen 8
20354 Hamburg
Email: kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de 

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 9

Sample letter of Withdrawal (within the cooling-off If a Primary Member and/or other Covered Person loses
period) eligibility for coverage, the Insurer may grant a grace
period of up to ninety (90) days of additional coverage,
„I, the undersigned, Mr./Ms. (full name of the person contingent on continued payment of premium.
concerned), residing at (full address of the person
concerned)..., withdraw from membership to the policy Unless otherwise provided herein, for all persons
number. ... subscribed with the Association. covered under this Policy, the termination of coverage
shall be effective on the date stated on the Membership
I hereby certify that, on the dispatch date of this letter, I Certificate or shall be effective on the termination date
am not aware of any claim invoking the policy coverage on which the Plan Administrator is notified that coverage
since the date on which I applied for coverage under the has been terminated, and shall not be retroactive.
The Primary Member may cancel coverage under the
Date: Policy at any time upon giving thirty (30) days’ notice to
the Plan Administrator.
Termination results in the immediate cancellation of
TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF entitlement to benefits for all services provided after the
COVERAGE termination date, even if treatment for a condition began
for the Primary Member or other Covered Person prior
Except in the event of a breach of the pre-contractual to the termination date.
disclosure obligations or non-payment of premium, the
Primary Member and/or other Covered Person, once The validity of this Policy is reliant on the existence of
accepted, cannot be excluded from coverage under the the Masterpolicy entered into between the Insurer and
Policy against his/her will as long as he/she continues to the Association. In the event of termination of such
be eligible to be eligible for coverage. Masterpolicy, coverage under this Policy in effect at the
time of termination shall continue to be in force until
Unless otherwise provided herein, coverage the next Anniversary date (subject to the provisions
contained in the Policy), but shall not be entitled to be
– For each Primary Member: shall terminate on the date renewed.
on which the Primary Member ceases to be eligible
for coverage under the Policy; and Termination of coverage under the Policy may be
– For each other Covered Person: the termination of initiated by the Association (acting also on behalf of the
the Policy coverage for the Primary Member shall Insurer) in the following circumstances:
cause a termination of the Policy coverage for the
other Covered Person. If the other Covered Person is – In the event of non-payment of the premium by the
eligible to be a Primary Member, he/she can convert Primary Member, as set out in Sec. 37 and 38 German
their coverage into a new coverage under the Policy Insurance Contract Act;
without additional underwriting or waiting periods; – By giving three (3) months prior notice, on the
and if the other Covered Person no longer meets termination date of the Membership Certificate or
the eligibility requirements for being a ‘Covered termination event specified in the Policy, whichever is
Person’ under the Policy, the coverage shall terminate the earlier to occur;
immediately. – With immediate effect, on the date on which the
Primary Member ceases to be eligible to be a member
of the Association; or
– Following a recovery plan or a compulsory liquidation
of the Association.

10 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

In the event of the termination of the Masterpolicy, if the Administrator may forward the complaint to the Insurer,
Association engages with a different insurance company at the address listed below. The Insurer will respond to
to service coverage under the Policy that was in effect such complaint within a reasonable timeframe.
at the time of such termination, such coverage shall no
longer be covered by the present Insurer, subject to the AWP Health & Life S.A.
consent of the Primary Member. This clause does not Client relations
derogate from any other provision agreed between the Eurosquare 2
parties with respect to a run-off period of the coverage 7 rue Dora Maar
under the Policy. 93400 Saint Ouen
If a Primary Member and/or other Covered Person loses Email: client.care@allianzworldwidecare.com
eligibility for coverage, the Insurer may grant a grace
period of up to ninety (90) days of additional coverage, Primary Member or Covered Person shall first contact
contingent on payment of premium. their representative at the Plan Administrator. If the
proposed solution does not meet the expectations of
Covered Persons shall be considered to have their the Primary Member and/or Covered Person, the Plan
rights under the Policy terminated at the time the Administrator may forward the complaint to the Insurer,
Primary Member stops being a member or, as otherwise at the address listed above. The Insurer will respond to
described in the Policy, whichever is the earlier to occur. such complaint within a reasonable timeframe.

PREMIUM PAYMENT The Primary Member or the other Covered Persons

also have the option to request mediation from the
The premiums are paid by the Primary Member either Ombudsmann Private Kranken-und Pflegeversicherung
monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and are for health insurance disputes in relation to this Policy.
due to be paid by the Primary Member on the first day
of the calendar period to which they relate. Complaints can be submitted to the German
regulatory authority, Bundesanstalt für
NON-PAYMENT Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, at the following address:

In the event the Primary Member fails to pay the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
premiums in full within thirty (30) days following their Graurheindorfer Straße 108
due date, the coverage may be withdrawn thirty (30) 53117 Bonn
days after the Insurer or Plan Administrator has sent a Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108 - 0
registered letter to the Primary Member constituting Fax: + 49 (0)228 4108-1550
formal notice of said withdrawal. If within that period, Email: poststelle@bafin.de
the Primary Member has made the delinquent payment, https://www.bafin.de
the notice of withdrawal shall no longer be effective.
In addition, AWP Health & Life SA is a signatory to the
COMPLAINTS mediation charter of the French Federation of Insurance
Companies. Therefore, in the event of a persistent and
In the event of a disagreement or complaint with the definitive disagreement, the Association and/or Primary
Insurer concerning the general terms and conditions Member or other Covered Person has the option, after
of the Policy, the Association and/or Primary Member exhausting all other possible amicable remedies, to
and/or other Covered Person shall first contact their opt to turn to the Mediator of the French Federation
representative at the Plan Administrator at the following of Insurance Companies, without prejudice to other
address: possible legal action, who can be contacted at the
following address:
PassportCard Deutschland GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 8 La Médiation de l’Assurance
20354 Hamburg TSA 50 110
Germany 75 441 Paris Cedex 09
Email: kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de https://www.mediation-assurance.org/

If the proposed solution does not meet the expectations The filing of a complaint does not affect the right to file
of the Primary Member and/or Covered Person, the Plan a claim before the responsible civil court.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 11

EXCLUSIONS under the Policy for one or more territories, subject to
a fifteen (15) days prior notice sent to the Association.
Exclusion of Insurer’s Liability for Providers of The Association may refuse this modification and
Medical and Other Services terminate the Policy by sending the Insurer a registered
letter with acknowledgement of receipt within thirty
The Insurer is not liable to the Association and/or the (30) days from the date of receipt of the endorsement
Primary Member and/or other Covered Persons for any submitted by the Insurer. The termination shall take
damage that Primary Member and/or other Covered effect on the first day of the calendar quarter following
Persons and/or a third party may suffer as a result of the refusal notification. Any changes will apply to the
the Primary Member and/or other Covered Person’s Primary Member’s coverage under the Policy on the
selection of and/or referral by the Insurer to a physician, next Policy Anniversary Date, except in the event said
specialist, surgeon, anesthetist, Hospital, or any other modification is a result of a legislative or regulatory and/
in-network or out-of-network provider and/or as a result or international change in the law.
of an act or omission of the former, or advice, treatment,
surgical procedure, medication or other action taken Excluded Benefits
by them, including not performing a surgical procedure
and/or not providing medical treatment on the date The following benefits are not covered by the Policy,
specified for any reason whatsoever. It is made clear that unless otherwise stipulated in the Membership
the service providers are not deemed to be agents or Certificate or in the Table of Benefits:
employees of the Insurer.
– Elective treatments provided outside the zone of
Forfeiture of the Right to a Benefit coverage as set out in the Membership Certificate.
– Any form of experimental or uncontrolled treatment
The Primary Member and each Covered Person is that does not follow customary or traditional,
entitled to raise claims directly against the Insurer. commonly accepted medical practices, unless the
The Primary Member and/or other Covered Person Insurer has given its specific consent.
is deprived of all rights to the benefits of a claim in – Ancillary or “comfort“ costs in case of Hospitalization
the event the Primary Member or other Covered (e.g., telephone, television, hotel, Internet, etc.).
Person voluntarily makes a false declaration about – Treatments relating to substance abuse/addiction.
that claim including the date, nature, causes, – Detoxication/detoxification treatment.
circumstances and/or consequences and/or – Any surgery or treatment relating to a gender
amount of the loss. The forfeiture of this right reassignment/sexual reassignment/gender
also applies in the event the Primary Member or confirmation.
other Covered Person knowingly uses inaccurate – Medical checks, studies, treatments, consultations and
documents as supporting documents for that complications relating to sterility, sterilization, sexual
claim. dysfunctions, contraception (including insertion
or removal of contraceptive devices), induced
Excluded Risks termination of pregnancy, (except in the case of an
interruption of pregnancy medically necessary and
Any costs resulting from the following events are not performed in compliance with local law).
covered by the Insurer: – Any elective/voluntary surgery for plastic/aesthetic
purposes, except reconstructive breast surgery after
– Any exposure whatsoever to ionizing radiation, a covered illness.
radioactive pollution, nuclear process, military – Aesthetic treatments and consultations, rejuvenation
nuclear matter, or any nuclear waste whatsoever cures, slimming cures.
or any chemical substance during the course of an – Thermal cures and related costs.
illegitimate activity, and – Medical costs relating to a stay in thalassotherapy
– The consequences of a civil or non-civil war, an centre or fitness centre, even if this stay is medically
insurrection, a riot, an attack, a commotion or acts prescribed.
of terrorism, whatever the place of these events and – Medical costs relating to a stay in a rest home or a
their protagonists, except if the Covered Person does convalescent home, except if this stay results from a
not take an active part in such event or if he/she is Hospitalization or a severe surgery assessed by the
called upon to perform a maintenance or monitoring Insurer‘s doctor.
mission in order to ensure the security of people. – Consultations, treatments and complications relating
The Insurer reserves the right to modify the coverage to hair loss or hair transplantation, unless this

12 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

treatment results from a hair loss caused by a serious *******
illness. The present Policy may be executed in one or more
– Treatments to modify the refraction of an eye or counterparts, each of which shall for all purposes be
both eyes (laser eye correction), including refractive deemed to be an original of the contract and all of which
keratotomy (RK) and photorefractive keratotomy shall constitute the same instrument. The chapters 1-7
(PRK). hereto are deemed to be incorporated and forms an
– Non-prescription medicines and non-medicinal integral part of the present Policy.
– Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disturbances,
including treatment for the prevention of sleep
disturbances, medical equipment, examinations at
sleep laboratories.
– A circumcision other than for medical reasons.
– Vaccinations for adults given that are not medically
necessary (e.g., for travel or immigration).
.– Treatments based on alternative or holistic medicine
unless otherwise provided for in the table of benefits
.– Care and/or treatment of intentionally caused
illnesses and/or self-inflicted injuries including
attempted suicide whether the Primary Member or
Covered Person is of sound mind or not.


This Policy is governed and interpreted by the German


German courts shall have jurisdiction for any disputes

arising from or in connection with this Policy. Claims
by the Insurer and/or the Plan Administrator can be
raised in the courts where the Primary Member has
his/her habitual residence. However, German courts
shall have jurisdiction if the Primary Member has, after
the commencement of coverage under the Policy,
changed his/her habitual residence to a place outside of

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 13

2. Definitions
The words and expressions employed in this policy shall Copay
have the following meanings: A fixed amount or a percentage of the cost of a covered
service that the Covered Person pays directly to the
Accident service provider at the time of treatment, as outlined
Any unintentional bodily injury suffered by the Primary in the table of benefits. The copay is not tied to the
Member or other Covered Person and resulting from the coinsurance.
sudden and unexpected action of an external cause, to
the exclusion of any acute or chronic illness. Coinsurance
The percentage of the cost of a covered service that the
Appliances Covered Person must pay. The Covered Person shares in
Durable medical equipment that: this cost with the Insurer. There may be a maximum on
– Can be used more than once, the amount of coinsurance a Covered Person will pay, as
– Is used to serve a medical purpose, outlined in the table of benefits.
– Is not used in the absence of a disease, illness or
injury, and Congenital Condition
– Is fit for use in the home/everyday life. Any disease or illness, abnormality, birth defect,
premature birth or malformation present at birth
Application Form including any related condition, whether diagnosed or
An application form to become a Primary Member under not.
the Policy. The application form will be completed with
all the necessary details, including the names of each of Compassionate Family Visit
the Covered Persons requested to be covered under the The cost of flight and hotel, for one trip for one family
Primary Member’s policy, and a health declaration and member, to visit the Covered Person currently receiving
medical confidentiality waiver signed by the Primary Medical Treatment.
Member and each other Covered Person (as applicable)
over age 18. A declaration given by the applicant over Country of Destination
the phone is considered as a valid signature if the call is The country, outside the Home Country and Country of
recorded with the consent of the Primary Member. Residence (if applicable), which was indicated on the
Application Form, in which the Covered Person intends
Childbirth Costs to stay for a period of more than sixty (60) consecutive
Medical costs incurred relating to routine vaginal days, or in which the Primary Member is already residing,
childbirth as well as caesarean childbirth when medically and based on that information, the Insurer has agreed to
necessary. Any complications shall be covered by the accept him/her to the insurance Policy.
„hospitalization“ benefit.
Country of Residence
Childcare Costs A country in which the Covered Person legally resides
Babysitting, daycare, nanny, and/or other costs related and for which he/she has a permanent address (where
to the supervision of a Child/Children under age 18 of a applicable).
Covered Person in the following situations:

1. If the Child/Children remain in the Country of

Destination while both the Covered Person and his/
her Partner are outside the Country of Destination
due to medical treatment,
2. During a covered Hospitalization of a parent who is a
Covered Person, or
3. If the Child/Children are not with the Covered Person
or his/her Partner during a covered delayed return

14 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Covered Person Elective Treatment
A Covered Person is the Primary Member and/or other A treatment or procedure for which the need was
person covered through the Primary Member’s coverage expected and the admission of the Covered Person to a
as a Dependent of the Primary Member as defined clinic was not based on a referral from the emergency
herein. room as an urgent event, rather a referral from an
outpatient specialist physician (including the outpatient
Date ofOccurrence
Date of Occurrenceof of
thethe Insured
Insured Event
Event clinic of a hospital).
The actual date the Covered Person received a medical
treatment and/or other relevant service. Emergency dental
dental treatment
treatment following
Emergency dental treatment provided within fifteen (15)
Dependent days of an Accident and consisting of replacing lost or
A Dependent is described as follows: damaged natural and healthy teeth.

a. Spouse/Civil Union Partner Emergency

A spouse not legally separated from the Primary A word used in case of Accident, natural disaster, and/
Member, or his/her registered civil union partner, or or beginning or sudden aggravation of an illness for
Cohabiting Partner, as registered with the appropriate which the Covered Person requires immediate medical
regulatory authority. measures and treatment. Immediate means within
forty-eight (48) hours following the direct cause of the
b. Cohabitating Partner (Common Law/Life Partner) emergency.
A spouse not legally separated from the Primary
Member, or his/her registered civil union partner, or Home Country
Cohabiting Partner, as registered with the appropriate The country declared as the Home Country on the
regulatory authority. Application Form for which the Primary Member holds
a passport and/or in which the Primary Member has a
– both individuals are free from matrimonial ties; and permanent address.
– Cohabitation has been declared by the Primary
Insured to the Policyholder, who shall Hospital
communicate such information to the Insurer, at the A medical, surgical, or psychiatric institution that is
time of enrolment. recognized as a public or private hospital by the local
governing body.
c. Dependent Child/Children
The unmarried Child/Children of the Primary Member Hospitalization
and those of his/her spouse (or civil union partner or A stay within a Hospital for diagnostic purposes and/
Cohabitating Partner) up to the age of 18, living in the or to conduct an emergency and/or elective operation,
household of Primary Member, whether legitimate, including examinations, and/or medications connected
recognized, adopted or taken in, including minors with the purpose of the hospitalization, all supervised by
who are under the protection of the Primary Member. an attending physician. Hospitalization includes:
– Hospitalization in a public or private health facility
– The age limit of 18 is extended to 24 for Dependent – Surgical operations during Hospitalization, including
Children who are full time students. medical care relating to trauma, and surgery
– The age limit of 18 is waived for handicapped/ performed under general or local anesthesia.
disabled Dependent Children who are recognized – Medical and paramedical ancillary costs incurred
by the relevant local governmental agency as legal during Hospitalization
dependents of the Primary Member. – Patient transportation*
– Any other medical treatment in a Hospital, and
– MRI, PET Scans or similar imaging tests.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 15

*In case of Hospitalization, transportation is covered Maternity Care - Complications of Pregnancy and
within the same country between the patient‘s home Childbirth
or the place of Accident and the nearest health facility Any abnormal state of pregnancy; an abortion (other than
located in the same country. It is also covered if the for personal reasons and/or socio-economic reasons);
hospitalized patient‘s condition requires his/her transfer an abnormal delivery; In this matter, the following
from the host health facility to another nearby health medical situations will be deemed to be complications
facility. of pregnancy: preeclampsia, toxemia, kidney infection,
gestational diabetes, anemia, bladder infection, location
In Network Provider and/or severance of the placenta, a tear in the womb, an
A physician, Hospital, or other service provider. infection of the placenta, endometriosis, late delivery (42
that has entered into an agreement with the Plan weeks and more), RH sensitivity in the blood of the fetus,
Administrator and the name of whom will be indicated premature labor pains, premature rupture of membranes
on a periodically publicized list created by the Plan (more than 12 hours before the delivery), the neck of
Administrator. the womb has ceased to extend, labor pains for over 20
hours, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, extreme vomiting,
Inpatient or associated or similar pathologies. In this matter, the
Treatment for medical reasons that normally means following conditions will be considered as complications
that you have to stay in Hospital accommodations of childbirth and/or the fetus and/or the newborn child:
overnight or longer (not including waiting to be seen in a cesarean operation, an anomalous presentation of the
an emergency room, or waiting for diagnosis). fetus, induction of labor for medical reasons, abnormality
of the amniotic fluid, a slow or fast heartbeat, prolapse of
Insured Event the umbilical cord, embolism of the amniotic fluid in the
A medical and/or other service provided to the Covered lungs, a birth weight below 2 kilograms, a premature birth
Person following a medical need as specified in the table (before the 37th week of pregnancy), a delivery while the
of benefits.. mother is under general anesthetic, congenital anomalies,
or similar or associated pathologies.
Dental implants (metal or ceramic) which are embedded Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
as a substitute for the root of a tooth or in the toothless Emergency transportation by air and/or sea, as a result
jaw. of the Covered Person’s state of health, to a Hospital,
or to an airfield closest to the Hospital to which the
Long Term Care Covered Person is referred, or transferred to the Country
Services for a Covered Person who cannot care of Origin, all at the discretion of the Plan Administrator,
for themselves and require assistance from a third including any emergency land evacuation that is
party while in a Hospital, hospice, nursing home, necessary before or after the transport.
or being nursing at the Covered Person’s personal The Plan Administrator’s obligation pursuant to this
accommodation. Section is only if all the cumulative conditions specified
below have been met:
Maximum member coinsurance
The maximum amount of coinsurance a Covered A. The Covered Person is in need of essential medical
Member will need to pay during a plan year, if applicable, treatment to save his/her life.
as outlined in the table of benefits. B. The essential medical treatment cannot be
administered to the Covered Person in the place he/
Maternity Care and Childbirth (without she is located.
Complications) C. Transportation other than emergency evacuation is
A normal state of pregnancy of the Covered Person likely to end in the death of the Covered Person.
including monitoring the pregnancy, childbirth, and D. That stated in the above paragraphs is requested by
the treatment of the mother and child during the a specialist and authorized at the discretion of the
Hospitalization after the birth, including routine Plan Administrator.
post-natal medical monitoring of the mother. In this
matter, “a normal state of pregnancy” is the course of Medical Provider/Medical Service Provider
the pregnancy until childbirth for which no medical Medical practitioners providing treatment, and medical
intervention is required beyond the routine monitoring providers and facilities, who are authorized by the local
checks according to the accepted criteria, including governing body.
a healthy child born of a vaginal delivery (including
forceps or vacuum delivery).

16 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Out of Network Provider Transplants
A physician, Hospital, or other service provider that has Transplants are subject to the prior written authorization
not entered into an agreement with the Administrator. of the Plan Administrator and must be performed at an
In-Network Provider. Benefit maximums outlined in the
Outpatient table of benefits include the assessment of a medical
Medical treatment given at a Hospital or out-patient Specialist before the transplant, the transplant procedure,
clinic that is recognized as an official medical institution any follow up treatment, and the cost of harvesting the
by the local jurisdiction in which the Covered Person is organ in a Hospital other than an effective purchase or
receiving treatment, in accordance with the terms of this acquisition of an organ or tissue.
Policy. Outpatient day treatments lasting over 4 hours
(i.e. dialysis) are considered as inpatient. Waiting Period
Any period, specified in days or months, beginning on the
Partner Policy Effective Date, during which the Covered Person
A spouse, civil union partner, or cohabiting partner as may not be covered for specific medical services in
described above. accordance with the table of benefits.

Previous Medical Condition/Pre-existing Condition

Any medical condition diagnosed before completion of
the Application Form. The diagnosis may be in the form
of a documented medical diagnoses (no time-limit) or a
documented medical procedure that was conducted in
the six months that proceeded the date the Application
Form was submitted.

Primary Member
The person who completed the Application Form, who
was approved for Policy coverage by the Association,
who is the principle insured under the Policy.

Psychiatric Treatment
Medically required treatment to treat a diagnosed
mental condition of the Covered Person, including eating
disorders by someone who is legally qualified and is
permitted to practice as a Psychiatrist in the country
where the treatment is received.

Psychotherapy Treatment
Medically Required treatment to treat a diagnosed
condition of the Covered person, provided by someone
who is legally qualified and is permitted to practice as a
Psychotherapist, in the country where the treatment is

Repatriation of Remains
This shall include repatriation of mortal remains of the
Covered Person to their Home Country.

Substitute hospital cash plan benefit

An amount payable by the Policy for every day actually
spent in Hospital in the event a Covered Person does
not claim any benefits from the Policy for a medically
necessary inpatient treatment which would otherwise be
covered under the Policy.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 17


3. Table Of Benefits
Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,000,000 € 3,500,000 € 5,000,000 €


Accommodation General Semi-private Private

Medical treatment, surgery

and anesthetics fees

Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services

Outpatient surgery instead

of inpatient treatment

Parent accommodation
during inpatient treatment
of a minor child

Long-term care Up to 20 days Up to 40 days Up to 60 days


Bone marrow and

Up to 150,000 € per lifetime Up to 250,000 € per lifetime
organ transplants

Cancer: Oncological drugs and

treatment including reconstructive
surgery for breast cancer

Substitute hospital
Up to 100 € per night
cash plan benefit

Inpatient treatment of Up to 5,000 € or 30 days

mental or nervous disorders per year / 15,000 max.
Up to 10,000 €
(12 month waiting period, or 90 days per lifetime
requires pre-approval) (the lower of the two)

Physiotherapy, including massages

(requires pre-approval)

Other inpatient therapies

(includes ergo therapy, light
therapy, hydrotherapy, inhalation,
packs, medical baths, cryotherapy,
thermotherapy, electrotherapy,
cardio rehabilitation)

Prescribed medical aids

Up to 5,000 € Up to 5,000 €
and appliances

Prescribed medicines and

drugs for inpatient

Transport to the nearest

suitable hospital for initial
treatment following an
accident or an emergency

18 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,000,000 € 3,500,000 € 5,000,000 €


Medical treatment Covered as specified below Covered as specified below Covered as specified below

Office visits Up to 1,000 €

Critical illness, following

inpatient treatment

Cancer treatment

Maintenance of chronic

Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services

Psychiatric treatment

Waiting period of 12
Psychotherapy months, only by a licensed
psychiatrist (MD)

Physiotherapy, including Up to 12 visits per year

massages (combined with acupuncture)

Other outpatient therapies Up to 12 sessions

Waiting period of 12 months,

Speech therapy covered up to 30 sessions
per year if pre-approved

Acupuncture (needle technique), Up to 12 visits per

homeopathy, osteopathy, year (combined with
chiropractic and traditional physiotherapy) if
Chinese medicine (TCM)1 pre-approved

Prescribed medical aids

Up to 5,000 € Up to 5,000 €
and appliances

Up to 300 € in 24 months,
Vision aids, including an eye test optical examination up
to 200 € per year

Waiting period of 48 months

Hearing aids if not caused by accident,
up to 5,000 € per lifetime

Prescribed medicines and

Up to 500 € Up to 50,000 € Up to 50,000 €
drugs for outpatient

Over-the-counter drugs (OTC) Up to 100 €

HIV and AIDS drug

Up to 50,000 € Up to 50,000 €
therapy including ART

Transport to the nearest

suitable doctor for initial
treatment following an
accident or an emergency

1 TCM in China requires approval every 10 sessions

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 19

Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,000,000 € 3,500,000 € 5,000,000 €


Maternity care and childbirth, Up to 5,000 € per birth, Up to 25,000 € per birth,
services of a midwife or obstetric Caesarean covered only Caesarean covered only
nurse, inpatient and outpatient if medically necessary if medically necessary

Complications of pregnancy
Up to 100,000 €
and childbirth

Outpatient childbirth
500 € per newborn baby
cash benefit

Newborn care
(We must be informed
within 60 days after birth. Insured in own policy Insured in own policy
Subject to underwriting with
maximum risk load of 100%)

Newborn congenital conditions

Infertility treatment Up to 5,000 € per lifetime


Well child care

Health checks (adult) Up to 200 € Up to 1,000 €

Vaccinations and
Up to 100 € Up to 500 €
immunization (adult)

Vaccinations and
immunization (child)


Up to 30 days, requires Up to 30 days, requires

Inpatient follow-up rehabilitation
pre-approval pre-approval

Nursing care at home and

domestic help, instead Up to 14 days Up to 14 days
of a hospital stay

Day care

Chronic conditions

Hospice Covered, requires approval Covered, requires approval

20 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,000,000 € 3,500,000 € 5,000,000 €


Up to 3,000 € Up to 6,000 € Up to 6,000 €
dental treatment

Overall dental limit 2,000 € overall limit 5,000 € overall limit

excluding emergencies (1st year - half amount) (1st year - half amount)


Two check-ups or exams per

insurance year


Scale-and-polish cleaning

Treating oral mucosa

and periodontium

Simple fillings

Surgery, extractions,
root-canal treatment

Night guard


Dentures (e.g. prostheses,

bridges and crowns, inlays)


Orthodontic treatment
50% copay
- up to 18 years old

Dental laboratory work

and materials

Treatment plan


24-hour phone and email service

with experienced counsellors,
doctors and specialists

Information on medical
infrastructure (local medical
care and names and
addresses of doctors who
speak several languages)

Support and information by

our medical service (second
opinion, monitoring the
course of the illness)

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 21


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,000,000 € 3,500,000 € 5,000,000 €

Guarantee of payment (GOP)

(preparation for a
stay in hospital)

Online services

Additional, appropriate medical

support (information on the
nature, possible causes and
possible treatment of an illness)

Help with psychological

problems possibly
caused by the stay in the
Country of Destination

Transport to hospital
upon emergency


Medical evacuation
and repatriation
(in-network providers only,
coordinated by the insurer)

Return to Country of Destination

Up to 2,000 € per family Up to 2,000 € per family Up to 2,000 € per family
after evacuation/repatriation

Emergency treatment
60 days coverage 60 days coverage 60 days coverage
outside zone of coverage

Return of accompanying
Dependent to Country of
Up to 1,000 € Up to 2,000 €
Destination if Covered Person
is evacuated during travel

Return of accompanying
Child/Children to Country
Up to 2000 € per family
of Origin if Covered Person
is evacuated/repatriated

Childcare costs 300 € a day up to 4 days 300 € a day up to 8 days

1 trip per condition,

Compassionate family visit
up to 1,500 €

Delayed return trip Up to 4,000 €

For Covered Person only and

only for outpatient care that
Repatriation to Country of Origin
is covered in Premium plan
in case of exceeding policy limit
and that exceeds 10,000 €.
Expenses paid up to 2,000 €.

Repatriation of remains Up to 20,000 € Up to 20,000 € Up to 20,000 €

Unless otherwise specified, the above amounts apply per person and insurance year.
All benefits are subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, Exclusions and UCR - Usual, Customary and Reasonable Rates.

22 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Medical Evacuation Rider
May be added to all plans

The general coverage limit for all insurance events (except if indicated otherwise in the following table) is 1,000,000 € for the ent-
ire lifetime of the policy or this extension. Whenever a specific coverage limit is mentioned, the specific limit will apply.


Basic expenses for an escort 50 € per day / 500 € per entire period of staying with the insured member

Flight ticket for an escort 1,300 € for every insurance event

Additional reimbursement for return

2,500 € for every insurance event
to the Country of Destination

Flying minors to the Country of Origin or to

where the Covered Person was evacuated 1,600 € per minor up to 3 minors per insurance event
- reimbursement of the flight ticket

Basic expenses for minors when flying to the 50 € per day / 500 € per entire period
For each minor separately
Covered Person’s location of evacuation of staying with the insured member

Continued treatment / observation - up to 2 treatments / observations

50 € per day / 500 € per entire period
basic expenses for the Covered Person per insurance event

• Roundtrip ticket only from

the insured member’s place of
domicile to the place where he was
Continued treatment / observation -
1,300 € per insurance event treated after initial evacuation
basic expenses for the Covered Person
• Only regular commercial
flight in economy class

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 23


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,500,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $


In network 80% 90% 100%

Out of network 60% 70% 80%


Per Insurance Year 10,000 $ 5,000 $ n/a


Accommodation General Semi-private Private

Medical treatment, surgery

and anesthetics fees

Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services

Outpatient surgery instead

of inpatient treatment

Parent accommodation
during inpatient treatment
of a minor child

Long-term care Up to 20 days Up to 40 days Up to 60 days


Bone marrow and

Up to 150,000 $ per lifetime Up to 250,000 $ per lifetime
organ transplants

Cancer: Oncological drugs

and treatment including
reconstructive surgery
for breast cancer

Substitute hospital
Up to 100 $ per night
cash plan benefit

Inpatient treatment of Up to 5,000 $ or 30 days

mental or nervous disorders per year / 15,000 $ max.
Up to 10,000 $
(12 month waiting period, or 90 days per lifetime
requires pre-approval) (the lower of the two)

Physiotherapy, including
(requires pre-approval)

Other inpatient therapies

(includes ergo therapy,
light therapy, hydrotherapy,
inhalation, packs, medical
baths, cryotherapy,
thermotherapy, electrotherapy,
cardio rehabilitation)

Prescribed medical aids

Up to 5,000 $ Up to 5,000 $
and appliances

Prescribed medicines and

drugs for inpatient

24 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,500,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $

Transport to the nearest

suitable hospital for initial
treatment following an
accident or an emergency


Medical treatment Covered as specified below Covered as specified below Covered as specified below

Office visits Up to 1,000 $

Critical illness, following

inpatient treatment

Cancer treatment

Maintenance of chronic

Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services

Psychiatric treatment

Waiting period of 12
Psychotherapy months, only by a licensed
psychiatrist (MD)

Physiotherapy, including Up to 12 visits per year

massages (combined with acupuncture)

Other outpatient therapies Up to 12 sessions

Waiting period of 12 months,

Speech therapy covered up to 30 sessions
per year if pre-approved

Acupuncture (needle technique),

Up to 12 visits per
homeopathy, osteopathy,
year (combined with
chiropractic and traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM)2

Prescribed medical aids

5,000 $ 5,000 $
and appliances

Up to 300 $ in 24 months,
Vision aids, including an eye test optical examination up
to 200 $ per year

Waiting period of 48 months

Hearing aids if not caused by accident,
up to 5,000 $ per lifetime

Prescribed medicines and

drugs for outpatient Limit up to 100,000 $. Limit up to 100,000 $. Limit up to 100,000 $.
(Generic substitution unless Copay 10 $ brand name Copay 10 $ brand name Copay 10 $ brand name
DAW; 2 month copay for 3 drug; 0% generic drug; 0% generic drug; 0% generic
month supply in mail order)

Up to 200 $.
Over-the-counter drugs (OTC) Copay 10 $ brand name
drug; 0% generic

HIV and AIDS drug

Up to 100,000 $ Up to 100,000 $
therapy including ART
Transport to the nearest
suitable doctor for initial
treatment following an
accident or an emergency

2 TCM in China requires approval every 10 sessions

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 25

Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,500,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $


Maternity care and childbirth, Up to 10,000 $ per birth, Up to 25,000 $ per birth,
services of a midwife or obstetric Caesarean covered only Caesarean covered only
nurse, inpatient and outpatient if medically necessary if medically necessary

Complications of pregnancy
Up to 200,000 $
and childbirth

Outpatient childbirth
500 $ per newborn baby
cash benefit

Newborn care.
(We must be informed
within 60 days after birth. Insured in own policy Insured in own policy
Subject to underwriting with
maximum risk load of 100%)

Newborn congenital conditions

Infertility treatment Up to 10,000 $ per lifetime


Well child care

Health checks (adult) Up to 400 $ Up to 2,000 $

Vaccinations and
Up to 200 $ Up to 1,000 $
immunization (adult)

Vaccinations and
immunization (child)


Up to 30 days, Up to 30 days,
Inpatient follow-up rehabilitation
requires pre-approval requires pre-approval

Nursing care at home and

domestic help, instead Up to 14 days Up to 14 days
of a hospital stay

Day care

Chronic conditions

Covered, requires Covered, requires

pre-approval pre-approval

26 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,500,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $


Up to 5,000 $ Up to 8,000 $ Up to 8,000 $
dental treatment

Overall dental limit 2,000 $ overall limit 5,000 $ overall limit

excluding emergencies (1st year - half amount) (1st year - half amount)


Two check-ups or exams per

insurance year


Scale-and-polish cleaning

Treating oral mucosa

and periodontium

Simple fillings

Surgery, extractions,
root-canal treatment

Night guard


Dentures (e.g. prostheses,

bridges and crowns, inlays)


Orthodontic treatment
- up to 18 years old 50% copay

Dental laboratory work

and materials

Treatment plan


24-hour phone and email service

with experienced counsellors,
doctors and specialists

Information on medical
infrastructure (local medical
care and names and
addresses of doctors who
speak several languages)

Support and information by

our medical service (second
opinion, monitoring the
course of the illness)

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 27


Compact Comfort Premium

Medical Services Maximum Benefit

Per Insurance Year 1,500,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 5,000,000 $

Guarantee of payment (GOP)

(preparation for a
stay in hospital)

Online services

Additional, appropriate medical

support (information on the
nature, possible causes and
possible treatment of an illness)

Help with psychological

problems possibly
caused by the stay in the
Country of Destination

Transport to hospital
upon emergency


Medical evacuation
and repatriation
(in-network providers only,
coordinated by the insurer)

Return to Country of
Up to 2,000 $ per family Up to 2,000 $ per family Up to 2,000 $ per family
Destination after repatriation

Emergency treatment
60 days coverage 60 days coverage 60 days coverage
outside zone of coverage

Return of accompanying
Dependent to Country of
Up to 1,200 $ Up to 2,400 $
Destination if Covered Person
is evacuated during travel

Return of accompanying
Child/Children to Country
Up to 2,400 $ per family
of Origin if Covered Person
is evacuated/repatriated

Childcare costs 300 $ a day up to 4 days 400 $ a day up to 8 days

1 trip per condition,

Compassionate family visit
up to 2,000 $

Delayed return trip Up to 4,000 $

For Covered Person only and

only for outpatient care that is
Repatriation in case of covered in the Premium plan
exceeding policy limit and that exceeds 10,000 $.
Expenses are paid
up to 2,000 $.

Repatriation of remains Up to 20,000 $ Up to 20,000 $ Up to 20,000 $

Unless otherwise specified, the above amounts apply per person and insurance year.
All benefits are subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, Exclusions and UCR - Usual, Customary and Reasonable Rates.

28 Group IPMI Individual - Germany


Medical Evacuation Rider
May be added to all plans

The general coverage limit for all insurance events (except if indicated otherwise in the following table) is 1,000,000 $ for the
entire lifetime of the policy or this extension. Whenever a specific coverage limit is mentioned, the specific limit will apply.


Basic expenses for an escort 50 $ per day / 500 $ per entire period of staying with the insured member

Flight ticket for an escort 1,300 $ for every insurance event

Additional reimbursement for return

2,500 $ for every insurance event
to the Country of Destination

Flying minors to the Country of Origin or

where the Covered Person was evacuated 1,600 $ per minor up to 3 minors per insurance event
to - reimbursement of the flight ticket

Basic expenses for minors when flying to the 50 $ per day / 500 $ per entire period
For each minor separately
Covered Person’s location of evacuation of staying with the insured member

Continued treatment / observation - up to 2 treatments / observations

50 $ per day / 500 $ per entire period
basic expenses for the Covered Person per insurance event

• Roundtrip ticket only from

the insured member’s place of
domicile to the place where he was
Continued treatment / observation -
1,300 $ per insurance event treated after initial evacuation
basic expenses for the Covered Person
• Only regular commercial
flight in economy class

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 29

4. Data Privacy Notice –
AWP Health & Life SA
AWP Health & Life SA, a part of Allianz Group, is a in Section 213 of the German Insurance Contract Act,
French authorised insurance company providing the Amended French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of
insurance products and services on a cross-border basis. 06.01.1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and
The Association has subscribed, as policyholder in Civil Liberties and all applicable laws and regulations
its own name but for the benefit of its Members in relating to the protection and processing of Personal
Germany, to the present Group Insurance contract with Data, including the General Data Protection Regulation
the Insurer, AWP Health & Life SA. (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 27 April 2016, hereinafter referred
The present contract implements the regulations and to as the “Regulation”, sector-specific laws and
requirements on the protection of Personal Data and on applicable guidance and codes of practice issued by
the collection, processing and use of Personal Data in the supervisory authorities and as stipulated herein.
performance and management of the present contract.
Protecting data and the privacy of those AWP Health & The terms used herein shall have the meaning given in
Life SA insures and contracts with is a top priority. This the Regulation, as defined hereinafter, on the protection
privacy notice explains how and what type of personal of natural persons with regard to the processing of
data will be collected, why it is collected and to whom it personal data and on the free movement of such data
is shared or disclosed. Please read this notice carefully. as a result of, or in connection with the present contract.
“Personal Data“ shall be any personal and/or sensitive
In the event, the present contract provides coverage data in relation to Data Subjects. Please see Definitions
of any Dependents of the category of employees to be hereinafter.
covered and/or includes the declaration of beneficiaries
in the event of death, as applicable, the present Data Any and all necessary endorsements, where applicable,
Privacy Notice must be equally communicated by the to existing contractual agreements, including
Association to such third parties. the present contract, all relevant Data Protection
Agreements with third-parties, and Data Transfer
Personal data concerning the Parties to the present Agreements relating to the collection, processing, use,
contract, the category of employees to be covered, their storage, and/or transfer of any personably identifiable
Dependents and/or beneficiaries as applicable, and/ data are concluded in application of all aspects of data
or any identified or identifiable natural living person to protection and information security regulations as
whom personal data relates hereto, herein referred to stipulated herein and in application of the Regulation.
as “Data Subject(s)” including the signatories to the
contractual agreements and the various schedules, All appropriate security measures necessary to properly
exhibits, attachments and other documents referenced protect and secure the Personal Data and Sensitive data
or incorporated herein and/or endorsements, collected, processed and used shall be in application the
amendments or addendums hereto, are used for the Federal Data Protection Act of 30 June 2017 (Federal
sole purpose of the management thereof, whether or Law Gazette I p. 2097), Bundesdatenschutzgesetz
not by automated means, such as collection, processing, (BDSG), the German Social Security Code
recording, organization, purpose limitation and data (Sozialgesetzbücher), which include provisions for
minimization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, processing of medical, social and other personal data, as
consultation, use, disclosure by transfer, dissemination or well as, provided in Section 213 of the German Insurance
otherwise making available, alignment or combination, Contract Act, the Amended French Data Protection Act
security, relating to the collection and processing of no. 78-17 of 06.01.1978 on Information Technology, Data
personal data, including but not limited to the privacy Files and Civil Liberties and the laws and regulations
and security thereof, in accordance with the Federal relating to the protection and processing of Personal
Data Protection Act of 30 June 2017 (Federal Law Data, and, in particular pertaining to Sensitive data, as
Gazette I p. 2097), Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), applicable, the implementation of confidentiality relating
German Social Security Codes (Sozialgesetzbücher), to medical data processing in accordance with the
which include provisions for processing of medical, Regulation, the French AERAS Agreement (Insurance
social and other personal data, as well as, provided and Loans with an Increased Health Risk), effective

30 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

2006, revised on 1 February 2011 and 2 February 2015 the Data Subject, such as an employee personnel file
and the Code of Conduct appended to it as well as the including performance related information, Record
French Code of Medical Ethics. of absence/ leave, Reason for absence, details
of physical and psychological health or medical
Data Controller condition, health and Safety related information and
AWP Health & Life SA, the Insurer, is the Data Controller, Reporting, Occupational health related information
as defined by relevant data protection laws and and reporting, Grievances and Complaints,
regulations, determines the purposes and the means of harassment details, Disability, access, special
the processing personal data in the performance and requirements details, Ill health retirement pensions,
management of the present contract. retirement
– Education & Professional Experience & Affiliations
Data Processor Data: life data, which may include information related
When applicable, the Data Processor is a third- to education and training, qualification/certifications,
party authorised by a separate Data Protection and languages, employment history, skills, awards or
Administrative Agreement, to collect, process and use performance reviews or any other information relating
any personably identifiable information made available to professional life;
by the Data Controller to the Data Processor or collected – Family, Lifestyle and Social Circumstances: including
by the Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller Marital Status, Dependents/Spouse/partner/family
(Personal Data), in relation to all aspects of data details, next of kind/emergency contact details,
protection and information security. Ethnicity, Religion/Religious beliefs, Other diversity
and equality information…and Data relating to
Categories of Personal Data personal life which may include information about
The various types of Personal Data that may be likes and dislikes or other information related to
collected and processed in the performance and personal life; and
management the present contract by any authorised – Sensitive Data: may include any data that may reveal
third party Data Controller or Processor shall include but racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or
is not limited to the following information: philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership,
genetic data, biometric data, data concerning health
– Basic Personal Details: including Full Name, status or data concerning a Data Subject’s sex life or
title, address, phone number, email address, IP sexual orientation including Medical Questionnaires,
address via webpage without disabling cookies, Enrolment forms, consent forms, Declaration
age, date of Birth, gender, nationality, identification of Beneficiary forms, medical reports, medical
document and/or identification document number assessments reports, or death certificates, requests
(passport, identity card), signatures; for prior approvals, medical expenses invoices, claims
– Basic Employee HR Employment Details: including history.
Personnel number, Job title/role, Job status full time
– part time, Details /description of role, language,
Health Insurance Details, Grade, Policyholder/Entity,
Business Unit/Division, Office Location, Country
of Origin and Country of Expatriation, Reporting
Manager, Start Date, Hours of Work, Relocation dates
and details, End date and reason for termination,
Contract type- fixed term/temporary/permanent,
Correspondence, Results of Criminal Checks relating
to prevention of Fraud and/or Terrorist Activities;
– Financial Details: including bank account/credit card
information, payment information, salary/wage, bonus
payments; Pay Statements, Benefits and entitlements
data, share schemes data, housing/relocation or
other allowances, compensation data, third-party
– Health, Welfare and Absence Related Administrative
Data: related to the Policyholder’s relationship with

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 31

Categories of Data Subjects Consent
The Personal Data processed by the Insurer and/or on The collection and use of the personal data provided to
behalf of the Insurer in order to perform its obligations the Data Controller and any authorised third party where
under, or otherwise in connection with, the present applicable may require the express consent of the Data
contract, depending on the services provided, the Subject, unless otherwise provided by the applicable
categories of Data Subjects may include but are not laws and regulations:
limited to the following:
– Current or former personnel including directors,
officers, employees, relations of employees,
providers, natural persons (agents, intermediaries)
agency workers, invitees, Insurers, subcontractors,
representatives of business partners (providers,
clients, brokers, intermediaries), policyholders,
contract holders, Insureds, beneficiaries, relatives
and/or dependents of contract holders, insureds or
beneficiaries where applicable;
– Contacts or other personnel of customers, prospects,
vendors, affiliates, business partners or other related

Insofar as Personal data and/or other sensitive data

are required for the underwriting, administration, and
management of the present contract, Dependents and/
or beneficiaries in the event of death shall be considered
“Data Subjects” for purposes of the application of the

32 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Purpose Express consent

Required when necessary. However, where personal

Conclusion, performance and fulfilment of the obligations and
data is needed to be processed in order to underwrite
rights of an Agreement and Insurance contract administration
insurance and/or process a claim AWP Health & Life SA
(e.g., quotation, underwriting, claims handling)
will not need to obtain Data Subject express consent.

To administer debt recoveries Not required

To inform Data subjects, or permit Allianz Group companies and

selected third parties to inform Data Subjects, about products and
services that may interest Data Subjects in accordance with marketing
preferences. Modifications to preferences may be requested at
any time by contacting their AWP Health & Life SA representative
or by contacting AWP Health & Life SA as specified hereunder.

For automated decision making (including profiling) for credit

scoring purposes, to personalize Data Subject experience [on the Required, when necessary. However, where AWP Health & Life SA
website] (by presenting products, services, marketing messages, or authorised third party need to process personal data in order
offers, and content tailored to Data Subject), and to make other to underwrite insurance and/or process a claim AWP Health &
decisions about Data Subject using computerised technology such as Life SA will not need to obtain Data Subject express consent.
assessing which products might be most suitable for Data Subject

Fraud prevention and detection Not required

Meet any legal obligations (e.g., tax, accounting

Not required
and administrative obligations)

To redistribute risk by means of reinsurance and co-insurance Not required

As mentioned above, AWP Health & Life SA may collect write insurance and/or process claim, AWP Health & Life
and process information containing personal data recei- SA will process the personal data based on legitimate
ved where relevant from public databases, third parties interests and/or to comply with legal obligations.
such as brokers and business partners, physicians,
hospitals, other medical administrative authorities, other Access and Processing of Personal data
insurers, credit reference and fraud prevention agen- AWP Health & Life SA will ensure that personal data
cies, advertising networks, analytics providers, search is processed in a manner that is compatible with the
information providers, claims adjustors, intermediaries, purposes indicated above. For the stated purposes,
delegated authorities, attorneys and notaries. personal data may be obtained or disclosed to the
following parties through contractual arrangements
For those purposes indicated above where AWP Health to protect personal data with those who may operate
& Life SA has indicated that it does not require express as authorised third party data controllers and or
consent from the Data Subject or where AWP Health & processors.
Life SA otherwise require the personal data to under-

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 33

– Public authorities, other Allianz Group companies, – To meet any legal obligation, including to the relevant
other insurers, co-insurers, re-insurers, insurance ombudsman, court, arbitrator, attorney if a Data
intermediaries/brokers, and banks Subject makes a complaint about the products or
– With entitles outside of the Allianz Group that services AWP Health & Life SA has provided to the
perform certain services on behalf of AWP Health & Data Subject.
Life S.A such as risk assessments and claims handling – With coinsurers to distribute the coverage of the insu-
that involve the collection and use of health and other rance risk jointly with other companies to which AWP
data without which AWP Health & Life S.A would not Health & Life SA issues a policy, and/or to handle
be able to administer a policy or pay any claims claims jointly.
– Policyholders, employers, brokers, other Allianz – With other insurers/reinsurers that may be covering
Group companies, insurance intermediaries, the same insurance risk at the same time – multiple
third party administrator to underwrite, and/ insurance – to distribute the payment of any com-
or administer the policy or process any data and pensation that may be owed to me, or to collaborate
discharge operations (claims, IT, postal, document in the detection or prevention of fraud and financial
management, etc.); crime.
– Physicians, nursing and hospital staff, other medical
institutions, care homes, statutory health insurance Data Transfers
funds, professional associations and public authorities Personal data may be processed both inside (Cross-
to administer the policy or process any claims; Border Processing) and outside of the European
– Other Allianz Group companies, technical Economic Area (EEA) (Data Transfers Outside of the
consultants, experts, lawyers, loss adjustors, EEA) by the parties specified hereinabove, subject to
repairers, medical doctors; and service companies contractual restrictions regarding confidentiality and
to discharge operations (claims, IT, postal, document security in line with applicable data protection laws
management); and/or and regulations. No personal and/or sensitive data
– Advertisers and advertising networks to send Data may be disclosed to parties who are not authorized to
Subject marketing communications, as permitted process them.
under local law and in accordance with Data Subject In the event of a transfer personal and/or sensitive
communication preferences. AWP Health & Life SA data outside of the EEA, such transfers shall be done
does not share personal data with non-affiliated third in application of the terms and conditions stipulated in
parties for their own marketing use without permis- Data Transfer Agreements in conjunction with the rules
sion from the data Subject. of the Regulation, sector-specific laws and applicable
guidance and codes of practice issued by supervisory
AWP Health & Life S.A and these third parties shall authorities.
perform this exchange in accordance with the data and
medical confidentially obligations and procedures requi- In addition, a transfer of personal and/or sensitive data
red to share the data and to use for the aforementioned outside of the EEA for processing within the Group
purposes. Allianz, the Insurer agrees to the transfer on the basis of
Allianz’ approved binding corporate rules known as the
Finally, AWP Health & Life SA may also share personal Allianz Privacy Standard (Allianz’ BCR) which establish
data in, including but not limited to, the following adequate protection for personal data and are legally
instances: binding on all Allianz Group companies. Allianz’ BCR
and the list of Allianz Group companies that comply
– In the event of any contemplated or actual reorgani- with them can be accessed at
zation, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, trans- https://www.allianz.com/en/
fer or other disposition of all or any portion of our
business, assets or stock (including in any insolvency Where Allianz’ BCR do not apply, the necessary steps
or similar proceedings); and shall be taken to ensure that the transfer of personal

34 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

data outside of the EEA receives an adequate level of profiling: Data Subject shall have the right not to
protection as it does in the EEA. For further informa- be subject to a decision based solely on automated
tion concerning such safeguards AWP Health & Life processing, including profiling, which produces legal
SA rely upon for such transfers the Data Subject may effects concerning him similarly significantly affects
contact their AWP Health & Life SA representative or by the Data Subject;
contacting AWP Health & Life SA directly as specified – The right to data portability: Data Subject shall have
hereunder. the right to receive the Personal Data concerning him,
which he has provided to a controller, in a structured,
Data Subject Rights commonly used and machine-readable format and
The Data Protection Regulation confers certain rights on have the right to transmit those data to another cont-
Data Subjects, including: roller;
– File a complaint with the AWP Health & Life SA and/
– The right to access: the Data Subject shall have the or the relevant Data Protection Authority.
right to obtain from the controller confirmation as
to whether or not Personal Data concerning him The Data Subject may exercise these rights by contac-
are being processed, and, where that is the case, ting their AWP Health & Life SA representative or by
access to the Personal Data in a concise, transparent, contacting AWP Health & Life SA directly as specified
intelligible and easily accessible form to learn the hereunder providing the Data Subject’s name, email
origin of the data, the purposes and ends of the address, account identification, and purpose of the
processing, the details of the data controller(s), the request:
data processor(s) and the parties to whom the data
may be disclosed; AWP Health & Life S.A.
– The right to Withdraw: The Data Subject shall have Informatique et Libertés
the right to withdraw consent at any time where Eurosquare 2
personal data is processed with express consent; 7 rue Dora Maar
– The right to rectify: The Data Subject shall have the 93400 Saint Ouen
right to obtain from the controller without undue France
delay the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete Email: informatique.libertes@allianzworldwidecare.com
Personal Data concerning the Data Subject;
– The right to erase (“right to be forgotten”): The Data Objection to the Processing of Personal and/or
Subject shall have the right to obtain the deletion or Sensitive Data
removal of Personal Data without undue delay; Where permitted by applicable law or regulation, the
– The right to restriction of processing: The Data Data Subject has the right to object to the processing of
Subject shall have the right to obtain from the personal data, or request AWP Health & Life SA to stop
controller restriction of processing in certain processing the data (including for purposes of direct
conditions; marketing). Once the Data Subject has informed AWP
The right to object: The Data Subject shall have the Health & Life SA, it shall no longer process the personal
right to object on grounds relating to his particular data of the Data Subject unless permitted by applicable
situation, at any time to processing of Personal Data laws and regulations.
concerning him. The controller shall then no longer The Data Subject may exercise this right in the same
process the Personal Data unless the controller manner as for the other rights indicated hereinabove.
demonstrates compelling legitimate grounds
for the processing which override the interests,
rights and freedoms of the Data Subject or for the
establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;
– The right to obtain human intervention for a decision
based solely on automated processing including

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 35

Data Retention
AWP Health & Life SA will retain the personal data of Data Subjects as permitted by applicable laws and regulations,
and, specifically as follows:

Documents Data Retention Duration

Proposal, Quotations 3 years

Contracts and Endorsements Covers Life

– 5 years from the date of the termination of contract (if no claim)

Individual Enrollment Forms
– 5 years from the date of the termination of the insurance coverage

Individual enrollment forms of Disabled Insured Filed in the relevant claims file (see below: “claims files”)

Contributions and Premiums, Commissions and Fee slips and Records 5 years

Computerized Accounting Records 30 years

– if the benefit has been paid: 10 years

from the last date of payment
– if the benefit has not been paid in totality or partially
to the beneficiary(ies) in the event of death of the
Claims files in the event of Death, Total and Irreversible Insured: 30 years from the date of the recognition
Loss of Autonomy, Incapacity, Disability of the death of the Insured by the company.
– if the benefit could not be paid in total or partial due to the
disappearance of absence of the Insured: 30 years from the
date of recognition by the company of the determination
of the disappearance or absence of the Insured

Healthcare claims (illness/accident medical expenses) 3 years from the date the claims are closed

Permanent Partial Disability Due to Illness (PPDI)- Permanent

– if the benefit has been paid: 10 years
Partial Disability Due to Accident Disability (PPDA) - Monthly
from the last date of payment
Payments - Hospital Reimbursement - Resource Guarantees
– if not paid: 30 years
- End of Carrier Compensation - Education Allowance

Other Contractual Documents (Administrative Agreements,

Treaties, conventions, endorsements, other varied agreements).

AWP Health & Life SA will not retain personal data of the Data Subject for longer than necessary and
will retain said data only for the purposes for which it was obtained.

36 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Contact Information Confidential Information
If the Data Subject has any queries about how AWP Confidential information shall include (but not be limited
Health & Life SA uses personal data, the Data Subject to) information of a confidential nature relating to policies
can contact the Data Protection Officer as follows: and policyholders and the business affairs, strategies,
commercial and technical knowledge of the parties.
AWP Health & Life S.A.
Data Protection Officer Consent of the Data Subject
Eurosquare 2 Any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous
7 rue Dora Maar indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or
93400 Saint Ouen she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action,
France signifies agreement to the processing of personal data
Email AWC.DataPrivacyOfficer@allianz.com relating to him or her.

AWP Health & Life SA Data Protection Updates Corporate Personal Data
AWP Health & Life SA ensures the most recent version is Any Personal Data Processed by a contracted Data
available on the website www.allianzworldwidecare.fr Processor and/or Sub-Processor on behalf of the Data
Controller or Corporate Group Member of the Data
The Data Subject shall be informed of any an important Controller pursuant to or in connection with the relevant
change that may impact the personal data of the Data Administrative Agreements including but not limited to
Subject. Otherwise the Data Subject may contact their the signatories to the Administrative Agreement(s) and
AWP Health & Life SA representative or by contacting the present DPA, and any Confidential Information which
AWP Health & Life SA directly as specified hereinabove. relates to the Parties’ businesses and/or customers or
This Data Protection Notice was updated on 1 May 2018. employees of the Parties.

DEFINITIONS Cross-Border Processing

Processing of Personal Data that takes place in the
The following terms shall have the meaning given in the context of the activities of establishments in more
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament than one Member State of a Data Controller or Data
and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection Processor in the European Union where the Data
of natural persons with regard to the processing of Controller or Data Processor is established in more than
personal data and on the free movement of such data one Member State; or processing of Personal Data which
(“the Regulation”) and as defined hereunder: takes place in the context of the activities of a single
establishment of a Data Controller or Data Processor in
Applicable Laws the European Union but which substantially affects or is
Unless otherwise stipulated herein, (a) European Union likely to substantially affect Data Subjects in more than
or Member State laws with respect to any Personal Data one Member State.
in respect of which any company of the group Legal
Entities is subject to EU Data Protection Laws; and (b) Data
any other applicable Data Protection Law with respect Personal data, sensitive data and other information
to any Personal Data which any company of a Group of made available by the Data Controller to the Data
Legal Entities is subject to. Processer or made available by the Data Processor to
Data Controller in connection with the Agreement, and
Binding Corporate Rules any other data and information processed by the Data
Personal Data protection policies which are adhered to Processor in connection with the Agreement, including
by a controller or processor established on the territory the personal data of the signatories to the Agreement
of a Member State for transfers or a set of transfers of and the present Addendum, and that which relates to
personal data to a controller or processor in one or more the Parties’ businesses and/or customers or employees
third countries within a group of undertakings, or group of the Parties.
of enterprises engaged in a joint economic activity.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 37

Data Controller jurisdiction, relating to the Processing of Personal
Natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other Data, including the privacy and security of Personal
body which alone or jointly with others, determines the Data, in accordance with the Federal Data Protection
purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data. Act of 30 June 2017 ((Federal Law Gazette I p. 2097)
The role of Controller is not determined by who collects Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), German Social
the data or who access to them, but by who determines Security Codes (Sozialgesetzbücher), which include
the purposes and the means of the processing. Legal provisions for processing of medical, social and other
Entities without own legal personality may be controllers personal data, as well as, provided in Section 213 of
different from the parent company where they the German Insurance Act, the Amended French Data
determine the purposes and means of the processing Protection Act no. 78-17 of 06.01.1978 on Information
performed on their behalf. Where the purposes and Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties and, in
means of such processing are determined by Union or particular, the General Data Protection Regulation
Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and any European
for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Union or EU Member State legislation, regulation,
Member State law. recommendation or opinion replacing, adding to or
amending, extending, repealing or consolidating the
Data Processing or Process Data Protection Law relating to the requirements on
Any operation or set of operations which is performed collection, processing and use of Personal Data by Data
by a Data Processor on behalf of a Data Controller, on Processors on behalf of Data Controllers.
Personal Data or on sets of Personal Data, whether
or not by automated means, such as collection, Data Protection Supervisory Authority
recording, organisation, structuring, storage, An independent public authority which is established by
adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, a Member State pursuant to Article 51 of the Regulation;
use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or a supervisory authority which is concerned by the
otherwise making available, alignment or combination, processing of personal data because:
restriction, erasure or destruction.
– the controller or processor is established on the
Data Processor territory of the Member State of that supervisory
A natural or legal person and/or legal entity, public authority;
authority, agency or other body which processes – data subjects residing in the Member State of that
Personal data on behalf of the Data Controller. supervisory authority are substantially affected or
Existence of a Processor depends on a decision taken likely to be substantially affected by the processing;
by the controller, who can decide either to process or
data within his organization or to delegate all or part – a complaint has been lodged with that supervisory
of the processing activities to an external organization. authority;

Defining elements: The French Data Protection Authority (Commission

– Separate legal entity Nationale de l‘Informatique et des Libertés, hereinafter
– Processing of data on behalf of the controller referred to as the “CNIL”) is the French Supervising
– Processor is called to implement the instructions Authority. The CNIL is an independent administrative
given by the controller at least with regard to the authority responsible for ensuring that information
purpose of the processing and the essential elements technology remains at the service of citizens, and does
of the means not jeopardise human identity or breach human rights,
privacy, or individual or public liberties. It supervises
Data Protection Law enforcement of Data Protection Agreement and
All applicable current and/or future international, frequently issues decisions and guidelines relating
regional, federal, or national Data Protection Laws, thererto. www.cnil.fr/english/
regulatory guidance, legislation, statutes, codes,
regulations, recommendations and/or opinions Data Subject
issued by a relevant data protection authority, in any The identified or identifiable natural living person to

38 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

whom the personal data relates; an identifiable natural b. a controlled corporate body affiliate; or
living person is one who can be identified, directly or c. a controlled corporate body affiliate of a controlling
indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such corporate body.
as a name, an identification number, location data, an  
online identifier or to one or more factors specific to For the purposes of this definition:
the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic,
cultural or social identity of that natural person. – Corporate Body Affiliate means a legal entity that
owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is or
Data Subject Request under common control or ownership with Company
A request from a Data Subject for access to, correction, where control is defined as the possession, directly
amendment, transfer or Deletion of the Personal Data of or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the
the person. direction of the management and policies of an entity,
whether through ownership of voting securities, by
Data Transfers Outside the EEA contract or otherwise;
The processing or disclosure of the personal data – Corporate Group Member means Corporate Body or
to any party who carries on business, outside of the any Corporate Body Affiliate;
European Economic Area (EEA) in compliance with – Corporate Personal Data means any Personal
applicable data protection laws. The use of standard Data Processed by a Contracted Processor on
contractual clauses in Data Transfer Agreements behalf of a Corporate Group Member pursuant to
entered into between Parties or any other third-parties or in connection with the relevant Administrative
upon approval of the Data Controller for the transfer of Agreements;
Personal data outside of the EEA (Commission Decision – One corporate body controls another when at the
2010/87/EU), or any replacement clauses subsequently relevant time:
approved by the European Commission shall be a. it owns either directly or indirectly or is otherwise in
required. All data processing will be in accordance with a position to cast, or control the casting of, not less
the terms and conditions stipulated in all Data Transfer than 50% of the shares entitled to vote at general
Agreements providing the Information on Personal Data meetings of that other corporate body; or
Processing required by GDPR articles 13 and 14. b. it controls the composition of a majority of the
board of that other corporate body.
Identifiable Natural Person
Natural person who can be identified, directly or Pseudonymisation
indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such The processing of personal data in such a manner
as a name, an identification number, location data, an that the personal data can no longer be attributed to
online identifier or to one or more factors specific to a specific data subject without the use of additional
the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, information, provided that such additional information
cultural or social identity of that natural person, as is kept separately and is subject to technical and
defined in GDPR, Article 4.1 organisational measures to ensure that the personal
data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable
Information System natural person.
Any structured set of Personal Data which are accessible
according to specific criteria, whatever the form or Personal Data
method of its creation, storage, organisation and Any information relating to an identified or
access. It may be comprised of any one or more kinds identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an
of Support (e.g.: data bases, physical files, computer identifiable natural person is one who can be
directories, etc.) identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by
reference to an identifier such as a name, an
Legal Entities (Group of) identification number, location data, an online
In respect to either Party, a related legal entity is a identifier or to one or more factors specific to the
controlling legal entity and its controlled legal entities: physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic,
a. a controlling corporate body; cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 39

Personal Data Breach Sub-Processor
Breach of security leading to the accidental or Any Third Party subcontractor (excluding employees of
unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized a Data Controller or any employees of a sub-contractor
disclosure of, or access to, personal data of a Data Controller) appointed on behalf of a Data
transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Controller by a Data Processor to Process Personal Data
- also may be referred to as a Contracted Sub-Processor
Recipient or Subcontractor for purposes of applicable Data
A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or Protection Laws.
another body, to which the personal data are disclosed,
whether a third party or not. However, public authorities For the purposes of applicable Data Transfers
which may receive personal data in the framework of a Outside the EEA, as stipulated herein, a contracted
particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member Sub-Processor means any processor engaged by a
State law shall not be regarded as recipients; the Data Importer or by any other Sub-Processor of the
processing of those data by those public authorities shall Data Importer who agrees to receive from the Data
be in compliance with the applicable data protection Importer or from any other Sub-Processor of the
rules according to the purposes of the processing; Data Importer Personal Data exclusively intended for
Processing activities to be performed on behalf of the
Regulator Data Exporter after the transfer in accordance with his
As applicable, any person or law enforcement or other instructions, the terms of the Clauses and the terms of
agency having Regulatory, supervisory or governmental the written subcontract.
authority (whether under a statutory scheme or
otherwise) over all or any part of the Processing of Standard Contractual Clauses
Personal Data in connection with the provision or The contractual clauses stipulated in a Data Transfer
receipt of the Services, including, without limitation, the Agreement executed by and between a Data Controller
European Data Protection Supervisory Authorities. and a Data Processor and/or a Data Controller and a
Data Controller, transferring Personal Data from the
Sensitive Data EEA to a Data Processor or other Data Controller in a
Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political Third Country, which is subject to the Data Protection
opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade Laws of a given country or territory, to reflect (to the
union membership, and the processing of genetic extent possible without material uncertainty as to
data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely the result) any change (including any replacement)
identifying a natural person, data concerning health made in accordance with those Data Protection Laws
or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual in particular pursuant to the European Commission‘s
orientation. decision of 5 February 2010 on Standard Contractual
– ‘genetic data’ means personal data relating to the Clauses for the transfer of Personal Data to
inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of a processors established in Third Countries.
natural person which give unique information about
the physiology or the health of that natural person Technical and Organisational Security Measures
and which result, in particular, from an analysis of a Those measures aimed at protecting Personal
biological sample from the natural person in question; Data against accidental or unlawful destruction or
– ‘biometric data’ means personal data resulting from accidental loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or
specific technical processing relating to the physical, access, in particular where the processing involves the
physiological or behavioural characteristics of a transmission of Data over a network, and against all
natural person, which allow or confirm the unique other unlawful forms of processing.
identification of that natural person, such as facial
images or dactyloscopic data; Third Country(ies)
– ‘data concerning health’ means personal data related A country or Recipient: (i) not recognized by the
to the physical or mental health of a natural person, European Commission as providing an adequate level
including the provision of health care services, which of protection for Personal Data; and (ii) not covered
reveal information about his or her health status; by a suitable framework recognized by the relevant

40 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

authorities or courts as providing an adequate level of AWP Health & Life SA is a limited company with a capital
protection for Personal Data. of €65,190,446, governed by the French Insurance
Code, with its registered office at Eurosquare 2, 7 rue
Third party Dora Maar, 93400 Saint-Ouen, France. Registered in
A natural or legal person, public authority, agency or France: 401 154 679 RCS Bobigny. VAT number: FR 84
body other than the data subject, controller, processor 401 154 679.
and persons who, under the direct authority of the
controller or processor, are authorised to process Allianz Partners and Allianz Care are registered business
personal data; names of AWP Health & Life SA.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 41

5. Consequences of Non-fulfilment of the
Disclosure Obligation Pursuant to § 19 of
the German Insurance Contract Act

Pre-Contractual Disclosure Obligations knowledge of the undisclosed circumstances, even in

The Insurer assumes the insurance cover based on the relation to other conditions. In the event of withdrawal,
understanding that the Primary Member or any Covered no insurance cover exists. Should the Insurer announce
Person answers all questions asked in conjunction our withdrawal after the insured event has occurred,
with the insurance contract truthfully and completely. the Insurer is still obliged to pay the benefit if the
The Insurer relies on the information disclosed by the Primary Member subsequently provides proof that the
Policyholder and thus that of the Insured to be able to circumstance which was not disclosed or incorrectly
assess the risk correctly and to calculate the premium disclosed was not the cause of
at an appropriate level. For this reason, the Primary
Member or any Covered Person is required, up to the – either the occurrence or ascertainment of the insured
time at which the contractual declaration has been event; or
submitted, to state truthfully and completely all risk- – the ascertainment or scope of our payment
related circumstances known to the Primary Member obligation.
or any Covered Person which the Insurer has enquired
about in written form (text form). If, after submission However, the Insurer’s payment obligation becomes
of the contractual declaration, but before contractual invalid if the Primary Member or any Covered Person has
acceptance in written form, the Insurer enquires about fraudulently breached the disclosure obligation.
risk-related circumstances, the Primary Member or In the event of withdrawal, the Insurer is entitled to
any Covered Person is also obliged to disclose these the portion of the premium corresponding to the
accordingly. Circumstances to which the Primary contractual period which has elapsed up to the time at
Member or any Covered Person only attaches minor which the declaration of withdrawal becomes effective.
importance must also be disclosed. Should another
person be insured, then this person – in addition to 2. Termination
the Primary Member – is responsible for answering the If the Insurer is unable to withdraw from the contract
questions asked in written form truthfully and in full. because the Primary Member or Covered Person has
For purposes of the present policy, this shall include not (without any gross negligence) not fulfilled a pre-
only the Primary Member but also the eligible Covered contractual disclosure obligation, the Insurer may
Persons. terminate the Policy, adhering to a deadline of one
month. The Insurer’s right to termination is excluded if
Possible Consequences of Breach of a Pre-contractual the Insurer had concluded the contract in the knowledge
Disclosure Obligation of the undisclosed circumstances, even in relation to
other conditions.
1. Withdrawal
If the Primary Member or any Covered Person does not 3. Contract amendment
fulfil a pre-contractual disclosure obligation, the Insurer If the Insurer is unable to withdraw or terminate the
is entitled to withdraw from the Policy. This does not Policy because the Insurer had concluded the contract
apply if the Primary Member subsequently proves that despite having knowledge of the undisclosed risk
neither intent nor gross negligence are involved. In circumstances, even in relation to other conditions, the
the case of grossly negligent breach of the disclosure other conditions shall become an integral part of the
obligation, the Insurer does not have the right to contract at the Insurer’s request.
withdraw if the Insurer has concluded the contract in the If the Primary Member and any Covered Person

42 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

negligently breached the disclosure obligation, the other Insurer was aware of the undisclosed risk circumstance
conditions will become an integral part of the contract or the incorrectness of the disclosure. Our rights to
retrospectively. This may lead to a retrospective withdrawal, termination and contractual amendment
premium increase or to a retrospective exclusion of the lapse after a period of three years following conclusion
risk coverage for the undisclosed circumstance, and of the Policy. This does not apply in the case of
in this regard to a retrospective lapse of the insurance insurance cases which arose before this period lapsed.
cover. The period comprises 10 years if the Primary Member
or any Covered Person has intentionally or fraudulently
If the insurance premium increases by more than 10% breached the disclosure obligation.
as a result of the contractual amendment, or if the
Insurer excludes the risk cover for the undisclosed 5. Contest of contract validity
circumstance, the Primary Member may terminate the If the Primary Member or any Covered Person frau-
Policy within one month of receipt of our notification of dulently deceives us, the Insurer may also contest the
the contractual amendment. The Insurer will advise the validity of the contract.
Primary Member of this right in our notification.
6. Representation by another person
4. Assertion of the Insurer‘s rights If the Primary Member allows another person to repre-
The Insurer may only assert our rights with regard to sent the Primary Member when the Policy is concluded,
the withdrawal, termination or contractual amendment then both the knowledge and fraudulent intent of the
within one month in writing. This period commences at Primary Member’s representative in addition to the
the point in time when the Insurer are made aware of the Primary Member’s own knowledge and fraudulent intent
infringement of the disclosure obligation which justifies are to be taken into account with regard to the disclo-
the assertion of our right. In exercising our rights, sure obligation, withdrawal, termination, contractual
the Insurer must reveal the circumstances on which amendment and the exclusion deadline for assertion of
the Insurer is basing its assertion. The Insurer may, the Insurer’s rights. The Primary Member may only claim
retrospectively, provide additional circumstances as that the disclosure obligation has not been breached
justification if the deadline for these as per paragraph 1 intentionally or as a result of gross negligence if neither
has not lapsed. The Insurer may not invoke the rights to the Primary Member’s representative nor the Primary
withdrawal, termination or contractual amendment if the Member is responsible for fraud or gross negligence.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 43

6. Instruction On Right Of Revocation

Right of Revocation Consequences of Revocation

The Primary Member and/or other Covered Person In the event of an effective revocation, the insurance co-
may revoke the request for insurance cover in text form ver will terminate and the Plan Administrator on behalf
(Textform, e.g., letter, email) within fourteen (14 days) of the Insurer will refund to the Primary Member and/or
without indicating any reasons. The deadline starts from other Covered Person the portion of the premiums at-
the time Primary Member and/or other Covered Person tributable to the period after receipt of the revocation if
received the Membership Certificate, the contract terms the Primary Member and/or other Covered Person have
including the Terms and Conditions and the additional agreed that the insurance cover will commence before
information pursuant to Section 7 paras. 1 and 2 of the the end of the revocation period. In this case, the Insurer
Insurance Contract Act (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz) may retain the part of the premium that is attributable to
in conjunction with Sections 1 to 4 of the Ordinance on the time until receipt of the revocation; this is an amount
Information Obligations regarding Insurance Contracts equal to one-thirtieth (1/30) of the monthly premium for
(VVG-Informationspflichtenverordnung) as well as this each day that insurance cover has existed. Reimburse-
instruction, each in text form, but not before the Plan ment of the premium will occur without undue delay, at
Administrator on behalf of the Insurer have fulfilled our the latest thirty (30) days following receipt of the revo-
obligations pursuant to Section 312i para. 1 sentence 1 cation. If the insurance cover does not begin before the
of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) in end of the revocation period, the effective revocation re-
conjunction with Article 246c of the Introductory Act to sults in the return of benefits received and the surrender
the German Civil Code (Einführungsgesetz zum Bürger- of any profits derived (e.g. interest).
lichen Gesetzbuche). The timely dispatch of the revoca-
tion is sufficient to comply with the revocation period. Special Note
The declaration of revocation is to be addressed to: The right of revocation expires if the obligations regar-
ding the insurance cover are completely fulfilled by the
PassportCard Deutschland GmbH Primary Member and/or other Covered Person and the
Hohe Bleichen 8 Plan Administrator at the express request of the Primary
20354 Hamburg Member and/or other Covered Person before having
Germany exercised the right of revocation.
Email: kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de End of the instruction on the right of revocation. 

44 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

7. Zones of Coverage

Zone 1 China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Christmas

Island, Coconut Islands, Colombia, Cook Islands, El Salvador, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Guiana, French

Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, Kiribati, Maldives, Malvinas, Marshall Islands, Martinique,

Zone 2 Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Minor Outl.Isl., Montserrat, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue,

Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcairn Islands,

Reunion, S.Sandwich Isl., Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Tokelau Islands, Tonga,

Tuvalu, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa

Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bouvet Islands, Bulgaria, Channel

Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,

Zone 3 Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,

Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San

Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Svalbard, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City

Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso,

Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica,

Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Djibouti, Dubai, East Timor, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,

Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Heard and McDonald Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran,

Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macau,
Zone 4
Madagascar, Malaysia, Malawi, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia,

Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi

Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan,

Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen,

Zambia, Zimbabwe

*The following countries will be included in coverage under the plan

that includes the US: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and, Puerto Rico.

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 45

Contact 24/7 customer service
We speak English and German – 24 hours a day.
Our customer service team is available 24/7 to assist your clients with all
questions related to their policy in the event of an emergency.

Toll-free number + 800 70 60 4000

Phone +49 (0)40 46 00 20-333
WhatsApp +49 170 210 1616
Email kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de

Broker support
We are here to answer any questions:
Broker support is available on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Phone +49 (0)40 46 00 20-444
Fax +49 (0)40 46 00 20-100
E-mail vertrieb@passportcard.de

PassportCard Deutschland GmbH

Managing director Eithan Wolf
HRB 158858 Amtsgericht Hamburg

46 Group IPMI Individual - Germany

Group IPMI Individual - Germany 47
PassportCard Deutschland GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 8, 20354 Hamburg

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