Policy Terms and Conditions
Policy Terms and Conditions
Policy Terms and Conditions
February 2020
Effective date, duration, and anniversary date 3
Premium rates 3
Eligibility for coverage 4
Zones of coverage 4
Plan administrator 5
Changes to the membership certificate 5
Benefits 5
Prior notification 6
How to file a claim 6
Assessment of the claims 6
Limitation on actual costs 7
Payment through the card 7
Reimbursement of covered expenses 8
Currency 8
Limitation on actions 8
Subrogation 8
Pre-contractual reporting duty 8
Consequences of non-fulfilment of an obligation 9
Notices 9
Withdrawal of application for membership/ “cooling off period” 9
Termination or suspension of coverage 10
Premium payment 11
Non-payment 11
Complaints 11
Exclusions 12
Applicable law 13
If a Covered Person (other than the Primary Member) is If a Primary Member or other Covered Person receives
employed and receives insurance from his/her employer, indemnification and/or compensation from a third party
the benefits he/she received from such insurance shall that is due to the Insurer according to this paragraph,
be deducted from the benefits payable under this he/she will transfer it to the Plan Administrator for
Policy (this Policy may, at the discretion of the Plan delivery to the Insurer. If he/she has made a settlement
Administrator, pay second). waiver or other action that prejudices the right that he/
she transferred to the Insurer, he/she shall compensate
CURRENCY the Insurer in that respect either fully (in case of an
intentional breach) or partially in direct relation to the
Costs for medical care services may be incurred in severity of the negligence, unless the Primary Member is
a foreign currency. If the claim is reimbursed by the able to demonstrate the absence of gross negligence.
Insurer in Euro, the Insurer will use conversion rates in
force on the date of the transaction. The Administrator PRE-CONTRACTUAL REPORTING DUTY
has authorised the use of an online currency converter at
the following web address, which permits date-specific The Primary Member and/or other Covered Person are
conversions to be made: required to provide true and complete answers to the
www.xe.com/ucc. questions in the Application Form and other application
documents including detailing any Previous Medical
In the event that the Primary Member or other Covered Condition/Pre-existing Condition. Any information that
Person was actually charged a less favorable conversion is not rendered or that is incorrect or incomplete may
rate at the time of provision of medical service, it is put the insurance coverage at risk.
permissible to use the Covered Person’s rate instead,
provided that the Covered Person provides the Plan In the event of fraud, misstatement, or concealment
Administrator with documents to endorse the rate being by the Primary Member and/or other Covered Person,
claimed. In such cases the Primary Member is given the Insurer (or the Plan Administrator acting on its
the option as to which conversion rate to use. (When behalf) is entitled, pursuant to the requirements set
the difference is small the Primary Member may prefer out in Sec. 19 as modified by Sec. 194 (1) 3rd sentence
prompt settlement using the xe.com rate rather than German Insurance Contract Act, to declare the Primary
collating and sending evidence to support an alternative Member’s coverage under the Policy null and void,
rate.) which shall equally nullify the coverage of the other
Covered Persons. In the event of a negligent omission
LIMITATION ON ACTIONS or misstatement, the Insurer (or the Plan Administrator
acting on its behalf) is also entitled to continue the
Claims may be made until they become barred by coverage under the Policy under new terms and
German law. In general, claims are barred at the end of conditions established by the Insurer (and in case of a
the third (3rd) calendar year following the calendar year grossly negligent breach, also with retroactive effect) or
in which the claim arose and when the injured person terminate the coverage under the Policy by refunding
know about the facts (or should have known about the the premiums paid.
Non-fulfilment of an obligation may result in the benefit For a period of fourteen (14) days from the date the
not becoming payable. Primary Member receives a Membership Certificate, the
Primary Member may revoke the request for coverage
Details on the pre-contractual disclosure obligations and under the Policy, without being charged a premium, by
the consequences of their non-fulfilment can be found sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of
in section 5 “Consequences“ of Non-Fulfilment of the receipt to the Plan Administrator or email to the address
Disclosure Obligation. listed below. For more detailed information, see section
6 “Instruction“ on Right of Revocation.
In the event of a breach of the pre-contractual disclosure
obligation by the Primary Member or any Covered However, a Primary Member who has already paid a
Person, the Insurer may be entitled, pursuant to Sections premium in relation to the coverage under this Policy
19 through 22 of the German Insurance Contract Act may withdraw from insurance coverage within a period
(see section 5 “Consequences“ of Non-Fulfilment of the of thirty (30) calendar days from the Policy Effective
Disclosure Obligation pursuant to §19 of the German Date as detailed on the Membership Certificate, by
Insurance Contract Act (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz) sending a registered letter with acknowledgement of
either to declare the individual policy void, to terminate receipt to the Plan Administrator or email to the address
the individual policy or to continue applying it under listed below.
new conditions established by the Insurer.
The Primary Member shall be reimbursed, in full, for all
sums relating to the payment of premium under this
Policy made within thirty (30) days from the date of
acknowledgement of receipt of the registered letter, so
long as no claims were made under this Policy during
that time or since the inception of coverage under this
In the event the Primary Member fails to pay the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
premiums in full within thirty (30) days following their Graurheindorfer Straße 108
due date, the coverage may be withdrawn thirty (30) 53117 Bonn
days after the Insurer or Plan Administrator has sent a Phone: +49 (0) 228 / 4108 - 0
registered letter to the Primary Member constituting Fax: + 49 (0)228 4108-1550
formal notice of said withdrawal. If within that period, Email: poststelle@bafin.de
the Primary Member has made the delinquent payment, https://www.bafin.de
the notice of withdrawal shall no longer be effective.
In addition, AWP Health & Life SA is a signatory to the
COMPLAINTS mediation charter of the French Federation of Insurance
Companies. Therefore, in the event of a persistent and
In the event of a disagreement or complaint with the definitive disagreement, the Association and/or Primary
Insurer concerning the general terms and conditions Member or other Covered Person has the option, after
of the Policy, the Association and/or Primary Member exhausting all other possible amicable remedies, to
and/or other Covered Person shall first contact their opt to turn to the Mediator of the French Federation
representative at the Plan Administrator at the following of Insurance Companies, without prejudice to other
address: possible legal action, who can be contacted at the
following address:
PassportCard Deutschland GmbH
Hohe Bleichen 8 La Médiation de l’Assurance
20354 Hamburg TSA 50 110
Germany 75 441 Paris Cedex 09
Email: kundenbetreuung@passportcard.de https://www.mediation-assurance.org/
If the proposed solution does not meet the expectations The filing of a complaint does not affect the right to file
of the Primary Member and/or Covered Person, the Plan a claim before the responsible civil court.
Primary Member
The person who completed the Application Form, who
was approved for Policy coverage by the Association,
who is the principle insured under the Policy.
Psychiatric Treatment
Medically required treatment to treat a diagnosed
mental condition of the Covered Person, including eating
disorders by someone who is legally qualified and is
permitted to practice as a Psychiatrist in the country
where the treatment is received.
Psychotherapy Treatment
Medically Required treatment to treat a diagnosed
condition of the Covered person, provided by someone
who is legally qualified and is permitted to practice as a
Psychotherapist, in the country where the treatment is
Repatriation of Remains
This shall include repatriation of mortal remains of the
Covered Person to their Home Country.
3. Table Of Benefits
Compact Comfort Premium
Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services
Parent accommodation
during inpatient treatment
of a minor child
Substitute hospital
Up to 100 € per night
cash plan benefit
Medical treatment Covered as specified below Covered as specified below Covered as specified below
Cancer treatment
Maintenance of chronic
Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services
Psychiatric treatment
Waiting period of 12
Psychotherapy months, only by a licensed
psychiatrist (MD)
Up to 300 € in 24 months,
Vision aids, including an eye test optical examination up
to 200 € per year
Maternity care and childbirth, Up to 5,000 € per birth, Up to 25,000 € per birth,
services of a midwife or obstetric Caesarean covered only Caesarean covered only
nurse, inpatient and outpatient if medically necessary if medically necessary
Complications of pregnancy
Up to 100,000 €
and childbirth
Outpatient childbirth
500 € per newborn baby
cash benefit
Newborn care
(We must be informed
within 60 days after birth. Insured in own policy Insured in own policy
Subject to underwriting with
maximum risk load of 100%)
Vaccinations and
Up to 100 € Up to 500 €
immunization (adult)
Vaccinations and
immunization (child)
Day care
Chronic conditions
Up to 3,000 € Up to 6,000 € Up to 6,000 €
dental treatment
Scale-and-polish cleaning
Simple fillings
Surgery, extractions,
root-canal treatment
Night guard
Orthodontic treatment
50% copay
- up to 18 years old
Treatment plan
Information on medical
infrastructure (local medical
care and names and
addresses of doctors who
speak several languages)
Online services
Transport to hospital
upon emergency
Medical evacuation
and repatriation
(in-network providers only,
coordinated by the insurer)
Emergency treatment
60 days coverage 60 days coverage 60 days coverage
outside zone of coverage
Return of accompanying
Dependent to Country of
Up to 1,000 € Up to 2,000 €
Destination if Covered Person
is evacuated during travel
Return of accompanying
Child/Children to Country
Up to 2000 € per family
of Origin if Covered Person
is evacuated/repatriated
Unless otherwise specified, the above amounts apply per person and insurance year.
All benefits are subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, Exclusions and UCR - Usual, Customary and Reasonable Rates.
Medical Evacuation Rider
May be added to all plans
The general coverage limit for all insurance events (except if indicated otherwise in the following table) is 1,000,000 € for the ent-
ire lifetime of the policy or this extension. Whenever a specific coverage limit is mentioned, the specific limit will apply.
Basic expenses for minors when flying to the 50 € per day / 500 € per entire period
For each minor separately
Covered Person’s location of evacuation of staying with the insured member
Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services
Parent accommodation
during inpatient treatment
of a minor child
Substitute hospital
Up to 100 $ per night
cash plan benefit
Physiotherapy, including
(requires pre-approval)
Medical treatment Covered as specified below Covered as specified below Covered as specified below
Cancer treatment
Maintenance of chronic
Imaging - consultations
and diagnostic services
Psychiatric treatment
Waiting period of 12
Psychotherapy months, only by a licensed
psychiatrist (MD)
Up to 300 $ in 24 months,
Vision aids, including an eye test optical examination up
to 200 $ per year
Up to 200 $.
Over-the-counter drugs (OTC) Copay 10 $ brand name
drug; 0% generic
Maternity care and childbirth, Up to 10,000 $ per birth, Up to 25,000 $ per birth,
services of a midwife or obstetric Caesarean covered only Caesarean covered only
nurse, inpatient and outpatient if medically necessary if medically necessary
Complications of pregnancy
Up to 200,000 $
and childbirth
Outpatient childbirth
500 $ per newborn baby
cash benefit
Newborn care.
(We must be informed
within 60 days after birth. Insured in own policy Insured in own policy
Subject to underwriting with
maximum risk load of 100%)
Vaccinations and
Up to 200 $ Up to 1,000 $
immunization (adult)
Vaccinations and
immunization (child)
Up to 30 days, Up to 30 days,
Inpatient follow-up rehabilitation
requires pre-approval requires pre-approval
Day care
Chronic conditions
Up to 5,000 $ Up to 8,000 $ Up to 8,000 $
dental treatment
Scale-and-polish cleaning
Simple fillings
Surgery, extractions,
root-canal treatment
Night guard
Orthodontic treatment
- up to 18 years old 50% copay
Treatment plan
Information on medical
infrastructure (local medical
care and names and
addresses of doctors who
speak several languages)
Online services
Transport to hospital
upon emergency
Medical evacuation
and repatriation
(in-network providers only,
coordinated by the insurer)
Return to Country of
Up to 2,000 $ per family Up to 2,000 $ per family Up to 2,000 $ per family
Destination after repatriation
Emergency treatment
60 days coverage 60 days coverage 60 days coverage
outside zone of coverage
Return of accompanying
Dependent to Country of
Up to 1,200 $ Up to 2,400 $
Destination if Covered Person
is evacuated during travel
Return of accompanying
Child/Children to Country
Up to 2,400 $ per family
of Origin if Covered Person
is evacuated/repatriated
Unless otherwise specified, the above amounts apply per person and insurance year.
All benefits are subject to the Policy Terms, Conditions, Exclusions and UCR - Usual, Customary and Reasonable Rates.
Medical Evacuation Rider
May be added to all plans
The general coverage limit for all insurance events (except if indicated otherwise in the following table) is 1,000,000 $ for the
entire lifetime of the policy or this extension. Whenever a specific coverage limit is mentioned, the specific limit will apply.
Basic expenses for minors when flying to the 50 $ per day / 500 $ per entire period
For each minor separately
Covered Person’s location of evacuation of staying with the insured member
As mentioned above, AWP Health & Life SA may collect write insurance and/or process claim, AWP Health & Life
and process information containing personal data recei- SA will process the personal data based on legitimate
ved where relevant from public databases, third parties interests and/or to comply with legal obligations.
such as brokers and business partners, physicians,
hospitals, other medical administrative authorities, other Access and Processing of Personal data
insurers, credit reference and fraud prevention agen- AWP Health & Life SA will ensure that personal data
cies, advertising networks, analytics providers, search is processed in a manner that is compatible with the
information providers, claims adjustors, intermediaries, purposes indicated above. For the stated purposes,
delegated authorities, attorneys and notaries. personal data may be obtained or disclosed to the
following parties through contractual arrangements
For those purposes indicated above where AWP Health to protect personal data with those who may operate
& Life SA has indicated that it does not require express as authorised third party data controllers and or
consent from the Data Subject or where AWP Health & processors.
Life SA otherwise require the personal data to under-
Individual enrollment forms of Disabled Insured Filed in the relevant claims file (see below: “claims files”)
Contributions and Premiums, Commissions and Fee slips and Records 5 years
Healthcare claims (illness/accident medical expenses) 3 years from the date the claims are closed
AWP Health & Life SA will not retain personal data of the Data Subject for longer than necessary and
will retain said data only for the purposes for which it was obtained.
AWP Health & Life SA Data Protection Updates Corporate Personal Data
AWP Health & Life SA ensures the most recent version is Any Personal Data Processed by a contracted Data
available on the website www.allianzworldwidecare.fr Processor and/or Sub-Processor on behalf of the Data
Controller or Corporate Group Member of the Data
The Data Subject shall be informed of any an important Controller pursuant to or in connection with the relevant
change that may impact the personal data of the Data Administrative Agreements including but not limited to
Subject. Otherwise the Data Subject may contact their the signatories to the Administrative Agreement(s) and
AWP Health & Life SA representative or by contacting the present DPA, and any Confidential Information which
AWP Health & Life SA directly as specified hereinabove. relates to the Parties’ businesses and/or customers or
This Data Protection Notice was updated on 1 May 2018. employees of the Parties.
Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Canada, Chile, Christmas
Island, Coconut Islands, Colombia, Cook Islands, El Salvador, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Fiji, French Guiana, French
Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, Kiribati, Maldives, Malvinas, Marshall Islands, Martinique,
Zone 2 Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Minor Outl.Isl., Montserrat, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue,
Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcairn Islands,
Reunion, S.Sandwich Isl., Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Tokelau Islands, Tonga,
Tuvalu, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna, Western Samoa
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bouvet Islands, Bulgaria, Channel
Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,
Zone 3 Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San
Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Svalbard, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica,
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire), Djibouti, Dubai, East Timor, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Heard and McDonald Islands, India, Indonesia, Iran,
Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macau,
Zone 4
Madagascar, Malaysia, Malawi, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia,
Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi
Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen,
Zambia, Zimbabwe
Broker support
We are here to answer any questions:
Broker support is available on working days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Phone +49 (0)40 46 00 20-444
Fax +49 (0)40 46 00 20-100
E-mail vertrieb@passportcard.de