Blowdown Principle
Blowdown Principle
Blowdown Principle
these should be properly dressed and mounted in the 3. Major components: Power distribution breaker, re-
SCP. Suitable drains, sink, etc., should be provided. corders, controllers, analyzers, etc.
11. Arrangement: All the monitoring instruments, such as 4. Devices: Apart from the electrical devices stated
the pressure gauge, temperature gauge, rotameter, above, there may be a recorder and annunciator in
etc., should be mounted at the front of the panel. this panel. Also isolators, etc., exchanging signals
Rate set valves should also be in the front. Various with the DCS.
headers, coolers, etc., should be arranged suitably in- 5. Analyzer output: Analyzers normally have 4-20
side the panel. mADC, which may be connected to the recorder in
this panel, as well as output may be sent to the DCS
5.7.2 Analyzer Panel system of the main plant. Many analysis systems offer
a high þ low alarm, which can be annunciated in this
Various features discussed in Clause through
panel and/or could be sent to the DCS as a binary also are applicable for this panel.
signal. In case the numbers of contact are insufficient,
1. Type: Free-standing enclosed panel. relays may be used or contacts may not be sent to DCS
2. Analyzer mounting: As far as possible there should be as from the analog signal alarms can be generated in
front surface mounting. the DCS.
3. Arrangement: The electrical connections and electrical
devices are arranged as per logical functions. All drains
and electrical and other connections should be placed in 6. BLOW DOWN AND DOSING
the rear side of the panel. The sample line bulk head CONTROL
should be at the top rear side.
4. There will be a common drain line to collect the liquids 6.1 Blow Down
leaving the analyzers.
6.1.1 Functional Requirements
As the steam is generated from the boiler, the total dis-
5.7.3 Instrumentation cum Electrical Panel solved solid (TDS) starts rising and forms deposits and
scales at boiler parts such as the tube. When these are
Various features discussed in Clause through
carried by the steam, they will form deposits elsewhere, above also are applicable for this panel.
e.g., turbine. Therefore whenever the TDS level crosses the
1. Type: Free-standing enclosed panel. limit set by the manufacturer blow down is necessary. The
2. Location: SWAS room. basic purpose of blow down is to regulate the boiler
Special Instrument Chapter | V 381
parameters within the prescribed limits to minimize, “car- 6.1.4 Blow Down Control
ryovers,” “corrosion,” and “scale formation” and to drive
In an automatic blow down system, the blow down and its
out the “suspended particles.” So, TDS, alkalinity, and
rate are regulated in relation to the concentration of dis-
silica suspended solids are the major factors based on
solved solids present to maintain the proper water chem-
which blow downs are carried out.
istry. Various ways to automatically control blow down are
6.1.2 Range as follows:
Blow down quantity depends directly on the maintenance 1. Automatic blow down control using conductivity
of water chemistry in the system concerned (also on quality (see Figure V/6.1.4-1a):
of water available). Apart from this, factors like the boiler a. Objective: To blow down drum water in relation to
design, turbine requirement, and boiler-operating condition dissolve solids. Since TDS, alkalinity, silica, etc.,
determine largely the blow down quantity (as a percentage directly affect the conductivity, it may be taken as
of FW quantity). The range of blow down lies somewhere a parameter to control blow down
between 2 and 20% of total FW quantity. Also, see b. Loop: In this method a conductivity probe is used to
ASME’s “A Consensus on Operating Practices for Boiler measure the boiler conductivity and compare it with
Blow Down”. the set point, which is set based on the allowed total
contamination level. However, the rate of blow
down should maintain a relation with the amount
6.1.3 Blow Down Types
of FW input to the boiler. So actual conductivity
Blow down may be manual and intermittent or continuous signal, for error generation, is duly multiplied by
and automatic. Manual short-time blow downs are taken FW quantity, i.e., by boiler load index, to take care
from the lowest point of the drum. The continuous blow of changes in load. The error thus generated is fed
down system, a part of FW, is always discarded. It offers to the blow down PI controller, which generates a
advantages for large heat recovery. demand signal for the amount of blow down, i.e.,