Resin-Impregnated Paper (RIP) Condenser Transformer Bushing

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Resin-impregnated Paper (RIP) Condenser Transformer Bushing

Operation and Maintenance Instruction

(For cable bushing with voltage of 252kV or lower)

Code NO. SM-G01-2013

Contact us: Address: Century East Road 009, Xianyang city, Shanxi
Tel.: 029-33198058、33198059 ( user service department);
029-33198052、33198053 (Design)
西安西电高压套管有限公司 Operation and Maintenance Instruction
The instruction is applied to use and maintenance for cable resin-impregnated paper (RIP)
condenser transformer bushing with voltage of 252kV or lower. Please read the instruction carefully
before installing and using the bushing.
1 General
1.1 Operating Conditions
The following are general technical requirements for cable RIP condenser transformer bushing.
Please contact manufacturing unit if exceed the range of use.

Application equipment Applicable to oil-immersed power transformer

Type of bushing Outdoor-immersed bushing, resin-impregnated paper condenser
bushing(cable current-carrying structure)
Mounting angle Any
Ambient temperature -40℃~+40℃
Pollution resistant level Outdoor insulation is in accordance with IEC 60815
Degree of pollution creepage distance mm/kV applicable area
Ⅰ 16 common
Ⅱ 20 light pollution
Ⅲ 25 heavy pollution
Ⅳ 31 highly heaven pollution
Others are in accordance with GB/T4109、IEC60137

1.2 Technical parameters

Electrical performance parameters(see Table 1),the bushing structure (see Figure 1).
Table 1 Electrical performance parameters
System nominal voltage kV 35 66 110 132 150~154 220
Rated voltage kV 40.5 72.5 126 145 170 252
Maximum working phase voltage of equipment kV 23.5 42 73 84 98.5 146
60s power-frequency withstand voltage Dry 95 165 255 275 340 460
kV(r.m.s) Wet 80 147 230 275 340 460
Lightning impulse withstand voltage Full-wave 200 325 550 650 750 1050
kV(peak) Chopping-wave - - 635 750 865 1210
Switching impulse withstand voltage (dry / wet)kV(peak) - - - - - 850
Partial discharge(Ur) pC ≤10

tanδ (1.05Ur/ 3 ) ≤0.6%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. terminal block 2. porcelain insulator/ silicon rubber insulation 3. gas plug

4. mounting flange 5.test tap 6.RIP capacitor core 7. voltage sharing ball
Figure1 Bushing structure
西安西电高压套管有限公司 Operation and Maintenance Instruction
1.3 Bushing structure
The main insulation of bushing is a RIP insulator of solid state. Inside there is a voltage sharing
electrode whose size is well calculated in order to make the field strength distribution the best both
axially and radically. The main insulation is vacuum dried, injected with epoxy resin and solidified.
It can be mounted at any angle.
There are connecting flange for connection, Test wire set connecting with the surface of
condenser core is installed on the sleeve (see Figure 2) for measuring the tanδ and capacitance(C )
of bushing. The max test voltage on the test tap is 2kV under 50 Hz power frequency voltages,
maintain 60s.
Test wire set should be well equipped with leading shield to be grounded automatically when
the bushing is on operation.
Gas plug is set in mounting flange for the release of its upper air when transformer is
impregnating with oil.
Current-carrying way of the bushing is cable.
Shield is set at the bottom of bushing for improving the electric field distribution of bushing

Note:leading shield(Item 1)may be loosened. Item 5 loosening is prohibited.

1.leading shield 2. spring 3. pressure head of spring
4. tap insulator assembly 5.screw 6. rubber gasket
Figure 2 test wire set
2 Mounting
2.1 lifting and custody of bushing
Bushing should be stored in air-proof and damp-proof package. Please do not open the protector
provided by the supplier if the bushing need to be kept for a long period. The packing box should be
covered by waterproof cloth or canopy. Bushing closing up the fire source and heat source is strictly
Bushing packed with wooden box is transported horizontally and packing box can’t be turned
over. Please check whether the packing box has signs of damage before opening the box.
After open the cover of the packing box, firstly remove the clip board on the top of the bushing;
suspend the upper and lower parts of bushing with flexible line as Figure 3-1 and 3-2 showing.take
the bushing horizontally from the packing box and put the bushing on sleepers or soft pillow, and
then check whether the enclosed and the documents concerned are complete according to packing
list. Clean all parts of the bushing.
Bushing should be stored in clean, dry and ventilated inddoor area, and cann’t be corrupted by
caustic gas or liquid.

西安西电高压套管有限公司 Operation and Maintenance Instruction

The air insulation for silicon rubber The air insulation for porcelain
Figure 3-1 Figure 3-2
2.2 Preventive tests of bushing
2.2.1 Take preventive tests of bushing according to the items and order showed in table 2 and
installation can be proceed after proving qualified.
Table 2 Test item and basis for installation, operating and overhaul

Order Item Basis Remark

Main insulation resistance no less than

5000MΩ when 20℃ Use 2500V megohmmeter
1 resistance
Bushing tap grounding insulation
resistance no less than1000MΩ
0.7% is operating control data,
Dielectric loss and ⑴When preexam (overhaul)
the measured value of capacitance
2 capacitance tanδ≤ 0.7%
can be referred to test report or
measurement ⑵capacitance
name plate.

2.3 Preparation for mounting

The part below mounting flange and conduit center of bushing should be wiped up with dry and
clean calico , paying attention not to bump epoxy core and voltage sharing ball before bushing is
installed in transformer. Test wire set should be put in the position watching easily when bushing is
set vertically. when bushing is tilted installation , it should be insured that deflation mounting flange
is at the highest position. Suspend bushing from the packing box according to 2.1 and suspend
bushing into a vertical position according to Figure4.
2.4 mounting of head

西安西电高压套管有限公司 Operation and Maintenance Instruction

13 6

12 7


1. terminal block 2. screw bolt(M10×35)3.gasket(10) 1. terminal block 2.spring of current 3. pressure nut
4.screw bolt(M8×75)5. gasket(8)6. conductive sealed end 4..screw bolt 5、6. gasket 7. seal pressure plate
7. screw bolt 8.rand 9、11. seal pressure plate 10. leading wire joint 8. rubber washer 9. cylindrical pin 10. leading wire joint
12. rubber washer 13. screw bolt(M8×45)
Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2

Head structure

Head structure
Instruction for mounting
Loosen screw bolt (Item 2),remove terminal block(Item 1)and screw bolt (Item 4 and Item 13),take
conductive sealed end (Item 6)and seal pressure plate(Item 11);pull cable leading wire joint (Item10)of
transformer (reactor)from central conduit, fix bushing on ascending flanged base simultaneously, fix leading
4-1 wire joint on seal pressure plate (Item 9)with rand (Item 8), mount seal pressure plate(Item 11) and conductive
sealed end(Item 6) screw it tightly with screw bolt(Item 4), ensure seal rubber washer(Item 12)fixed to the
exact position,and screw it tightly with screw bolt(Item 13);install terminal block(Item 1) , tighten screw
bolt(Item 2)finally. When mounting, ensure every part of rubber washer sealed reliably.
Loosen screw bolt (Item,4),remove terminal block(Item 1),pull cable leading wire joint (Item 10)of
transformer (reactor)from central conduit, fix bushing on ascending flanged base simultaneously, fix leading
4-2 wire joint on seal pressure plate(Item7) with cylindrical pin(Item9), mount pressure nut(Item 3),then install
terminal block (Item1), ensure seal rubber washer(Item 8)fixed to the exact position, and screw it tightly with
screw bolt(Item 4); When mounting, ensure every part of rubber washer sealed reliably.
Note:Never loosen the rest of screws, Otherwise the overall sealing of bushing would be

3 maintenance
Bushing has good electrical properties. If you pay attention to maintenance , you will be
satisfied with the running effect.. Bushing should work at the specified running conditions. Note the
3.1 During operation, test wire set should be correctly connected with wires protector. In
order to keep equipment grounded safely.
3.2tanδ and capacitance C of bushing should be regularly measured when bushing is on operation,
follwing DL/T 596—1996 "electrical equipment preventive trial order". If it is found that tanδ or
capacitance C suddenly changes, especially significant increases, the bushing should quit running to
be checked.
西安西电高压套管有限公司 Operation and Maintenance Instruction
3.3 The user should contact with our company as soon as finding the problems of bushing after
bushing being sent from our company. In order to analyse and solve the problems , don’t
disintegrate bushing without authorization.
3.4 In order to our company improving the quality of product continuously, please provide
information on service condition and opinion concerned of bushing.

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