Krishnammorthy KG Application Form

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REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES Maldives Allied Health Council
me/kw, - mduriney


Please write clearly in filling this form
Items 1-5 are completed by the applicant
Items 6-8 are to befilled by the employer
Registration is subject to receipt of all the documents in proper order.
A non-refundablefee of MVR 150 is chargedfar processing registration Document no:
Registration of Dhiyehibeysyerin and hithauni practioners use fbrin no. DBHF-2020-V01

1. Type of mistration requested

Requested Allied Health Professional Title Please refer to list of registered allied health professional titles
New Registration: registered with the council. List is available from The application form will not be
processed further if the requested professional title is not mentioned.

Renewal of Registration: Fi MAHC Registration No. Issued Date: Expiry Date:

/ARIA C IMLFbo20/21GG 01 - 20A1 -

Reasons for late renewal if

applying past the Expiry Date:

2. Identification
Full name (as shown in passport /
Maldives National ID) kg 5 H NA M 00 R:T1-1 Y Kill\t/LEL CROP
Passport no/ National ID No for
Maldivians 5 5ooiss25
Date of Birth
26 - 0 9 --
Nationality for Foreigners
Email for correspondence
c.- r1SaNCA.r.roOcf-kNel \<,.%91 @,5,,,u,.1
Telephone No
-41 /-1 5 416
Address for correspondence in
Maldives Cri D g • NVOD(*1 6-- I-1 -ke r- 1----r H cervieR
Address for correspondence in home
Country kt.IN hi e-L- rvciikinrvf./AN( pi vo ko-nrAyniki 6scz.56. ) KeRRLA- I

3. Qualifications. Please state only allied health professional qualifications

Name of Course Delivered Institute Awarded Institute Start date Date of award Recognizing body

5 P4N E 5 l'N/1 E- mot-\ ,a4e.%

mpo,Acrymn G-0,INDHI AND4- )., oto • o1 s -
,B 5C MLT scry
u rjivE i\

Registration form MAHC-F-R-V002 /2020

Page 1 of 3
4. Supporting documents. Please tick as appropriate

New Registration for Maldivian applicants.

Tick DocUment

Copy of National ID card

Qualification certificate(s). Only certified copies of allied health professional qualifications relevant to requesting title need to be
submitted. (Attested Copies)
Mark sheet(s) for various semesters or years of the qualification. A consolidated transcript. (Attested Copies)
Curriculum vitae
Competency exam results for professions where Competency Exam is given.
Recent passport size photo

New Registration for foreign applicants.

lick Document

A certified copy of the relevant pages of your passport (the ones which show your date of birth, nationality and photograph).
Evidence of any name change (e.g., deed poll, marriage certificate) if applicable.
Qualification certificate(s). Only certified copies of allied health professional qualifications relevant to requesting title need to be
submitted. (Attested Copies)
Mark sheet(s) for various semesters or years of the qualification. A consolidated transcript. (Attested Copies)
Curriculum vitae
Professional Registration at other councils or other equivalent bodies, Professional Registration from private bodies or associations
not recognized by. this council should not be submitted (Attested Copies)
Competency exam results for professions where Competency Exam is given.
Recent passport size photo

Renewal of Registration Maldivian and Foreign applicants.

Tick Document

Copy of National ID card For Maldivian

Passport copy for foreign applicants
Previous Registration Copy
Recent passport size photo

1. Documents in foreign languages other than English shall be submitted together with the certified English translations and original
copies of the documents. The Maldives Allied Health Council will accept notarization by
(i) the institute that issued the original certificate;
(ii) any Embassy or Consulate of the country that issued the original certificate; and
(iii) a government institute of the country that issued the original certificate.
2. All documentation should be complete and the submitted documents should be clear and legible. The Allied Health Council will not
accept illegible, unclear or incomplete applications and will not be responsible for delays that occur due to submission of illegible or
incomplete documentation.
3. The Maldives Allied Health Council may also require the Allied Health Professional to submit any other documents for evaluation of
his/her application

Registration form MAHC-F-R-V002 /2020

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5.Declaration by applicant
I declare that al l information provided herein is true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that falsifying information
would result in legal action, which may include but not limited to criminal prosecution.
I will provide the Maldives Allied Health Council with any such further information as it may require and further authorizes the
council to make queries as necessary
• I do not have a mental or physical condition that renders me unable to perform the functions required for practice as an Allied
Health Professional
• I know of no information that could cause the Maldives Allied Health Council not to be satisfied that I am of good character and
reputation and am a fit and proper person to be registered
• I agree to adhere to the Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics and the Scope of Practice set by the Maldives Allied
Health Council for the professional title under which i may be registered.
I agree to inform to Maldives Allied Health Council any change to my email, telephone number and address for correspondence
in Maldives.

Name of the Applicant:AKR15.11.N.AM.O.ORTHY....Kei. Signature of applicant: .. 451

1 —ctate. 7// 2 /2°9- I

6. Current employment
Name of Employer , 7

M nth il A 4)1 14 Call-Fit

Health Facility/ Work site
(31 01-. mfrotto-i -rt,i- c_C2N'reg.
Health Facility Registration No
810 1
Staff No
1-4toizePa2-31 'f:cci41•1o 1-o 67 i 5T-
Date of Employment
t 0'4' 114 4K-1-1 Ao 9,10
Contract Expiry date
r el

04-riti 'Pi- g Fg (If 24/19-

7. Declaration by Employer on current employment Information

We confirm the authenticity of information contained herein about our organization a loyment status with us

Employer. `I Mi.). ....... vahr Signature : ..... ..sta
...Dat /P14 01 1


8, Declaration by Employer for applicants renewing reg i tion

We hereby declare that no disciplinary proceedings are in action against the applicant and that he/she has never been the subject of any inquiry.

Employer. cyn5 Signature sta el/Ilk-91221

Applications should be submitted to

Maldives Allied Health Council,
Ministry of Health,
Roashanee Building, Sosun Magu, Male',
Republic of Maldives
Telephone: +960 3014480

Registration form MAHC-F-R-V002 /2020

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