Intern Report BBA PU
Intern Report BBA PU
Intern Report BBA PU
Organization Profile
1.1 Description of the Organization
The development of any country largely depends upon the economic health and
conditions of the country. Nowadays the financial institutions are viewed as catalyst
of the economic growth process. The mobilization of the domestic resource is one of
the key factors in the economic development of the country. Commercial banks and
other financial institutions collect immobilized money in the form of deposits from
every corner and parts of the country. This will provide capital for the development of
the industry, trade and business and other resources deficit sectors. Commercial bank
formulates sound investment policies to make it more effective, which eventually
contribute to the economic development of the country. Formulation of sound
investment policies and coordinated and planned effort pushes forward the forces of
economic growth.
Bank can be defined as financial intermediary between depositors and entrepreneurs
that offer the widest range of financial services especially credit saving and payments
services and perform the widest range of financial function of any business firm in the
economy. According to Kent, “A bank is an organization whose principal operations
concerned with the accumulation of the purpose of the temporarily ideal money of
public for the purpose of advancing to other expenditure by these divinations”.
Commercial banks are the heart of our economy system. They hold the deposit of
millions of persons, government and business units. They make funds available
through their lending and investing activities to borrowers, individuals, business firms
and government. Thus, their task is to provide a collecting point for saving of
relatively small average amount from a large number of individual sources and invest
them into a productive and needed sector of the country so as to develop the nation.
Banks are still the principal means of making payments, through the checking
accounts, credit cards and electronic transfer services they offer.
Fixed Deposit
Fixed deposits are investment instruments offered by banks and non-banking financial
companies, where you can deposit money for a higher rate of interest than savings
accounts. Once the money is invested with a reliable financier, it starts earning an
interest based on the duration of the deposit. Civil Bank offer the following fixed
deposit account
Individual Fixed Deposit Account
Institutional Fixed Deposit Account
Table 1.2
Types of Fixed Deposit Account
Fixed Deposit Years Interest Rate
Non- Up to 1year 10.00%
Above 1 year 7.5%
Institutional Up to 1 year 10%
Above 1 year 7.5%
Current Account
Current Account is ideal for carrying out day to day business transaction. It is a
transactional noninterest hearing account where in a deposit is placed with the bank
for unspecified period, which can be withdrawn whenever required through different
There are different current account and they are
Individual Current Account
Institutional Current Account
Foreign Currency Deposit
Foreign Currency Deposit is investment instrument in which a specific sum of money
which is poised to earn interest is deposited into a bank. Although deposits have
virtually no risk, foreign currency fixed deposits introduce an element of risk because
investors must exchange their currency into the target currency and then convert it
back again once the term is over. Some of the accounts of foreign currency deposit are
Loan Product
Loan is the lending of money from one individual, organization or entity to another
individual, organization or entity. Agricultural Development Bank Limited
Retail Loans
A retail loan is similar to a mortgage loan acquired to buy a real estate property.
Banks and private investors can supply funding for retail location, such as a stand-
alone retail store or a strip mall.
Types of Retail Loan
Home Loan: This loan is provided to those customers who are in need
of a house. Minimum tenure of home loan is 5years and maximum
tenures 25 year. Interest rate of home loan is up to 5% on risk premium
% per annum on base rate.
Auto Loan: This loan features to the customers who are in need of a
vehicle. Maximum tenure of auto loan up to 7 years for fresh vehicle
and maximum tenure up to 4 years on used vehicle (However, the age
of used vehicle should not exceed 10 years at loan maturity). Interest
rate of auto loan is up to 6% on risk premium %per annum on base
Personal Loan: Personal loan is given to customer to fulfill financial
requirement of individual Maximum tenure of personal loan is up to 5
years. Interest rate of personal loan is up to 5% on risk premium %per
annum on base rate.
Education Loan: Education loan is for those who want to pursue
higher education. ADBL provides education loan at an attractive
interest rate.
Maximum tenure period of education loan is 10 years (including grace
period of up to maximum three years). Interest rate of educational loan
is up to 5% on risk premium % per annum on base rate.
Personal Mortgage Loan: This loan is provided to customers to
Equity financing (Loan against Real Estate collateral), to purchase of
land to refinance/SWAP/Takeover of Equity Loans and personal
financing requirement. Maximum Tenure of personal mortgage loan up
to 20 years. Interest rate of personal mortgage loan is up to NPR 5
million is up to 4.2%on risk premium %per annum on base rate and
loan above 5milliom up to 5% on risk premium %per annum on base
Loan Against FD Loan: This loan is use to LAFD of the Bank up to
90% of value of FD and LAFD of any other financial institution up to
80% of FD. Minimum/maximum tenure of loan against FD loan is up
to maturity of FD. Interest rate of loan against FD loan is 20% plus on
risk premium % per annum on base rate.
Loan Against Share Loan: Loan against share loan is to finance fund
requirement to the customers against pledge of shares of listed
companies as per Bank’s list Minimum/maximum tenure of loan
against share loan are overdraft Facility for one year and demand Loan
Facility for one year. Interest rate of loan against share loan is up to
5%on risk premium % per annum on base rate
SME Loan
Loans for Small Medium Enterprises (SME) are business loans extended only to
medium-sized enterprises. These loans are tailor-made to suit the needs and
requirements of SMEs. Interest rate of SME loan is up to 5%on risk premium % per
annum on base rate
1.4.2 Services
1.4.3 Agricultural Development Bank Limited services are reliable and secured
being a commercial bank which has less risks of bankrupt and fraud. It has
services for students and staffs. Some services of Agricultural Development
Card and E-banking
Agricultural Development Bank is providing card and e-banking services seen bank
is establish in order to give better customer services to them .Under card and e-
banking there comes
Master Debit Card
How to use master debit card?
Collect ATM card and pin number from related bank
Apply it to related bank ATM booth
Swipe ATM card to ATM machine and inter pin number
Enter money you needed and receive it
Mobile Banking (ADBL Smart Banking)
How to use mobile banking?
Install Civil mobile banking app in related mobile
Enter mobile number and receive mobile banking pin
Enter mobile banking pin and starting using mobile banking
ADBL Internet Banking
How to use internet banking?
Collect internet banking pin from bank
Open agricultural Bank site in PC or mobile
Login to Personal/Corporate internet banking and enter user name and
Starting using internet banking
Charge for opening card, e-banking, mobile banking and civil internet banking is free
of cost in ADBL for the first time and to renew it, it cost Rs 200 charge.
Locker Service
Agricultural Development Bank Limited offers locker facilities with the size of
their customer’s preference. Customers are availingly enjoying this facility with peace
of mind in terms of security for their valuable belongings and also with one of the
most attractive rates dependent on location. Charge for opening locker account is Rs
5000 in ADBL.
Remittance Service
Agricultural Development Bank has been offering local as well as international
remittance service through its own remit product named Agricultural Development
Bank Remit. Agricultural Development Bank Remit product is developed by the
Bank with state of art remittance software that is well equipped with Geo trust
Authentication service to ensure system security. Civil Bank Remit offers easy and
affordable remittance platform and has wide agent network across Nepal.
Board of Directors
1.6 Financial Structure
Financial structure refers to the specific mixture of long-term debt and equity that a
company uses to finance its operations. The fund provided by the government is
managed by the bank to operate and distribution of fund by the bank to operate
smoothly for one period is shown in the following table:
1000... 9303092
900 8178876 8184519
800 7423268
700 6338634
206 207 207 207 207
2. Staff Expenses
The bank also has the highest staff expenses among all the commercial banks. It spent
Rs.3.31 billion in FY 2073/74 on staff expenses. Although the figure might seem
huge, this is an increase of 9.34% compared to last year. The bank has recognized its
staff expenses issue and is taking major steps to reduce this cost. 304 employees
retired from the bank last fiscal year and approximately 300 more are expected to
retire this fiscal year. This should go a long way in reducing the company’s staff
Figure 3:Staff Expenses
3320316.42 3312598
2960282 3031500
70 71.54
55.64 53.67
40 41.53
2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 2073/74
As of Q4 2072, the bank has an EPS of Rs.43.52 and as of Q4 2073, the bank has EPS
of Rs.55.64. With a closing price of Rs.494, the PE ratio turns out to be just 11.35.
The bank would be considered undervalued even in normal circumstances but given
the current level of the market and the average PE ratio of the banking industry
(which is 28.54), the bank is highly under-valued. The bank distributed 31.58% cash
dividend in FY 2069/70 and 8.79% cash in FY 2070/71.At present the bank paid
1.05% cash dividend which is around 96% decrease in comparison to FY 2069/70.
The bank distributed 21.05% bonus in FY 2073/74, which is similar to previous year.
The dividend for this year depends on the bank’s capital plan. Regardless, the bank’s
dividends are sure to be more than what it distributed the previous year.
The bank managed to write back Rs.623 million and still has Rs.561 million in loan
loss provisions. If the bank manages to write back more of its provisions, the bank’s
net profit will increase even further. The bank’s earnings per share which had
remained above Rs.60 from FY 2066/67 to FY 2069/70 fell to Rs.43.52 and Rs.55.64
in FY 2071/72 and FY 2072/73 respectively. In fiscal year 2073/74 the EPS is
53.67%. This might seem alarming but this actually healthier. The current EPS
represents the earnings from the bank’s core business instead of earnings from the
sale of assets. The EPS is sustainable and will only grow in the future if the bank
manages to perform well.
The bank profitability ratio that is (ROA and ROE has been decreasing currently in
comparison to the previous year. The ROA is lowest in fiscal year 2073/74 with the
ratio value of 7.32% which shows the bank has not been utilizing its assets more
efficiently than previous years. The bank’s CD ratio currently stands at 76.09% .The
bank’s liquidity ratio stands at 31.18%.
6 5.85
5.46 5.35
2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 2073/74
The bank’s Non-Performing Loan to Total Loan increased by more than 5.50% from
4.36% in FY 2072/73 to 4.60% FY 2073/74. Although this is a not good it is still
high. The bank’s net worth in FY 2072/73 stands at Rs.12691212000, in FY
2073/2074 stands at Rs. 16363989000 which is in increasing trend.
Market value is the price an asset would fetch in the marketplace. Market value is also
commonly used to refer to the market capitalization of a publicly-traded company,
and is obtained by multiplying the number of its outstanding shares by the
current share price. The Market Price Per Share (MPS) of ADBL is quite fluctuating,
in FY 2069/70 it was Rs.212 in FY2070/71 in increased to 753 while in 2073/74 it is
Rs.435.The trend is shown in the following diagram.
Figure 6: Market Price per Share
753 768
432 435
200 212
2069/70 2070/71 2071/72 2072/73 2073/74
1.7.2 HR Performance
HR performance of Agricultural development bank is satisfactory. They performed
their work honestly and sincerely. There are frequent interns in the organization
throughout the year and every branch has allocated adequate no of employees. The
bank provides several development trainings to its employees to improve their skills
and performance. There is good chain of command and coordination among
employees. They are devoted to customers for providing the required facilities like
foreign currency issuance like dollars, cheque clearing.
Favoritism and Nepotism should be completely removed at work
Hire applicants having digital skills
Bring the IT and other departments closer
Re-design career paths
Encourage innovation in training
1.7.3 Resource Utilization
Resource utilization is the efficient and effective use of an organization's resources
when they are required. An enterprises resource can include such things as financial
resources, human resources and physical resource.
HR Resource Utilization
HR resource utilization means the fully utilization of human resources in the
Bank. ADBL has fully utilized its HR resources. The Bank is neither under
employed nor over employed. The HR resource is fully managed and utilized
properly. In total there are 18 staffs and all of them are fully devoted towards
their works.