Jawaban Tugas 2 AIK - EKSI4204 - Edward Jose 041010572

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Nama Mata Kuliah : Analisis lnformasi Keuangan

Kode Mata Kuliah : EKSI4204
Jumlah sks : 3 sks
Nama Pengembang : Pesi Suryani, S.E., M.Ak.
Nama Penelaah : Pesi Suryani, S.E., M.Ak.
Status Pengembangan : Baru/Revisi*
Tahun Pengembangan : 2021
Edisi Ke- : 2

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   tahun 2019  tahun 2020

Cash                                   14,950                                   17,250
Accounts Receivable                                   56,925                                   23,000
Marketable Securities                                   23,000                                   11,500
Inventories                                 126,500                                 103,500
Prepaids                                        863                                     2,013
  Total Current Assets                                 222,238                                 157,263
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net                                 246,388                                 245,238
  Total Assets                                 468,625                                 402,500
Current Liabilities                                   69,000                                   46,000
Bonds Payable                                 115,000                                 115,000
Common Equity                                 284,625                                 241,500
  Total Liabilities & Equity                                 468,625                                 402,500
Sales                                 471,500                                 452,525
  Cost of Goods Sold                                 230,000                                 208,438
Gross Profit                                 241,500                                 244,088
SG&A                                 126,500                                 123,625
Interest Expense                                   11,500                                     7,188
  Net Income                                 103,500                                 113,275

Diminta : Hitunglah rasio Likuiditas, Solvabilitas, Rentabilitas dan Aktivitas

Tugas 2 Analisis Informasi Keuangan

Edward Jose - 041010572
Rasio Likuiditas :
A. Rasio Lancar (Current Ratio) => CA/CL
Current Ratio 2019 = 222.238 / 69.000 = 3.2
Current Ratio 2020 = 157.263 / 46.000 = 3.4
B. Rasio Sangat Lancar (Quick Ratio / Acid Test Ratio) => (CA - Inventory) / CL
Quick Ratio 2019 = (222.238 - 126.500) / 69.000 = 1.39
Quick Ratio 2020 = (157.263 - 103.500) / 46.000 = 1.17
C. Rasio Kas (Cash Ratio) => Cash atau Cash Equivalent / CL
Cash Ratio 2019 = (14.950 + 23.000) / 69.000 = 0.55
Cash Ratio 2020 =(17.250 + 11.500) / 46.000 = 0.63
D. Rasio Perputaran Kas => Net Sales / NWC
Rasio Perputaran Kas 2019 = 103.500 / (222.238 - 69.000) = 0.68
Rasio Perputaran Kas 2020 = 113.275 / (157.263 - 46.000) = 1.02
E. Inventory to Net Working Capital => Inventory / NWC
Inventory to NWC 2019 = 126.500 / (222.238 - 69.000) = 0.83
Inventory to NWC 2020 = 103.500 / (157.263 - 46.000) = 0.93

Rasio Solvabilitas :
A. Debt to asset ratio=> Total Debt / Total Assets
Debt to asset ratio 2019 = (69.000 + 115.000) / 468.625 = 0.39
Debt to asset ratio 2020 = (46.000 + 115.000) / 402.500 = 0.4
B. Debt to equity ratio => Total Debt / Total Equity
Debt to equity ratio 2019 = (69.000 + 115.000) / 284.625 = 0.65
Debt to equity ratio 2020 = (46.000 + 115.000) / 241.500 = 0.67
C. Long term debt to equity ratio => Long term debt / Total Equity
Long term debt to equity ratio 2019 = 115.000 / 284.625 = 0.40
Long term debt to equity ratio 2020 = 115.000 / 241.500 = 0.48

D. Times interest coverage => EBIT / Interest Expense

Times interest coverage 2019 = 241.500 / 11.500 = 21
Times interest coverage 2020 = 244.088 / 7.188 = 33.96
E. Fixed charge coverage => EBT+ Interest Expense+Rent atau Lease Expense / Interest
Expense + Rent/Lease Expense
Fixed charge coverage 2019 = 103.500+11.500 / 11.500 = 10
Fixed charge coverage 2020 = 113.275+7.188 / 7.188 = 16.78

Rasio Rentabilitas :
(Untuk lebih mempermudah, menggunakan Asset turnover ratio yang dimana Asset
turnover ratio perusahaan ini pada tahun 2019 sebesar = 1.01 dan asset turnover ratio pada
tahun 2020 sebesar = 1.12 serta Equity Multiplier yaitu EM 2019 = 1.65 dan EM 2020 =
A. Profit Margin => (Sales - Cost of Goods Sold) / Sales
Profit Margin 2019 = (471.500 - 230.000) / 471.500 = 0.51 atau 51%
Profit Margin 2020 = (452.525 - 208.438) / 452.525 = 0.54 atau 54%
B. Return on Investment (ROI) => EAT / Total Sales atau profit margin x asset turnover
ROI 2019 = 0.51 x 1.01 = 0.52 atau 52%
ROI 2020 = 0.54 x 1.12 = 0.48 atau 48%
C. Retrun on Equity (ROE) => EAT / Equity atau profit margin x asset turnover x equity
ROE 2019 = 0.51 x 1.01 x 1.65 = 0.86 atau 86%
ROE 2020 = 0.54 x 1.12 x 1.67 = 0.80 atau 80%
D. Return on Assets (ROA) => Net Income + Interest / Total Assets atau profit margin x
asset turnover
ROA 2019 = 0.51 x 1.01 = 0.52 atau 52%
ROA 2020 = 0.54 x 1.12 = 0.48 atau 48%

Rasio Aktivitas :
A. Receivable turnover => Sales / Receivable
Receivable turnover 2019 = 471.500 / 56.925 = 8.28
Receivable turnover 2020 = 452.525 / 23.000 = 19.68

B. Day of receivable => 365 / Receivable Turnover

Day of receivable 2019 = 365 / 8.28 = 44.08
Day of receivable 2020 = 365 / 19.68 = 18.55
C. Inventory turnover => Sales / Inventory
Inventory turnover 2019 = 471.500 / 126.500 = 3.73
Inventory turnover 2020 = 452.525 / 103.500 = 4.37
D. Day of inventory => 365 / Inventory Turnover
Day of inventory 2019 = 365 / 3.73 = 97.86
Day of inventory 2020 = 365 / 4.37 = 83.52
E. Working capital turnover => Net Sales / NWC
Working capital turnover 2019 = 103.500 / (222.238 - 69.000) = 0.68
Working capital turnover 2020 = 113.275 / (157.263 - 46.000) = 1.02
F. Fixed assets turnover => Sales / Total Fixed Assets
Fixed assets turnover 2019 = 471.500 / 246.388 = 1.91
Fixed assets turnover 2020 = 452.525 / 245.238 = 1.85
G. Assets turnover => Sales / Total Assets
Assets turnover 2019 = 471.500 / 468.625 = 1.01
Assets turnover 2020 = 452.525 / 402.500 = 1.12

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