On Ph.D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering: A Perspectives
On Ph.D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering: A Perspectives
On Ph.D. in Electronics and Electrical Engineering: A Perspectives
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In recent years, there has been a growing interests and increasing attention for researchers and students who
embarks and pursue the PhD degree in particular to electronics and electrical engineering. There have been
several scattered information that provides literature reviews in the area. However, up to this date, it appears
that there is a lacking of a single useful paper that may provide useful information and advices in specific for
PhD students under in the electronics or electrical engineering discipline. The focus of this paper is to give
comprehensive insights, useful advices, background knowledge, and valuable source of information for students
entering a PhD in electronics or electrical engineering program. An attempt is made to address this issue by
combining the proponent experiences, several available articles, and reading materials, presenting therefore
this paper as a useful guide and a reference compilation. It is envisage that this paper may provide potential
benefits for students who undertakes PhD in electronics or electrical engineering, and may have a future career
direction through research.
The author considers an important experience and task to write something about this topic because in
recent years, there has been an increasing number of students who wish to pursue a doctorate degree in
engineering, and yet most students do not know what they have entered; thus, ending up miserably and
have not finished. While obtaining a PhD in engineering is an individual triumph. The calculated risk
and cost is too high to take. As the saying goes, many are called but few are chosen. A clear goal and
vision is a must for every students before entering in this new path. It is important to consider that
staying actively in a technical career and research engagement should be your prime goal and
motivation. Taking a doctorate degree in engineering is a mental, financial, physical, spiritual, and
emotional struggle where you need to face doubts and fears. Being brave, and utmost determination is
required, which is expected for the potential students.
Entering a PhD program is a serious business. Most students are not sure what they are apt to. Hence,
they could not get out of it. They applied, enrolled, take courses, but never had a clear goal and vision
with what they are going to do. A vision to publish papers and do researches. Never have a clear vision
on how they could get out of the program in a shortest possible period of time.
The excitement of PhD normally starts in the beginning. Motivation is very high at the start of the first
semester class but in the middle years and in the long run, motivation keeps on decreasing. Gradually,
as years passes by, you will lose interest in continuing and what stays is the commitment.
PhD is a very long term investment; students are investing themselves to be a good researcher. It is
depth and not broad. A deep understanding on a certain and chosen topic. Hence, a potential student
entering the program are expected to be dedicated, motivated, committed, and notorious hard workers.
A high technical knowledge is a requirement before entering the program. Often, the best candidates
have a working experience in a research and development (often known as R&D) environment, have
Abraham Pais [32], a world renowned physics professor from Rockefeller University once said, I spent
every night until four in the morning on my dissertation, until I came to the point when I could not
write another word, not even the next letter. I went to bed, eight o’clock in the next morning, I was up
writing again. Before starting a research, it is a good idea to keep in mind the fundamental question:
What are the outstanding problems in my field that is ground for a PhD dissertation? Should you wish
that your dissertation work be of significant and may gather a high impact value, then you have to work
on important problems on your fields. Select which problems are the most important, and work for it.
Otherwise, if you are not working in an important field, then your research would be of less value.
Most likely, you will not get recognition and your work may not be cited by other researchers. When
doing a research, keep in mind that citations should be also one of your objectives. Hence, the first
thing that you must do is to identify what are the important problems in your field and propose a new
angle of solution for it. It must be a novel approach.
On choosing a topic, it is recommended firstly to explore the expertise and research publications of
the faculty members in the department. Never undertake a dissertation proposal on your own that no
one of the faculty members is active into. If the faculty members are not active in research, most
likely you would be limited in choosing an advisor and a topic that the faculty member is able
to guide you on. Once you choose a topic, you have to do a research on what has been done in any
aspect of your proposed research through the searching of the library archives, in the conferences,
proceedings, journal database, etc. It is a good practice to discuss with your advisor and keep your
advisor updated with all of your works. While most of MS thesis provides an improvement or some
modifications of the previous methods or solutions proposed in the literature. The PhD student should
keep in mind that, the novelty, innovations, and significant contributions are the primary highlights of
the dissertation. Another question to ponder is, how would you know that your proposal, once it is
presented to your advisor, it offers no horrific rejection, and can be accepted as a PhD dissertation.
Most likely, you may end up revising your work after consultation. The worst case is being rejected.
Though the concept of novelty varies from reviewers, advisors, and students.
Nowadays, it seems plausible to ponder that integrating the computational or the artificial intelligence
algorithms and microchip development are used for a dissertation proposal. Most of the MS thesis or
even the practicum based projects of the MEng students nowadays do incorporates the computational
intelligence as part of the project solution. The applications of ASIC, computational intelligence in the
different fields of electronics and electrical engineering is relatively inevitable. Algorithm development
and software programming plays a very important role in the dissertation. FPGA and DSP chips are
important hardware modules to test your proposed idea. It is good to have a solid background in C,
VHDL, ASM, etc. If the PhD student have some years of experience in a research and development
environment (embedded systems, hardware and software integration, etc.) then this would not be a
problem. Firmware programming and hardware design, development and debugging is a very difficult
job, most especially if you are dealing with computational intelligence. Starting from scratch scenario
may take most of your development time, it may possibly take months, or worst, even up to years.
It is advisable for the professors who handle thesis courses of the undergraduates to put into practice
the good research principles. Make them understand proper research practices. If these things are not
done during their undergraduate years, and they took sooner the MS or PhD, most of the times, these
students could not be able to succeed.
It is the duty of the student to read several important papers of the professor and observe if your
research area can do match with his area of specializations. Study how their published papers are
constructed. Most likely, this will also give you an idea on how he will probably advise you on your
research study, and how you may be able to construct your future research paper with him.
It is good to choose an advisor that has recent publications in a good and reputable journals, editors and
reviewers in some respected journals, currently active in research, has a sole authored papers, authored
a book, have some experience in the industry, and as much as possible, he have a research laboratory. It
is very important that an advisor must actively publishing papers in his area of specialization. It would
be good that an advisor is a well known in the field, and stay on current with their specializations.
There are times when you are working in a research laboratory, motivation may go down and you may
sometimes experience depression most especially when you cannot solve the problem. One solution
may lead into another problem. This is the true nature of research where most of the time it is difficult
to succeed the problem. Being deep and utmost understanding of the problem is required. On the
personality side, these things may keep you low, humble, and not to abandoned hope. Advisors are
demanding good results. Hence, you need to effectively manage your research success and failure
results. The advisor will normally says it is done if the research is published. If you are a scholar, then
you have to use your scholarship effectively and that you must be divorced from work or professional
career related. Use your time effectively in doing researches since you are paid by the government or
private agency to do this job. The most important motivation in obtaining a scholarship is to divorce
itself from the professional cares, and have a full time in study, or in the research.
Sometimes, there is a specific question in your mind that even your advisor could not answer. So, it is
your task to do it alone by yourself. This is prevalent mostly during the dissertation stage or in a
research course where you cannot be able to solve the given problem. Do not be shy to email the
authors of the paper, some are replying and are willing to help you on your problem. Although, some
answers may not provide specifics, it may give you a hint, or a clue on how you can solve your own
problem. When you could not solve the problem, most of the time, it take hours to days to solve for it,
sometimes it takes weeks up to even months. This is normal. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the idea
linger in your mind. In my experience, sometimes, the solution comes out during walking in the park,
eating in a fast food or restaurant, doing some morning or evening exercise, jogging, and although it is
awkward, sometimes in a daydream.
When your brain is at peak mode, you must use it to do productive work. Good research practices is all
about focus and being productive. A productive student uses his quality time to study. If you are tired
or stress, take a long sleep, do some exercise, gym workout, jogging, etc. This may help your body and
brain to regain energy, attention, and focus again at work. When doing research, maturity and being
independent is needed. Abigail Van Buren [33] said that maturity is the ability to stick to a job until it
is finished and the ability to perform a job without being supervised. Under normal circumstances,
there is no one to advise you when to do your research, no one will teach you how to do research, and
no one will motivate you in doing research. The movement of research does all depends on you.
Hence, you need to always push your research spirit, will and determination.
In this section, the author is suggesting references [84], [101] up to [105] for further peruse. Do make
some intelligent guess about the research character of each the panel committee members, try to do
some research about their publications and their respective dissertations. Read their papers and take
note of their writing style. I recommend to attend on every actual dissertation oral defense and observe
how they raise a question. From there you can get a good idea on how they could possibly ask you a
question in your own dissertation oral defense. This will give you a feeling about their character in the
actual oral defense where most likely it will be applied to you. You can observe a good panel member
by the manner he design a question. Simple but substantial and high impact question. He had read your
documents fully and understands your research presentation. Mostly if the invited panel members is not
within the context of your research area, then one must expect a general, and a broad question. It is
advisable in this case that you need to prepare your presentation to discuss a general overview and why
do you need to conduct a research for it. Educate them and show that you are correct. On the other
hand, if the invited panel members are specialist in your area then expect a philosophically particular or
deep questions. Theoretically, the panel committee were formed and are invited to guide the direction
of your research. However, nowadays, they are there to kill you in the question and answer portion.
Expect the worst. Sometimes, best and great ideas are violently opposed and most of the times are
rejected. One example was the set theory expounded by G. Cantor between 1874 to 1884 [41] was
opposed by several giants during his time like L. Kronecker, H. Poincare, among others. Intellectual
pride makes a person sometimes stubborn, and do not accept alternative ideas from others. Since panel
committee members are PhD holders and are actively doing researches in their field of expertise, you
must be prepared under all circumstances to answer both on the general and particular questions. Show
and prove that you are correct whether on theoretical or experimental type. Your answer must followed
and jive with evidences. There are several instances where during the oral defense, some committee
panel members does not agree with what the student is presenting and; thus, this may turn into debates
and arguments. As a rule, you are not almost in the right position to argue with the panel committee,
one can only somewhat negotiate with what the panel committee wants in your research.
Prepare your camera ready dissertation and give it to the panel members two weeks or more before the
actual oral examination. This may give them time to review and scrutinize the paper. Do not give your
paper for them to scrutinize for a one week, since they are very busy with their own respective jobs.
Sometimes, only few panel members have the time to read your submitted documents and do rely most
of the time with what you are discussing, and on what was written on the power point presentation.
They based their question sometimes on what you present. Therefore, you have to be wary with what
you say and with what you put on your the power point presentation. This will all return to you during
the question and answer portion. It is a good practice for the panel members to spend time to sit down
and think what is happening with the paper itself. If the panel members would not do it and just
spending some time reading the paper during the oral defense, then most perhaps you will not be able
to address a good research question.
One of the things that a PhD student must do firstly is to look for a professor counterpart abroad with
the same and aligned research interests. Try searching for a professor who is actively doing research
and published papers in a several prestigious journals. Prepare as early as you can. Everyone is asking
about dissertation sandwich abroad. To experience high quality and world class research should be the
ambitions of each of the PhD students. Let the students be given an opportunity to work their thesis
abroad. In this way, they can experience both world class training from world renowned mentors and
hands on with world class facilities. If you do your dissertation abroad most likely, you will be able to
publish your results in a high quality journals. Since you are living in the other country, the beauty of
being in the sandwich program was solitary, focus, and less distraction. It is conducive for a research
study. This may called the silent or quiet years. Under normal circumstances, English is the medium
of communications, if you are a foreigner invited to perform a particular research in the laboratory.
Hence, you have to effectively communicate in speaking and writing via English language means.
When you are discussing with your advisor, it is expected that you are competent and knowledgeable
because advisors do not like asking never ending questions when you yourself is not exerting an effort
to work with it. You must show to him that you are working hard and committed. Produce good
theoretical and experimental results. Normally, the sandwich program is funded for one year by the
government or private institutions. A healthy research laboratory do have people trust with each other,
they help each other, they work with each other, they have their own respective researches, they work
independently, and they discuss the progress of their work with their advisor. Since working in the
research laboratory is pressured and time is limited, give all your best, because this is the first and
might be the last time that you will stay as a visiting researcher. You may find yourself busy working
on research project, and not much have time reading papers, or do other things. Hence, it is advisable
that before you can come to perform research in the laboratory, it is commendable that you must have
already an initial project development and gathered some results. While working on the project, it is
also good to start writing a research paper at the same time.
The management should also do care the needs of the PhD students. The lack of support from the
management can be frustrating. As much as possible, there must be some sort of a meeting for all PhD
students to discuss several issues aside from doing research. While not all students can finish PhD, the
most awful thing is the blame assigning. Is it the sole responsibility of the advisee because he could not
sustain his productivity level for producing research output, or is it because of the advisor, or research
organizational structure, or the research systems of the department or the university. This often leads to
crisis. Management should invest also research laboratory where students can perform researches, hire
professors that has a professional research expertise, or are well renowned in the field, have significant
contributions and publications. Tie up with local and international universities, government and private
industries for research collaboration. Do provide access to close and open research journal databases,
conduct symposium, colloquium, and/or conferences, do invest on the research laboratory equipments,
promote research in every departments, or in the college, etc. The management should be open through
all means of communications. References [106 - 110] discusses more on this area.
Tremendous research papers in the electrical and electronics engineering with various methods are
available in the literature nowadays. Proceedings, journals, conferences, and the like, shows that these
papers are products of human ingenuity in solving research problems. These researches were done
majority by PhD holders, and students who are working towards their doctorate degree. Furthermore,
numerous research and incrementing complex problems are also made available in the industry and
research academia for PhD in electronics and electrical engineering students.
In this paper, the author provides a comprehensive perspectives in doing PhD in electronics and
electrical engineering. It all starts with the presentation about the motivations in studying for a PhD.
Then, the author provides a detailed review and presentation on each of the section provided in this
The author would like to give acknowledge Adamson University for the support and financial grant
provided for the publication of this article.
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Angelo A. Beltran, Jr., was born in Quezon City, Philippines. He received the B.S. degree in
Electronics and Communications Engineering from the AMA Computer University, Quezon
City, Philippines, the M.E. degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the
Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. He is
currently a candidate for Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering, at the Mapua Institute of
Technology in Manila, Philippines. He is with the Department of Electronics Engineering at