The Mother Courage and Her Children: An Antiwar Play
The Mother Courage and Her Children: An Antiwar Play
The Mother Courage and Her Children: An Antiwar Play
Bercht’s Mother Courage and Her Children is based on the thirty-year war (1618-1648) between Sweden
and Poland. The war was between the Protestants and Catholics. The war spread to many of the
European countries and ruined people’s lives ruthlessly. Especially Germans suffered a lot. It depicts
how a war ruins innocent people’s lives and how people suffer from poverty, cruelty and power. The
play is called an anti-war play because it wants to convey a message that war is inhumane.
The plot of Mother Courage centres round Anna Fierling who is known as Mother Courage. She is a
middle-aged woman who runs a canteen on a Wagon. She earns her livelihood by selling food items
such as drinks, cigarettes, bread, belts to the soldiers in the Protestant’s camp. She has three children;
two sons: Eilif and Swiss Cheese and one daughter, Kattrin. She intends to preserve her family and
bring them through war. The war has brought nothing but death and destruction to Mother Courage
and her family.
As the play opens, the long drawn out war is making a fresh start. A Sergeant and a Recruiting Officer are
on the lookout for fresh recruits. The action is divided into three sections. At the end of each section,
one of mother courage's children becomes the victim of war. Although she earns her livelihood from
the war and wants a peaceful life, she is unable to live peacefully and protect her children. She herself
wants the war to continue but she does not want to involve herself in the war actively. Hence, the
Chaplain calls her ‘a hyena of the battlefield’ because she wants to exploit the most from the war.
Mother courage arrives with her dumb daughter Katrin in the canteen wagon, drawn by her two sons,
Eilif and Swiss Cheese to join the new war. She carries on with her business enterprise without fear for
war. When she confronts the professionals of war, a Sergeant and the Recruiting Officer, she hopes to
protect her family and prevent her sons from being recruited. Despite her cleverness, she is overcome
by the men of war. The Recruiting Officer carries away Eilif. But she cannot give up her business. She
thinks that she can make more money through business if war lasts for some more time.
All the important characters in the play are victims of the war. Eilif dies for his brave deeds in the field.
Swiss Cheese dies for his honesty. Kattrin dies for her kindness. Yvette becomes a prostitute because she
is unable to find out her lover and find a job for her livelihood. Mother Courage is the only survivor. She
continues to exist because of her business instincts.
Eilif, the elder son of Mother Courage, is persuaded by the recruiting officer and joins the army ignoring
his mother’s advice. He gets appreciation from his camp officer for his brave deeds. He bravely breaks
into a peasant’s farm and steels cattle to provide food to the soldiers. When peace is announced, he
is arrested by the Catholic soldiers and is executed for breaking into the farm. Mother courage does not
know about her son’s death till end of the play.
Mother Courage’s younger son Swiss Cheese joins the army as a paymaster. His job is to give salary and
maintain the accounts. Once, when the catholic army attacks the Protestant camp, the soldiers run
away. Swiss Cheese takes the cash box and hides himself and the cash box in his mother’s canteen. As
the Catholic soldiers capture him and enquire about the cash box, he keeps quiet. He is killed by the
soldiers for his honesty.
Kattrin, Mother Courage’s dumb daughter, is killed for her kindness. When the Catholic soldiers
approach the town to plunder the townspeople, Kattrin climbs up to the top of her roof and starts
beating a drum to warn the people. The soldiers become furious and set fire to the house. Kattrin is
burnt alive. Kattrin's heroic sacrifice is the symbol of innocent people suffering at the hands of war
lords. In the end, Mother Courage is seen in the archetypal image of the mother, bending over the dead
body of her daughter and singing a lullaby to her child. She refuses to accept the fact that she has lost
her daughter.
Thus, Brecht's aim was to show the horrors of war which inhumanly destroys the innocent people. His
anti-war sentiments are evident as he points out that during war, peace is discouraged as wasteful
disorder and war is eulogized for its discipline and organization. But the military organization in the
long run can produce only civilian dislocation. Thus he discourages war in his play.