TSD594-J - Section 2 - Inspection
TSD594-J - Section 2 - Inspection
TSD594-J - Section 2 - Inspection
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-201-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-201-052
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-201-001
A record shall be kept to show that the control and maintenance checks have
been compleated, this should record the result of the checks and the action
taken to rectify those checks which were not satisfactory.
(1) Annual
(3) Monthly
(4) Weekly
(5) Shift
(1) With the ink agitated by the normal method in use, take a 100 ml.
sample in a gradulated flask.
(3) Check the solid particle concentration which should fall within the
specified range.
(4) Inspect the sample for contamination. Clean ink will show a sharp
demarcation line between fluids and solids. If the seperation is
indistinct the tank should be drained and thoroughly cleaned before
refilling with fresh ink.
NOTE: The magnetic ink should also be checked for particle content and
contamination when a fresh quantity is mixed and after each
correction or replenishment.
D. Ink fluorescence
(1) When the machine is filled with a new quantity of ink a glass container
should be filled from the machine using normal applicator. This sample
should be tightly stoppered and stored in a cool dark place until
required for comparison.
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(2) A sample of the used ink (normally the sample used for ink content
check), taken after normal agitation, is compared under an ultra-violet
light for fluorescent brightness/intensity.
E. Ammeters
(3) When the difference between the two readings is greater than 10 percent
corrective action must be taken.
(2) Also check to make sure that there is no obvious damage, that the meter
needle is at zero (plus or minus 0.5 division) when the meter is
horizontal and with the meter vertical and the centre line horizontal
the needle is not free to move more than one division.
(2) Using fresh ink, the current values necessary to detect each hole
should be noted and permanently recorded for each magnetising method on
the machine.
I. Magnetising units
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-201-053
4. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at
Rolls-Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain
detailed health and safety data for the materials in use and refer to local
regulations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-201-054
5. General
125Watt 'self filtered bulb' ultra-violet lamps are not acceptable for use
on Rolls-Royce engine parts. Ultra-violet lights must have separate woods
filter and typically use a 100 Watt mercury vapour pre-focused bulb.
The selection of the methods is governed by the size and shape of the part
and the direction in which the magnetic field is to be created. The Engine
Manual will specify the appropriate methods, amperage requirements,
inspection requirements, and any other relevent details to detect possible
defects in the parts
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TB=Threading bar
MF=Magnetic flow
CI=Current induction
CF=Current flow
HWRAC=Half-wave rectified AC
FWRAC=Full-wave rectified AC
A/T=Ampere turns
C. Inking Methods
(2) The ink should be kept thoroughly agitated during use, thus ensuring
that the particle content is maintained in suspension and is within the
specified limits.
(3) The ink may be applied by flowing on, spraying or immersion. When the
ink is applied during magnetization this is known as (simultaneous
inking) or (wet continuous technique).When the ink is applied after
magnetization the process is known as the (residual technique).
(4) When using the simultaneous (wet continuous) inking technique, inking
must start before the current is switched on and be stopped before the
current is switched off.
(5) When using the residual technique the ink must be applied after the
part is magnetized.Alternating current must not be used to magnetise
parts for residual techniques.
D. Current requirements
Machines may have one or more of the following output amperage forms:
(4) Smoothed Full-wave rectified A.C. (Three phase FWRAC) giving a wave
form similar to that obtained from a battery.
All current values given in this and the Engine Manual are RMS values and
require no conversion if ammeters are calibrated to 0.7 peak.
Where machine ammeters read peak current, the RMS amperage specified in the
Engine Manual needs to be converted to peak amperage by multiplying the RMS
value by 1.4.
Where the spiral coil or split threading bar is specified in the Engine
Manual, used normally as a residual techniques, the amperage used should be
the maximum available which should not be less than 1000 amperes HWRAC or
1400 amperes FWRAC unless otherwise specified in the Engine Manual
F. Coil
Where the solenoid coil technique is used as the magnetising method, the
current values given in the Engine Manual are for 406 mm (16 in.) diameter
multi-wound coil. If other diameter coils are used, the current necessary
for the coil is calculated using formula that follows.
NI = 430 r (in.)
NI = 170 r (cm.)
Where N = number of turns in the coil
I = Amperes A.C. r.m.s.
r = radius of coil
G. De-magnetisation
In all instances the part should be de-magnetised before and after magnetic
particle inspection as follows;
H. Flux indicators
The use of OMat 612 magnetic particle inspection flux indicators are
recommended to establish the direction of magnetic field and in some
instances the minimum strength of the applied magnetic field for the
effective magnetisation of parts. They are particulary useful for
establishing the magnetic values to be used when magnetic flux flow
magnetising methods are being used.
I. Paint/Coatings
Current Flow (CF) techniques are not recommended on parts with a none
conductive coating, as arcing can occur where the coating is damaged. In
this instance the coating needs to be removed to ensure good electrical
contact with the machine pads.
J. Contact pads
To ensure good contact and to prevent arcing or burning, Current Flow (CF)
contact pads shall have a copper or brass braid pad backed by neoprene
rubber to maximise the contact area on the part.
K. Inspection
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Inspection will normally be carried out away from the machine, when moving
an inked part and before to inspection, handle it with care to prevent
smudging. The inspection can if required be carried out on the machine.
L. Pre-cleaning
(1) Wash all bearings in OMat 101 kerosine or OMat 1/260 odourless kerosine
(1) Wash all bearings in OMat 101 kerosine or OMat 1/260 odourless kerosine
(3) Protect the parts by applying temporary rust preventive, see TASK
70-00-00-300-340 (O.P.340).Inhibit bearings, as described in TASK
70-00-00-100-112 (O.P.112).
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-001
B. Application
(1) This method is used to detect defects which are approximately parallel
to the direction of the current flow, i.e. Longitudinal (L) and Radial
(R) in tubular or bar parts and Circumferential (C) in circular parts
Fig. 70-00-00-990-201-004.
(5) Inspect the part, in the machine where possible. Parts may require
rotating to inspect the blind side and to apply more detection ink.
(7) Remove the part from the machine and allow to drain. When moving an
inked part and bevore to inspection, handle it with care to prevent
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-002
B. Application
(1) This method is used to detect Longitudinal (L) and Radial (R) defects
in tubular parts and circular parts, that can be threaded over a single
conducting bar, through which the current required to create a magnetic
field is passed. .
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
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R Oct. 1/02
(3) Threading cable, energised from the machine may be used for testing
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C. Processing
(3) Pass a threading bar through the bore of the part and mount on to the
MPI machine.
(5) Apply detecting ink using the simultaneous (wet continuous) technique
and magnetize the part by passing the required current through the
threading bar.Magnetizing should be accomplished in several shots.
The parts should be rotated during the operation to expose the areas
resting on the blocks, spacers or rollers.
When moving an inked part and bevore inspection, handle it with care to
avoid smudging.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-003
B. Application
(1) This method is used to detect Longitudinal (L) and Radial (R) defects
in circular and tubular parts and is used only with HWRAC or FWRAC OR
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R Oct. 1/02
(2) The equipment for this method, sometimes known as the "knife" method or
"split coil", is illustrated in Fig.70-00-00-990-201-006.
C. Processing
(5) Remove the part from the machine and immerse it for a minimum period of
10 seconds in the detecting ink (see SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-201-052).
NOTE: Paragraphs (4) and (5) may be carried out using simultaneous
(wet continuous) inking.
(6) Allow the part to drain. When moving an inked part and before
inspection, handle it with care to prevent smudging.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-004
B. Application
C. Processing
(5) Immerse the part for a minimum of 10 seconds in the detecting ink (see
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-052).
NOTE: Paragraphs (3) and (4) may be carried out using simultaneous
(wet continuous) inking.
(9) Repeat paragraphs (3) to (8) with the reverse face nearest to the coil
during magnetization.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-005
B. Application
Only the portion of the part which lies within one radius of the coil
centre line is magnetised, repeat magnetisations and inspections are
necessary when inspecting long parts.
C. Processing
(4) Magnetize the part using the current specified in the Engine Manual and
A.C. or HWRAC or D.C. using the simultaneous (wet continuous) inking
(5) Remove the part from the coil or the coil from the part, whichever is
applicable.When moving an inked part, before inspection, handle with
care to prevent smudging.
(7) Repeat paragraphs (4) to (6) along the length of the part if the part
is no longer than twice the coil radius. If it is not practicle to
remove the part for inspection, the part can be inspected on the
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-006
B. Application
(1) This method is used to detect Transverse (T) defects as shown on Fig
70-00-00-990-201-010. The method is normally used when the part has a L
to D ratio less than 3 : 1, but can be used on parts up to 0.3 m (12
in) long.
The copper or brass gauze pads should be removed from the headstocks,
enabling the part to be in direct contact with the headstocks to allow
the maximum transmission of magnetic field.
(2) Where magnetic flow is not available, the coil method see SUBTASK
70-00-00-240-201-005 may be used as an alternative. When this is
applied and the L to D ratio is less than 3 : 1 but greater than 2 : 1
the magneticising force can be increased to twice that specified. Below
2:1 extenders must be used to increase the L to D ratio.
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C. Processing
(3) Position the part longitudinally between the pads of the machine.
(4) Adjust the machine whilst applying detecting ink, see SUBTASK
70-00-00-860-201-052, to give the maximum magnetic flow available
consistent with the minimum background build-up. The use of flux
indicators is recommended to confirm magnetisation. Switch off the
energizing current.
(6) Allow the part to drain.When moving an inked part before inspection,
handle it with care to prevent smudging.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-240-201-007
B. Application
(2) The method is derived from the principle of the transformer. The
primary windings are wound onto a laminated iron core which can be
broken in such a manner that it can be threaded through the part to be
tested, Fig.70-00-00-990-201-011. Application of current to the
primary windings energizes the laminated core, which will in turn
induce a current into the ring, it is this induced current which
(3) The current specified in the Engine Manual is the current required to
be induced in the ring. this induced current must be measured by means
of a clip on or detachable meter.
C. Processing
(7) Allow the part to drain. When moving an inked part before inspection,
handle it with care to prevent smudging.
Current flow
Threading bar
Threading bar
1. Procedure
This process has been deleted, wherever this process is called up in an Engine
Manual use Overhaul Process 213 (TASK 70-00-00-200-213), Water-Washable
Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection as:
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-205-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-205-052
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-205-001
B. Composition.
(2) The solution absorbs moisture from the atmosphere, therefore, if it has
not been in recent use, it must be analysed and its strength corrected
before parts are etched.
Add a few drops of OMat 1/74 indicator and titrate with N sodium
hydroxide (prepared from OMat 157 sodium hydroxide) to a yellow end
point; the following will then apply:
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-205-002
B. Composition.
C. Control
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SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-205-003
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-205-004
B. Composition.
To approximately 2.5 litres of water carefully add 1010 ml. of OMat 125
R nitric acid (S.G. 1.42) and then 550 ml. of hydrofluoric acid 40 percent HF
W/W (OMat 172 hydrofluoric acid). Gently stir the solution whilst making
additions. Finally, by adding water, adjust the volume to 5 litres.
D. Analysis
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-205-053
7. Safety Precautions
The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls-Royce,
it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed health and
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-205-054
8. General
SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-205-001
The parts to be etched are suspended to form the anode in a tank containing
the etching solution. The tank itself is usually used as the cathode but a
specially shaped cathode may sometimes be required. An electric current is
passed through the part causing metal to be removed from it.
G. Suspend the parts from the busbar so that they are immersed in the
solution; ensure a good contact between busbar and suspender.
I. Etch the parts for the time detailed in the Engine Manual. Refer to
paragraph E. of this SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-205-001.
J. Wash the parts in clean, cold running water, remove them from the
suspenders and suspend them on a clean rope or suitable device ensuring
that the etched surface is not handled.
M. Wash the parts thoroughly in clean, cold, running water, using an air/water
SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-205-002
C. Stress relieve the parts by heating in a hot air oven at 290 to 310 deg.C.
(554 to 590 deg.F.) if required by the Engine Manual, and allow to cool.
I. Suspend, from the busbar, the parts to be etched so that they are immersed
in the solution; ensure a good contact between busbar and suspender.
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
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Dec. 1/95
(1) The actual cycle for a particular part is given in the Engine Manual.
The cycle can differ from that given in SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-205-001 by
the current being reversed from anodic to cathodic on some parts to
Printed in Great Britain
assist cleaning.
K. Etch the parts according to the cycle required by the Engine Manual. Refer
to paragraph G. of this SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-205-002.
L. Wash the parts in clean, cold running water, remove them from the
suspenders and suspend them on a clean rope, or suitable device, ensuring
that the etched surface is not handled.
O. Wash the parts thoroughly in clean, cold, running water, using an air/water
P. Immerse the parts in clean, boiling water, for sufficient time for them to
achieve the temperature of the water. It is permissible to dry-off parts
from an immersion in water at 85 deg.C. (185 deg.F.) or above if difficulty
in maintaining boiling temperature is experienced.
Q. Remove the entrapped water, by means of a clean, dry, air blast, while the
parts are still hot.
R. De-embrittle the parts by heating for 2 hours in a hot air oven at 190 to
210 deg.C. (374 to 410 deg.F.), if required by the Engine Manual. It is
permissible, for convenience, to use a temperature of 300 deg.C. (572
deg.F.) for de-embrittlement. If this temperature is used the operator
must be prepared to accept a certain amount of surface discolouration
during inspection.
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SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-208-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-208-052
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-001
B. Composition
To 4.75 litres of water add carefully, with constant stirring, first 35.0
litres of phosphoric acid (S.G. 1.65) and then 10,25 litres of sulphuric
acid (S.G. 1.84).
The entire solution should be discarded when a total of 8633 amp. minutes
per litre have been polished.
(1) Take 25 ml. of sample in a standard flask and transfer it to a 250 ml.
standard flask.
(2) Wash out the 25 ml. flask well with distilled water and add the
washings to the 250 ml. flask.
(3) Make up to 250 ml. with distilled water and shake well.
(4) Pipette 20 ml. of this diluted solution into a suitable beaker and
titrate electrometrically with N sodium hydroxide solution prepared
from OMat 157 sodium hydroxide. This must be done by plotting a graph
of pH value against ml. of sodium hydroxide as follows:
(5) Record the pH value each time an addition is made in accordance with
the following table, making small additions of N sodium hydroxide as
the end points are approached. The results are plotted in a graph
(Fig.70-00-00-990-208-B01) and, by drawing tangents to the steep
portions of the curve, the mid-points of the neutralization zones are
estimated to the nearest 0.05 ml. The first end point (T1) represents
the amount of N sodium hydroxide equivalent to all the sulphuric acid
and one third of the phosphoric acid present in the sample.
The second end point (T2) represents the amount of the N sodium
hydroxide equivalent to all the sulphuric acid and two-thirds of the
phosphoric acid present in the sample.
Sulphuric acid - Multiply g./litre low by the capacity of the vat (in
litres) and divide the result by 1803 to give litres of
sulphuric acid (s.G. 1.84).
Phosphoric acid - Multiply g./litre low by the capacity of the vat (in
litres) and divide the result by 1336 to give litres of
phosphoric acid (S.G. 1.65).
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-002
4. Make-up and Control of Hot Nitric Acid Solution for De-smutting Nimonic 95A or
Higher Numbers
B. Composition
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-003
5. Make-up and Control of Cold Nitric Acid for Cleaning Nimonics of Lower Numbers
than 95A
B. Composition
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-004
B. Composition
Rinse the small flask with distilled water and add the washings to the
Pipette 5 ml. of this diluted solution into a suitable beaker and add
approx. 100 ml. of distilled water and 10 ml. of 50 per cent, sulphuric
acid (prepared from OMat 1/157 sulphuric acid)
Run 10 ml. of N/10 FAS solution into a suitable beaker and add approx
100 ml. of distilled water and 10 ml. of 50 per cent. sulphuric acid.
Titrate with N/10 potassium permanganate solution to a pink end point.
Rinse the small flask with distilled water and add the washings to the
(3) Control
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-005
B. Composition
To 7,06 litres of water carefully add, with constant stirring, 40,2 litres
of phosphoric acid (S.G. 1.65) and 2,74 litres of sulphuric acid (S.G.
(3) The solution is considered to be exhausted when a total of 870 sq. dm.
of material have been polished for 1 minute in each 4,5 litres of
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-006
B. The composition and methods of analysis and control are exactly as given
under SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-004 Aluminium Electropolishing Solution.
C. The expected life of the solution is 232 sq. dm. of surface polished per
4,5 litres when the polishing time is 1 minute.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-208-053
9. Safety Precautions
The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls Royce,
it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed health and
safety data for the materials in use and to refer to local regulations to
ensure safe working practice.
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SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-208-054
SUBTASK 70-00-00-380-208-001
C. Vapour degrease the blades O.P.101 (TASK 70-00-00-100-101) and allow them
to cool.
NOTE: After degreasing, the blades should be handled wearing clean gloves.
(1) Stop-off the faces of the root platform and shroud adjacent to the
blade trailing edge by painting with OMat 7/40 stopping off lacquer,
NOTE: Excess lacquer may be removed with OMat 7/102 thinners, high
flash cellulose.
E. Assemble the blades into the correct anode jig as described in the Engine
Manual. Ensure that the blades are correctly located and that the firtree
serrations of both blade and jig are clean to give a good electrical
F. If finger or other marks have inadvertently been made on the blade aerofoil
during stopping-off and jigging, wipe the affected area with a cotton-wool
pad moistened with neat OMat 1033A compressor oil
(1) the area to be polished is clean and free from foreign matter; a slight
trace of soluble oil is permissible.
(2) The hooks are clean and free from burrs or any defect likely to prevent
good electrical contact with the anode busbar.
J. Swill the assembly, immediately on removal from the vat, in clean, cold
running water.
K. Remove the blades from the jig and again swill them in clean, cold, running
L. Blades in Nimonic 95A or higher number will normally be covered with a dark
coloured smut. Immerse them in the hot nitric acid solution (Refer to
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-002) for up to 5 minutes to dissolve the smut and
remove any copper deposit from the firtree roots.
O. Immerse the blades in clean boiling water, for sufficient time for them to
achieve the temperature of the water.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-380-208-002
C. Mount the blades in the appropriate jig as described in the Engine Manual.
D. Vapour degrease the blades O.P.101 (TASK 70-00-00-100-101) and allow them
to cool.
E. Suspend the jig from the anode busbar so that the jig and blades are
immersed in the aluminium electropolishing solution detailed in SUBTASK
G. Remove the jig and blades from the solution and wash them thoroughly in two
separate clean warm water swills.
H. Immerse the jig and blades in clean, boiling water for sufficient time for
them to achieve the temperature of the water.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-380-208-003
C. Mount the blades in the appropriate jig as described in the Engine Manual.
D. Vapour degrease the blades O.P.101 (TASK 70-00-00-100-101) and allow them
to cool.
E. Suspend the jig from the anode busbar so that the jig and blades are
immersed in the aluminium/bronze electropolishing solution detailed in
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-208-005.
G. Remove the jig and blades from the solution and wash them thoroughly in
clean, cold, running water.
H. Immerse the jig and blades in clean boiling water for sufficient time for
them to achieve the temperature of the water.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-380-208-004
C. Mount the blades in the appropriate jig as described in the Engine Manual.
D. Vapour degrease the blades O.P.101 (TASK 70-00-00-100-101) and allow them
to cool.
E. Suspend the jig from the anode busbar so that the jig and blades are
immersed in the steel electropolishing solution (Refer to SUBTASK
Printed in Great Britain
G. Remove the jig and blades from the solution and wash them thoroughly in two
separate clean warm water swills.
H. Immerse the jig and blades in clean boiling water for sufficient time for
them to achieve the temperature of the water.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-072
R 1. Contents
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-054
R 2. General
R A. This document establishes the minimum requirements for the liquid penetrant
R inspection of engine parts for the detection of surface breaking
R discontinuities in ferrous, non-ferrous and non-porous non-metallic
R materials.
R For: Precision steel, light alloy casings NGV's, and sheet metal
R fabrications.
R High sensitivity
R Standard sensitivity
R High sensitivity
R Ultra-high sensitivity
R G. General Requirements
R (1) Control
R H. Component Preparation
R (c) Plasma Spray, flame spray, plating or paint should be removed prior
R to penetrant inspection if an inspection with a high level of
R sensitivity is required. Removal of these coatings must be
R specified in the inspection or repair documentation. If not
R specified, it will be assumed that inspections are to be conducted
R with the coating intact. Removal of these coatings should not be
R done in a manner which may cause metal smearing, or which leaves
R chemical residue on the part that may contaminate defects. See Fig.
R 70-00-00-990-210-001.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-053
R 3. Safety Precautions
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-001
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-210-073
R 5. Surface Cleaning
R B. All surfaces to be inspected shall be clean, dry and free of soils, oil,
R grease, corrosion products, scale, smeared metal, welding flux, chemical
R residues or any other material that could prevent penetrant from entering a
R discontinuity, affect process performance or produce unacceptable
R background. Cleaning methods selected for a particular component shall be
R consistent with the contaminants to be removed and shall not be detrimental
R to the component or its intended function.
R The following are approved methods to be used as the final step prior to
R application of penetrant.
R (2) All other materials, refer to any of the methods TASK 70-00-00-100-101
R (OP 101) SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-101-001 (Vapour degreasing) or, TASK
R 70-00-00-100-102 SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-102-001 (Aqueous degreasing) or
R TASK 70-00-00-100-118 (OP118) SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-118-001 (Hot Aqueous
R degreasing).
R (1) Washing shall be carried out IMMEDIATELY after the cleaning operation
R to prevent residual film on the surface or in a discontinuity.
R (2) The water used in washing shall be free of any contamination that will
R leave a residue on the component when dried. The use of corrosion
R inhibitors in the wash water is not permitted.
R (3) Before oven drying, surface water and entrapped water shall be removed
R by use of a syphon and air blast to aid drying and avoid staining.
R Manipulation of the part may be necessary to aid this process.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-077
R A. The temperature, pressure and drying time for oven drying shall conform to
R the requirements of Table 1. The default drying time and temperature is 60
R minutes at a minimum of 120 deg.C. (248 deg.F.), (with due regard that a
R selected temperature will not have an adverse effect on the parts).
R B. The drying time may only be reduced from 60 minutes in accordance with
R Table 1 provided that the minimum surface temperature is achieved. This
R must be demonstrated for specific parts using fixed loading plan and
R calibrated instrumentation.The results of this work shall be formally
R recorded and approved by the supervisor responsible.
R C. The oven used for drying shall be capable of raising parts to the required
R minimum temperature and maintaining the temperature for the specified
R drying time. An oven may be augmented with a pressure reduction capability
R (vacuum). Such an oven shall be purpose build and be fitted with a
R calibrated vacuum gauge and alarm to ensure correct pressure is maintained
R in the oven chamber throughout the drying cycle. The drying parameters
R shall be displayed on the oven.
R Maximum
R Minimum surface pressure Reduced drying
R temperature during during the Default Dry time where
R the Oven Dry Cycle Drying Cycle Time permitted
Printed in Great Britain
R 80 (176) 25 60 10
R 60 (140) 15 60 10
R 40 (104) 10 60 10
R E. On economic grounds, for large engine casings where existing ovens are not
R suitable, a temporary alleviation to use an alternative forced drying
R method is acceptable provided the method is specified on a local procedure
R and approved by a level 3.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-074
R 7. Cooling
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-075
R 8. Application of Penetrant
(1) Ten to sixty minutes penetrant contact time shall be provided. Drain
time is considered to be part of the contact time and shall be treated
as such by draining for at least the minimum stipulated. In exceptional
circumstances, the minimum contact time may need to be increased, in
which case it will be referenced in the technique instruction.
(2) If the maximum drain time of 1 hour has been exceeded or any drying has
occurred, the penetrant shall be re-applied and a further contact time
of five minutes allowed.
(3) If drain time exceeds 2 hours the penetrant shall be re-applied and the
dwell time repeated. The total penetrant contact time permitted between
penetrant application and continuing the process is 4 hours. If this
time is exceeded, the part shall be re-cleaned and reprocessed.
(4) Draining can be carried out by suspension of a part over the immersion
tank. If penetrant is drained into a separate drop tray, it shall not
be re-used unless it is re-checked in accordance with SUBTASK
70-00-00-920-210-001 and found to be acceptable.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-170-210-076
(1) The component surface shall be washed only to the point where the bulk
of the surface penetrant has been removed so as to minimise the degree
of penetrant contamination in the emulsifier bath. The time taken to
achieve this will vary depending on the component size and complexity.
(2) Water temperature shall be ambient between 10 deg.C. and 35 deg.C. (50
deg.F. to 95 deg.F.).
R (4) For manual operation, the air/water or water spray gun shall be
R adjusted to give a spray of low velocity. The spray gun nozzle shall be
R held at least 300 mm (11.81in.) away from the component, paying
R particular attention to areas of entrapment such as undercuts, blind
R holes and oil ways.
Printed in Great Britain
R (5) Inlet air pressure shall not exceed 0.17 MPa (25 p.s.i.)
R (6) Inlet water pressure shall not exceed 0.17MPa (25 p.s.i.)
R (7) The water used in washing shall be free of any contaminant that will
R leave a residue on the component when dried.
R (1) Remover solution shall be applied to all areas of the component treated
R with penetrant. The application shall be by total immersion or as foam.
R Foam shall not contain emulsifier liquid flow or spray when applied.
R (7) To arrest the action of the emulsifier, an agitated water wash may be
R used. Where required, this operation shall be carried out prior to, and
R in addition to, final spray wash.
R C. Water Wash for Water Washable Penetrant/Final Wash for Post Emulsified
R Penetrant
R (1) The component surface shall be washed only to the point where there is
R minimal background fluorescence. The time taken to achieve this shall
R be kept to a minimum and will vary depending on the component size,
R complexity and surface finish. Care must be exercised to ensure over
R washing does not occur.
R (3) Water temperature shall be ambient between 10 deg.C. and 35 deg.C. (50
R to 95 deg.F.).
R (5) For manual operation, the air water or water spray gun shall be
R adjusted to give a spray of low velocity. The spray gun nozzle shall be
R held at least 300 mm (11.81in.) away from the component, paying
R particular attention to areas of entrapment such as undercuts, blind
R holes and oil ways.
R (6) Inlet air pressure shall not exceed 0.17 MPa (25 p.s.i.)
R (7) Inlet water pressure shall not exceed 0.17 MPa (25 p.s.i.)
R (8) The water used in washing shall be free of any contaminant that will
R leave a residue on the component when dried.
R D. Hot Dip
R (2) Perform the operation by dip into hot water, temperature 85 plus or
R minus 10 deg.C. (185 plus or minus 18 deg.F.) for 20 seconds maximum
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-003
R 10.Drying
R (1) Excess water shall be removed using a clean, dry air and/or suction
R etc.
R (2) Air blast pressure shall not exceed 0.17 MPa (25 p.s.i.) at a distance
R not less than 300 mm (11.81in.) from the part to nozzle tip.
R (2) Drying time will vary with geometry mass and initial temperature of
R component, but it shall always be kept to a minimum.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-070
R 11.Developing
R A. Dry Powder
R (1) The OMat 606 developer shall be applied as soon as possible after
R drying.
R (2) Powder shall come into contact with all surfaces of the component
R requiring inspection before removing excess powder by application of
R low pressure air blow off. Contact time shall be between 10 minutes and
R 3 hours.
R (3) Excess powder shall be removed by clean dry air blow off at a maximum
R air pressor of 0.068 MPa (10 p.s.i.) at a distance not less than 300
R mm. (11.81in.).
R (1) Aerosol application OMat 617 may only be used when specified by the NDT
R instruction documents and in the following circumstances.
R (2) When using non-aqueous based developers, inspection shall take place
R immediately after application followed by a further inspection after 20
R minutes. This avoids any confusion due to excessive bleed out and
R diffusion of indications.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-078
R A. Wipe across the indication once with a small cotton swab dampened with OMat
R 616 solvent penetrant remover. Do not permit solvent to flow or run over
R the surface.
R cause cannot be resolved, then locally re-process the area using the same
R penetrant as used in the initial inspection.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-004
R 13.Inspection
R A. Inspection under UV light shall take place after minimum contact time but
R within 3 hours of dry powder developer application. Visual aids may be
R required (e.g. mirrors, UV light guides etc.) on surfaces difficult to see
R by direct vision.
R NOTE: White clothing etc. can fluoresce and be a cause of extraneous white
R light. Where computer screens are used in the viewing area, a means
R of rapidly dimming the light output, such as a flip down screen,
R should be used.
R C. Ambient white light levels shall not exceed a maximum of 5 lux at the
R inspection surface.
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-002
R (1) The technique instruction card shall address and describe the
R following, in addition to basic technique parameters:
R (2) The issuing authority shall retain a master technique instruction card
R at each issue. Copies of the current issue master shall be available in
R each inspection area (previous issues to be destroyed).
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-920-210-001
R A. Control
R (1) Control checks and maintenance shall be carried out at the frequency
R specified in Tables 2 and 3 and the results recorded. Records shall be
R retained for one year, with the exception of annual calibrations, which
R shall be kept for a period of 3 years
R (4) The manager responsible for quality control shall be informed whenever
R it is suspected that components may have been accepted using
R uncontrolled processes or equipment.
R (6) When changes have taken place, e.g., replacement Ultra Violet (UV)
R lamp, top up of tank etc., related control checks shall be carried out
R following such replacement/additions of these items.
R (9) Ovens used to dry parts after aqueous processes such as cleaning and
R washing shall be controlled.
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
Page 16
May. 1/01
R Plant performance *
R Gauges *
R Ultra-Violet Lamps *
R Air Line *
R Cleanliness
R Equipment *
R Fluorescent *
R Brightness
R Developer *
R Remover *
R Ultra-Violet Lamp *
R Efficiency
R Clean Tanks *
R Water Content *
R (water washable)
R Penetrants
R Automated Line *
R Conformance
R B. Shift Checks
R (f) If the indications on the panel are not comparable to that of the
R replica or photograph, then the penetrant process shall not be used
R to inspect components until the fault is located and rectified. All
R components processed from the time of the last satisfactory plant
R performance check shall be considered to be inadequately processed.
R Suitable action must be taken to re-inspect. If not available for
R retest, Supervision and Quality Assurance shall be notified.
R (g) After use, the panel shall be cleaned by air blast followed by
R cleaning, refer to SUBTASK 70-00-00-100-210-073. It shall then be
R inspected under UV light and if any trace of fluorescence remains
R then surface cleaning shall be repeated. The use of air/water spray
R may be necessary prior to cleaning.
Printed in Great Britain
R (c) Ensure the panel is thoroughly clean. This can normally be achieved
R by use of vapour phase degreasing followed by cooling to 40 deg.C.
R (104 deg.F.) or less, or by approved aqueous degrease. Refer to
R TASK 70-00-00-100-102 (O.P.102) SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-102-001.
R Verify that all gauges are in control, operative and that the correct
R working range as stated on the appropriate process chart is in
R operation.
R Air line cleanliness shall be checked by directing the air stream onto
R a sheet of white filter paper for 10 to 20 seconds at a distance of
R approximately 75 mm (3.0in.). If any fouling of the paper is evident,
R the line shall not be used until the cause is ascertained and
R corrected. All moisture traps must be checked, and if found full,
R emptied before the line is used.
R (6) Equipment
R (b) Check equipment is operative, clean and fit for use. Include
R inspection area and ensure freedom from fluorescent contamination,
R which may affect parts or degrade the inspection.
R C. Weekly Checks
R (b) An OMat 1/144 filter paper shall be soaked with the penetrant under
R test and another in an unused sample.
R (c) Dry both samples in an air circulating oven for five minutes at a
R temperature not exceeding 80 deg.C. and compare under a UV source.
R (a) Where OMat 606 developer powder is recycled and re-used, it shall
R be inspected to ensure it is dry and has not agglomerated.
R D. Monthly Checks
R (a) Inspect lamps for cracked and broken filters and any escape of
R unfiltered light.
R (c) The output of UV lamps used for inspection shall be measured using
R a radiometer, which responds to radiation in the UV-A range and
R conforms to the requirements of BS4489 or other equivalent National
R Standard.
R (d) The minimum intensity for UV-A radiation at the surface of the
R component necessary for satisfactory inspection is 1000 micro
R Watts/sq.cm.
R (a) The lamps shall be switched on and allowed to warm up for a minimum
R of 20 minutes.
R (d) For all other lamps used for inspection, the intensity of
R illumination shall be measured at a distance of 380 mm. (14.96in.)
R from lamp/filter to monitor.
R (e) Move the UV monitor in a plane at right angles to the beam of the
R lamp until a maximum reading is obtained.
R (f) Reject the lamp if the readings are less then 1000 micro
R Watts/sq.cm.
R (3) Ambient white light levels shall be measured at the working surface. A
R maximum level of 5 lux at the inspection surface is allowed.
R (4) Water Contents (Water Washable Penetrants Only OMat 632, OMat 653)
R E. Quarterly Checks
R (c) Using two pieces of filter paper, e.g. Whatman 541 or (OMat 1/144),
R soak one in each of the prepared solutions and then dry them in an
R air circulating oven for five minutes at a temperature not
R exceeding 80 deg.C. (176 deg.F.).
R (d) The intensity of the visible light emitted from the test sample is
R compared to that from the standard sample when both are excited by
R UV light from a stabilised inspection lamp.
R (e) If the variation of emitted light intensity between the two samples
R is greater than 10%; the penetrant shall be rejected.
F. Annual Checks
SUBTASK 70-00-00-910-210-001
Brent Chemicals
Aerospace Systems Group
Brent Europe Ltd
R J221
R Minolta T1
R Minolta
R Tanners Drive
R Bladelands North
R Milton Keynes
R MK14 5BU
R Megatron Ltd
R 165 Marlborough Road
R London
R N19 4NE
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-051
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-210-052
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-170-210-A01
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-620-210-002
R 21.Protect Parts
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-210-071
R Process Reduce light levels around Reduced light levels speed dark
R Control any areas where UV light is adaptation to improve indication
R used visibility under UV light.
R Reduced light levels minimise
R white light penetration of areas
R where tasks are carried out under
R UV light
R use.
R Example: Marked hangers for
R tools in different parts of
R the cleaning area
R Cleaning If separate lines for each Sending parts through the wrong
R cleaning process, label cleaning line is a rare error but
R lines as well as individual one which can reduce cleaning
R processes with clear, effectiveness, causing delays for
R understandable and visible re-cleaning.
R labels. If lines have understandable as
R Example: F2A in clear well as technical labels, errors
R contrasting letters are less likely and training is
R more rapid
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
Page 29
May. 1/01
R Loading Provide well designed job The loading step is the most
R Fig. aid at loading to ensure all procedural in FPI, so can be
R 70-00-00 functions are completed. supported by simple job aids.
R -990-210 Example: Simple checklist These help ensure that steps are
Printed in Great Britain
R Loading Design cranes, conveyors and The handling system and the
R other handling systems to component hanger must be designed
R avoid metal-to-metal contact together so that component does
R at all process stages. not contact metal, such as hooks
R or chains, throughout the FPI
R process. Metal-to-Metal contact
R can peen small cracks, and/or
R initiate small cracks.
R Apply Make the spray gun easier to A more manageable spray gun helps
R penetrant manoeuvre by suspending or the operator reach all areas of
R (spray) balancing the weight of the the component, preventing missed
R hose. Also choose the cracks where no penetrant was
R lightest and most flexible applied.
R hose. Choosing a light and flexible
R hose, and balancing its weight
R makes the gun more manoeuvrable
R Apply Design the drum to spray gun Applying the wrong penetrant can
R penetrant connections so that each reduce crack visibility,
R (spray) spray gun can only be particularly for small cracks.
R connected to the correct Physically different fittings
R drum. reduce the probability of a wrong
R Example: Different sized connection to zero.
R fittings, reversal of male
R and female coupling on line
R Apply Make spray guns for Error of using the wrong spray
R penetrant water-soluble and post gun can reduce visibility of
R (spray) emulsifier penetrants cracks, particularly small
R clearly distinguishable. cracks.
R Example: Different designs The more ways in which the spray
R of gun, different colours of guns are different, the more ways
R gun, holders on different to prevent this error. Small
R sides of spray booths, large technical labels are not
R labels visible under UV sufficient to eliminate this
R light error.
R Apply Ensure that timer system for A single timer for penetrant
R penetrant penetrant application is application cannot be used for
R (spray) flexible enough to handle multiple components unless they
R real operations are carefully and visually
R crack visibility
R Water wash Train operators to move wash Incomplete coverage can cause
R gun and component so that cracks to be missed where no
R all areas can be reached penetrant was applied.
R Water wash Make the wash gun easier to A more manageable wash gun helps
R manoeuvre by suspending or the operator reach all areas of
R balancing the weight of the the component, preventing missed
R hose. Also choose the cracks where penetrant was not
R lightest and most flexible removed.
R hose Choosing a light and flexible
R hose, and balancing its weight
R makes the gun move manoeuvreable
R Water wash Design displays for water If water and air pressure are
R and air pressure to be incorrect, too much penetrant may
R easily legible under UV be washed from cracks, making
R light. Locate them at eye them less easy to detect.
R height Convenient and legible displays
R help ensure that they are used
R for every component processed
R Water wash Provide air line and suction Water accumulation in pockets of
R hose to remove excess water, a component will not be dried in
R particularly where water can oven, leading to incomplete
R accumulate in a component. developer coverage, which reduces
R Ensure that air line and crack visibility.
R suction hose do not have Using plastic or rubber nozzles
R metal nozzles on air hose and suction hose
R reduces risk of metal-to-metal
R contact which can peen cracks,
R particularly small cracks or lead
R to in-service component failure.
R Water wash Train operators to provide Even with suitable tools and work
R complete coverage of all area, training is important to
R components in emulsifier ensure full coverage of each type
R application, wash and water of component, enhancing crack
R removal visibility.
R Operator knowledge of particular
R components helps them perform
R their tasks more thoroughly
R Developing Make low pressure air hose Excess developer powder will
R available to blow off excess contaminate reading booth.
R developer powder Excess developer powder can
R distract from the search process
R in reading booth
R Reading Ensure that all tools, such Metal-to-metal contact can peen
R as UV light, white light, cracks, especially smaller
R magnifier, ruler, cannot cracks, making them less visible.
R make metal-to-metal contact Metal to Metal contact can
R with the component. scratch the component, giving a
R Plastic coverings are false indication in future
R recommended but they must be fluorescent penetrant inspections
R maintained or may lead to the initiation of
R small cracks.
R Reading Have low pressure air in the Dust specks can adhere to the
R reading booth to blow away component surface where they
R fluorescing dust specks become false indications, which
R slow and distract the search
Printed in Great Britain
R process.
R Gentle air blowing is preferable
R to either hand wiping or mouth
R blowing as it prevents surface
R contamination
R Reading Eliminate white light leaks White light causes loss of dark
R into reading booth. adaptation, which reduces the
R NOTE: Even if the minimum visibility of defects,
R white light level is particularly small defects
R satisfied at the surface of
R the component, there may
R still be white light sources
R visible from the inspectors
R position
R Reading Provide a well designed job A good work card will define the
R aid such as a work card for inspection level and any special
R each component. use of solvent or non-aqueous wet
R Example: Work cards with developer.
R details of component A good work card can capture
R nomenclature, places where inspection knowledge from a
R defects are most likely and variety of sources to allow
R past defect history of these inspectors to develop better
R components. This can be done search patterns and defect
R via paper copy or computer expectations
R program
R Reading Always use swabs (e.g. Swabs provide the correct amount
R Q-tips) when applying the of solvent. Too much solvent can
R wipe off technique. Always be applied if sprayed or washed
R throw away swabs after on, reducing visibility of
R single use cracks, particularly small
R cracks.
R A clean swab each time prevents
R spreading of penetrant which can
R potentially conceal indications
Printed in Great Britain
Printed in Great Britain
R Post emulsified fluorescent penetrant
R using water based (hydrophilic) penetrant removers
R Fig.70-00-00-990-210-004
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-213-001
R SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-213-002
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-214-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-214-052
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-214-001
(1) Pipette a 20 ml. sample of the etching solution into a 200 ml. flask
and dilute to 200 ml. with distilled water.
(3) Add approximately 0.5 g of OMat 1/93 potassium iodide and titrate with
N/10 sodium thiosulphate (prepared from OMat 1/99 sodium thiosulphate)
carefully until a pale straw colour is obtained.
(4) Add a few drops of starch solution (prepared from OMat 1/100 starch)
which will give the solution a blue colour; continue titration until
the blue colour is destroyed. The following will then apply:
(2) Add a few drops of OMat 1/63 indicator and titrate with N OMat 157
Printed in Great Britain
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-214-053
4. Safety Precautions
The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls Royce,
it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed health and
safety data for the materials in use and to refer to local regulations to
ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-214-054
5. General
SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-214-001
C. Place the parts to be etched in a stainless steel wire basket and immerse
R them in the etching solution, refer to SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-214-001, at a
temperature of 15 to 25 deg.C. (59 to 77 deg.F.) for the time specified in
the Engine Manual.
D. Remove the parts from the etching solution and wash them thoroughly in the
clean, cold, running water.
R NOTE: Ammonium hydroxide or Ammonium carbonate must be used for parts with
internal passages.
Printed in Great Britain
R F. Wash the parts in clean, cold water. Thoroughly flush all internal passages
R with clean, cold water.
NOTE: The parts should be kept in water and not allowed to dry before the
next operation.
G. Place a few of the parts at a time into a basket and clean them thoroughly
R using a high-pressure air/water gun or water lance at pressures up to 14
R MPa (2,000psi).
NOTE: A smut can persist on the particular materials QFD, QGE, QEJ and
QDD. If this is the case operations (1) and (2) can be effected on
QFD and QGE materials and operations (3) and (4) on QEJ and QDD
(1) Immerse QFD and QGE materials in 20 or 30 per cent alkali deruster
(prepared from OMat 173 alkali deruster) for 20 minutes at 60 to 70
deg.C. (140 to 158 deg.F.) or 85 to 95 deg.C. (185 to 203 deg.F.).
R (2) Wash the parts thoroughly in clean, cold water. Flush all internal
R passages with clean, cold water. Pressure wash using an air/water gun
R or pressure wash with a water lance at pressures up to 14 MPa
R (2,000psi) and then proceed to H.
R (3) Immerse QEJ and QDD materials in nitric acid solution at ambient
R temperature as detailed in O.P.122 (TASK70-00-00-100-122 until
R desmutting is complete. This typically takes approximately 30 - 60
R seconds.
R (4) Wash the parts thoroughly in clean, cold water. Flush all internal
R passages with clean, cold water. Pressure wash using an air/water gun
R or pressure wash with a water lance at pressures up to 14 MPa
R (2,000psi) and then proceed to H.
R H. Immerse the parts in clean, hot water at minimum temperature 80 deg.C. (176
deg.F.) then remove and dry using a clean dry air blast.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-110-214-A01
E. Dip a small wad of new cotton wool into ferric chloride etching solution,
refer to SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-214-001.
F. Swab the area of the part requiring etching with the cotton wool pad,
R maintaining a film of solution on the surface for approximately 15 - 45
R seconds or until a slight matt-grey appearance of the machined surface is
R G. Immediately swab wash the part with clean, cold water to remove the acid.
R Repeat the swab wash with clean swabs until all traces of acid have been
R removed
H. Dry the part by swabbing with OMat 150 acetone or OMat 135 methyl ethyl
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-215-053
1. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls
Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed
health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to local
regulations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-215-054
2. General
C. Depending largely upon the localized area of the airfoil at which the
maximum effect of excitation takes place, the blades will vibrate in
accordance with one of a number of possible vibratory patterns, referred to
as modes.
C. The resonant frequency of the blade is a function of the blade and clamping
jig as an assembly, and is affected by the applied load and mass of the
fixture. The type of clamp, and the applied load, will be specified in the
appropriate Repair Scheme in the Overhaul Manual, but in general an air
operated 6 in. machine vice has been found to be suitable for a wide range
of compressor blade sizes.
D. The vice should be firmly bolted to a base plate or angle plate, to form an
assembled mass of a recommended minimum of 150 lb (68,2 Kg.) weight; the
maximum weight is determined only by consideration of handling.
E. It is important that the vice and baseplate assembly should not be in rigid
contact with the main structure or bench, otherwise the blade vibration
will be excessively damped. This can be avoided by the inclusion of a
rubber or cork pad or by resiliently mounting the whole assembly on
suitable supports.
F. Before inserting a blade into the vice it must be ensured that the clamping
faces of both the blade root and the vice jaws are absolutely clean and
free from any particles which might prevent the maximum interface contact
from being obtained
NOTE: Some vice jaws require vapor blasting at regular intervals to ensure
a good interface contact and grip of the blade root.
G. All conventional blade types are clamped across two opposite faces of the
root platform or the root block, depending upon the blade size. In some
cases, these are tapered faces and will require specially made vice jaws
with a corresponding degree of taper or swivel taper jaws to cater for a
range of different angles.
K. Most orders of vibration may be excited from the trailing edge of the blade
at varying points depending upon the mode required, and the exciter should
be positioned accordingly. The exciter is designed for continuous
operation, and may remain switched on during the course of a working
SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-215-002
A. Each blade should be placed in the clamp and locked in position for only
sufficient time to observe a stable frequency reading. After testing the
blade is released from the clamp and marked with the frequency figure.
B. Blades that do not meet the required range, within the specified
tolerances, should be rejected and treated as detailed in the Overhaul
SUBTASK 70-00-00-230-215-003
A. On each setting up operation and at every tenth reading the whole system
must be checked by taking a frequency count from a master blade of known
frequency, A master blade will be supplied by Rolls-Royce (1971) Limited to
an overhauling base on request.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-216-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-216-052
2. Safety Precautions
The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls-Royce,
it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed health and
safety data for the materials in use and to refer to local regulations to
ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-216-053
3. General
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-216-054
4. Processing
(1) It is recommended that new users of this equipment should carry out a
series of practice checks with known materials to gain experience.
(2) Check the state of the battery by short circuiting across the cathode
and anode of the electrograph with a suitable conductor. The battery
is in good condition if the indicator lamp glows brightly. If the
light glows dimly or becomes dim within a few seconds the battery
should be recharged or replaced.
Printed in Great Britain
(a) Degrease the sample by swabbing with cold liquid degreaser O.P.101
(TASK 70-00-00-100-101) and lightly abrade with OMat 5/67 aluminium
oxide abrasive paper before placing on absorbent paper.
(d) Press the electrograph down on to the paper ensuring that the
centre electrode (cathode) only is in contact with the paper and
the outer electrode (anode) is in contact with the sample material.
(e) Switch on the current and note that the lamp glows dimly; this
indicates the passage of current. If the lamp lights-up brightly
it indicates that current is short circuiting between the
electrodes. This is most likely due to misplacement of the
electrograph in that it is not central over the absorbent paper and
the centre electrode is in contact with the metal sample.
D. Identification of material
NOTE: 1. The tests which follow are for the identification of particular
(3) Apply the electrode to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 on to the
surface that was in contact with the sample and observe the colour
Solution No.1 OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Solution No.2 OMat 1/103 potassium ferro-cyanide 2.5 g., OMat 1/104
potassium ferri-cyanide 2.5 g., water 100 ml.
This test is suitable for the detection of chromium in ferrous and nickel
alloys when present in amounts of 3 per cent, or more.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and observe the side of the paper which was in
contact with the sample, a yellow or orange colour indicates chromium.
NOTE: With many steels of low chromium content the test paper remains
completely unaltered and in these circumstances it is wise to
check that the apparatus is functioning efficiently by carrying
Printed in Great Britain
Solution No.1 OMat 1/102 sodium fluoride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Shake well and allow to settle, decant the clear supernatant liquid for
This test is intended for the detection of nickel in ferrous alloys present
in amounts of 0.5 per cent or more. It may also be used for
differentiating between certain types of nickel steel, provided the nickel
contents differ by more than 1 per cent of the total nickel present.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 on to the
surface that was in contact with the sample and observe the colour
change. The pressence of nickel is indicated by an immediate pink or
red colour.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/102 sodium flouride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Shake well and allow to settle, decant the clear supernatant liquid for
OMat 1/77 Hydrogen peroxide 20 ml., make up to 100 ml. with water.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 to the
surface that was in contact with the sample.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/102 sodium flouride 5 g., water (cold) 100 ml.
Shake well and allow to settle, decant the clean supernatant liquid for
Solution No.2 OMat 1/108 ammonium thiocyanate 5 g., OMat 1/176 acetone
100 ml.
Solution No.1A OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 2 g., OMat 1/67 trisodium
phosphate 5 g., water 100 ml.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 and 1 drop of
Solution No.3 to the surface that was in contact with the sample.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Solution No.2 OMat 1/158 nitric acid 1 vol., OMat 1/156 hydrochloric
acid 3 vol., water 4 vol.
Solution No.3 OMat 1/109 potassium ethylxanthate 5g., water 100 ml.
NOTE: Solutions No.2 and No.3 are not stable and should not be stored
for more than 1 week.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 and 1 drop of
Solution No.3 to the surface which was in contact with the sample.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Solution No.3 OMat 1/111 dithiol 0.2 g., OMat 1/110 thioglycollic acid
0.5 g. disolve in 1 per cent sodium hydroxide solution prepared from
OMat 157 sodium hydroxide 100 ml.
NOTE: Solution No.3 is not stable and should be made up each day.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 to the surface
that was in contact with the sample.
(9) Nimonic 100 type alloys show a more distinct colouration than Nimonic
75 but less intense than Nimonic 80 and 90.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/157 sulphuric acid 1 ml., water 100 ml.
Solution No.2 OMat 1/112 chromotropic acid 0.5 g., water saturated
with OMat 1/177 Sulphur dioxide 100 ml.
This test is suitable for the detection of iron in Nimonic alloys when
present in amounts of 1 per cent or more; this is normally sufficient to
distinguish Nimonic 75 from the other alloys, particularly if used in
conjunction with Test No.7.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the test paper and pipette 1 drop of Solution No.2 to the
surface that was in contact with the sample.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Solution No.2 OMat 1/113 potassium thiocyanate 2.5 g., 5 ml. of 50 per
cent sulphuric acid solution (prepared from OMat 1/157 sulphuric acid),
make up to 100 ml. with water.
(3) Apply the electrograph to the sample and ensure that the electrodes are
positioned correctly.
(5) Remove the paper and pipette 2 drops of Solution No.2 to the surface
which was in contact with the sample.
Solution No.1 OMat 1/101 sodium chloride 5 g., water 100 ml.
Printed in Great Britain
1. Procedure
This process has been deleted, wherever this process is called up in an Engine
Manual use O.P.213 (TASK 70-00-00-200-213) Water-washable Fluorescent
Penetrant Inspection.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-219-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-219-052
D. A calibration piece made from the same type of materials, in the same
condition and of the same nominal thickness as that of the part. The
calibration piece should include an area of no honeycomb and areas of
unbrazed honeycomb.
E. Any suitable couplant e.g. OMat 133 glycerine or OMat 1054 turbine oil.
F. Equipment capabilities
(1) The ultrasonic unit and probe combination must be capable of being
calibrated from the 5 mm. dimension of the International Institute of
Welding (I.I.W.) calibration block.
(2) The time base must be linear so that the backwall echoes from the 5 mm.
reflector can be made to rise at intervals of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, see
(3) When the echoes are at their maximum amplitude the probe must be at the
central position over the perspex insert. If the probe is not central
over the insert when the maximum amplitude is obtained, it is because
the sound is not leaving the probe or delay block at 90 degrees or the
delay block is out of square. The reason for the non-perpendicular
sound beam should be investigated, corrected or another acceptable
(4) If the amplitude of the first and/or second backwall echo from the 5
mm. dimension is less than that of the second and third echoes an
alternative probe or longer delay block is required.
(5) A probe/delay assembly suitable for one type of seal may not be
suitable for another honeycomb combination.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-219-053
3. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at Rolls
Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain detailed
health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to local
regulations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-219-054
4. General
This inspection process uses the contact ultrasonic pulse echo inspection
method for the assessment of braze integrity of anti-wicking honeycomb seal
material to metal carriers.
The method can be used on ring and segmented seals featuring powder or tape
brazing alloy when the vacuum furnace process is employed.
This process is only to be used when specified in the Engine Manual or Repair
SUBTASK 70-00-00-270-219-001
A. Calibrate the Timebase from the 5 mm. dimension on the I.I.W. Calibration
Printed in Great Britain
(1) Place the probe on the I.I.W. calibration block over the perspex
insert. The signal amplitude should be at the maximum when the probe is
central over the insert.
(2) Rotate the probe 90 degrees and repeat step (1) to ensure that the beam
is normal in both directions. If the probe delay block does not
produce a perpendicular beam reject the probe assembly, see
(3) Adjust the first backwall echo from the 5 mm. dimension to rise to half
screen height. If the first/second echo is of less amplitude than the
second and third echoes the probe assembly must be rejected and a
longer delay block is required.
(4) Place the probe on section of the seal that has no honeycomb brazed to
it and is of the same thickness of the area is to be examined. If this
is not possible a test piece of the same material, condition and
thickness may be used.
(5) Adjust the echo amplitudes so that the second backwall echo from the
unbrazed section is full screen height. This is the working
sensitivity, see Fig.70-00-00-990-219-A02 and Fig.70-00-00-990-219-B02.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-270-219-002
6. Inspection Procedure
C. Inspect from the side remote from the honeycomb. The side from which the
test is to be carried out on must be smooth and free from foreign matter.
E. Measure the scan lines from the centre line of the honeycomb. The scan
line at the edge of the honeycomb should be 1,5 mm. from the edge.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-270-219-003
7. Acceptance Standards
A. General
(1) This acceptance standard must only be used on ring and segmented seals
using anti-wicking honeycomb. See Fig.70-00-00-990-219-005.
(3) Local areas of honeycomb which cannot be inspected due to the geometry
of the carrier should be accepted if the adjacent area is 100 percent
brazed. If the adjacent area is unbrazed then these areas must also be
considered unbrazed.
(b) Wicking of the braze media between the honeycomb cell walls
(1) There must not be more than 20 individual cells unbrazed in any 50 mm.
length or more than 10 of those cells adjoining.
(4) A minimum length of 26 mm. either side of the scarf joint must be fully
Printed in Great Britain
(6) No single cell must be filled more than 25 percent of the finished
depth with excess brazing alloy.
(7) Local pin hole perforations at node walls are acceptable provided they
do not exceed 5 percent of the total number of welds.
(b) No more than one third of the width of the honeycomb may be
unbrazed in any one position.
(c) The maximum length of any unbrazed area must not be more than 15
mm. in any direction.
(d) The distance between any two unbrazed areas must be greater than 25
(e) No more than 2 unbrazed positions are permitted in any 150 mm. of
circumference of seal.
(f) There must be a continuous braze across the whole seal width for at
least 25 mm. on either side of the scarf joint.
(h) Loose and ragged pieces of honeycomb at the ends of the segments
must be removed.
(1) If the total area of unbraze honeycomb is greater than 20 percent the
whole part should be completely refurbished in accordance with
instructions given in the relevant Repair Scheme.
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
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Dec. 1/95
F. Mechanical damage
(1) Any mechanical damage to cell walls must be assessed on its merits.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-270-219-004
A. Brazed conditions
Area A indicates a condition where the braze material has formed fillets at
the cell walls and filled the cell floor - Good bond.
Area B indicates a condition where the braze has formed a fillet at the
cell wall but has not covered the cell floor - Good bond.
Area C indicates the braze forming a fillet at the cell wall but not
adhering to the base material - Lack of adhesion.
Area D indicates where the braze has formed a fillet at the cell walls
adhering to the base material but some of this has wicked partway up the
wall and formed balls - Good bond.
Area E indicates where all the braze has wicked up the cell walls and
fillet has not been formed at the cell wall and base material junction -
Lack of adhesion.
Area G indicates braze forming a fillet at the cell wall and covering the
cell floor but not adhering to the base material - Lack of adhesion.
Area H indicates braze forming a fillet at the cell wall and covering the
cell floor. The braze material is adhering to the base material but a
crack has formed in the braze running parallel to the base material
SUBTASK 70-00-00-270-219-005
Working sensitivity
Working sensitivity
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-220-051
A. Standard equipment
B. Special tools
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-220-052
A. Equipment required
Meccasonic D125BJ or
Meccasonic D325BJ
(4) Calibration pieces to be made from the same material or a material with
the same acoustic velocity as the parts to be tested. These should be
clearly identified with the material type, thickness and under local
calibration control. The calibration piece thickness should be within
the thickness limits of the part to be measured, unless otherwise
stated in the Engine Manual.
B. Equipment capabilities
NOTE: 1. Probes have a limited life which can vary from a few weeks
to several months, probes can therefore deteriorate during
storage and it is good policy to alternate probes in use and
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-220-053
3. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at
Roll-Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain
detailed health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to
local requlations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-220-054
4. General
This inspection process uses the ultrasonic pulse echo method at high
frequencies for the measurement of wall thickness on parts where geometry does
not allow normal measurement to be used.
The inspection personnel should be trained in the use of this equipment and
certified to the requirements of the appropriate regulatory authority.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-200-220-001
A. Safety precautions
Printed in Great Britain
(1) Ensure that the voltage selector at the back of the instrument is
positioned to suit the supply voltage.
(2) Ensure that the instrument is supported on its handle to encourage good
air circulation through the bottom and side vents.
(1) Connect the probe lead and the water pump to the instrument.
(2) Fill the water container with 50 mm. (2in.) of water and immerse the
pump in the water.
(5) Place the water tower over the probe ensuring that the probe has
reached the required water path.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-200-220-002
A. Switch the set on by rotating the brightness control until the pilot light
illuminates (see Fig. 70-00-00-990-220-001).
B. Set the vertical movement control to the mid setting and push in the x 5
control fully.
E. Set the outer THICKNESS control to position 5 and the centre THICKNESS
control to its mid position. Ensure the X 10 control is pushed in on the
centre knob.
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
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Dec. 1/95
H. Adjust FINE SENSITIVITY control to 7.5. This is then locked using the
small tab.
J. Select CALIBRATE position on interface trigger and turn the IF LEVEL and IF
SENSITIVITY fully anti-clockwise.
O. Rotate horizontal control clockwise and identify the initial pulse signal.
Position the start of the trace sweep (not the initial pulse) at the
extreme left of the screen.
P. Rotate DELAY control clockwise - the initial pulse will disappear to the
left, continue rotating until the first multiple echo (front wall echo) is
at the extreme left of screen, but no part of the pattern is off screen
(see Fig.70-00-00-990-220-A02).
Q. Move lever down into first ECHO position, no multiple echoes should be
visible at this stage.
R. Gradually increase IF LEVEL control from zero until echo pattern jumps and
locks on to left of screen (start of trace).
V. Select position 2 on the outer THICKNESS control using the centre THICKNESS
control and the horizontal control calibrate screen as required. The video
display shall be calibrated from at least the first and second backwall
echo's. Adjust COARSE SENSITIVITY to produce a first backwall echo at a
half and three quarters screen height.
The function of the horizontal shift control should be noted. The trace
should move smoothly on the C.R.T. if difficulty is encountered in placing
an echo on a given graticule line the instrument must not be used.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-200-220-003
B. Set the vertical movement control to the mid setting and push in the
vertical control.
D. Set the outer THICKNESS control to position 9 and the centre THICKNESS
control to its mid position.
H. Select CALIBRATE position on interface trigger button and turn the IF LEVEL
and IF SENSITIVITY fully anti-clockwise.
M. Rotate DELAY control clockwise. The initial pulse will disappear to the
left - continue rotating until the first multiple echo is at the extreme
left of screen, but no part of the pattern is off screen
O. Gradually increase IF LEVEL control from zero until echo pattern jumps and
locks on to left of screen (start of trace).
T. Using centre THICKNESS control and the horizontal control calibrate screen
as required. The video display shall be calibrated from at least the first
and second backwall echo's. Adjust AMPLITUDE control to produce a first
backwall echo of half to three quarters screen height.
The function of the horizontal shift control should be noted. The trace
should move smoothly on the C.R.T.. If difficulty is encountered in
placing an echo on a given graticule line the instrument must not be used.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-200-220-004
8. Inspection Procedure
A. The inspection shall be carried out on the parts in the areas stipulated by
the relevant Engine Manual.
C. The thickness shall be measured from the zero graticule line on the video
display to the first vertical peak of the backwall echo. Confirmation may
be made on certain geometries by measuring between the first and second
backwall echos.
A continual check for timebase drift can be made by monitoring the second
backwall echo, this should be at exactly twice the measured wall thickness.
The minimum thickness that can be resolved must be at least 0,05 mm.
(0.002in.) less than the minimum thickness quoted in the appropriate Engine
Manual for the particular part being measured.
C.R.T. displays
C.R.T. displays
Printed in Great Britain
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-221-051
A. Standard Equipment
B. Special Equipment
SUBTASK 70-00-00-920-221-001
(3) The exposed film is cut into narrow strips and stored in a light proof
box for a minimum of one week before being used.
E. X-Ray Unit
(1) Each x-ray unit should be monitored for consistency of sensitivity and
density at the beginning of each shift.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-221-052
3. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at
Rolls-Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain
detailed health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to
local regulations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-221-053
4. General
SUBTASK 70-00-00-260-221-001
5. Processing
(1) Prior to radiographic inspection the part must be clean and free from
all oil, grease or unwanted material.
(2) All primary cleaning must be applied as per the relevant engine manual.
C. Procedure
(a) Apparatus.
(e) Kilovoltage.
(3) The radiographic film used must be a high contrast fine grain type
unless otherwise specified in the engine manual.
(4) The beam angle must be 90 degrees to the centre of the area under
examination. The area of examination is limited by the ability to
achieve the sensitivity and density at the edges of the area being
(5) Because of the close fitment of butt welds and the defects that can
(a) For pipes greater than 44,45 mm. (1.75 in.) inside diameter, use a
single wall technique with at least five exposures per weld
circumference. See Fig 70-00-00-990-221-002. Where the single
wall technique is impractical, use a double wall technique with at
least five exposures per weld circumference. See Fig
(b) For pipes less than 44,45 mm. (1.75 in.) inside diameter, use a
double wall technique with two exposures at 90 degrees to each
other. See Fig 70-00-00-990-221-004.
(7) All parts must be identified with lead markers which show on the film,
in a position where they do not overshadow the areas being examined.
(8) Place the film in contact with the part and position in such a way that
the required area is examined, ensuring sufficient overlap of the film
is allowed. Lead markers must be used to identify the overlap when the
surface features are not self evident.
(9) Lead screens must be used for all exposures of 120 kV or more to
decrease scattered radiation. The typical front screen thickness is
0,127 mm. (0.005 in.).
(11) A film/density of between 1.5 and 3 is required for the areas being
inspected, this must include a film fog density of less than 0.3.
(12) The minimum source to film distance (Sfd) and object to film distance
(Ofd) must be adjusted to ensure an unsharpeness (Ug) of less than 0,12
mm. (0.005 in.) for welds and 0,25 mm. (0.010 in.) for all other
Printed in Great Britain
SUBTASK 70-00-00-220-221-001
6. Inspection Procedure
A. Inspect the radiographs in a quiet darkened room where the lighting is not
directed towards the inspection eyes or reflecting from the radiographs.
(2) Illuminators must produce an even light level over the viewing area,
masking may be used as necessary.
C. Inspect the radiographs for defects, using low power x2 magnifying lenses.
Higher magnification is then used for more detailed examination of local
areas and to assess indications. The acceptance standards given in TASK
70-00-00-300-409, SUBTASK 70-00-00-260-409-001 and TASK 70-00-00-300-414,
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-414-064, are to be used unless the Engine Manual
states otherwise.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-222-051
SUBTASK 70-00-00-180-222-001
R A. Two liquids may be used for the honeycomb check. Solution (1) is the
R preferred method for health and safety reasons.
(1) Solution 1
(2) Solution 2
B. Control
3. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at
Rolls-Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain
detailed health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to
local regulations to ensure a safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-222-053
4. General
SUBTASK 70-00-00-260-222-001
NOTE: The cleaning is not required if the parts are processed immediately
after brazing and the parts have been kept clean under a clean
plastic sheet.
C. Immerse the parts into solution 1 and pass them through the liquid jet
until all the trapped air bubbles have been removed from the cells.
D. Remove the parts from solution 1 and stand them on a draining rack for a
minimum of 5 minutes. Seal segments should be stood at an angle of 45
degrees or greater and the seal rings should be laid flat.
will reflect light from the top of the solution, whereas the empty cells
will not reflect light.
F. Turn the parts over so that the cells which were at the bottom are now at
the top and drain the parts for a minimum of 5 minutes. Examine the parts
as detailed in operation E .
H. Oven dry the parts at 110 to 120 deg C.( 230 to 248 deg F.) for a minimum
of 15 minutes until the parts are dry.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-260-222-002
NOTE: The cleaning is not required if the parts are processed immediately
after brazing and the parts have been kept clean under a plastic
R C. Immerse the parts into solution 2 or fill the cells with solution 2 until
R the cells are full and all the trapped air bubbles have been removed from
the cells.
D. Remove the parts from solution 2 and stand them on a draining rack for a
minimum of 30 seconds at an angle of 45 degrees.
R F. Remove the solution from the cells by draining the solution 2 fluid into a
R suitable container and then dry the cells using a clean, dry air blast.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-220-222-001
7. Inspection Procedure
The minimum distance between any two unbrazed positions must not be
less than 152,4 mm (6.0 in.), on one edge or one edge relative to
the other.
(a) The maximum length of any unbraze area must not exceed 12,7 mm.(
0.5 in.).
(b) The maximum width of any unbraze area must not exceed 12,7 mm ( 0.5
in.), or one third of remaining width between the edge ribbons,
whichever is the smaller.
(c) The minimum distance between two unbrazed areas must not be less
than 25,4 mm ( 1.0 in.).
(d) If there are two unbrazed areas within the limits defined under
para A.(1).(b). a circumferential length of 152,4 mm ( 6.0 in.) of
sound braze must be present on each side of defect.
(e) Lack of braze of single wall common to two cells only will not be
considered as a unbrazed area.
EFFECTIVITY: TSD594-J 70−00−00
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R Nov. 1/03
(f) Not more than 25,5 mm .( 1.0 in.) run of unbrazed nodes in any
152,4 mm.( 6.0 in.) length of seal circumference.
(g) Cells must have no more than 25 percent of the final length filled
with excess brazing alloy.
Printed in Great Britain
(a) The maximum length of any unbraze area must not exceed 12,7 mm (
0.5 in.).
(b) The maximum width of any unbrazed area must not exceed 12.7 mm (
0.5 in.), or one third of remaining width between the edge ribbons
whichever is smaller.
(c) The minimum distance between two unbrazed areas must not be less
than 25.4 mm ( 1.0 in.).
(e) There must be continuous braze at least 25,4 mm ( 1.0 in.) wide
across the whole of the width of the seal at both ends of the seal,
starting from the first row of compleate cells. Open cells at ends
of segments can be unbrazed.
(g) Lack of braze of single wall common to two cells only will not be
considerd as a unbrazed area.
(h) Not more than one 25,5 mm ( 1.0 in.) run of unbrazed nodes in a
(i) Cells must not have more than 25 percent of final length filled
with excees brazing alloy.
C. Visual overcheck
(1) Lack of braze can be confirmed by shining a light into the individual
cells, using a fine boroscope or flexible light guide and looking for
light leaking between the honeycomb and backing.
8. Rework
A. Unless the Engine Manual specifies otherwise , the following rework may be
accomplished on defective honeycomb seal braze.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-223-001
A. Standard equipment
Standard Rotor and compliant differential coil rotary eddy current probe
R 7,00 mm (0.275 in.) Rhomann P/N RRP-RUK-RR5-7-47.5
R Standard Rotor and compliant differential coil rotary eddy current probe
R 5,50 mm (0.216 in.) Rhomann P/N RRP-RUK-RR5-5.5-47.5
R Standard or Mini rotor and compliant differential coil rotary eddy current
R probe 5,65 mm (0.222in.)
R B. Special tools
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-223-002
A. Equipment required
(2) The working test piece can be purchased from Rolls-Royce PLC, Spares
Support Group, Derby.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-223-003
3. Safety Precautions
A. The health and safety data given are general guidelines in use at
Roll-Royce, it is the responsibility of the operator/user to obtain
detailed health and safety data for the materials in use and to refer to
local regulations to ensure safe working practice.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-223-004
4. General
The technique covers the inspection of the HP Turbine Disc Air Cooling Holes
The inspection personnel should be trained in the use of this equipment and
approved in accordance with a training scheme meeting the requirements of
R NAS410, EN4179 or EN473.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-250-223-001
Frequency 500kHz
PreAmp Gain 30 dB Record actual value used
Gain 70/70 Record actual value used
Phase Angle 19 degrees, Record actual value used
LPF 1.0kHz
MF/HF/LF Select HF
High Pass ON (800Hz)
Band DYN
HP-Filter 0.80kHz (7,00 mm) Record actual value
HP-Filter 0.65kHz (5,50 mm) Record actual value
(1) Switch on the Elotest B1 V3 instrument ensuring that the green 'power'
LED is illuminated. If the LED is not illuminated the batteries need
recharging, or the power supply has a fault. Allow the instrument to
warm up for 20 minutes.
(2) Data is required according to the following procedure for each new
probe, instrument or rotor combination.
(3) Depress the Frequency button. Then depress the F1 button and using the
thumb wheel on the side of the instrument ensure the frequency is set
to 500 kHz. Depress the F2 button and select the Bandwidth to HF.
Depress the filter and the F4 button and select the Y-X/Y-T switch to
(4) Fit the probe to the rotor. Ensure the probe to the instrument cable is
connected to the B1 instrument.
R Depress the F2 button and select the Lowpass filter to the appropriate
R setting for the probe diameter on the sample data card (kHz) refer Fig
R 70-00-00-990-223-002.
(6) Depress the Gain button and the F2 button and set the PreAmp to 30 dB.
Depress the F3 button and set the Y-Spread to 0 dB. Depress the F4
button and set the X-Spread to 0 dB. Depress the F1 button and set the
Gain to 70/70 dB.
(7) Ensure the Overload LED is not illuminated. If the Overload LED is
illuminated depress the Frequency button then depress the F4 button
which will match the PreAmp gain to the probe. Reset the gain to 70/70
R dB as per para (6) above. (If the Overload LED remains illuminated the
probe may be unserviceable).
(8) The phase angle, filters and sensitivity controls are now to be
adjusted to suit the inspection requirements.
(9) With the display set to Y-X, the phase angle is set by placing the
rotating probe in the hole in the test block over the target depressing
the Phase button and rotating the thumb wheel until the resulting
R figure of eight like signal is vertical. Refer Fig
R 70-00-00-990-223-003.
(10) Select the Y-T display. With the notch in the test block maximized over
the probe coil ensure the amplitude from the notch is set to full
screen height. The filters are correctly set when the target notch
shows as a distinct 'W' shaped sinusoidal signal about the horizontal
centre line.
(11) Adjust the Gain dB control. The sensitivity is correctly set when the
signal from the target rises to full screen graticule height, (4
SUBTASK 70-00-00-250-223-002
6. Inspection Calibration
(1) Set up the instrument according to the data card for the probe to be
used. Confirm that all items have been set up correctly. Select the Y-T
(2) With the notch in the test piece over the coil path, ensure the phase
angle is set to vertical. If the phase angle is not vertical repeat
B.(1) to ensure that no values have been incorrectly set. If the phase
angle is still incorrect to the data card, the probe should be
exchanged for another until the reason for the change can be
(3) With the notch in the test piece maximized over the probe coil path,
ensure the amplitude from the notch is set to full screen graticule
height. Move the notch away from the coil and then pass the block over
the coil and confirm the set up amplitude is correct.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-250-223-003
7. Inspection Procedure
(3) Ensure the HP Turbine disc air cooling holes are in a clean condition,
free of loose particulate material and that the probe will pass through
all the holes without damage.
(4) Load the HP Turbine disc onto a turntable fixture with the long drive
arm uppermost and locate the No 1 air cooling hole (situated between
the fir trees 1 and 2).
(5) Lubricate the hole with a small quantity of engine oil to aid the free
running of the rotating eddy current probe.
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R May. 1/01
(6) Adjust the plastic stop collar on the probe to prevent the compliant
tip exiting at the rear of the hole, but ensure the probe coil passes
fully through the hole. The coil can be identified as a small black dot
on the surface of the compliant tip.
(7) Switch on the rotor and fully inspect hole No 1. The rotor should be
(8) Following the inspection identify the hole by placing the start point
bucket groove marker in place. Record the inspection result on the
appropriate form.
(9) Leaving the start point marker over hole No 1, inspect hole No 2.
Record the results.
NOTE: The marker is locally manufactured from wire, such that it may
be clipped on the periphery of the disc. Do not place in the air
cooling hole.
(10) Leaving the start point marker in place, position the moving marker
over hole No 2, and inspect hole No 3. Record the results.
(11) Repeat this sequence of events indexing the moving marker along the
bucket grooves to cover the air cooling hole just inspected, leaving
the start marker in place until all the holes are completed.
R During the inspection, visually check the instrument display for cracks
R both in the mouth of the hole and down the hole. Cracks may be evident
R at any o'clock position. Crack indications within this area which
R exceed the acceptance criteria are cause for rejection. Indications
R outside this area are acceptable.
(15) When the disc inspection has been completed repeat the inspection
calibration procedure to verify the set up is still valid.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-250-223-004
Printed in Great Britain
Defects will be repeatable and show on the Y-T display as a 'W' type
sinusoidal signal rising from the time base as the probe passes over
the defect. Special attention is to be given to the rearward face of
the hole from the 9 o'clock through 6 o'clock to 3 o'clock positions on
the time base. To confirm an indication as genuine, ensure the phase
angle is correct by switching to the Y-X display and viewing the screen
as the probe passes over the defect. This should show a figure of eight
signal rising vertically, starting from the centre spot, as the probe
passes over the crack.
R Defects will be repeatable and show on the Y-T display as a 'W' type
R sinusoidal signal rising from the time base as the probe passes over
R the defect. Cracks may be evident anywhere in the bore. To confirm an
R indication as genuine, ensure the phase angle is correct by switching
R to the Y-X display and viewing the screen as the probe passes over the
R defect. This should show a figure of eight signal rising vertically,
R starting from the centre spot, as the probe passes over the crack.
(3) Transient signals can be observed which may look similar to defects.
These will not be reliably or repeatedly observed and there is often a
degree of ringing on, from this type of signal. This type of signal can
be ignored.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-250-223-005
9. Inspection Record
(2) For recording purposes and to ensure all holes are inspected, a record
of the inspection results shall be made using a printed form similar to
that shown in Fig 70-00-00-990-223-007. The RB211-22 or RB211-535 HP
Turbine Discs contain 102 holes. The RB211-524 or Trent HP Turbine
Discs contain 92 holes.
Printed in Great Britain
Printed in Great Britain
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-001
1. Table of Contents
SUBTASK 70-00-00-860-224-001
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-002
3. Introduction
Surface replicating material OMat 2/168 can be used to examine surfaces for
cracking, micro-cracking, impact damage and pitting. It will also replicate
the grain structure at the surface of a polished and etched metal.
This procedure has been written for the measurement by replication of small
surface features on components using an optical microscope. These features
include pitting (corrosion or erosion), indentation damage and impact damage.
The procedure is intended for measurement of features whose depth is greater
than 0,0005 inch(approx. 0.0125mm). The maximum depth that can be measured
depends upon the size of field of view of the optical microscope.
The depth measurements produced are intended for use in the assessment of
damage to components for Technical Variance purposes. The procedure covers
the assessment of requirements of replication, the method for making a
replica, the assessment of the condition of a replica and the method for
taking a measurement from a replica.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-003
If there are several surface features then these should all be replicated,
measured and reported.All surface features in all differently identifiable
areas of the component need to be assessed separately. ( For example if
there is impact damage on the rim and diaphram of the disc then both areas
must be assessed, not just the deepest of the two).
It can sometimes occur that a very large number of impact marks are made on
a component, for example by repeated contact with a piece of debris. In
this instance it is not feasible to replicate and measure the depth of
every impact mark. A representative sample of what is considered the worst
Printed in Great Britain
D. Corrosion/Erosion Pitting
For this type of damage there are usually many surface features and so a
representative sample of the worst (deepest) features needs to be made. A
representative sample will need to be taken for each separately
identifiable area of the component. A visual assessment of the component
will need to be made for each area of the affected component and deepest
features need to be chosen for replication. The replicas made in a
particular area can then be compared using a binocular microscope and the
deepest pits sectioned, measured and reported.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-003
(1) There are two basic grades of OMat 2/168 replica material;
(2) There are two variants for each of the grades described above.
(3) Clean features to be replicated using OMat 150 Acetone, OMat 1/40 Iso
propyl Alcohol or OMat 1/257 Cleaning solvent before applying the
replicating compound to the surface.
(1) Assemble the applicator gun and cartridge and attach a new mixing
nozzle. Pump the trigger of the gun to prime the replicating fluid
within the nozzle.
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(2) The first few millilitres of replica fluid to emerge from the nozzle
must be discarded. Sometimes this initial amount of replicating
material will not contain the full amount of hardener and so will not
solidify properly.
(1) Apply the replica fluid with a smooth pouring action keeping the nozzle
as steady as possible. This will prevent trapping of air bubbles.
(2) Fill all masked areas to be replicated, completing each one before
moving to the next. It is important to remember that the mixed
replicating fluid has a working life. If the replica remains within the
nozzle for times approaching this working life it will begin to set and
will not produce a good replica of the surface.
(3) After application, the full curing time for the replica must be allowed
to elapse before the replica is pulled from the surface or touched.
Pulling the replica before it is fully cured may give a distorted
(1) Peel the replica away from the surface with a smooth action. The
replica should not tear.
(2) Store the replica in a clear plastic bag to prevent it from becoming
coated in dust.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-004
(1) Microset replica can quickly become covered with dust and fibres when
inspected. This can have the effect of masking small features. If the
replica becomes difficult to examine because of dust or fibres then it
may be washed using a soap solution and rinsed in water. A cool-air
blower can be used to dry off the replica.
(1) A visual assessment of the quality of the replica must be made using a
binocular microscope with magnifications to at least X20.
(3) If the replica carries any debris that it has removed from the surface
(4) The replica containing the feature to be measured must be clean and as
free from dust.
(5) Previous experience of corrosion pits in Nickel alloys has shown that
the replica will reveal the outline of the grain structure as the grain
boundaries are attacked preferentially during corrosion. This can be
seen using a binocular microscope. The visibility of an outline of a
granular structure on the surface of the feature confirms the
cleanliness of a corrosion pit.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-005
The depth of a feature (pit, impact damage mark) can be measured by cutting
the replica through the position of maximum feature depth. The resulting
section can then be viewed using an optical microscope and the depth of the
feature measured.
(1) The replica must be examined using a binocular microscope and the
position on the replica that corresponds to the maximum depth of the
feature should be determined.
(2) With the replica placed on a hard flat surface, a sharp, clean scalpel
should be used to slice through the feature at the position that
corresponds to the maximum depth. The scalpel cut should be made as
perpendicular to the surface as possible. This is made easier if the
cut is made whilst viewing through the binocular microscope.
(3) The position of the cut must be reviewed using the binocular
microscope. Both pieces must be viewed. If the slice did not pass
exactly through the deepest part of the feature then the piece with the
deeper part of the feature must be selected for measurement. If the
deepest part of the feature is close to the position of the slice it
will still be visible in profile and suitable for measurement.
(4) The section must be examined to ensure that there are no trapped air
bubbles close to the feature to be measured. Trapped gas bubbles in
this area may cause slight local distortions in the replica and so
affect the measurement being made. If there are such gas bubbles then
the replica should be discarded and a new one made.
Printed in Great Britain
(5) A further cut must be made in the replica parallel to the cut passing
through the feature. This will ensure that the replica will sit flat
when measurements are made.
(a) The replica must be placed on glass microscope slide so that the
section through the feature is uppermost. It is required that the
depth of the feature relative to the level of the component surface
is measured. For this the replica must be correctly aligned to give
an accurate measurement. This can be achieved by placing a ball of
modelling clay between two glass microscope slides and then placing
the replica on the uppermost slide. This will allow the glass slide
to be tilted and so allow the replicated component surface to be
aligned correctly.
(b) The method of correct alignment will depend upon the apparatus used
to view the replica.
SUBTASK 70-00-00-280-224-006